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3.1 possible changes.Follow

#1 Feb 05 2009 at 9:18 AM Rating: Excellent
1,270 posts
WoWInsider wrote:
This is part two in a promised three-part series from Blizzard going over class changes that are coming in patch 3.1. Part one dropped last night, covering Shamans, Priests, and Rogues. This morning's episode covers some changes that are coming to Warlocks, Druids, and Warriors. And just to be preemptive, don't say "that's it?!". It's not. This is just some of the changes that your class will be seeing, and they're subject to further change as the patch evolves.


* Savage Defense – this is a new passive ability. When a druid in Dire Bear form deals a melee critical strike, the druid gains a damage shield equal to 25% of
their attack power. The next hit completely removes the shield regardless of how much damage was done.

* Survival of the Fittest has had its bonus armor reduced to compensate for the above increase in damage mitigation.

* Faerie Fire (and similar debuffs) now reduces armor by 5%. See Sunder Armor in the warrior update below for additional details.

* Thorns and Nature's Grasp can be cast in Tree of Life form.

* Survival Instincts now works in Moonkin form.

* Replenish – to avoid confusion, this talent has been renamed "Revitalize." It now also works with Wild Growth.

* We are also looking at increasing the sustained (not burst) damage of feral druids in cat form.

WoWInsider: Upcomming 3.1 Class Changes Warlock, Druid, Warrior

Savage Defense, I am intrigued.

Edit: WoWInsider also posted a Analysis >> WoWInsider: Analysis of Druid Changes in 3.1

Edited, Feb 5th 2009 3:25pm by GryphonStalker
#2 Feb 05 2009 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
1,188 posts
Resto is my main spec, tanking is my offspec. I think I want to make sweet sweet love to these changes.....

Savage Defense? Depending on the proc rate, this might finally help make up for lack of a shield. I mean, have you ever noticed how often you crit while using swipe? That shield should be going up every other hit (though, it also depends if by melee they mean melee abilities or basic attack).

Thorns is ToL is a nice bonus. I hated that I had to shift out to buff people with it.

Finally, that's a nice change for Faerie fire. I mean, it was a pretty weak debuff on bigger bosses when it would only remove like .5% of their armor.

This makes me excited for the patch, even though resto is getting very little this time around it seems (though, I think resto is already pretty balanced atm).

So, I take back the bit about the ff change being a nice upgrade. Looks like it's meant to not really do anything.
Sunder Armor (and similar debuffs) now reduces armor by 4% per application, and is now a single rank. Creature armor has been globally reduced so that debuffed targets should take about the same damage from physical attacks that they did before this change. The net effect should be that this debuff is slightly less mandatory in PvE and is not disproportionately more powerful against cloth targets in PvP.

Edited, Feb 5th 2009 9:51am by CrimsonNeko
#3 Feb 05 2009 at 10:12 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
A shield for around 1k sounds lame if they are gonna take mah arma.

Will look for math on this but sounds kind of umm... weak sauce.

The other stuff looks good and along the lines of what Blizz has been doing with buffs/debuffs. The SI in mookin and tree changes are all for PvP. Well the Thorns can have a slight PvE impact but more of a convenience than actual buff.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#4 Feb 05 2009 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
84 posts
When a druid in Dire Bear form deals a melee critical strike, the druid gains a damage shield equal to 25% of
their attack power.

This makes me wonder how I could do tanking in kitty gear, with all that ap and crit we get.

As for the ff change i mean sure every bit helps, and i only do it when im waiting for my energy to come back,so i geuss its a bit of a buff...just not much.
#5 Feb 05 2009 at 11:09 AM Rating: Default
When a druid in Dire Bear form deals a melee critical strike, the druid gains a damage shield equal to 25% of
their attack power.

This makes me wonder how I could do tanking in kitty gear, with all that ap and crit we get.

Its even stated in your quote. The shield proc's in dire bear form. Not kitty.
#6 Feb 05 2009 at 11:43 AM Rating: Good
1,270 posts
::chuckles:: Re-read that.

This makes me wonder how I could do tanking in kitty gear, with all that ap and crit we get.

He means being in Dire Bear form but using his Cat gear, I see it as making yet more kitty stats that much more desirable to Bears. In Blizzard quest for item/stat consolidation.

