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#1 Jan 18 2009 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
54 posts
I'm sure everyone is getting used to my name on the boards. I'm about to ding lvl 80 as you know from my Def post. I'm fairly certain that with the upgrades I have planned i'll be around the 22k hp and 540+ def mark at lvl 80. Thank you for the upgrade equipment list btw Losie....I think you were the one who put it together. I basically just went down that list and started gathering supply's and doing the instances to get those drops.

So heres the question, once I hit 80 and my stats are where they need to be to survive and be a viable tank for heroics. Where should I start? I hear UK, Nexus are pretty easy. And nexus also offers 5 badges. Is there a few I should focus on that would significantly upgrade me?

Also are heroics just tougher version of normals? For example, are the boss fights exactly the same just more dmg and harder to do? IF not I heard of was a good place to go but I cant seem to find information on actually boss fights other then 10/25man zone stuff? is there a place i can go to learn about the boss fights So I know what I'm getting myself into?
#2 Jan 18 2009 at 4:21 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
The boss fights are mostly the same, or at least they aren't as vastly different in Wrath heroics as they were in TBC heroics. In TBC some of the fights were totally different with entirely new abilities on heroic. In Wrath they're pretty much the same, except instead of having to kill 2 adds, you have to kill 4... or instead of hitting 2 boats, Ymiron hits all 4.

The idea is, if you know the fight on regular, you probably know enough of the fight on heroic to avoid major surprises. Damage is definitly souped up. A clothie will not be able to take more than 1 hit from most elite mobs (though many heroics make use of low-damaging non-elites as well). Many of the bosses will 1 hit a clothie. The vast majority of special abilities from elite mobs and bosses will 1 hit clothies (Whirlwind being the most notorious). Meaning you have less room for error. Make sure you get control right from the beginning and don't waste cooldowns on stupid things. Be ready to hit bubblewall on bosses or big trash pulls.

tankspot is okay... but wowwiki's instances by continent list is still the best resource for boss information, even from strictly a tanking perspective.

As far as difficulty.. yes, UK and Nexus are great ones to start on. There is an extra heroic-only boss in Nexus, a Dwarf with an AoE fear and Whirlwind... most PuGs will wipe on him at least once regardless. That doesn't make the instance hard though. Also easy are Stratholme and Violet Hold. Don't push yourself to go for achievements and nothing is that difficult.
#3 Jan 18 2009 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Also are heroics just tougher version of normals? For example, are the boss fights exactly the same just more dmg and harder to do? IF not I heard of was a good place to go but I cant seem to find information on actually boss fights other then 10/25man zone stuff? is there a place i can go to learn about the boss fights So I know what I'm getting myself into?

Every mob has hit points and damage significantly increased. Bosses are very much the same as on normal mode. Only some of them have a little extra - small enough to be neglected really. (Like the price in Ahn'Kahet conjures 3 flame spheres rather than just one).

After doing the first half dozen or so heroics, they won't feel heroic at all. has some infos.
#4 Jan 20 2009 at 6:03 AM Rating: Decent
1,634 posts
With Losie already chiming in, I'll only offer a few points:

1. You do not need 540 when you hit 80. At 80 you begin gear collection - thus you're doing heroics. You should consider 540 the DEF CAP for Raids. 535 is the Def Cap for Heroics. Over Def'ing a heroic is not worth it. As you're a paladin, your STA will likely need a boost early on. Subbing a +STA gear in for something is probably worth it so long as your are near that 535 mark. Don't gear for 540 till you hit Naxx.
1a. You should have 540 Gear at all times. Save your gear - I've noticed that sometimes I need to swap one piece for another due to Def-Cap requirements. Don't discard old gear until it's really old... You never know when you'll need that +Def trinket or gloves, etc. In order to equip a new piece that might be lower in DEF, but give you an overall stat boost.

2. You can run heroics with less than def cap. My advice is to go in initially with a number very close to 535, but with as much STA as possible. If you notice you're eating a lot of crits - then bump up the DEF. Perhaps someone like Losie could tell you the % chance to get crit with Def at 525, 530. (I had a guildie Warrior who Tank Nexus with 517.) Your ability to take a crit is directly related to your stamina and the healer's ability. OP healer = No Prob.

