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Help with DPSFollow

#1 Jan 19 2009 at 1:00 AM Rating: Decent
3,229 posts
Hi all,

I'm fairly new to the game, with my paladin being my first character that I've played and levelled up to 80. As usual the race to 80 seems to have blighted a learning curse in certain PvP quests, items and such-like. As a result I have reached 80, but I am not not kitted very well, nor do I believe my talent tree is well selected. I am constantly being critised for my poor DPS in dungeons/raids, but what I need is some helpful suggestions.

Here is a link to my character on the armoury:

Here is a link to the DPS checker for myself (I couldn't find spell power though, so I've entered it as 0)

As you can see MaxDPS returns about 841, which is about what I am getting, and I believe it is very poor.

I have tried to follow the DPS spell cycle of Seal of Command - Judgement of Light - Crusader Strike - Divine Storm, but it doesn't seem to improve my standing. I am also using recount in-game and the figures are about the same.

Any help would be gratefully received.

#2 Jan 19 2009 at 2:35 AM Rating: Decent
You should be using Seal of Blood.
#3 Jan 19 2009 at 2:38 AM Rating: Decent
3,229 posts
Yeah I just read that over at Elitist Jerks, will try that tonight.

I also think one of the fundamentals I've missed is strength. Nearly every item I've chosen has been for stamina (with a little blue/purple blindness thrown in)
#4 Jan 19 2009 at 4:08 AM Rating: Good
140 posts
This is my first post, although I do read the forums a lot and find them extremely useful.

After having a quick look at your gear, spec and what you have wrote in your post I notice that you have 3 main issues (please take this as constructive criticism):

1. Your spec is not maximising your PVE (I am no PVP expert as I very rarely go into BGs) DPS and you would be better going with something like this for (there is one point left over for you to use as you like):

2. You have a lot of tanking gear which will hinder your DPS as there is not as much strength or hit rating on tanking items as there would be on DPS items. Basically if the item has defence rating on it it is pretty useless for a retri paladin. Also, go get the libram that you can buy (if Alliance is in control of it) after doing the PVP daily quests in southern Grizzly Hills.

3. You should use Seal of Martyr (Seal of Blood is a Blood Elf only seal)

As a last point, don't take the comments about your DPS to heart. You will get there and everything will suddenly click into place...I remember being new to the game and not knowing what the hell was going on but the more you go into dungeons and raids the more you will learn.

Updated the link.....should work

Edited, Jan 19th 2009 10:26am by KevMc

Edited, Jan 19th 2009 10:27am by KevMc
#5 Jan 19 2009 at 5:00 AM Rating: Decent
210 posts
Quoted Text

empty post there you didn't link the right address, might want to go back refill it in and then click on the link that says something like post to site or something to that end.
#6 Jan 19 2009 at 6:39 AM Rating: Decent
3,229 posts
I couldn't get the link to the build either, but thanks very much for your comments.

I think my immediate plan of action is to get the Libram from the Grizzly Hills daily's, swap Mongoose for Beserker, craft Spike Titansteel Treads & Helm and swap my current socketed gems for DPS relevant ones.

Also train myself in the correct spells and the order of their use.

Thanks guys.

Edited, Jan 19th 2009 9:40am by Goggy
#7 Jan 19 2009 at 7:52 AM Rating: Good
140 posts
Just a thought, what glyphs are you using?

