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What's a good enchant for gloves (resto)Follow

#1 Jan 28 2009 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking at thotbot and I can't seem to find any new LK glove enchants for spellpower. Or I am not seeing it (I don't care for their format). Only an old BC one (though the mats are different and require infinite dust). 4 infinite dust 1 lesser cosmic essence for 28 sp. You'd think there would be a new and improved version. Only other thing maybe is the one for 16 crit strike rating. Seems kind of weak- and I"m not a big crit guy (I"m not a pally dammit :)).

edit: speaking of pallies, I bit the bullet and respecc'd. Sigh. I'm thinking of doing serious raiding, and frankly, my numbers in Naxx sucked ***. The druids blew me out of the water. Chain heal was not cutting it for healing numbers (did a decent job of keeping people alive I suppose). I can't compete with druids hot's. The hot's are so strong their health never goes down in order to use chain heal. I'm so used to be called a good healer and getting invites. But the guild I pugged with didn't seem too interested in me. I was #3 in healing :(. I guess I'll have to go with LHW spam. sigh. Dammit captain I'm a shaman, not a pally (ST reference there :)). I don't know any other way to get my healing numbers up.

Edited, Jan 28th 2009 7:42pm by thrashering
#2 Jan 28 2009 at 9:50 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
thrashering wrote:
edit: speaking of pallies, I bit the bullet and respecc'd. Sigh. I'm thinking of doing serious raiding, and frankly, my numbers in Naxx sucked ***. The druids blew me out of the water. Chain heal was not cutting it for healing numbers (did a decent job of keeping people alive I suppose). I can't compete with druids hot's. The hot's are so strong their health never goes down in order to use chain heal. I'm so used to be called a good healer and getting invites. But the guild I pugged with didn't seem too interested in me. I was #3 in healing :(. I guess I'll have to go with LHW spam. sigh. Dammit captain I'm a shaman, not a pally (ST reference there :)). I don't know any other way to get my healing numbers up.

If a WG Druid or CoH Priest is in your raid then your healing numbers are going to take a dive. Unfortunately, there's really nothing you can do about it unless said Priests or Druids just suck and leave a lot of slack for you to pick up. Best you can do is just understand why it's happening, try not to feel bad about it, and pour in all the contribution you can on the areas where they'll definitely need your A game no matter what's going on (like Patchwerk). There's nothing else you can really do to "force" your healing numbers up. If the other healers aren't leaving anything for you to heal then all you're going to accomplish by increasing your output is to ramp up your overhealing.
#3 Jan 29 2009 at 2:42 AM Rating: Default
43 posts
Seriously get grid+clique or a simular addon!
Adjust them to your liking and watch your healers go up on overhealing.

I have outhealed healers that outgear me by atleast 200 sp and everything else up to par because my reaction time beats theirs.

Get macro's for every action u want to simplify. (NS+HW, NS+CH, earthshield focus or lasttarget)

my clique setup is:
Shift leftclick-Riptide
Shift rightclick-HW
alt leftclick-cleanse
alt rightclick-NS+HW (instant)
F-redo earthshield on last target
shift F-mana tide
shift spacebar-mana potion
mousebutton4- tidal force(dunno if thats the correct name i mean the +crit CD)
alt F- heroism
and u get the drift everything within hands reach to reach the fastest possible reaction time!!!

If u react faster then your other healers your effictive healing will go up and im not talking about a few %.

Allot of my healers are overhealing allot because im that 0.2 sec faster then them.

(pre-casting and sometimes cancelling them)

What also is really important is managing your mana and possible have some extra mana boost items with you for fights like patch+kel thuzzad.

