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Trying to tankFollow

#1 Feb 03 2009 at 11:55 PM Rating: Good
4,445 posts
First off here is the armory link:

Just dinged 80 a couple of days ago. Invested into a couple of pieces of titansteel armor and I did my best to ding a couple of reps to get some starter defense gear. Anyways in frost presence I have 24khp 62% mitigation and maxed defense. I know freshing dinging 80 and wanting to run heroics is frowned upon by alot of people but I Really did try to put some effort into maxing defense and getting my HP/Mitigation up so I could. Nobody hardly runs normals on my server other then Nexus seems like.

Gear wise should I have any problem tanking heroics right now? I have ran 2 heroics so far. First was heroic UK. I died once to a pathing npc adding into the 4 allready on us (no CC). I was only one who died on that particular pull. Other then that there was no deaths. I know with my mage I have watched alot of tanks die to the final boss in there when he goes into undead form but I don't recall ever going below 50% health. I think the healer was pretty well decked out in gear and we had really good dps. Nobody really said anything negative to me although I don't think they were real thrilled when they saw me loot my first heroic emblem on the boss hehe (achievement).

Later went to Heroic COT4 with a whole other group. About every other wave I was dead fairly quick. Pretty sure it was the Dark Necromancers which I had marked for first kill. Got to the first boss and healer ran out of mana and I lasted about 15 seconds or so after that. OF course after I died we wiped when he was at about 25khp. I am just kinda wondering if I am still not quite geared to be running heroics or was it maybe just not enough dps and/or bad heals. I know the warlock linked the DPS at the end and I was #2 but it didn't show the actually damage per sec it just showed a percent. Had him around 48ish me at 28ish and hunter and rogue between 12 and 18ish percent. I looked at the healer and it was a shaman with about 50% lvl 70 epics (skygear or something or another), couple of greens and around 1400 extra healing. After healer left no others were LFG and it fell apart.

Of course the healer blamed me after dieing to the boss and disconnected. Warlock claimed it was bad DPS, rogue said nothing and hunter said bad heals lol. Boss fight I kinda think it might have been lack of DPS, but in the regular pulls It was like I wasn't being healed enough.

Also how do you start off a fight? I usually deathgrip or frost on single pulls and attack basically. TRy to get alot of bloodboils in as it seems to pull alot of aggression? Multiple pulls I drop a Death and Decay, hit frost and then plague to spread it. Then I use that skill that converts rune to death rune which allows me to hit them with a bloodboil. When I have a dead corpse I throw in corpse explosions. Most of the time this seems to hold aggression but sometimes I get one that gets away from me. Nobody has died from it (yet) but they were more then happy to mention it.

I really wish I had more exp tanking however every dungeon run I ever did leveling up always ended up having a higher level tank so I never got to. Well I take it back I tanked a regular VH at lvl 77 and nobody died but I still lost aggression a couple of times on muliples.

I really need a new weapon but its the only one I can find that has sta and defense right now.
#2 Feb 04 2009 at 12:50 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Get Blade Barrier up as soon as possible. Fastest way to do that AND get the attention of a pack of mobs is to DnD, IT, Pestilence, BB.

Straighten up your build. You're missing out on the mitigation of Bone Shield or Unbreakable Armor. You don't have the avoidance from Lichborne or Frigid Dreadplate. You don't have AOE damage/threat from Howling Blast or Unholy Blight. No Heart Strike, Scourge Strike, or Talented Obliterate (Annihilation).
#3 Feb 04 2009 at 12:56 AM Rating: Decent
536 posts
I'm in the same position you are, except I'm not ready for heroics. I'm still new to tanking, so I'm getting my rotations down, getting to know my abilities in a new light, and I'm doing it in lower level instances. I was asked today why I was bothering to run regular AN, and I told the person I was new to tanking and needed the practice :).

I am in no way, shape, or form afraid to tell someone that I'm new to tanking. Most of the time, people are willing to give me some tips on how to improve. I've asked questions some people might find stupid, but I feel the only stupid question is the one I don't ask. I've also got several friends that are great tanks that I can fall on for advice, that always helps.
#4 Feb 04 2009 at 5:54 AM Rating: Good
32 posts
I have a few suggestions:

1.) First, 24kHP is not bad. You can most certainly tank with that amount of HP. 62% mitgation isn't great, but again it's not terrible. By maxed DEF, you mean because you have 535DEF. Please, please realize that you are NOT DEF capped. You have the minimum amount of DEF to eliminate crits in heroics only. BTW, you are NOT raid crit immune. The more DEF that you can stack, the more it adds to dodge and parry. Yes, you will hit a point of diminishing returns, but having 545 or 550 DEF is not a bad thing.

