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Hit and expertise for RetFollow

#1 Jan 28 2009 at 6:57 AM Rating: Good
370 posts
I'm at the late 10 man-early 25 man stage of gearing up, and I've been wondering about hit and expertise from the ret DPS perspective.

First, the hit cap. The interwebs seem to think this is 8% for melee dps. Does this seem to be true for everyone? I'm there, but the statistics sorting site my guild uses is claiming i'm missing 6% of the time still. Possibly i'm confused about the way the site sorts stats, and this is including parry/dodge too, but that aside: are we convinced the ret hit cap is +8%?

And is this true for every ret ability, or do pure spells (judgments, exorcism) go off a spell hit, which I've heard is 14% for casters?

Next, expertise. Is it worth getting expertise capped after you are hit capped? I've heard it said that exp. is very low priority for melee, but even when attacking from behind the mob has a 5% dodge chance, right? it seems like then getting to -5% from exp is every bit as good as hit.

For both: If you are below the respective caps, is it better to reach the cap than gem for more STR?
#2 Jan 28 2009 at 7:28 AM Rating: Decent
Until it is fixed its the general consensus that the old talented hit increasing talent from prot is active on all paladins now. Whether it is a bug or not is unclear. There is a ton of stuff on this at elitist jerks if you want some verification. Your melee hit cap should be 6 percent or so until this is changed. You will still miss an occasional judgement with this low of a hit rating but it allows you to stack more crit and expertise.

And perhaps hold on to some armor penetration stuff as well. While currently its a gimped stat there have been some posts from ghostcrawler talking about how they would like to buff it. And even though its not as useful for ret as fury if they buff it enough it may become more valuable.
#3 Jan 28 2009 at 8:05 AM Rating: Good
370 posts
I'm pretty sure the residual precision thing was hotfixed out a few weeks ago.
#4 Jan 28 2009 at 8:39 AM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
It was. 8% is melee hit cap, but it doesn't cover your judgements, so that is probably where those misses are coming from. You will want to be expertise capped also, it's a great dps boost.
#5 Jan 28 2009 at 8:53 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
Judgements are melee attacks that are flagged as immune to parry, block, and dodge. They have the same 8% hit cap as your other attacks. There's no reason to go above 8% hit. Exorcism and Holy Wrath are the only spells you have, and they're never important parts of your DPS.

But there's no reason to go for 8% hit either. Additional strength or AP is always worth more DPS than hit or expertise for a Ret pally, and crit is almost always better.

The fact that I'm hit-capped and expertise soft-capped without enchanting or gemming for either is just a plus.. You can't get away from those stats.
#6 Jan 28 2009 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
This issue has been bothering me and the other ret paly in our guild forever now. We are in a guild that is clearing 25 man Naxx in one night now. From what I understand there used to be a ghost cap at 5% for special abilities and 8% for autoswing. Now the new patch fixed that and everything is 8% as long as you have a dranei in the raid. Though the highest geared person in our relm is a ret paly that has only 170ish hit rating and 19 expertise and still puts out L337 dps. You can see my armory in the sig to find my hit rating and expertise which i believe is 7.9% hit and 16 expertise. Depending on the fight I can put out somewhere between 3.5K dps to 5.5k dps which makes me think that hit and expertise is very important while the #1 ret paly makes me think that expertise is more important and hit is whatever as long as you put out as much damage as possible when you actually do hit.
#7 Jan 28 2009 at 9:48 AM Rating: Good
370 posts
I think the hit cap is 8%, AND having a dranei around gives you +1% hit. Meaning if you've a dranei in your party you only need +7% hit from gear.

Having done a bit of reading, it looks like elitist jerks and other places place hit and expertise above crit. but thats a hard call.

Everyone seems to agree that +16 str gems are better than anything else, +8str/+8sta for blue slots you need a blue gem in for meta activation or a socket bonus you don't want to lose, and +8 str/+8 crit for yellow slots.

I'd imagine the +AP glove/bracer chants are better than the +expertise, but i;m not sure. AP is a lot lower on most sites totem poles that str, but it'd be 94 ap -->30 expertise swap on those enchants. Thats a lot of AP to give up.

