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Shaman vs. Rogue leveling?Follow

#1 Jan 22 2009 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
How better does a shaman level then a rogue. Rogues are my fav class but shammies are very close second. Was just really curious on this. I'm speaking as soloing/questing not pvp/raid and enhancement leveling vs. Combat sword leveling. Can't seem to find a thread on it even in Wow forums.
#2 Jan 22 2009 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts

The reason you don't find threads like that listed anywhere is because leveling is largely a subjective process. It's generally agreed that DPS > tank > healer as far as leveling goes, but beyond that there is no clearly established heiarchy.

Now, if you want some input based on opinion I can give you that, and I'm sure some others will chime in.

Leveling a Rogue was a pain until level 10 and from then on it it became one of the easiest and fastest. As for Shaman, I consider the time I spent leveling my Shaman from 1-40 to be the single most painful leveling experience of my entire WoW career, and I've leveled everything up to that point except for a Mage, including several classes as non-optimal leveling specs. Once you're into the low 40's Enhancement Shaman level like a dream, but up until that point... it's a nightmare.

However, one thing you might want to keep in mind is that I leveled my Shaman through the very, very beginning of TBC. The talent trees and spells have undergone several large-scale revisions since then, so it may be a little better for you and others who have leveled since then.

Edited, Jan 22nd 2009 6:54pm by Gaudion
#3 Jan 22 2009 at 6:39 PM Rating: Good
If I had to choose I would level a shaman over a rogue. I have leveled a rogue to 70 and my sham to 80. Both are only about a year old with the sham being the newest. I found that the rogues upside is also his downside. Sure you can stealth in and kill that quest mob, but the xp you miss from not killing your way there adds up. Enh sham, on the other hand, is the **** to level once you get up to the 50s, and 70-80 is a breeze. You never have to eat or drink... NEVER.

Gaudion, I feel for you for leveling your Sham so long ago, I have heard it sucked back then. If it makes you feel any better, my warrior was a pain in the *** too pre-TBC, and by far the worst thing to level from 60-70 IMO. Shams are alot better now, and mine missed the first round of leveling nerfs too.

Overall though, it just comes down you what you like. Hell, you may not like a rogue or a shaman while leveling, or you may not like them for end game. I loved leveling my mage, but hated raiding with him. Hated leveling my warrior so much that he will probably remain at 70 forever, and I love to tank. No one can tell you what works for you, we can only tell you what worked for us.
#4 Jan 22 2009 at 7:15 PM Rating: Good
rogue will probably be faster. But it's hard to say. If you spend alot of time stealthing, and pickpocketing (for junkboxes etc) it may take longer. But enhancement shaman can be pretty fast. Though I've never had the experiences of these guys and never had to drink LOL. I drank a plenty. Especially in the 30's. As mentioned 40's is when things really start to improve. 20's and low 30's aren't great. But windfury at 30 helps a bit. And I drank plenty as I said, I had to heal myself you know. That takes mana. I suppose you could bandage, but it takes time to bandage, so you really aren't saving any time.

Yes this was fairly early on in TBC. I remember my early 60's, I had to drink like every 2 mobs lol. And this was as enhance. It got a little better after I replaced low 50's gear with outlands stuff and got water shield at 62.

Edited, Jan 22nd 2009 7:17pm by thrashering
#5 Jan 22 2009 at 8:12 PM Rating: Good
Sure you will have to drink early on. I said up in the 50s is when you start to level very fast without having to stop. I looked it up and it's exactly lvl 50 when you get the "wtf is drinking?" talent, also known as Shamanistic Rage. Being able to fill your mana bar up every two min is awesome. Water Shield (which you get at 20) will make sure that you don't go oom during those 2 min CDs.
#6 Jan 23 2009 at 3:10 PM Rating: Good
If you know that you enjoy both rogues and shaman(s), you would think you would have a grasp on how well/quickly they level. I think you are just looking for justification to create another Shaman. If you've never really seriously leveled a Shaman or Rogue, it would be hard for you to honestly say that either one was one of your favorites...
#7 Jan 23 2009 at 5:42 PM Rating: Good
you get water shield at 20 now? And I also did mine before shamanistic rage. that would have been sweet.
#8 Jan 24 2009 at 8:04 PM Rating: Good
1,330 posts
For Shaman 1-30 is a grind. Once you get wour lvl 30 skills and especially WF things start to pick up. At 40 talents really start to come together and the process starts to get fun and from 50-80 enhancement is a leveling monster.

