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The proper use of shredFollow

#1 Jan 27 2009 at 3:55 AM Rating: Good
Hi fellow druids I'm new to WoW I've been playing now for about two weeks and had a couple of questions.

1. Whats the proper use of shred. You can only use it use behind a target so basically its only to be use as a opening attack in prowling mode or to be used on a traget that focused on a tank? I solo alot and cant really figure out a way to use it other than that.

2. I love this class but it seems I'm always a bit behind even basic player at what point do you start to become the beast I see most of you guys are Lvl 40 or 50?

I'm at lvl 31 right now and and I'm building a feral druid. I plan on building The following talent tree based of what I looked up and read on this forun does this look about right? My goals are to hit hard as a cat and take a beating as a bear. I also am working on two sets of armor because you guys said I would need two set to dual play.

What weapons/ armor enchantments should I be focusing on? As a cat what should I focus on strength and agl right and as a bear I should focus on strength and defense right, after that pile on as mush stamina a possible? This is a link to my eqipment

Feral Combat (56 points)

5/5 Ferocity
2/2 Savage Fury
3/3 Thick Hide
2/2 Feral Swiftness
1/1 Survival Instincts
3/3 Sharpened Claws
2/2 Shredding Attacks
3/3 Predatory Strikes
2/2 Primal Fury
2/2 Primal Precision
1/1 Feral Charge
3/3 Natural Reaction
5/5 Heart of the Wild
3/3 Survival of the Fittest
1/1 Leader of the Pack
3/3 Protector of the Pack
3/3 Predatory Instincts
3/3 Infected Wounds
3/3 King of the Jungle
1/1 Mangle
3/3 Improved Mangle
2/5 Rend and Tear

Restoration (15 points)

2/2 Improved Mark of the Wild
3/5 Furor
5/5 Naturalist
3/3 Natural Shapeshifter
2/2 Master Shapeshifter

Thanks for your time. I just need a lil direction and any help would be greatly appreciated thanks again.

Edited, Jan 27th 2009 10:54am by highlandr
#2 Jan 27 2009 at 4:39 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
Level 31 in a couple weeks is pretty good.

As far as gear, since the patch, a lot of kitty and bear gear is one and the same.

At lower levels you'll want to stack stamina as much as possible for your bear gear, but usually you are good just switching to bear with your kitty gear on, unless you are slightly low level for the instance or your healer is.

For Kitty gear you want to go for agility > Strength > Attack power > Stamina until you get higher, where + hit and + expertise come into play.

Here is what your build should look like at level 31

Level 31 Build

Feral Aggression is usually not even taken in a full feral build. Point for point it's just not worth it compared with everything else we have.

Savage Fury and Thick Hide are self explanatory.

Feral Swiftness for more speed in kitty which speeds up questing and the 4% to dodge in all feral forms

Sharpened Claws for extra Crit.

Predatory Strikes for extra Attack power and Primal Fury for extra rage and combo points.

Primal Precision is just as nice, if not nicer at lower levels than at high. You'll notice you are missing a lot with your finishing moves, and this will get you energy back quicker to try again. Plus the expertise will help soloing since you'll be in front of the mob a lot of the time.

At 80 it gets harder to be great at both DPS and Tanking with just one spec. You really need to specialize in one or the other. Up to 80 though, you will want to spec mostly into kitty talents and you'll be able to tank or dps most of the instance on your way up.

I'd post my Drood who's sitting in a feral spec at 73 (poor guy had to wait for my Dk to get to 80) but the armory is doing maintenance right now. Here's what I'm running(give or take a couple points) at this point.


Hope this was what you were looking for. Good luck and enjoy the droodness!

#3 Jan 27 2009 at 4:42 AM Rating: Decent
For tanking and DD:
5/5 Rend&Tear = Always cause more damage and more aggro!
1 Omen of Clarity = must have. energy-/rage-free attacks more explanation needed!

Predatory Instincts only for a pure Cat-DD-Built.
King of the jungle also for cat-dd-built.
Improved leater of the Pack = always!
Berserk = Always. It's an "Oh ****" button if u have to catch multiple mobs which run towards raid :-D
And it's a big DPS-Boost for cat.

If u wanna go for a hybrid built then leave out Thick Hide or/and Natural Reaction.