Edited, Jan 19th 2009 10:52am by KevMc
#8 Jan 19 2009 at 7:53 AM Rating: Good
648 posts
w/o going to any of the links (pretty sure there's nothing i'd see there that would give me any different advice than anyone else said so far, I have only one thing really to add... if you use for anything and don't make use of it for putting together a decent gear list its a wasted resource. i'm a bit of a geek when it comes to this, but I find it works great for me to make a gear list for myself w/in my current ability to aquire (i'm always broke, but hit 80 with about 1500 dps which meant heroics were ok, but my list at that point didn't include raid drops much). now i'm at about 2.5k dps in 10 mans and over 3k easy in 25 mans or even the perfect 10 man melee buff group, so my goal for gear is raid lvl. my other pally hit 80 about geared for healing regulars at first so I had to target some specific regular drops/crafteds so before I felt it was fair to through myself in heroics. now that pally is at 1930 SP and 30% crit. that took all of a week for that second pally...

if you set yourself a goal of getting the biggest upgrades from the lvl you're at and moving on asap, you'll find you'll be nearing 2k dps w/in a week assuming you're just working at a pug pace... if your guild can run you through heroics/raids, you can potentially build your set much faster.

so, figure out what you think you can do (regs, heroics, raids, crafted, epic BoE's, etc). go to maxdps and make yourself a list of what you can get within your current abilities. go for the biggest upgrades first and as you are able to advance to the next lvl reevaluate your list. some things are easy and not soon upgraded - spiked titansteel helm (i think my goal to replace that is 2 drakes up 25man OS). don't wast time/money enchanting/gemming susbpar pieces of gear.

this is what I do and it makes for easy gearing up. i'm currently top healer in my guild on muralimohan and top dps on camila in my guild (although not by much). camila has been kind of standing still for a while as I've been waiting for enough of my guild to catch up so we can move past OS and reg naxx... but if you're intentional in your gear you'll be a huge dps asset to your guild. providing you follow the other advice that others here gave.
#9 Jan 19 2009 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
3,229 posts
Thanks for the info, I see what you mean. When I said I'd been hit by some purple/blue blindness I was clearly understating. I've had the ability to make at least two of those items for a while now.

I have a terrible feeling that some of the items which are quest rewards have long since been despatched to the vendor, but I shall check with the quest givers tonight. Or does anyone know of a way to see a list of the names of quests that you have completed?
#10 Jan 21 2009 at 12:57 AM Rating: Decent
3,229 posts
Guys your help has been extremely useful, thank you. I spent much time over the last few night securing berserker and about 5 of the recommended DPS items that I could get my hands on. I also corrected my spell casting.

I'm pleased to say that my DPS now varies between 960 and 1540 (I think I had some kind of buff on me in Storm Peaks last night)

I'm looking forward to increasing my DPS stakes with more powerful items!

Thanks again.
#11 Jan 22 2009 at 9:56 AM Rating: Excellent
1,131 posts
Easiest things you can do:

Get all of the Strength you can get, and enough hit rating to be hit capped (nothing like having a critical hit miss due to low hit rating to gimp your DPS HORRIBLY).

Make sure your critical hit chance is at least 25% and your attack power is at least 2000 (preferably higher for both, but these are good starting points)

Don't worry too much about Stam. It is nice, but you shouldn't be the person getting hit in Dungeons/Raids. Agility is nice, but not as nice as some of the other stats. Int, Wis, and Armor Penetration should be ignored (if you get a nice item with ArP or Int on it that is also an overall upgrade, take it, but these are not stats you want to focus on in any way). Ignore defensive talents pretty much completely.

Make sure that your talent tree is set up for maximum DPS and that your rotations are as well. With the changes to SoC, if you have the glyph of SoC it is now very competitive with SoB/SotM, so if you prefer SoC and are glyphed for it, it isn't really going to gimp your DPS TOO much, although I think the general consensus is that SoB/SotM is still a bit better.

I can't over-emphasize the importance of strenth and hit rating though. You want to hit things (not miss) and hit them HARD.
#12 Jan 22 2009 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent
I am unsure if anyone spoke to your rotation. Ret DPS is based on managing the cooldowns on your abilities. Start your rotation with Crusader Strike, use Divine Storm, THEN judge. Watch for Judgment and Crusader strike coming off the cool down at the same time. If this happens use Crusader Strike to stagger the cool downs once again...
#13 Jan 22 2009 at 10:57 AM Rating: Excellent
591 posts
I am unsure if anyone spoke to your rotation. Ret DPS is based on managing the cooldowns on your abilities. Start your rotation with Crusader Strike, use Divine Storm, THEN judge. Watch for Judgment and Crusader strike coming off the cool down at the same time. If this happens use Crusader Strike to stagger the cool downs once again...