#5 Jan 20 2009 at 6:44 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
Borsuk wrote:
With Losie already chiming in, I'll only offer a few points:

1. You do not need 540 when you hit 80. At 80 you begin gear collection - thus you're doing heroics. You should consider 540 the DEF CAP for Raids. 535 is the Def Cap for Heroics. Over Def'ing a heroic is not worth it. As you're a paladin, your STA will likely need a boost early on. Subbing a +STA gear in for something is probably worth it so long as your are near that 535 mark. Don't gear for 540 till you hit Naxx.
1a. You should have 540 Gear at all times. Save your gear - I've noticed that sometimes I need to swap one piece for another due to Def-Cap requirements. Don't discard old gear until it's really old... You never know when you'll need that +Def trinket or gloves, etc. In order to equip a new piece that might be lower in DEF, but give you an overall stat boost.

2. You can run heroics with less than def cap. My advice is to go in initially with a number very close to 535, but with as much STA as possible. If you notice you're eating a lot of crits - then bump up the DEF. Perhaps someone like Losie could tell you the % chance to get crit with Def at 525, 530. (I had a guildie Warrior who Tank Nexus with 517.) Your ability to take a crit is directly related to your stamina and the healer's ability. OP healer = No Prob.

You can easily get to 689 defense rating at level 78 as a Prot Paladin, so why not do it? Also, there is no "Defense Cap". You see that term a lot and it is wildly inaccurate. 535 Defense will get you uncrittable for heroics, 540 will get you uncrittable for raids. Any defense OVER 540 adds to you overall avoidance, so you are NOT "capped" at 540. More is still better.

There IS a Block Cap however; 102.4% avoidance with holy shield up will still assure that you only take blocks, parries, dodges, and misses and never eat a regular hit. You should strive (eventually) to have a minimum of 540 defense and also a total avoidance of 102.4%. This takes a while to achieve. Once you are at 540/102.4 all you really have to worry about is stamina. (There is more to it than that, but that is the simple version).

Yes, you can do heroics with less than 535 defense, but as easy as it is to get to 535 defense, why bother? In my opinion, UK is by far the easiest, Drak'Tharon Keep is easy as well, Nexus is easy, especially if you use appropriate resistance auras when necessary, and Violet Hold is easy if your DPS can down the bosses quickly. Xevozz in VH is a pain, but if you tank him in the water with your back against the gate, it makes the orbs inoperable and it becomes just a tank & spank. He doesn't hit hard, and his spells are pretty weak too.

As a new 80 tank with around 540 defense and 22k health, I would say do those 4 a few times to start out until you gear up some more. There is a decent tanking sword that drops in H UK (not as good as the one in H UP, but H UP is much tougher), a great trinket in H VH, Purple tank pants in H VH, and I think there is a blue necklace for tanks in H DTK iirc. I don't remember there being any spectacular tank drops in H Nexus, but it IS 5 emblems.

15 emblems will get you a Libram of Obstruction. After that I would probably go for the emblem necklace or belt depending on your personal needs, although you can always just save up and get the T7 chest/gloves before anything else if you want (although I would STILL get the Libram of Obstruction with the first 15 emblems that you get).

Also, don't forget to Champion. Some of the Rep rewards are quite good.

Finally, even if you are a new tank with right at 540 defense and only 22k health, if someone invites you to OT Naxx, just do it, especially if the rest of the group is good and has done it before. You can OT in there just fine as a fresh 80. I wouldn't recommend Main Tanking in there until you have about 24-25k health.
#6 Jan 20 2009 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
54 posts
Hey guys, I'd like ot think i'm a quick study so to speak. So I hit level 80 yesterday morning. Since then i've already completed heroic UK,Nexus,CoS, and one other I dont...remember...

For the record. Yes i understand DefCap is a loose term we use to describe us as being Uncritable. There is no Def cap...well if there is..who knows how high it is. It is an incorrect description of being uncritable but unfortunently its what everyone uses so I figure I would use it too. But I totally understand that its not actually a cap.

I've been bouncing back and forth between 540-550. One piece of gear I was thinking about switching out is my chest. I was thinking of experiementing with Icebane for the STA. If I enchant it right and socket it right I can get most of my def back, OR if i have enough to keep me over 540(I will be tanking naxx soon, my guild is going there soon) I was just going to load up with STA. I was looking through badge gear, i've got like 18 badges atm so the first thing I should get is the Libram huh? Right now I'm working on getting Reveared with Argent Crusade for the Helm enchant then I wasnt sure who I should work on next? I'm not the at figuring this stuff out...I tried to link my armory but it wont work. So if you have Time look up "Jydinian" on Malganis and let me know if there are any week points you see I should fix quickly. Thanks for everything!!
#7 Jan 21 2009 at 11:10 AM Rating: Excellent
1,004 posts
Since **** retentive seems to be the phrase of note when it comes to people using the term "Defense Cap" these days (some people adamently defend it, and some people adamently defy it) I feel like I should point out that yes, there is most certainly a Defense Cap. The point at which stacking Defense will no longer effect you at all will be when you have enough with no other avoidence to total 102.4% PURE avoidence from Defense alone -- and thanks to Diminishing Returns it's theoretical but practically impossible.

