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#52 Feb 10 2009 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
920 posts
I've always read WP/WP for leveling. Granted, most of the current leveling specs are for mutilate. Also, I remember reading that for combat raiding you replace IP for WP. /shrug

The Poison FAQ is not out of date. You just have to read all of the posts. RPzip hasn't posted on the forums in awhile and that is why the part he wrote is out of date. Others are keeping it current with their posts though.
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer. -Albert Einstein

Feyras, ****** Superhero wrote:
I think I'm going to sig myself, just to be different.

PSN tag: DavidChrist. If you add me, send me a message telling me who you are, please.
#53 Feb 12 2009 at 12:02 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
EonSprinter wrote:
Actually I'm not a hundred percent positive on this. I'll try to show some math here after work. WP/WP may change for mutilate anyway, with the recent change.

As far as I know, WP/WP is pretty much THE go-to combination for leveling, even for combat. The reasons for Mut are clear - that being that it applies a "Sticky" poison for Mutilate to exploit.

In Combat, however, you have "Savage Combat" which increases damage done to poisoned targets.

Now if WP has the same overall damage but quicker application and also has the bonus of applying a sticky poison to exploit "Savage Combat", I don't see any reason to use IP again ... unless you're a raiding mut rogue with "Imp Poisons".
#54 Feb 13 2009 at 5:59 AM Rating: Good
802 posts
What are the best glyphs for combat PVE?

I currently have Glyph of Sinister Strike, Glyph of Rupture and Glyph of Slice and Dice.

Would it be better for my DPS if i used Glyph of Adrenaline Rush or perhaps even Glyph of Blade Flurry?
#55 Feb 13 2009 at 6:09 AM Rating: Good
1,006 posts
Oh hey! That makes sense. Sorry guys if my info is a bit outdated. I ditched wow for several months just before WotLK came out. Now let me make a feeble attempt to run some basic numbers. Mathletes, feel free to correct (God I miss Nooble sometimes)...

Instant Poison IX: 300-400 base damage + (0.1 x AP ), 20% chance to apply

350 + (0.1 x 2000) = 350 + 200 = 550

550 x .2 = 110

So with an arbitrary 2000 attack power, Instant Poison will average 110 damage per swing.

Wound poison: 231 base damage + (.04 x AP), 50% chance to apply

231 + (.04 x 2000) = 231 + 80 = 311

311 x .5 = 155.5

So with the same attack power, Wound Poison will average 155.5 per swing. On top of that, Savage Combat would increase all damage against the poisoned target by two percent.

#56 Feb 13 2009 at 8:16 AM Rating: Decent
920 posts
See Eon, here I am giving valid information and someone new tries to come in and laugh at me and call me a liar. It is hard not to flame when your helping people, but they call you a liar.

Anyways, thanks for the clarification.
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer. -Albert Einstein

Feyras, ****** Superhero wrote:
I think I'm going to sig myself, just to be different.

PSN tag: DavidChrist. If you add me, send me a message telling me who you are, please.
#57 Feb 13 2009 at 4:44 PM Rating: Decent
1,882 posts
Slice 'n Dice...while it worth it or should I cut it out of my rotation and save it for instances and bigger baddies?

Edited, Feb 13th 2009 7:45pm by ekaterinodar
#58 Feb 13 2009 at 5:03 PM Rating: Decent
920 posts
ekaterinodar wrote:
Slice 'n Dice...while it worth it or should I cut it out of my rotation and save it for instances and bigger baddies?

If you are combat you typical use SnD. If your mutilate normally you kill the mob too quick with just your basic CS>mutilate>KS>Evis/Envenom rotations. It is completely situational, but I personally never used it as mutilate to level solo.

Edited, Feb 13th 2009 8:04pm by Feyras
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer. -Albert Einstein

Feyras, ****** Superhero wrote:
I think I'm going to sig myself, just to be different.

PSN tag: DavidChrist. If you add me, send me a message telling me who you are, please.
#59 Feb 13 2009 at 9:00 PM Rating: Excellent
13,048 posts
EonSprinter wrote:
Oh hey! That makes sense. Sorry guys if my info is a bit outdated. I ditched wow for several months just before WotLK came out. Now let me make a feeble attempt to run some basic numbers. Mathletes, feel free to correct (God I miss Nooble sometimes)...

Instant Poison IX: 300-400 base damage + (0.1 x AP ), 20% chance to apply

350 + (0.1 x 2000) = 350 + 200 = 550

550 x .2 = 110

So with an arbitrary 2000 attack power, Instant Poison will average 110 damage per swing.

Wound poison: 231 base damage + (.04 x AP), 50% chance to apply

231 + (.04 x 2000) = 231 + 80 = 311

311 x .5 = 155.5

So with the same attack power, Wound Poison will average 155.5 per swing. On top of that, Savage Combat would increase all damage against the poisoned target by two percent.

