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Bloodsurge :(Follow

#1 Jan 21 2009 at 6:19 AM Rating: Decent
Well, I'm kinda bummed about the change to bloodsurge. Before I could time it with my rotation, now it's more of a matter of luck. Anyone else have any thoughts on this change? I'm also kinda miffed about the change to the Whirlwind glyph. I didn't even know it happened until I went into 10 man Naxx last night, it totally screwed with my rotation as well. Granted my Guildies still have a while to catch up with me, but seeing the drop of about 300 DPS in raids was a bummer :( I hate the way the armory only list stats while in Battle stance... so don't forget to add the 3% crit and 10% increased AP :D Armory link in signature.

Edited, Jan 21st 2009 8:20am by smdked
#2 Jan 21 2009 at 6:23 AM Rating: Default
Blizz said they were going to lower the amount of RNG based talents in WOTLK, and so far they have swapped 2 of the warrior talents to RNG based procs, and it has bummed the DPS.

I dont think they like warriors being high DPS.
#3 Jan 21 2009 at 12:16 PM Rating: Good
501 posts
This really is not a nerf. It does absolutely nothing to your rotations. If you have decent gear, it will continue to proc on a regular basis. With any sort of decent rage generation, heroic strike should keep it up fairly regularly, in addition to your WWs and BTs. If it comes at an odd time in your rotation? Nobody is forcing you to spam your slam button as soon as you see it proc. Wait it out if you need to, and use it 1-2 GCDs later. Really, it won't kill anybody. The proc doesn't go away if you don't use it for your next attack. Fury has to pay attention to more than the 2 button rotation they had before, QQ.

Edit: Did some quick napkin math. In a standard fury rotation, over 2 minutes, you will see 24 BTs. Assuming a 50% crit rate as a fury warrior, that would mean that you would see 12 BS procs over that period of time with the old version. If you take the new version, you will see 24 BTs, 12 WWs, and assuming a 2.5 speed swing timer on your MH attacks, you will see 24 HS if you only use HS every OTHER swing. Any decently geared fury warrior should have enough rage generation to maintain this sort of rotation, and they should be special and expertise capped by this point in time. Can you guess how many procs that crunches out to be on average? 12. This isn't a nerf in any form, and as you get better gear it will scale up because of increased rage generation and being able to dump HS more often. If you were able to dump a HS every swing (which I realize is not ALWAYS possible, but there are definitely times when it can be done), you will move up to 16.8 procs in that window. You have 5 seconds from the time of the proc, until your buff wears off. Unless you have the reaction time of a 5 year old, that's more than enough time to use the next attack in your rotation AND pull your BS off.

In closing: Warriors need to quit whining. Arms aside, we're in a pretty damn good position, pretty close to the best it's been in years.

Edited, Jan 21st 2009 3:34pm by FletusSanguine
#4 Jan 21 2009 at 2:49 PM Rating: Default
I was in heroic Cot ealier and was critting with BS so often and expecting my insta slam to[roc yet it wasnt, it wouldnt proc even proc half as much as much as it used it used to. the amount of insta slams i got today seemed slack compared to the last few weeks.

this is a blanent nerf just like the sudden death one was to the arms warriors, cos i remember that crit stacked arms warriros were the highest dps in the LK beta for a while before they decided they didnt like warriros being highest dps and nerfed them.

eff you all if you dont like us being high dps.