My built is hybrid but mainly for damage (i tanked all currently available bosses with it):
#4 Jan 27 2009 at 4:59 AM Rating: Good
256 posts
First off, we need to know what you intend to do with your spec. A levelling spec is differenct from a raid spec and furthermore, there's a difference between a feral tank spec and a feral dps spec. Since you are lvl 31 i assume you will be needing a levelling spec, so my comments will be based on that.

For levelling i would skip thick hide, since the benefit from the talent is rather low with the changes to armor and the changes to SoTF. I would put those points into feral instinct. The reduced chance to be spotted is quite nice while levelling.

Drop predatory instincts and get improved leader of the pack. The heals from crits mean you pretty much never have to stop and heal.

Drop master *********** and natural shapeshifter and get omen of clarity + fill out rend and tear and get beserk. Master *********** uses too many talent points that could be put to better use elsewhere and omen of clarity is very nice.

Thisis how i would place the points for a levelling build. The priority between 3/5 furor and 2/2 IMoTW or 5/5 furor is up to what suits you most. I know some people would do as you and only put 3 points in furor, but i hate having to shift back and forth to get my 10 rage when tanking.

As to what gear you should be using you seem to be on the right track except that bears no longer need defence. SoTF gives you all the crit reduction you need to tank, wich means the benefit of defence is very low. For bear go with stam, agi and dodge.
#5 Jan 27 2009 at 7:44 AM Rating: Good
Sorry guys as I said I'm still learning the lanuage of this game. I quess to answer DK's question. I am looking for a leveling spec. As far a tank of DPS spec I'm looking to DPS pretty much all the time and to be able to off-tank or main-tank if all hell breaks loose.

So from what I'm getting from you guys is

1. Get rid of Feral Aggression
2. Get rid of predatory instincts
3. I seen you guy say get rid of thick hide but as a Cat DPS is that a good idea even more so since I'm still leveling. Also I'm just assuming it would be better to DPS as a cat So if I'm wrong let me know?

Also I have a rebirth glyph and a Maul glyhp Which I love, I dont know it that helps?
I' learned a lot thanks for your help.

Edited, Jan 27th 2009 10:55am by highlandr
#6 Jan 27 2009 at 9:03 AM Rating: Default
So from what I'm getting from you guys is

1. Get rid of Feral Aggression
2. Get rid of predatory instincts
3. I seen you guy say get rid of thick hide but as a Cat DPS is that a good idea even more so since I'm still leveling. Also I'm just assuming it would be better to DPS as a cat So if I'm wrong let me know?

1. Yes. Feral Aggression is a bad place for you to spend points.
2. NO. But at your level, you cant get this now anyway.
3. Personal preference really. I leave it out of my feral dps build but at your level you need either it or Feral Instinct to get to the next tier.

Shred is an ability mainly used while dpsing in a group situation. Where you should always be behind the mob. With brutal impact talents and a lucky Omen of clarity proc, you can sometimes get in two shreds after a pounce/mangle. But when soloing I hard ever find myself using pounce. Things die to fast to bother stealthing and pouncing on them.

As far as weapons and enchants. Dont worry much about enchants, you should be leveling fast enough and swaping gear to make them not matter so much. Look for whatever weapon gives you the best stats. Stamina, Agility and strength to a lesser degree.

The talents you plan on taking dont look too bad, but as you get higher you'll have to start choosing between dps talents and tanking talents. You can do a mix of the two you will do better with either if you specialize. I was using a hybrid build to tank/dps but have now got to a straight feral dps build. And it really shows on the dps charts.

But as you lvl it really doesnt matter much. Whatever helps you out. There are some very key things every feral druid should get tho.

I personally dont use Survival Instincts in any build anymore. Ive tried builds with it and I really never use it. Maybe once or twice as an oh-sh** button, but you really shouldnt need this talent.

You really really need to pickup Omen of clarity in the Resto tree. EVERY druid should have this. EVERY spec. It really is that good.

Also, berserk is a cray good talent.

Id drop the 3 points in Thick hide, the 3 in Natural reaction and put them into Feral instinct, maxing Rend and tear and grab Omen of clarity. That would be my solo-dps build. Now if you plan on doing alot of tanking, then the build changes alot.

Sorry for the incredibly long post. Wow is down and Im bored. Hope it helped you some.

#7 Jan 27 2009 at 9:23 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Well, might as well give my input.

