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The times they are a-changin' -- 3.1 announcementsFollow

#1 Feb 05 2009 at 11:05 PM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts

- Gargoyle and Unholy Blight have swapped talent positions. Gargoyle’s damage has increased and runic power cost per time has decreased.

- Pestilence – this spell no longer causes damage but just spreads diseases. Blood Boil is intended to be the general area attack, and has been changed to be castable on targets with no diseases on them, but does extra damage if diseases are present.

- Unbreakable Armor now absorbs a flat amount of damage that increases as your armor increases. It no longer boosts armor.

- The Frost tree has been shuffled. Among other things, PvP talents such as Endless Winter are closer to the top of the tree where Blood and Unholy death knights can access them.

- Sudden Doom – this talent now procs a Death Coil rather than requiring an additional button click. It works similarly to shamans’ Lightning Overload.

- Magic Suppression and Blood of the North have been reduced to 3 ranks for the same benefit.

- Blood Gorged now grants armor penetration instead of expertise.

edit: cleaned up some visual items, no text changes

Edited, Feb 5th 2009 11:07pm by TherionSaysWhat
#2 Feb 06 2009 at 6:35 AM Rating: Decent
202 posts
Gargoyle and UB switch???
wow it may not be necessary to drop the whole 51 in Unholy anymore :)

Pestilence change makes sense, fine with me.

Sudden Doom is sweet, but it wasn't that hard to begin with so whatever

MS (and BotN) was to be expected so that's nice

BG, not sure, I'll leave that to people with more XP.
#3 Feb 06 2009 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
TherionSaysWhat, Assassin Reject wrote:
- The Frost tree has been shuffled. Among other things, PvP talents such as Endless Winter are closer to the top of the tree where Blood and Unholy death knights can access them.

Oh, well, at least I'll get some re-spec...
#4REDACTED, Posted: Feb 06 2009 at 9:49 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Lol I havn't even used gargoyle one time. Shouldn't have even dropped the point in it. I don't play frost spec and havn't yet. So thats for all the frost dk's out there. :D
#5 Feb 06 2009 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
I love these changes.

Frost tanking got a significant buff, pest is a fix to make sure its not better than blood boil (i still with it had a VERY LOW damage component for snap aggro), blood of the north also helps frost tanking a lot.

Sudden Doom helps a lot for blood dps. Many times i have more actions to make than I have GCDs because of sudden doom. and blood gorged is a good change as i'm over expertise cap on my dps set.

woo hoo
#6 Feb 06 2009 at 10:58 AM Rating: Excellent
Repost again, wish this conversation wasn't going on in 3 different places..,

* Gargoyle and Unholy Blight have swapped talent positions. Gargoyle’s damage has increased and runic power cost per time has decreased.

Way to totally destroy Unholy pvp I guess? Makes me glad I don't arena anymore.

* Pestilence – this spell no longer causes damage but just spreads diseases. Blood Boil is intended to be the general area attack, and has been changed to be castable on targets with no diseases on them, but does extra damage if diseases are present.

Blood Boil is a terrible ability and a waste of a rune and GCD more often than not. Pestilence did a really nice job of grabbing aggro on an initial pull as well as applying disease... we'll now need to do Blood Boil (for aggro) + Pest (for disease)? 2 GCD where we used to need 1?


* Unbreakable Armor now absorbs a flat amount of damage that increases as your armor increases. It no longer boosts armor.

Does it still boost str and parry?

This could be good, since UA eventually become much weaker when you reach the armor cap in its current incarnation. However, if the flat damage absorbed isn't a reasonable amount (or %), than it could end up being a nerf...


* The Frost tree has been shuffled. Among other things, PvP talents such as Endless Winter are closer to the top of the tree where Blood and Unholy death knights can access them.

Again, this scares me.

Hungering Cold is a pvp talent. It's currently at 50+. If it's moved, it means something else will take it's place. And it might be a Tanking talent I'm currently using. I'm only 50 in Frost, having to rethink my build isn't something I really want to do.

* Sudden Doom – this talent now procs a Death Coil rather than requiring an additional button click. It works similarly to shamans’ Lightning Overload.

I'm assuming it won't trigger GCD either, making this a nice dps upgrade for blood knights.

* Magic Suppression and Blood of the North have been reduced to 3 ranks for the same benefit.

That's good. That being said, unless the 'shuffling' also come with with some new talents, I don't really have anything that interesting to do with the 2 new talent points (Merciless Combat I guess...).

* Blood Gorged now grants armor penetration instead of expertise.

