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Demon circle 101Follow

#1 Feb 05 2009 at 2:07 PM Rating: Sub-Default
Dinged 80, got my demon circle and recall spells so tried using them out by planting the circle in Dal then taking the portal to WG - no luck - the buff stayed on me but it wouldn't let me port back. Later tried again planting the circle in Dal and then taking the portal down to Org - this time the buff just washed off entirely. >_<

So what am I doing wrong?
#2 Feb 05 2009 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
423 posts
It has a range.
You can't cast it in dala go og and summon yourself back.
It writes on spell tooltip mate.
#3 Feb 05 2009 at 2:42 PM Rating: Decent
I did the same thing, when I first used it. Placed the circle in Dal, then used the port to Org and couldn't teleport back.

I can't see how it's of any use in it's current state.
#4 Feb 05 2009 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
1,729 posts
What you did wrong? You failed to read, that's what.
#5 Feb 05 2009 at 5:01 PM Rating: Good
2,754 posts
you're both retards... it's got a 40 yard range and it's primarily a pvp ability

it works through walls, up, down, around ****. so you put the thing on the ground somewhere out of the way for you to escape to, and whenever you get low on health you teleport to it. it also removes snares, so if you get jumped in world pvp, pop it on the ground and start running from it. 40 yards is a long distance so it's great for escaping / using to generate distance.

the spell is FFFing amazing if used correctly in pvp (and it can also be very useful in pve if used correctly, for solo, group and raids). read it, test it, learn what it can do. remember the BEST part is it works through walls, so you can teleport away without anyone knowing where you've gone.
#6REDACTED, Posted: Feb 05 2009 at 5:20 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) OK, I see the 40yard range on the other tooltip - what a POS spell - completely worthless for me as a non-PvP.
#7 Feb 05 2009 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
WRONG. it has lots of pve useless, though beyond effort to explain them to you if you could barely even see the range to it...
#8 Feb 05 2009 at 6:48 PM Rating: Default
I too am a non-pvp lock and haven't found much use for the skill.

If it has pve uses, please explain.
#9 Feb 05 2009 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
1,729 posts
It's nice on some raid bosses to get away from bad spots quickly.
#10REDACTED, Posted: Feb 06 2009 at 1:18 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Wow Jeno, way to do your best not to come off as the worst stereotype of the ally pvp player - I'd of never guessed that was your thing kid. I see you were even original enough to name yourself after a FF7 character while your gnome is named after a form of Puerto Rican deep fried tacos. Smiley: oyvey
#11 Feb 06 2009 at 2:32 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
actually i'm not a pvper either, I pve and I've done so at the top end of the content available since pre-tbc. my account, like my CS alias (Jenova) is named after an FFVII character (and one heck of a cool one if I might add... an evil being of god like powers that travels the universe sucking the life-force out of planet after planet etc..), the use of Omega at the end is because I have an odd interest in the ancient greek alphabet and I use their letters for a wide variety of things. my character though is named after nothing at all. I created the name by thinking up something entirely original, long story short i sat in my char making random sounds until i came to Tao-qui-tok, which as I've checked, actually means nothing in no language (though Taoquitos is a word, my name is TaoquitoK, so a meaningless name)

I'm a warlock, I'm a harsh *******, but I know my class better than the vast majority of other players and trust me, demonic teleport has alot of pve uses, be it solo/5 man group or raids.... though evidently you're to distracted by petty things like names and stereotypes to see the true power of that ability.

you want to complain about my naming choices, well lets do the same about you. you've named your account after a sound... that or the act of stealing lifestock... (and miss-spelt it).. though honestly, i actually don't care... a name is a name... if you were called bob and you happened to be a builder it wouldn't matter either 'cos well.. a name is a name... the fact is my naming choices have never been based on any pre-pubescent vanity (like the massive number of "thereal..." or other silly character names) I'm also far from a kid.

to finish off, your attack at me was a predictable one, the fact is I swoop in, call you a ****** and crush all your opinions about a spell that you've obviously BARELY read the tooltip of... actually out of curiousity did you even bother to read the change patchnotes with patch 3.0.1? felarmor? spirit good now yaaa????? drain soul zomg imba now yaaa?????

