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A worried healerFollow

#1 Jan 26 2009 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
I am worried that I just plainly stink as a healer, and do not know if it is me or just pugs in general?

I tried my first two heroics, VH and Nexxus this weekend and only downed the first boss in each.

I know pugs are not always going to work out, but these were just down right bad.

I have to spam G-Heal on the tank, with PoM and Rewnew already on them. I also use PoH when AOE dam is being taken for the group.

I am spaming so much that after my fade and shield wears I am dead.

I have over 1800 Sp with inner fire and over 15k Mana and just can not seem to keep the tanks up.

My real question is do I have to be spamming G-Heal all the time if a tank is geared for the heroic?

So far I have not cleared a heroic and have no idea how the run should go?

It is making me think that I might no be healing material.

My guild also invited me to a 10 man naxx, which they were at some dragon that cast a lot of frost stuff, and needless to say that went just as bad as the pugs.

Do I just have bad luck or is being a healing priest just this hard.

#2 Jan 27 2009 at 1:03 AM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
Do you want to link your armory, we may be able to give better advice then.

As far as PuGs go you may have just had a bad/undergeared tank. Again your armory would help us identify possible issues there.
On the guild raid, was it content your guild is usually fine with, or a fight they are struggling with in the first place?
#3 Jan 27 2009 at 1:53 AM Rating: Excellent
407 posts
Some of the heroics may be a bad group. I haven't done Nexus yet as one of the more knowledgeable guys in our guild group said we shouldn't attempt it as we didn't have anyone who could CC and would wipe a lot therefore I cannot speak on this although maybe that was your problem? I healed UK as my first heroic and we had I think 3 wipes but we finished it. If no one in the group has really done it before you are headed for wipe city in any heroic.

Also you don't mention how many attempts you had on things. You may find if no one knows the fights and you are giving up after just 1 or 2 wipes this is why. Sometimes it can take a few attempts to get something down when you are all new but mot PUGS don't last that long.

I healed VH my first time up until the last boss where we wiped due to line of sight but again this is hard. Our tank and dps did know the fight but I would never have been able to do it without them helping me out telling me what to expect. I am disc specced so I can spam penance which has a faster cast time but I was pretty consistantly healing in VH.

I also have about 1800SP self buffed (or did at this point) and 15K mana but I rely on rapture for mana regen rather than spirit.
#4 Jan 27 2009 at 3:24 AM Rating: Good
121 posts
From your description it doesn't sound as if you're doing anything wrong in particular. PUGs are so variable, find a decent one and its easy. I've done it so long I at least know I'm not a bad healer, but there are some PUGs I just can't keep alive. Some fights do require constant Gheal spam on the tank to stand a chance.

The dragon with the frost of which you speak is Sapphiron. This is the most difficult fight to heal through in Naxx as the raid is constantly taking damage, mana can be a big issue if the dps are slow - and/or slow to move out of the AoE. I wouldn't feel bad about it if this fight was one of your very first raid healing experiences.

If you'd like to be a healer do keep trying for a bit longer, as you've probably just had an unlucky start. I'm sure you'll do fine as you've come to a good place to get some starting out advice ;-)
#5 Jan 27 2009 at 3:54 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
What Helluna said, basically. I think I yet have to meet a PUG that I can't keep alive since WOTLK, but some are remarkably harder than others. On point always stands though: If you have more than 1400 spellpower and spamming greater heal on the tank is NOT enough to keep him up, he is undergeared, period. The only three exceptions to this are when you're fighting an enraged boss, if your tank has some kind of healing debuff or if you are 0/0/0 or shadow specced.
#6 Jan 27 2009 at 4:16 AM Rating: Decent
63 posts
Thank you for all your support.

I will try and link my armory after I get home from work.

If it is the pug and tanks than I will keep trying. It just get so frustrating at times.

Helluna you are correct, that was the fight that they dropped me in. After 3 wipes they decided to call it a night.

#7 Jan 27 2009 at 4:25 AM Rating: Decent
As an experienced healer, I can tell you that it's not uncommon for a healer to think they're the problem. One thing to note is that if you're having to rapidly spam Greater Heal on a tank, they might be very undergeared. I've ran into that many times.
#8 Jan 27 2009 at 5:25 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
SirMattelot wrote:
As an experienced healer, I can tell you that it's not uncommon for a healer to think they're the problem.

