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Under Powered HealingFollow

#1 Jan 16 2009 at 1:07 PM Rating: Default
This goes out to anyone that has another healing class, and can make a good comparison like I did. I'd be interested to know if you think we are underpowered, or if the class I tested is over-powered.

I healed Azjul Narub as a Balance druid and as a Shadow priest at around level 75 each. My druid has less spell power and has only low end raid gear, while my priest had full Tier 4 and more spell power and haste.
As a druid, I kept up very nicely, and there were no casualties or complaints. As a priest, everything was an effort, and people were dying, and I kept running out of mana. I stick with Flash/Greater Heal, Renew and Prayer of Healing as a rotation. Then, the druid rotation is pretty much stacking all my HOT and burst healing when needed, which is more spells than I would use as a priest.
My concern is that priest healing is either underpowered, or druids are over powered, as this situation strongly implies one or the other or both. Everyone in each group was a relative level to the instance, but I did not check gear, so I am sure it was not just a matter of the others being overpowered for the instance.
If any class in the game should be exceptional healers, it should be priests. I notice that druid burst healing is also better as far as HPS and mana efficiency. My suggestion would be to reduce the mana cost of priest healing, and I saw some mention of that from Ghostcrawler already.

Edited, Jan 16th 2009 4:11pm by sederix
#2 Jan 16 2009 at 1:11 PM Rating: Excellent
19,369 posts
Comparing two off specs' ability to main role their off spec is stupid.
#3 Jan 16 2009 at 1:28 PM Rating: Excellent
2,101 posts
MentalFrog wrote:
Comparing two off specs' ability to main role their off spec is stupid.

Nothing else really needs to be said, except that nothing else needed to be said.
#4 Jan 16 2009 at 1:43 PM Rating: Default
It's stupid to compare healing with healing? How about explaining why you disagree, instead of answering like a child?
#5 Jan 16 2009 at 1:56 PM Rating: Excellent
2,101 posts
sederix wrote:
It's stupid to compare healing with healing? How about explaining why you disagree, instead of answering like a child?

Your comparing a main specs lesser-role. You can't do that..

A shadow priests talents offer no, and when I say no I mean absolute 0 benefit to healing or holy spells. A boomkins talents offer quite a few boosts to it's healing spells. So with that alone a boomkin druids heals are going to be better than a shadow priest.

Saying things should change because of this is even dumber. So if I were to compare a fury warriors ability to tank a mob compared to a rogues, would it be smart of me to say that a warrior is OP because it can strap on a shield, switch to defensive stance and survive a lot longer than a rogue. I mean a rogue has great evasion tanking capabilities, he should get a buff because he can't survive as long as the fury warrior. Yeah, what you are doing is just as stupid as that.

Edit: You are comparing a DPS specs ability to heal to another DPS specs ability to heal and then saying that the Healing specs ability to heal is OP or underpowered because of it, that's retarded.

Edited, Jan 16th 2009 6:09pm by SynnTastic
#6 Jan 16 2009 at 2:27 PM Rating: Good
You would make a better comparison between a disc and holy priest, not a dps spec. You might as well ask why you can't melt faces with a holy priest -- you can dps but not so great as the spec that is made for it.

Your comparison is like asking for changes in Warriors because an arms warrior can't tank as well as a prot warror (or a retadin vs. a protadin).

#7 Jan 16 2009 at 2:40 PM Rating: Default
A shadow priests talents offer no, and when I say no I mean absolute 0 benefit to healing or holy spells

WRONG, i say again...WRONG

Twisted Faith: increases spell power by 2-10% of your spirit and some other stuff.

i believe extra spell damage benefits healing or am i you are.
#8 Jan 16 2009 at 2:59 PM Rating: Excellent
2,101 posts
redbarronthesecond wrote:
A shadow priests talents offer no, and when I say no I mean absolute 0 benefit to healing or holy spells

WRONG, i say again...WRONG

Twisted Faith: increases spell power by 2-10% of your spirit and some other stuff.

i believe extra spell damage benefits healing or am i you are.