#12REDACTED, Posted: Feb 06 2009 at 8:35 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Sorry taco-boy, but when you roll in screaming '******' as your response to what's shaping up to be a common mistake, you lose any hope at maintaining any form of superiority.
#13 Feb 06 2009 at 9:07 AM Rating: Good
2,754 posts
it's got nothing to do with 'being cool' I like the name, i like the character. if i was after a 'cool' character it'd be Squall/Cloud/Vincent.. any of the characters that other people feel are cool. ask anyone about Jenova and they'd probably say "it's a crappy boss you go up against a few times with very little actual plot time". I find it cool (or interesting if that's a better description for you) for entirely different reasons, and my naming is based on what I like, not what others will later think of my name.

oh and opening with '******' is more than acceptable when stating the facts. simply put only a ****** can manage to learn a new spell and not even bother reading what it does before using it... though actually apes do the same thing so i could just say you're ape like instead.. you know the general curiosity to try something without ever actually looking into it, bothering to find out what you're getting into.

nope, no alts and the problem you refer to being that most the people who post on here in a non-regular basis come in spouting some ridiculous nonsense about the warlock class without ever actually thinking (imo 'cos i've no idea how else they can come to these conclusions...)

the fact is, you came in making a new topic about a spell you just got, tried and failed at.. now instead of doing the logical thing and going back, reading what it does and figuring it all out yourself.. you've come on here and wasted all our time instead for a retarded ape like mistake.. then when called on this in a blunt manor (i don't tippy toe around.. if some does something as stupid as this i'll make sure they know it) you resort in moving away from the original topic and attempt to slander the guy who proved you wrong with wild, proof-less accusations and assumptions.. for which you're then shot down again... it's like a wounded animal that's got no chance of winning still attempting to kick the lion a few more times... no realising it's so weak now that it can't do anything but be a minor nuisance.

crawl away while you can, I've no issues shooting down every bit of inane dribble you chuck at me with actual evidence.
#14 Feb 06 2009 at 9:33 AM Rating: Good
1,729 posts
How everyone else hears Rusttle wrote:
My spell didn't work, instead of doing something simple like looking at it, I'll go waste my time and other people's on forums and wait 10 times longer for a response when i could have done the simple thing and just looked for myself. I'll also call these people that I'm seeking advice from losers because they are smarter than me.

That's how you look right now and you continue to make it look worse with each response. Not saying that I don't make silly mistake like that too. However, when I do, I /facepalm and admit my blonde moment.

Edited, Feb 6th 2009 12:36pm by Lathais
#15 Feb 06 2009 at 9:48 AM Rating: Good
2,754 posts
before anyone jumps in and accuses me of being to elitiest to admit i do that too, I do. and yes i'll call myself a ****** or whatever relevant insult is required for doing so
#16 Feb 06 2009 at 9:50 AM Rating: Excellent
423 posts
Azjol-Nerub - Anub'arak throws up spikes. I use the circle to reposition myself and get out of the way.

Halls of Stone - Tribunal of Ages has beams being shoot at you during the event. I have started to put a circle down for pure repositioning purposes. This is one place where that is an asset with the last phase having two separate beams that you need to ensure you move from.

Halls of Lightning – Ionar is a "run away before he gets you" fight. I use my circle to get away from the party member that has the static overload.

Halls of Lightning – Loken is apparently the deadliest boss in all the game. To the point that Ghostcrawler posted how a Pally healer has to heal this fight since they have the most trouble. The circle lets you port while you move. This is great if you have the strategy to move. Us? We cheat and have two Uber-dps, all of us stand in place, and bring in an AOE healer to help out our Pally heals. This is one time I wish the cooldown was shorter.

The Nexus – Ormorok shoots spikes out of the ground. The circle is another emergency option to move out of the way.

The Nexus – The Commander (Heroic Only) does a wicked whirlwind. He also likes to reposition after a charge. The circle is a great tool if I find that after a charge I am suddenly where he is being tanked.

Violet Hold – All bosses I set up my position on the steps. This helps me orient myself in the room during and after a fight. It is a great way to port myself to safety to eat and drink. The final boss, Cyanigosa, pulls everyone to her. I immediately use my circle to get back into range.

Oculus – Drakos pulls everyone in (like Shade of Aran in Kara).
There are also floating bombs released and a bomb on a player that need to be avoided. I use my circle to get away from everyone. They know where I will be so no running to the same spot.