Disgusting and unwarranted nerf.

:( I'm qqing.
#7 Feb 06 2009 at 12:18 PM Rating: Good
135 posts
Just as I said in the other thread, the change to blood gorged could be a nice buff, if its a nice amount of armor penetration.
I already have to watch out not getting exp. capped, and a few upgrades have a buttload of exp on it, so i dont mind the loss of expertise.
#8 Feb 06 2009 at 2:09 PM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
Repost again, wish this conversation wasn't going on in 3 different places..,

I posted here for the DK specific discussion. The general forum isn't always the best place for class chat. Didn't intend to diffuse the conversation.

Garg/UB - Harumph. Although it'll be nice to possibly have access to UB for a blood build.

Pest/BB - Totally agree Tyr. BB sucks now generally speaking and I doubt they'll buff it enough to make it worth 2 GCDs. I'm hoping blood DKs will be able to work in UB and CE for their AoE needs. Darn, I really liked the way Pest worked =(

UA - Nerf for DPS (17/54/0), probably a buff for tanking.

Frost Tree Shuffle - Worry. Lots of worry. But just have to wait and see.

Sudden Doom - Awesome!

Magic Suppression/Blood o' North - Sounds like clean up to me.

Blood Gorged - For those in certain gear brackets this will suck, for others it will be ok. For nobody is it "yay".

Of course, it's early yet and not all of these proposed changes are set in stone (remember the Life Tap upheaval?) so who knows.
#9 Feb 06 2009 at 4:20 PM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Blood Boil is a terrible ability and a waste of a rune and GCD more often than not. Pestilence did a really nice job of grabbing aggro on an initial pull as well as applying disease... we'll now need to do Blood Boil (for aggro) + Pest (for disease)? 2 GCD where we used to need 1?

You're supposed to look at the bright side of this idiotic change. Blade Barrier will be up that much sooner...
#10 Feb 06 2009 at 8:25 PM Rating: Decent
128 posts
Definitely is not positive on the Unh PvP front, but hopefully not too detrimental. The UB and Garg switch means no MoBlood and garg at same time. Not a big deal for most since MoBlood is dispelled so easy. So unh PvP may lose some dps (from bladed armor or 2h wep talent to now put 51 in Unh) but maybe can make it up with 1 or 2 in Rage of Rivendare. Overall, I dont think it should change Unh PvP too much.

Blood boil. Well, so long as it keeps the gylph snare effect it shouldn't effect PvP.

Now...blood PvP. Who knows what will happen there. Only really effective with a healer and is kinda a "3 minute mage" but there is tons of QQ about Hysteria + DRW. I tried it and went screaming back to unholy quickly, but only time will tell.
#11 Feb 06 2009 at 9:10 PM Rating: Good
TherionSaysWhat, Assassin Reject wrote:
- Gargoyle and Unholy Blight have swapped talent positions. Gargoyle’s damage has increased and runic power cost per time has decreased.

People have been screaming that UB was way too weak (and if you played beta you'd know UB is a pitiful shadow of its former self) and at the same time anti-DKs have been screaming that gargoyle was way overpowered. There was a few of us, myself included, that had been making posts to Blizzard in the forums asking for this very change. It makes sense, unholy is all about summoning stuff, UB just didn't fit well for the 51 point talent. Lower UB in the tree, buff gargoyle and make it the 51 point talent. I have literally been wanting this since before lich king was even released. Glad to see they finally took our advice. Good job on this one Blizzard.

- Pestilence – this spell no longer causes damage but just spreads diseases. Blood Boil is intended to be the general area attack, and has been changed to be castable on targets with no diseases on them, but does extra damage if diseases are present.

All this does is make you want to use blood boil more, I am 100% OK with this change.

- Unbreakable Armor now absorbs a flat amount of damage that increases as your armor increases. It no longer boosts armor.

I don't think this will actually impact stuff, other than it makes the talent less appealing as a dpser. It's supposed to be a tanking talent and so I'm OK with making it more tanking oriented.

- The Frost tree has been shuffled. Among other things, PvP talents such as Endless Winter are closer to the top of the tree where Blood and Unholy death knights can access them.

Considering the PvP nerfs they have made recently this will help balence things out. It will also give PvPers more options as to what spec you can go. You may not have to see a million PvP clones all the same spec.

- Sudden Doom – this talent now procs a Death Coil rather than requiring an additional button click. It works similarly to shamans’ Lightning Overload.