Ok 1 talent, compared to a boomkins 5... feel better?
#9 Jan 16 2009 at 3:12 PM Rating: Good
19,369 posts
sederix wrote:
It's stupid to compare healing with healing?
If that role is an offspec role then yes it's stupid. At least for the sake of class balancing. Which is what you're arguing about.

sederix wrote:
How about explaining why you disagree, instead of answering like a child?

Okay, Lloyd. But before I do realize that I didn't answer like a child. There wasn't anything immature about my response or nothing like name calling, you doody head.

My car doesn't have things like 4-wheel drive, high suspension, etc. It's not designed for off road. That doesn't mean I can't use it to go off road, it just means it's not very efficient. Same idea with shadow priests, they are not designed to be healers.

Now let's say you have a small pickup truck, like a f100 or s10. Maybe it has 4 wheel drive, but not great suspension, tires, etc. It too is not really designed for off road. It would be better than the car, but it too could get stuck in the mud or whatever.

Neither is designed for off road so why compare the two's off road abilities? Why try to balance those based on something they're not designed for? Why not just get a Humvee?

If you were to compare a shadow priest's dps to that of a dps druid it would be different. However even still there are so many things that can favor one over the other. That's what happens when the mechanics differ between classes. It doesn't mean you can't balance the two out in the overall big picture.

Also you're basing this on two different encounters. Group makeup is different. Different instance? Different bosses? What about your efficiency or lack of? Are you really using the most efficient and best heals available on your shadow priest? What about your druid? Maybe you're efficient with your druid heals but not knowledgeable enough with your priest's. I've seen two rogues with the same spec and about the same gear and they're on opposite ends of the damage meter spectrum in the exact same instance. If those two with the exact same abilities available could be like night and day then how am I suppose to take your comparison with even more differing factors?

And if you really want to look at the balance issues between priests and druids then you've overlooked an even bigger problem than offspec healing, priests can't tank.

#10 Jan 16 2009 at 3:47 PM Rating: Default

Ok 1 talent, compared to a boomkins 5... feel better?

Twisted Faith and Inner Fire both improve healing. Further, I mentioned the character with more spell power and haste was still behind, so it's not just a matter of which one has better talents.

And if you really want to look at the balance issues between priests and druids then you've overlooked an even bigger problem than offspec healing, priests can't tank.

If you can heal your friends AND tank at the same time, then that would be something special and worthy of a whole other thread ;)

What I am suggesting, is that priests should be the ones who are better at healing without being dedicated healers. Blizzard has even stated that druids are meant to be good at everything, but not better than a specific class at one thing. This is why I asked if anyone plays another healing class, and could give an opinion on what they think of priest healing in comparison.


Neither is designed for off road so why compare the two's off road abilities? Why try to balance those based on something they're not designed for? Why not just get a Humvee?

All motion is relative. But, is healing? This analogy does not address that issue.
Healing is not a model of character (the class would be), however I am comparing healing alone not over-all performance. Both cars, as you shown, may drive at different speeds, but you never said they can not get to the same destination. In my situation, I would have to say one car made it to the destination very smoothly, while the other had a lot of engine trouble and could not go all the way.
If these were cars, then is bad performance not a good reason to visit a mechanic, or even recall that model back to the company?


Also you're basing this on two different encounters. Group makeup is different. Different instance? Different bosses? What about your efficiency or lack of? Are you really using the most efficient and best heals available on your shadow priest? What about your druid? Maybe you're efficient with your druid heals but not knowledgeable enough with your priest's. I've seen two rogues with the same spec and about the same gear and they're on opposite ends of the damage meter spectrum in the exact same instance. If those two with the exact same abilities available could be like night and day then how am I suppose to take your comparison with even more differing factors?

I can only answer some of these. It was in the same instance, as I mentioned, which means the obstacles are the same.
Yes, I was using the most efficient rotations available to both classes. And, I have to say, druid healing is efficient in general as I have not yet been able to come up with a bad rotation :)

Edited, Jan 16th 2009 6:59pm by sederix

Edited, Jan 16th 2009 7:00pm by sederix
#11 Jan 16 2009 at 4:01 PM Rating: Good
19,369 posts
sederix wrote:

Ok 1 talent, compared to a boomkins 5... feel better?

