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Disc Priests and Healing MetersFollow

#1 Jan 21 2009 at 4:25 PM Rating: Excellent
407 posts
I did my first raid today as Disc spec (OS). I felt I managed to keep people alive as well as the druid and shammy in the group. We had some wipes (low dps said raid leader, so much so he booted one of them) but I wasn't the first healer down and in fact on a few occasions managed to keep both the other healers up. Also the off tank only died after I did never before so I was quite proud. However on healing meter I suck. I had 20% ish of overall healing compared to the 40% ish of the others.

I know the others have greater gear than me both having about 200-300 extra spellpower which adds up when you are churning out the heals and I also know I was throwing round a LOT of shields as well as pain suppression etc especially onto the cloth casters. The question is how do you know if you are doing well when your healing output on meters sucks so bad? Should I just trust my instinct? I kept my off tank alive whilst also throwing out the odd POM, pulling other healers and the main tank up with penance a couple of times and also throwing out several shields. It all sounds good to me especially as being disc spec half my buffs are designed to help reduce the damage others take as well (like grace which was almost perma on my offtank) so I do not need to heal as much as I might otherwise.

Am I destined to suck, or do I suck at all or should I reflect on the fact that healing meters will never be my friend? I'd be interested to know if any other disc priests can get themselves high up on the healing meter and how on earth they do it...
#2 Jan 21 2009 at 6:26 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
The question is how do you know if you are doing well when your healing output on meters sucks so bad? Should I just trust my instinct?

I'm edgy to say yes, since that's what I do. I realize it sounds lame, but when you're doing bad on the meters as a disc healer there's usually plenty of excuses you can come up with. The most common is that you try to heal as mana intensive as possible and get messed over by other healers. For example, I generally wait 'till the tank takes about 10K damage before I launch my penance; at that point it'll have full use, even if 1 or 2 charges crit. The thing is, I can barely let the tank get 10K damage, because at 3K some stupid raidhealer will think "oh look the tank's been damaged" and throw up a quick massively overhealing spell. This also happens at any point where the tank falls below 60%; even though you've easily got it, other people feel the need to throw out a quick (and once again; inefficient) heal. The problem is that an average (boss)fight isn't so mana intensive that this behaviour actually causes the raid healers to OOM long before you do, and the ultimate result is that you'll plainly get outhealed.

Also, in an average instance group, I've found that ~25% overheal is not uncommon. While this sounds bad, it's quite understandable if Prayer of Healing, Holy Nova and Prayer of Mending are your number 1, 2 and 3 overhealing spells.

While it might sound contradictive, you're often playing at your best if you're low on the meters as a disc priest. That said, if you really want or need to proof yourself, try solo healing a 10-man trough some groups of trash. Or tell your collegues to keep their hands of your target completely until you die.

On the other hand, this is generally only true if you actually feel it to be. If you yourself don't really have the idea that people are healing your targets needlessly and you're low on the meters, then you might simply be slacking.
#3 Jan 21 2009 at 6:51 PM Rating: Decent
Eh.. Moz pretty much summed it up. We had a discussion in guild chat the other day, with the usual "pallys are the best healers, blah blah blah, disc is cool but the heals are too little, blah blah". I call BS. I healed pretty much every heroic as disc with just the bare minimum stat requirements. There were some very challenging moments, and some wipes, but the spec is not flawed.

I find that as disc, I am much more in control of how I spend mana, and where I spend it. I wait for tanks to take damage before I throw out a shield (longer if a warrior or druid). My shield will heal them to full before they start taking damage. DPS takes some dmg? A shield for them if it's a big chunk, or maybe just a renew. Spent too much time on the DPS? A nice pennance will do the trick on the tank. Lots of people getting hit randomly? PoM. Big AoE, I'll begrudgingly use PoH. I took some damage? Binding heal.

All it takes is an over-eager healing partner to pretty much toss these strategies in the toilet. Disc isn't going to win the healing meter battle. I'd be interested to see a comparison of the ratio between tank dmg taken vs damage healed (with overhealing indicated) given a disc priest vs the rest. I think when we start to see content that isn't all about AoEing stuff down while spam overhealing tanks, disc might get the respect it deserves.
#4 Jan 21 2009 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
You didn't mention the class/specs of the other healers but I am assuming they were Holy priests or Druids who are ideal for AoE and raid healing.