Yea! So smoke that for a while!

Now.. back to the task at hand.

Each point in Defense Skill reduces your chance to be crit by 0.04%. Since a mob 3 levels above you (Raid Boss) has a chance to crit you of 5.6% base, it takes 140 more points than your Base Defense Skill to be crit immune. Which means you need (400+140)=540 Defense for that. With 525 Defense a raid boss will have 0.6% chance to crit you. Which means if you get hit 100 times, statistically you've PROBABLY eaten at least one crit in them. Factor in that a boss will generally hit anywhere from 4000 (8000 Crit) to 23,000 (46,000 Crit, insta-wipe) and you see why even that low of a chance isn't worth it for boss tanking. The same logic applies to non-raid bosses, except the chance would be lower. You almost surely will eat crits during the fight (even with such a low %) and if the hit that happens to crit is a Hateful Strike... the raid's going to tell you to go DIAF.

Now consider trash. Facing level 81 trash packs, you'd have 0.2% chance to be crit @ 525. Now consider that you are probably fighting at LEAST 3 of them together, multiplying the number of hits that you take by 3 and that small percentage becomes almost a mathematical certainty that you WILL be crit. Not only that, but crit repeatedly.

Crit immunity is a benchmark that Blizzard has built in to give tanks a required gearing direction. Crushing Blows were nerfed because they were a second benchmark with the same purpose. In order to participate in the content you HAD to have 102.4% combined block+avoidence as a plate tank. Add to that the fact that they were tied to active prevention mechanics (which means that you had to actively hit something to stay immune, and therefore were never immune 100% of the time regardless) and they were just a stupid, redundant, element of randomness. Why would you want to re-introduce such a retarded element of randomness by not being Crit immune?

As for tank rep rewards. The arcanum is obviously the major goal. Also the gloves from Kirin Tor exalted are amazing. They're far superior to the 10-Tier gloves, imo... The 10-T items are all kinda trashy (just like Tier 4 was really kinda garbage) except they wont get you the 2pc or 4pc bonus like the Tier gloves will :D
#8 Jan 21 2009 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
54 posts
Heh, dont really need anymore help on heroics. I've farmed most of the heroic armor that drops. The rest are just minor STA improvements. I had enough Def to be able t drop my chest armor and add Icebane Chestguard. +24sta Gems really helped crank up my Hp. Also got the 111sta trinket out of An today. I didnt even know it dropped there so that was a nice suprise. Right now I'm sitting at 27500 and 541. I am going to be working on my Avoidence since i'm only at around 85% i believe it is with holyshield up.

Though i'll be OTing Naxx tomorrow which is exciting. My Last real upgrade i'm going to going for in heroics is The Red sword of Courage. But my next question is what should i spend my badges on? I've been looking through some of the gear and it doesnt seem that great. I bought the Libram already, and the rest doestn seem like its really that great. Most of it will lower my Defense which I'm already balancing that righ at 540 currently I dont have any leway. Any advice on that would be great. This forum has helped me a TON with what i need to look for in gear. I really appreciate it.

Jydinian: 80pally tank on malganis
#9 Jan 21 2009 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
Don't be a dope. Drop the Icebane for a blue with better stats. Yes, the stam/sockets are nice, but any blue with some Defense and avoidance is going to provide a better bonus than just having a ton of stam. The world is not "get 540 defense, then stack stam". Building both avoidance and effective health has always proven smarter than taking 1 or the other.
#10 Jan 30 2009 at 12:40 PM Rating: Excellent
1,131 posts
Yeah, 27,500 hp is nice, but if your avoidance isn't where it should be your "effective health" is lower than it should be.

I was recently at 27.5k HP, but was at 93% avoidance with holy shield up. I have since dropped down to 26.7k HP, but my avoidance is up to 97% with holy shield up. This actually makes me live longer.

Now, if you have 540+ defense and 102.4% avoidance with holy shield up and can keep 102.4% avoidance, go ahead and stack stam all you want from that point on basically.

Meanwhile, as per Losie's advice, I am going to go out and smoke some defense cap....
#11 Jan 30 2009 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
1,150 posts
I figure seeing as someone else is asking instance questions I can put mine out there.

I am a long way from doing hard things as I am only just approaching 60 on my first character, but I was wondering how the difficulty system works.
If I was able to do 5 man instances easily what would be the next step up? Is it a Heroic or a 10 man raid? Do I run Heroics to gear up for 10 mans to prepare for 25 mans?
How many people are in the squad for Heroics?

