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Upcoming Priest ChangesFollow

#1 Feb 04 2009 at 11:04 PM Rating: Excellent
988 posts
* Divine Spirit – this spell is now a core ability available to all priests.
* Discipline has access to a new talent, Power Word: Barrier. (Think of it as Power Word: Shield for your whole group).
* Several area of effect (AOE) heal spells have been improved: Prayer of Healing can be cast on any groups in your raid party. Holy Nova’s mana cost has been reduced. Circle of Healing now heals for more.
* Shadow priest PvP survivability has been improved: Shadow Form now reduces magic as well as physical damage. Dispersion now removes snares.
* Penance – this spell can now be targeted on the priest.
* Serendipity – this talent now reduces the cast time of Greater Heal and Prayer of Healing when Binding Heal or Flash Heal are cast.
* We are also working to give Holy additional PvP utility.

Other than the changes to Penance (why would I want to CHANNEL on myself) and Shadow Priests (it simply isnt enough, they have far more issues in PvP than snare removal) I have to say that it looks rather interesting.

Power Word: Barrier sounds interesting, especially if that shield/barrier should happen to be just about as strong as a CoH. If targeting in raids would work similar to CoH, Disc Priest would finally be as strong in raids as Holy Priests. Especially in combination with a Holy Priest or Druid it would be freaking awesome to shield people while CoH or Wild Growth are on CD.

There was this post a couple days ago:

Mana Pool
The problem is that there should not be infinite mana classes currently in the game. You should not run OOM every single fight (if you play well). But you should not be able to ignore it either.

For what it's worth, Resto shamans are often listed as the healer that can run out of mana. Paladins, priests and druids should ideally play a lot more like that. They do seem to run OOM in PvP, but not really in PvE.

Makes me wonder if Serendipity will have the reduced cast time added to it's current overhealing mana return, or if it will be completely changed. I've always been wondering why there was a talent that would almost encourage overhealing (why be careful, I'll be getting mana back?). Then again, I've never messed much with the holy tree, so I don't know about the significance of such a change. Certainly sounds increasing the required skill level a bit. Using mana as a way to reduce mindless spamming sounds probable.

The Role of the Priest
The priest is a caster class that uses Holy and Shadow magic. Priests can only wear cloth armor and have a limited selection of weapons, but do most of their damage and healing from range. They make up for their low armor with spells that offer protection and healing.

* Discipline -- this is a healing tree that emphasizes survival and single-target healing. Discipline specializes in damage absorption and prevention rather than restoring health, although they are very capable in that department too.
* Holy -- this is a healing tree that has a spell suited for every situation. Holy priests can heal groups, heal individuals, heal tanks, or do all three in a single encounter. They are better at group healing than Discipline priests, but don't have as many damage prevention capabilities.
* Shadow -- this tree sacrifices healing for damage. Shadow priests can restore health and mana to their group while casting their spells. Like the Shadow damage of warlocks, Shadow priest damage tends towards drains and damage over time spells.

Not like we all didn't know that. Better yet:

I'm pretty sure "jack of all trades, master of none" is something the community came up with, not us. All I have ever said is you can't be "jack of all trades, master of all." You can't be "the best healer in the game." We have no problem if Disc priests can equal Holy paladins or if Holy priests can AE heal as well as Resto shamans. Priests just can't AE heal so well that Resto shamans become pointless. A group that takes all Holy priests for its healers should feel like it is missing out (though it should still be possible). I would say the same thing about every class in the game.

This should end this discussion once and for all.
#2 Feb 05 2009 at 4:30 AM Rating: Excellent
Kanngarnix wrote:
Other than the changes to Penance (why would I want to CHANNEL on myself)

Because the first heal from penance is instant cast (life saving), the other 2 hits come rapidly with 3 chances to crit and proc Divine Aegis, and in total it does as much heal as a greater heal for less mana. It is my big heal of choice.

Besides that, you get into the habit of casting it on those with low health and it is less than optimal to have the ability excluded from yourself. Even if mobs interrupt the channeling of the spell, the first instant heal (like an instant flash heal) has value. I look forward to trying it.