Disc is really focused more around single target healing. It will be extremely rare that you can compete with a raid healer spec for total healing done and to be honest you shouldn't be trying to. You should be focused on keeping your target (either MT or an OT) up and if all is well you can throw a few heals to other raid members as needed.

So basically, don't worry about it, trying to compete with the raid healers in most cases will be almost as futile as trying to compete with the dps. Just focus on doing your own role and doing it well. If you do want to raid heal rather than tank healing then consider a respec to Holy.
#5 Jan 21 2009 at 11:42 PM Rating: Decent
988 posts
I healed pretty much every heroic as disc with just the bare minimum stat requirements. There were some very challenging moments, and some wipes, but the spec is not flawed.

Yes, you can heal pretty much everything. The spec howewer IS flawed, just as much as Recount (or any other meter) is.

Discipline needs crits to function, as well as a full stack of Grace. There is however little to nothing in the talent tree that would actually boost your healing based on the stats you're required to be stacking. You're not getting a talent that would actually significantly increase your crit chance. You're not getting a talent that would increase spell power based on intellect. You're not getting a talent that would increase the amount healed by crits by more than 50%.

On the Holy side, though:

Spiritual Healing - flat 10% increase
Empowered Healing 40% from Spellpower for GH, 20% for FH
Test of Faith - 6% healing, 6% crit w/o need for Weakened Soul
Divine Providence - 10% for AOE heals and 30% reduced PoM cooldown

Just to get up to the benefits of Spiritual Healing, you need to have a full stack of Grace. Thanks to the hilarious 8 second duration, you won't maintain that stack on more than one person unless you're spamming the already fairly inefficient Flash Heals.

To get up to the amount healed by a holy priest, you essentially HAVE TO use your effective PW:S in your "rotation", HAVE TO crit to proc Divine Aegis (since shields are heals after all). Thanks to cooldowns on PW:S and Penance though, in addition to Weakened Soul - which won't let you use PW:S as often as you should, you're more or less gimped about half the time, doing inefficient things while waiting for cooldowns to expire. Having PoM proc Aegis on somebody who has only taken some splash damage is a waste and plain overhealing.

Still, I'm playing Disc for it's mobility and dynamic, something I have yet to find on the holy side of things. Just sometimes thinking that I'm paying a fairly high price for that - compared to what I'd get from a holy spec (and it sure is more than CoH)

Now the problem with Recount and such is that they don't count shields as heals. You pretty much have to add every crit that proc'ed DA, have to keep track of YOUR PW:S and it's amount absorbed, and add it to your total healing done. Good luck though on figuring out how much of that was effective healing and how much of it was overhealed. I'd say it's impossible.

IMO meters don't matter as long as the boss goes down, and most wipes are caused either by plain stupidity, lack of coordination, or simply bad luck rather than lack of healing.

#6 Jan 22 2009 at 1:07 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
The disc guy healing me (MT) in OS 25 tonight won the meters. He had the best healing percentage and least amount of overheal.

I checked recount after and he mainly used Flash Heal follow by Renew. Others he used where Shields, Pennance and PoM(I think forget exactly). I had Grace on me all most the whole time.

Didn't compare their gear so that may have skewed the numbers.

I am overall very impressed with disc heals so far. Some times the shields can hurt rage generation in 5 mans but I think that is more players casting Shield as opposed to Divine Aegis.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#7 Jan 22 2009 at 1:45 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Not to diss your healer Horsemouth, but that's a classic example of what I mentioned in that other post. As MT healer you should be using Penance, no excuses. He was using Flash Heal as it's a little bit faster and doesn't have a CD.

Yes, it got the job done, but he wouldn't have been as high if he had used Penance (assuming there were others healing you as well).
#8 Jan 22 2009 at 7:02 AM Rating: Good
121 posts
I'm not sure about priests v's other classes, but when if you were to compare a similarly geared disc priest with a holy priest rougly casting the same heals I'm sure on a healing meter it would look like the holy priest did more healing. The holy tree has more talents that increase the size of heals while the disc tree has more talents that reduce the targets damage. Things like shields get listed as some buff gained. There is nothing on a meter that calculates the damage reduction a disc priest is responsible for, but you should know that this contribution is not insignificant and is as useful as healing done. Single target healing can't be compared easily with multiple target healing, each serve a purpose.