YESSSSSSSSSSS. More damage without the cost of a global cooldown? DPS increase INC! I don't always get a chance to use it if I'm in the middle of my DRW and hit empower rune weapon and am in a long chain of attacks. Even if they change this like lightning overload to do less damage (which I'm guessing they might do eventually) I still like this change a lot.

- Magic Suppression and Blood of the North have been reduced to 3 ranks for the same benefit.

This is a buff, straight up. You can't complain about buffs.

- Blood Gorged now grants armor penetration instead of expertise.

Eh I have mixed signals about this one. It's not really a nerf, it's just a change in mechanics. I don't NEED the expertise, and blood (if I'm not mistaken) had more expertise than the other specs, so this will bring it in-line with the other trees. On top of that, armor pen is really nice for blood, so I'm OK with this. It'll just mean I might switch some gear/gems/enchants around.
#12 Feb 07 2009 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
They havent said the UA change will remove parry and strength or not.

Hopefully they dont remove the str and parry as that was a good talent to use.

Edited, Feb 7th 2009 11:10am by EnthalpyTheBurninator
#13 Feb 07 2009 at 8:22 AM Rating: Good
92 posts
EnthalpyTheBurninator wrote:
They havent said the UB change will remove parry and strength or not.

Hopefully they dont remove the str and parry as that was a good talent to use.

I'm assuming you mean UA here, Unbreakable Armor. UB, Unholy Blight, never had parry and strength components. I think they will probably leave it alone.
#14 Feb 07 2009 at 9:08 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
Wchigo wrote:
EnthalpyTheBurninator wrote:
They havent said the UB change will remove parry and strength or not.

Hopefully they dont remove the str and parry as that was a good talent to use.

I'm assuming you mean UA here, Unbreakable Armor. UB, Unholy Blight, never had parry and strength components. I think they will probably leave it alone.

The change to Unbreakable Armor is because DKs using it could hit the armor cap and waste a part of the talent. I doubt they'd change the rest unless the boost to mitigation is that big.
#15 Feb 07 2009 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
A B C D E F G.... H is for Hangover, my bad.
#16 Feb 07 2009 at 1:37 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Warchief Tyrandor wrote:
* The Frost tree has been shuffled. Among other things, PvP talents such as Endless Winter are closer to the top of the tree where Blood and Unholy death knights can access them.

Again, this scares me.

Hungering Cold is a pvp talent. It's currently at 50+. If it's moved, it means something else will take it's place. And it might be a Tanking talent I'm currently using. I'm only 50 in Frost, having to rethink my build isn't something I really want to do.

I don't think Hungering Cold will change positions. They've clearly said that they want all three trees to be able to tank, so I don't think they'll put a tanking 51 talent point in Frost, as that would pretty much nail Frost down as THE tanking tree.

Otherwise, "meh" to the changes. The Endless Winter being higher in the Frost tree is really nice for PvP, but other than that, I don't see much else that I care about, being 53/18/0 for PvP.
#17 Feb 07 2009 at 9:55 PM Rating: Decent
947 posts
Well bugger me, I must be the only one happy with these changes I guess.

The Frost reshuffle can ONLY be a good thing because the PvP talents they mentioned (Endless Winter etc) have always been too deep; it opens up the option for an Unholy/Frost PvP spec that has additional control. Assuming they dont move something really nice, I'm optimistic. Ive always hated the Frost tree's talent distribution, sheer probability suggests cocking it up MORE would be a struggle for them.

The Blood change isnt a nerf or a buff until we see the numbers. Since ArPen is no longer the premier PvP stat I imagine there will be quite a lot of it on this talent. Bottom line is, Expertise has a cap (and changes usefulness depending on enemy's facing) whereas the ArPen cap is essentially unreachable and it gives the same bonus at all times. Blood Knights are mostly Physical damage after all, so I shouldnt worry about a DPS loss. In the end, if you've already got pots of Expertise (like me) this could easily turn out to be a buff.

Blood of the North and Magic Suppression were long-overdue no-brainers; DK trees dont need those indigestable lumps in the middle.

Unholy Blight and Gargoyle swap is FABULOUS. Gargoyle already got nerfed and all the Unholy DKs in my guild wept like kids with a skinned knee, hopefully this will give them a reason to cheer up. It even cheers me up, as a 0/32/39 DW spec Unholy Blight is WAY more useful than Gargoyle and it can be worked into my normal rotation and then forgotten about while it ticks. Gargoyle's DPS boost was nice, but in most Naxx25 encounters (in fact most 25 encounters, period) keeping it up for the whole duration was nearly impossible; too many engage-disengage mechanics.