What would be, in my eyes, the most 50/50 Cat/Bear base build is this. You still got 5 points to invest as you like. Maybe get Master Shapeshifter, or two of Thick Hide, Predatory Instincts and Infected Wounds. Might wanna spare one point for Survival Instincts, too.

As for Galenmoon's 31 build, I only disagree with the fact that I think Feral Instinct > Thick Hide. In my opinion, Thick Hide is only useful at max level if you want to maximize your mitigation when still lacking awesome gear. Rest of the build is good.

Now, as for what you just said
highlandr wrote:
So from what I'm getting from you guys is

1. Get rid of Feral Aggression
2. Get rid of predatory instincts
3. I seen you guy say get rid of thick hide but as a Cat DPS is that a good idea even more so since I'm still leveling. Also I'm just assuming it would be better to DPS as a cat So if I'm wrong let me know?

Also I have a rebirth glyph and a Maul glyhp Which I love, I dont know it that helps?

1- Pretty much. The only serious cases where you might use that is a pure DPS Cat build, but even then you might wanna pick up some utility instead as it is not so good, and for a Bear Tank who wants to cap his AP reduction (other classes can do it more easily from what I've heard so I think this is often skipped).

2- While leveling it won't be a huge help, granted. However, I wouldn't suggest to simply skip it. It can be really good at higher levels with a good crit rate, but it's just not a priority at lower levels. So just skip it while working your way to Mangle/Berzerk, but consider picking it up later depending on your role.

3- Thick Hide helps only so much like I said previously. When leveling you should be killing stuff fast enough that you won't get stuck in dangerous situations often so you can just shift out and heal every few fights as needed. Imp LotP will take care of regenerating your mana between each shift. And for strictly DPS, it does nothing, so it's even less useful if there's someone tanking for you.

Rebirth glyph is nice, though nothing class-changing. The Maul glyph, however, is really sweet. I think it's a must if you even plan on OT'ing. But glyphs are kind of another thing you shouldn't worry too much about for now, much like enchants and all that.

But yeah, about that "what you plan on doing with the build" question, it's mostly: Solo questing to 80 and then just messing around (looking at a mostly-Cat DPS build, just to kill stuff), reaching 80 while doing instances and keep doing some at 80 (Cat/Bear build, no real specialization) or heroics/raiding once you reach 80 (then you may need to specialize your build a little more). It may seem like a tough question, but since you're 31 right now you have ample time to think about it.

Hope it helps a bit.
#8 Jan 27 2009 at 11:23 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I would recommend this at level 31.

The stealth talent is great for leveling as is the increased stun duration.

For stats I would recommend the piece of quest gear with the highest total of Agi+Str+Sta. You can focus on which stats are better for which forms at a higher level.

Just to down the tree to get Mangle as fast as possible. Work the talents based around your crit and melee damage for now. Plus Heart of the Wild and SotF of course.

Ask more questions when you hit Outland. You should be fine until then.

Good luck.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#9 Jan 27 2009 at 12:24 PM Rating: Default
I use macros for things like that, so I do not have to memorize button combinations. Also, I dont use cat form for fighting, which also helps lol.
Half of the cat attacks are best suited for being behind your target. Set up some macros like /castsequence specifically for prowling. I like to get really creative with my macros.
I use something like this:

/cast [stealth]Shred
/cast [combat]Ferocious Bite (or whatever else suits you)

/castsequence Rake,Rake.Rake,Rip

/cast Faerie Fire (Feral)
#10 Jan 27 2009 at 12:49 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
Don't Rake spam, ever. You waste energy by not letting the DoT do its thing.

bad macro wrote:
/cast [stealth]Shred
/cast [combat]Ferocious Bite

Should be

good macro wrote:
/cast [stealth] Pounce or Ravage; [nostealth] Shred

and a seperate

/cast [nomodifier] Savage Roar ;[modifier:shift] Rip; [modifier:alt] Ferocious Bite

Here is a thread with a lot of good macros .


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#11 Jan 27 2009 at 2:31 PM Rating: Good
Just to emphasise :-

OMEN OF CLARITY!!!! That one point is probably worth more than all 5 points you have in the shapeshifting talents! I personally thing Master/Natural Shapeshifter is not worth it while leveling. Just put enough points in resto for OOC then the rest goes into feral as you level. I personally follow this leveling :-

Ferocity 5/5
Savage Fury 2/2
Feral Instinct 3/3
Feral Swiftness 2/2

Furor 5/5
Naturalist 5/5
Omen of Clarity 1/1

Then work down the feral tree. At level 50 respec to mangle then work up to OOC again, then fill out the rest of feral.

