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Rings n Trinkets (tank)Follow

#1 Jan 26 2009 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
So I have a pretty good plan laid out for my tank

... I've made improvements since my last post. Some things I plan on doing:

1). Get the Wyrmrest Cloak and get +Defense on it.
2). Drop at least one +Defense gem and replace it with +Stamina
3). Get the Wyrmrest Revered Body (I'm like 5k rep to go)
4). Build up Emblems of course! I have 10 now.
5). +Stam to Bracers as soon as my enchanting gets high enough for that.
6). Gem the Helm (I just discovered a day or two ago that they added sockets to that helm)

A question though, should I go for the Meta gem, or just stick with +stam gems for now? There's a meta gem that has +32 Stam and +2% Armor Value from Items, but I need 2 blue and 1 red... I could stick an Orange in there for +Defense and +Dodge (and still maintain 540 Def) but if I ever switched an item out, I'd have to be careful of gem slots, I'd think.

I want to get a Titanium Earthguard Ring, but I simply do not have 3500+ gold yet, and no Jewelcrafting characters to get the materials needed for it to have it made for me.

So, my question is, is there _anything_ other than Loken's trinket I can use? Is there something I can replace that yucky green "of the Champion" ring with? I like that bell, but that's mainly a solo piece, I'd much rather have at the very least, Stamina on a trinket. I need health kinda badly.

Edited, Jan 26th 2009 8:25pm by Zariamnk
#2 Jan 26 2009 at 10:10 PM Rating: Decent
You could buy the mats for the ring then find a JC in trade channel. Would cost bout 15-1600 on my server I think.
#3 Jan 26 2009 at 10:26 PM Rating: Decent
I still use Loken's trinket and the Valor Medal of the First War.

I use the meta gem that adds 5% shield block value and defense. That 5% shield block value is pretty enormous, and it scales nicely.

I noticed that when I first started gearing my pally for level 80 content, gemming to keep my meta active was often a bit of a pain. Remember that an eternal belt buckle is probably your best friend when it comes to keep your meta alive. You can put whatever color you need into it without giving any consideration at all to socket bonuses. Throw a red or a blue gem in there...whichever you're having a hard time placing elsewhere...and you're golden.

You can get started in heroics without having to be all epic...I had 5 epics total when I started tanking heroics and the only reason I had them was because they're all crafted (engineering goggles, tempered titansteel x 2, titansteel shield wall, titansteel bonecrusher). Once the badges start flowing in, it opens the doors to a couple more epic options for trinket and ring slots.
#4 Jan 27 2009 at 2:15 AM Rating: Decent
591 posts
Looks like you have a pretty good plan for gearing. As to rings/trinkets, i'd say go after the +65def trinket in HoL 1st (drops on normal and heroic) as this will allow you to gem/enchant strictly for stam. Then work on the +111stam trinket in heroic AN after you've gotten the wyrmrest upgrades. Have to check armory or Atlasloot for ring drops, but i know there's a few blues that are decent and a lot cheaper than the JC one(i wish it sold for 3500g on my server, lol, mats for that ring are barely 1100g). As to the meta, go with the +def/block value as you'll be able to swap gear without regemming for def as often.
#5 Jan 27 2009 at 7:32 AM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
I had forgotten when I made this post, that I think there IS a Ring from Gun'drak quests, and I'll be shooting for that soon as well. I can at least get rid of that stupid green ring hopefully, at long last.

I'll look into pricing for the Titanium Earthguard Ring, I'd really like to have it, as it looks like a very nice ring, one that I would keep for quite some time.

As far as the Meta-gem, I understand that 5% BV is pretty nice, but the Defense (esp if I got Loken's trinket) isn't really needed, I am already crit-immune. The BV is nice, but the STAM is very much needed, I'm not even 23k unbuffed yet. People out there are 25+k unbuffed and I really wish I knew just how the heck they manage to accomplish that. That's 200 stamina worth, and I'm looking at my stuff, and I can think of maybe 100 stamina I can squeeze out. Two +24 Rings is 48, I think there's an extra 10 on an armor, that's 58... if I got Loken's Trinket, I could do another +24 to gem, that's 82, I think I *lose* 2 stam by using the Wyrmrest cloak, so that's 80... +45 to wrist would be 125... But then if I got Loken's Trink, I wouldn't need the Wyrmrest Cloak (Wouldn't Block Value be better than Hit Rating?), still... that's 75 unaccounted for.

Maybe by then I'd have some emblem gear, some of those have gem slots. Oh, and the Titanium Ring.... yeah, that would be a good 40 stam + 24 stam gem, that'd be 200+ stam... okay, now I see. haha.

Edit: Woah, I never realized, I could be putting +24 stamina on Enchant Ring - Stamina. lolol. Okay. I will definitely remember _that_. That's another 500HP almost. hehe.

