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weirdest thing that's happened to me in game so farFollow

#1 Jan 27 2009 at 3:51 AM Rating: Excellent
239 posts
After my relatively long story, I'd love to hear your own...

Ok, when I first began leveling as a Shadow Priest around level 20 I met a player, a Paladin, who seemed like a really nice guy. We wound up in the same very large guild and spent a good deal of time leveling as a duo. Paladin and Priest worked well together.

He met another girl - a Warrior - and they became in-game sweethearts. The three of us ran together through out 40s and were doing really well until around level 50.

The Paladin and I talked all the time on voice chat, and the girl didn't have it. Some resentment (and probably some jealousy) seemed to flare on her part and she became very cold to me overnight. I intuited that it was her own personal issue, took into consideration the fact that she is very young (19, or so she says), and quietly backed off from both of them.

I began running with other people, and though every now and then the Paladin and I would run an occasional instance, we never again duo'd together and things were not the same between us. Whatever. Things can get weird in games like this and my feelings aren't easily hurt.

A few days later I messaged the Paladin and discovered I was on his ignore list. I was bummed and mystified, but I really hate in-game drama and decided to just let it go. I knew that the fact he put me on ignore would come back and burn him because I was his go-to for healer in the parties he put together, but again, whatever. Days went by, then about a week. I was over it and enjoying the other relationships I'd made.

Flash to last Thursday. I got a message from a Death Knight guild member asking if I'd be willing to heal for a Saturday night (really Sunday morning) party at Scholo. I figured I could show up at midnight with no problem, and I didn't question why he'd want to make a party for 2 am eastern time (I figure some people work swing shift, whatever).

I got online at 11:30 pm and tooled around Outland finishing up some quests. I was annoyed and about to log by 12:30, but the DK showed, apologized profusely, and said he'd get the party together. He had voice, so I let him know that I'd thought he had a party already set up. I was annoyed again while he spent half an hour wheeling and dealing to get a party lineup.

So he winds up with four - count 'em, FOUR - Death Knights, and me, a shadow spec'd Priest.

I almost quit the party but them decided I'd be up for a challenge. I made it very clear that I would keep heals only on the tank and that the others would have to rely on potions and luck to get them through if they couldn't manage hate.

Here comes the weird part.

Remember the Paladin? I did. I'd talked to him for weeks, and he has a very distinctive voice and accent. He was one of the DKs, and he was trying to pass himself off as another person entirely.

I knew immediately, but I decided to play along. The evil Shadow side of me considered letting him bite it on a regular basis, but I decided to take the high road. I kept them all alive because I am a damn good healer and because after some scrambling they actually managed to keep most of the hate squarely on the tank.

The guy who started the party is also in our guild, and he knew that the Paladin and I were no longer on speaking terms...but he slipped at one point and called the Paladin/DK by his Paladin's character name.

I wouldn't be surprised if one of the other DKs was the ****** in-game sweetheart. I know they both had plans to roll and level DKs together.

I felt, I don't know...used? I guess that's the best way to put it. I resented being treated as though I'm stupid. I passed on every item that dropped (not a decent piece of cloth gear and no good weapons, and I just wanted to get out of there).

Final battle went well, no deaths, everyone in good health, and as SOON as the final piece of loot was distributed the shifty ex-Paladin logged without a word.

My ignore list grew to include the DK who put the party together as well as the Paladin/DK.

This whole experience left me feeling sad and kind of slimed. It's put a real damper on my enjoyment of the game, and though I still plan to level my Priest to 80 a lot of the passion I had has fizzled. I'm a lot more cautious in my dealings with other people now. I know it's just a game, but they ARE real people, and being deceived like that always sucks.

I hope the slimeball winds up with incompetent healers for the rest of his gaming career. What a scummy guy.

Any of you have any bizarre interpersonal experiences in-game?

