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#1 Jan 31 2009 at 9:37 AM Rating: Excellent
1,006 posts
There's a similar thread over at Elitist Jerks but most new players don't seem to make use of their forums, or find the jargon a bit too advanced.

Here is where you should post the simple questions that you expect to have simple answers - the kind of questions that don't merit their own thread.

For people asking questions:
Please write as clearly as you can, using proper grammar and spelling. Avoid using internet shorthand, leetspeak, and lolcat. Provide us as much information as necessary, and remember to post a link to your armory page when needed.

For people answering questions:
Expect and tolerate redundant questions. If you feel the need to flame a new player every time they ask a question that can easily be answered with a bit of indendent research, please ignore this thread. Please save your flame wars and ego contests for other threads. Also, please spell out all terminology for the sake of new players. Avoid using contractions such as HfB, TotT, 2s/5r, etc., as many of the newer rogues will not be familiar with these terms.

Thanks to all who choose to participate. Now have at it.

Edited, Jan 31st 2009 12:41pm by EonSprinter
#2 Jan 31 2009 at 10:22 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Best idea since sliced bread, Eon. Lets see if we can turn this into something helpful.
#3 Feb 01 2009 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
390 posts
I'll be the first nub. :)

Can I assume that having zero hit rating at level 72 is a bad thing? Figure I solo 99.8% of the time. Mut spec'd.

A link to the infamous "spreadsheet" would also be helpful. I read the sticky and a couple of spreadsheets are linked. EJ has too many to count.

I'd link to the armory, but that would be downright embarrassing. (oh, ok,

Thanks in advance.

Edited, Feb 1st 2009 3:32pm by Ambarius

Edited, Feb 1st 2009 3:33pm by Ambarius
#4 Feb 01 2009 at 3:12 PM Rating: Good
811 posts
Yes and no...if you are just solo questing, it's not going to 'hurt' you, it's just going to make taking mobs down take a little longer. There are some fairly cheap EC's (icewalker to boots), and +40 hit food that is available, if your cooking is up. There are also trinkets with +hit (even romulos from kara, which I embarassingly still have). Hit rating isn't as important for mutilate as combat, but it makes life easier for solo questing.
#5 Feb 01 2009 at 3:12 PM Rating: Good
1,006 posts
Don't fret about gear or stats while leveling - the pieces available to you through quests and drops will be more than sufficient to carry you up to level 80. However, when forced to decide between two similar pieces, I recommend using the addon, "Pawn." I create custom scales based on stat weights given by Cally at Elitist Jerks:

Mutilate Weights
Attack Power = 1
Strength = 1.1
Agility = 2.0
Crit = 1.6
Expertise = 2.0
Haste = 1.6
Armor Penetration = 1.1
Main Hand DPS = 4.1
Offhand DPS = 3.1

Hit is worth about 2.9 below the yellow hit cap, 2.2 below the poison hit cap, and 1.4 above both caps.
For weapon speeds, each .1 increase in MH speed is around 35 EP and each .1 increase of OH speed
is around 75 EP.

Combat Weights
Attack Power = 1
Strength = 1.1
Agility = 2.0
Crit = 1.5
Expertise = 1.6
Haste = 1.4
Armore Penetration = 1.2

Hit is about 1.8 below the yellow hit cap, 1.6 below the poison hit cap, and 1.4 thereafter

Hit Caps
The following values assume that you have 5/5 Precision and that you are attacking a
level 83 mob (i.e., boss level).

Yellow Hit Cap = 99
Poison Hit Cap = 315
Hard Hit Cap = 722

Note: These values can be different depending on group composition - but you don't need to be too concerned with this while leveling.

The above information was taken from this thread.

After leveling to 80, you can use ShadowPanther's armor charts to plan out your upgrades.

The most commonly used spreadsheet is Vulajin's - Link.

Edited, Feb 2nd 2009 9:47am by EonSprinter
#6 Feb 01 2009 at 4:32 PM Rating: Good
400 posts
This is a nice idea. I've just started playing again and hit 80 today, so I returned here to my old home to find some answers.

Firstly, whats the glyph situation like for running muti in dungeons? It seems that muti is lacking any real glyph support.

Also, is there any news on a Theo-UI update?

Ambarius wrote:
Can I assume that having zero hit rating at level 72 is a bad thing? Figure I solo 99.8% of the time. Mut spec'd.

It is a good idea to try to maintain around 5% hit (either from the talent precision or from gear) since this will stop you from missing your yellow attacks against a mob the same level as you. +Hit also helps with muti since the ease of leveling with it depends on how quickly your poisons proc in each fight. If you Cheapshot and miss 4 times in a row, thats 6 seconds of overkill wasted. It also helps reduce all those times when killing the mob or stunning it would have been the difference between you eating/bandaging and having to do a corpse run. Whilst it isn't neccessary, i would reccomend a quick talent change to something like this.

