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New dk, which spec for best DPS D:Follow

#1 Jan 24 2009 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
166 posts
New dk here. I have a pally already do I'm not interested in tanking. I just want to dps. So being new and all that, which spec gives me the most dps. Should I dw or go 2hd? Right now my talents are messed up but I'm going to respec once I hear some advice. Thanks.
#2 Jan 24 2009 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts

unholy, on a pale horse helps a lot w/ levelling

low gear levels, unholy

midrange, 2h blood or frost

very good gear, unholy or dw frost.

subjective opinion but i think many people will agree.
#3 Jan 24 2009 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
I have to say going blood was way easy. I almost always had full health and never had to worry about 3-4 mobs attacking me. That being said Ive talked to all spec'd and no one had a prob leveling so all 3 are good to be honest. I think blood is highest dps then unholy which is better at aoe then frost and opposite when it comes to tanking frost>unholy>Blood
#4 Jan 24 2009 at 4:19 PM Rating: Default
I'm blood for leveling. Here's my current build. End every fight with full health or almost full health. Pick you up glyph of raise dead and you can summon your ghoul with no reagants needed. :D Right now I'm in Tyr's hand grinding for rune cloth. Make sure to cover all area's of azenoth to get explores achievement.

Hope that helps. Good luck!
#5 Jan 24 2009 at 6:50 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Once you can get Wandering Plague/Imp Rune Tap (i.e. level 70), Unholy is a LOT better than Blood for leveling.

Edited, Jan 24th 2009 6:50pm by Theophany
#6 Jan 25 2009 at 4:27 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Unholy beats blood when it comes to speed.

Increased mounted speed is priceless before reaching level 76.
The ghoul pet packs quite a punch (when not doing it's crazy mob dance).
The diseases are strong enough to provide sufficient self-healing.

IMO Unholy is for DKs what Beastmastery is for hunters. Quite literally even with the controllable pet.
#7 Jan 25 2009 at 11:42 AM Rating: Default
Whats the rotation for unholy, Icy Touch, Plague Strike,....Death and decay, Pestilence?
#8 Jan 25 2009 at 11:57 PM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
don't DnD on less than 3 targets.

for aoe pulls you will want to DnD->IT->PS->Pest->UB to start.

For single targets, IT -> PS -> SS -> BS*2 -> DC -> 3XSS -> DC

If you have the scourge strike glyph watch your diseases as they may refresh (which owns).
#9 Jan 26 2009 at 3:14 AM Rating: Decent
233 posts
On the WoW DK forums, there is a person who made some outstanding Prot Pally guides, gives his DK overview and I find it to be the most helpful piece of reading for a new DK that I've found so far....

Provides a basic overview of the talent tiers and the Everything is Everything section to me is the most important part of the DK talent design. Read it thoroughly and you'll soon find the right play style for you.
#10 Jan 26 2009 at 3:50 AM Rating: Good
109 posts
With the buffs to blood, especially Heart Strike's cleave, blood is now the current top DPS spec slightly surpassing a strong DW build.
#11 Jan 26 2009 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
A small caveat about blood being top dps...
it is weapon + gear dependent, and also rather buff dependent.
Whereas I'll see unholy do ridiculous damage w/out buffs, I've never seen blood top the charts without kings + might at the least. (windfury effect + leader of the pack just makes it broken).
Bottom line though is that all specs are pretty good on dps now, especially since frost got a buff (my blood spec 3 weeks ago was ~3k, my frost spec now is ~3.1k, obviously i'm geared better now), and its beneficial to have 1 of every dk in the raid, so try to spec towards what your guild needs.

Edited, Jan 26th 2009 11:19am by EnthalpyTheBurninator
#12 Jan 26 2009 at 10:50 AM Rating: Default
After exploring all the options, I will have to say that Blood is best for leveling, Unholy is best for DPS end-game with mediocre gear and Blood for very high quality gear. I've explored with Frost for DPS and find that it's only successful for PVP or tanking.
#13 Jan 26 2009 at 11:37 AM Rating: Good
13,007 posts
I dunno about endgame, but for leveling I've found Blood/Unholy hybrid to be pretty devastating. Permaghoul + self heals + some nice buffs to stats and certain abilities. Nice combination of survivability and damage output.
#14 Jan 26 2009 at 12:21 PM Rating: Good
19,369 posts
SirMattelot wrote:
After exploring all the options, I will have to say that Blood is best for leveling, Unholy is best for DPS end-game with mediocre gear and Blood for very high quality gear. I've explored with Frost for DPS and find that it's only successful for PVP or tanking.