2.) I agree with Kann. You need to straighten your talents a bit. While Blood is "supposed" to be tanking ready tree, there are not great mitigation talents there. IMO, you need to go with a heavy Frost or Unholy build for Lichborne/Unbreakable Armor or Bone Shield respectively. Let the healers heal you, don't worry about the self heals. Also, as Kann stated, keep Blade barrier up as much as possible (Just another good mitigation tool).

3.) Make sure you use your silence on any caster(s) as often as possible and keep Anti-Magic up. This will bring them to melee you, which won't do too much, and/or reduce the incoming damage.
#5 Feb 05 2009 at 9:56 AM Rating: Good
988 posts
Also, as Kann stated, keep Blade barrier up as much as possible (Just another good mitigation tool).

Not to be splitting hairs here, but the parry is avoidance, not mitigation. It is absolutely essential to get and keep it up since DKs are avoidance tanks, not meat shields.

Dodge and Parry is all we have to avoid getting hit - other than being missed altogether. Everything that doesn't miss and isn't dodged or parried is being mitigated - through armor, talents, or resistance.
#6 Feb 05 2009 at 9:47 PM Rating: Excellent
4,175 posts
Just a few things to note:

Your defense is not maxed. If I recall correctly 540 is the magic number so unless you've swapped out some gear or something you need to work on that. I'd suggest the runesmithing your weapon for an added 25 defense. Its skill, not rating so it'll push you up to where you need to be for uncritable. Your armor rating is REALLY low. I'm not sure I understand your choice for talent points either. I'd probably need an explanation of what your rotation is to better understand.

Get your def up to 540 or higher. Get your armor up and then work on things like stamina, dodge, hit and expertise. My best advice at this point. The order of blame should be tank -> dps -> heals. If you're not uncritable and wander into a heroic it really won't matter even if you have 40k health. Your armor is much too low and you will be taking too much damage for even the best geared heals to keep up with. If you kept aggro on your targets than all you need to do is get geared. I geared myself for heroics mostly from rep rewards and a few really nice quest items. I think I started running them with 544 def, 23k health and around 24k armor. Work toward that and see how much better you do from there. Until then I'd stay away from heroics.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#7 Feb 06 2009 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Your defense is not maxed. If I recall correctly 540 is the magic number

540 is for raids (level 78 mobs), while for heroics (level 82 mobs) you only need 535.

While there is no actual "cap" on defense, it's still important to keep an eye on the intended content. Extra defense doesn't hurt, but the item points are simply better spent on other things after reaching crit-immunity.

535 + parry rune > 560 through Gargoyle when you're doing heroics.
#8 Feb 06 2009 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
536 posts
I'm going to hijack the thread and ask a question of my own without creating another topic about the issue. I'm currently sitting at 533 defense. My question is, if I get that to 535, will I be ready to tank heroics, theoretically? I'm nowhere near prepared mentally, but I'm getting better at it, so I forsee it happening soon, but I'd like to know what (else) I should improve first.

I can't get the armory to work for me, but my character name is Vyrae, on the Muradin realm, Alliance, in the guild Ghosts of Dawn if anyone feels like looking it up. I'll post a link once I get the armory to work.
#9 Feb 06 2009 at 6:38 PM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
I'm going to hijack the thread and ask a question of my own without creating another topic about the issue. I'm currently sitting at 533 defense. My question is, if I get that to 535, will I be ready to tank heroics, theoretically? I'm nowhere near prepared mentally, but I'm getting better at it, so I forsee it happening soon, but I'd like to know what (else) I should improve first.

not everything, and its based on your healers / dps.
If your avoidance/armor/hp are kinda low dont expect to walk into HoL and ace it.
Likewise, you should be able to (with a good healer/dps) do UK, dtk, vh, and probably nexus.

Its not just about defense, but it is important because crits are lethal.
#10 Feb 07 2009 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
536 posts
HoL was difficult for me on regular, there's no doubt in my mind I'd get my rear handed to me on heroic. Thank you!
#11 Feb 09 2009 at 7:15 AM Rating: Decent

Any advice anyone can give on gear/talents/etc would be greatly appreciated. I would like to move on to tanking Heroic dungeons but obviously need more experience and want to get on the right track (this is my first tank, my main has always been a priest).

thanks in advance,
#12 Feb 09 2009 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
I'm going to guess you arent using your tank spec/gear

your defense is way low (need 535 for heroics).
Buy blue gear and rep gear (cape from wyrmwrest is awesome) and get the stoneskin gargoyle rune

try to start as unholy or frost. I find unholy to be the best atm for mitigation thanks to the uberwin that is bone shield, but frost has a lot of caveats that help it as well.