Edited, Feb 5th 2009 7:37am by dadanox
#3 Feb 05 2009 at 5:11 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
(it simply isnt enough, they have far more issues in PvP than snare removal)

I agree, but I think that's not necissarily a priest problem. It's rather the huge amount of burst some classes possess that screws over shadow priests right now, as their DPS spread out over time seems pretty nice.

Power Word: Barrier sounds interesting, especially if that shield/barrier should happen to be just about as strong as a CoH. If targeting in raids would work similar to CoH, Disc Priest would finally be as strong in raids as Holy Priests. Especially in combination with a Holy Priest or Druid it would be freaking awesome to shield people while CoH or Wild Growth are on CD.

Brilliant! I didn't even think of this yet! As a disc priest in a guild with 1 shaman, 1 other disc priest and 3 holy paladins I wouldn't mind gaining some more raid healing ability without having to respec.

Makes me wonder if Serendipity will have the reduced cast time added to it's current overhealing mana return, or if it will be completely changed.

My bet is on the second, judging from the wording. The notes tend to state "in addition to" if it's a buff rather than a change.

Really happy with the outlook overal, especially the Holy PvP utility. I might never spec into it (aside from testing it) but just the thought of having two trees equally viable for PvE ánd PvP makes me happy.
#4 Feb 05 2009 at 5:36 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
What's the source on those changes?

Penance on self = goodness
Diving Spirit for all = betterness
Power Word: Barrier = greatness
Changing the PW:S glyph so it worked with Barrier = OP Disc priests, incoming nerf Smiley: lol

Kanngarnix wrote:
We are also working to give Holy additional PvP utility.

Hmm. How? In my admittedly limited experience, the main problem with Holy in PVP is that you're OOM way too soon. Regen is an almost moot point in PVP. Even if they gave Holy better survivability or one nifty PVP trick, I'd probably still spec Disc for PVP just for the mana efficiency.

Edited, Feb 5th 2009 8:39am by teacake
#5 Feb 05 2009 at 5:41 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
What's the source on those changes?



Hmm. How? In my admittedly limited experience, the main problem with Holy in PVP is that you're OOM way too soon. Speccing Disc gives you a better mana pool while speccing Holy gives you better regen. For raids it's kind of six of one half dozen of the other, but for PVP, regen is pretty much a moot point. Even if they gave Holy better survivability or one nifty PVP trick, I'd probably still spec Disc for PVP. They'd have to rework that dynamic completely, in my mind, for Holy to be on par.

The problem with holy in PvP isn't (or shouldn't be) specifically OOMness; the thing is that holy uses heals like Greater Heal to heal mana efficient, and you can't get those off in PvP. The result of that is that you have to start using an inefficient Flash Heal and PW:S, which is what leads to OOMness. If they can tackle the problem by the root (By either making the PvP heals give more bang for their bucks or somehow tweaking the PvE heals), I don't think there's a need to 'completely' rework the dynamics of the tree.
#6 Feb 05 2009 at 5:53 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Mozared wrote:


Dur. Like my bookmark isn't direct to the priest forums! Smiley: laugh

The other part you quote I'd already edited and rewritten, because it came out wrong (Holy doesn't actually give you better regen, per se, it just works better with spirit than Disc, which works better with int, which I guess was what I was trying to get at; Disc's mana pool = win). But you're completely right. I don't think I've ever cast a gheal in PVP.

I'll be interested to see what they do.

Meanwhile I'm, um, kind of having fun with Disc PVP. Smiley: blush I haz macros!
#7 Feb 05 2009 at 6:11 AM Rating: Excellent
2,101 posts
teacake wrote:

Changing the PW:S glyph so it worked with Barrier = OP Disc priests, incoming nerf Smiley: lol

No kidding on that one. Makes CoH with no CD look like a joke, if you can get total immunity for X amount of damage + instant heal.

Really happy about the PoH on any group, now I don't have to explain why I want to be in a group with the tanks.