#12 Jan 27 2009 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
I notice a lot of posters above have recommended agi over strength for kitty DPS.

Did I read somewhere that as of WOTLK strength is better because of an AP change?
#13 Jan 27 2009 at 3:26 PM Rating: Default
Not really better. Just contributes more to total stats than strength alone.
#14 Jan 27 2009 at 3:34 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
SirJac reminded me of this gem in a separate thread.

Graphs are cool.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#15 Jan 27 2009 at 10:28 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
the proper use of shred is generally from behind, altho i hear some particularly crazy druids have managed to shred from the front. this usually results in a server crash however, followed by plagues and famine (typically disguised as "SARS" or "avian flu" and other such nonsense).

sorry....i had too.
#16 Jan 27 2009 at 10:49 PM Rating: Good
1,970 posts
I must say that 5/5 Feral Aggression is actually damn good for endgame raiding, just not so much for leveling up. I am particularly fond of getting 5 combo points, popping Tiger's Fury for 60 free energy (from 3/3 King of the Jungle) then blasting my target with a Ferocious Bite that hits for anywhere from 15,000 to 20,000 when it crits. My particular dps build is very heavy on crit so it works out for me, but perhaps not everybody. A non-crit FB even with full energy barely breaks 10,000 for me.

For a leveling build though, don't bother with it.
#17 Jan 27 2009 at 11:15 PM Rating: Good
I notice a lot of posters above have recommended agi over strength for kitty DPS.

Only while leveling. Up until 60-70, Agi is better as you need less Agi per %crit than you do at 80. After that point, the amount of Agi per 1% crit starts to blow out and you get Savage Roar, which drastically increases the value of AP (and thus increases the value of Str vs. Agi).

Until you hit Northrend, it's probably not worth gemming or enchanting gear (cheap gems maybe, but enchants are too expensive to be worthwhile) and I would probably just go with a Str=Agi balance. The difference isn't much at those levels and for questing the difference isn't enough to worry about. Once you hit Northrend, Str>Agi but only by about 1 Str = 1.3-1.5 Agi or so as a rough figure. Once you get to 80, you should be using Tossks calculator or Rawr to work out the best gear for you.

#18 Jan 28 2009 at 9:11 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
I use macros for things like that, so I do not have to memorize button combinations. Also, I dont use cat form for fighting, which also helps lol.
Half of the cat attacks are best suited for being behind your target. Set up some macros like /castsequence specifically for prowling. I like to get really creative with my macros.
I use something like this:

1- You don't use Cat Form for fighting? You do know that it's thousands of times better than Bear, right (at least until end-ish game, and even then)? Or did you mean that you specced Balance or something?

2- All melee attacks are "best suited for being behind" as they do not trigger Parry. But that require being behind, there's only one, plus an opener. Really not that bad.

3- While macros are fun and can be very useful (love my War Stomp + Regrowth + Rejuv macro) I would suggest not using too many cast sequences. It takes away from your potential flexibility. If, for some reason you need to skip one step of your rotation, you can't. If you need to restart your rotation earlier than planned, you can't, unless you put a very very short reset timer which might mess you up in other situations.

4- Yeah, what Horsemouth said, no Rake spam. O_o Fully specced Mangle actually costs 1 less energy point so it's more suited for spamming and it does direct damage which is ideal for spamming (as opposed to DoT's).

the proper use of shred is generally from behind, altho i hear some particularly crazy druids have managed to shred from the front. this usually results in a server crash however, followed by plagues and famine (typically disguised as "SARS" or "avian flu" and other such nonsense).

Lulz :D

I must say that 5/5 Feral Aggression is actually damn good for endgame raiding, just not so much for leveling up. I am particularly fond of getting 5 combo points, popping Tiger's Fury for 60 free energy (from 3/3 King of the Jungle) then blasting my target with a Ferocious Bite that hits for anywhere from 15,000 to 20,000 when it crits. My particular dps build is very heavy on crit so it works out for me, but perhaps not everybody. A non-crit FB even with full energy barely breaks 10,000 for me.

I wouldn't swear on it right now, but I think I remember someone doing the maths of a 5-CP FB fully talented versus 5-CP Rip and the latter resulted in more DPS over time. Maybe it was in BC though and it changed with the new expansion.