And yes... I know I just betrayed my newb status.
#12 Jan 30 2009 at 1:52 PM Rating: Default
1,634 posts
I wan't a TBC tank, but I'm tanking Heroics now.

Here's my opinion:

1. Get close to 335 def, but you DO NOT NEED 535. It's not a dead line. 534 does not = Fail. Get pretty close, if your healer is a good healer you'll be fine. If you have a weak healer - you may need to def cap it. (535 for Heroic, 540 for raid)

2. I've found UK, Nex, VH, and CoT to be the easiest... Also - the easiest in that order.

UK bosses are stupid easy if you know the last boss.

Nex is mostly tough due to stupid trash problems, and the potential probs. with the Rift boss.

VH is hit or miss with the random bosses. Some are very easy. Some are harder.

CoT is often called an easy instance, but it's not simple. It really isn't bad if people know what's going on.

Start with those.

Next - IMO - get over to HoL - It's not as bad as you think. The bosses are all easy - save the stupid Loken fight with lag that occurs all the freaking time.

The bug instances are all very hard IMO.

#13 Jan 31 2009 at 12:47 AM Rating: Good
Borsuk wrote:
I wan't a TBC tank, but I'm tanking Heroics now.

Here's my opinion:

1. Get close to 335 def, but you DO NOT NEED 535. It's not a dead line. 534 does not = Fail. Get pretty close, if your healer is a good healer you'll be fine. If you have a weak healer - you may need to def cap it. (535 for Heroic, 540 for raid)

Poor advice. Tanks should never rely on their healers to make up for their own unwillingness to invest in gearing their toon. Crafted blues, a few select quest rewards, and some careful (and relatively inexpensive) gems and enchants and no prot paladin will have any difficulty exceeding 540 defense. A crit from a heroic boss can tack on 6k+ damage. All it takes is one crit at the wrong time to spell a wipe, and why?

It's a dead horse issue. Yes, you NEED 535 defense if you plan on running heroics. Anything less is just a miserable attitude towards tanking.
#14 Jan 31 2009 at 1:22 AM Rating: Excellent
1,004 posts
I figure seeing as someone else is asking instance questions I can put mine out there.

I am a long way from doing hard things as I am only just approaching 60 on my first character, but I was wondering how the difficulty system works.
If I was able to do 5 man instances easily what would be the next step up? Is it a Heroic or a 10 man raid? Do I run Heroics to gear up for 10 mans to prepare for 25 mans?
How many people are in the squad for Heroics?

And yes... I know I just betrayed my newb status.

Heroic instances are the same idea as regular instances, but they have been balanced for a group of decently geared level 80 players. They are still 5 man instances. Effectively, it makes every instance in the expansion useful at the level cap and expands on the content very well, rather than only having 2 or 3 instances that matter to someone at 80.

As for gearing, the old TBC mantra was more natural. Back then you'd use quest and regular instance gear to prepare for heroics, then use heroic gear to fill out the last bit you needed for raiding. Today, they've made gearing up so simple that you can do it exclusively with craftables (both cheap and expensive ones are available) and quest rewards, though in many cases instance drops will be slightly superior. At this point you really are geared enough to handle simple heroics and Naxx.

It's my viewpoint however that BECAUSE gearing up is so simple to do now, anyone who puts in an actual effort should be able to somewhat surpass the minimum requirements pretty easily. I'm not the kind of person who expects stupid high benchmarks for stupidly simple content -- but I do expect to see effort. 540 Defense Skill is extremely easy to reach, there's no real reason to aim for 535 for heroics because with another hour or two it shouldn't be remotely challenging to get that last 5. An hour or two really is nothing when you consider what a struggle it used to be in TBC to reach these benchmarks.
#15 Feb 04 2009 at 8:32 AM Rating: Decent
54 posts
Glad to see this post is still moving. I just recently upgraded 4 of my items from a 10m Naxx raid i did with my guild just a few days ago. I expected a little bit of extra TPS from the upgrades because I was boosting my str/shield block values. But what I was greatly suprised about is I went from averaging 3000tps in 5m heroics to averaging 4500 and even topping out at 5k on bosses. I did tune up my rotation a bit, and I also respeced and took out my mana reduction(which I dont know exactly why but I do get hit hard on mana. I have to keep more mana pots then I used to). After respecing and changing rotation, but before I got the drops in naxx, I was still pushing the same or close to the same tps.

How could those 4 upgrades have really upped my tps THAT much. 1000+ tps from changing 4 peices of gear(yes I lost my icebane finally) that seems an overwhelming amount?? Check out my armory, I replaced, Neck chest boots pants.
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