"Hey put me in the group with the tanks"
"Why your raid heals"
"Yeah I know, but when things get crazy and I need a big AoE heal, I can cast PoH and heal both tanks and have a nice little HoT tick on them as well"
"Prayer of healing, it's a huge AoE heal, glyph of PoH adds a HoT to it, it's a huge heal, but it only works on my group"
"Did you eat lead as a kid?"

Ok I exaggerate, but still an awesome change.
#8 Feb 05 2009 at 7:37 AM Rating: Excellent
1,574 posts
Power Word: Barrier sounds cool, but of course it all comes down to cost and benefit questions. How much mana will it cost, and what will the base absorption/coefficient be, and will it benefit from Grace and Borrowed Time, and will it cause/be blocked by Weakened Soul, and will it have a cooldown? Great concept, AOE absorption as an instant (if it matches other Power/Shadow Word spells,) but until we see the numbers it’s pie in the sky.

Self-cast Penance, on the other hand, is pure gold. It’s going to be an enormous help in PVP. I wonder what the animation will be like?

I’m assuming the cost of Holy Nova will drop only 10%, maybe 15%, which would be a nice boost to its efficiency but not a game-changer. If it drops more than that, look out world.

All priests get Divine Spirit? Groovy! One more buff to stack against dispels and purge.

#9 Feb 05 2009 at 9:44 AM Rating: Excellent
988 posts
I agree, but I think that's not necessarily a priest problem. It's rather the huge amount of burst some classes possess that screws over shadow priests right now, as their DPS spread out over time seems pretty nice.

It's not that easy. There is no dispel protection other than what little you get from Silent Resolve, and 10% of your Mind Blast and Mind Flay damage are dependent on SW:P being on the target. It's usually cleansed right away, though, without any problems. If you figure in that you are to build up a full stack of Shadow Weaving to reach your full potential, this stack lasts no time at all, having another 10% of your damage taken away is quite drastic. Misery is yet another essential damage builder for spriests.

Think about your very own dispel. Spriests depend on SW:P and Misery for ongoing damage. It's an instant cast for a priest to cleanse those two. VT and DP will be gone a global CD later. It's essential for spriest damage, and takes the spriest longer to cast than another priest to remove. I think that's wrong. Very wrong.

Ideally they'd add something similar to Unstable Affliction to the tree to discourage dispelling or at least have people think twice about it. I'd settle for additional chance to resist dispels though.

Because the first heal from penance is instant cast (life saving), the other 2 hits come rapidly with 3 chances to crit and proc Divine Aegis, and in total it does as much heal as a greater heal for less mana. It is my big heal of choice.

The problem I have with using it for self-healing is that the channeling requires the bubble to be up to avoid interruption. You're also putting it on an 8 second CD, during which time you won't be able to use it on those you're supposed to be healing - and actually have health pools that properly "absorb" such a nuke. I think Desperate Prayer does a better job at emergency self-healing.

Then again, simply having a choice on how to use your Penance sure isn't a bad thing.

All priests get Divine Spirit? Groovy! One more buff to stack against dispels and purge.

I guess this unfortunately means that there won't be any more Imp DS either, reducing spellpower for those who had it picked it up.

Great concept, AOE absorption as an instant (if it matches other Power/Shadow Word spells,) but until we see the numbers it’s pie in the sky.

Pretty much. This whole thing depends completely on the actual implementation. It could go from being totally awsome and being the so far missing link in the disc tree to being yet another LOLwell. Random procs? Utterly mana-ineficcient? Long cooldown or debuff? Half a dozen dependencies or having to accept trade-offs elsewhere?

Trying not to get my hopes up too much. I'd rather be pleasantly surprised when the whole thing actually goes live rather than having to swallow a disappointment.
#10 Feb 05 2009 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
It's not that easy.
I'd settle for additional chance to resist dispels though.

Aye, true, fair enough. Only having had proper fights with shadow priests from rogue's perspective, this didn't immediatly come to mind, though I can imagine it being a problem.