#7 Feb 05 2009 at 11:46 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Assuming 38k armor and 7k AP the shield would be equivalent to 4716 armor.

Assuming 38k armor DR is -->    0.695524847 
Boss hits for -->               40000 
Damage reduction -->            27820.99387 
Hits for -->                    12179.00613 
SD is 25% AP -->                1750 
Hits for  after SD shield-->    10429.00613 
Total DR -->                    29570.99387 
As a percent -->                0.739274847 
Worth in Armor ->               4716 

The benefit of this depends largely on the SotF nerf. Plus in a pack of 4 mobs assuming the shield comes up every GCD it only helps on the first mob to hit that GCD not the other 3 mobs pounding away. Coupled with the SotF nerf would seem to indicate more incoming damage, without me having to do more math.

The benefit against magic damage would be nice. The affect of this against mobs that stick a DoT would be marginal as the DoT would kill the shield and the armor nerf would increase regular physical damage intake.

My brain hurts.

Edited, Feb 5th 2009 6:09pm by Horsemouth

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#8 Feb 05 2009 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
I knew the Sunder/FF nerf was coming sooner or later, it had to fall in-line with ArP eventually. What I don't understand is why they keep thinking you're getting a more powerful effect on low armor targets, cause it doesn't make sense in the math. Oh well.

Savage Defense looks kinda interesting but it's going to suck if it robs us of rage on those hits (assuming it works like your average HoP or PW:S).

Revitalize change should be nice, keep tossing those Wild Growths for some free rage/runic/energy/mana to the raid.

Hooray more DPS!
#9 Feb 05 2009 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
4,512 posts
While the Revitalize change is nice, I'm not really sure that it's going to be as beneficial as it seems unless I start to spam WG on every cooldown. Unless raids are a drastically different situation, I really don't find myself using it that much. Even if I were to start to use it more, it's only a 15% chance on 6 ticks. Someone else can do the math, but I'm skeptical that it will suddenly provide a bonus to make it worthwhile.

EDIT: I use worthwhile carefully. There's no doubt that it is still a good talent, but it has been said, by GC, that it just isn't good in its current form. I don't believe this will save it.

Edited, Feb 5th 2009 3:59pm by CBD
#10 Feb 05 2009 at 1:12 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
* Replenish – to avoid confusion, this talent has been renamed "Revitalize." It now also works with Wild Growth.

Is there a push to really add more mana returns? Not saying I'm going to hate this change but it seems that every class is getting some form of a party or raid wide mana return talent.
#11 Feb 05 2009 at 2:36 PM Rating: Good
I'm not keen in Savage Defense at all.

In AoE situations, you are getting a 1hit shield every 1.5 sec (assuming you get at least one crit in a swipe) but are getting hit by who knows how many mobs in that time. To compensate for not being hit by that one hit from one mob, you get hit harder by all the others due to the armor reduction from SotF.

In cases like Patch & Sarth 3D, with 6k AP for instance, you get a 1.5k shield, which is tiny compared to the size of their hits and your health pool. In Sarth you can take a small hit from any other incoming damage and lose the shield before the big hit anyway. In addition to this, the shield will be up much less often as single target crit is a lot lower than when we are swiping. So for those hits where it isn't up, we take more damage than current because of our reduced armor.

It seems to me that this new skill (and the armor reduction) makes us a worse tank than we are now. The healers have a slightly reduced load, but our survivability if anything is actually reduced!

Hopefully after testing, they will make some changes.

#12 Feb 05 2009 at 7:37 PM Rating: Good
253 posts
CrimsonNeko wrote:

Thorns is ToL is a nice bonus. I hated that I had to shift out to buff people with it.

Now if we could cast MotW/GotW in moonkin form without shifting, then it would be in balance again. (no pun intended)
#13 Feb 05 2009 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
4,512 posts
ArexLovesPie wrote:
* Replenish – to avoid confusion, this talent has been renamed "Revitalize." It now also works with Wild Growth.

Is there a push to really add more mana returns? Not saying I'm going to hate this change but it seems that every class is getting some form of a party or raid wide mana return talent.

