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Are Shamans fun to play?Follow

#1 Jan 29 2009 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
I have a lvl 70 hunter that I stopped lvl after WOTLK came out, did not want to compete in new areas.

So I leveled a Priest from 1-80 (Holy)

I am thinking about leveling an Orc(Enhancement) Shaman. My question is will I be able to solo and have fun while doing it.

The reason I ask is that this is the one class that I have never tried.

I will solo for the most part until I am high level, so I will be able to test all the different aspects of the class.

I do realise that everyone has their own opinions on what is fun or not, I am just looking to see how people feel about this class.

Thx for any input.

#2 Jan 29 2009 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
every class can solo. Even elites (some easier than others...). The game is designed to be solo'd. And yes levelling enhance is the best way to go (least amount of down time for drinking etc.). Are they fun to play? Sure. It's nice seeing windfury procs, and your target go down in a few hits.

The hardest part will be levels 1-30. When you get windfury things do get easier, and you get to see those nice windfury procs I mentioned above. Until level 40 just get a powerful 2 hander, and it shouldn't be too hard to level. Get the best 2 hander you can find.

Edited, Jan 29th 2009 7:26pm by thrashering
#3 Jan 30 2009 at 1:13 AM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
Actually I leveled 1-59 as Elemental and with watershield being given at a very low level (I'm thinking I got it around 10 or 12?). I found soloing as elemental very easy and efficient and generally had very little down time. Compared to my enhancement pal counterpart the amount of time spent drinking was not at all significantly more. It was made easier after 3.0.8 as "Lightning Storm" (the elemental intellect = mana regen) talent was reduced to 3 points (rather than originally 5).

As for whether or not you'll have fun doing it all depends. Thats such an open ended question with so many variables its not even funny. The class is complicated. (although not as bad as it use to be)

Chances are though if you're asking in a shaman forum you're going to get mainly replies that the class is fun.

You're best bet is to pull it out and start playing with. If you have character slots go for it.
#4 Feb 02 2009 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
Once again it is pointless to ask others if a certian class/spec is fun to play. It's like saying you have never tried sushi and you ask others if it's good or not. Sure I like it, but you may not.

Any other info you need on a certain class is in stickies on pretty much every WoW forum on the web.
#5 Feb 02 2009 at 2:01 PM Rating: Excellent
19,369 posts
Everybody hates shaman. Nobody likes to play them. The problem is they hate all the other classes more so they're stuck with a crappy shaman. Stupid game is lame.
#6 Feb 02 2009 at 11:33 PM Rating: Decent
lol I'll assume you are joking.

They are the least played class for a reason. But I think that's because people don't want to take the time to learn totems (they aren't that hard), or are too mentally challenged to figure out what the 4 elements are LOL.

Above post mentioned elemental. Yes they are fun too. And with water shield at an earlier level than it used to be, definately viable. You get ranged spellcasting, but wear decent armor (compared to a mage). You don't have to worry about being 3 shotted if your cc is resisted like with a mage. Worst comes to worse you heal yourself.

They aren't the fastest class to level up. And let's face it, people want to play OP classes. There's a reason why more people are playing pallies and DK's right now than any other class.

Easy isn't necessarily fun. I'm levelling my holy priest right now. Although it really hasn't been that challenging as I thought it would be. she can kill things fairly easy. Only areas that are challenging are when taking on lots of mobs at once, or places with insanely fast respawn times. My point is sometimes it's fun to do something, just because other people aren't doing it. In fact, I'll never level my DK. He (actually have 2- one horde one ally) will always be at 55. There are too many of them. And they are a noob class (took that spot from hunters). 90% of them can't tank worth a sh*t, and are completely inept at everything. I don't want to be associated with that.

Edited, Feb 2nd 2009 11:35pm by thrashering
#7 Feb 03 2009 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
thrashering wrote:
I'll never level my DK. He (actually have 2- one horde one ally) will always be at 55. There are too many of them. And they are a noob class (took that spot from hunters). 90% of them can't tank worth a sh*t, and are completely inept at everything. I don't want to be associated with that.

Funny story, that. Not only is that the only reason I'm even leveling my DK, it was the entire reason for my rolling a Shaman.

