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Let's talk about Arcane, baby! 3.3.3 ready!Follow

#1 Jan 22 2009 at 5:56 AM Rating: Excellent
As usual, and as many of you know, I get a lot of my info that I absorb and pass on to the fine people here from the Elitist Jerks forum.

Manly <Elitist Jerks> made a thread forarcane mage-ing in 3.08 and beyond.

New Patch/Hotfix Notes


* Arcane Empowerment: This effect is now passive instead of being a proc off of critical strikes. The self damage buff remains unchanged.
* Incanter's Absorption: This talent now only grants additional spell power when damage is absorbed by Mana Shield, Frost Ward, Fire Ward, or Ice Barrier. The limit of 5% of the mage's health on the spell power buff has been removed.
--- AKA, The day that IA died as a really good raiding talent.
# Arcane Blast: The buff from using this ability now stacks up to 4 times instead of 3, and each application increases mana cost by 175% instead of 200%. In addition, the duration of the buff has been reduced to 6 seconds.
# Arcane Missiles: Casting this spell while both Missile Barrage and Clearcasting are active will cause only Missile Barrage to be consumed.
# Talents

* Arcane
o Missile Barrage: The effect from triggering this talent now removes the mana cost of Arcane Missiles. In addition, the chance for Arcane Blast to trigger this talent is now 8/16/24/32/40%. All other listed spells continue to have a 4/8/12/16/20% chance to trigger it. This talent no longer has a chance to be triggered when spells miss.

Arcane Blast: Mana cost reduced by 12%.

Glyph of Arcane Missiles increases Critical Strike damage of Arcane missiles by 25%
-- Replaces Glyph of Arcane Power in dps charts

Arcane Power (AP) and Presence of Mind (POM) can no longer be used together any more. You have to separate the two into different macros if you did this before. Presence of mind causes a 1.5 second cooldown on arcane power once it is consumed, Arcane Power causes a 10 second cooldown on POM, but POM stays grayed out until AP is gone.


Arcane blast glyph gives 3% (18/36/54) instead of 5%

You can no longer clip AM with Abarr to get the 5th tick of AM and Abarr to get the + effect from the AB debuff.

Edited, Feb 12th 2009 11:47am by Anobix

Edited, Oct 5th 2009 1:31pm by Anobix

Edited, Oct 5th 2009 1:32pm by Anobix

Edited, Mar 23rd 2010 11:08am by Anobix
#2 Jan 22 2009 at 7:03 AM Rating: Good
Basic Info:
Arcane is going to be a bit different than what most people are used to. It actually required you to think on your toes to know what you can be using at different times. You will be oom in 1 minute if you just AB spam, but it is also viable as a mana burn if you pop all cooldowns and go nuts, just make sure that you will be able to get mana back to near full to be able to start a different cycle. Or you could be very conservative and just do an AB-Abar cycle, but it will lower your dps by a significant amount. It is all about knowing how much time you will have to be able to blow your mana at the right times.

%	Spell Hit Rating (lvl 80)  Typical case	                                 draenai %   Spell Hit w/ draenai 
17%	445.94387624	           hit cap	                                 16%	     419.71188352 
14%	367.24789808	           EP or (no EP + misery/improved faerie fire)   13%	     341.01590536 
11%	288.55191992	           EP + misery/improved faerie fire	         10%	     262.3199272 
8%	209.85594176	           EP+AF (57/3/11) + misery/improved faerie fire  7%	     183.62394904 
1%	26.23199272	 	 	  

The general rotation (for medium sustainability + dps) seems to be 3xAB AM Abarr (casting Abarr before the 5th tick of AM to get both to gain from the 60% damage increase from the AB debuff)

You can cut back the rotations to be 2xAB AM Abarr or even 1xAB AM Abarr to still get decent dps. Just remember that every AB that you use after 3 is throwing mana down the drain (unless you are burning through it with cooldowns), so 4xAB AM Abarr is more damage, but much more expensive.

