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dps comparism between ele and enhance after patch....Follow

#1 Jan 27 2009 at 4:17 AM Rating: Decent
Hi Everyone :

after the patch update I level my shaman all the way to 72 as ele most of my gear are +haste and +spell one becoz I'm resto spec previously, but tell the truth

I really got no idea how good ele shaman can dps when reach level 80 compare with enhance shaman, also how much ele shaman can benefit the raid group?, these two

question I hope someone who are expert with shaman can answer my question or give me some suggestion about it, thx all :D
#2 Jan 27 2009 at 5:16 AM Rating: Decent
I can't really comment on actual DPS output because i simply don't know what a ele can produce.

I do know that my guild keep asking me to respec to ele cos they benefit from +crit buffs there also seems to be too many enhance shamans around, ive been thinking of levelling another shaman so i can spec ele but Mulgore bores the hell outa me :}

#3 Jan 27 2009 at 5:32 AM Rating: Good
2,069 posts
I would guess that with even level gear, enhance and elemental would do pretty close to the same dps.

Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#4 Jan 27 2009 at 6:02 AM Rating: Good
With my resto gear (minus the totem relic that I change to the emblem elem one), specced as elemental, I usually put out 1800-2500 dps. Now, I don't consider that too bad with not having elemental gear.

I'm unsure as enhance though since I haven't had the chance to save up gear for that spec.

But as elemental (which could possibly be why a lot of guilds would rather you be elemental than enhance), you have your totem of wrath (helping casters a lot), along with Elemental Oath, which you critical strike increases your party or raid's spell critical strike chance by 3% (5% if talent is filled).

Not sure if there's more of a reason, but those two things can add up eventually.
#5 Jan 27 2009 at 8:13 AM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
He's asking how Elemental's DPS compares with Enhancement's since the patch. The other merits of the spec aren't really important since A.) they can be provided by others (not just other Shaman) and B.) they don't really matter if Elemental is still putting out abysmal DPS relative to other classes/specs.

Before the patch the gap between Enhancement and Elemental was huge. Melee specs tend to scale really well anyways and Elemental was one of if not the worst scaling DPS specs of any class. You might consider checking Elitest Jerks to see if anyone's laid down any hard numbers since the patch, but until we hear otherwise it's still pretty safe to assume that Enhancement's DPS is better and will continue to be better than Elemental's.

Edited, Jan 27th 2009 11:18am by Gaudion
#6 Jan 27 2009 at 9:28 AM Rating: Good
Yeah the dps I posted was post-patch. That's why I said I'm not sure how Enhance is though, as I haven't had the chance to compare since I don't have any enhancement gear.

Plus the OP had asked "how much ele shaman can benefit the raid group," which is why I spoke of the two elemental specific talents.

But you're right, elitist Jerks would most likely have hard numbers of the comparison.
#7 Jan 27 2009 at 12:47 PM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
xNocturnalSunx wrote:
Plus the OP had asked "how much ele shaman can benefit the raid group," which is why I spoke of the two elemental specific talents.

Ah, yeah. You're right.

The point I was trying to get across though was that everyone here is, for reasons beyond me, suddenly assuming Elemental and Enhancement to be roughly equal. And my question is... why? The difference between Elemental and Enhancement was night and day before the patch and while, yes, Elemental did get buffed, no one's yet presented any information to back up the assertion that Elemental and Enhancement are now magically equal and the universe is once again in harmony.

I just don't think it's prudent to assume things are all rosy and use that assumption as fact when all established evidence thus far points exactly to the contrary.
#8 Jan 27 2009 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
I have been ele the past few days trying it out in my resto gear. I have 4/5 valorous with the helm of pilgrimage, shield and mace from heroic KT, and rest from heroic naxx. In heroics I'm pulling 2400-2800 DPS easy. My enh set is 4/5 heroes with valorous helm, pride/greed weps (enchanted), and heroic/naxx 10 offset, hit capped. In heroics I pull 2000-2200 DPS. On lvl 80 dummies I can top out at 3200 as ele and 2800 as enh blowing CDs.