I don't like meters and prefer not to have one. That said, I will check WWS reports after, as I find it useful to see how the other priests are using their abilities. Its not a competition, the best you can do is equip yourself with some rough idea of the theory behind what spells to use when with a UI that works for you, and some idea of what gear to pick up.
#9 Jan 22 2009 at 9:51 AM Rating: Decent
So, last night I applied to two raiding guilds on my server. Both were pretty eager to talk to me, so I don't think priests have a totally bad rap just yet as I had feared in a previous post.

However, disc is still not widely respected as a good healing spec. Both delicately suggested that if I wanted to heal, I'd have to go holy. It wasn't just "disc isn't good at healing," it was "holy is the only healer." I didn't want to sound like a prat, but in both instances, I tried to gently assert that disc is not just for PvP anymore. After it was clear that my message wasn't getting through, I decided to leave well enough alone and respec holy. Granted, I wasn't talking to the priest class leader, and I don't expect every officer to follow discussions like these.

Still, I'm a little sad. I love holy, it's why I rolled a priest in the first place, but man disc is fun!
#10 Jan 22 2009 at 10:03 AM Rating: Excellent
4,684 posts
so I don't think priests have a totally bad rap just yet as I had feared in a previous post.


However, disc is still not widely respected as a good healing spec. Both delicately suggested that if I wanted to heal, I'd have to go holy. It wasn't just "disc isn't good at healing," it was "holy is the only healer." I didn't want to sound like a prat, but in both instances, I tried to gently assert that disc is not just for PvP anymore. After it was clear that my message wasn't getting through, I decided to leave well enough alone and respec holy. Granted, I wasn't talking to the priest class leader, and I don't expect every officer to follow discussions like these.

You should've send them here or to Elitistjerks. Disc is actually better than holy for tank healing, if you're a know-it-all stuck in the mindset of "disc can't heal PvE" I wouldn't even want to join your guild.
#11 Jan 23 2009 at 2:07 AM Rating: Excellent
407 posts
I'm not moving my spec for anyone. I am lucky in that the GM is a pala tank, another is a druid healer and the third is a hunter. Two of them also have multiple high level toons including a priest so they do understand what I am about.

I was offtank healer and this will probably stay my role for the moment rotated with another player who is a Holy Pala. We also have a resto druid & shaman and another priest coming up to 80 who is Holy specced who will rotate the other roles. The druid is MT healer as she is the best specced and the shaman was healing the group.

I think looking back there wasn't anything else I could have done. I managed to heal heroic UK ok despite never having done it before and having no other healers in the group. I am just going to keep reading up so I can learn to make the most of my spec. I think the druid realised how I heal when we went through those portals on the bosses in OS and when all we came back through to her and the main tank her health was badly dented and my well timed penance saved her.

Practice makes perfect as they say so I'm going to trust my instincts and keep going. Thanks for sharing your experiences.
#12 Jan 23 2009 at 3:37 AM Rating: Good
Luckily I'm in a casual guild where friendship is key and we let people spec how they want. I think they wondered how my performance would be when I first went discipline. I believe I've shown that my healing is still quite capable.
#13 Jan 23 2009 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
717 posts
Other healers will also enjoy a 6% boost in their numbers when they heal targets that discipline priests have so graciously placed a full stack of grace upon.

Your welcome (=
#14 Jan 24 2009 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Other healers will also enjoy a 6% boost in their numbers when they heal targets that discipline priests have so graciously placed a full stack of grace upon.

Unfortunately not. Priests don't share healing enhancements unless they're holy and picked up Guardian Spirit. Grace is limited to the priest who put it there.
#15 Jan 25 2009 at 6:02 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Saaru wrote:
So, last night I applied to two raiding guilds on my server. [...] Both delicately suggested that if I wanted to heal, I'd have to go holy.

I think this is sad. As soon as patch 3.0 hit the priest officer and another of the top priests in our guild immediately started playing around with Disc, and the second they hit 80 they were switching back and forth with each other on unofficial Naxx runs, not only to check out the new toys, but to see if and how a Disc build fit in with our raiding, how it meshed with other healing classes and specs, etc. It was a lot of fun to watch them innovate and experiment and get excited about something new to the class. That is how leadership should behave.(*) They should be the first to into the fray of a new change, not change-resisters.

*Of course, not all of us are leaders or innovators. Some of us sat back and watched and stayed Holy the whole time. Some of us are considering naming the next family dog Circle Of Healing.
#16 Jan 25 2009 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Can't deny, though, that Discipline is very specialized. The role in a 10-man raid is already debatable, and more than one in a 25-people raid makes little sense.