This really isn't great advice. Judgement is your best damage and best mana source and should be used very early in any rotation to maximize its use. That being said Ret abilities are basically 1st come 1st serve with situational preferences. Single target priority is judge>HW(at 20%)CS>DS>Cons. For AoE situations, DS>Cons>HolyWrath(if undead/demon)>Judge>CS. Deciding which to use 1st really depends on your tank, not so much for single targets but for AoE situations sometimes you may wish to delay that DS+Cons+HW combo unless rolling with a decent pally tank.
#14 Jan 22 2009 at 11:31 AM Rating: Default
Your wrong, it is great advice, without the T7 4 piece bonus if you Judge then us CS, the cool downs come up at the same time. I agree that Judgment is given top priority over all other abilities. It is the way that we get mana back. But at the start of the fight, with full mana, if you judge first you have at least 2 other mana use spells to cast in your rotation. Why not cast THOSE first so that your judgment returns that mana right away, while also putting the CD of your abilities . You do the same dps for that rotation, get more mana back and the big numbers are at the back of the rotation, which could allow a tank to build more threat.

Undead boss would be Judgment, Exocrism(sp), CS, then DS. This once again is for CD reasons.

If you start to think about mana management at the start of the fight, that blue bar can last a VERY long time.

Math time: 10 min fight = 600 seconds. Judgment is on 8 sec CD, Crusader strike is on a 6 sec CD.

600/8 = 75 judgments. So if your doing judgment the CS, they both = 75.

600/6 = 100 CS. Now this is impossible to achieve due to over lapping cool downs with Judgments. You hit an over lapping CD every 48 sec between these 2 abilities. This is not factoring any other cool downs.

600/48 = 12.5 CD meetings during the whole fight. Round up to 13. The global CD is 1.5 sec. So 13 x 1.5 = 19.5. (You factor this into doing CS rather than Judging) 19.5/8 = 2.5. Round up to 3.

So what all this shows is that if your CS and Judgment CD comes up at the same time, if you CS first you get 25 more in per 10 min fight with 3 less judgments.

You have to be doing 8.33333 times more damage with Judgment than with CS to even out the difference.

Edited, Jan 22nd 2009 3:13pm by yodale
#15 Jan 22 2009 at 12:57 PM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
Pet Peeve Alert:

Your Wrong = wrong belonging to you

You're Wrong = contraction for you are wrong.

As far as the math, yes it works on paper, no it doesn't work in real life. You can't always cast what you want due to a variety of factors including global cooldowns and such.

If there are undead around, you are going to be using exorcism and holy wrath in your rotations (unless you like to fail).

Yes, for the ideal, non-undead, exactly 10-minute boss fight, your math works. In the majority of real-world encounters, Judgement first (in a group setting) is usually your best bet. It MAY throw off your rotation at some brief point during a fight, but not very often.

I have yet to run into a boss (even in a raid) in WotLK that takes a full 10-minutes to kill.
#16 Jan 22 2009 at 4:24 PM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
Exactly as yodale said, without the 4-piece T7, judging before crusader strike makes them both come up at the same time and you lose 1.5 seconds waiting for the GCD.

It's the same for Divine Storm right before Judgement. If you have a choice between two attacks where one has a 2 second shorter CD, you should use that shorter CD attack first.

Edit: To clarify, you lose that 1.5 seconds the very next time CS is up. CS is normally a 6 second CD, but if you judge then CS every time, you've made CS a 8 second CD, which is missing out on about 25% of your maximum CS damage.