With those numbers it's pretty safe to say that the DPS is about the same considering the gear difference. In a 25 raid setting ele will boost caster SP and crit and enh will boost melee AP. So both specs will help out the raid as a whole.
#9 Jan 27 2009 at 5:51 PM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
DarkHybridX wrote:
I have been ele the past few days trying it out in my resto gear. I have 4/5 valorous with the helm of pilgrimage, shield and mace from heroic KT, and rest from heroic naxx. In heroics I'm pulling 2400-2800 DPS easy. My enh set is 4/5 heroes with valorous helm, pride/greed weps (enchanted), and heroic/naxx 10 offset, hit capped. In heroics I pull 2000-2200 DPS. On lvl 80 dummies I can top out at 3200 as ele and 2800 as enh blowing CDs.

I must respectfully disagree. There's a difference in gear there, and I would have to assert there is a large gap of skill between your aptitude with one spec and another that we must process subjectively. Objectively speaking, Enhancement was ahead at higher gear and raid levels, surpassing the high 3000's where Elementals topped out, and the only thing that's changed recently is that Elemental got a few buffs. Your Enhancement DPS seems much lower than it should be.
#10 Jan 27 2009 at 9:54 PM Rating: Good
I must respectfully disagree. There's a difference in gear there, and I would have to assert there is a large gap of skill between your aptitude with one spec and another that we must process subjectively. Objectively speaking, Enhancement was ahead at higher gear and raid levels, surpassing the high 3000's where Elementals topped out, and the only thing that's changed recently is that Elemental got a few buffs. Your Enhancement DPS seems much lower than it should be.

I know there's a difference in gear, that's why I said there was a gear difference in the second paragraph :)

After what you said about skill level I can understand that. Melee is new to me as my other toons are a mage and lock. I know that I'm usually pretty late at moving from target to target as enh so I know I should do more DPS with my gear. Here is a WWS report of a ele sham doing much better then 3k DPS. Go through the fights since Maly is on there so that will raise it a little, but he's still doing close to 4k on alot of fights. Here is the WWS from one of our naxx 25 groups from last week with a geared enh sham.

There's still not alot of theory crafting up yet, but the numbers are looking good for ele. I may gem for hit and pick up what I can tomorrow and go into 25 naxx with with phil and see how we roll together with the same buffs. I'll have to regem for hit and pick up some badge stuff tomorrow and try to get close to hit cap.
#11 Jan 28 2009 at 5:16 AM Rating: Good
Gaudion wrote:
The point I was trying to get across though was that everyone here is, for reasons beyond me, suddenly assuming Elemental and Enhancement to be roughly equal. And my question is... why? The difference between Elemental and Enhancement was night and day before the patch and while, yes, Elemental did get buffed, no one's yet presented any information to back up the assertion that Elemental and Enhancement are now magically equal and the universe is once again in harmony.

I just don't think it's prudent to assume things are all rosy and use that assumption as fact when all established evidence thus far points exactly to the contrary.

Most definitely. We had a really good enh shammy in our guild a bit prior to the expansion, and he was already putting out over 2k dps. I can only imagine what his dps would be with really good level 80 gear.

Pre-patch, my dps was horrible as elemental, now it's up there with quite a few people. Come to think of it though, we haven't had a single enhancement shaman in any raid, so it's hard to compare the two.

But you're right, Elemental shamans did get buffed up and are now not too shabby in fighting for the top of the dps chart, but it's not safe to say that they're equal to what an Enhance shaman can do... at least, not yet =P
#12 Jan 28 2009 at 11:29 AM Rating: Default
I agree with Gaudion. I have a 78 Shaman that has been played as enhancement sice created, and in blues and greens i can do that much DPS now. (Crit with Lava Burst at near 4000 when Flame Shock is active on target)
#13 Jan 28 2009 at 6:12 PM Rating: Good
514 posts
Err, this might not be very helpful, but... I happened to be in the same PuG as an Enh shaman (I'm ele).

Pre patch, his is way above me in DPS meters, post patch, I went above him by a bit. My gear hadn't changed that much since I think.

Now for Ele DPS numbers. Using same gear.
Pre patch I could do at most 2.2k dps fully buffed even with flasks and food.
Post Patch, I'm pushing 2.9k dps to 3k dps.
(not counting special encounters like patch or use of heroism)

There is quite a big jump IMO. Hope it continues to stay this way.
#14 Jan 29 2009 at 8:37 PM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
I did 5389 dps on Patchwerk this week. The rest of our raid had unusually "low" dps (most of you will say "omg that's low?" but if I had this dps the week before I'd have been 6th on the meters instead of 3rd like this week).

