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Expertise for Hunters?Follow

#1 Jan 27 2009 at 12:18 AM Rating: Decent
2,590 posts
A hunter in my guild has been talking my ear off about how Hunters need Expertise as of WotLK--this is the first I've heard about it, and so I thought I'd see if anyone here knows anything about that? I know hunter gear has no expertise on it, and personally I would prefer not to make all the rogues angry at me when it comes to rings...

He had me look at his WWS thingy and it was showing a few hits blocked and stuff, he said it used to be a lot worse before he started getting a few points of expertise. I'd always heard that ranged attacks couldn't be blocked or dodged or parried or anything (or maybe only one of those?), so I dunno.

Help out a very confused nelf? Numbers are good, even if I can't understand them I can show them to him.

edit--also, does Expertise transfer to pets in any way?

Edited, Jan 27th 2009 12:20am by isyris
#2 Jan 27 2009 at 1:15 AM Rating: Excellent
27,272 posts
Ranged attacks can be blocked.
They cannot be dodged or parried.
Expertise lowers the chance for your attacks to be dodged or parried.
Expertise does not transfer to pets.

The other guy is wrong.
If he can't be convinced, tell him to do a dummy test of roughly 5000 hits (and petattacks) both with expertise and without any expertise. (but with the same amount of hit)

He'll notice that there's no difference.
#3 Jan 27 2009 at 1:47 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
Great, thank you. :)
#4 Jan 28 2009 at 12:58 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
I am becoming less confused, and much more frustrated, with this hunter. I explained to him very clearly what you said, two times as he didn't seem to get it the first time around, and thought I was done.

Nope. He decided later in the evening to bring it up on Vent for some reason, with a couple of the other officers backing him up (a warrior and a rogue), basically saying "Durrr, of course ranged attacks can be parried, silly Izsera, read the WWS reports. Durr, everyone needs expertise, it's a good hunter stat, durr." Well, okay, not exactly like that, but still. <.< Anyway, he was trying to convince the other hunters that they needed to stack expertise, and I know a couple of them were starting to agree with him ("Well, I think I saw one shot get parried that one time"), which worries me a bit. Am I the only one who sees "Parry" pop up in the combat text and realizes "Oh, that was my pet"?

I have been going over the reports linked on the guild forums and I can't find a single instance of his ranged attacks being parried (though there have been a couple blocks, and his pet was certainly parried a couple times), though admittedly I have little experience with that system so I could be missing something vital. Mostly, though, I'm really starting to think he's an idiot and that the only reason he is treated as the hunter class leader is that he's been in the guild longer than any other hunter who is still a member. He's absolutely certain that the hit cap is 11%, has been playing as MM since pre-BC and "knows" it's the best spec out there, and keeps talking about how they changed the Dwarf racial from +Hit to +Crit in the most recent patch. (Has it really been that long since he looked at his spellbook?)

So, for curiosity's sake:

Here is the latest WWS thingy posted on the guild website (Archavon and Sartharion from tonight), here is his armory page (lol, no expertise, guess he must have been getting lots of "parries" tonight).

I honestly don't have the energy to even care anymore. It's been a rough past week, and since we failed to even get Patchwerk down past 30% or so tonight in Naxx 25 after 5 attempts, this week is looking even rougher. Combine that with Mr. Hunters Need Expertise and the guild's weird loot system (let's just say I would have a better chance of getting any loot at all in a PuG full of ninjas, and no we don't use DKP), and it's looking like I may just quietly /gquit and stick to farming rep and epeen points. >.<
#5 Jan 28 2009 at 2:43 AM Rating: Excellent
27,272 posts
MM wasn't the best spec pre-BC (after a certain amount of agility, SV was better), MM sucked in BC, and right now, MM is second behind SV.

What you could of course do to convince him is go to a target dummy, have Recount on and just shoot a whole quiver/ammo pouch of cheap arrows/bullets at the thing.

Don't let your pet attack, and take screenshots of all the data.
Then show him the data. It'll show a tiny bit mitigated by blocks and that's it.
(Assuming you're hitcapped)

edit: Quoting myself:
Æthien wrote:
More testing, more than double the expertise (76 rating, or 9 expertise now), got rid of all gear with hit, and shot some stuff myself too.
Also a much longer test, 3170 attacks from me, 5922 from my pet.

1/3 Focused Aim, 0 hit rating, so 1% hit for me.
2/2 animal handler, 9 expertise on me.

Pet: 24% glancing, 19.6% crit, 6.8% miss, 4.2% dodged.
That seems to suggest that a: expertise for me does nothing for my pet and b: Focused aim works :confused:
I think Osse said this earlier, currently FA seems to work if you have no hit, but stops working when you do get hit.
(I am guessing that the hit from gear is overwriting hit from FA for the pet in some strange way.)