Edited, Jan 22nd 2009 7:43pm by Ehcks
#17 Jan 22 2009 at 5:30 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
Yodale, your advice is appreciated, but it is misguiding.

sit back and enjoy the ability tutorial:

Judgement - most powerful ability. adds 3% crit to the target as well as the given debuff. begins the replenishment effect. restores base mana AFTER spell cost is taken away. with SoB, causes self-dmg and begs for a mana-filled heal. you should open almost ALL single target fights with this, just make sure tank has proper aggro. this can be used at range. may proc Righteous Vengeance.

CS - near auto-attack dmg. no additional bonuses. just about the lowest priority ability. the short cd makes it versatile.

DS - great dmg when used with SoB. causes heals based on dmg done(not counting seal). this can be used at moderate range for when you are rooted or chasing a target. caution should be used with multiple targets should you choose to open with it for aoe. may proc Righteous Vengeance, but since it doesn't include the seal dmg it will overwrite the proc from Judgement with a lesser version.

stop here. these are the main rotation abilities. during a fight the cooldowns will overlap. choose the ability that will grant the most bang for the buck. chances are this will be Judgement or DS(both of which also have a crit libram) depending on the surrounding threat. all of the following abilities are to be used when these 3 abilities are on cooldown.

Consecration - will add a huge amount of dps in single and multi target. it is a constant flow of dmg when used. it is a mana hog and to be used only when you know how to manage your mp. because this is a DoT it deserves priority over other secondary abilities(especially when you are expecting to be silenced or need to move out of range). this ability is outstanding in aoe. because it is an area DoT and has a decent range it should be used before DS in aoe situations, also creates slower threat generation.

Exorcism - decent dmg on valid targets. moderate cooldown makes it work very well into full single target rotations. *edit: instant ranged attack! super useful when running back in to a fight, or up in the air from a knockback.

Holy Wrath - nice aoe dmg with stun effect. long cooldown hinders its use. i recommend this for undead aoe in the order: Consecrate to gather the targets, Holy Wrath to dmg and stun em, DS to finish em off. this creates max dmg and controls aggro. the stun part of this is awesome for adds(H UK anyone?)

Hammer of Wrath - at 20% this becomes your secondary ability of choice. i would even put it before CS. the dmg to mana ratio is insane with this guy. if you dont crit almost every time, you need reroll.

when using trinkets and Avenging Wrath, be sure you have a fresh rotation coming up. since i use the Venture Co. libram i will lay a consecrate down, hit AW, then DS->Judge->CS->secondary. then i continue a priority rotation after that.

hope this helps or at least gets you thinking. im sure i left a bunch of stuff out.

Edited, Jan 22nd 2009 8:34pm by tommyguns
#18 Jan 23 2009 at 1:16 AM Rating: Decent
591 posts
But at the start of the fight, with full mana, if you judge first you have at least 2 other mana use spells to cast in your rotation. Why not cast THOSE first so that your judgment returns that mana right away, while also putting the CD of your abilities

This is a good point for maybe the 1st pull and boss fights, but how often are you ever at full mana when chain pulling trash in heroics? Just about never from my experience(usually prot but like to roll ret on the weekends). Judging 1st(if your tank can handle the threat) is almost always your best option on single targets.

Math time: 10 min fight = 600 seconds. Judgment is on 8 sec CD, Crusader strike is on a 6 sec CD.

600/8 = 75 judgments. So if your doing judgment then CS, they both = 75.

600/6 = 100 CS. Now this is impossible to achieve due to over lapping cool downs with Judgments. You hit an over lapping CD every 48 sec between these 2 abilities. This is not factoring any other cool downs.

600/48 = 12.5 CD meetings during the whole fight. Round up to 13. The global CD is 1.5 sec. So 13 x 1.5 = 19.5. (You factor this into doing CS rather than Judging) 19.5/8 = 2.5. Round up to 3.

So what all this shows is that if your CS and Judgment CD comes up at the same time, if you CS first you get 25 more in per 10 min fight with 3 less judgments.

