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Survival Spec, what are you using and why?Follow

#1 Jan 22 2009 at 5:43 AM Rating: Good
Hi Fellow Hunters,

I have spent some time post-patch running my Hunter through Naxx with the Guild and solo'ing as my original spec of BM. It is sad to say that the changes have made a visible difference in DPS.

All I have heard so far on these forums is that Survival\Trap Dancer seems to be the way forward for DPS. Here is where my ignorance kicks in. I have never really paid much attention to the other tree's as I started BM speccing as soon as I earnt talent points. (That seems like so long ago lol).

So to those of you who use Survival Spec, to those of you who have just switched to Survival Spec and for those of us wanting to make the switch I wanted to ask you what build you use, (all links will be studied hard), and if you can find the time just to tell me what the major benefits and detractions are. I know some of this is in the FAQ\Hunter Bible but nothing really compensates for real experience.

All help and information is gratefully recieved as always.

RIP Beast Master
#2 Jan 22 2009 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
1/19/51 at the moment.
With Imp. AotH Glyph, Serpent Sting Glyph and Steady Shot glyph.
The 1 point in IAotH+Glyph get my steadies to 1.5 seconds when it's up so I don't have a use for more points spend.
Aimed shot further helps to reduce the amount of steadies, and I'm not trap dancing as so far I've had a lot of procs from Ssting and LnL so I don't think it's worth it.
Especially since we already tend to run with a melee heavy raid, which doesn't make trapdancing ideal...

I might shave off 1 point in GftT and move it into Sniper training or EW depending on how I'm doing in raids.

Edited, Jan 22nd 2009 3:29pm by Aethien
#3 Jan 22 2009 at 7:47 AM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
I have a question.

In heroics, I'm barely ever far away from my targets. I like to stay close to my healer in case aggro goes his way and I can throw down a freezing trap(run with the same healer+tank often). Plus, in places like Nexus and UK I feel restricted in the range I can stay at. I could probably easily bump up my range to 36 yards, but for some places, I'd find it near impossible.

How important is it to keep the 30+ yard range with survival? Also, wtf is trap dancing?
#4 Jan 22 2009 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
184 posts
If you are specced into sniper training staying 30 yards away is more dps. Some fights you can't but when you can do it.

Trap dancing is dropping a trap on the boss (immolation usually) or adds (when possible) to force lock and load procs and then getting back to range. Serpents Sting gives a 6% proc on LnL and traps 100%.

I have a couple of raids with SV under my belt and rarely do this yet. The new rotation for SV is not yet intuitive for me and requires enough concentration. I may try it when I get comfortable with SV.

DPS wise, 10 man naxx full clear - I was a little shaky for awhile as I got used to new rotation, but my dps was pretty good by the end of the night. I beleive I screwed the pooch quite a bit BTW.

It is awesome to have most of the DPS coming from the hunter and a few instants to pop during movement.

DPS on 10 man OS was impressive, I have never been #1 here. It is the first time I was able to beat DK's on this one and I crushed the MM hunter who was with us (who is good BTW). I beleive my rotation was still a little ratty also so all-in-all I am pleased with the buff.

I will be switching to Aethien's spec, no IAoTH right now which is fail probably.

#5 Jan 22 2009 at 8:36 AM Rating: Default

Trap Dancing

Trap Dancing is a different play style that has been in discussion on the EJ Forums for some time now. It revolves around standing at the ~5yrd dead zone and dropping an Immolation trap every cool down possible. While this spec and approach does yield slightly higher dps thru an increased number of LnL procs and subsequently Explosive shots, there are numerous issues that make difficult to implement in a live raid situation.

1) Boss Hit Box versus Trap Activation - Many bosses have large hit boxes in this current raid content. Traps however, need to be at or near the center of a mobs hit box to activate. Bosses such as Malygos, Sartharion, Sapphiron, Gluth, Grobbulus, etc all have large hit boxes that require you to run to the center of the boss, drop your trap and get back out. While the EJ forums have proposed using Raptor strike / Mongoose bite to fill this dead time running in, it still is a major problem facing this spec.

2) High mobility fights - Not every fight in WotLK right now is like Patchwerk and allows you to stand and nuke and run in to drop your traps fear free. While bosses with predictable movement patterns are somewhat beneficial to trap dancing they also present an issue of staying at range and dropping when you can or constantly moving and trying to drop every trap cool down.