Here is the WWS: Patchwerk Jan 27th

You can browse the other fights too. We don't have an enhancement shaman, so I can't REALLY comment from experience, but from everything I've heard... they are still stronger than elemental by ~300-500 dps on average. It also is highly dependent on fights. Ranged do well on heigen and Sapphiron for instance.
#15 Feb 03 2009 at 10:02 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
waihwang wrote:
Err, this might not be very helpful, but... I happened to be in the same PuG as an Enh shaman (I'm ele).

Pre patch, his is way above me in DPS meters, post patch, I went above him by a bit. My gear hadn't changed that much since I think.

Now for Ele DPS numbers. Using same gear.
Pre patch I could do at most 2.2k dps fully buffed even with flasks and food.
Post Patch, I'm pushing 2.9k dps to 3k dps.
(not counting special encounters like patch or use of heroism)

There is quite a big jump IMO. Hope it continues to stay this way.

Err... Patchwerk is pretty much looked at as THE definitive DPS-meter fight. For DPS there are no gimmicks if your tanks and healers play it right. You stand there and DPS. Almost every other fight has a gimmicks (most involve movement, like Heigan; Loatheb involves insane crit; etc), so Patchwerk is used as the best boss-DPS meter because of it's filtration on extra variables. Since no one is going to be rerolling/respeccing for each individual battle, Patchwerk is the best "non-special" encounter.

Not to dilute your argument at all, just saying that if you want to give pure numbers for a class you SHOULD use Patchwerk.
#16 Feb 03 2009 at 11:58 AM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:

Not to dilute your argument at all, just saying that if you want to give pure numbers for a class you SHOULD use Patchwerk.

But that's the problem when it comes to comparing DPS. You have to look at everything as a whole. While Patch is the ideal test for maximum DPS, it's unrealistic to use just that encounter alone to compare a melee spec to a ranged spec.

Simple reason is balance. The whole goal in changing elemental was to balance it out with the other DPS specs/classes. So let's play pretend here. Let's just keep it simple and use the two specs ele and enhance.

If true balance is achieved, on Patch you would think that enhance would out dps elemental each time. Whereas on a fight that taxes melee, let's say Grob or Heigan, the elemental should out dps the enhance because there is less movement involved for them.

When trying to achieve balance in the real gaming situation you have to take into account actual encounters. If, for example, elemental was to consistently out-DPS enhance on Patch, imagine how much more they would out-DPS them on fights like Grob and Heigan where a good portion of the fight they are just standing there casting away, while the enhance is running around like a chicken with their head cut off.

Edited, Feb 3rd 2009 3:37pm by SynnTastic
#17 Feb 03 2009 at 1:39 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
SynnTastic wrote:
LockeColeMA wrote:

Not to dilute your argument at all, just saying that if you want to give pure numbers for a class you SHOULD use Patchwerk.

But that's the problem when it comes to comparing DPS. You have to look at everything as a whole. While Patch is the ideal test for maximum DPS, it's unrealistic to use just that encounter alone to compare a melee spec to a ranged spec.

I'm not sure if I agree with this, because all comparison I have ever seen discounts AoE encounters (trash pulls mostly) because AoErs will blow non-AoErs out of the water. If you took total DPS into account then ele could run much higher. I believe that when it comes to a standardized way to measure DPS, almost everyone uses Patchwerk... because as said, variations will exist so you want the potential maximum. That's what min/maxxing is all about; it doesn't look at the "average" or "fight-by-fight"; it looks at the maximum you can do.

Problem might be that we're considering different things when we think of "best DPS." I mean maximum potential; I think you mean best average DPS. Just two different ways to compare :)


If true balance is achieved, on Patch you would think that enhance would out dps elemental each time. Whereas on a fight that taxes melee, let's say Grob or Heigan, the elemental should out dps the enhance because there is less movement involved for them.
... Heigan where a good portion of the fight they are just standing there casting away, while the enhance is running around like a chicken with their head cut off.

Know what's awesome? Some guilds make their ranged run the dance and their melee stay on the platform with Heigan. How nuts is that? I've personally never tried it, but would love to do so at some point :D

Edit: My keyboard is weird and hates spelling.