With overkill and dirty deeds cheapshot is a 30 energy move. Mutilate is 50, eviscerate is 25 (and with relentless its free), and you have enough energy for another mutilate > eviscerate. Most mobs will die from that in under 6-8 seconds. Camouflage allows you to restealth quickly and move on to the next mob without losing remorseless.

#7 Feb 01 2009 at 5:29 PM Rating: Good
1,006 posts
Flubgaurd wrote:
Firstly, whats the glyph situation like for running muti in dungeons?

Unfortunately there are currently no glyphs for Mutilate. The majority of rogues are choosing to use Slice and Dice and Rupture glyphs.

Flubgaurd wrote:
Also, is there any news on a Theo-UI update?

Theo almost abandoned the class entirely to play a Death Knight for some time. Recently though, he's announced that he's burnt out on Wow and will instead spend some time playing on his X-Box, occasionally logging onto his Rogue to toy around. I wouldn't hold my breath for a new UI package from him.

Edited, Feb 1st 2009 8:33pm by EonSprinter
#8 Feb 01 2009 at 5:56 PM Rating: Good
390 posts
Thanks for the answers. Very helpful.
#9 Feb 02 2009 at 2:49 AM Rating: Decent
400 posts
EonSprinter wrote:
I wouldn't hold my breath for a new UI package from him.


I've been gearing up using the same priority system of Hit>Agi>Expertise e.t.c. Im sitting at about 289 hit in my leveling gear, but my crit rating is like 21% or something rediculously low like that. Is that just a sympotm of leveling blues? From what i've seen my only upgrades are from heroics and most of that gear has haste on it.

Have blizz really screwed up the itemization as badly as I think they have? Why on earth would they think we even want haste except as in a hit/crit capped scenario?
#10 Feb 02 2009 at 6:20 AM Rating: Decent
1,006 posts
Flubgaurd wrote:
I've been gearing up using the same priority system of Hit>Agi>Expertise e.t.c. Im sitting at about 289 hit in my leveling gear, but my crit rating is like 21% or something rediculously low like that. Is that just a sympotm of leveling blues? From what i've seen my only upgrades are from heroics and most of that gear has haste on it.

Have blizz really screwed up the itemization as badly as I think they have? Why on earth would they think we even want haste except as in a hit/crit capped scenario?

Blizzard states that they want haste to become a viable stat, but they acknowledge that it's not quite "there" yet. Expect it to be tweaked somewhat in upcoming patches.

Having a crit rating of 21% has never been too shabby for a freshly level-capped rogue. As far as hit rating goes - you can expect it to drop somewhat while gearing up in heroics. It will climb back up after you begin doing raids. Also, if you raid with a Boomkin or Shadow Priest, you only really want to focus on getting 217 hit (+20 from buff food). 217 should be easily doable.

As for upgrades - buy two Librarian Paper Cutters off the auction house. They're the best mutilate daggers in the game outside of Naxx25. You can also go buy Ice Striker's Cloak, Trollwoven Spaulders, and a Trollwoven Girdle off of a Leatherworker. You can buy a good neck piece off of a Jewelcrafter - Titanium Impact Choker. That should be a good start.
#11 Feb 02 2009 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
Let's test, then. Is expertise a good stat for leveling as mutilate?
#12 Feb 02 2009 at 10:47 AM Rating: Good
1,006 posts
Kavekk wrote:
Let's test, then. Is expertise a good stat for leveling as mutilate?

You can judge its value using this scale:
Mutilate Weights
Attack Power = 1
Strength = 1.1
Agility = 2.0
Crit = 1.6
Expertise = 2.0
Haste = 1.6
Armor Penetration = 1.1
Main Hand DPS = 4.1
Offhand DPS = 3.1

Hit is worth about 2.9 below the yellow hit cap, 2.2 below the poison hit cap, and 1.4 above both caps.
For weapon speeds, each .1 increase in MH speed is around 35 EP and each .1 increase of OH speed
is around 75 EP.

So, Expertise is as good as Agility up to a certain point, though not as abundant. The short answer is "Sure."