Back when TBC first released I rolled a brand new Pally to level (had been on hiatus), and was unfortunately forced to do so alongside the hundreds of emerging Alliance Shaman. And they all sucked. None of them could control their threat, none of them bothered buffing with totems, of course none of them wanted to heal... It was a disaster. But I saw a lot of potential in the class, so I figured, "Hell, if no one else is gonna do this class justice then ***** it. I'll do it myself."

12 months later here I am going through the exact same bull!@#$ with DK's. They're everywhere and they're all of them terrible. With my Shaman at 80 seeing no further upgrades outside of raids, I'm one of maybe three properly specced and geared tank DK's on my server that I've seen, and I still out-DPS most of the DPS DK's with my DPS gear on.
#8 Feb 03 2009 at 8:21 AM Rating: Decent
lol, I hear you. I actually thought about playing my DK for a similar reason. To "show them how it's done" :)

Ran ramparts last night with my holy priest. We made it, but I credit that to some awesome dps by the enhancement shaman. So that goes to show you enhancement shaman are fun to play, and can put out great dps. Sure you can say that about any class if played properly of course. Anyways the DK tank was of course crap. And I'm thinking, I should level my DK and show them how it's done. but the disease combat mechanic doesn't appeal to me very much. And I prefer healing. I just wish my fade had better than a 30 second c/d. His aoe threat (when he remember to use d&d or whatever aoe damage he has) wasn't good enough sometimes to counteract my healing threat. I wasn't a perfect healer though, I'm used to shammy healing. But I think I did pretty good. Only went OOM when the tank pulled the 1st boss along with the 3 trash mobs. But we downed him (mainly due to that enhance shammy dps being insane)
#9 Feb 03 2009 at 9:53 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
I found shaman tedious to level until I got Windfury. It was better then but still slow until I got dual-wield. Then it was amazing. I found a Shaman was the easiest class to level besides druid post-50 (MANGLE!). Then again I only have a druid, shaman, mage, DK, Paladin, and hunter above level 60, so it could change. My shaman is parked at 70 right now simply because I enjoy my druid more; but shamans are a blast.
#10 Feb 10 2009 at 1:22 AM Rating: Decent
979 posts
I found with my newest alt as a shammy i can level at a reasonable speed but only after getting some half way decent gear did it become good fun at level 18 , the hardest thing i find is working out which totem to use but saying that it is rather fun trying to see what does the most good in my survivability and my damage output , the best part i find is you can treat them much like a pally with totems to help a bit , i guess in normal play you will only need a few totems , or at least it seems that way to me at my level , attract mob set totems and just watch the auto attacks until either the mob/mobs are dead or heal myself works for me at the moment , if you go enhancement you do not need to use many spell attacks ( i only use to attract mobs to me ) and the totems only use a small amount of mana so you will have plenty to heal yourself.

I guess they are one of the most difficult classes to get used to with all the totems , but saying that i also think they are a nice change from my hunters and pallys and my mages , probably not the fastest to level but at least that way you will get the chance to see what totems do for you unlike some classes that can race to 80 and still not know how to fight well .
#11 Feb 11 2009 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
329 posts
I am loving my newly created Shaman. I joined back to WoW after a long hiatus and now cannot say how much I enjoy both my new Druid and my new Shaman. I am in the process of leveling, but the game is so much more streamlined that it is not the hell that leveling used to be.

As for fun, I am now on the side of Horde, and after several runs through the Barrens I know where all quests are and so forth. So leveling the Shaman has been a breeze. I load up on a full 20 mana drinks, and start from whichever base camp running a complete circuit of quests with kill all on the way. Each time has netted me several levels with about 7 - 10 quests completed.

Are they fun... heck yea, but as others mentioned, learn the class, play in a PUG once in a while, and realize how powerful their totems can be when used properly.
#12 Feb 16 2009 at 12:45 AM Rating: Decent
After playing and loving my hunter to level 73... I went Shammy as well.

This class has it all!

-DPS or Heals your pick

and the Skill Trees are sweet.

I played all of the Skill Trees, and while some people swear up and down at how awesome Enhancement Shammies are, I went Elemental and Resto so that I don't need to switch out gear.

