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If you could...Follow

#1 Jan 26 2009 at 8:52 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Make one (big or small) change to the priest class or one of its talents or spells, what would it be?

Just something that popped up in my mind; I was thinking it would be interesting to make Guardian Spirit castable while CC'd. Paired with more possible holy changes that could make it a viable PvP tree...
#2 Jan 26 2009 at 9:20 AM Rating: Excellent
My facetious answer: Give us plate! :P

My slightly more serious one: Make Meditation a passive low level spell, with increasing ranks by level, adjust three trees of talents to reflect this.

My absolutely serious answer: Tied to the above; Stop making us pick deep holy or Imp. DS.

My actual answer I'd like to see implemented and might one day *COUGH*: Remove charges from Inner Fire, increase buff time.

Yes okay that's four, sue me :)

Edited, Jan 26th 2009 12:25pm by cococj
#3 Jan 26 2009 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Spirit Tap as a passive talent without the need to spend points on it.

#4 Jan 26 2009 at 10:12 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
cococj wrote:
My facetious answer: Give us plate! :P

I like this one. It's only fair since they practically gave pallies Circle of Healing. Smiley: lol

Inner Fire as a straight up 30 minute buff would be a fab small change that wouldn't be game-changing or cause any imbalance.
#5 Jan 26 2009 at 10:25 AM Rating: Excellent
407 posts
I will take this:

Inner Fire as a straight up 30 minute buff would be a fab small change that wouldn't be game-changing or cause any imbalance.

As my first preference and if we are being greedy I will also have this:

Spirit Tap as a passive talent without the need to spend points on it.

and don't we all want:

My facetious answer: Give us plate! :P

Although keep the stats from the cloth gear just up the armor, a lot.

#6 Jan 26 2009 at 11:08 AM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
Lol Moz the Disc Priest wants a change to a Holy talent, kind of weird.

Since the Inner Fire idea was already taken, I guess I am going to have to think of something else.

I would like to see Divine Hymn changed to an instant cast and remove the damage reduction from mobs after the incapacitation has been removed.(currently 40% reduced damage for 3 seconds after incapacitation is removed).

That's it, keep the long 6 minute cooldown, basically I think it would be an awesome spell and get a lot more use if it worked more like an emergency AoE renew than the way it is now.

Edited, Jan 26th 2009 2:17pm by SynnTastic
#7 Jan 26 2009 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
195 posts
Gnome priests please

I'm sorry
#8 Jan 26 2009 at 7:38 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
The Inner Fire idea is definitely the winner, having said that I'd also like to see Symbol of Hope return, that is make Hymn of Hope an instant cast rather than a channeled spell, I'd even accept a longer cooldown as a payoff for this (not too much longer mind).

If they insist on making it channeled then they need to make it a Disc spell again so that shadow priests can cast it without being knocked out of shadow form. Ideally I'd like to see it be instant and disc to cover both these bases.
#9 Jan 26 2009 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
Reverse the change to Shadow Weaving.
#10 Jan 27 2009 at 2:27 AM Rating: Good
561 posts

Heals X life from ONE random person in raid (lowest health maybe ?) every Y seconds in a 30y radius (range increases with holy reach). Duration: 3 mins (or 2 mins, like totem?). CD = 1 min. Only one LW per priest. Can be destroyed (not by aoe, if 5 health, or 5k +life).

So... unlike the totem, heal one person only each tick, but for much more than the totem does. Something like 500 life every 5 seconds. That would be 6k/min.

Well.. something like this, where ppl don't need brains to use lightwell.
#11 Jan 27 2009 at 2:36 AM Rating: Good
679 posts
I'd like to see prayer of mending split into 2 each time it jumps (but heal for half as much)
#12 Jan 27 2009 at 3:17 AM Rating: Decent
239 posts
Plate? I'd be satisfied with leather.

Seriously, it sucks to be 3-shotted when DKs are taking 45 hits and still staggering around.

I'd also like something more exciting than Dispersion for shadows, but that's really my love of bells and whistles showing.

And wouldn't it be awesome to have a pet of some kind? Maybe a fluffy white kitten that puffs around like Tinkerbell blowing mana kisses at everyone. Or something.
#13 Jan 27 2009 at 3:49 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Some interesting ideas, though some seem a little overzealous to me =P

The inner fire thing for example - to me, it's obvious as to why those charges are there. If they weren't, they might just as well give us leather? I also like Mothra's idea, but I reckon that should possible be an entire new spell since I also like ProM as it is. On second thought; I was going to start on lolwell, but to kill two birds with one idea, what about Mothra's idea replacing lolwell in the talent tree? Think about it: holy would become more AOE focused (and with that more specialized), the lolwell problem would be fixed and we'd have an interesting new plaything of a spell.