Overall, happy. Until I see the numbers on Blood's ArPen.

Edited, Feb 8th 2009 12:56am by Sinstralis
#18 Feb 08 2009 at 12:23 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Oh, I definitely agree about the change to Frost, Sin. Even though 0/20/51 has become one of the more dominant PvP specs, Frost has been such a *********** of epic proportions since beta (and even alpha) that it's almost absurd that it took Blizzard so long to do anything about it.

I'm really looking forward to Endless Winter being moved up in the tree. Getting Frost Fever up while putting CoI up was the main thing I loved about 44/27/0 for PvP.
#19 Feb 08 2009 at 2:24 AM Rating: Good
1,069 posts
I just hope that Howling blast doesn't move. I like being 0/32/39 spec. Even if I have to give up dual wielding to get my full KM procs. As for Gargoyle I'll either grab unholy blight or corpse explosion so my trash dps will go up even if I lose some of my boss dps.
#20 Feb 08 2009 at 9:25 AM Rating: Good
135 posts
I just hope that Howling blast doesn't move. I like being 0/32/39 spec. Even if I have to give up dual wielding to get my full KM procs. As for Gargoyle I'll either grab unholy blight or corpse explosion so my trash dps will go up even if I lose some of my boss dps.

Except that to me, it looks like the whole intention of shuffling the frost tree is to break the infamous 32/39 spec.
They already slapped you pretty hard by taking away gargoyle, but I betted 50g against a dk in my guild that all the good frost pve dps talents (killing machine, black ice) are going to be swapped with endless winter and chillblains and such
#21 Feb 08 2009 at 8:21 PM Rating: Decent
947 posts
I wish I could argue with Nero on that point but I can't, it really could just be the final nail in the Dual-Wield coffin. I find that quite annoying actually, 32/39 never seemed like a 'real' spec but I wish they'd at least offer one good DW spec instead of repeatedly nerfing it.

If Nero is right and Killing Machine (I dont see any other good candidate to be honest) is moved down the tree then all 32/39 specs disappear overnight, the spec will lose so much DPS. Fortunately my guild doesnt use DKP at the moment because Naxx is so bloody easy, so I have two good 1H and a good 2H to back it up.

The most worrying thing is that if they DO shift up KM, there are no longer enough good talents in the top five Tiers to reach KM's new slot, assuming it's a straight swap. Even full Frost DKs would be forced to spec into rubbish like RPM or Lichborne (not recommended for a DPS build) just to make up the numbers, and would therefore be talent-starved when they came to pick up the newly-shifted KM.

In retrospect it IS possible for Blizzard to cause more damage with this change...

As an aside, the Sudden Doom thing isnt quite as nice as it could be; previously in PvP you could slap one player and use Sudden Doom to finish off a ranged who was low on health; now the Death Coil will always hit your current target :\
#22 Feb 09 2009 at 1:00 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Sinstralis wrote:
As an aside, the Sudden Doom thing isnt quite as nice as it could be; previously in PvP you could slap one player and use Sudden Doom to finish off a ranged who was low on health; now the Death Coil will always hit your current target :\

Enh, that's kind of a really low percentage move, in all honesty. I can't see doing that too often.

But you're right, it does take a little bit away from the talent, but IMO being able to cut out a GCD when it procs outweighs it by a substantial margin.
#23 Feb 09 2009 at 4:00 AM Rating: Decent
947 posts
Fully agree, that damn GCD is so bad I wish DKs had a 1sec GCD innately...

True story, I originally rolled 51/13/7 for my raid DPS spec but had to spec out of it (eventually to Frost and then DW) due to it causing me agonizing Repetetive Strain Injury. Hitting my '3' key for HS constantly and having to tap DC all the time just killed me.

Since Blizzard were factoring the extra DC into Blood DPS calculations you are actually falling behind if you dont hit those procs, and half the time I didnt have the finger-power to take advantage enough... my DPS as Blood was about 10% behind a same-geared Unholy for no good reason at all besides lack of GCDs.

Blood, here I come, unless they somehow change Frost into a competetive raid DPS spec (seriously, why does it need to blow so hard?)

Enh, that's kind of a really low percentage move, in all honesty

Ennnnhhh..... yes and no. Yes it's low-percentage I agree, but it was absolute gold in 2v2 Arena; I had a great time harassing low-HP healers like Shamans with quick DCs, without substantial Resilience it forces them to switch to healing themselves after a couple of shots which gives me a bit of space to burn down their DPS. I was paired with a Retadin and we would focus the DPS, Id pop a SD proc at the healer and at the same time the Paladin would stun the DPS and jump on the healbot; usually it made healers panic so much they forgot to heal the DPS, and Blood Plague would cleanse off the HoTs. Didnt work on Druids though... shifty high-HP insta-healing sods...