Focus a set on burst healing and a set on mp5.
>> Watch your mana @ fights and @ what % of mana the battle ends.<<

If im 30% and up (without haveing to use a pot or MT totem)ill have more spellpower the next time i do that fight. (I always want extra mana incase something screwes up)

So try using old/new items and focus them heavily on +spellpower (intellect is good 2 but i think spellpower is just a bit better so i mix in some intellect) and one on heavy mp5.

i started running with 250 mp5 (unbuffed) but now i feel its way to much for most fights and will leave me at 100% if i use mana tide on the end.
I must also say my tanks are almost fully 25 man geared and are great tanks who just started their own guild after being in one of our servers top guilds.

If only started healing a few weeks back but im almost always top2 healing and only have like 11% overhealing average and always top dispelling (if its poison, disease or curse).

Just started 25 man naxx healing myself and i noticed doing that little bit of extra work gets u to the top easily. (unless u have really pro healers but most arrent that pro that they gear for specific encounters)

i also dont think its necassary but if you want to be really good at your job then do it. (i mean if you are downing bosses u are doing what you are ment to do)

I like doing that little bit extra like on grobulus i position myself fast and dispell myself so i get back faster.

Hope this wall-o-text helps ^^ reaction time+good gearing+knowing the fights and precasting+(stopcasting sometimes) = WIN!!!
#4 Jan 29 2009 at 2:47 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
this is my armory btw if that helps.

Also very important!!!!
>>>U should never ever LHW spamm<<<

Always riptide-->LHW or HW-->LHW or HW-->CH --> LHW or HW-->LHW or HW--> and repeat (u can also mix in more riptides a hot is always nice on a tank)

keep earthshield up at all times.

Choose between LHW or HW depending on how much u have to heal and how spiky the dmg is.

If more ppl are getting damage mix in more CH's

this rotation also gets more HPS riptide-->LHW or HW-->LHW or HW-->CH and repeat

LWH spamm shouldnt even be used on tank healing because u want Tidal Waves up @ all time.

i can still use some work myself but im getting their now and wipes are slowly becomming a rare event xD

Edited, Jan 29th 2009 7:44am by Raqiel

Edited, Jan 29th 2009 7:48am by Raqiel
#5 Jan 29 2009 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Raqiel wrote:
I have outhealed healers that outgear me by atleast 200 sp and everything else up to par because my reaction time beats theirs.

and u get the drift everything within hands reach to reach the fastest possible reaction time!!!

If u react faster then your other healers your effictive healing will go up and im not talking about a few %.

Allot of my healers are overhealing allot because im that 0.2 sec faster then them.

reaction time+good gearing+knowing the fights and precasting+(stopcasting sometimes) = WIN!!!

It doesn't matter how good your reaction time is. You'd have to be precogniscient to out-heal a CoH Priest or WG Druid that's sufficiently on their game. Even if you react a full second before they do, you still have to wait ~2.5 seconds to wind up a Chain Heal while they just hit a button and CoH/WG comes out instantly.

The only time I can outheal CoH Priests and WG Druids is when there is enough constant raid-wide damage that I can spam Chain Heal to my heart's content. But spot-raid-healing on trash and bosses with periodic AoE's... there's just no way. On overall runs with CoH Priests/WG Druids I usually place behind them whereas on runs without them I am almost always the top healer by a healthy 5-10%.
#6 Jan 29 2009 at 11:21 AM Rating: Excellent
2,069 posts
I don't think it really matters who does the most healing as long as you're not wiping...ish

Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#7 Jan 29 2009 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
true. only reason it matters is getting into a good raiding guild. But you'd think a good guild wouldn't put that much stock in healing numbers.

My numbers weren't bad in 10 man VOA and obsidian. In fact, I was #1 (only ran with 2 healers- the other a priest). But he was mostly mt healing, so it's not too surprising I was #1.