Me: 7.1% crit (a 6% loss from my character screen crit %) 6.8% miss.
The loss of crit looks a lot to me... but I haven't done much research on that.
The % of misses confirms 8% chance to miss a raidboss.
A good while back, when we were still unsure of the 8% hitcap and what did or did not transfer to pets.

The expected chance of a dodge is 6.5% with no animal handler, no expertise.
Animal handler reduces the chance for your pet to be dodged and parried by 2.5%, so I expexted to see 4% dodge here.
Had the expertise worked in any way, I should have seen less dodges.

Edited, Jan 28th 2009 12:09pm by Aethien
#6 Jan 28 2009 at 9:03 AM Rating: Decent
I think I would have decided that this guy wasn't much worth talking to way before this point.
#7 Jan 28 2009 at 9:27 AM Rating: Excellent

If you check your different stats bar on your character sheet you will see that expertise can only be see in the meele tab and not on the ranged one.

The reason for that is because ''expertise decreases the chance that melee attacks made by the player will be dodged or parried[1] by 0.25%'' this come from wowwiki.

Sorry for my poor english its not my first language :P (french usualy :s)

#8 Jan 28 2009 at 10:58 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
MM wasn't the best spec pre-BC (after a certain amount of agility, SV was better), MM sucked in BC, and right now, MM is second behind SV.

What you could of course do to convince him is go to a target dummy, have Recount on and just shoot a whole quiver/ammo pouch of cheap arrows/bullets at the thing.

Don't let your pet attack, and take screenshots of all the data.
Then show him the data. It'll show a tiny bit mitigated by blocks and that's it.
(Assuming you're hitcapped)

edit: Quoting myself:
Æthien wrote:
More testing, more than double the expertise (76 rating, or 9 expertise now), got rid of all gear with hit, and shot some stuff myself too.
Also a much longer test, 3170 attacks from me, 5922 from my pet.

1/3 Focused Aim, 0 hit rating, so 1% hit for me.
2/2 animal handler, 9 expertise on me.

Pet: 24% glancing, 19.6% crit, 6.8% miss, 4.2% dodged.
That seems to suggest that a: expertise for me does nothing for my pet and b: Focused aim works :confused:
I think Osse said this earlier, currently FA seems to work if you have no hit, but stops working when you do get hit.
(I am guessing that the hit from gear is overwriting hit from FA for the pet in some strange way.)

Me: 7.1% crit (a 6% loss from my character screen crit %) 6.8% miss.
The loss of crit looks a lot to me... but I haven't done much research on that.
The % of misses confirms 8% chance to miss a raidboss.
A good while back, when we were still unsure of the 8% hitcap and what did or did not transfer to pets.

The expected chance of a dodge is 6.5% with no animal handler, no expertise.
Animal handler reduces the chance for your pet to be dodged and parried by 2.5%, so I expexted to see 4% dodge here.
Had the expertise worked in any way, I should have seen less dodges.

Edited, Jan 28th 2009 12:09pm by Aethien

/hugs Aethien

Thank you again. :) Would you mind if I quoted you and linked to your original post on my guild forums? Going to give this one more go, maybe if it's not just me explaining he will get the idea. Links to EJ tend to shut him up for a couple hours at least. XD

KDenelor wrote:
I think I would have decided that this guy wasn't much worth talking to way before this point.

I am perhaps too patient a person, but even if I weren't he's still technically one of the officers (I'm a little fuzzy where bank manager falls in the spectrum actually, but he is treated as one of them and also as the Hunter class leader, so it's impossible to avoid him).
#9 Jan 28 2009 at 11:44 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
No problem for me, forums are for everyone to view.

And I suggest making you hunter classleader instead of him, I have no doubt that the performance of the hunters in your guild would improve. Smiley: tongue
#10 Jan 28 2009 at 12:04 PM Rating: Excellent
255 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
No problem for me, forums are for everyone to view.

And I suggest making you hunter classleader instead of him, I have no doubt that the performance of the hunters in your guild would improve. Smiley: tongue

I would have to agree, if this guy is half as bad as he sounds, he is a disservice to your guild's hunters. I would suggest that he do some research on expertise before he spouts out such rubbash on Vent. To get the backing of melee DPS is just... well quite stupid in my opinion. Some things that might get him to get back into his role as hunter class lead:

1) Link this forum to him, make him read it, heck if he doesn't at least the rest of your guild will look here and become informed on it.

2) Have him post his "expert opinions" on EJ. See if they fly- maybe the guy will be shamed enough to get off his *** and quit living in the glory days. If you don't research your class, you fail.