BTW, this is my current armory:

I intend to swap up my gems that arent + str for +str gems as soon as i can afford it. And I don't need the socket bonus in my shoulders so that will go to +16 str. before you yell at me, I have purple gems with MP5 because they were cheap, and i don't need any more sta, not cause i think mp5 is awesome.

I also know I have much too much hit, that happened recently when i added the wrists and shoulders. The best things i can do now would be to get legs and helm to T7 or 7.5, and to drop the titansteel destroyer for one of the +str +expertise naxx 25 weapons. alas, i've not yet had a chance to run naxx 25, hopefully soon.

Is there any jewelry that has expertise i should be on the lookout for?
#8 Jan 28 2009 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
If by jewelry you mean rings then yes. The best two rings for ret palys imo is the Circle of Death that drops of sapph 10 and Ruthlessness that drops off of three bosses in 25 Naxx. Those are the only two strength dps rings in the game currently and both have expertise.
#9 Jan 28 2009 at 10:38 AM Rating: Good
308 posts
Ret pallies get so much str from 5/5 divine strength that it becomes our #1 stat to stack to increase DPS. shows that 1 point of strength is worth more than twice what 1 point of hit does for our DPS. Crit is slightly less than hit.

If a raid leader comments on your miss %, just point to the DPS meter. :D

The ghost +hit was removed in the patch last Tuesday, I believe.

[i][sm]Edited, Jan 28th 2009 1:43pm by ********************
#10 Jan 28 2009 at 11:42 AM Rating: Good
370 posts
So from responses here and what i've tracked down elsewhere:

never ever gem for hit/expertise. 16 str >> 16 hit/14 expertise

Gear up for hit and expertise as they come with a large preference for these over haste and arm pen until they are capped (8% for hit, 6.5% for expertise). Crit is about as good.

Gear hit and expertise about equally; no need to cap one or the other first since +1% is +1%.

For me personally, i'ma shed non str gems for str gems, and some hit for expertise if i can.
#11 Jan 28 2009 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
Pretty much yes. A side note though crit should be high on your list too. You want to keep at least 25% chance as we are very crit reliant on dps. Also Armor Pen is pretty negligible as it only scales with your white attacks and crits. Haste is much more useful, as it scales with everything with a GCD (everything).
#12 Jan 28 2009 at 12:10 PM Rating: Excellent
let me put it into some perspective. using some very basic math.

with divine strenth (+15%), Kings buff (+10%), and sheath of light(30% AP > SP). Ret pallies use about 155% the value of 1 str.

Now, taking into account that consicrate on single target accounts from 10-15% of your DPS in a boss fight, and doesnt use hit.
im going to say that we use about 85-90% the value of 1 Hit.

Now to go even farther, for most melee DPS 1% hit and 1% expertise will net roughly the same increase in dps, however for ret,
our Judgments account for ~25% our DPS in a boss fight, AND does NOT use Expertise. so 15% DPS from Consicrate + 25% DPS from Judments . . .

we utilize only 60% of expertise's value.

to summerize,

we get an extra free 55% more from STR
we waste 15% of every point of Hit.
we waste 40% of every piont of expertise.

Hit is only an "OK" stat now,
Expertise is straight trash.

Str is better, point for point, then any other stat available to use by aleast 2 times. and in many cases, 3 times more effective then any other DPS stat.
#13 Jan 28 2009 at 12:13 PM Rating: Good
KaboomIRRet wrote:
Haste is much more useful, as it scales with everything with a GCD (everything).

this is wrong, Haste does not change GCDs for melee, it only changes our auto attacks, PERIOD. and untill our auto attacks + Seal of Blood damage account for more then 50% of our DPS at least, Haste will be trash.

Haste is for Duel wield only.

Edit: However, Blizz has stated that haste has too little value for melee at this point and are looking to make some changes to the stat to make it more desirable. but ive not read any change like that happening for 3.1 so dont expect it for awhile.