3) Survivability - I know that most healers and raid leaders alike do not want any more melee in on a boss than necessary on alot of fights. Positioning issues like Tail Swipes, Cleaves, Ice Tombs, all put a hunter trap dancing at risk for taking damage which in turn creates yet another person that healers have to worry about. In many cases you can get yourself swiped/cleaved/etc because you are running into the boss. The risks are higher than standing at range and most healers don't like healing hunters as it is.

4) 30 Sec CD on LnL procs - The latest patch has added a 30 sec internal cool down to LnL procs through either stings or traps (no info has arisen proving these timers are separate). This discourages taking Resourcefulness for a reduced trap cool down time although in many cases promotes trap dancing because of the already low proc rate from serpent sting.

Overall thoughts on Trap Dancing:

There will be a select few hunters who master this playstyle and post great results with it. In most other cases, the general hunter population as well as healers and raid leaders everywhere will find themselves more at ease at range dpsing like hunters have always done in the past. It looks like a solid play style when you look at the math on EJ but successfully implementing it into a raid situation will be a great deal more difficult than the potential dps boost it provides. All the ideas of the spec however are not terrible. Any fight where you KNOW where a boss or add will be feel free to toss a trap down and get as many LnL procs as possible.
#6 Jan 22 2009 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent
I don't think in a typical 5 man the sniper training is going to yield a huge difference though in 10's and 25's on certain fights it will and it we have points to burn at the moment so I put some points in it.

Trap dancing is running in and putting down a trap (immolation I'm guessing) to receive the benifit of extra explosive shots if I'm not mistaken. Very little use in a raiding situation I feel so I'm not messing with it.

As far as having to freeze trap anything in instances now it's a non-issue. If you have things eating the healer, get a new tank.
#7REDACTED, Posted: Jan 23 2009 at 2:30 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Here is my build:
#8 Jan 23 2009 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts

Also, my first results in a raid as SV:
13 bosses Naxx10

Edited, Jan 24th 2009 1:05am by Aethien
#9 Jan 25 2009 at 9:36 AM Rating: Good
Thank you for all the answers. Of course the simplest answer was to spec up myself as Surv and see what the deal was.


Okay a little over the top and child like but after a few years of nothing but BM I am now a convert. I have a shot rotation that has taken my 1.1K DPS on average to 1.5k DPS on average and that is without 'Full' raid buffs, (Only done Heroic UK 5 man with a minimal amount of buffs and pots), on the second figure. The whole trap thing is interesting and will take some to perfect and make proper use off, but overall I am now kicking out much better figures Smiley: nod

Here is the build I went for, some may find it familiar.

Trinkets and rings could be better and so could my Hit cap which is getting closer to the required 8%. (Juggling AP and +Hit at the moment lol)

So I am a hppy chappy with the switch to SV. RIP BM but things change so I guess we get used to it.

Happy hunting all!
#10 Jan 25 2009 at 10:06 AM Rating: Good
146 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
1/19/51 at the moment.
With Imp. AotH Glyph, Serpent Sting Glyph and Steady Shot glyph.
The 1 point in IAotH+Glyph get my steadies to 1.5 seconds when it's up so I don't have a use for more points spend.
Aimed shot further helps to reduce the amount of steadies, and I'm not trap dancing as so far I've had a lot of procs from Ssting and LnL so I don't think it's worth it.
Especially since we already tend to run with a melee heavy raid, which doesn't make trapdancing ideal...

I might shave off 1 point in GftT and move it into Sniper training or EW depending on how I'm doing in raids.

Edited, Jan 22nd 2009 3:29pm by Aethien

I'm using a variation of that. I'm still experimenting, of course. And I had to adjust some of the talents to make up for lack of gear (WTB: hit rating).

I was a hardcore SV hunter before the expansion hit. Went MM after 3.01 when they nerfed EW, and MM became the best raid buff with good DPS. I liked MM, still do. But mana efficiency is horrible. Even after 3.08, my DPS as MM was respectable. I really didn't notice any drop at all except on some trash pulls.

But as SV, not only has my DPS gone up - even without trap dancing - but my mana effeciency is really, really good now. I can even spam Aimed shot without a care in the world. On my first 25 man run since respeccing last night, I had to TRY to go below 80% mana during some boss fights. I'm in mostly heroic dungeon/crafted/10 man gear, and I don't trap dance. So I'm not seeing the huge numbers some people are reporting. But hovering around 3700 DPS for most 25 man boss fights and going well over 4K on some encounters is fine by me. (Haven't tried it on 10 mans yet)

Now, if only I could get a roll over 15 on a 25 man item. Ugh! 9 straight 25 man drops, 9 straight rolls of under 15. I'm starting to feel sick whenever I see something drop now. Lost Tier 7.5 leggings on VoA last night in a pug to a hunter who pulled 1500 DPS for the fight. 1500??? Did he afk?