#2 Jan 27 2009 at 4:02 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Nothing as weird as that, but ocassionaly odd stuff happens to me. The thing is, I've been playing on my server since about 1 month after it's launch date. While most old gits are gone, some ocassionaly come back to me in funny ways. For example, I just joined a new guild in which one of the officers is a pall of a 2 year old pall of me. To tie along with that, that same officer also seems to know a nearly 4 year old pall of mine which I met when shortly after rolling my character on the server. And then there was the time where I was playing my priest and ran some PUGs with a very friendly druid, who ended up being a 3 year old pall of mine who like me had rerolled. And there's also an alliance player named Serendipity on my current server which was a friend of mine back on my óld server, the one I was on at launch. It's a small world sometimes.
#3 Jan 27 2009 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
I just recently found out that my 14-year old girl friend in WoW is really 21.
#4 Jan 27 2009 at 2:23 PM Rating: Good
Mentalfrog wrote:
I just recently found out that my 14-year old girl friend in WoW is really 21.

Great! Right?

SatoriWolf wrote:
Intriguing story

Thanks for sharing. While the events that occurred sucked for you, it does make an interesting story. I would hope that your enjoyment of the game doesn't decline too much because of this. We really need more people like you to stay, and more people like them to scram.

I don't really have a good story, and here's why: I'm just not able to make connections easily in WoW. Part of the problem is definitely the fact that I roll a lot of alts and flip my subscription on and off like a light switch. But I'd probably not do that as much if I actually knew anyone in the game.
I really put myself out there, too. I'm an engaging speaker (read: chatterbox) in groups and I like to think I have a healthy sense of humor, and am not socially retarded afaik. But it's like...I just end up playing with people that can't read or aren't even watching the chat. I just have the strangest/shortest interactions you can imagine. (I play on EU btw.)

(Sidenote: As I'm writing this, I'm ingame on my 34 Priest in Hammerfall, Arathi occasionally tabbing into the game to move my character so I won't get kicked out, and I just got ganked -next to the flight master-...)

Earlier today I actually decided to pull out my priest which I haven't seriously played since like 2 years ago. I got asked if I could heal SM armory at lvl 32. Considering I hadn't played Priest in 2 years, my hotkeys were a mess and I'm way too low for armory I said sure.
Best way to learn is to get right back in there again, right? So I joined them. It's Scarlet Monastery, what could happen?
Well, we did clear it rather easily, but the manner in which it happened...

Here's a small excerpt from the chat: (paraphrased)

Shmii> Hello.
Hunter#1> who can smmmn?
Hunter#2> hi
Hunter#3> summon plz
Shmii> I see <druid's name> is in Tirisfal already. I'm taking the flight path Arathi->Undercity now, so I guess we can do it. ^^

5 minutes pass. I'm in UC now.

Druid> coming?
Druid> are you coming?
Hunter#2> who?
Hunter#3> sum plz
Shmii> I've arrived in Undercity. Just a while longer please, omw.

I arrive at the Meeting Stone, the Druid isn't there anymore, and I see Alliance way above my lvl while still pvp flagged somehow. They attack me but luck would have it that after they cast one spell (roots I think) suddenly my pvp flag turns off (I didn't intend to fight back so I hadn't done anything). I'm safe but I decide to warn the druid, who I see some way to the South of me on the map.

Shmii> <Druid's name> be careful, there's 4+ Allies here looking for a fight.

That's when the druid races past me towards the Allies, clearly pvp flagged. He gets his *** kicked in short order. At this point at least 2 people ask for a summon while the druid is dead and nobody else even made their way towards the same continent, let alone the meeting stone.
So the Druid runs back, and manages to focus his attention on the actual summoning for a minute, and we eventually get everyone there. We get inside after finally convincing Hunter#2, who apparently was inside the instance all this time, to come out so we can reset. As soon as we're all inside the instance, the Druid drops from the party for no apparent reason. I send him a /w asking what's up, and am met with silence.
We try anyway. Hunter#2 is bossy, a ninja and barely intelligible but following his lead we eventually clear the instance.