Twisted Faith and Inner Fire both improve healing. Further, I mentioned the character with more spell power and haste was still behind, so it's not just a matter of which one has better talents.

Inner fire is not a shadow talent. Sorry try again.

sederix wrote:

And if you really want to look at the balance issues between priests and druids then you've overlooked an even bigger problem than offspec healing, priests can't tank.

If you can heal your friends AND tank at the same time, then that would be something special and worthy of a whole other thread ;)

You're suggesting class balance based on offspecced main roles. It's a bad way to do balancing.

sederix wrote:

What I am suggesting, is that priests should be the ones who are better at healing without being dedicated healers. Blizzard has even stated that druids are meant to be good at everything, but not better than a specific class at one thing. This is why I asked if anyone plays another healing class, and could give an opinion on what they think of priest healing in comparison.

Priest healing =/= shadow priests. Now you're blurring the line of what you were originally asking.

sederix wrote:


Neither is designed for off road so why compare the two's off road abilities? Why try to balance those based on something they're not designed for? Why not just get a Humvee?

All motion is relative. This is not a good comparison, since cars of spefic models are designed to do specific things.
Healing is not a model (classes are), however I am comparing healing alone not over-all performance as you seem to be doing.

WTF? Specific models are designed to do specific things? Druids are designed to dps, tank and heal. Priests are designed to dps and heal. How did you confuse the model to be the healing ability and not the class? Healing is not the model in my analogy, dubmass. Healing is the ability which would be like the car's ability to off road. The class is the model.

#12 Jan 16 2009 at 4:03 PM Rating: Default
I dont believe you can compare two classes healing abiliy if they are specced for dps.

yes a druid does have mroe talents in the balance tree that will improving healing, so it is fair to say that the healing ability of a boomkin will be better than that of a shadow priest.

I have healed on both of the above classes and dont find a problem with healing on either, apart from the priest being very mana inefficient when specced for shadow.
#13 Jan 16 2009 at 4:28 PM Rating: Excellent
988 posts
What I am suggesting, is that priests should be the ones who are better at healing without being dedicated healers.

And that would be for... simply being priests?

If you can heal your friends AND tank at the same time, then that would be something special and worthy of a whole other thread ;)

Druids obviously don't do it at the same time, but if you stick a FERAL druid into caster gear, his healing is just as bad as that of a shadow priest. Worse even, because he doesn't have tools like PoM, and doesn't have Dreamstate or Intensity to actually regenerate mana while trying to keep everybody alive. No Swiftmend, no Nature's Swiftness. Does a spriest have to live without Binding Heal, Prayer of Healing, or anything like that? The essential tools for a priest come with the class, not the talents, and that's more than any other healing class could hope for.

Comparing classes by their off-spec abilities is just plain stupid, even more so if you expect one to come out better than the other.
#14 Jan 17 2009 at 10:39 AM Rating: Good
194 posts
Twisted Faith and Inner Fire both improve healing

Could someone please tell me how Inner Fire improves healing? That statement made me log on to my Priest and check. Don't see anything.

I play both a shadow and holy priest, and a resto druid. I've tanked with my druid (if you want to call it that!) and I've healed with my shadow priest. My shadow priest is just not an option for main healing. Before Blizz switched from +healing/+dmg to just +spell power, I used to carry around a set of healing gear just in case. Even then I would beg off of main healing as it was an exercise in futility. She does more healing in shadowform using VE than actually trying to "play healer." Does this mean that shadow priests' healing is "underpowered?" NO! It means you shouldn't be trying to main heal as a shadow priest! If you want to be a main healer, spec holy with a side of disc.

The druids have a completely different talent set, as was mentioned earlier. They get more boosts to their healing in the balance tree than priests do in the shadow tree. They get up to 12% of their intellect as spellpower from Lunar Guidance and up to 5% increase to periodic healing from Genesis. Shadow priests only get 10% of their spirit as spellpower. On both my priests and my druid, their intellect is higher than spirit, so that could easily be the difference.