# Changing stances now has a much reduced cost: you lose a maximum of 20 rage (10 with Tactical Mastery). For example, if you have 100 rage and change stances, you will have 80 rage remaining. If you have 10 rage and change stances, all of your rage is lost. In addition, we may change the penalties associated with some stances.
# You now gain rage when damage done to you is absorbed, such as through a Power Word: Shield.
# Blood Frenzy now causes 2/4% physical damage done.
# Sunder Armor (and similar debuffs) now reduces armor by 4% per application, and is now a single rank. Creature armor has been globally reduced so that debuffed targets should take about the same damage from physical attacks that they did before this change. The net effect should be that this debuff is slightly less mandatory in PvE and is not disproportionately more powerful against cloth targets in PvP.
# We are also adding increased damage to Arms, possibly through Overpower or Slam.
# We are also looking at granting rage when the warrior blocks, dodges or parries.

Blizz seems to be about making life easier for all classes, helping us out quite a bit in the process.

Edited, Feb 5th 2009 7:05pm by Mozared
#11 Feb 05 2009 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Discipline sure seems to be getting some love, as can be seen in a change to warriors:

You now gain rage when damage done to you is absorbed, such as through a Power Word: Shield.

That's now the 2nd tank class we can bubble up anytime without 2nd thought. Awesome for PvP too.
#12 Feb 05 2009 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Bah, Moz, you beat me by like 2 minutes :)

BTW, mmo-champion is doing a great job on keeping track of the blue posts coming in. Much easier on the nerves than having to browse through the o-boards.

They nerfed my personal BS tolerance last patch, so it's a place I'm trying to avoid.
#13 Feb 05 2009 at 11:08 AM Rating: Excellent
2,101 posts
Kanngarnix wrote:

I guess this unfortunately means that there won't be any more Imp DS either, reducing spellpower for those who had it picked it up.

Why would you think that? Just because they remove the talent required to get the spell doesn't mean the improved talent is going to be removed also.
#14 Feb 05 2009 at 12:09 PM Rating: Good
I have to say as a tank i absoultely LOVE, I mean i REALLY REALLY REALLY LOVE, this: You now gain rage when damage done to you is absorbed, such as through a Power Word: Shield..... I already like disc priests because of penance (ahh penance makes me :D ) but now the fact that i am gaining rage while shielded makes me :D:D:D:D:D, welcome to the special spot in my heart Disc priests (dont worry holy priests youve been there for awhile now *cough guardian spirit cough* ;)
#15 Feb 05 2009 at 12:36 PM Rating: Excellent
2,101 posts
Hmm so I got to thinking, and wondering about PoH after reading this comment.

Our plan is not to make PoH a smart heal. We went that direction with CoH because the instant cast made it possible to just go heal multiple groups quickly. We don’t think there is a danger of that with PoH. So yes, you would target the rogue and it would heal her and the 4 others in her group. But we'll see how things stand when more players have a chance to try it out. I've already healed Ulduar.

I wonder if the center of the radius for PoH would be on the rogue and not the caster?

To use an example, let's say Heigan. Having melee all in the same group, the tank is pulling Heigan along but was a little slow getting them into area 2 before the eruption and the melee take a big hit from it.

Normally, I'd hit CoH, and begin flash healing the rest. Even if they were in my group, they normally are too far out of range to be hit by it. But, if the center of the radius is the person you cast the spell on, then every one of the melee in that group would be healed.

I think that would be superb.
#16 Feb 05 2009 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Why would you think that? Just because they remove the talent required to get the spell doesn't mean the improved talent is going to be removed also.

Well, that new barrier thing needs to go somewhere, and if it was to just replace (I)DS in it's current tier, holy priest could pick it up as well AND have CoH on top of it. I don't see that happening.

#17 Feb 05 2009 at 1:00 PM Rating: Good
1,574 posts
Discipline has access to a new talent, Power Word: Barrier. (Think of it as Power Word: Shield for your whole group).

I just realized this description is less specific than I thought at first read. It could be anything from an individual PWS for every member of you party to an AOE shield similar in appearance and function to the Death Knight’s Anti-Magic Zone. I feel like a kid looking at an oddly-shaped box under the Christmas tree…hope it’s something good!
#18 Feb 05 2009 at 1:41 PM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
Kanngarnix wrote:
Why would you think that? Just because they remove the talent required to get the spell doesn't mean the improved talent is going to be removed also.

