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Now I know why we get called Huntards...Follow

#1 Jan 16 2009 at 2:21 AM Rating: Sub-Default
1,150 posts
When I started WoW I went a Hunter because pets looked cool. I then took flak from other players when I did instances, was called a Huntard frequently when I need rolled on a dagger against a warrior. I thought it was just a kind of tradition of prejudice against Hunters. Now I have been on the other side of a Huntard while playing my paladin and I understand where the name comes from.

While doing Deadmines, a Hunter need rolled on both Rahk'zor's Hammer and Smites Mighty Smiter so that the Warrior and I got nothing. I decided I wanted the Carapace of Tuten'Kash from Razorfen Downs so I joined a group. Two Hunters rolled against me for the Plate armour so I lost out. Then on my fourth RFD run of the day the carapace dropped again and again a Hunter selected Need, although this time it went to a different Paladin. The same Hunter then rolled Need on Ragglesnout's Sheild, at which point I quit the instance to let Coldbringer wipe them.

Is it just the Hunter class that seems to attract the idiots who ignore the "This Item will bind to you when you loot it" warning? Do we have Legolas to blame for attracting the 9 year old Hunters who roll on everything?

Have any of you been on the recieving end of things like this and is it just Hunter's who tend to do it or is it sheer coincidence that its always been a Hunter who screwed me over.

I dont know if this can be classed as a rant, but I do feel better for getting it off my chest.

Edited, Jan 16th 2009 5:34am by EbanySalamonderiel
#2 Jan 16 2009 at 3:58 AM Rating: Decent
It is an easy class to play, therefore any assjack can solo his way to 80. With the onset of the DK it seems they have taken up the banner of the ****** class.

I will say that when I am tanking a heroic or whatever on my pally and there is a hunter in the group, they usually do turn out to be a complete moron. It is a little sad when a hunter is only putting up 800dps and they think they are ready for heroics. Another reason I prefer to be the group leader. Easier to get rid of people who slow the group down.
#3 Jan 16 2009 at 4:13 AM Rating: Decent
Sadly although there are idiots in every class, a higher percentage of hunters seem to be fools than other classes.
Another problem with low level hunters is that they have only had a few levels to get used to the pet mechanics but most other classes have them from level 1.

Also as rinkkel mentioned, hunters are easy to solo but a bit more complex in instances.

#4 Jan 16 2009 at 5:59 AM Rating: Decent
464 posts
In my personal opinion, the class attracts people who are new to the game. Because of the large playerbase, a lot of them are between the ages 11-13. Very easy to tell right away from the obvious signs. (talking way to much in party chat is usually the big indicator)

I had played FFXI for about 5 years when I left to take up WoW. I rolled Hunter because it seemed the easiest. I wasn't far off. It is extremely easy to level compared to other jobs. To be honest though, I think all classes have their "huntards." Today more than ever.

Sorry if I offended anyone between the ages 11-13!
Bleam FFXI (Retired) 75MNK/SAM/NIN/SMN/THF  
Bleam WoW (Retired) 80 Druid 
Golf WoW (Retired) 80 Death Knight 
Tewksberry WoW (Retired) 80 Hunter 
Rahana WoW (Retired) 80 Priest

TwiddleDee wrote:
Purchase and instal a bigger hard drive, at the moment my PS3 has 500GB memory which is plenty.
#5 Jan 16 2009 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Bleam wrote:
In my personal opinion, the class attracts people who are new to the game. Because of the large playerbase, a lot of them are between the ages 11-13. Very easy to tell right away from the obvious signs. (talking way to much in party chat is usually the big indicator)

I had played FFXI for about 5 years when I left to take up WoW. I rolled Hunter because it seemed the easiest. I wasn't far off. It is extremely easy to level compared to other jobs. To be honest though, I think all classes have their "huntards." Today more than ever.

Sorry if I offended anyone between the ages 11-13!