Holy is the all-purpose build, and you can't really expect existing raid groups to completely rework existing strategies only to fit the new guy in.
#17 Jan 25 2009 at 6:02 PM Rating: Good
717 posts
Kanngarnix wrote:
Other healers will also enjoy a 6% boost in their numbers when they heal targets that discipline priests have so graciously placed a full stack of grace upon.

Unfortunately not. Priests don't share healing enhancements unless they're holy and picked up Guardian Spirit. Grace is limited to the priest who put it there.

My mistake, I misread the tooltip. Still, I am getting a bit concerned about the ability to accurately gauge a discipline priest's abilities. Surely a disc priest seems lacking when compared with a meter to other healers. The tools that disc talents offer simply can't be historically tracked at the moment. Reflective shield is simply a mana sink as far as Recount knows (or I might have misunderstood again; the damage reflected causes no threat, but is the priest attributed the damage?)

I agree that a gut-check is a better gauge for healing. I'd rather be like an umpire... nobody notices you unless you ***** up.
#18 Jan 26 2009 at 1:31 AM Rating: Excellent
407 posts
Kanngarnix wrote:
Can't deny, though, that Discipline is very specialized. The role in a 10-man raid is already debatable, and more than one in a 25-people raid makes little sense.

Holy is the all-purpose build, and you can't really expect existing raid groups to completely rework existing strategies only to fit the new guy in.

I would argue this is true only in the same way that Holy Paladins are specialized. I stepped into the place of a Holy Paladin on a Naxx guild raid last night as Off Tank Healer and I matched everything he can do. I was second out of three on healing meters and only second on overheals as well. I never ran out of mana despite constant catching due to rapture and a huge mana pool and my power word shield more than once saved both main tank and another healer.

Disc is strong and is the future guys, live with it. There will always be a place for Holy build don't get me wrong it is fabulously flexible for raid group healing even with COH nerf but there are still at least 2 people in any raid who have to mainly single target heal and Disc handles this task amazingly. Penance is so much quicker, easier and more mana efficient than greater heal that I can pull my tank up in an instant. Despite it's cooldown it is still a true save your *** spell and one I couldn't be without now.
#19 Jan 26 2009 at 4:55 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
I would argue this is true only in the same way that Holy Paladins are specialized.

Very much so. They're gimmick healers just like pallies, shamans, or druids. Need to press twice as many buttons and meet half a dozen conditions in order to be only nearly as effective as a straightforward holy priest.

It's the same way shadow priests or moonkins play catch-up with mages, hunters, and warlocks.

Penance is quick after getting the haste bonus from Borrowed Time. It heals for a lot after stacking Grace. But not only is Penance on a cooldown, but PW:S as well, and keeping Grace stacked on more than one target is rather unlikely.

Disc benefits from using PW:S, but there is nothing in the tree that would reduce it's CD or debuff. Idiotically you need the debuff to be active in order to gain some crit.

Disc benefits from crit, but there is nothing in the tree that would increase crit chance - other than Renewed Hope, which is yet again tied to PW:S or Inner Focus with it's CD.

Disc benefits from haste, but other than Power Infusion - again on a cooldown - or Borrowed Time - tied to PW:S - there is nothing in the tree other than the hilarious 5% you might get from Enlightenment.

The discipline tree in it's current state is a total mess, with little to no synergy in between talents, resulting in paying a rather high price for a bit of mobility.

Grace needs it's duration increased and should be shared with other healers.
Aspiration needs to include PW:S and/or Renewed Hope needs untied from Weakened Soul.
It needs a talent that boosts the effectiveness of Flash Heal, maybe by increasing it's chance to crit significantly (note that a druid has at least 60% crit chance on Regrowth)

Unless some of these things fall into place, you just have to accept that Disc is a very specialized off-spec that excels at single-target healing, offers great mobility, but at the price of being utterly inefficient otherwise.

Holy has more to to offer in that regard, has perfect synergy between talents, and more healing overall - without needing half a dozen things to fall into place first.

If it wasn't for having to play the mana-regen game by standing in one place and cancelcasting, I'd be playing holy myself in PvE. Mobility has a higher priority for me, though, so I'm accepting the shortcomings of the Discipline tree.

I wouldn't expect a guild to agree with what's just MY preferences, though, in the same way I don't expect anybody on this board to share my critical views on what appears to be the flavor of the month.

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