Regardless, I'd consider 5/5 FA mostly for PvP builds, where huge burst damage is more important. For PvE, I think those 5 points could be more useful elsewhere, but that's an opinion obviously.

And lastly, what Feral build is not heavy on crit? :P

Edited, Jan 28th 2009 11:11am by Selverein
#19 Jan 28 2009 at 12:41 PM Rating: Good
1,970 posts
LOL yea really, the primary feral dps build for all is probably heavy on crit. For me though the absolute #1 stat I've stacked as I have been gearing up is crit. I favor it over STR, AGI, haste, hit. This is probably an erroneous presumption on my part but it's never really failed me. I won't "always" sacrifice one of my key stats for more crit, if that stat loss is large enough to not justify the change.

Currently I sit at around 48.80% unbuffed crit and raid buffs bring me up to about 52% at the maximum. I don't really want to stack anymore though as I am fairly certain 50% crit and up is subject to diminishing returns.

Edited, Jan 28th 2009 3:42pm by Tavarde
#20 Jan 28 2009 at 2:17 PM Rating: Default
This is what I like about feral build you can tweak they to your playing style. I use hybrid build I like stam/agilty/dodge in my gear. I agree with the person try balance yourself 50/50 between bear and kitty. It really does make solo quest easier then try be one or the other. It allow you to kill trash mobs quickly in kitty but in bear you can solo 2 man group & sometime 3 man group bosses.

I like build except for Improved Mark of the Wild just put all point in furor. Improved Mark of the Wild is points don't need when you are feral.

IMO specialize builds are more for raids or heroics.
#21 Jan 28 2009 at 2:47 PM Rating: Default
1- You don't use Cat Form for fighting? You do know that it's thousands of times better than Bear, right (at least until end-ish game, and even then)? Or did you mean that you specced Balance or something?

Yeah, Balance lol. I was making a joke.
I still love my macros. Just dont use the cat ones as often as the other stuff.

Edited, Jan 28th 2009 5:48pm by sederix
#22 Jan 29 2009 at 6:57 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Currently I sit at around 48.80% unbuffed crit and raid buffs bring me up to about 52% at the maximum

Damn, that sounds really nice, though I wonder how that affects your AP. I know the added CP generation might compensate somewhat, but I'd be curious to see number-crunching figures.

I like build except for Improved Mark of the Wild just put all point in furor. Improved Mark of the Wild is points don't need when you are feral.

I kinda disagree, although I didn't pick up Imp MotW myself. MotW is a good buff while soloing but nothing extraordinary for the most part. That being said, the last rank of the spell is very good, and a 40% increase makes a nice difference, especially if you keep in mind that you're gonna give it to everyone in a raid. In my guild there are already a lot of Resto Druids so I don't need to pick it up, and I can use the 2 points elsewhere.
#23 Jan 29 2009 at 10:58 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I have found that the extra 2 points in Furor don't make as big of a difference as the 2 in IMotW make.

The rage proc can be forced by repeat shifting and the energy can be helped by just waiting a few seconds. The 5/5 Furor wastes energy regen time any way as you don't gain energy while waiting for your GCD to clear at 100. 4/5 is better for kitties but for a primary bear I like 2/2 especially since with all the 10 man options a resto druid isn't as guaranteed to be in the raid.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#24 Jan 29 2009 at 1:43 PM Rating: Good
1,970 posts
To provide specific details for you Selverein, I'm looking at my character pane right now.


Damage - 536-561

Crit - 48.62%

AP - 6213

hit - 172

speed - 0.95

expertise - 32

I like to think I do fairly good in raids. I average out around 2500 overall dps for the raid, usually 4th to 8th total damage done depending on if it's 10 man or 25 man. On boss fights I top out around 3500 dps, though closer to 3000.
#25 Jan 30 2009 at 4:56 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
I like. :)

Well, I'm no Feral numbers expert, but you don't seem to sacrifice that much AP for crit after all. It must feel pretty nice to crit every two hits, too.
#26 Jan 30 2009 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks guys you gave me so much info my head hurts lol. With that said I notice that people talnets vary depending on what the do most in the game, meaning a leveling build would vary from a heroic build and so forth. I got a great idea at where I need to be and thanks all that replied to help me in my quest to put druids at the top of the food chain. In the last couple of days I respec my druid and regeared for a more str/agl, before I was just applying on as much stam as I could find.

Thats again
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