Your personal opinion is stupid and full of assumptions.
#6 Jan 16 2009 at 9:01 PM Rating: Default
Bleam wrote:
In my personal opinion, the class attracts people who are new to the game. Because of the large playerbase, a lot of them are between the ages 11-13. Very easy to tell right away from the obvious signs. (talking way to much in party chat is usually the big indicator)

I had played FFXI for about 5 years when I left to take up WoW. I rolled Hunter because it seemed the easiest. I wasn't far off. It is extremely easy to level compared to other jobs. To be honest though, I think all classes have their "huntards." Today more than ever.

Sorry if I offended anyone between the ages 11-13!

No. **** you Bleam.
#7 Jan 17 2009 at 2:30 PM Rating: Good
rinkkel, ****** Superhero wrote:

I will say that when I am tanking a heroic or whatever on my pally and there is a hunter in the group, they usually do turn out to be a complete moron. It is a little sad when a hunter is only putting up 800dps and they think they are ready for heroics. Another reason I prefer to be the group leader. Easier to get rid of people who slow the group down.

How do they do that? Shoot their pet at the start of the fight? Granted I'm BM, but upon hitting 80 I was doing about 800 dps and my pet another 800.
#8 Jan 17 2009 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
Some people just suck.
They just aren't capable of paying attention during fights for whatever reason.

We had a lock like that...
He did pretty good dps but his situational awareness was equal to that of a chicken.
A chicken that's been killed, cut up and boiled into a soup.
He failed at every single movement bit in every single fight.

It was a pleasure to kick him from our guild.
#9 Jan 17 2009 at 3:37 PM Rating: Default
I agree. I think hunters, rogues and warriors usually are the frickin retards because it seems as the most simplistic class to choose to start off the game. When I started at first i thought it would be cool to be a warrior, but I realized there is really nothing special about them. Therefore in intances they dont know that if you dont need the item you dont roll need for it. I have to admit when I first did an instance starting off WoW I did a need for chain boots when I was like level 24 and obviously couldn't wear it. The person asked me why I needed it and I said I could sell it. That got me kicked and I learned the hard way. Hunter's can't really be moderate in WoW your either good or your bad. Debuffing and buffing spells are probably harder for the little noobs and the other classes that just use weapons are much easier.

Also, any ****** hunter that goes and tries to get the flag in WSG is obviously one of the bad hunters playing, unless of course your whole team consists of the level 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70s, and you like a level (2-7)9. Hunter's are really probably much better at defending with ranged weapons and traps.
#10 Jan 17 2009 at 11:27 PM Rating: Decent
Luckily I've seen very few things ninja'd ever. But.. the last one being a frozen orb was ninja'd by... you'll never guess... a hunter! I did get to kick him from another run a few days later though : )

On another note. I think that it's very obvious when a hunter messes up. Pet charges forward when the tank is trying to make a blind pull. Or not being able to chain trap. Obvious and embarassing for the hunter. Lately though I've been seeing more, better hunters. Not sure if the really bad ones just haven't made it to 80 or they are all playing death knights. LOL!
#11 Jan 18 2009 at 12:57 AM Rating: Decent
210 posts
Lately though I've been seeing more, better hunters. Not sure if the really bad ones just haven't made it to 80 or they are all playing death knights. LOL!

Trust me they're all playing DK's. Every group I've run on my quest from 70-80 was full of DPS/tank DK's, very few of any other class besides me as a hunter of course
#12 Jan 18 2009 at 1:36 AM Rating: Default
warriors? sorry but i dont think "******" describes many warriors. not even a fraction of the huntards or deathknight rerolls. warriors in my experiences seem to be well, experienced =]
#13 Jan 18 2009 at 4:43 AM Rating: Good
129 posts
During my initial WoW 10-day trial I rolled a horde druid, but when I actually bought the game I joined the server my father-in-law played on and rolled a hunter. I didn't choose that class because I thought it would be easy - I still knew relatively nothing about the game yet. I didn't do research, or read forums, or roll several toons in a row to see who I would like best. I just thought it sounded fun.