Oculus – Mage-Lord Urom was the first boss I found the circle to be immensely useful. When he is on the center ring and engaged he will periodically port to the very center of the ring and cast an arcane explosion. Prior to the fight I set up my portal at the outer edge. A stone pillar is between Urom and me when he casts arcane explosion. This makes this fight easy mode for locks.

Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom – Herald Volazj makes you fight clones of your party members. I use the circle to mainly reposition myself after dealing with the party clones.

Utgarde Pinnacle – Svala Sorrowgrave sacrifices someone and you have to get off the platform. When I am sacrificed I spam my port button if I think it will be close.

Utgarde Pinnacle - Skadi the Ruthless chases someone while he whirlwinds. The circle is very useful in this fight. To the point that if you have yet to try it, you will be amazed at how much easier it will be while you are killing Skadi. This is one time where I kited him after the tank died to kill the boss. Having the circle up so I can get ahead was a huge factor in getting it accomplished.

Some of demonic circle uses (i googled demonic circle uses and copy pasted from same page).
Anw,no big deal Rusttle but Teleport is not POS spell,and that's what irritated Jeno probably.

In pvp it's even more useful,place it behind pillar or some object that gets you out of LOS(line of sight) or for kiting if you are aff pvp,kite kite,place port,kite some more,then just tele and kite in opposite direction,with this method you can win almost any duel =) ,there lot more useful things you can do with it but discover yourself =).

#17 Feb 06 2009 at 10:13 AM Rating: Good
1,729 posts
Just to add to that list, it's pretty useful on some raid fights too.

First boss in spider wing, when you get thrown up in the air, you can avoid fall damage by porting down.

Faerlina you can get out of the AoE faster if you have one down away from people.

Heigan lay it off the platform and when he teleports up, you teleport off giving you an extra second or 2 for DPS.

Loatheb lay one where the raid stacks and port back after getting a spore to give you a few ectra seconds of DPS.

Thaddeus, only good half the time, but it on one side and you only have to worry about running one way.

Saphhiron lay it in the safe spot at the back as a marker for retards, also gets you back there a couple seconds faster when you have to run to the middle.

Malygos you can get out of Vortex and avoid a lot of damage.

I also find it fun after Grobbulus, when the loot is going out to run up the ramp, place it around the corner and wait for newer raiders to come up, then I run and jump off the platfor to see if they follow me. Only got 1 so far, but the raid had a good laugh as I was summoning him back.

Far from worthless, but no, that's not what upset Jenova, what upset Jenova is what he said upset him. Before posting, at least look a little for the answer, especially when it's in the damn tooltip.

Edited, Feb 6th 2009 1:21pm by Lathais
#18REDACTED, Posted: Feb 06 2009 at 3:27 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Now why would I crawl away from a little taco that's named after what he admits to being a lame boss? Smiley: lol
#19 Feb 06 2009 at 3:56 PM Rating: Excellent
2,754 posts
gotta love the attempts to annoy me with name calling.. well just to let you know, i've explained my naming choice and in a very simple manor so i know for certain that you do understand it, i also knew you'd never be willing to show that so i'm happy with little taco, it's cute and a nice reminder that i'm getting to you.

onto the next part.
but only for the first half - there wasn't any note about it only being a short range spell

now what half exactly do you mean...? to help clarify I've got the first half here for you in a multitude of forms (all presuming you read like all westerners from top left down to bottom right)

First half.1
First half.2
First half.3

so yeah... mind clarifying which first half you were reading when checking why the spell wasn't working?.. oh wait you can't because they all say "40 yd range" so obviously you didn't check.

next thing:

you're not claiming to get everything down perfectly every time now are you?

nope i'm not, infact if you actually read the replies on here rather than just jumping in and spouting garbage you would of seen me say:
before anyone jumps in and accuses me of being to elitiest to admit i do that too, I do. and yes i'll call myself a ****** or whatever relevant insult is required for doing so

Yes i'm an **** and a proud one, I'm blunt, I'm forward, but I never say something without having evidence to back myself up because I know entering into any form of arguement/debate/discussion without the relevant knowledge will lead to only 1 thing.. making yourself look like a fool, which honestly you're just making more and more clear about yourself.