Edited, Jan 21st 2009 5:50pm by redbarronthesecond
#5 Jan 21 2009 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, with the 10 second WW CD and 5 second BT cooldown, slam was INSTANT as Bloddsurge proc'd. Now that it procs off of 3 different abilities, the DPS does go down since you might have to wait for the right "time" to use your "instant" slam. To put it plainly, let's say for this example that rage is always in abundant supply:
Before change...
0.0 sec BT
3.0 sec WW
5.0 sec BT
10.0 sec BT
13.0 sec WW
15.0 sec BT
20.0 sec BT
23.0 sec WW .....etc with Heroic strike used as often as you have rage. With this rotation you can instant slam right after the GCD of a BT crit and not miss a beat with your rotation.
After change...
0.0 sec BT
3.0 sec WW
5.0 sec BT
10.0 sec BT
13.0 sec WW
15.0 sec BT
20.0 sec BT
23.0 sec WW ... etc with heroic strike as well when you can. Now the problem arises in 2 places. 1 if it procs off of a WW, that pushes your next BT back a second if you use the instant slam and thus your entire rotation as well. If it procs off of HS, then who knows what it can do to your rotation since normal attacks vary in speed with various things(flurry, Windfury, etc.). Do you wait and find an open spot in your normal rotation to use it, which of course then you have the chance of missing the next proc which might have happened on the special attack you waitied to use instead of the instant slam...or use it and push your rotation? Basically it is no longer a calculated attack, it's just pure luck on if it actually helps at all. And I still do very well DPS wise, just bummed about the change.

Edited, Jan 21st 2009 6:31pm by smdked
#6 Jan 21 2009 at 4:31 PM Rating: Default
Good warriors are reporting the changes as a buff. Because they are buffs.

First, the 5% hit penalty removal from Titan's Grip should be taken advantage of. Drop hit like it's hot. You'll want to be under 300 and over 160. Somewhere in that ballpark. 200 seems pretty ideal. The argument that rage generation will suffer is simply false.

Second, Bloodsurge should be proccing more often with these changes. I can't tell you how many fights where I'd go without Bloodsurge proccing for a minute or so. Every other attack would crit, Bloodthirst wouldn't. RNG wasn't in my favor. Ergo, a 30% chance that includes other specials should result in more Bloodsurge procs. Upping DPS.

From what I've seen looking around, the bad warriors are crying that their DPS dropped while the good warriors are crowing that they are topping the DPS meters even more than before.
#7 Jan 21 2009 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, again, I'm only complaining about the bloodsurge proc. I'm very happy about the hit penalty removed. And it's only 20% proc off WW, BT, or HS attacks that land, which again brings me to the point that sometimes you might miss a proc if you wait and make sure your BT and WW are on CD. With it being Crit based off of one attack it was much easier to fit it in and make sure it was a pure boost. Now it's keep your rotation and possibly miss a proc, or take the proc and change your rotation. Granted the added AP and Crit from switching hit gear out will more than make up for the "possible" difference to bloodsurge...and hit should be no lower than 231 to make sure your yellows hit. you can afford to drop another 34 hit if you have heroic presence. Yeah, all changes are collectively a buff.
#8 Jan 21 2009 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
smdked wrote:
Ok, again, I'm only complaining about the bloodsurge proc. I'm very happy about the hit penalty removed. And it's only 20% proc off WW, BT, or HS attacks that land, which again brings me to the point that sometimes you might miss a proc if you wait and make sure your BT and WW are on CD. With it being Crit based off of one attack it was much easier to fit it in and make sure it was a pure boost. Now it's keep your rotation and possibly miss a proc, or take the proc and change your rotation. Granted the added AP and Crit from switching hit gear out will more than make up for the "possible" difference to bloodsurge...and hit should be no lower than 231 to make sure your yellows hit. you can afford to drop another 34 hit if you have heroic presence. Yeah, all changes are collectively a buff.

I don't know who told you the hit cap was 231 but it's 164.
#9 Jan 21 2009 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
Then we are both wrong. When I take off some of my gear, get my hit to 190, % to hit without precision is 5.83% which is still under capped... I was wrong with my number of 231...possibly 194 is hit cap to get you your 9% with precision. lower with heroic presence. And of course I'm talking about hitting a raid boss, not a mob your level.

Edited, Jan 21st 2009 7:10pm by smdked
#10 Jan 21 2009 at 5:20 PM Rating: Decent
smdked wrote:
Then we are both wrong. When I take off some of my gear, get my hit to 190, % to hit without precision is 5.83% which is still under capped... I was wrong with my number of 231...possibly 194 is hit cap to get you your 9% with precision. lower with heroic presence. And of course I'm talking about hitting a raid boss, not a mob your level.