I agree with this. If anyone at all dies, my first instinct is that it's my fault (I am there to keep them alive, after all). Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. As others have said, if you're spamming your biggest heal and it can't keep the tank alive, the tank is probably undergeared.

I don't see anything in your post that would indicate you're doing anything wrong. Since you don't mention any Disc spells, I assume you're Holy? Toss out Circle of Healing every time the party takes damage and/or the cooldown is up (even if you're going to need to cast a Prayer of Healing right after). Keep PoM going all the time. Both of these will proc Surge of Light frequently (depending on your crit of course) and that instant Flash Heal can be the difference between life and wipe.

Unless you stack a lot of Haste, sometimes you'll find yourself having to cast Flash Heal more often than you'd like simply because the tank is taking damage too fast for Greater Heal. FH spam can be messy, but it can get the job done. Make sure you have the Flash Heal glyph too.

Those are the only tips I can think of. Just hang in there. Keep doing what you're doing and remind yourself that the challenge of keeping less-than-ideal groups alive is what makes you a better healer.
#9 Jan 27 2009 at 5:39 AM Rating: Decent
First, i think it largely depends on the tank and rest of groupmates' playing and communication style. for that, i now no longer do instances w/ PuGs. only with rl and/or WoW friends.

Second, being a healer myself, this is what I use most: PoM on tank before fight, then PoM on another melee dps 1 or 2 seconds into the flght; Spamming Flash Heal on tank due to short casting time; start casting Greater Heal on tank when he's about 70% (so after casting time he'd be around 50-60%). I currently have SP 1200 unbuffed, and always forget to buff myself Inner Fire (=_=, forgetful, i know, lol). However my Greater Heal has been averaging 10K most of the time now, so it works quite well. When everyone seems to be getting hurt, I use CoH once; and always try to remember throwing PoM on tank or melee DPS every chance I get, that helps a lot. With Surge of Light crit (free instant Flash Heal), I toss it on whoever seems to be getting hurt, or it's very helpful to be tossed around when everyone must be running around for some boss fights.

I tend to over-use PoM, since my talent points give me 7 sec cooldown instead of 10. - Which, is my new decision of talent point arrangement after having the 6 sec cooldown on CoH. No, I never did spam CoH (and I'm not level 80 yet, 78 atm), but to me, it's helpful to have 2 instant spells with similar cooldown time for alternate use when moving around. After I have more SP from gear, I believe CoH will be used when more than 2 groupmates have 70% health to top them off fast, followed by casting Prayer of Healing (long casting time but larger heals).

I also have Guardian Spirit talent point atm, finding it quite helpful on whoever gets pretty low - preferably dps, I put that on them, throw around CoH once, and back on spamming Flash Heal at tank.
#10REDACTED, Posted: Jan 27 2009 at 8:58 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I have completed all heroics several times (just hit 500 emblems) and almost all were with pugs as my guild was a little slower than me getting to 80. Although i have 2k spell power now...this wasn't always the case, and a few things I learned along the way :
#11 Jan 27 2009 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
If he does not have at least the crit cap for defense...that is, 540 defense making himself uncrittable

540 for raids, 535 for heroics.


Bad tanks can't tank. Bad healers can't heal. Bad dps strains on the healers mana in bossfights, see where I'm going with this?

A smart DK who keeps his cooldowns on a steady pace is a breeze to heal through. A crappy DK is a crappy DK is a crappy DK is a crappy DK. Stop generalizing.
#12 Jan 27 2009 at 10:08 AM Rating: Excellent
If he does not have at least the crit cap for defense...that is, 540 defense making himself uncrittable, he will be very tough to keep alive in a heroic.

No, it's 535 for heroic bosses - 540 for raid bosses - at least if you're going to ask you could make sure the information you want checking is correct in the first place.

When he is uncrittable, you never get those "Oh sh*t" moments when his hp goes from 90% to 10% from 1 hit...which is damn hard to heal.

  • You sometimes still get those moments even when they're mathematically uncrittable, you can still be critted if you accidentally sit down - for tanks with x still bound for that it can happen a surprising amount - even if the animation doesn't keep up with the action.
  • Being out of position, either through lag or repositioning can cause the tank to be unable to block etc, if this is timed badly timed or you have multiple mobs in slightly the wrong place spike damage can occur.
  • Sheer bad luck, even with an effectively uncrittable tank spike damage can and will occur, King Dred being a good example of that.