Edited, Jan 28th 2009 12:15pm by RuenBahamut

KaboomIRRet wrote:
You want to keep at least 25% chance as we are very crit reliant on dps)

this is BC info, 25% is what you wanted to keep up vengence on a DPS build that only had auto attacks.
now that our judgments get an insane bonus to crit, SoB procs off EVERY melee attack and has it own chance to crit, along with another instant attack. 25% is hardly needed to keep vengence up.

as to the true affectiveness of crit, try the loatheb fight in nax where your crit capped (75%) and tell me how much your DPS goes up. i'll tell you this, . . . . it doesnt. 3k dps to only about 3.5k dps. +50% to crit only gave me another 500 DPS . . .

Edited, Jan 28th 2009 12:27pm by RuenBahamut
#14 Jan 28 2009 at 12:20 PM Rating: Good
let me simplify this even farther

Tier 1 stats

Tier 2 stats
-Crit rating

Tier 3 stats

-armor pen
-Hell, everything else.

Edited, Jan 28th 2009 12:20pm by RuenBahamut
#15 Jan 28 2009 at 12:26 PM Rating: Default
Blizz wouldn't put a wasted stat on Tier Gear otherwise people would QQ all day long. Also Hit and Expertise cannot be calculated linearly as they only affect you until your capped. So the the curve for them is steep and then flatlines after capping. I still am not sure as how to calculate how much hit and expertise you really need because its still an ongoing debate obviously.

Edited, Jan 28th 2009 3:28pm by KaboomIRRet
#16 Jan 28 2009 at 12:30 PM Rating: Good
They did put a wasted stat on Tier gear, and people do QQ all day.

I am Right, if you dont believe me there are plenty of site completely dedicated to showing your what your going to get out of every stat to reinforce what ive already said.

Edit: the numbers i used above are not invented in any way, i took my own charactor stats and figured the %'s myself.

Edited, Jan 28th 2009 12:33pm by RuenBahamut
#17 Jan 28 2009 at 12:44 PM Rating: Default
Look I'm not trying to argue that you don't know your stuff. I looked at your gear and talents. I'm wondering if you calculated this before or after the ghost hit cap was removed, patch 3.0.8 i believe or 3.0.8a. Anyway I also am wondering how you can argue that removing the chance the boss has to dodge your attack with expertise is wasted. But like I said I'm only experimenting with my gear as we seem to be around the same gear level, I may be slightly more just cause of better luck with drops and such. The other ret in my guild and I have been toiling with the notion that missing or being dodged doesn't matter as long as you smash as much damage as you can in every hit that does connect. Yes I've done the loatheb fight many a time and see that my dps hasn't changed that much. I have also noticed when have a base crit% of around 27 is severally less dps than when I have a base crit of around 31%. Not trying to disrespect you at all and you may be completely right, I'm just trying to figure it out for myself I guess.

I'm assuming yoru current talent tree is for pvp
Your stam is also pretty low especially for fights such as Loatheb or Sapphiron hopefully you can get more stam to get rid of those strenght/stam gems

Edited, Jan 28th 2009 3:46pm by KaboomIRRet

Edited, Jan 28th 2009 3:55pm by KaboomIRRet
#18 Jan 28 2009 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
ok, to help you figure out, ill try to some facts, some ive said but from other angles.

one, i dont have ghoat hit because i never actually talented into precision . . .ever. back whan i was a noob, i didnt see the use for it and by the time i figured it out, i was already hit capped anyway.

second the experise, the reason why it is such a wasted stat is because our most damage ability we have, cant be parried blocked or dodged. so damaging is said attack that it accounts for 25% of our total DPS on single target. and to go farther, any good ret will be keeping up consicrate as often as possible, another power that cant be parried blocked or dodged.

so if 40% of your single target damage cant be blocked parried or dodged, why would you value a stat that would reduce an already 0% chance.

so again, 40% of your dps does not care what your expertise is, that means 40% of the stat is wasted. and that 40% can be very much higher really if your fighting undead, as exorcism and holy wrath also cant be blocked parried or dodged. higher still if your fighting trash and consicrate is hitting multiple targets. but i didnt go into that as im trying to keep the numbers as real as possible.

if for some reason you still question, then maybe someone else can explain it better then i can.