My typical group. Sorry about the relatively long story with no real payoff, but it was fun (read: therapeutic) to type out.
#5 Jan 27 2009 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
I hate people like that. He obviously knew that he had done something wrong. Cowards like that who can't own up and stand by their own decisions disgust me. The fact that he thought he could alter his voice and fool you shows he isn't very smart on top of it.

The girls sounds very immature. Take comfort in the fact that she isn't cool whatsoever, and probably either a) very unattractive or b) not really a girl. Smiley: laugh
#6 Jan 27 2009 at 11:22 PM Rating: Decent
Well I play on a RP server (mostly due to the fact that people I used to work with played there) and I am a bloke with female characters so I tend to skim by the whole "in game attachment thing" for the simple fact that well... bloke playing female characters thing hehe. In regards to people I have met in WoW I don't think I have any lasting friendships I have aquantances I get on well with but that being said if they turned round and stabbed me in the back tommorrow I honestly can say that apart from feeling puzzled at why they would I wouldn't loose sleep over it. Personally I would just forget about them there not worth any time effort or indeed worry from your pov and get on with what you want to do in game.
#7 Jan 28 2009 at 2:19 AM Rating: Excellent
407 posts
Saaru wrote:
I hate people like that. He obviously knew that he had done something wrong. Cowards like that who can't own up and stand by their own decisions disgust me. The fact that he thought he could alter his voice and fool you shows he isn't very smart on top of it.

The girls sounds very immature. Take comfort in the fact that she isn't cool whatsoever, and probably either a) very unattractive or b) not really a girl. Smiley: laugh

I totally agree with this. The guy is a tool and she is even worse. The thing is he has lost out not you. She has probably isolated him from many other people as well and he will suffer.
#8 Jan 28 2009 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
I totally agree with this. The guy is a tool and she is even worse. The thing is he has lost out not you. She has probably isolated him from many other people as well and he will suffer.

Yes and no, I dated a girl like this once and on one side yeah it sucked, but at the same time it was so worth it while it lasted.
#9 Jan 29 2009 at 8:44 AM Rating: Excellent
1,180 posts
It's a shame to lose a play partner because someone else got in the way. It could be that your pala friend thought you'd gone off him after you started grouping less due to his gfs coldness (and possibly her going 'see, he isn't really your friend...'), but whatever the reason I think it's immature when you have a conflict with a friend and put them on ignore rather than talking to them about it (I'm talking the reaction of the paladin initially).

The later grouping with the DKs was definately weird, I'm not sure how I'd handle something like that, but personally I wouldn't take it to heart too much, it's done now, don't let it colour the rest of your experiences.

Personally I've never experienced anything like this in game (the closest is probably when I logged in after a weeks break to find out I was no longer guilded - turns out it had dispanded, which made me sad as it was my first guild, but at least I hadn't been kicked), I don't trust people very easily, so I tend not to get too close to anyone. I do have friends in the game, but they are all guildies and more friends by association - they talk a lot more to my bf than to me. I'd probably never talk for long enough with a random person to make friends with them or interact with them for an extended period (not to mention my altitis). I will group with people and I will chat with people in game, but I tend to cut both off at the earliest convenient point. I just feel really uncomfortable talking to people I don't know, but also I guess I don't really feel a need to make friends, so I don't put the effort into 'small talk'.

I guess I view encounters with people in the game as more transient - I don't expect to group/chat with them very often, so I'm not dissapointed when I don't.

Stick with it though, there are some great people in this game and you can make lasting friendships. My bf has a group of friends which he met on an MMO 7 years ago, most of whom he still plays with (in WoW now though), I know someone who met his partner online and also a group in my guild regularly go round each others houses for drinks and dinner (who previously didn't know each other in RL).
#10 Jan 29 2009 at 10:53 AM Rating: Good
289 posts
You have great self control. I can not stand drama either, but in that case i believe i'd have to had said something. Kudo's to you.