New current rotation (varies on situation)
Main/Optimal: ABx3 - Abarr
If MBAM procs on AB stack to 3x and cast it. If it procs on Abarr cast immediately and follow with an Abarr

New (lol) rotation info:
Standard seems to be ABx4-AM.
-- Basically almost always cast 4 Arcane Blasts followed by an Arcane Missiles. Because of the increased proc chance of Missile Barrage it should generally be up again by the 4th stack of the Arcane Blast debuff. If you don't get it to proc you can continue fishing for one, or simply cut your mana losses, use arcane missiles and re-stack.
--- Arcane barrage is generally cut out of all rotations because of the very small dps increase for the cost of a large chunk of mana. It should only be used if you are moving and your arcane blast stack is going to fall off.
Burn phase: you can still try ABSpam but it of course is very expensive, so only use it if you know you have time to d so.

"Rotation"/Priority system based on not yet having your 2pc T10 gear:
The standard ABSpamMbam (if you want to fish for procs) or ABx4-Mbar/AM works as well.

"Rotation"/Priority system based on 2pc T10 gear:
ABSpam0234MBAM is an excellent balance of mana usage/dps. The notation means that you spam Arcane Blast until you get a missile barrage proc, when you do and your stacks of AB are at 0/2/3/4 use missile barrage. If you find you are running low on mana/and or can't afford to fish for procs use an Arcane Missiles and start restacking.

Use Presence of Mind on Arcane Blast on the 4th stack to get the best crit modifier/damage modifier or during movement to prevent the stack from dropping.

Of course change your rotation depending on your mana that you have left and mana source cooldowns that you have available to you.

Glyph of Arcane Blast
Glyph of Molten Armor
Glyph of Arcane Missiles

This is largely up for discussion. I will be going with:
57/3/11 - w/ Slow for fights that benefit from slowing targets in ICC (Saurfang, Deathwhisper, Dreamwalker, Lich King)

For an offspec: Some points could also be spread around into Incanters Absorption for fights that have a lot of AoE damage where you can use frost/fireward (Hodir, Mimiron, Sindragosa, etc) Generally when a person takes IA they will also take the frost warding talent in frost instead of ice shards. Dropping points can come from Magic Absorption or Arcane Mind (Arcane Mind is the lowest DPS per point in the arcane tree).

Edited, Feb 12th 2009 12:53pm by Anobix

Edited, Jul 6th 2009 11:03am by Anobix

Edited, Aug 21st 2009 2:56pm by Anobix

Edited, Aug 21st 2009 2:56pm by Anobix

Edited, Oct 5th 2009 1:50pm by Anobix

Edited, Mar 23rd 2010 11:10am by Anobix

Edited, Mar 23rd 2010 11:16am by Anobix

Edited, Mar 23rd 2010 11:18am by Anobix
#3 Jan 22 2009 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the info xD Now i have a proper rotation xD
#4 Jan 22 2009 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
266 posts
I wish they had a new intellect flask. That would be great for Arcane.
#5 Jan 22 2009 at 8:56 PM Rating: Good
What I decided on:

I decided that the pushbank is useful enough to drop a couple points here and there to get it and I don't need the extra hit from arcane focus. Pulled 5k dps on maly tonight (10man)
#6 Jan 23 2009 at 6:21 AM Rating: Decent
I'm still reading. I think I'll stick with what I have until after Naxx25 this week, so I'll have what I'm used to, since it's a pug (though somewhat static).

After that, I might just....go frost. Yep. I think it'd be fun to have "one of each" in a raid, and, no matter what, we'll all do adequate+ on dps. I just want to see what happens in certain circumstances.

Also, it's the red-headed step-child, and though I wouldn't rock any type of EJ quality meters, I think I'd still be able to keep my spot.

Idk, a few beers now, so we'll see. It's kind of fun to think about. What kind of nut specs frost when arcane is clearly leading, and ffb is alive and well in my raids? :)

Stay tuned...
#7 Jan 24 2009 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
917 posts
Anobix the Wise wrote:
Look for posts from the (recently banned for some reason, Kel S'jet)

He was banned only and only for writing just the following "However I did not want to anger the mighty Vontre further. He has friends in high places. Ones that carry bansticks. So I just moved on.".

#8 Jan 24 2009 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent
Almost completely off topic but...

36/35/0 Spec can achieve 110% Mana Regeneration while casting? So you get more when you cast? =P

Also, what kinda of rotation could you implement with that much mana regeneration?
#9 Jan 24 2009 at 10:48 AM Rating: Good
You could try doing arcane blast spam with MB when it procs but you would probably still run low. The problem wit htaht spec is that you miss out on a lot of excellent arcane damage talents to have better regen.
#10 Jan 24 2009 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
266 posts
All I can say is Wooppiee. Two nights of raiding and two nights of top5 in DPS. Arcane rocks. The eltist jerks guys were right. Once you get the rotation down and our launching AB while the last AM is in the air AB gets the buff. Fire may have a potential of bening better, but we are realing racing through the raids now and the fights don't last as long. I hadn't really thought about the netherwind presence talent and icy veins, but i'm sure that's helping as well.