Again though, one shouldn't be too concerned about stats while leveling. Experience per hour is much more important (in my humble opinion :D).
#13 Feb 02 2009 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
Wrong. Mobs die in CS, or shortly after. Attacks cannot be dodged or parried by stunned mobs. Expertise is actually pretty **** if you're leveling as mutilate, where you're pretty much always attacking one mob from stealth.
#14 Feb 02 2009 at 3:14 PM Rating: Excellent
1,006 posts
Assume that someone who is leveling will occasionally run an instance, and would prefer to choose appropriate rewards as starter gear for the day they hit the level cap.
Your point is valid but please don't turn this thread into a "gotchya" game.
#15 Feb 04 2009 at 8:14 AM Rating: Decent
I've been pvping a lot latley and I found out that I have much more trouble killing Paladins than any other class. As a mutilate spec rogue, how do you guys tackle them successfully? I can kill stupid ones sometimes that are lower level than me, but if we are equal gear and skill I almost always lose.
#16 Feb 04 2009 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
For starters, which spec? Holy can be a big pain even if they don't bubble since Retribution aura basically makes you kill yourself (And you can't DOT+'kite' them to death as was normally the case with warriors).
#17 Feb 04 2009 at 10:15 AM Rating: Default
Ret or holy.
#18 Feb 04 2009 at 11:24 AM Rating: Excellent
207 posts
Vorpal wrote:
I've been pvping a lot latley and I found out that I have much more trouble killing Paladins than any other class. As a mutilate spec rogue, how do you guys tackle them successfully? I can kill stupid ones sometimes that are lower level than me, but if we are equal gear and skill I almost always lose.

Generally against pallies your best bet it to force the bubble as soon as possible through stunlocking, blind, the occasional gouge, and a lot of damage. Once they bubble pop your vanish and wait for it to pass, then start all over again. When dealing with ret pallies try your best to avoid damage with evasion and dismantle (not at the same time, of course).

Also, when dealing with ret pallies save your trinket for the hammer of judgement, don't waste it on retribution. (This may or may not apply, if you manage to CoS just before they throw their hammer, but that takes a bit of skill and/or luck.)

Edited, Feb 4th 2009 11:26am by Jonofthedead
#19 Feb 04 2009 at 11:27 AM Rating: Default
You can blind through bubble?
#20 Feb 04 2009 at 11:51 AM Rating: Good
920 posts
Vorplaruin wrote:
You can blind through bubble?

No, that isn't what he saying. He is saying use those methods to cause the bubble and then vanish and wait out the bubble.
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer. -Albert Einstein

Feyras, ****** Superhero wrote:
I think I'm going to sig myself, just to be different.

PSN tag: DavidChrist. If you add me, send me a message telling me who you are, please.
#21 Feb 04 2009 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
Gotcha, thanks. I usually just avoid palladins and go for any other class, but sometimes they are more important to kill.
#22 Feb 04 2009 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
811 posts
I usually don't have problems with them as much as mages. Anyone have on thoughts on a pyro mages? Fight usually goes like this:

Garrote (for silence) - Muti - CS - BLINK - Freeze - 8k pyro followed by two 4k somethingorothers = me dead.
#23 Feb 04 2009 at 2:34 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Fights versus POM pyro mages can be annoying because they Ice Block if you DOT them and they go invisible if you don't. If you know the mage is POM/Pyro it's generally a "pop cloak and kill him before he kills you" match - the break point will be when he pops Ice Block or Invisibility, which should be the point where you pop a vanish. Depending on where you are fighting you can even wait out a minute for your cloak to return before re-opening on that point.

As Muti/Prep the fight should be yours if you get your opener off right, though. After that, you need to do what you can to stay on him since even little time out of melee range can kill you.
#24 Feb 04 2009 at 7:28 PM Rating: Good
I see people talking about DPS in some scale of 1500, 2000. How are you folks measuring DPS? In a 45 min WSG I got Damage Control achievement (I finally figured out how to take advantage of CS duration).
#25 Feb 04 2009 at 10:37 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
A few notes on ret paladins (since i play one in a 2s team with a rogue):

Garrotte is often a better opener than CS>KS since it's confusing to a ret. Their first reaction will be to hammer/repent you, then judge for the automatic crit. Being silenced messes up our plan. Garrotte then burst burst burst. Force em to panic and bubble, then get the hell out of dodge and restealth.

Most rets will have specced into a talent that lets Blessing of Freedom self-break stuns (so they can save the trinket to break blind). If you try a stunlock, freedom will release them.

If you choose to open with cs and then kidney shot, be ready to IMMEDIATELY use CloS when they start moving, as i guarantee the next thing they cast will be repentence or hammer of justice. CloS after the garrotte silence wears off, if that is how you opened. Bonus points: Cloak of shadows will prevent judgement of justice and the righteous vengeance DoT landing, allowing you to sprint and restealth/vanish safely from the bubble.

Disarm effects last half duration on rets, but that's still 5 seconds without crusader strike or divine storm being used.
#26 Feb 05 2009 at 1:19 AM Rating: Decent
811 posts
LiptonSoup wrote:
I see people talking about DPS in some scale of 1500, 2000. How are you folks measuring DPS? In a 45 min WSG I got Damage Control achievement (I finally figured out how to take advantage of CS duration).

Umm...what? DPS is only measured in PvE, not PvP.
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