You have to be doing 8.33333 times more damage with Judgment than with CS to even out the difference.

This is a gross simplification which hasn't been properly modeled. In your scenario, using just CS then judgement as your only 2 abilities, there are GCD collisions and how you handle them changes your potential dps. There are overlapping cd/GCDs at least every 17.5 sec and depending on how the 1st GCD collision is handled there may be another at 25sec. So 1-2 every 25 sec, not 1 every 48 sec. If that were the case there could be no argument as your model would be far superior.

There are basically 3 different ways to model these 2 abilities assuming no other abilities or cds are used:

Option 1: What you correctly modeled was a scenario in which you Judge 1st then CS and continue judging 1st every time(which i never mentioned you should do, i believe i said judge 1st, then 1st come/1st serve-FCFS), essentially making CS an 8sec cd. This would, as you correctly pointed out, be a loss of 25 CS over 10min. (75 CS/75 judgements)

Option 2:(CS then judge) There is a GCD collision at 17.5 sec. At this point you can judge on time or wait .5 sec and CS then judge(according to your model this should be ideal), thus delaying your judgement by 2 sec. This also resets the cycle. So CS at 18sec means you turn judgement into a 10 sec cd every 19sec, which means a loss of 8 judgements after 10min. Losing 8 judgements is essentially = to losing 25 cs, both of these models are bad rotations. (100 CS/67 judgements)

Option 3: Or at 17.5 sec you could choose FCFS and judge on time, which delays your CS by 1 sec. However this leads to another collision on the very next cd as CS is available at 25sec and judgement at 25.5sec. Using FCFS, CS at this point which resets the cycle, but delays your judgement 1sec. So every 25 sec you're delaying CS by 1 sec and judgement by 1 sec, which means a loss of 4 CS and 3 judgements after 10min. Gaining 5 judgements is > losing 4 CS, about three times better than option 1 or 2. (96 CS/72 judgements)

Now lets say you judge 1st then CS, which results in a collision immediately. What happens next? Choosing FCFS, use CS at 7.5 sec and judgement at 9sec. Now the cycle has the SAME potential of the 1st 2 examples. Judging 1st in this case does absolutely NOTHING to the sustained dps potential, its how you handle the GCDs that occur from that prioritization.

Edited, Jan 25th 2009 1:03am by mahlerite
#19 Jan 23 2009 at 4:14 AM Rating: Decent
I agree with you. I over simplified things. You have to work on a ability priority model. There is no set rotation for maximum DPS. I guess my point is that Judging then using CS unless you only have the mana to judge is not optimal. That is my only issue with rotation. If 3 cool downs come up at the same time, judge, DS, then do CS. It's ok that some of you missed my point. You'll probably miss it again...sigh.
#20 Jan 23 2009 at 5:27 AM Rating: Decent
3,229 posts
To be honest, the stuff the guys are talking about above is pretty much beyond the level of understanding I have of the game. If my DPS is improving with kit and sensible spell rotation then I'm happy.

I try to remember it is a game at the end of the day.
#21 Jan 23 2009 at 7:23 AM Rating: Excellent
honestly goggy, you neednt worry about all the clutter of words and numbers they spit out at you.

str = your best friend. ironically, some tanking gear does have more dps than actual damage gear because of hit and str, so even if its for tanking, grab it if its an upgrade.

agi and crit rating are essentially equal

stam matters very little in pve

the intricate rotations they explained should just feel natural and you should be able to push a button to dish out damage every gcd

if you're not in a hardcore raiding guild, who cares what your dps is as long as you're having fun and the fights are going well
#22 Jan 23 2009 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent
3,229 posts
Thanks for the post Fenix. My aim is to raid and I am going to be stuck with PUG's as we just don't have enough guild members of the right level and unlikely to get 10 80's when the rest pop. We're a young guild.