Edited, Jan 28th 2009 12:57pm by RuenBahamut
#19 Jan 28 2009 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
I see your point about expertise, makes perfect sense. Though I still say that hit rating needs a little more priority since all abilities are affected by it except consecrate, which you are not capped. Also just out of curiosity do you have an explanation of consecrate ticks being absorbed since you know so much about this class.
#20 Jan 28 2009 at 1:19 PM Rating: Good
370 posts
Thanks for the input TRBD. I think you're underrating expertise, though. Check the math used at elitist jerks; they place expertise above crit, below hit. Its certainly not a trash stat. Looking at my naxx stats, most of my attacks are missing 5% of the time, nearly all dodge. thats nothing to sneeze at, and certainly ex capping would be much better than stacking haste or arm pen.

I absolutely see that STR is better than anything else, and hit and crit come next. But I think expertise has to be rated at least equal to agi, if not better.

I do get you analysis of why hit is better than expertise though, i didn't think about how it was affecting judgements (ie, that judgments are a big part of damage and already can't be dodged or parried). So it is better to hit cap before ex cap, but i still think ER is something to go for after you're hit capped.
#21 Jan 28 2009 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
Any help to dps is a help so yes, expertise while not a priority stat so so blatantly stated by TRBD, still helps and is def not trash. Hit is def more important though.
#22 Jan 28 2009 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
what Ehcks and Ruen have posted are spot on.

the argument for the importance of Expertise is moot. you WILL NOT gem or enchant for it. expertise should not be sought after, it will just happen on your gear as you upgrade. it will usually take only 1 piece of gear with an expertise stat to become soft capped.

if you are concerned with squeezing every point of damage out of your gear, run a spreadsheet with the pieces in question...but be sure to included the actual scenerio.
#23 Jan 28 2009 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
KaboomIRRet wrote:
I see your point about expertise, makes perfect sense. Though I still say that hit rating needs a little more priority since all abilities are affected by it except consecrate, which you are not capped. Also just out of curiosity do you have an explanation of consecrate ticks being absorbed since you know so much about this class.

from what i understand from consicrate is there are two components to it, when you cast it actually triggers 2 effects,

1 is the dot that you see that does the damage, it will hit no matter what unless some immunity or absorb bubble soaks its damage.

2 is the shock wave, which for some reason is affected by Hit rating. it doesnt do any damage, its just something that flags that a power has been used while you wait for the first tic of damage. ive read that its this component that can knock rogues out of steath, or causes the initial animation of being hit when someone drops it on you.

if you saw absorb, there is a good chance someone had a bubble of some kind, and it absorbed a tic of damage or the shockwave. also, if you see a resist to your consicrate, rest assured they didnt resist any damage, just the shock wave that doesnt do any damage anyway.

im also not 100% certain how accurate this info is, so if anyone wants to back this up or correct, feel free.

Edited, Jan 28th 2009 3:59pm by RuenBahamut
#24 Jan 28 2009 at 5:15 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
KaboomIRRet wrote:
Blizz wouldn't put a wasted stat on Tier Gear


So young, so naieve
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#25 Jan 28 2009 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
713 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
KaboomIRRet wrote:
Blizz wouldn't put a wasted stat on Tier Gear


So young, so naieve

I remember hearing somewhere they admitted to this too. They said that T7 wasnt going to be the best itemized gear for Ret.

Tier 7 itemization for Ret gear does indeed suck (except for the shoulders). I only have it for the 2 set bonus. There are lots of pieces better itemized like the epic boots from Ebon rep or the titansteel dps gear. Then again it could be worse. At least they didn't put ArP on it....

And where's our Seal of Blood/Martyr Libram already?
#26 Jan 29 2009 at 8:55 AM Rating: Good
648 posts
arthoriuss wrote:
bodhisattva wrote:
KaboomIRRet wrote:
Blizz wouldn't put a wasted stat on Tier Gear


So young, so naieve

I remember hearing somewhere they admitted to this too. They said that T7 wasnt going to be the best itemized gear for Ret.

Tier 7 itemization for Ret gear does indeed suck (except for the shoulders). I only have it for the 2 set bonus. There are lots of pieces better itemized like the epic boots from Ebon rep or the titansteel dps gear. Then again it could be worse. At least they didn't put ArP on it....