For the rogue I personally found leveling to be a bit more of a grind (though my rogue is only 70) but it's a bit more consistent in that from level 10 up it's a nice steady pace. You can't heal yourself when things get sticky but of course you get the games ultimate "oh ****" button... Vanish.
#9 Jan 26 2009 at 1:08 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Shamans blow rogues out of the water :P (only at later lvls though)

We can solo allot more and have 0 downtime once we reach mid-higher lvls.

We also lvl faster because rogue's have this strange desire to corpse camp and waste time to much!

Edited, Jan 26th 2009 4:09am by Raqiel
#10 Feb 03 2009 at 10:59 PM Rating: Good
510 posts
I leveled both and I would say I prefer the Shaman (enhancement) for leveling. You are able to solo elites easier. You have spells to get rid of all the annoying things mobs can do to you that would keep you out of stealth. Spirit wolves make keeping your health high easy. The only thing I didn't like about the shaman over the rogue was being on a PvP server. As a rogue, I could get away easily. As a shaman, I was pretty much dead if ganked.
#11 Feb 09 2009 at 1:03 PM Rating: Good
329 posts
I may be able to respond to this easily from a low level standpoint, as I am just returning to WoW after a year + hiatus. I am currently working on a Druid, Shaman, and Rogue... but I have more or less left the rogue to die in a tavern drowning his sorrows.

The Druid is incredibly fast of all the classes I have played, and prior to returning I had high 60's or 70's of every class except mage and shaman, as I played on the Alliance side and did not reroll when TBC came out.

Now I am playing horde with some RL friends and so we are learning all the quests and so forth. Since you are not asking about druids, I will leave them alone. However, with regards to the OP, Shaman over Rogue, I have found that up through the high 20's they were relatively equal and now I am leaving the rogue behind as I begin to hit my stride in the 30's. Initially you will be doing about the same things in PvE with regards to soloing in terms of breaks... The Shaman can solo just as well as the rogue if not better as you can survive adds whereas the rogue often has to vanish. This is offset at level 30 with Blade Flurry to make it easy for the rogue to deal with adds pretty effectively. For speed, it has been mentioned often, ease of leveling is the same and can be better for the rogue, but most people play the rogue so they use situational abilities, such as stealth and so forth, which in truth slow down your overall speed of play.

For grouping, at low levels it is fairly easy either way to get in a group for instance runs. Shamans have utility and Rogues have better pure dps at lower levels. However, with the new streamlining of leveling, I have found that you can run every instance up through high 30's with 4 toons assuming a tank, healer, and 2 dps... without needing a 5th. Before recent changes, if I remember correctly, you rarely ran an instance without a 5th unless you were all at a level where you were consistently fighting greens.

So to answer your question, Shaman seems faster to me period even from low levels because you do little stopping other than to drink / eat, the same as a rogue would. The difference is that when I played my rogue I played them as a rogue, which meant positioning for a cheap shot or ambush and then rinse and repeat. So I would say go with a Shaman as you already stated you liked Shamans and if you are posting in the Shaman boards, then I feel you may be looking to be swayed.
#12 Feb 09 2009 at 3:32 PM Rating: Good
I leveled my shaman to 60 before TBC even came out and talents were upgraded (before DW). I was enchance and 25-40ish was fairly slow, but after then it began picking up significantly. I found that i leveled my rogue faster from 1-40 but by the time i got to 60 it had pretty much evened out.