What happens when you throw Imp Poisons in there? Smiley: grin

(Yes, I'm testing your knowledge of mechanics!)
#60 Feb 13 2009 at 10:57 PM Rating: Decent
811 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
EonSprinter wrote:
Oh hey! That makes sense. Sorry guys if my info is a bit outdated. I ditched wow for several months just before WotLK came out. Now let me make a feeble attempt to run some basic numbers. Mathletes, feel free to correct (God I miss Nooble sometimes)...

Instant Poison IX: 300-400 base damage + (0.1 x AP ), 20% chance to apply

350 + (0.1 x 2000) = 350 + 200 = 550

550 x .2 = 110

So with an arbitrary 2000 attack power, Instant Poison will average 110 damage per swing.

Wound poison: 231 base damage + (.04 x AP), 50% chance to apply

231 + (.04 x 2000) = 231 + 80 = 311

311 x .5 = 155.5

So with the same attack power, Wound Poison will average 155.5 per swing. On top of that, Savage Combat would increase all damage against the poisoned target by two percent.

What happens when you throw Imp Poisons in there? Smiley: grin

(Yes, I'm testing your knowledge of mechanics!)

Does it improve 50% on the 20% or a total of 70%? If it's 70% then it's simple substitution :)
#61 Feb 14 2009 at 6:03 AM Rating: Good
1,006 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
What happens when you throw Imp Poisons in there? that a flat 10% addition, from 20% to 30%, or an increase from 20% to 22%?

What is the airspeed velocity of a swallow?
#62 Feb 14 2009 at 8:06 AM Rating: Good
82 posts
EonSprinter wrote:
Overlord Theophany wrote:
What happens when you throw Imp Poisons in there? that a flat 10% addition, from 20% to 30%, or an increase from 20% to 22%?

What is the airspeed velocity of a swallow?

Usually talents like this tend to stack additively (like Malice increasing your crit chance by 5% directly instead of 5% of what you have), so it simply increases your chance to apply IP from 20% to 30% (And DP from 30% to 40%), effectively increasing the damage done by IP by 50%, while not affecting WP at all.


A more interesting question is what is the break point in AP between the 2 poisons.
Let's assume attack power is AP.

Without Improved Poisons:

Instant Poison IX: 300-400 base damage + (0.1 x AP ), 20% chance to apply

(350 + (0.1 x AP))x0.2 = 70 + 0.02xAP .

Wound poison: 231 base damage + (.04 x AP), 50% chance to apply

(231 + (0.04 x AP))x0.5 = 115.5 + 0.02xAP .

This basically means that whatever numbers you are running with, WP damage will always be greater than IP by 45.5 damage per swing.

Let's consider the other case, having Improved Poisons:

Instant Poison IX: 300-400 base damage + (0.1 x AP ), 30% chance to apply

(350 + (0.1 x AP))x0.3 = 105 + 0.03xAP .

Wound poison: 231 base damage + (.04 x AP), 50% chance to apply

(231 + (0.04 x AP))x0.5 = 115.5 + 0.02xAP .

At 1050 WP=IP.
Over that IP is better, below that WP is better. Meaning IP is better at trivial amount of AP at level 80 assuming you have Improved Poisons.


All these calculations are ignoring all need for the target to be poisoned (for Mutilate, Master Poisoner or Deadly Combat). Also it ignored the usefulness of DP.

Have a nice day,

Edit: Made it tad easier to read, hope it worked.

Edited, Feb 14th 2009 11:08am by YuvalR
#63 Feb 17 2009 at 6:56 AM Rating: Good
1,606 posts
Knights of the Ebon Blade looks like a no brainer since Arcanum of Torment seems to be the best head enchant a rogue can get but what other rep gear/enchants should one be working towards? Oh, can a head enchant be overwritten by another or is it there for good? The description says it's permanent but that doesn't necessarily mean it can't be overwritten by another, just that it can't be removed.

I also have a more generalized question. I hit 80 last night and on my way from 70-80 have only done maybe 3 or 4 five mans. It's kind of hard to explain but I am not totally sure what role I am supposed to play. The bosses it's pretty straight forward (though I hate a lot of the AoE's they have while I am wearing leather) but I kind of feel like the odd man out when dealing with trash. I'm whacking away at one mob while most of the others are attacking the whole group of mobs with the tank being able to keep all the hate on him/herself. Just seems like an AoE world and we are the single target odd balls. Fan of Knives is nice.. I guess.. sort of.. but it still doesn't really seem like it would help that much.

Does it get better with 10 mans or higher or is it just that I am new to higher level PVE fights and it will get better with time and better gear?
#64 Feb 17 2009 at 7:33 AM Rating: Good
920 posts
MrTalos wrote:
but what other rep gear/enchants should one be working towards?

Sons of Hodir should be one of the key factions to work on. All you can do for them is daily quest to up your rep and by turning in relics of Ulduar. They will give you the enchant for your shoulders. As for which tabard you should wear for rep. It all depends on which one would be the biggest upgrade. These boots are from the Argent Crusade exalted and are some of the better ones in the game. They have a decent amount of hit on them, and it seems there isn't that much hit gear for us these days.

MrTalos wrote:
Oh, can a head enchant be overwritten by another or is it there for good?