You guys mentioned one thing above that I think is the cause. Mostly what I've seen in Naxx so far (haven't found a guild or pug that can full clear it yet lol) is pretty light party damage. Yes there is aoe damage, but it comes in waves. Then there's a break where there is no aoe damage. I don't remember BC raids being like that. I remember hyjal where everyone seemed to take damage consistantly. I could spam chain heal like there's no tomorrow. But naxx seems to send out a wave of aoe, and by the time you get everyone healed up to full, another one comes. Kinda like ZA where that guy does the shadow bolt volley (but that was much tougher than the naxx aoe damage lol)

Speaking of, I know some people don't like spamming chain heal, but I do :). I like the spell, and I feel it's what makes a shaman different from other healers. And yes I do realize I need to keep tidal waves up. Forgot to mention that. But I just don't like the idea of using lesser healing wave. But I guess I'll grow into it. I have to accept change.

edit: for the glove enchant I just went with the 28 sp one. There doesn't seem to be any 400+ (enchanting) spellpower enchants for gloves out there- or is there? I'm using the gloves from 25 man VOA. They are elemental- but have decent mp5 and good spellpower (hit is useless lol). but i dinged exalted with wrymrest today too- I got those gloves, but don't think I'll use it. It has more mp5, but mana hasn't been an issue. I mainly want to get my sp up.

Edited, Jan 29th 2009 7:31pm by thrashering
#8 Feb 05 2009 at 11:46 PM Rating: Good
3,896 posts
Raqiel wrote:

I have outhealed healers that outgear me by atleast 200 sp and everything else up to par because my reaction time beats theirs.

A lot of you need to take a step back and evaluate stuff. The above is typical of the sickness. Two people going to cure the same person and all the poster cares about is being faster so they get the credit for the restored health so their "numbers" are better.

The goal of the healers in a raid should be to cooperate so that the healing goes smoothly and no-one dies and make sure there is adequate provision for emergencies, not scramble to outdo each other.

Seriously people, get a grip.

#9 Feb 06 2009 at 8:42 AM Rating: Default
I hit 80 just 2 days ago and PUGed a OS run as Resto, had about 1700 SP and must of been with a realy slow resto druid cos the hots didnt seem to be doing much to the MT. I never found my self strapped for mana even when spamming CL cos DPS were too close to the fire orb things.

Then I Healed my 1st heroic(pinnacle) and found i was going OOM very fast, even thouhg the tank didnt need much more topping off after my ES procs(Although there was a rogue who I swear was Emo, cos he must of been cutting him self with his own blades the amount of damage he was taking), but anyway, it does show taht even thoguh the HoTs didnt seem to be doing much they clearly played a big part in keeping the tank up if I only had to occasionally throw a Riptide on ihm.

TBH, I care more about Overhealing meters than I do healing done meters, cos as a resto shaman I would OH a lot at 70 with CH, it can't realy be helped though.
#10 Feb 08 2009 at 5:20 AM Rating: Decent
91 posts
Why would you care for overhealing meters? It's not as if mana is an issue nowadays is it? It doesn't hurt you or the raid in anyway. If you overheal a lot, but you don't get out of mana and you still heal ppl when they need it why bother? I don't see the problem.

Like Graspee said; the meters are not as important for healers as they are for dps classes. If I see a raidmember with >60% health but with 3 hots on him i rarely toss him a heal. It's not about winning the meters. Healing is not an individual game; it's playing together. It's a teamwork kinda thing.

What's the use of you healing a person 0,3 seconds earlier then your healing friend or the other way around? The end stays the same; he's still alive; that's the most imporant. And of course, it could have been that 0,3 seconds that saved his life but that wasn't really your point in healing him quick was it?

I could elaborate about my love for teamwork all day/night but I think you're playing the wrong class if you want to 'win' the meters. What's the problem if you weren't on top of the mters but the whole raid stayed alive? Some fights youre class is more able to heal (Patchwork), other fights it's CoH priests (esp pre-patch) Malygos, et cetera et cetera. Reroll if you want to top the meters. Go pew pew or something.

The only time i use 'meters' is tp analy my output. How much healing do my spells give, what did I use the most on the fight; was that smart or could there be a better a better spell / priority-list to use.

*edited for clarity

Edited, Feb 8th 2009 2:26pm by gnetter
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