Edited, Feb 3rd 2009 4:40pm by LockeColeMA
#18 Feb 05 2009 at 1:06 AM Rating: Decent
1,188 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:
Know what's awesome? Some guilds make their ranged run the dance and their melee stay on the platform with Heigan. How nuts is that? I've personally never tried it, but would love to do so at some point :D

I was actually thinking about this, and it actually makes sense in the right setup. The goal when setting up your run setup is to lose the least amount of dps possible. If 3/4 of all your dps is melee, you lose alot more dps if the melee is running. This is actually a really smart choice if your setup dictates it. I've found a number of bosses that, just because there is a common "efficient" strategy, the most efficient strategy might be really different from the norm.
#19 Feb 05 2009 at 6:30 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
CrimsonNeko wrote:
LockeColeMA wrote:
Know what's awesome? Some guilds make their ranged run the dance and their melee stay on the platform with Heigan. How nuts is that? I've personally never tried it, but would love to do so at some point :D

I was actually thinking about this, and it actually makes sense in the right setup. The goal when setting up your run setup is to lose the least amount of dps possible. If 3/4 of all your dps is melee, you lose alot more dps if the melee is running. This is actually a really smart choice if your setup dictates it. I've found a number of bosses that, just because there is a common "efficient" strategy, the most efficient strategy might be really different from the norm.

I don't understand how this is supposed to work. Heigan does unhealable damage to anyone who stays up on the platform with him, and even if it could be healed through, it can't be if the healers are running the dance.
#20 Feb 05 2009 at 6:44 AM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
CrimsonNeko wrote:
LockeColeMA wrote:
Know what's awesome? Some guilds make their ranged run the dance and their melee stay on the platform with Heigan. How nuts is that? I've personally never tried it, but would love to do so at some point :D

I was actually thinking about this, and it actually makes sense in the right setup. The goal when setting up your run setup is to lose the least amount of dps possible. If 3/4 of all your dps is melee, you lose alot more dps if the melee is running. This is actually a really smart choice if your setup dictates it. I've found a number of bosses that, just because there is a common "efficient" strategy, the most efficient strategy might be really different from the norm.

Most melee moves are instant and can be cast on the run as long as you are in range of the boss.

Most spells are not instant and have a cast time.

If caster DPS are running they can't DPS nearly as effectively as melee. Heals are almost non-existant with the exception of druids HoTs, and priests renew, PoM, and CoH.

Even if you are loaded with all melee DPS and 3 druid healers, it would still be more beneficial to have the druids on the platform, simply because if they are running the dance they run the risk of going out of range, and the people on the platform would more than likely be oblivious to that. As a healer I literally have to go to the edge of the platform sometimes to get in range for heals on the tank and DPS when they go into area 4.
#21 Feb 10 2009 at 8:36 AM Rating: Decent
1,228 posts
If true balance is achieved, on Patch you would think that enhance would out dps elemental each time. Whereas on a fight that taxes melee, let's say Grob or Heigan, the elemental should out dps the enhance because there is less movement involved for them.

You might think so but it's not a hard and fast rule by any means. Running around decreases the dps of a caster in a similar manner as a melee's. Of course you're going to have to run a bit farther as a melee when dropping clouds but elemental shamans lose casting time just due to the nature of kiting. Whenever you move you can drop an instant cast in but eventually the timing will work out in such a way that you lose several seconds of casting time periodically while you move to catch up w/the boss. Melee don't lose these strikes due to the kiting process.

The argument for Heigan may be more legitimate however there is a debuff which is randomly applied to casters that increases your casting time of spells by 300% and lasts for 9-10 seconds. This debuff is up on one member of the raid the entire fight and can not be dispelled, so you can bet that the elemental shaman will have it a fair portion of the fight. The real advantage is probably the fact that the ele shammy can have his totems up during his dps phase while the enhancements will die in a fire I'd imagine.

On a fight like patch, truly all variables are levelled.

It's somewhat funny because you go on to refute the part of your post I quote in your next post but anyways...
#22 Feb 10 2009 at 9:48 AM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
Petrazure wrote:
If true balance is achieved, on Patch you would think that enhance would out dps elemental each time. Whereas on a fight that taxes melee, let's say Grob or Heigan, the elemental should out dps the enhance because there is less movement involved for them.

You might think so but it's not a hard and fast rule by any means.

You mistook what I said. It wasn't meant as a rule, it was meant more to be an idea or fictional example to help people easily understand why patches isn't ideal testing for balance.