I'm using
#11 Jan 24 2009 at 2:31 PM Rating: Good
I like that build, but I decided to go with arcane stability for any type of pushback resistance that I would need to get. I don't believe that 2% (I took 1 pt n arcane focus) mana reduction will matter as much as making sure I get all 5 arcane missiles off and no pushback on my blasts as well. That and I don't think I can find enough non-hit gear to need an extra 2% hit.
#12 Jan 24 2009 at 8:38 PM Rating: Decent
Well Anobix, you could always throw on healer gear.

Spell Power Haste and Crit with some Spirit but no Hit... just don't go nuts with it or you'll be too low all of a sudden~
#13 Jan 24 2009 at 10:15 PM Rating: Good
Yeah the problem is getting that gear without the priests ******** about it. I have a couple of pieces (gloves of token respect and got a haste/spirit/dmg ring from 10man naxx last night)
#14 Jan 25 2009 at 8:18 PM Rating: Decent
I rarely have that problem.

In our 25s We have 2 SPriest and 1 Holy, 2 Holy Pallies and 2 Druids. Throw in the fact that there are also potential Resto Shammies and you find yourself with only Healer Spec Priests, in fact the most rare of which (Discipline), really getting mad about it.

Also, talking to or *being* one of the people leading the raid helps.

Although I'm not 100% on what everyone's needs are in terms of itemization, I have a really good idea of it, and other than Warlocks nobody puts Spirit on Cloth to better use than Arcane Mages.

But ya, let the Healers have their gear too. My point is just that if you're using a DKP, Line, or EPGP you should not forfeit you're turn/chance at what is generally known as Healer gear but looks arguably perfect for Arcane =D
#15 Jan 26 2009 at 1:19 AM Rating: Good
917 posts
Now, don't laugh please, but is there any add-on that can add a/move my mana bar so I can position it right under my nose? I tried Arcane a bit, will try it again in a day or two, and I noticed I have to pay much more attention to my mana bar than with FFB. Knowing me I´ll go for sure oom because I´ll forget to check my mana as often as I should (default Blizz frames with my portrait in upper corner).
#16 Jan 26 2009 at 4:24 AM Rating: Good
Any unitframe addon will work for that, I like pitbull a lot like xperl or ag_uf.
#17 Jan 27 2009 at 5:58 AM Rating: Good
917 posts
Thanks :p I prefer though keeping the default UI for the moment. I´ve derailed this thread enough for now, my apologies.

Going to read on Ej about the nerf with the clipping and AB.
#18 Jan 27 2009 at 6:01 AM Rating: Good
Ahh, that's unfortunate. the default UI is so terrible compared to what you can do with it.

-- As the title says, I have updated with the latest info about the arcane nerf hotfix.
#19 Jan 27 2009 at 7:34 AM Rating: Decent
WTB Mage Dashboard.

Switching to Arcane did make Magery much more interesting!!

The problem now is its almost a bit *too* interesting. What I mean by that is that now, DPS fluctuation is no longer so dependent on RNG+Crits, but the Players abilities to command their character.

Consider: Most fights end with an Enrage Timer. Upon enrages the Mage should be burning for all he's got. So, you should end every fight with your last shot putting you OOM or very close - correct? Well this has yet to happen to me, lol.

Consider: Raid Make-up drastically effects Arcane's mana regeneration and therefor effects mana allocation. Having a calculated number of 'true' current MP5 is something no one has created, however. Knowing your MP5 would so drastically alter an Arcane Mage's ability to control damage that with no other changes this could bring 5-10% boost in damage (of course a completely unfounded number but, let's face it, it's true.)

So I'm not really under the impression that anyone here knows how to create addons - and I'm definitely not familiar enough with it to attempt to make one myself - but entertain my little dream for a minute.

I'd love to see a Mage Dashboard Addon that consolidates all the information the Mage wants to know in such a readable format that the information once again becomes usable.