Hope everything works out for the best :)

#11 Jan 29 2009 at 11:45 AM Rating: Good
239 posts
I guess I view encounters with people in the game as more transient - I don't expect to group/chat with them very often, so I'm not dissapointed when I don't.

It's funny - I began the game with this attitude, but as I've leveled I've met a core group of really good people. We chat on vent, quest together, run instances, and are getting pretty tightly knit. I'm cautious as I always am in online situations, but I think of them in the way I might think of the cool people from work you might not go out for beers with but who you always love to have lunch with.

My boyfriend doesn't play at all; he says he's a console gamer because he wants to get AWAY from other people as his escapism. ^^ He completely understands the love of gaming, but he really doesn't get my enjoyment of the social aspect of the game.

I can really understand both sides of it. I guess this guy just threw me for such a loop because a game settingt is inherently deceptive; you can FEEL as though you know someone but you really don't. You're twice removed: computer, so you never see them personally; and the mechanics of the game itself, which is a fictional environment that lends itself to, well, games. It's a *role-playing game*, after all. To what extent are we all acting?

I had a friend quit MMOs because she didn't like the way the game was making her feel - she said she became totally focused on money and getting stuff and that one day all that avariciousness just caught up with her and made her feel rotten.

I'm truly interested in the way personalities shift and shimmer in an RPG environment. Is it possible to truly be yourself as a Night Elf or a Rogue when in real life you're a software engineer or a medical technician?

Life has gotten weirder since the advent of the PC, that's for sure. Good weirder mostly, but definitely...weirder.
#12 Jan 29 2009 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
98 posts
Hehe - I'm a guy that plays a female human priest.

I've been up front about the fact that I'm male, and just chose female as a cosmetic adjustment to my character.

Soon after I joined the guild, a new guy appeared, home country Poland, but not much English. He was a good Paladin, but poor at working with others. He was the one rushing ahead, determined to get all of the loot that he could, wanting to get every kill, every xp point.

One day, he messaged me asking me to make him some potions, which I did gladly, met him outside SW to deliver them (he was in a hurry to get to his next instance) and he started flirting.

I was thinking at first that I was wrong, misconstruing things, but then he started sending me presents, buying my (lower level character) rings, armour, even a dress at one point. I kept trying to send these things back, but they just got returned or he would ask if I was mad with him. In the end it was just easier to accept.

All the while, I was trying to make myself clear that I AM A GUY...but the presents still came.

And then came the mail - that he was taking a gap year from Uni in Warsaw and wanted to move to Scotland to get to know me more.

I asked another Polish player to explain things to him, as gently as possible. She told me that she would try to be as tactful as possible. He hasn't spoken a word to me since, has moved his character to a sister guild, yet still not a word despite us doing joint guild instances together...


Interesting times.

#13 Jan 29 2009 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
wow small world drfolly I live in Inverness too hehe I however completely get what your saying I am open to other players about the fact I am a bloke playing a female character however being on a rp server it's difficult as you sometimes get folks who are doing the whole "rp" thing and I tend to be rather leery of whether they realise I am a bloke or not... I tend to say my priest is married to some cause or other to ensure that rp sensibilities are not hurt and disentangling me from the possibility that they may not realise what I am in RL.

Edited, Jan 29th 2009 5:58pm by ElweSingollo
#14 Jan 30 2009 at 8:44 AM Rating: Excellent
121 posts
Thanks for sharing your stories, interesting to see how different people's experiences compare.

I'd never been into gaming, but as my partner and my sister had got into wow, I eventually caved in to have a go and see what it was all about. Throughout its been having family there to chat to, and the interactions made with other people that have held my interest in the game.

I'm suprised that males who play female characters get hassled, as being female irl, its the automatic assumption that I must be male that annoys me. I think I've over-compensated, my priest is more girly than I am for sure... but ivory Draenei suit pink and as I prefer pve, flirting with horde is my best defense on a horde-heavy pvp server!
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