So I'm trying to raise my DPS so I do get invited to raids and not roasted for letting the side down. I got the Heroe's Redemption Breastplate (do they know they have spelt it wrong?) from a drop in VoA, which I believe is essentially tanking gear, but with the gems it increases my DPS over the Chestplate of Conquest ever so slightly and gives me 200+ armour, so all is well and I'm happy to wear it.

It also works in other ways, now that I've taken the time to realise what I am doing in my class as a retpala, I'm starting to enjoy it more and not get ganked at every turn!
#23 Jan 23 2009 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
713 posts
To the OP. Like a few have stated above set reachable goals first. No one likes an undergeared dpser getting carried through, even said dpser.

In order to do this look at the Rep faction pieces you can pick up. There are a few pieces that can be obtained like the boots from Ebon Rep that will last you for quite some time. These don't require lucky rolls or even a party to help you. There are dailies that can get you into exalted with most reps that have some sort of plate dps gear (not all are designed for Ret Pallies but they are foot in the door). At the same time your making gold that you can put toward AH epics like the Spiked Titansteel Treads, Cloak of Bloodied Waters, Titansteel Destroyer or if your game enough the Nobles Deck (strength version). If your looking at heroics Utgarde Keep has a nice set of legs that drop off the last boss, Nexus has a nice trinket and belt that drop off the last boss, DrakTharon has a nice Chest piece with everything a Ret pally needs on it that frequently drops off the Lich Boss.

Fix your talents. You only need 10pts in Prot as PvE spec (5 if your not taking BoKings). The rest should go into Fanaticism, Crusade, Sheath of light, Judgements of the Wise. Take the points out of Eye for an Eye. You shouldn't be hit as dps let alone crit.

Find a rotation that works for you. I can tell you now that my spell rotation is different to what most other Ret's above use but for me, and my gear setup it works.
The following is taken straight from Elitist jerks Wrath/3.0 Ret Guide about our spell rotation:

Arika wrote:
During the beta it was agreed upon that because of vastly changed mechanics, our rotations should be thrown out and thus came to be known as FCFS (First Come First Serve). Not much to explain about it, just use whatever is off cooldown, whenever you can (watch your mana bar). Your only priority (should multiple skills come off cooldown at the same time) is Judgement, as it provides both our best DPS and our main source of mana. On a target under 20%, Hammer of Wrath also comes into play, right behind Judgement in priority due to its' very high crit rate. Be sure to use AW and Divine Plea as much as you can, as both provide a nice boost in damage/mana. In a situation with AoE, say trash for example, Consecration and DS should be prioritized.

Different situations call for different openers. Sometimes you can judge, other times Exorcism, CS/DS if the tank can't build quick threat. Like Tommy stated (this is something I use quite alot against undead mobs) Holy Wrath then Divine Storm. A mob that is stunned can't parry, dodge or block. Use Judgement of Wisdom when you can if your having mana issues. Use SotMartyr, it procs on every hit (think about Divine Storm when there are multiple mobs about).

Attack from behind! Yes there is no honour fighting like a rogue but it stops mobs from parrying and blocking. This means more hits for you and less parries for the tank to worry about.

Think about the situation at hand. If there are 2-4 mobs go with Divine Storm instead of Crusader Strike. Use consecration wisely as it can be mana expensive. Use it early so there is no waste if all the mobs die before it finishes ticking.

Try things out yourself. I equip the green libram from Borean Tundra most of the time (I have the others) even though most people here wouldn't. It works for me so I do it.

My aim is to raid and I am going to be stuck with PUG's as we just don't have enough guild members of the right level and unlikely to get 10 80's when the rest pop.

Have faith. Almost all of the gear I have was from PuGs as I was in the same situation as you not too long ago.

Edited, Jan 23rd 2009 4:12pm by arthoriuss

Deleted link to Elitist Jerks forum. Apologies ToJ. I hadn't seen that you had updated the Ret Guide.

Edited, Jan 23rd 2009 4:25pm by arthoriuss
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