Finally, you're also an ****** if you weren't you'd have given in long ago, admitted you were wrong and probably make a small referance to not liking being called a ****** (for which in this scenario you would have just proved you weren't because you were capable of realising you'd lost the battle).

on a side note.. any guesses as to what one of the things are i've studied? :P

Edited, Feb 6th 2009 6:57pm by Jenovaomega
#20REDACTED, Posted: Feb 06 2009 at 5:57 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Ah, I see you apparently know even less about the spell then I do - allow me to be the bigger man and actually explain it to you.
#21 Feb 06 2009 at 6:07 PM Rating: Good
2,754 posts
ACTUALLY, those are two seperate spells, hence why they're seperate in your spell book. (you wouldn't say immolate or shadowflame are the first parts of conflagorate, but according to your 'logic' they would be)

for the demonic circle:summon there obviously isn't any range because it's placed below you... hence the range limitation is obviously set to your location.

so, care to explain where I went wrong there? I'm persuming your next step will be to say something along the lines of "but both spells start with 'demonic circle' so they're part 1 and 2 of it". well you'd be wrong, the fact is they are considered seperate spells even if they have a dependancy on each other (same can be said for any spell that has a dependancy on another, according to the game mechanics they're seperate spells... an example of a spell with two parts would be Seed of Corruption or Unstable Affliction which has a primary effect and then a secondary that does/can proc from it.

oh and you're wrong about the name bothering me, honestly (and you're more than welcome to look through all my posts on here) I have to explain stuff to people, it's in my nature and I do it pretty much in every conversation.
#22REDACTED, Posted: Feb 06 2009 at 11:24 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Wow, you ARE dumb enough to go for the hat trick - apparently you're a hard headed taco.
#23 Feb 07 2009 at 2:08 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
You kids must be bored or something.
#24 Feb 07 2009 at 3:04 AM Rating: Good
2,754 posts
i agree poldaran, quite bored... especially with such a thick headed person... but it's my duty to carry on.

Then why did you claim that the first one had the range limitation written on it when it obviously didn't?

I never did, i claimed the (as the 3 pictures showed) that the teleport has a range and no you can't compare what i said about the demonic circle: summon to a hearthstone because a hearthstone clearly states that it returns you to whatever inn you've set it to while the DC: summon says "You summon a Demonic Circle at your feet, lasting 6 min. You can only have one Demonic Circle active at a time." heck going by your "i only read the first half" part, i'm not surprised you never got it to work.. did you even bother to click the Teleport spell when you tried to go back to the portal or did you just press the summon one again (which actually says nothing about being used for teleporting in it)

WRONG about the two spells being incapable of working without each other.. the first works fine without the teleport, what you mean to say is the second has a requirement of the first...just like conflagorate for example which is ALSO a seperate spell that simply has a requirement of 1 of 2 previous spells.

oh I never thought subject I had studied was important, just wondered if you were capable of seeing far enough into a convo to read someone who's got prior knowledge in psychology (and no, not studied in some college, self studied as i'm fascinated by the subject but the way it's taught is boring). I actually study Japanese and Economics in Oxford, england.. oh and before you say "haha you haven't actually studied psychology so what you think is bull" well I haven't ever studied computing either but I can program in that and fix pretty much every issue.. granted you're probably now thinking "haha he's Epeening so much".. but I'm not, just you're so thick headed that without explaining every insignificant detail (and even with) chances are you'll use the whole strawman argument method back at me(like you have the entire night) which if you didn't know is completely invalid in an actual argument and is simply a sign of desperation on the users behalf.
#25 Feb 07 2009 at 12:40 PM Rating: Good
266 posts
There's no point getting worked up, people have learned that it's easier to ask a stupid question and get 5 responses with a chance of the answer they're looking for. People mastered this tactic when Blizzard released our infamous unreadable Questlog.
#26 Feb 07 2009 at 6:03 PM Rating: Decent
I joined this site... well, I forget when, but I've seen both rusttle and Jenova around a bit.

A few times lately, I've seen Jenova mention not being an elitist, when not being called one. He also seems to reply to threads, with intent to start something... this thread is a prime example with starting with "you're both retards...". Another thread you insulted the poster, rather than simply providing a link with the answer.

rusttle... though I see him around, I can't recall him ever starting an argument, which is a good thing.

Jenova, if you're not the elitist you claim to be and know more about the class than others (including myself), why not simply give the answer in your first reply to a thread or just skip the thread? Rather than replying with a rude/insulting reply and leaving their question unanswered. You could possibly scare off members by doing what you do.
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