Edited, Jan 27th 2009 10:36am by Zariamnk
#6 Jan 27 2009 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
54 posts
First let me say Definently boost your avoidance, HP will come. One of my main issues with my gear is that i've boosted my Hp quite a bit and now i'm lacking in avoidance(which I am fully aware of). You're gear is just perfectly fine to start running some of the lower heroics and starting to farm them for badges. I'd spend as much time running Uk, Nexus, CoT, VH to try and farm some epic/blue/badges from there. Since you dont have a BP with avoidance on it yet, if you can manage to keep up over 535 without that BP on i'd throw Icebane Chestguard or whatever its called on there. It will add around 3000hp to you if you socket with STA or you can socket with some dodge/sta gems. It will help get you clsoe to 25k hp mark. But like I said if you get some more improvements where you don't need the DR.

Don't waste your money on the crafted epic rings. I dont know about you but thats A LOT of money, you'll farm some decent rings while gearing everything else and building up a badge collection.

I forgot. Run regular HoL for Seal of Pantheon(+60somethin DR) and when you're strong enough and have a SOLID group run heroic AN for the Seal of Gossimer(+111sta) Those are pretty much your best trinkets until you start runnin Naxx runs. I did naxx10 and got the epic one to replace Pantheon but until then very nice trinkets.

Edited, Jan 27th 2009 10:40am by Githiun
#7 Jan 27 2009 at 7:44 AM Rating: Decent
54 posts
On your edit with the 24STa enchant to rings. Thats only for the enchanter. Unless you're an enchanter you can't get those.
#8 Jan 27 2009 at 8:03 AM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
Githiun wrote:
On your edit with the 24STa enchant to rings. Thats only for the enchanter. Unless you're an enchanter you can't get those.

I am indeed an enchanter. *grins* That's why I was going "hey, wait a minute..." becuase I was thinking "why should JC be the only people to have decent trinkets without killing bosses who knows how many times" and then I start to think "is there anything Enchanters get" and then I was like "d'oh, ring enchants!"....
#9 Jan 27 2009 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
Zariamnk wrote:
The BV is nice, but the STAM is very much needed, I'm not even 23k unbuffed yet. People out there are 25+k unbuffed and I really wish I knew just how the heck they manage to accomplish that.
It's not hard. Take a look at my Armory. I hit 80th last week, and we're about equally geared. We both share the very nice Mining STA passive. You have Enchanting to provide you with "bonus" STA in the form of ring enchants, I have JC for 3 "bonus" Dragons Eye prismatics. And I'm at 24224 Health, and that's with a couple of placeholder gems awaiting Dragons Eyes as I run the dailies, and no enchant on sword, boots, helm, or shoulder. Once I'm done adjusting I'll be at about 2600 Health unbuffed.

You've got a level 70 Trinket that has less STA then a level 70 trinket can provide. That costs you a little. And your Je'Tze's Bell is not very useful for a Prot Paladin. That might be a nice piece for a healing set. My Trinkets provide a total of 139 STA over your two trinkets, and that's just about the entire difference between our Health totals. Since you're not a JC you can't equipt the Monarch Crab, but you could shoot for the Essence of Gossamer or a similar trinket with a pile of STA.

As for the cost of the Titanium Earthguard Ring, you can make 1 Titansteel bar per day. Find a JC in your guild and exchange services. The mats for the ring aren't that high, the real cost comes from the fact that it takes the JC 4 days to collect the Dragons Eye gems to make the thing. The same applies to the Titansteel bars, so work out an exchange. You've got 2 more Titansteel crafted items than I do, so you've obviously been able to leverage your mining skill better than I have. Make that leverage work for you in other ways also.

Edited, Jan 27th 2009 11:27pm by Kompera
#10 Jan 28 2009 at 11:21 AM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
Saying Defense isn't needed because you're already Crit Immune doesn't make much sense... It adds ALMOST as much avoidence as Dodge does on a 1:1 ratio, and when you factor Block in, it actually adds more. Stopping with Defense @ 540 is just a might foolish.

As for the ring... The Titanium xxxxxxx Rings and chains that JCers make don't require Titansteel. They take straight up Titanium.

Finally, as for gems. You can't put anything but a meta gem in a meta socket, so why not put at least something in there? Hell, even the +32/Less Stun Duration one, which is generally considered the poorest option, will work. You're bound to have the easy requirements for it (3 Blues Socketed) and they're dirt cheap, cheaper than Solid Sky Sapphires. It would be better than leaving that socket empty while gemming your regular ones others.
#11 Jan 28 2009 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
Losie wrote:
Finally, as for gems. You can't put anything but a meta gem in a meta socket, so why not put at least something in there? Hell, even the +32/Less Stun Duration one, which is generally considered the poorest option, will work. You're bound to have the easy requirements for it (3 Blues Socketed) and they're dirt cheap, cheaper than Solid Sky Sapphires. It would be better than leaving that socket empty while gemming your regular ones others.

Only Metas in meta slots? I didn't know that... its kinda moot though.

Hmm. Well, I put the 32Stam + 2% Armor Value one in, and I bought that ring, I saw one cheap (1999g), I wasn't about to pass THAT up.

Money well-spent, I am still 540def, but I now have 24.2k unbuffed HP, up from 22.2k.

My character's auditor went from a full red bar, to a yellow bar over 10man Naxx and OS.