While I'm on it, I do think Meditation should be a passive skill (wasn't Blizz already looking into that, though?). If Spirit Tap became passive rather than a talent, how about turning it into an 'aura' so we'd have to choose between Spirit Tap and for example Inner Fire?
#14 Jan 27 2009 at 5:23 AM Rating: Excellent
Mozared wrote:
Some interesting ideas, though some seem a little overzealous to me =P

The inner fire thing for example - to me, it's obvious as to why those charges are there. If they weren't, they might just as well give us leather?

Guess what Mozared... Yes that's right I'm going to disagree with you, bet you didn't see that coming! :P

If this had been pre-Wrath then I'd agree that if you were making Inner Fire a longer lasting buff without charges you might as well just increase our armour from items, but not now. How many of you actually cast it for the armour increase? Its mitigation is tiny and really doesn't make the difference between being two shotted or three shotted.

In fact I recall several discussions over the past few years on this very forum stating that alot of you didn't bother casting it at all as it was more of an annoyance to keep doing so. So yeah removing the charges/increasing the time in the past might have seemed silly, but I've never quite understood the spell...

... It has limited charges, now in the past there were two situations which occurred during it's very short lasting duration; either it ran out without many or any charges being used, or you were being hit ALOT over the 2 minute period that meant the charges were used up super-fast. It has no cooldown though, it can be cast in battle at any time, mana permitting, so had it been a worthwhile spell we'd have taken the time to cast it again after the first spell wore off cos we were being beaten on by dozens of mobs. The fact is though if it runs out mid-fight we did't recast it, why? Because there were far better things we could cast to get out of sticky situations rather than an extra couple of percent of mitigation. Therefore it can hardly be considered over-powered as it stood...

So fast forward to now, well the mitigation is nice but it's not the main reason we cast it now is it? We cast the new variation of it because of its SP benefits, we're more likely to make sure it's always up because of that. Take any of the mages Armor spells for example, yes far less armour from the spell but has other benefits, namely movement and attack speed decreases to the attacker to name but one variant, the combination makes it useful, mages don't use it for the armour value either. But, guess what, it lasts 30 minutes and doesn't have charges.

We now get direct benefit from casting it other than armour, there's no cooldown on it still and we now have a situation where keeping it up, even mid-fight might be more appealing. So why bother with the charges still? If it's in the name of balance then remove the charges increase its time but cut the armour value, even then I think it's worth less than any mages Armor spell, get to it Blizzard you know you want to.
#15 Jan 27 2009 at 5:50 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Hmm, my point of view on it comes mostly from playing my rogue. The thing is, once resilience comes into play there is no more 3-shotting disc priests, and you are seriously going to notice a difference in DPS on disc priests who have inner fire up and those who don't. From rogue POV, I've got a feeling it would be overpowered without charges since priests would effectively be leather wearers. They in fact are right now, but at least they'll need to spend regular GCD's to keep that up when I'm hitting them (often even with S&D up).

You're right when you say that priests have better spells to waste a GCD on, but that's not the point; specially from a melee point of view in PvP, the point is that they can at least lose this advantage. Mage armor is a completely different story, if you ask me. The thing is that mages are even frailer than priests and that they really need that slow/chance on stun to keep themselves alive. I'd be all for somehow seperating the spellpower bonus from the armor bonus, but on the other hand, that would simply turn Inner Fire into the spell it used to be with the result that people will simply stop casting it.
#16 Jan 27 2009 at 6:10 AM Rating: Excellent
I can see why as a rogue - or many melee classes - you might take issue with that change, after all we do have some spells to protect us already and also make you run off wildly as if I've just offered to kiss you, okay that's not what Psychic Scream's tooltip says but I can wish.

I can see what you're getting but looking at this rather, and intentionally, obtusely the situation is black and white; either it's making a worthwhile difference and is therefore worth wasting a GCD on or it isn't. If it is and I as the priest in question am keeping it up mid-fight then the only time the situation isn't me "wearing leather" is when you happen to remove the charges when I'm stunned/needing to heal/have other uses for my GCD.

I'm going to have to do some calculations before committing to this but the mitigation although small will addup, as to its precise value in a fight with a class who can heal well... I'm still not convinced that it will make that much difference, some yes but not game breaking. In fact I'd think it would be more of an issue for slower hitting classes than rogues.