Maybe I'm just building loot karma for a good ranged weapon. One can hope. :)
#11 Jan 25 2009 at 11:11 AM Rating: Good
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
1/19/51 at the moment.
With Imp. AotH Glyph, Serpent Sting Glyph and Steady Shot glyph.
The 1 point in IAotH+Glyph get my steadies to 1.5 seconds when it's up so I don't have a use for more points spend.
Aimed shot further helps to reduce the amount of steadies, and I'm not trap dancing as so far I've had a lot of procs from Ssting and LnL so I don't think it's worth it.
Especially since we already tend to run with a melee heavy raid, which doesn't make trapdancing ideal...

I might shave off 1 point in GftT and move it into Sniper training or EW depending on how I'm doing in raids.

Edited, Jan 22nd 2009 3:29pm by Aethien

I am using your current Talent tree Build and I have to say it rocks. I am rotating with the following -

Serpent Sting
and repeat of course dropping Explosive when certain things Proc.

Tell me if you think it needs tweaking\changing or what you are using. I trust your work, it has method and math behind it, thank you AethienSmiley: nod
#12 Jan 25 2009 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
I changed now :P

I'm 1/18/52 now, changed 1 point from GftT to Sniper Training because I averaged close to 50% crit over 13 bosses in Naxx.
And with that, I don't need 2 points in GftT.

Oh, and /brag:

Loatheb is fun.
Although he really makes me want to have 5% more crit... I want to get over 100% crit! :P
#13 Jan 25 2009 at 8:49 PM Rating: Good
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
I changed now :P
Oh, and /brag:

Loatheb is fun.
Although he really makes me want to have 5% more crit... I want to get over 100% crit! :P

95% crit and he starts bragging. Why didn't you wait until master tactician procced? That would easily have given you > 100% crit. I believe I had ~105% with MT up.
And 5.3k AP is not very much. Didn't you have some support? I currently have 4.9k with only dragonhawk up.

Edited, Jan 26th 2009 5:49am by Mulgrin
#14 Jan 26 2009 at 1:31 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
It was with MT up :'(
And I'm only in 10mans, we started Naxx10 5 weeks ago and we've only had a full clear last week for the first time.
So yeah, my gear still sucks.
And I'm at only ~4.2k with just Hawk up.
#15 Jan 26 2009 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent
I think with full 25 man buffs, the greatness buff and MT I've seen something like 112%
#16 Jan 26 2009 at 8:02 AM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
I love Loatheb. I hit 4700 dps on him last 10 man. So sexy.
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#17 Jan 27 2009 at 3:52 AM Rating: Decent
Woah, nice crit % Aethien.

Well I finally got it together on my DPS and and the whole SV thing and managed to get an awesome night under my belt last night. Took down Sapph, Kel Thuzad, (got Nerubian Conqueror loot), and then Sarth for the first time (Got Staff of the Plaguehound and Hero Cryptstalkers handguards token) - Not bad for one night loot lol. Mana was no issue and my average over the course of the night stayed around 1500K DPS. I have to agree with others at the moment that Mages etc are topping the chart easily along with rogues on DPS.

So I am enjoying it.

Oh and Aethien, got some of your reply to the other topics I posted in. We will have to agree to disagree on those that kieyboard and those that mouse lol but that is life.
#18 Jan 29 2009 at 9:56 AM Rating: Good
255 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:

The 1 point in IAotH+Glyph get my steadies to 1.5 seconds when it's up so I don't have a use for more points spend.

I'm still sitting at BM (now I am wondering if it's worth it to respec with incoming changes again) since I am just on PuG status for raiding (RL ATM is kickin my ****** I have been looking at different SV builds but I was really wondering about this statement Aeth. I am sitting at 9.65% haste.... putting me (if my math is correct) at 2.0/1.15 = 1.74 /1.0965 = 1.59 Steady speed. Would it really be worth it to spec into IAotH to drop it below 1.5? Also, what glyph would you suggest after steady and serpent? Even if I do spec for hawk I don't need the extra haste from the glyph.


EDIT: I am not stacking haste in any way, I just have it off the items I currently have.

Edited, Jan 29th 2009 4:34pm by browningguns
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