If that is your 'tank' spec then its garbage. you dont have 5/5 anticipate, blood gorged is marginally helpful, no annihilate (blood spec requirement practically), DRW doesnt help your tanking, no sudden doom or vamperic blood (both should be in a tank spec, SD should be in all blood specs), bloodworms are usually fail, especially for tanking, drop vendetta (useless for lv 80 stuff), pick up DRM, drop runic power mastery, drop icy talons....go read the dps guides and work on re-doing that spec. i'll post one later if someone else doesnt
#13 Feb 10 2009 at 8:27 AM Rating: Decent

What about this build?
#14 Feb 10 2009 at 9:08 AM Rating: Decent
32 posts
No offense Blackmire, but that is a terrible tanking build. As I had stated in an earlier post, you need to go with a heavy Frost or Unholy build. Blood just doesn't cut it for tanking.
#15 Feb 10 2009 at 9:27 AM Rating: Good
2,069 posts
Blackmire wrote:

What about this build?

You need 5/5/5 as a base for tanking (blade barrier/toughness/anticipation).

I haven't ever used blood for tanking. I know it was bad before the patch, but I think they improved it (not sure if it was improved enough to be useful).

Edited, Feb 10th 2009 12:37pm by Ailitardif

Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#16 Feb 11 2009 at 7:07 PM Rating: Decent
Blood is fine for single target tanking, and usually nets better threat (even more so when Sudden Death is taken off as an active), Frost and Unholy both have better mitigation talents and aoe threat (although the Pest/BB change might change things).

Do not undervalue VB.

And a lot of people in this thread seems to forget that there are two sides to tanking, damage taking and threat dealing, slacking in either one makes you a sub-par tank.
#17 Feb 12 2009 at 7:28 AM Rating: Decent
202 posts
it's Sudden Doom not Death....
Sorry but this is starting to bug me as much as people playing a Rouge. :/
#18 Feb 12 2009 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
I was just wondering what spec would be good for tanking 5 mans on my way up to 80.My Dk is only 62 but i would like to start tanking with him early so i can be experienced enough to tank heroics and raids when i hit 80.RIght now im using a frost build i threw together myself so its by no means perfect,but i heard that frost is pretty decent for dishing out AoE threat via Howling blast etc.. Just wanted to get some insight from the experienced DKs of the world
#19REDACTED, Posted: Feb 13 2009 at 6:44 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Dont worry about a bad COT run.
#20 Feb 13 2009 at 2:07 PM Rating: Good
Now, just to give you an idea of where your at visually, as everyone here seems to be correct with their observations, this is my armory link to my level 73 DK. Compared defense stats, while you overshadow my HP and armor total, what I am bringing in the ways of defense is better, but naturally far from what's needed for heroics.
#21 Feb 13 2009 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
Not gonna lie, but I tanked Heroic CoT in quest and rep blues and did fine.

Level 70 gear some classes keep simply because they farmed the easy T6 content right before Wrath.
#22 Feb 15 2009 at 11:14 PM Rating: Excellent
geotank wrote:
PS : I told the pally-healer to cast Holy seal and and then Hammer of light on the target and he said : ' huh? ' I dont have that!! --- > This example shows something...

Ya, it shows that you should stick to DKs and leave pally stuff to pallies :P

Heroic CoT is not a good dungeon for new level 80 tanks. Throw in someone who is new to tanking in general and it can get very ugly very quickly. There's a lot of damage flying around and it tends to be more complex than simply marking static pulls and going through a standard rotation. There's not really an enormous difference between gear that you have access to as a fresh 80 and gear you can get quickly from heroics. If you aren't also raiding, plan on spending a lot of time in heroic UK, Nexus, DTK, and Violet Hold accumulating badges before you move on.

Once you're crit immune for heroics, there's still a ways to go in terms of gear progression before you're able to take on any heroic you feel like running. (And please, for the love of Pete, forget you ever heard the term "defense cap"...there's no such thing and it's a highly misleading term). With the pending changes to mana regen announced for 3.1, it will most likely be more important to have an avoidance build as compared to a high stamina build. If your healers are already going OOM in the content you're running, simply stacking more HP for them to heal through is a sub-par alternative to reducing the amount of healing they have to do in the first place.

Successful tanking goes beyond just engaging a group of mobs and keeping them focused on you until they're dead. It helps if you can take a look at a group of mobs and determine which represent the highest risk to you. Sometimes the only way to do that is by being attentive as you run dungeons and learn as you go. It also doesn't hurt to read up on dungeons before you enter them so you have an idea of what to expect.

A good tank has their eye on everything going on around them. They'll see the pat coming long before it has a chance to get close enough to aggro and if necessary, they'll adjust the location of the group they're currently fighting to account for the pat. They'll have a fairly close eye on their group's HP during a given fight and be able to recognize if their healer is getting overtaxed so that they can respond appropriately (ie. pop Icebound Fortitude to give the healer a chance to catch up).