With my Shammy the cycle goes be super L337 heals, for instances and then switch to Elemental for BGs.

I score such high DPS, that in BGs people hunt me down. But luckily the DPS is high enough that I can avoid getting a finger layed on me.

In short... HELL YES!

Shammies are awesome and the can heal just as good, as anything with just 5 points in resto.

#13 Mar 05 2009 at 5:38 AM Rating: Excellent
678 posts
Still leveling, at 53, so I can't much tell you about endgame. But so far I've had a blast with my shammy. It's leveling slower than my hunters did, and you have to be more careful than with a pally due to the lack of "Oh ****" abilities, but it's a blast all the way.

With 0 boosts I expect to make it to 60 in just under 4 days, with cooking, enchanting and skinning all at 300 by 58 and fishing at 180 or so (I'm sad like that) which means that if you simply disregard proffesions the way some people do on alts you can probably shave about 4 hours off that time.

And let me tell you I'm having a blast. Already started looking at AH to pimp it when he gest to 80 actually XD. I started it out as just an experiment, and now I'm completely addicted to it. In fact I only log on to mains for raid and cooking dailies now, and I'm really hoping I can get him to 80 before Ulduar hits, which is when I expect my palatank will take most of my game time again.
#14 Mar 06 2009 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
Shaman are fun to play in IMO
I have level as element shaman I have found it's easy to do. I know enchant shaman is suppose be fastest tree to level but I love using shocks so I stay with element and have not seen much different in leveling between element & enchant. I actual think I do better against elite mob then enchant shaman but they probably do better against trash mobs.(just IMO).
But what I like made not be what you like I say give it a try.
#15 Mar 09 2009 at 6:49 AM Rating: Decent
947 posts
I score such high DPS, that in BGs people hunt me down.

That isnt why.

But luckily the DPS is high enough that I can avoid getting a finger layed on me.

If you're a 39 or 49 twink I agree; in BGs you ought to be getting layed down like fresh asphalt unless your battlegroup is packed with tards.
#16 Mar 12 2009 at 4:40 PM Rating: Good
I started out as a Hunter, when I lvl capped that toon I started a Shammy, while I was lvling this toon I was a hybrid elemental/enhance, and it took me no time to lvl to the lvl cap of 70 (pre Wrath). So yes shaman are fun to play you will learn the class along the way snd will be a big help in groups and raids
#17 Mar 12 2009 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
1,094 posts
Thread title wrote:
Are Shamans fun to play?

In between crying, QQ'ing, stuggling, more crying, getting nerfed, getting owned at everything by everyone (besides other Shaman's), relying on destroyable objects for almost all of your utility, dying (Alot), and more crying, are Shamans fun to play? .....sometimes.

#18 Mar 17 2009 at 11:00 AM Rating: Excellent
182 posts
Took me a while (something like a good 5+ months) to finally get into the groove of leveling my Shaman again. It was just slow from 1-20 (as compared to a Warlock), but after Water Shield, I feel terribly overpowered, and grinding BECOMES FUN. Yes I just said that.

If you're not having fun, just go back to something else, but I'd say tough it out till at least 20. The further you go, the more fun it should theoretically be.
#19 Mar 22 2009 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
Shamans are really fun to play. I think the weirdest thing about them though is that their voice sounds weird - after work is complete he sounds really lame and feeble but other times he sounds mean - it's weird.
#20 Mar 22 2009 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
Well I personally have a level 80 hunter and I understand why you didn't feel like taking him past 70 but I still had fun. As far as the Shammy goes, I recently made one and although I'm still a low level I am having fun with him and I also went enhancement. I was weary of trying one at first but I'm glad I did so go for it, roll a shammy.
#21 Mar 22 2009 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
I would say yes.
I just started playing WoW in December and started 3 characters right away. Human warrior, Night Elf rogue, and Troll shaman. As of today my rogue is level 8, warrior 22, and shaman 43, so you can see which one I've been concentrating on. I just like the combination of melee and spell casting shamans have. They're not great in either one, but if you combine them right, you have a pretty deadly character.
I'd say give it a shot.
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