I haven't leveled either classes from 1-60 since the new talents and shammy DW, which would probably increase speed. My shaman's 80 now and i went elemental, i find it faster to level than enchance and your spell power is nice and high incase you get in a tight spot and need to heal. I'll shut up about elemental now cause its not in the post :) but anyway, i found the time mostly the same.
#13 Feb 10 2009 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
Coming from a fresh perspective to leveling as Enh Shaman, I find it to now be extremely easy. I've leveled my Shaman from 1-60 (just dinged last night) in the past few weeks. While leveling Shaman just feels like one great big buildup, in that you're always heading towards talents and skills that are only going to further speed up your leveling.

Leveling 1-20, I honestly almost stopped leveling Shaman just because it seemed like one giant hassle but I continued because of all the little treats that were ahead of me. Then 20 hit, I got Water Shield, and I've never looked back; lowering Water Shield to 20 was a Godsend to Shamans leveling, because with a tiny bit of mana management at later levels, I've never run out of mana even while spamming my skills the whole time. 30-40 is when the class really starts coming together for leveling; you get Windfury and then Dual-Wield at which point the mobs just start dropping left and right. In the past few levels I've finally gotten Shamanistic Rage, maxed Maelstrom Weapons and with basically infinite mana, and constant instant LB or heals, leveling is faster than ever.

Me and my friends were actually having a LAN party the other weekend, and my friend decided to pick up his Shaman from where he left it at 60. I watched him level 60-66 in one day, and then head on off to Northrend the next. The moment I saw him solo the Overlord quest in Hellfire Penninsula (for those who don't remember, it's a quest to kill an elite that will steamroll classes like Hunters that are usually good with that stuff) I knew there was something special about Shamans.

Edited, Feb 10th 2009 12:50pm by UnknownSoldier
#14 Feb 19 2009 at 3:31 AM Rating: Excellent
678 posts
I've been leveling a new alt, a Shammie, and so far he levels really well. Just hit 30 today, so by the looks of what everyone's saying I'm in for some increase in the speed of leveling. Great stuff.

I'm actually enjoying the class and it also reminds me of my pala to some extent in that I'm melee with the ability to heal myself. Oh I do miss my bubble, but thankfully shammies have other tricks and are able to sustain a beating too.

I just never got into my rogue, so I deleted him long ago before getting to lvl 20 to be frank ...
#15 Feb 19 2009 at 8:58 AM Rating: Decent
rogues do get better after 22 or so. I remember before poisons things were a bit slow. poisons definately help speed things up.
#16 Feb 19 2009 at 7:48 PM Rating: Decent
202 posts
I'm leveling a Shaman right but only level 9 and so far so good. Plan to be elemental/resto all the way.

I have to say though I've always loved Rogues. don't really care about the leveling speed cause I usually go everywhere being stealthed.
There's just something about it that I love.
#17 Feb 22 2009 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
I just started a shaman, level 19 now but much, much easier than leveling my mage or warrior.
#18 Feb 22 2009 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
202 posts
I'm still a low level 12 so far and had a bit of a hard time with the harpies in Durotar Canyon. Each fight was pretty close and the Warlocks in skull Rock were tough.

But in general what I've notice so far with the Shaman is that when I'm having issues it's mostly because i didn't go back to my trainer to learn the last set of skills. Once I do think are usually much easier (duh! yes but still :P )
#19 Feb 22 2009 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
629 posts
I'm in a process of levelling my shaman atm. He's 46 atm but I'm keeping steady pace of 4 levels a day. I don't have any uber gear, my spec is pretty much standard enh route. I very, very rarely have to drink or eat. I counted how much food I've eaten since 35(that's when I replaced for better) and it was something like 15... For 11 levels. And it's pre shamanistic rage... So very little downtime. Yes, I don't have many aoe capabilities(magma totem isn't best aoe there is) but I can solo pack of 3 mobs 4 levels higher with 1-2 adds without sweating too much. Enhancement shammies are truly monsters. It starts when You get water shield( no downtime from there) and keeps better at 30(windury procs are godsend) and 40(stormspike and mail helps with survivabilty and killing speed) I don't even want to imagine what it will be like with shamanistic rage.