I didn't really realize how easy it was to be a hunter until I rolled a mage, about the time my hunter was in his 30s (this was all pre-BC). Playing my mage took concentration, whereas on my hunter I could literally send my pet after something, hit Autoshot, and walk away to go get a beverage.

My point is that soloing as a hunter requires very little effort - there's no real mechanic that compels you to figure out your best shot rotation, or when to use certain abilities. In fact, if you crank out too much DPS you're just going to pull aggro from your pet anyways, which for a solo hunter is a minor inconvenience.

So if a player is new to WoW, and especially if they're new to MMOs in general, and they roll a hunter, and they're not being forced to really think about how best to play their class, and they may not realize that just because they can use a weapon doesn't mean they should use a weapon, and what have you got? Huntard.

I don't think huntards are all stupid people, or that they're all 13 years old; but I think that it's quite likely that most of them are players with very little experience, who are on their first or second toon and haven't really figured out the details yet. Once someone has played a high-level toon or two, and done some dungeons and heroics with a diverse group, I think it's far more likely that they could roll a hunter and be a huntard.
#14 Jan 18 2009 at 7:01 AM Rating: Decent
881 posts
Everyone says soloing as a hunter is so easy, and it is, but soloing as anything is easy. One can easily take out any mob his level and up +2/+3 with any class. Now it might be a little slower with a healing spec'd class but its still simple.
#15 Jan 18 2009 at 2:42 PM Rating: Decent
lol defend. yea sure as long as there is someone there with you or its a fail waste of time.

As for huntards i admit my hunter was my first class since i was told they are pretty easy and i did want a pet. However, its pretty standard that if you dont need then dont need it. never had that issue. The most huntarded thing i have done is gone from a bg with my pet on aggressive into a raid and forgetting to put it on defensive. My fail.

If you want to ***** about huntards then get to 80. 13 yr olds have not got the attention spamm to level to 80 and if they do then they generally know what they are doing. Ity goes without saying that its for every class though. H HOL for example we had a holy pally against the final boss (dunno his name) and he sat there the entire time healing the tank... awesome... except every second the dps is also getting damage and by 40% damage taken all our dps had died. we wiped again and again because the artard was not healing dps.

But also realise that huntarded things are not always the players fault. sometimes they are accidents, sometimes they are honest mistakes. if you play a game and expect everyone to be the best sniper in cs or the best helicopter pilot in BF or the best healer/tank/dps in WoW then you are a ******. I never rage over things because they are mistakes. everyone makes them. Had a shaman in my guild somehow (dont ask me how) go into a 5's arena, get it down to him and mage, battle rages on between them for 4 mins and he decides to rez someone while mage is in evo to make the battle end. He somehow rezzed a shaman on the other team??? His arena team gave him so much flak but honestly htf do you rez the other team???

If a hunter rolls on plate in a lvl 13 instance like dead mines then hes probably someone who just started the game and has nfi. But dont think its just hunters.
#16 Jan 22 2009 at 12:25 PM Rating: Default
What I see alot is when other's tell someone that they are fixing to mess everything up....they do not listen. Then the party wipes. All eyes turn to him. Thats what I'm saying. They know they are going to mess things up and still they do it. Stupid decisions cause stupid mistakes that well...shouldn't happen in the first place. Everyone should know there role. If not...go play with teletubbies on the ps one!

Edited, Jan 22nd 2009 2:28pm by Souliken
#17 Jan 22 2009 at 7:19 PM Rating: Decent
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
It was a pleasure to kick him from our guild.

You do mean after you devoured his soul and left him a cowering, drooling husk right?
#18 Jan 22 2009 at 8:10 PM Rating: Good
Souliken wrote:
What I see alot is when other's tell someone that they are fixing to mess everything up....they do not listen. Then the party wipes. All eyes turn to him. Thats what I'm saying. They know they are going to mess things up and still they do it. Stupid decisions cause stupid mistakes that well...shouldn't happen in the first place. Everyone should know there role. If not...go play with teletubbies on the ps one!

Edited, Jan 22nd 2009 2:28pm by Souliken

The irony of this KILLS me.
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