Yes, Patches is a great test of maximum potential DPS. Yes, Patches is an ideal fight that removes all variables that hinder DPS. But Patches is not a good fight to determine if one class is balanced with another. Simply because throwing in variables, favors some classes and specs(melee vs. ranged) over others which results in higher DPS for those particular specs in that encounter.

It's somewhat funny because you go on to refute the part of your post I quote in your next post but anyways...

I also didn't refute what I said in the second post. What I said in the second post was that melee are more effective running with the boss than casters are while running. That doesn't refute what I said, since I clarified that Heigan and Grob have less movement involved for casters. If casters are on the platform, the only time they have to move is during phase two when no DPS is being done to the boss except carryover DoTs.

My original point again is that the Heigan fight favors ranged casters because they aren't required to move. The ranged casters have an ideal fighting situation, while the melee have to deal with the variable of movement while DPSing.

Same thing for Grobulus(I'm going to make up the yardage, because I honestly have no clue how the room scales with real measurements, but I will keep them in sync). All classes at some point have to run here. The difference is, the melee DPS have to run 10 yards behind the kite path if they are injected with poison, and then have to run another 20 yards to get back to Grob's current spot on the kite path. Meanwhile a ranged caster only has to run roughly 10 yards to the side behind the kite path to drop his poison ring and then 10 yards back to the center of the room to begin casting again. During the running time, neither class can DPS, but the melee have to run significantly more to get back to the point where they can DPS compared to ranged.

Either way, my original point again was that Patchwerk is a fight that removes all variables. It is fine for determining maximum potential DPS, it isn't good for determining balanced DPS. Because variables often favor one type of class over another(ranged over melee).

If you have a ranged class out DPS a melee class on a fight where all variables are removed, when you take those same two classes and put them in a fight where the variables favor the ranged class, how much more will that class out-dps the one that has to deal with the unfavorable conditions. That isn't balance.

Edit because I forgot to mention: Heigan's ability to increase casting time by 300% is not a random cast, it is an aura that has a 20 yard radius.

If you are a caster and get hit by the aura, you are too close and need to move back. Which isn't really a variable for the fight, since the melee are constantly moving they are forced to use only instant spells anyway, and besides that, there aren't that many abilities a melee have that aren't instant to begin with, off the top of my head, slam for warriors is the only one I can think of, but there is a talent that procs making it istant.

Edited, Feb 10th 2009 1:02pm by SynnTastic
#23 Feb 10 2009 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
I am a 80 raiding elemental shammy and on patch day my dps jumped up over 500 points on a full 10 man naxx run from the week prior. Since then i have collected a few Item 213 gear and now my dps is easily over 2600 per run with some fights being the top dpser :) not saying its the best or that i am the best dpser in the guild but if you get the best gear no matter what class or spec you are, the dps follows you. For all those saying an Elemental Shaman cant match dps in a raid didnt give it a chance.

Now i cant compair how the numbers would be for a Enhancement Shaman, as i havent been that spec since 70, but my guess is as a melee class it would be better, if only slightly. My experience has shown that over a whole run melee leads dps because they can get more attack time then any range can while always moving. Well hunters do well cus they can move and attack at the same time which is rare for a ranged dpser.

In my most recent runs top dpsers have been: Unholy DK, Fury Warrior, Kitty Drood, Boomkin Drood, MM Hunter, Icey Mage and a Elemental Shaman. I go back to my earlier comment, if you get the gear (and are remotely competent about dps rotations) the dps will follow regardless of your spec.

My personal suggestion is do what you enjoy the most, then just try and try hard to get the best gear, flasks, enchantments and gems. You will find a spot as dps if you try hard enough :)

Edited, Feb 10th 2009 1:52pm by Staesn

Edited, Feb 10th 2009 1:53pm by Staesn
#24 Feb 11 2009 at 12:05 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Gaudion wrote:
CrimsonNeko wrote:
LockeColeMA wrote:
Know what's awesome? Some guilds make their ranged run the dance and their melee stay on the platform with Heigan. How nuts is that? I've personally never tried it, but would love to do so at some point :D

I was actually thinking about this, and it actually makes sense in the right setup. The goal when setting up your run setup is to lose the least amount of dps possible. If 3/4 of all your dps is melee, you lose alot more dps if the melee is running. This is actually a really smart choice if your setup dictates it. I've found a number of bosses that, just because there is a common "efficient" strategy, the most efficient strategy might be really different from the norm.