My point about being 2-3-X shotted was more from the PvE perspective, although I don't PvP so much I do try to consider what my suggestions might do to balance there too.

I'll also agree with you that mages are in general a frailer class and indeed they have spells to keep their enemies away from them in the first place, more so than us priests.

I'm leaving it where I left my last post, I feel that while initially this change might be an issue for some melee classes, removal of a large chunk of armor from the spell could cover for that, it wouldn't be an issue for Holy/Shadow priests but Disc priests might be at a slight disadvantage with that change, however I think the fact it's up almost 100% of the time might balance that out.

Edited, Jan 27th 2009 9:11am by cococj
#17 Jan 27 2009 at 6:24 AM Rating: Decent
To be honest, the Priest class should have more buffs than it does. Paladins get all kinds of blessings which benefit greatly while we get a Stamina buff and the very situational Shadow Resistance buff.
#18 Jan 27 2009 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
561 posts
I really think they might make Divine Spirit a core spell in 3.1. If not.. they should :) And, counting DS we have 3 group buffs (make ShProt raid wide pls?).
#19 Jan 27 2009 at 2:54 PM Rating: Good
1,574 posts
Just one change eh? Just one.

A passive, trained skill that increases a priest’s healing inversely to the amount of armor the target possesses: heals on plate would hit for the normal amount, but heals on cloth would hit for maybe 5-10% more, with mail and leather somewhere in between.
#20 Jan 27 2009 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
emmitsvenson wrote:
Just one change eh? Just one.

A passive, trained skill that increases a priest’s healing inversely to the amount of armor the target possesses: heals on plate would hit for the normal amount, but heals on cloth would hit for maybe 5-10% more, with mail and leather somewhere in between.


Higher classes armor naturally has more stamina. It shouldn't take much to top off lower armor classes. What's the point of healing them for more? They still won't be able to take the hits.
#21 Jan 27 2009 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
Mozared wrote:
The thing is that mages are even frailer than priests and that they really need that slow/chance on stun to keep themselves alive.

While this is true you also need to keep in mind the far wider selection of abilities a mage has to keep people away from them, frost nova, polymorph, frost bolt and assorted other chill effects and various stuns or slows depending on spec. Priests have only got Psychic Scream which has a reasonably chunky cooldown.

Of course we can heal, shield etc. I think cococj's idea finds a nice balance. Reduce the mitigation IF offers in return for increased duration and removing the charges, make it a straight up self cast spellpower buff. Twink brackets are where this might become OP, though there is no SP bonus in these brackets anyway and lets face it WoW is "balanced" for endgame not twink brackets anyway.
#22 Jan 28 2009 at 8:12 AM Rating: Decent

Higher classes armor naturally has more stamina. It shouldn't take much to top off lower armor classes. What's the point of healing them for more? They still won't be able to take the hits.

Not really. I see tons of cloth wearers out there with more health than mail wearers. Plate is the only real armor type that generally has more HP than the others.
#23 Jan 28 2009 at 8:27 AM Rating: Good
717 posts
The Inner Fire revamp interests me. Perhaps a glyph that reduces the armor received, but removes the timer and/or the number of 'hit charges'. That way you would have to choose between your other glyphs and achieve a tradeoff that Blizzard usually wants for changes like these.
#24 Jan 28 2009 at 8:33 AM Rating: Excellent
Trylofer wrote:
The Inner Fire revamp interests me. Perhaps a glyph that reduces the armor received, but removes the timer and/or the number of 'hit charges'. That way you would have to choose between your other glyphs and achieve a tradeoff that Blizzard usually wants for changes like these.

I was thinking about something like this last night but the other way around, I don't think even a major glyph should be increasing both time and removing charges though, that's far too powerful for a glyph.

I am wondering though if they say reduced the armour on the spell by say 50% and removed the charges but simply made the glyph increase its time. That would seem like a trade-off and still force someone to pick up a glyph at the cost of something else if the time still bothered them.
#25 Jan 28 2009 at 8:40 AM Rating: Default
Inner Fire should have it's duration increased to at least 30 min due to the fact that you can re-cast it at any time. It just gets annoying have to re-do a couple times in an instance.
#26 Jan 28 2009 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
Big change, probably OP, but I loved how in FFXI when you were WHM main, you had the "Divine Veil" ability. (Is that right? It's been so long and I'm too lazy to look.)

Basically has a big old CD, but turns any single target spell into an AoE.
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