As for the cost of the Titanium Earthguard Ring, you can make 1 Titansteel bar per day. Find a JC in your guild and exchange services. The mats for the ring aren't that high, the real cost comes from the fact that it takes the JC 4 days to collect the Dragons Eye gems to make the thing. The same applies to the Titansteel bars, so work out an exchange. You've got 2 more Titansteel crafted items than I do, so you've obviously been able to leverage your mining skill better than I have. Make that leverage work for you in other ways also.

I have a blacksmithing alt. *grins* He's Lv445 now, and I made all of my own Titansteel stuff, though I got in a hurry with the last few, when I saw some bars/orbs up for cheap, I bought em. I wound up buying the ring as I said above, as the mats are not farmable unless you are a JC yourself (the main expense of the ring is the 4 Dragon's Eyes needed, which can only be obtained by a JC). But, like I said, I found one for 2k gold, and bought it. 2k gold is a lot easier to get than sitting around begging for someone to help me, or leveling my own JC, etc.

Edited, Jan 28th 2009 4:10pm by Zariamnk
#12 Jan 28 2009 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
Losie wrote:
As for the ring... The Titanium xxxxxxx Rings and chains that JCers make don't require Titansteel. They take straight up Titanium.
I think this was in response to my post. I worded it poorly, but I was trying to say that the cost of the ring was primarily due to the 4 days it takes to make it, and that the OP could "trade" that time by bartering with his Titansteel which also takes time to make. Moot point now since he bought one for golds, but swapping services is for me always better than spending golds.

OP: Look at you at 24224 Health! You'll be sporting that 25k+ you thought was difficult to achieve in no time.
#13 Jan 28 2009 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
Kompera wrote:
Losie wrote:
As for the ring... The Titanium xxxxxxx Rings and chains that JCers make don't require Titansteel. They take straight up Titanium.
I think this was in response to my post. I worded it poorly, but I was trying to say that the cost of the ring was primarily due to the 4 days it takes to make it, and that the OP could "trade" that time by bartering with his Titansteel which also takes time to make. Moot point now since he bought one for golds, but swapping services is for me always better than spending golds.

OP: Look at you at 24224 Health! You'll be sporting that 25k+ you thought was difficult to achieve in no time.

Yeah, hehe. I was happy when I saw that. *grins* I was like "woah, okay that's a huge difference".

So if I get my Wyrmrest to Revered and get the Body, that's like +10 or so IIRC, and I could free up a +16 DR gem, switch it with a +24stam, that's another 300-some, that'd be 24.5k. +45stam to Bracers would add 25k on the dot almost.

Then, its just the trinkets. Hopefully Loken drops his sometime soon.

How hard is Azjol-Heroic? Is it on the easier end of the spectrum, or the harder end? I know my guildies _hate_ HoL because they say its "hard"... they generally tell me that H-UK and H-VH are the easiest. I already successfully cleared H-UK, with some difficulty. Should be quite a bit easier now.

Edited, Jan 28th 2009 6:57pm by Zariamnk
#14 Jan 28 2009 at 4:30 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
If Azjol behaves and doesn't bug out on you, and you don't go for achievements -- it's easy. The only challenge is the poison on the last boss, which is made entirely trivial by a caster-Druid (healer or boomkin) or a Shammie of any kind in the group.

If it bugs out, it can be a living hell. Two or three watchers at a time on the first boss is nasty when you're only expecting one -- and a downright run-breaker when you aren't massively geared. And that's only the most visible bug with that place.
#15 Jan 28 2009 at 5:15 PM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
Losie wrote:
If Azjol behaves and doesn't bug out on you, and you don't go for achievements -- it's easy. The only challenge is the poison on the last boss, which is made entirely trivial by a caster-Druid (healer or boomkin) or a Shammie of any kind in the group.

If it bugs out, it can be a living hell. Two or three watchers at a time on the first boss is nasty when you're only expecting one -- and a downright run-breaker when you aren't massively geared. And that's only the most visible bug with that place.

*nods* Okay, I'll keep that in mind.

And of course, on the one boss, make sure _everyone_ is in the ring before pulling. Did this on non-heroic, and the one DK wound up getting shut out of the fight because he wasn't standing INSIDE the ring when I pulled. Then, the boss bugged back to 100% health when everyone but me and the DK was dead, it allowed the DK inside the ring, and then closed it off.

Me and DK managed to duo it clear down to 10% or so left, when the priest finished corpse-running and started healing me from outside the ring. We managed to beat the boss, and oddly enough, everyone qualified for loot.
#16 Jan 30 2009 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent

That is so hilarious. First time we ran it I got locked out - and I was the healer. LOL. You know what - they finished it though, without me. :) Great bunch of guys and a couple of them are hybrids that could pop out and heal the tank from time to time. Damn painful to have to sit out and watch that though. :(
#17 Feb 03 2009 at 11:17 PM Rating: Good
713 posts

Here is a good ring you can get out of heroic Utgarde Keep. Its a blue but it looks to be designed for pally tanks:

Heroic UK is a pretty quick instance too so 30mins a day till you get it isnt much effort IMO.
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