I don't understand how this is supposed to work. Heigan does unhealable damage to anyone who stays up on the platform with him, and even if it could be healed through, it can't be if the healers are running the dance.

I think you're misunderstanding the phases. I mean that the DPS fight heigan on the platform during P1, and the casters run and gun like how the melee normally do. In phase 2 EVERYONE runs, like normal. I guess it depends on if your melee DPS is higher or your caster DPS is higher. Also depends on your healing classes, because barring HoTs, shields, and instant-casts, there will be a couple of seconds every 15 seconds where you won't be getting heals.
#25 Feb 11 2009 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:
Gaudion wrote:
CrimsonNeko wrote:
LockeColeMA wrote:
Know what's awesome? Some guilds make their ranged run the dance and their melee stay on the platform with Heigan. How nuts is that? I've personally never tried it, but would love to do so at some point :D

I was actually thinking about this, and it actually makes sense in the right setup. The goal when setting up your run setup is to lose the least amount of dps possible. If 3/4 of all your dps is melee, you lose alot more dps if the melee is running. This is actually a really smart choice if your setup dictates it. I've found a number of bosses that, just because there is a common "efficient" strategy, the most efficient strategy might be really different from the norm.

I don't understand how this is supposed to work. Heigan does unhealable damage to anyone who stays up on the platform with him, and even if it could be healed through, it can't be if the healers are running the dance.

I think you're misunderstanding the phases. I mean that the DPS fight heigan on the platform during P1, and the casters run and gun like how the melee normally do. In phase 2 EVERYONE runs, like normal. I guess it depends on if your melee DPS is higher or your caster DPS is higher. Also depends on your healing classes, because barring HoTs, shields, and instant-casts, there will be a couple of seconds every 15 seconds where you won't be getting heals.

AH... Ok... I see what you're saying now. Though I have to admit, that still sounds like a horrendously bad idea to me. Even if all of your DPS were melee, you would still be making the fight unnecessarily harder by making your healers A.) have to run the dance and/or B.) rely entirely on instant-cast heals.

Heigan's so bloody easy anyways. Why would you want to go out of your way to make him more difficult just to bump your melee DPS up a little?
#26 Feb 18 2009 at 9:42 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Gaudion wrote:
LockeColeMA wrote:
Gaudion wrote:
CrimsonNeko wrote:
LockeColeMA wrote:
Know what's awesome? Some guilds make their ranged run the dance and their melee stay on the platform with Heigan. How nuts is that? I've personally never tried it, but would love to do so at some point :D

I was actually thinking about this, and it actually makes sense in the right setup. The goal when setting up your run setup is to lose the least amount of dps possible. If 3/4 of all your dps is melee, you lose alot more dps if the melee is running. This is actually a really smart choice if your setup dictates it. I've found a number of bosses that, just because there is a common "efficient" strategy, the most efficient strategy might be really different from the norm.

I don't understand how this is supposed to work. Heigan does unhealable damage to anyone who stays up on the platform with him, and even if it could be healed through, it can't be if the healers are running the dance.

I think you're misunderstanding the phases. I mean that the DPS fight heigan on the platform during P1, and the casters run and gun like how the melee normally do. In phase 2 EVERYONE runs, like normal. I guess it depends on if your melee DPS is higher or your caster DPS is higher. Also depends on your healing classes, because barring HoTs, shields, and instant-casts, there will be a couple of seconds every 15 seconds where you won't be getting heals.

AH... Ok... I see what you're saying now. Though I have to admit, that still sounds like a horrendously bad idea to me. Even if all of your DPS were melee, you would still be making the fight unnecessarily harder by making your healers A.) have to run the dance and/or B.) rely entirely on instant-cast heals.

Heigan's so bloody easy anyways. Why would you want to go out of your way to make him more difficult just to bump your melee DPS up a little?

I agree. The only time I could see the use in it is if you have, say, a tank, 6 melee, one caster, and two healers. Then it MIGHT be worthwhile.

A strategy I want to try next time is getting EVERYONE on the platform in P1. Apparently if you put all your casters at one corner and all the melee at another, no one needs to run and no one gets the spell slow. Everyone still runs P2, but by then he should be down to around 30% hp thanks to the insane damage output.
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