I'm pretty sure it can be overwritten if you apply another one to it. I'm assuming you mean the exalted aldor/scryer one for now and replace it with the Sons of Hodir exalted one when you can. It wouldn't make sense if you couldn't.

MrTalos wrote:
Does it get better with 10 mans or higher or is it just that I am new to higher level PVE fights and it will get better with time and better gear?

No, it doesn't right now. CC is a lost art in WoTLK compared to TBC. Everyone just AOE's everything down. Spamming FoK is the only thing you can really do to compete on trash. I personally put Trick of the Trade on the tank and target his target. I then get a 2 point SnD up and then spam FoK on the trash and just do white damage to the one mob. It helps a little bit.

Good Luck on gearing your rogue.
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer. -Albert Einstein

Feyras, ****** Superhero wrote:
I think I'm going to sig myself, just to be different.

PSN tag: DavidChrist. If you add me, send me a message telling me who you are, please.
#65 Feb 18 2009 at 6:13 AM Rating: Default
This isn't a question, just happyness. I hit level 80 friday. I ran my first Naxx 10 sunday and got T7 legs and shoulders, and Tunic of dislocation(only came in to do about 5 bosses, couldnt take down Kel,bad luck, so we gave up for the day). Then yesterday I do 10 man OS and win T7 gloves, the 22 slot bag, and the satchel. Anyone else this lucky? Just seems like I have insane luck atm, and will probably pay for it soon enough.
#66 Feb 18 2009 at 6:38 AM Rating: Decent
142 posts
VorpalRuin wrote:
Anyone else this lucky?

once i got given a cookie :D

we've all had lucky runs. As my guilds Rl every now and then i set up the 25man raid with only 1 rogue, Me!
I make my own luck!

Edited, Feb 18th 2009 9:39am by pythonesc
#67 Feb 18 2009 at 7:34 AM Rating: Default
Lol, it seems like that would be the smart way to go, but you still have to compete with mages, dks and whatever the other one is for T7 stuff.
#68 Feb 18 2009 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
While we're on the subject, you ought to see the drops my guild gets. I joined them about 4 weeks ago and have joined every raid since then, which equals 8 full Naxx clears and 4 Sartharion kills. Spread out over all those runs I've seen 1 Paladin/Priest/Warlock token (in a 10-man raid with 4 paladins, 1 priest and 2 warlocks) and 1 Warrior/Hunter/Shaman token. ALL other tokens have been Rogue/Death Knight/Mage/Druid tokens. We actually have a mainspec tanking druid in our guild who now has a nearly full resto AND nearly full boomkin off-spec tier set =/. To make it even funnier, we didn't have any mages until one week ago and we still only have one single DK.

Edited, Feb 18th 2009 7:36pm by Mozared
#69 Feb 18 2009 at 10:41 AM Rating: Default
Wow thats nuts, crazy luck too.
new change:
"2/18/09: The Rogue ability Mutilate should now do its appropriate damage based on talents."
So, its going to do more damage? less? I didn't realize that something was wrong.
#70 Feb 18 2009 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Depends on what you call luck, I raid with my priest -.-

As for the change and on-topicness; I can't say I noticed a bug involving not working talents. Then again, I don't think I've done any fighting on my rogue at all since the latest patch. On one side I'm itchy to say that a talent was probably bugged and that Mutilate dealt less damage than it was supposed to, but on the other hand... when Blizzard nerfs something they always word it like this in note: "should now do its appropriate damage". If the damage had been highered that note would've said something along the lines of "should now deal more damage".

Or in other words; I don't know whether this is a nerf or a bug. You might want to check EJ on it, if anybody noticed talents not working correctly it's the people there.
#71 Feb 18 2009 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
Question on the potential 3.10 changes to HFB.

If you need a bleed on the target for HFB isn't that going to make it almost useless for PVP purposes? I suppose we can squeeze a 1 point rupture in somewhere, but it sure makes it seem like it's going to be a lot harder to use in PVP.

#72 Feb 18 2009 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
920 posts
That is one reason why they made the change. They are trying to scale down burst teams in arena to make it more competitive for healer/dps teams.

From what I have read most people don't have HfB in arena anyways. Unless they are casual and doing it for the points. They should be getting mutilate and then going into sub to get Prep.
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer. -Albert Einstein

Feyras, ****** Superhero wrote:
I think I'm going to sig myself, just to be different.

PSN tag: DavidChrist. If you add me, send me a message telling me who you are, please.
#73 Feb 18 2009 at 11:03 PM Rating: Decent
Actually, unless you open with garote it's gonna kinda suck for grinding too.
#74 Feb 22 2009 at 8:03 PM Rating: Default
Hey there,

I'd like to ask a question regarding mace specialization criteria. Quite honestly, I'm tempted to try this out, but due to the high cost of Titansteel bonecrusher, I'd like to see other people's opinion about it.

Would a combat rogue with mace specialization combined with serrated blades (and also possibly hemo) and armor penetration gems be a viable build to dish out damage for PvE raiding? (Hit rating and expertise capped of course)

#75 Feb 23 2009 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
If you're thinking of going mace spec I'd wait until 3.1 and the changes in the combat tree.
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