All the classes are different, and different classes will be better in their off specs than others. To try to compare the two off specs as the OP is suggesting leads to only one conclusion in his or her case. The shadow priest doesn't heal as well as their boomkin druid. No more, no less. Neither class is underpowered and neither class is overpowered, imho. If you compared a resto druid to a holy priest with comparable gear, in the same situation, and with the same amount of skill at the keyboard, and experienced the same thing, then I'd feel a nerf coming on.

Just my thoughts.

#15 Jan 17 2009 at 11:45 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
Wizarrdress wrote:
Twisted Faith and Inner Fire both improve healing

Could someone please tell me how Inner Fire improves healing? That statement made me log on to my Priest and check. Don't see anything.

At Level 71, Inner Fire also adds to spellpower which, in turn, leads to larger heals.
Although, for the sake of this thread, it is a moot point since a humvee and a VW both are nothing but rocks when they get stuck axle deep in the mud.
#16 Jan 17 2009 at 11:54 AM Rating: Excellent
194 posts
At Level 71, Inner Fire also adds to spellpower which, in turn, leads to larger heals.
Although, for the sake of this thread, it is a moot point since a humvee and a VW both are nothing but rocks when they get stuck axle deep in the mud.

lmao.. yes, but if a Jeep gets 24mpg on the hwy, and the Sebring gets a flat tire on the ATV trail, doesn't that mean that the jeep is OP? NERF!

Thanks for the info.. I actually just came back to edit my post as I found the info in another thread.
#17 Jan 19 2009 at 7:10 AM Rating: Excellent
1,180 posts
It's kind of the old comparing apples to oranges thing, I love apples, but am not too fond of oranges. It's a matter of personal preference.

I've always found it easier to heal on my (shadow) priest rather than (balance) druid, the class mechanics suit me better for priest than druid. It could just be that you are more suited to druid's style of healing than priest's.

Also, comparing two single encounters doesn't make for a very representative picture. One group may have a better geared (or skilled tank) who takes less damage and keeps the mobs off the dps (so less group healing). One group may have slower dps, or dps who stand in aoe or hit the wrong target. These are all things which can influence how easy it is to heal.

And don't forget different buffs from various classes. You might have had buffs favouring healing from one group (replenishment, judgement of wisdom, totem of wrath, etc) and not in the other.

Personally I think priest is a very capable healing class and it's the one I prefer to heal with (though I've not tried shaman yet).
#18 Jan 19 2009 at 7:24 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Also you're basing this on two different encounters. Group makeup is different. Different instance? Different bosses? What about your efficiency or lack of? Are you really using the most efficient and best heals available on your shadow priest? What about your druid? Maybe you're efficient with your druid heals but not knowledgeable enough with your priest's.

The essential tools for a priest come with the class, not the talents, and that's more than any other healing class could hope for.

and this
It's kind of the old comparing apples to oranges thing, I love apples, but am not too fond of oranges. It's a matter of personal preference.

= Game, set and match. While it might be true that shadow priests heal worse than balance druids in general (notice the 'might', you'd have to do more extensive testing than "it worked that way for me on that boss in that instance), this wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. Even with my view that priests are 'the' healer class (discussed in the 'what healer to pick' thread), I could understand that very well; if you have a class focused entirely on healing with 2 healing specs, wouldn't it only be fair that the third 'DPS spec' focuses on healing as minimalistic as possible?

Healing is not the model in my analogy, dubm***.

Becuase somebody has to mention it.
#19 Jan 19 2009 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Mozared wrote:
Healing is not the model in my analogy, dubm***.

Becuase somebody has to mention it.

Not really on topic but that's the intentional spelling. It's sort of an inside joke, like moran.

#20 Jan 19 2009 at 11:20 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
My concern is that priest healing is either underpowered, or druids are over powered, as this situation strongly implies one or the other or both.

I'm not going to say what your post implies to me as it will get me banned.
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