I'm leaning towards that not being their goal at all. As it stands, the talent provides an opportunity (15%) to restore a small amount of mana (1%) per tick of Rejuvenation (every 3s). This isn't even a noticeable difference for most casters, so the talent, in general, sucked. It would be silly to not put the points in there, but it really wouldn't be ground-breaking if they weren't there either.

What I'm hoping is that they also increase the chance for it to proc. This still won't create a situation where people will be bringing a druid just to keep RJ up on people, but it'll at least make it have more of a use.
#14 Feb 05 2009 at 11:06 PM Rating: Good
As someone who's 10man Naxx's rarely include any replenishment specs (not so bad now that Survival is better) I look forward to them increasing the number of people with the buff. Blizzard have said they balance the fights under the assumption that you have replenishment in the raid so not having it makes things a bit tough.

#15 Feb 06 2009 at 12:46 AM Rating: Good
256 posts
Even with the nerfs to armor druids are already getting close to the armor cap again. With 25% increased armor from holy priest or resto shaman crit heals I'm at 74% reduction vs lvl 80 mobs. What savage defence means is, when i get up near the armor cap again with Ulduar raid loot, my total mitigation will end up beeing higher than it could be without savage defence.

It will probably mean we take more damage now, but as we get closer to the armor cap, this will be a rather big improvement.
#16 Feb 06 2009 at 12:50 AM Rating: Good
DKDruid wrote:
Even with the nerfs to armor druids are already getting close to the armor cap again. With 25% increased armor from holy priest or resto shaman crit heals I'm at 74% reduction vs lvl 80 mobs. What savage defence means is, when i get up near the armor cap again with Ulduar raid loot, my total mitigation will end up beeing higher than it could be without savage defence.

It will probably mean we take more damage now, but as we get closer to the armor cap, this will be a rather big improvement.

Also note that in compensation to Savage Defense they are once again getting us further from the armor cap, so we have somewhere to go.
#17 Feb 07 2009 at 1:44 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
Revitalize won't be Replenishment, that's the reason they're changing the name. Where TONS of classes will be able to put up the Replenishment effect and none of them will stack, Revitalize WILL stack with it. It's an additional mana generation buff that can't really be compared on the same grounds as the Replenishment effect.

Sure, it's potency is a good bit underwhelming right now, so much so that it's debatable whether the talent is worth it or not, but it's only made even more pitiful sounding by trying to compare it directly to Replenishment.
#18 Feb 07 2009 at 10:34 PM Rating: Good
814 posts
Meh, these changes dont excite me at all to tell the truth.

Savage Defense- looks iffy will take some time to see if it really works out right

SotF- Same as above

FF- This, at least, is decent. However its true value will be shown when we find out whether its stackable with other similar effects.

Thorns/NG with ToL- A little useful, thats all

SI with Moonkin- So...

Revitalize- Certainly doesnt hurt, but once again nt revolutionary in the least

Increased DPS for feral druids- YAY(if your feral that is)

All in all it seems to be a patch for ferals as balance didnt get a thing and restoration didnt get much more. Sorry if I sound all grumpy and pessimistic I'm really tired. But compared to all the other classes the changes we get seem very lacking compared to theirs. Well at least my hunters and paladin will be happy.
#19 Feb 08 2009 at 7:06 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Setai wrote:
Meh, these changes dont excite me at all to tell the truth.

FF- This, at least, is decent. However its true value will be shown when we find out whether its stackable with other similar effects.

I'm curious: how is this decent? Right now FFF removes like 1250 armor. I believe boss armor is 13k or so (might be like 13.7). If this only removes 5% armor, and it doesn't stack, then it's a pretty big nerf (only takes off ~650 armor). On lower level enemies it's even worse, because they have less armor anyway.

I saw this as a big nerf.

As for Savage Defense, what I would LOVE to see is that the shield lasts for 10 seconds (or until the next attack) AND it stacks up to 5 times. Now that would be a great thing. Right now this shield will be terrible for AoE packs, or taking on more than 3 enemies at a time. You'll crit at least one (huzzah!), one hit takes it off, and with the reduced armor you get hit for even more by the remaining two+. Now, if it would stack multiple times, you'd have a chance to crit all three+, which would give you multiple shields, thus reducing incoming damage.