Unholy > Blood for leveling. Keep exploring.
#15 Jan 26 2009 at 2:15 PM Rating: Excellent
As I recently saw a post on MMO-champion say, ask 5 DKs what spec is the best for whatever, you will get 5 different answers. Is there a BEST spec? It depends on the situation. Are you AoEing? Are you having to move around a lot so missing chances to reapply diseases? Is there AoE damage that can nuke pets (especially the super squishy gargoyle)?

IMO there is no BEST. There are parses of DW Dks doing silly stupid amounts of dps, there are other parses of 2h doing just as much, if not more. It's more about skill of the player and knowledge of the class, and boss mechanics, than it is which spec they are.

Personally I am trying to avoid DWing, because if I wanted to DW I would have probably gone something like warrior or rogue. Unless Blizzard breaks 2h to where you have to be DW to do respectable dps (which GC explicitly said they were not going to do "If everyone is DW, we may have to change things to make 2h more appealing." I can't find his post anymore, I used to have it bookmarked, but I guess I lost it.

I'm personally not big on frost dps, if people want to do it, I don't belittle them for it. I personally prefer blood or unholy as far as dps specs go. Unholy does a lot better on trash pulls (overall meters), but doesn't have much of an advantage anymore on single target bosses over blood. I switched to unholy a month or two ago, then switched back to blood last week when my ghoul was bugged. I must say, I really enjoy the new blood, and I might stick with it.

Honestly I would be much happier with the people that say "I play X because it's more fun to me" more so than the people that go "you need to spec Y because X does less dps."
#16 Jan 26 2009 at 6:41 PM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
frost is actually somewhat fun to play as frost now thanks to the changes. its still a tad behind blood for single target dps but it definitely is much more competitive than it used to be.
#17REDACTED, Posted: Jan 27 2009 at 1:49 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I'm sorry, but you're wrong. I've been 80 since November and I tried all specs for leveling. Blood was just vastly superior.
#18 Jan 27 2009 at 2:47 AM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
Best DPS depends on the player. Skill is the most important "stat" of all. Any scrub can follow a gear guide and copy builds (I'm the perfect example) but if you're really pushing yourself to do better every time and avoid silly mistakes you will put out hot numbers.

For leveling I found Unholy very efficient and generally preferred it, but the difference between the three trees isn't so great that it matters all that much in my experience (both beta and live). I found a lot of comfort in Blood (just felt "safer" somehow) and loved Unholy's pet and mechanics (standing on unholy ground the first time made me giggle... a lot). But in the end leveling is leveling: Play what you like. Well, unless you're in a rush to fill a raid spot or something.

For end-game raiding I prefer Frost. At least so far.

Why? It's efficient, has compact cycles and deals good damage in both AoE and single-target situations. It's not always ideal of course but it does well in a wider variety of fights than the deep Blood, Unholy or hybrid builds I've tried so far. Of course for some fights I wish I had a bit more of Bloods' single-target damage, for others the unrivaled AoE mastery of Unholy would be great. But Frost, for me, does both admirably well and provides some nice utility (Icy Talons frees up a shammy totem, Unbreakable Armor is a great boost, etc...).

It's also very convenient for me to switch to a Frost tanking build and not have to swap out most of my macros. But that's only a nod to my own laziness.

Side note: Did Sartharion (3d) as Blood (51/13/7) last night and the new buffs to it are really, really nice for that fight. The new cleave mechanic is great for the stacked drakes and the single-target DPS was definitely better. Ticking DoTs on the adds at certain points was helpful but disappointing compared to Howling Blast or Unholy's awesomeness. All in all it's a very good choice for that fight in my opinion and DKs running that fight should consider it. Sadly I was subbed out for an off-tank before they downed him... maybe 2 TV titles is too much to ask? =) Eh.... next week.

Just my opinions of course. There is a decent discussion on this specific topic on Elitist Jerks (here) but the people there are in serious progression guilds mostly and not all of the viewpoints there are reasonable for heroic/entry-level raiders. So... grain of salt.

Good luck out there.

Edited, Jan 27th 2009 3:04am by TherionSaysWhat
#19 Jan 27 2009 at 3:14 AM Rating: Default
In all honesty, you can level as any spec. Once you grasp the rotations and learn all the mechanics, you'll feel comfortable with whatever spec you have. I'm comfortable with all specs, so I can easily give an unbias opinion.