Well, that new barrier thing needs to go somewhere, and if it was to just replace (I)DS in it's current tier, holy priest could pick it up as well AND have CoH on top of it. I don't see that happening.


How does anything you just said lead to the idea that they will be removing ImpDS?

I get that if they simply replace DS with Barrier, Holy could (and probably will) spec to get it, which I doubt Blizz wants. But again how does that lead to the removal of ImpDS?

I'm not following your mindset.

Aside from that, just because they are removing one talent and adding another doesn't mean they are putting them in the same spot. Look at shamans in the last patch. They removed and added a talent, but the talent they added(shamanism) wasn't put in the exact same spot as the talent removed. Instead they put it in the spot of Storm, Earth, and Fire, and moved that talent to the spot of the one removed. So I'm still not getting how what you said leads to them removing ImpDS.

Edit: Just for giggles to change around the Disc Tree slightly.

Remove DS, put Imp DS in it's spot.
Keep reflective shield in the same tier but move it out to the fourth slot.
Add Barrier to the 9th tier 4th slot and have the prerequisite arrow leading from Reflective Shield.

Edited, Feb 5th 2009 4:46pm by SynnTastic
#19 Feb 05 2009 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
343 posts
* Several area of effect (AOE) heal spells have been improved: Prayer of Healing can be cast on any groups in your raid party. Holy Nova’s mana cost has been reduced. Circle of Healing now heals for more.

Ahh TeaCake... I might just have to respec again... Hehe :-)

Love the changes.

Could someone post the last link when blizz does? I've read the first 2 and I'm guessing that they only have one more (10 classes... 4 left... meh).
#20 Feb 06 2009 at 10:06 AM Rating: Good
717 posts
SynnTastic wrote:
Hmm so I got to thinking, and wondering about PoH after reading this comment.

Our plan is not to make PoH a smart heal. We went that direction with CoH because the instant cast made it possible to just go heal multiple groups quickly. We don’t think there is a danger of that with PoH. So yes, you would target the rogue and it would heal her and the 4 others in her group. But we'll see how things stand when more players have a chance to try it out. I've already healed Ulduar.

I wonder if the center of the radius for PoH would be on the rogue and not the caster? ...

It doesn't sound like PoH will have a radius type effect. More like targetting an individual in any group to receive the heal and any other group member within range of the target will receive the heal as well. As it stands now it is untargetted and merely effects (caster's) group members who are in range of the caster. In your example, if the melee are grouped together and within range of your target, then their group gets the heal. It will allow intelligent grouping in raids instead of requiring the priest(s) to be spread amongst the groups to be effective.

*edit format

Edited, Feb 6th 2009 1:10pm by Trylofer
#21 Feb 06 2009 at 11:32 AM Rating: Good
Oh good lord.... the Disc changes make me wet in the panties!

Too bad the guild made me switch back to Shadow for raiding. Smiley: frown
#22 Feb 07 2009 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
All priests get Divine Spirit? Groovy! One more buff to stack against dispels and purge.

I guess this unfortunately means that there won't be any more Imp DS either, reducing spellpower for those who had it picked it up.

Eh? All priests have PW:F and the disc tree has Imp PW:F. Why should DS be any different?

Further to this the change to DS and the addition of PW:B are 2 completely separate changes. Sure they are on concurrent lines but that does not mean they are in any way related.

I don't understand your logic. Even if PW:B was put in the place of the old DS (though I doubt it will be) this would still not force them to remove Imp DS.
#23 Feb 09 2009 at 5:52 AM Rating: Decent
561 posts
patch 3.0.9:
Inner Fire duration has been increased to 30 minutes and can no longer dispelled.

Awsome? :D
#24 Feb 09 2009 at 6:39 AM Rating: Decent
I'm very happy we get Divine Spirit as a base ability. I been wanting this to happen for a long time, and it makes more sense than to spec for it.
I dont think Inner Fire should even have a duration. Does anyone ever let it wear-off outside of towns, or hang on to their last few charges? I did not think so. Making it non-dispelled seems reasonable, since Warlocks' shields also can not be dispelled.
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