  • I'm not saying these things to have a go, but your reliance on this never happening just because tank is uncrittable is a bit silly.

    I dont care what they say, and how they specced...DK's CAN'T TANK. Period.

    Really? Oh, Blizzard failed eh? Sorry while I do see alot of newbie tanks out there now we have Dk's and there are also a lot of them to avoid if you want a smooth run you've made a huge generalisation. I've tanked far longer than I've healed, on my paladin, I levelled her to 80 first, then my priest and my DK is closing on 80, I can assure you right now I can tank very, very effectively.

    As a healer you have to know what sort of damage any given tank will take, Paladins once they're no longer taking white hits have a very flat line when it comes to incoming damage, DK's are more prone to spike damage however that doesn't make them inherently bad tanks.

    #13 Jan 27 2009 at 10:20 AM Rating: Good
    19,369 posts
    Olithian wrote:

    I dont care what they say, and how they specced...DK's CAN'T TANK. Period.

    I know I'll get downrated for that one but I dont care, it's the truth and I have many stories to tell to prove it :)

    I have many stories to prove you're wrong. I also have stories about crappy priest healers. That doesn't mean priests can't heal. I have stories of crappy dps warriors. That doesn't mean they can't dps.

    In all my gaming experience I have come across every class and role and their crappy or excellent skills. I've heard of stories from a tank who refused to group with a shaman healer. All of their experiences were bad. I had a guildy shaman who was very very good at healing. We lost our healer and so I told them I had a good guildy replacement. When she joined the group the tank said 'lawl shammies are crappy healers'. I had to convince the tank and my friend to stick it out. In the end zero deaths and a good quick run.

    Don't be ignorant. Ignore the player not the class. By limiting yourself to certain classes for certain roles you're limiting your playing experience. There's going to be a lot of DK tanks and by ignoring the class you could easily end up LFG for long periods just waiting for a tank.

    We've gone over the issues with DK tanks and a large part of it is it's a new class and a lot of players haven't tanked or even understand what tanking really means. They tend to think that they can walk around in dps gear and still tank. That's something other tanking classes already know they can't do. DKs are very good soloers and this attitude also stems from that. There's going to be a lot of bad DKs but there are also some very good ones. I know because I've grouped with many from both sides of the spectrum.
    #14 Jan 27 2009 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
    31 posts
    Well I expected to be "corrected" and so I was. Maybe you're right about the DK's and Ive been extremely unlucky. Like I said I have no guildies to run with so its all pug for me...considering the fact I have run out of things to buy with emblems from running heroic after heroic after could say that my luck is ridiculously bad, cuz I have never had a good DK tank, but I've seen my share believe me. I respect your opinions and will continue to search for proof of my being wrong.

    As for the 540 def comment, I apologize I've been mostly raiding lately. The cap is in fact 535 for heroic 5 man's, 540 for raids.

    Thank you for your comments.
    #15 Jan 27 2009 at 11:45 AM Rating: Good
    2,101 posts
    Olithian wrote:
    I respect your opinions and will continue to search for proof of my being wrong.

    You're an idiot. I don't need anything to prove me right or wrong, it's an opinion. The thing about opinions is, they are neither right or wrong. Opinions are like feelings, each person feels differently, it doesn't make one person is right and another wrong it simply makes them different.

    Now how you get to your opinion is another story, opinions based on rash judgment tend to be less logical, doesn't make them wrong, it just makes them less logical, like your DKs can't tank. That's your opinion, which is fine, but as mental pointed out if you live by that stipulation you are limiting your play experience and you may potentially miss out on some really good players and friends by doing so. But that's also fine, for you the loss of potential good DK tanks is outweighed by your view and perception that you are more likely to run into bad DK tanks.

    The real problem comes in when you force your opinion on others as fact rather than opinion, by stating things such as:

    I dont care what they say, and how they specced...DK's CAN'T TANK. Period.

    That leads others to form an opinion about you that was stated in my first sentence.

    And if you want my personal opinion on the subject, For ever DK tank I've seen that was good I've seen 10 bad ones, that's a player issue not a class issue. Good player is good, bad player is bad, class is not a factor.