3) Have him call/message Aeth... that should just about clear any remaining problems up.

Honestly, if others in the guild can't/won't see that he doesn't know his class anymore then maybe the guild isn't the right place for you.
#11 Jan 28 2009 at 12:39 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
browningguns wrote:
2) Have him post his "expert opinions" on EJ.
That won't work.
The post will be removed for stupidity in about 3 minutes.

He's free to PM me any questions he has on this board, TKA or EJ.
I use the name Aethien or Æthien on all 3. :)
#12 Jan 28 2009 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
So I guess thats examples of how hunters are called huntards. >< Now I get it. Lol I had a level 76 hunter ask me why he couldn't shoot with his bow. He said he has ammo for it. I said did you put a stack in your ammo slot next to your bow. He said "Oh you don't have does it for you" o.O? About the huntard tell him to come here and post. See what Aethien and the others make of it. :D

Edited, Jan 28th 2009 8:43pm by Souliken
#13 Jan 28 2009 at 8:30 PM Rating: Excellent
255 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
browningguns wrote:
2) Have him post his "expert opinions" on EJ.
That won't work.
The post will be removed for stupidity in about 3 minutes.

That was the point....

EDIT: failed at quoting again... ><

Edited, Jan 28th 2009 11:31pm by browningguns
#14 Jan 29 2009 at 3:13 AM Rating: Excellent
27,272 posts
Souliken wrote:
See what Aethien and the others make of it. :D
I help anyone who can 1: type complete words and sentences, 2: Is able to listen to advice, 3: Actually tries to learn new things rather than just copy what I say and 4: Is willing to do some work him/her self.
#15 Jan 30 2009 at 8:53 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
We have a reply. <.<

I know he'll not be going for expertise anymore, or telling anyone else to, because one of the officers asked me into Vent, told me they all really liked that I was doing my research, and that they were ashamed that at this level of raiding an officer would be gearing for the wrong stats and that he's a great guy but not really acting like officer material. So, that's good. :)

His insistence on the hit cap is kind of weird, though. And I think he's getting the Draenei hit buff confused for his Super Seekrit Dwarf Racial or something.

I looked at the WWS logs he linked, and since he wasn't trying to test his hit on Archavon, I can't see any reason for him to be missing in the first example unless his hit rating was not what he thought it was at that time. (I did look at the buffs/debuffs, but nothing seemed to confer a +hit penalty--the only think I can think of is that the "misses" are actually "immunes" instead, but even that doesn't feel quite right. I haven't done all of Naxx yet, though, so maybe it's just something I haven't run into yet.)
#16 Jan 30 2009 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
184 posts
I feel dumber for reading what that dude wrote. He glosses over one wrong assumption and jumps to another wrong assumption with startling ease. Sure sign of jackass.

Ignore his advice and continue getting it here.

Respec SV and beat the pants off of him, it should not be hard, he seems stubborn and unwilling to research anything. Generally performance = credibility ingame.

Good luck dealing with that guy though.
#17 Jan 30 2009 at 10:00 AM Rating: Good
isyris wrote:
We have a reply. <.<

I know he'll not be going for expertise anymore, or telling anyone else to, because one of the officers asked me into Vent, told me they all really liked that I was doing my research, and that they were ashamed that at this level of raiding an officer would be gearing for the wrong stats and that he's a great guy but not really acting like officer material. So, that's good. :)

His insistence on the hit cap is kind of weird, though. And I think he's getting the Draenei hit buff confused for his Super Seekrit Dwarf Racial or something.

I looked at the WWS logs he linked, and since he wasn't trying to test his hit on Archavon, I can't see any reason for him to be missing in the first example unless his hit rating was not what he thought it was at that time. (I did look at the buffs/debuffs, but nothing seemed to confer a +hit penalty--the only think I can think of is that the "misses" are actually "immunes" instead, but even that doesn't feel quite right. I haven't done all of Naxx yet, though, so maybe it's just something I haven't run into yet.)

Edit columns on the WWS and add the one that says 'Nb of other miss (evade, immune, absorb...)' and you will see that every single one of his 'misses' is exactly matched by that column. He didn't miss.