Edited, Jan 21st 2009 7:10pm by smdked

Ah, there's one of your math issues.

In TBC it was 9% with precision. In WotLK it's 8%.
#11 Jan 21 2009 at 5:29 PM Rating: Good
i have been playing a warrior before you were a twinkle in both your mothers eyes, lorimath and this sucks.

I can't tell you how many fights where I'd go without Bloodsurge proccing for a minute or so. Every other attack would crit, Bloodthirst wouldn't. RNG wasn't in my favor

Ergo, a 30% chance that includes other specials should result in more Bloodsurge procs. Upping DPS.

you kind of contradicted your self there, saying that the RNG screwed you then saying a RNG of 30% is good.

also i think you will find it's only a 20% chance that includes other specials.

Even if it was 30% chance, its still totally down to RNG which sucks. I prefer a crit base proc to a completely RNG proc as you cannot trust te RNG, i learned this when i played my rogue and had 4/5 in seal fate, whould it proc? BULLshÃt would it

I went thorugh the entire COT heroic today and got ALOT les procs than i did the last 3 weeks due to this so called 'buff'

Then we are both wrong. When I take off some of my gear, get my hit to 190, % to hit without precision is 5.83% which is still under capped

Specials cap is now only 8% not 9% as it used to be =)

Edited, Jan 21st 2009 8:37pm by redbarronthesecond
#12 Jan 21 2009 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the update on the hit cap.....I must have missed where it went down to bad.
#13 Jan 21 2009 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
redbarronthesecond wrote:

also i think you will find it's only a 20% chance that includes other specials.

Even if it was 30% chance, its still totally down to RNG which sucks. I prefer a crit base proc to a completely RNG proc as you cannot trust te RNG, i learned this when i played my rogue and had 4/5 in seal fate, whould it proc? BULLshÃt would it

I went thorugh the entire COT heroic today and got ALOT les procs than i did the last 3 weeks due to this so called 'buff'

My point was that even though Bloodsurge seems to be more RNG based now that it's a percent to proc on other specials including BT, it should proc more because I often ran into streaks where everything EXCEPT FOR BT crit. This seems to be what I'm hearing from most warriors, that Bloodsurge now procs more often than it did before.
#14 Jan 21 2009 at 7:36 PM Rating: Default
but atleast when BS cirt it was a definite proc, now there is no way of knowing if it will proc or not.

the more crit you get on your gear as you progress the more of a nerf this will become.

Edited, Jan 21st 2009 10:37pm by redbarronthesecond
#15 Jan 21 2009 at 7:54 PM Rating: Decent
As I said, I would frequently go a minute or LONGER without Bloodthirst critting, but EVERYTHING else critting almost constantly. It's RNG. Raid buffed in my dps gear I am over 40% crit. That's quite a bit. And BT would still have dry periods without critting. With this change, the chance for Bloodsurge to proc has INCREASED. This is consistent with what warriors are seeing ACROSS THE BOARD.
#16 Jan 21 2009 at 8:25 PM Rating: Decent
501 posts
You know how you see if you have a proc?

Don't be retarded and watch your buffs, or download a SCT mod. Problem solved.

The only people this is nerfing is sh*tty warriors, and every time someone maths it out and shows them that this is NOT a nerf, they respond with that same thing. 'Oh no, I miss procs now!'

Edited, Jan 21st 2009 11:55pm by FletusSanguine
#17 Jan 21 2009 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
I admit I jumped the gun with my post about it without actually giving it time in game to try it out first. Now that I have, I see the proc rate hasn't really changed much at all, and possibly increased. You might have a minute where it procs like every 5 seconds, and you might go for about 2 minutes without a proc, but it all averages out OK. Kinda just got used to the fact I knew when it had a chance to proc rather than enjoying it when it did. And the reason it was messing with my rotation at first was due to the WW glyph dropping WW cd to 8 seconds...didn't even know that happened until half way through the run. I use Mik's scrolling battle text and it's fabulous for announcing those Bloddsurge procs. I recomend it for any warrior. I had around 4k DPS on 25 OS tonight, so I am very pleased :)