    Edit: Since some people can't understand the difference stating my actual opinion and using an strong example. I don't actually think the poster is an idiot, I used that as the easiest, strongest and simplest opinion to get the point I was making across, which was that opinions are just opinions neither right or wrong. The only opinion I've formed on the whole matter was what I said about about good players and bad players.

    Edited, Jan 27th 2009 3:05pm by SynnTastic
    #16 Jan 27 2009 at 12:44 PM Rating: Good
    717 posts
    It doesn't sound like your gear is at fault. It may be that the tank is undergeared. It also may be that you are unaccustomed to the speed at which damage accrues in the heroics. I still have a period of 'mindsetting' when I enter a heroic instance with a group. On the first couple of pulls, I am reminded that these guys hit much harder than the regular instances. If you find yourself always behind while healing the tank, you can try being proactive with the rest of the group instead of reacting to damage. Shield your clothies, DKs and Rogues before damage occurs (it gives them a thirty second buffer against damage), cast PoM on a ranged dps instead of the tank, load Renew on all members before party starts taking aoe damage. If you do all these things, you'll probably go OOM a minute into the fight, but these are just a few suggestions on how to free some time during heavy tank healing periods. It does take a little knowledge of the fights and knowing when to start setting up your countermeasures. The only way I seem to get through Loken on heroic is running with the party spamming Holy Nova.

    In some situations, I like to shield mages or locks then cast PoM underneath it. If they pull aggro with a big blast, when the shield busts they get the first heal off of PoM. If it is a large DOT type effect (like many bosses have), it usually hops to another ranged dps and heals them as well.

    BTW, be careful with groups for the Gun Drak heroic during the Lunar festival. You are bound to find some undergeared PUGs going for the Elder achievement in there.

    Oh yeah, I am starting to really enjoy DK tanks. As a disc healer with reflective shield (glyphed), they have no issues with me tossing it on them. Extra damage to the mobs, a bit of healing and short-term mitigation? Win-win as I see it.

    *edit sp

    Edited, Jan 28th 2009 9:13am by Trylofer
    #17 Jan 27 2009 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
    31 posts
    I meant that I will continue to join groups with DK's as tanks in hoping to find the good ones, thus proving myself wrong. I dont mind being proven wrong as it educates me and makes me a better person, but listening to you all tell me your opinions isnt proof...I need to see it for myself. I meant what I said..." I respect your opinions", because they are just as valid as mine. There was no rash judgments made either...rather extensive pug'ing and an opinion made over time, an opinion I now wish I had never shared.

    I'm glad you posted your edit before I responded to your origional post. It did soften the blow a bit but c'mon...I'm an idiot? All I did was state my stance on DK tanks out of boredom while waiting for the maintenance to finish up this morning...I didnt personally attack anyone.


    #18 Jan 27 2009 at 11:08 PM Rating: Decent
    In regards to Death Knight tanks I have seen some good some bad and some ugly I have also formed the opinion that they can in fact be extremely difficult to heal on occasion due to the rather erratic ammounts of damage they seem to take... it may be just me but I find I can go from healing easilly with renew, pom & occasional g/heal to suddenly having to spam flash heals or using gaurdian spirit in order to ensure we don't have a wipe. Again that may be more down to me not anticipating a DK's damage mitigation or could be down to the DK tank not using there abilities as someone else said however that is happily no longer an issue as after having fallen out with one the aforementioned DK Tanks from my own guild I have respecced shadow and am going to live life easy for a wee while providing random DPS for people.

    That being said keep trying find a tank that you get on with and that you work well with and try and instance with them where possible if you have a good pug with a good tank say to them you will add them to your address book and that if they ever need a healer to just give you a shout.
    #19 Jan 28 2009 at 2:10 AM Rating: Excellent
    407 posts
    I wanted to share my healer story with you. After the dodgy progress taking multiple wipes to get through UGK and DTK heroic on my first attempts on my second attempt last night I healed both with only one wipe between them. Even this wipe was an error for us all as a group that should have been out of range pulled randomly mid fight and came straight for me despite both paladin and dk laying down AOE spam as they went past.