I leveled to 80 as Blood because it had the best leveling survivability and since it has the highest single-target DPS, you'll mostly fight single mobs while you grind.

I had a ton of fun playing Frost. Howling Blast is one of those talents that you wish was just trainable.

I've been Unholy for raiding and heroics because of my high crit % and Wandering Plague, I always top the DPS charts.
#20 Jan 27 2009 at 6:52 AM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
I'm sorry, but you're wrong. I've been 80 since November and I tried all specs for leveling. Blood was just vastly superior.

I'm sorry but you're wrong. you are being subjective with an opinion. give some facts.
Here are a few about unholy.
The bottom line is you shouldnt have hp issues as unholy, therefore the self healing from blood is crap.
At the same time, a large portion of your damage is not very dependent on gear/weapon, so you can enjoy higher kill times w/out needing the best gear.
Unholy focuses at AoE combat. I think 75% of the pulls i made solo levelling as unholy were at least 4 mobs or more with almost no downtime (maybe half a bandage on the ghoul since i used him to aoe pull for me).
Even assuming that all specs kill reasonably well and have similar mob kill times, the bottleneck of levelling is moving around. on a pale horse's 20% is massive towards reducing your levelling time.

You can tell me i'm wrong, but you're just showing your ignorance. Or maybe you just like the easymode of levelling w/out skill and getting free hp the whole way.
Oh and 80 since november, same here. O wait I was 80 in august when i had my beta key....because skill is a function of time right? /sarcasm

In all honesty, you can level as any spec. Once you grasp the rotations and learn all the mechanics, you'll feel comfortable with whatever spec you have. I'm comfortable with all specs, so I can easily give an unbias opinion.

True, and what you should have said.

I leveled to 80 as Blood because it had the best leveling survivability and since it has the highest single-target DPS, you'll mostly fight single mobs while you grind.

Not always true, gear dependent, and it is very easy to aoe pull while you grind and massively increase your xp returns.

Edited, Jan 27th 2009 8:56am by EnthalpyTheBurninator
#21 Jan 27 2009 at 8:39 AM Rating: Default
I'm sorry but you're wrong. you are being subjective with an opinion. give some facts.
Here are a few about unholy.
The bottom line is you shouldnt have hp issues as unholy, therefore the self healing from blood is crap.

So you're trying to tell us all that Blood is a worthless spec? I'll let all the highest raid guild DKs who spec 51/13/7 know that.

At the same time, a large portion of your damage is not very dependent on gear/weapon, so you can enjoy higher kill times w/out needing the best gear.

Did you just say that a large portion of your damage is not very dependant on gear?

Unholy focuses at AoE combat. I think 75% of the pulls i made solo levelling as unholy were at least 4 mobs or more with almost no downtime (maybe half a bandage on the ghoul since i used him to aoe pull for me).

For YOU they were. You can run around aggroing all the mobs you want, that doesn't change facts.

Even assuming that all specs kill reasonably well and have similar mob kill times, the bottleneck of levelling is moving around. on a pale horse's 20% is massive towards reducing your levelling time.

As I said in the other thread, maybe for you. Not everyone plays the same way you do.

You can tell me i'm wrong, but you're just showing your ignorance. Or maybe you just like the easymode of levelling w/out skill and getting free hp the whole way.

So i'm ignorant for not playing just like you and for disagreeing with you? Is that what you're saying?

Oh and 80 since november, same here. O wait I was 80 in august when i had my beta key....because skill is a function of time right? /sarcasm

I'm not sure what you're trying to imply here.

Not always true, gear dependent, and it is very easy to aoe pull while you grind and massively increase your xp returns.

It's easy to do a lot of things, if that's your style of play. It may not be the norm, but it's not fair to repress that upon others.
#22 Jan 27 2009 at 10:18 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
SirMattelot wrote:
I'm sorry but you're wrong. you are being subjective with an opinion. give some facts.
Here are a few about unholy.
The bottom line is you shouldnt have hp issues as unholy, therefore the self healing from blood is crap.

So you're trying to tell us all that Blood is a worthless spec? I'll let all the highest raid guild DKs who spec 51/13/7 know that.

WTH? He said the self-healing isn't worth much because other specs can heal themselves just fine.