Edited, Jan 21st 2009 11:04pm by smdked
#18 Jan 21 2009 at 9:05 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
technically, in a 25-man, its a buff. youll have (ideally) more rage, which means more HSing, which means what *would* be white attacks now have a chance to proc bloodsurge. this, overall, can result in an increase in slam procs. even if they clip into one another you should still see an increase in damage. this, again, assume you have 25-man equivalent buffs.

in a 5 or 10-man situation, its somewhere between a nerf and a wash. 5-mans will rarely have situations where the rage to HS consistently is available, whereas 10-mans might have high-rage situations but often will lack the necessary buffs (specifically haste) to ensure that youll get enough increases to your attack speed to make HS a good candidate for more bloodsurging.

personally, i would have preferred it to be 100% chance on bt/ww/HS crit instead of just a chance on hit.
#19 Jan 22 2009 at 1:21 AM Rating: Excellent
608 posts
Quor wrote:

personally, i would have preferred it to be 100% chance on bt/ww/HS crit instead of just a chance on hit.

True, that would have been nice, but that would have made it pretty much the same as the original SD, when it was based on crits ... the changed that away from crit for a reason ... the same reason they would not make BS crit based now.

Also, having BS proc 100% on 4 different attacks (counting WW as 2) would be an insane buff to Fury.. Not that I would mind ofc, but that would be over the top.

As for how it's affected me .. I'm still only questing at this stage, so I can only provide that perspective, and I can only say I love it. I find myself watching my rage bar more often, so that I know when I can use HS more ... so that I can try and force a BS proc more often ... it's livened things up for me a whole lot, and I love it.

As for the BT glyph in combination with the BT healing change, I feel like a death knight now ... I quested for 4 hours last night, and didn't use a single bandage, piece of food, pot, nothing ... it was outstanding ... BT heals are ticking for 250, blood frenzy is ticking for around 150 ... and quite often, I'm healed to full within a few seconds of finishing a fight .. I can only imagine that this is what BT was like in the early Beta days, before the nerf.

Sorry for the thread highjack, but it didn't feel worthwhile starting a new thread to rave ;-).
#20 Jan 22 2009 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
501 posts
It would be nice Quor, but then you would essentially have BS up at all times. It'd be nice, but I think it would be a little bit much at that point in time.

Something I also hadn't thought of in in Robert's post is the fact that WW hits twice. So that changes it to, currently, 15 procs and 20 procs in my example. It's a pretty clear buff in most situations and a wash in others, as Quor said. It's only a nerf to people that can't handle a non-static rotation.

Edit: I need to try out the new BT glyph with my old content spec. I like to solo the old stuff in spare time, and Skeram has been...problematic. This may help me out.

Edited, Jan 22nd 2009 4:16pm by FletusSanguine
#21 Jan 22 2009 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
Another thing to consider with WW is the fact if there are 2 or more mobs you are attacking at the same time. That also increases the proc chance. I'll admit that my first post was after a terrible 10 man Naxx run where we didn't have our normal group. Last night we did much better and I was easily over 3k DPS without an enhance shammy or kings :) During AoE fights, I had a proc almost after every WW :D After much more consideration, this change to bloodsurge is deffinately an all around buff.
#22 Jan 22 2009 at 6:18 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
It would be nice Quor, but then you would essentially have BS up at all times. It'd be nice, but I think it would be a little bit much at that point in time.

yes and no. atm its what, 30% chance on HS, WW and BT hit? if its 100% chance on HS, WW and BT crit and you figure most warriors will have 30-35% crit in a 5 or 10-man situation, with 40% or so occurring in a 25-man, then yeah, its a buff, but not a huge one. the only real benefit the current bloodthirst would have over the one i wish it would be is that its more effective for warriors under 30% crit.