    My advice is keep going. Last night I had two amazing DPS and everything went down so fast. We had a couple of close calls but we got through it even though 3 of us where clothies and every little mistake almost wiped us all out. One thing I would say is don't be afraid to use PW:S as I am disc specced this has more effect for me but can help keep someone alive long enough to spam a couple of Flash Heals on them and pull them back up even as Holy spec.

    Also with the Glyph Holy Nova can also save your *** being instant heal spam, yes it doesn't do much healing but the glyph makes it much more viable and it doesn't have the massive CD that COH now has.

    Good Luck

    Edited, Jan 28th 2009 5:11am by ysabellstohelit
    #20 Jan 28 2009 at 9:48 AM Rating: Good
    988 posts
    All I did was state my stance on DK tanks out of boredom while waiting for the maintenance to finish up this morning...

    Should've spent the time educating yourself about DK avoidance and mitigation instead. Would have kept you from posting such crap.

    DK tank + Disc priest makes for probably the best possible tank/healer combo in 5-mans.
    #21 Jan 28 2009 at 2:20 PM Rating: Decent
    I like healing for DK tanks, and I'm not even disc anymore. Warriors seem to take the biggest spikes and have the most "OMG SPAM HEAL" moments, from what I've experienced lately. But it's probably the warriors in question, not the class.
    #22 Jan 28 2009 at 3:04 PM Rating: Excellent
    4,074 posts
    I prefer healing for good tanks and dislike healing for crappy ones. I don't much care what class they are. Much like I don't want them having a prejudice against one healing class over another.
    #23 Jan 30 2009 at 8:06 AM Rating: Decent
    1,634 posts
    I didn't read the comments, but as a priest who also rolls a paly tank:

    1. Was the tank Def Cap'd
    2. Was the tank using their mitigation tools?
    3. Was the tank allowing mobs to get behind him.
    - In VH, this often occurs because DPS are idiots and engage the mobs before the tank. Thus the tank is forced to train a group of mobs across the whole place, cause the idiot mage, Froze, Crit, Crit, Fireblast. The mobs that the tank is trailing are hitting the tank's back - thus removing MOST mitigation.
    4. Was the tank poorly geared for the encounter.
    - (Some tanks don't stack enough avoidance - instead they stack STA and just take massive damage. It comes down to theory craft, but MOST times, a tank who can avoid 1k damage is more helpful than the tank who can absorb 1k damage. You know what I mean? It kills your Mana.)
    5. Was the tank not following the required boss mechanics.
    - In VH you MUST kite the Etherial boss, You should move out of the fire on the Dog, You must have the De'buff's party member kill the Adds on the VOID boss, You Should kill the Arokra boss before his adds, The healer and Tank need to concern themselves with Knock-back on the water guy... Etc...
    6. It's a team effort. If you are geared properly you shouldn't be having issues. If you ARE having issues the style of the tank, DPS, or you (Healer) need to be adjustd. However, 9 out of 10 times a properly geared, but less than perfect player (Tank/Heals/DPS) can be conpensated for by the out performance of other players. (aka - if you were laggin a bit, a good tank would still be ok. If the tank was taking a bit too much damage, Good DPS can kite a mob, If the healer is a bit weak, DPS can hold off a bit so they don't pull agro... There are lots of solutions...)

    #24 Jan 30 2009 at 9:38 AM Rating: Decent
    You must have the De'buff's party member kill the Adds on the VOID boss

    I don't think I've ever had a group do this. Usually it's just me scrambling to heal through AoE, having every spell knocked back 100% before they go off. I hate that boss.
    #25 Jan 30 2009 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
    1,634 posts
    Are you thinking of the Etherial boss -

    The Etherial (Spelling - think Consortium Guys) is the kite boss and I've seen people heal through the AOE orbs he drops.

    The Void (Looks like a Lock's Voidwalker) spawns multiple adds that can only be seen by 1 party member at a time. I'm sure it can be tanked, but I, As a tank, have never been told by a healer to let it happen. Usually my groups have a defined person to call out the person getting the buff so that person can quickly start to DPS the adds.

    Hey, if you can heal through it - more power to you...
    #26 Jan 30 2009 at 11:08 AM Rating: Decent
    I was definitely talking about the void boss. The one that spawns the adds that shoot out the shadow volleys. I've not been able to heal through the Etherial boss' AoE.
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