A good tank will be able to look at a recount report after a botched run and figure out some ideas as to what went wrong. In the case of CoT, a hunter and a rogue doing 12-18% damage overall compared to your 28% doesn't say much. The non-elite adds all over the place surrounding the waves of trash heavily favor AoE classes. As a DK tank, you will typically come in rather high in the overall damage for a run because you've got the most combat uptime of any of the dps classes you might bring with you. Rogues suffer heavily in constant AoE situations and even hunters took a beating from the nerf bat in AoE content. That's not to say they were stellar performers, but it will take you a number of runs to see how you stack up to a variety of different classes in different situations.
#23 Feb 19 2009 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
48 posts
My main is a resto shaman and I am having a hard time healing DK tanks. The DK tank generally blames me after the group disbands I am trying to understand if it is me, the tank or some combination thereof. For example, I was running heroic UK the other night and we kept wiping on trash pulls and could not even engage the first boss before the group disbanded. My healing SP after self buff is over 1900 with 450 MP/5. I have successfully ran heroics and got through a lot of Naxx. My main problem is dealing with boss mechanics and a poor UI but I certainly have the fundamentals of healing down specific to my class and I generally do not cause wipes on trash pulls. Anyways, after the last failed group I checked the armory of the tank to gain a better understanding of what the problems could be and his build was 71 in frost, def rating=485, dodge = 9.5%, parry = 11.0% with 19.7K HP. Is this close enough such that a good healer should have made up the slack? I read that tanks (except bears) should shoot for a def of 535. What about %dodge, %parry, HP and Armor? Is going 71 frost a good tanking build?
#24 Feb 19 2009 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
jvscubadude wrote:
Anyways, after the last failed group I checked the armory of the tank to gain a better understanding of what the problems could be and his build was 71 in frost, def rating=485, dodge = 9.5%, parry = 11.0% with 19.7K HP. Is this close enough such that a good healer should have made up the slack? I read that tanks (except bears) should shoot for a def of 535. What about %dodge, %parry, HP and Armor? Is going 71 frost a good tanking build?

He's a crappy tank. His stats suck.

This is my warrior's stats:
HP: 18641
Armor: 19310
Defense: 535
Dodge: 17.66%
Parry: 14%
Block: 15.4%

I don't have a single epic item yet except my necklace but it's the SSO one so I wouldn't really count it. I haven't touched a single heroic on her yet. He needs better gear before blaming the healer.
#25 Feb 19 2009 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
jvscubadude wrote:
My main is a resto shaman and I am having a hard time healing DK tanks. The DK tank generally blames me after the group disbands I am trying to understand if it is me, the tank or some combination thereof. For example, I was running heroic UK the other night and we kept wiping on trash pulls and could not even engage the first boss before the group disbanded. My healing SP after self buff is over 1900 with 450 MP/5. I have successfully ran heroics and got through a lot of Naxx. My main problem is dealing with boss mechanics and a poor UI but I certainly have the fundamentals of healing down specific to my class and I generally do not cause wipes on trash pulls. Anyways, after the last failed group I checked the armory of the tank to gain a better understanding of what the problems could be and his build was 71 in frost, def rating=485, dodge = 9.5%, parry = 11.0% with 19.7K HP. Is this close enough such that a good healer should have made up the slack? I read that tanks (except bears) should shoot for a def of 535. What about %dodge, %parry, HP and Armor? Is going 71 frost a good tanking build?

71 points in Frost sounds like a lazy DK who heard the Frost was the tanking tree (:P) and just ran with it. There are major tank talents in the first row of the other two trees that can't really be skipped by a DK who is serious about tanking. 485 defense is fully inadequate for heroics. That tanks wasn't even 2/3 of the way to where he needs to be defense-wise to be crit immune vs. heroic bosses. Hell...he's 40/45 points shy of what he needs to be crit immune vs. trash mobs in a heroic.

What you were trying to heal was a DK with 20% avoidance who was highly susceptible to crits that could knock off half his health and with a modified defense that low, he'd be getting crit a LOT in a heroic.

A decently geared heroic tank will have in the neighborhood of 35-40% avoidance, be crit immune, and for DKs they should have upwards of 26-28k HP minimum w/ Frost Presence. Anything else and you're just begging for a repair bill.
#26 Feb 20 2009 at 7:07 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
71 in frost, def rating=485, dodge = 9.5%, parry = 11.0% with 19.7K HP. Is this close enough such that a good healer should have made up the slack?

Should've left the group in time. You'd have to run with 2 healers to even get close to picking up the slack.

I don't have as much time to spend on my DK as I'd like to, but even -I- managed to put a decent frosty tank together that is ready for just about anything in the game.

A little bit of dedication turns little play time into quality time.
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