having it based off of crit would also make it scale better with gear, but eh, maybe thats a bit too much. i dont buy the BS that warriors "scale the best with gear" anymore either. im seeing too many other classes "scale" pretty damn well as it is now to believe that only warriors "scale" with gear.
#23 Jan 22 2009 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
501 posts
I hate it when people say that, honestly. Who in the hell doesn't scale with better gear? This DW nerf that's also coming up irritates the hell out of me. The devs MO here makes absolutely no sense. I don't care how much you FEEL like an ability should or should not be doing, what matters is what the end result is. The fact of the matter is that fury DPS is perfectly in line with the other classes. We're not too weak, and we're not too strong. GC's justification of the nerf is that 'he doesn't feel that 20% of our DPS should come from deep wounds', but what about druids? I don't see the damage they deal from bleeds being put forth as a pariah. Hunters had most of their damage in BC coming from SS, and this wasn't seen as a problem. What this reads to me, personally, is "We intended for Deep Wounds to be a ****** source of damage, and it's not, so we're changing it so it is."
#24 Jan 22 2009 at 8:59 PM Rating: Decent
FletusSanguine wrote:
I hate it when people say that, honestly. Who in the hell doesn't scale with better gear? This DW nerf that's also coming up irritates the hell out of me. The devs MO here makes absolutely no sense. I don't care how much you FEEL like an ability should or should not be doing, what matters is what the end result is. The fact of the matter is that fury DPS is perfectly in line with the other classes. We're not too weak, and we're not too strong. GC's justification of the nerf is that 'he doesn't feel that 20% of our DPS should come from deep wounds', but what about druids? I don't see the damage they deal from bleeds being put forth as a pariah. Hunters had most of their damage in BC coming from SS, and this wasn't seen as a problem. What this reads to me, personally, is "We intended for Deep Wounds to be a sh*tty source of damage, and it's not, so we're changing it so it is."

A better comparison to Steady Shot would be Bloodthirst, not Deep Wounds. Druids apply their bleeds. They don't passively cause bleeds with every crit. Your counter-examples are strange.

That said, the point is that there is supposed to be some flexibility in speccing. Right now, that flexibility does not exist. Every warrior spec, Fury, Arms, and Prot has Deep Wounds as a baseline talent. That's just odd. It does warrant a looking into, no matter how much you QQ about it.

And no, Fury DPS is not perfectly in line with the other classes. It's a lot higher. If you aren't seeing this, it's not because Fury is not capable of outdpsing everyone, it's because the fury warriors you play with suck.
#25 Jan 22 2009 at 11:19 PM Rating: Excellent
608 posts
Quor wrote:
It would be nice Quor, but then you would essentially have BS up at all times. It'd be nice, but I think it would be a little bit much at that point in time.

yes and no. atm its what, 30% chance on HS, WW and BT hit? if its 100% chance on HS, WW and BT crit and you figure most warriors will have 30-35% crit in a 5 or 10-man situation, with 40% or so occurring in a 25-man, then yeah, its a buff, but not a huge one. the only real benefit the current bloodthirst would have over the one i wish it would be is that its more effective for warriors under 30% crit.

having it based off of crit would also make it scale better with gear, but eh, maybe thats a bit too much. i dont buy the BS that warriors "scale the best with gear" anymore either. im seeing too many other classes "scale" pretty damn well as it is now to believe that only warriors "scale" with gear.

It's actually only 20% chance on hit of BT, WW and HS ... so in a fully raid buffed environment, you're looking at double the damage ... that's too much, I think.. especially when the change was not necessarily meant to be a damage buff, and more a change in plays style (waiting around every 5 seconds for a 30-40% chance of an instant slam sucked too much).
#26 Jan 24 2009 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
"I don't buy the BS that warriors "scale the best with gear" anymore either."

That was previously because of the functionality of Blood Thrist.

Now consider this. Take your warrior, put him/her in all level 80 greens. Put any other class in all level 80 greens. Compare them.
Now put those same characters in level 80 blues, compare. epics?

It's because warriors suck so much in crappy gear, while most classes can manage with crappy gear, that the statement 'scale the best with gear' comes from. IMHO.


I think that Blizz has budgeted gear better now, and ratings systems have balanced things over.

Edited, Jan 24th 2009 11:27am by devioususer
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