Edited, Feb 9th 2009 7:05am by Sinstralis
#24 Feb 09 2009 at 7:26 AM Rating: Default
659 posts
Theo's avatar wins.

I'm excited about the changes. Endless Winter moving up in the tree is sweeeeeeeeet.
#25 Feb 09 2009 at 9:29 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Blood, here I come, unless they somehow change Frost into a competetive raid DPS spec (seriously, why does it need to blow so hard?)

They're obviously quite serious about keeping it the avoidance & control tree. I'd be fine with that as long as they manage to keep 2 dps trees that are about equal without totally raping frost in it's overall usefulness.

The changes to UA are pissing me off, even more so as it is obviously done for no other reason than to keep things in line with the change to druid's SoTF. That's all good and great, but as long as I don't get crit-immunity through talents, I am stuck with +defense as my main stat to look out for, with avoidance or threat simply not being a possibility.

They've become such hypocrites. They pull the tanking 2-handers or the +stam weapon enchant because they "didn't want everybody to feel obliged to use them and keep variety instead" yet they now have me tied to the Gargoyle rune until I -maybe- eventually reach item levels that are somewhere beyond my imagination. What's the difference between having a tanking weapon made or as it is currently having the vast majority of DKs using Titansteel Destroyer? It's just as idiotic as back when hunters were expected to use Sonic Spear. Variety my ***!

Where are the buffs to frost that make up for the things I can't access in blood or unholy? Increased range and/or reduced CD on Hungering Cold? More damage on Frost Strike? Reduced CD on Howling Blast?

Frost's true usefulness currently stops in tier 7 of the tree. Pretty sad IMO
#26 Feb 16 2009 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
Kanngarnix wrote:
Blood, here I come, unless they somehow change Frost into a competetive raid DPS spec (seriously, why does it need to blow so hard?)

They're obviously quite serious about keeping it the avoidance & control tree. I'd be fine with that as long as they manage to keep 2 dps trees that are about equal without totally raping frost in it's overall usefulness.

The changes to UA are pissing me off, even more so as it is obviously done for no other reason than to keep things in line with the change to druid's SoTF. That's all good and great, but as long as I don't get crit-immunity through talents, I am stuck with +defense as my main stat to look out for, with avoidance or threat simply not being a possibility.

Defense = avoidance. Dodge and parry rating are stats you apply to tweak later on because they give you a larger point-for-point boost than defense rating, but you're still getting increased chance to be missed, reduced chance to be critically hit, as well as an increase in your dodge and parry %.

They've become such hypocrites. They pull the tanking 2-handers or the +stam weapon enchant because they "didn't want everybody to feel obliged to use them and keep variety instead" yet they now have me tied to the Gargoyle rune until I -maybe- eventually reach item levels that are somewhere beyond my imagination. What's the difference between having a tanking weapon made or as it is currently having the vast majority of DKs using Titansteel Destroyer? It's just as idiotic as back when hunters were expected to use Sonic Spear. Variety my ***!

They squashed the idea tanking 2-handers for the same reason they changed feral 2-handers...gear that only one spec of one particular class would ever dream of using is bleh. You're not tied to the Stoneskin Gargoyle rune...the math has already been can get crit immune vs. raid bosses very easily without it. The only thing pally and warrior tanks get that carries defense rating which DKs don't have access to is a shield, and no shield in the game...with or without enchant...comes anywhere near the ~142 defense rating equivalence of the Stoneskin Gargoyle rune. That rune is a stop-gap measure so that you can reach crit immunity easier at level 80 while you're still putting together the rest of your tanking set.

The majority of pre-raid DKs are using Titansteel Destroyers for the same reason as warriors, ret pallies, and now feral druids: it's easy to get.

And I'm glad they didn't put the stamina to weapon enchants in to the game. Have you seen the mat costs on top end weapon enchants? It's astronomical. I've gone through 5 different tanking weapons since my pally hit 80...if I had to cough up 4-6 Abyss Crystals + various other mats for each upgrade lest I be looked down on for being a gimp, I wouldn't want to upgrade my weapon.

Please don't blame Blizzard for your novice level comprehension of tanking stat requirements. Spend less time kvetching and more time learning and you won't be nearly so irritated.

Edited, Feb 16th 2009 11:24am by AureliusSir
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