As for his seekrit dwarf spell of awsumz, I suggest he look at the actual tooltip for his Gun Specialization, cause it adds crit, not hit. :p

Edited, Jan 30th 2009 1:05pm by Norellicus
#18 Jan 30 2009 at 12:00 PM Rating: Excellent
I read his reply....that's a minute of my life I'll never get back and I blame you!
#19 Jan 30 2009 at 1:34 PM Rating: Excellent
27,272 posts
Post this on your guildforum please. :)
What has been said is that expertise is a stat that is important to dealers of physical damage, guess what Hunters deal physical damage.
However there have been a lot of arguments made on
that since we do ranged damage that it is a stat that we can use it is not one that we really need and that it is better to gem or enchant for our primary stats hit/ap/haste/crit
It's important to MELEE Dps.
We do physical dps yes but we do RANGED dps.
Your arrows CANNOT BE DODGED OR PARRIED, try clicking on your autoshot, steadyshot or any other shot in your WWS's.
You'll get to see the details and you'll clearly see that there are zero dodges and zero parries.

on the subject of hit I will provide the links to the specific reports that I guess were not looked at. I did mention them but did not actually provide you with links and for that I am sorry.

This report is with my hit at 197 so I had 10% hit with my FA and my dwarven racial
It clearly shows misses not just misses but misses on trash not even bosses.

This report is with my hit at 209 (the number I won't let it drop below now) my hit was 11% with FA and my dwarven racial.
No misses.

Dwarven Racial: Gun Specialization now tell me, where's the hit?
And yes, with 197 hitrating and 3/3 focused aim you wont be missing.
Focused aim is also a fairly weak talent because the hit gained from it does not transfer to pets.
(well, it possibly does when you have no hit from gear, that bit hasn't been cleared up because it's not important)

Missing is the number 1 no no for Hunters cause if you cant hit the target you can't kill it.
Yeah, that's a pretty stupid statement.
You'll always have a 92% chance to hit a boss.
And for any amount of hit there is always an amount of AP, Crit, Agility or even haste that will give you better dps.
So while it is true that Hit is important, it is not important enough to sacrifice everything for.
Oh, and 11% hit is bad, the hitcap is 8% vs ?? level bosses (a.k.a. raidbosses)
It's 99 hitrating wasted.
You know what you get from 99 crit? yeah a little over 2% crit, or 198 attack power, or 99 agility.
That's basically what you're throwing away by overdoing hit.

As for you being a classleader for hunters.
You're not doing it very well.
You know what a classleader does? he/she doesn't tell the other people of their class what to do.
You do the legwork, you spend hours reading ElitistJerks and TKAsomething, you make sure you always know what is happening with hunters.
All so you can help the other hunters in your guild improve themselves.

And finally, stop visiting that coldfront place.
I spend 5 minutes there and I found a hell of a lot of misinformation and stuff on the frontpage that is from 2005
If you take your character seriously, read elitistjerks, make an account on TKAsomething and ask questions. Lots and lots of questions.
If you feel any desire to do so, you can ask me any questions you like.
(although I doubt that you like me after reading this.)

Edited, Jan 30th 2009 10:37pm by Aethien
#20 Jan 30 2009 at 2:55 PM Rating: Default
184 posts
We have disagreed in another thread. I still feel compelled to warn you about posting anymore about this in your guild forum.

Guild drama rarely comes out well. This has guild drama written all over it. He may not be a very good hunter, but he must be somewhat well thought of to be an officer(or semi-officer) in your guild. Embarassing him repeatedly on the guild forums is not good for your guild or for you.

Allah drama is all good, but drama with the people you spend time with in game is bad.

because one of the officers asked me into Vent, told me they all really liked that I was doing my research, and that they were ashamed that at this level of raiding an officer would be gearing for the wrong stats and that he's a great guy but not really acting like officer material

Seems like leadership is on it already, give them a chance.

#21 Jan 30 2009 at 4:03 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Guild drama is bad, that's true.
Badly lead guilds however, are worse.

(that's my personal opinion though)
#22REDACTED, Posted: Jan 31 2009 at 7:07 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) OP is bad hunter. She needs this guild.
#23 Jan 31 2009 at 8:29 AM Rating: Excellent
27,272 posts
Making weak statements not backed up by anything.
You fail.

And if you feel the need to insult people, **** off to the O-boards where you might look intelligent by comparison.
#24REDACTED, Posted: Jan 31 2009 at 8:35 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Not your forum.
#25 Jan 31 2009 at 9:44 AM Rating: Excellent
27,272 posts
Where's your spec, gear, performance, effort?

You post here insulting people who put in an effort to learn.
As for Isyris: spec is good for a BM spec, gear aint bad but lacks some enchants, Dps on the WWS isn't good no.
But he/she is making an effort to improve, you're making an effort insulting him/her.

The fact that you do so with nothing but mean spirited weak arguments says enough.
You're just nerdraging because Isyris outsmarted you in the other topic and you couldn't do anything but throw insults.
#26REDACTED, Posted: Jan 31 2009 at 10:05 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Average hunter, don't claim anything more.
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