I levelled warrior(prot since late 20) pre 2.3, long before vanilla content exp nerfs. And bookin all the way(oomkin pretty much every 2-3 fights), and shaman is by far the best class for solo. I'm sorry but i can't really relate to rogues, since I got mine up to level 9 and then deleted...
#20 Feb 24 2009 at 6:01 AM Rating: Good
1,006 posts
I've been a rogue for a long time, now I also have a level 76 shaman. What I have to say is this:

1 - Rogues are more "convenient" to level, since you can slip past bothersom mobs. Over the many days of working that it takes to level, the time saved adds up.

2 - Shamans are more powerful and durable while questing. Able to blow up many mobs at a time, heal, and keep going. Also able to solo the majority of group quests, merely by keeping up water shield.
#21 Feb 28 2009 at 8:17 AM Rating: Excellent
678 posts
Little update on my side ...

I've kept on leveling my shammy. I'm on 43 and it's getting better and better. A lot of fun and 0 downtime. My hunter leveled faster, and my paly could handle more mobs at a time(I leveled prot from around 35), but my dual wielding shammy dispatches mobs like they were wanting to die.

I'm having a blast, tbh. Can't wait for 45 when I'll get one more little buff from my talents in enhancement...

Question to all you shammies out there : I intend to level enhancement all the way til 80. Or should I switch to elemental at 60ish?

I'll be resto at endgame, but boy enhancement is a ton of fun.
#22 Mar 01 2009 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
LGarth wrote:
Question to all you shammies out there : I intend to level enhancement all the way til 80. Or should I switch to elemental at 60ish?

You should only switch to Elemental at 60 (or whenever) if you want to. The whole "Elemental is better" kick is a re-occurring, unsubstantiated fad that keeps popping up, spurred on by people who just happen to like Elemental better so they have to believe and get everyone else to believe that it is better.

As it stands now, just about every DPS spec in the game levels fine, and Enhancement and Elemental are both viable DPS. Enhancement is still probably the fastest leveler for Shaman, but if you're bored of it or are one of those people that have a serious hard-on for Elemental, nothing should stop you from changing.
#23 Mar 02 2009 at 4:37 AM Rating: Excellent
678 posts
Oooook. Enhancement it is then, most probably as I don't really like ranged caster types as much as I like melee types.

Funny that, I started the shammy just for the hell of it but I'm having so much fun that now it's increasingly looking like he might make it all the way and become a raider. Level 47, still far away from 80, but I'm itching to go back to him ...
#24 Mar 08 2009 at 12:57 PM Rating: Excellent
678 posts
61 today.

It's a blast all through.

I was pulled away by guildies to go OS 10 +3 (we almost made it), else I'd be 62 by now!!!! I need to get him to 80 soon. There's a rogue friend of mine who's been leveling an alt too, and it's hard to say as he gets a toon of boosts, but we seem to level at a similar pace.
#25 Mar 17 2009 at 9:48 AM Rating: Decent
IMO rogue level slight faster then shaman, I have have 70 rogue & 70 Shaman but it is not enough to pick one class over the other. As previous person comment it is highly subjective really does depend on your playing style & gear.
#26 Mar 29 2009 at 1:24 PM Rating: Excellent
678 posts
Finally made it to 80 in 8 days, 4 hours /played. I did so leveling professions and getting some dailies in (wyrmrest accord and Kalu'ak). I've had a blast all the way, so there you go, just have fun. A few hours more, or a few hours less, don't matter that much if you're having fun. At least they didn't to me.

Have fun!
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