And where's our Seal of Blood/Martyr Libram already?

yeah, blizz stated that they intentionally put "trash" stats on all of the tier 7 gear (not just rets). This was supposedly for 2 reasons. first, it's supposed to make gearing up take thought and show the difference between a good player (takes gear w/ less of the trash stats) and a, um, casual player (takes an epic cause it's epic and tier piece cause it's tier....). Secondly, this allows them to make higher lvl tier sets better by giving them better stats, not just more of the same stats. Is this just a clever excuse for poorly designed gear? probably. are those 2 things true about current gear? absolutely for the first and hopefully for the second (haven't seen tier 8 gear yet of course to know if it's really better stats lol).

On the Str-hit-crit-exp issue, ruen is pretty close to the mark on this. Strength is rediculously so much better than any other stat that that is the ONE stat that you should be gear for. yes there may be a peice of gear as you're gearing up that has soo much AP and hit and crit and expertise that maybe it's better... for instance 150 AP is obviously gonna be better than 50 str... hence the reason if you check my armory, you'll see i do have some peices of gear that have AP/agi/crit instead of straight Str/crit. is it what i'd prefer? no. is the polearm i have from Maexxna better than the axe i had from H-HoL? yes.. although that's for a different reason... i'm fully in love w/ the speed of the wraith spear. even though we don't use SoC anymore, my divine storms and crusader stikes are still considerably bigger w/ a slower weapon. but that's off topic.

while i think ruen, may be, um, overstating the uselessness of exp by adding it as a trash stat, i think he's very close to putting the same value on stats that i would. Strength is amazing (AP slightly behind it because it doesn't benefit from kings/divine Str). Hit up to 8% will be a noticeable improvement, but not near as much as str. expertise will be an improvement up to 6.5%, but not as much as hit. crit is an improvement to dps, and prolly better than exp imo (eh, i love those big numbers...). 1 str is roughly equal to about 2.25 AP. 1 str is roughtly (i really need to get to doing my maths again for more accurate number)equal to about 3 hit or crit w/ hit being just barely preferred till hit cap because a missed white hit = no seal damage which. hit vs crit would be equal as far as the dice roll goes on any hit except for the impact a missed hit has on the seal damage. exp is going to be somewhat lower than hit/crit due to how much of our dps comes from judements these days and the fact that judgements only hit, crit or miss on the attack table. but it's still worth having on your gear. as was said ealier though for the glove/wrist enchants the AP enchants are going to be worth about 4-5 times as much dps as the expertise ones for a ret pally.

so, str is the deciding factor in gear. if str is equal between peices, then if you're not hit capped hit is slightly better than anything else, but not by much, crit is close, and expertise is only going to be the better choice if it's considerably more than the hit or crit on the other peice. all other stats are trash and shouldn't be taken into account unless they are absolutely rediculously more of them. this includes haste, ArP, SP, agi (i've seen some peices w/ rediculous agi+crit and in that case the agi might be worth it), stam, int, etc. to whoever mentioned that blizz was planning on buffing ArP, i don't see it ever being buffed enough to be good for ret. if it was good for a class that has so many holy attacks that don't benefit from it, it would be too OP a stat for classes that don't have spell damage, such as warriors and rogues.

just a note, very little of what i say here is based on hard math. hard math may modify my numbers a little bit one way or the other, but i have been too busy working and when i'm not working enjoying the game to be worried about numbers. also to note, my ret gear sucks. I've had horrible luck w/ main set rolls in raids. so far in about 2 months of wotlk raiding on camila i have 2 main set drops out of 10 man naxx... the rest came from farming heroics. this is compared to my healing set being mostly raid dropped gear and my other pally (holy) who's been raiding for about 3 weeks now having almost half his gear from raids... so you can judge my words based on my gear if you'd like. it will just reinforce how much i hate the deathknights that's taking my stuff lol.

and yes, i'm waiting for a good SoB/tM libram.... pretty freaking retarded that blizz stated they were leaving SoB/tM damage less nerfed than the rest of our seals/judgements because they wanted that to be the seal we use for pve... and then they only give a SoC libram for ret pallies from PVE sources... at least we have a CS libram available from heroic noth (although i haven't seen it drop yet of course).

sorry this post is so lengthy. anyone who knows me, knows to expect that though ;)
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