The Dashboard could be quartered off into sections that include
-DPM/Mp5 OR (MP5-DPM)/Mana OR some other usable formula relating to mana allocation
-A Mini Mana Bar
-A Mini Buff Counter that Shows Important Buffs
--Ablast Stacks
--MBAM Proc Check
--MobSnare Check
--EvocationUp Check
--ManaGemUp Check
-An estimated DPS or what I would call "potency rating" that takes up to the second information and gives a number based on your potential DPS - based off SP, Crit, Haste, Hit, Mob Debuffs, ect - allowing you to know the best times to blow cooldowns such as Arcane Power (this could be a very powerful tool).
-Lastly a very simple Threat Meter with your relation to the Top of Threat.

I made a VERY rough picture of the layout in order to show what I'm talking about.
Mage Dashboard!

Don't mind my horrible DPS -- I was on Walled Duty =(
#20 Jan 27 2009 at 8:15 AM Rating: Good
Interesting idea, although somewhat unnecessary as you can do it with most addons that are currently available.

Check out Kyth <Fusion>'s current addons.

Under the hood would cover one of your things.

Edited, Jan 27th 2009 11:22am by Anobix
#21 Jan 27 2009 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
Yes you definitely can do it with most of the raid addons out there, but I find myself always missing things.

Last night's Malygos raid was encountering some problems as one of our Healers was lagging badly, but to top that off on the second attempt I pulled agro somehow!? I don't even know how TBH as after a fight goes on for about a minute I stop looking at threat - especially with 2/2 Arcane Subtlety. My DPS was only at 4900 although I'm sure at that very moment it was 5500+, for Malygos this isn't abnormal. Furthermore I had MI, Invis, AND IBlock ready to use.

So I'm not sure how I grabbed threat, but after it hit me destroyed me it ran over the SPriest pulling 4k+ dps next to me leaving the raid without the top 2, all easily avoided if I had realized how close I was on threat.

To be fair, though, I was playing a crazy Balancing act of Mana Consumption vs DPS, watching for/Emergency rooting Sparks, making sure to stand in Static, waiting for Cyclones for perfect timing, all while trying to make best use of the Bloodlust going off under the pretenses of the already enthrallingly hectic Arcane rotation.

I LOVE my GUI setup - I've been using it for almost a year now through PVP and PVE, with 4 different Mains and most of my Alts.

I find even it lacks the proximity and information I need to maximize my Arcane rotation. Then again, I JUST specced Arcane 2 days ago... Maybe I'll get used to it =D
#22 Jan 27 2009 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
Oh and just to brag for fun...

I got the Denyin' the Scion Achievement last night after our 2 Melees and the Lock got up on disks I was told to~

Weeeeeee =D
#23 Jan 27 2009 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
Gah. Blizz nerfed the clipping from the Arcane Missiles.
#24 Jan 27 2009 at 8:18 PM Rating: Good
I wish I could test out my arcane tonight in Naxx, but I am being plagued with 5 second cast times and being impossible to know when my AM finishes casting.
#25 Jan 27 2009 at 9:38 PM Rating: Good
Seemed like it might have actually effected DPS a bit -- Obviously it is a nerf (or OP correction if you will).

But it doesn't seem to have decimated Damage output or anything. I was up 1% on the SPriest/Ele Sham for all of Naxx, up a few % on nearly every boss. That's better than I was doing as FFB. And I have yet to see the Hotfix in 25 Mans but I sorta think it would have even less of an effect.
#26 Jan 28 2009 at 3:15 AM Rating: Decent
I'm kind of thinking it's like someone said on some other forum, about never having been good at playing the piano. That's me.

Thing about arcane is that I probably won't ever go there. I don't care, I'll still pull my weight.

But it's still interesting to watch the progression of people who spec into it, from the outside lookin in. I'm hesitant about posting wws up until now, but I think if our arcane mage had more hit, he'd have done better. I look forward to watching him pass the ffb mages up. 2/3 of us are women. :)

I'll post wws from naxx25 this weekend, though, so we can check it out. As far as mages go, there will be at least 2 ffb mages, 1 arcane mage, the other is to be determined. So, 4 at least. :)

We don't yet know if we have spriest/boomkin (w iff) in the raid, so that will make a lot of difference, I think. My guild mages all have the uber hit pieces, but it sticks it to us elsewhere, and that sucks. Anyway, hoping for some hit in that raid.

Sorry for rambling. :)
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