I would love love love this to stack, but I highly doubt it will happen. Depending on the armor nerf's severity, I see this as another nerf :-/. Only interesting thing it does is give crit some marginal avoidance value... or rather, it gives agility even more.
#20 Feb 08 2009 at 6:37 PM Rating: Good
82 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:

As for Savage Defense, what I would LOVE to see is that the shield lasts for 10 seconds (or until the next attack) AND it stacks up to 5 times. Now that would be a great thing. Right now this shield will be terrible for AoE packs, or taking on more than 3 enemies at a time. You'll crit at least one (huzzah!), one hit takes it off, and with the reduced armor you get hit for even more by the remaining two+. Now, if it would stack multiple times, you'd have a chance to crit all three+, which would give you multiple shields, thus reducing incoming damage.

You do realize that in the scenario you just presented, with say, 4 creatures, you are taking damage from only 3 creatures instead of. Those 3 attacks will hit for more, true, but how much more will they be hitting you? 33% more? That is the break even point for this specific comparison.

*/Edit on: Changed nothing in the body of the message, as patching up tends to mess things even worse. Just wanted to apologize in advance if I came on too rough, I do not mean that. Just wanted to present another point of view on the subject. /Edit off.*

Of course, it's ALOT more complicated than this scenario (for example, the creatures attack twice during your shield, meaning you were only shielded from 1, out of 8 attacks), but the point remains, the reduction in armor+specific encounter will determine how effective this skill is.

Personally, I see it as a way for Blizzard to emulate block for Druids. Interesting way to do it in my humble opinion.

Have a nice day,

Edit #2: To fix a typo in edit #1. To self, read the first line in edit #1, and learn it -.-
Edited, Feb 9th 2009 1:13am by YuvalR

Edited, Feb 9th 2009 1:15am by YuvalR
#21 Feb 09 2009 at 10:10 PM Rating: Decent
3,114 posts
Setai wrote:
nce didnt get a thing and restoration didnt get much more. Sorry if I sound all grumpy and pessimistic I'm really tired. But compared to all the other classes the changes we get seem very lacking compared to theirs.

Got that right. the only things we've had changed for us since Wrath hit was Dispell Poison in Moonkin form and losing Starfall hitting stealth, then have it not be able to stun. Whereas all the other classes and talents have had a lot of tweaking and buffs and....Moonkin get nothing :(
#22 Feb 10 2009 at 3:39 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
i see savage defense as a block emulator too. problem is, if they make it too strong, itll be infinetely better than block, because while block can absorb a theoretical unlimited number of atacks per given period of time, all of those attacks must be melee and must be physical. savage defense works not only on physical melee, but ranged and spell attacks of all kinds. moreso than that, if they make it too strong, dire bear will fast become the go-to form for a feral druid in pvp, above and beyond even cat, since the survivability gained from savage defense (especially in the snare-and-root-rich environment of pvp) will outweigh any DPS output gained by going cat.

its an intriuging idea, but one that will require blizzard to walk a fine line. what could be a decent boost in pve may serve to completely overwhelm others in pvp or vice versa. im especially thinking of warriors who already have enough trouble vs druids of any spec. giving a high armor target an on-crit procced damage shield is a great way to make a number of pvp warriors reroll out of "not enough rage" frustration.
#23 Feb 10 2009 at 6:42 AM Rating: Good
958 posts
Something that was overlooked in the notes listed above because it was not specifically listed in the druid section :

Blizzard wrote:
Regeneration while not casting (outside of the “five second rule”) will be decreased. We think that (1) the ability to cast heal over time spells and then sit back and (2) benefitting from a clearcasting proc that also gets you out of the five second rule both provide too much mana regeneration, even over short time periods.

This makes me wonder if dumping spirit and heading back to the mp5 train will be a worthwhile investment and how much innervate will be reduced.
#24 Feb 10 2009 at 7:56 AM Rating: Good
861 posts
Ah, Quor, I hadn't thought of SD's PvP applicability. It's frustrated me that prot warriors seem so much harder to kill than my tank-specced bear but I imagine that will be less so with this talent.

It smells like a PvE nerf but our recent armor buff was absurd.
#25 Feb 12 2009 at 2:48 AM Rating: Decent
"tuskerdu" wrote:
It smells like a PvE nerf but our recent armor buff was absurd.

it was a nerf for some of us ;-D
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