Get the stick out of your rear. Subjectiveness is subjective. Blood is fine and good, as are other specs played right. Blood and tri-spec are currently neck-and-neck at high-end. Just because YOU don't play a different spec doesn't make them less valid... except for in your personal anecdotes.

Personally I have one unholy and one blood spec for leveling (2 chars). I think I like Blood better, but that's just my playstyle. I couldn't stand leveling a Prot pally either; had to go Ret. Unholy works well for those who love to AoE stuff to level.
#23REDACTED, Posted: Jan 27 2009 at 11:35 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) He was presuming that you shouldn't have HP issues as Unholy. The purpose of Blood is high self-heals and single target DPS. I'm sorry to have to be the one and state the obvious but, Blood is working as intended.
#24 Jan 27 2009 at 11:37 AM Rating: Good
19,369 posts
SirMattelot wrote:
I'm sorry but you're wrong. you are being subjective with an opinion. give some facts.
Here are a few about unholy.
The bottom line is you shouldnt have hp issues as unholy, therefore the self healing from blood is crap.

So you're trying to tell us all that Blood is a worthless spec? I'll let all the highest raid guild DKs who spec 51/13/7 know that.

Those high end raid DKs? Yeah they're already 80. We're talking about leveling here.

SirMattelot wrote:

Unholy focuses at AoE combat. I think 75% of the pulls i made solo levelling as unholy were at least 4 mobs or more with almost no downtime (maybe half a bandage on the ghoul since i used him to aoe pull for me).

For YOU they were. You can run around aggroing all the mobs you want, that doesn't change facts.

Fact: There are a lot of 'Kill X amount of mobs' and 'Gather X amount of drops'.

Unholy AOE takes advantage of that fact.

SirMattelot wrote:

Even assuming that all specs kill reasonably well and have similar mob kill times, the bottleneck of levelling is moving around. on a pale horse's 20% is massive towards reducing your levelling time.

As I said in the other thread, maybe for you. Not everyone plays the same way you do.

Again we're talking about leveling. Travel time is a huge factor in this. That 20% makes a huge difference over time while leveling. You can't ignore that fact.

SirMattelot wrote:

Oh and 80 since november, same here. O wait I was 80 in august when i had my beta key....because skill is a function of time right? /sarcasm

I'm not sure what you're trying to imply here.

You've been 80 since november? That doesn't mean ****. Again I'm talking about leveling.

The differences between unholy and blood make unholy a superior leveling build. End level is a whole different game. It's the same thing with other classes. There are talents that are great for soloing and crap for group/raids. Level with efficiency and then respec for end game. Of course priority over that is personal preference to playstyle. I don't care if someone wants to level blood or frost, they're both great specs. The DK is a great class. But unholy just plain beats them for leveling. Self healing from blood spec isn't necessary for leveling. Leveling unholy I could self heal to 100% without a problem. I was actually surprised and expected I'd have downtime eating and regenerating. That wasn't the case blood or unholy or frost. Guess what that means? It means those self healing aspects of blood are inferior to dps talents.

I too tried all three specs. So don't go prancing around with your condescending biased opinion and making claims that anything anyone else says is just biased because it's not your view. You also know that the game has changed since November? How many DKs and specs have you leveled?
#25 Jan 27 2009 at 11:43 AM Rating: Good
19,369 posts
SirMattelot wrote:
WTH? He said the self-healing isn't worth much because other specs can heal themselves just fine.

Get the stick out of your rear. Subjectiveness is subjective. Blood is fine and good, as are other specs played right. Blood and tri-spec are currently neck-and-neck at high-end. Just because YOU don't play a different spec doesn't make them less valid... except for in your personal anecdotes.

Personally I have one unholy and one blood spec for leveling (2 chars). I think I like Blood better, but that's just my playstyle. I couldn't stand leveling a Prot pally either; had to go Ret. Unholy works well for those who love to AoE stuff to level.

He was presuming that you shouldn't have HP issues as Unholy. The purpose of Blood is high self-heals and single target DPS. I'm sorry to have to be the one and state the obvious but, Blood is working as intended.

Presuming my ***. If you have HP issues as unholy you're not playing it right. High self-heals, and single target DPS is inferior to high AOE DPS, moderate self heals, and decreased travel time for leveling. That's a fact, not an assumption.
#26REDACTED, Posted: Jan 27 2009 at 11:48 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I like how this is exactly what you're doing and you're trying to make it seem as if I am. A friendly piece of advice is: grow up.
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