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#1 Jan 15 2009 at 7:02 PM Rating: Good
239 posts
Just as the topic invites, how about sharing the build you've put together for your priest?

I'm a level 46 shadow priest, but I plan to respec to holy/disc later in the game. Based on the information shared in a previous thread, I might even stick to shadow completely if I can manage to keep up with heals; I really enjoy the current flexibility I have with shadow at my lower level.

I'm particularly interested to see the builds of those of you who have "mixed it up" with traits from all three talent trees. Whcih traits do you find most helpful in terms of healing, soloing, and overall gameplay?

Also, if you do act as a "shadow healer", what emphasis do you place on your gear? Do you look for spell power, crit, spirit, intelligence, or a good balance of them all?

Thanks in advance for the share. :)

#2 Jan 15 2009 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
#3 Jan 16 2009 at 5:52 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
This is my holy build. Couple of controversial decisions, but it works for me. I prioritize crit with this build (just under spellpower and int/spi, and above haste). Until the patch finally makes it, raid healing for me is essentially POM, CoH, free Flash Heal, rinse, repeat. Smiley: nod

SatoriWolf wrote:
Which traits do you find most helpful in terms of healing, soloing, and overall gameplay?

I personally love Holy healing, because I enjoy multi-target and raid healing. Even post-nerf I will love Circle of Healing. Surge of Light is one of my personal favorite talents ever.

In terms of soloing: If I was still leveling, I would make sure I had 3/3 Spirit Tap no matter what my spec was. That's really the biggest key to priest efficiency. When dual specs come out I'll have a Shadow spec for dailies and farming, because Shadow is just plain giggle-inducing fun, but soloing as Holy isn't hard and I get my dailies done just fine. What I lack in efficiency I make up for in survivability.
#4 Jan 16 2009 at 7:02 AM Rating: Good
121 posts
I'm not sure anyone would go for a bit of each in every tree, it doesn't make alot of sense to mix holy and shadow as your damage spell rotation depends on how you spec.

For levelling, the usual is to go shadow, I know little about shadow priests - but the usual shadow priest rotation will probably include mind blast, mind flay, sw:pain, i.e. pure shadow damage.

Now if like me, you love the idea of healing instances as much as possible to level and don't mind too much that it takes you a while longer to down a mob then choose a holy/disc mix or full disc with 3 points in spirit tap. For the holy tree you'd pick up holy specialization, divine fury, searing light, spiritual guidance and surge of light - with the exception of searing light all these talents buff both your holy damage and your heals, your damage spell rotation would then include holy fire, sw:pain and smite. Theres various talents in the disc tree to either increase survivability (e.g. imp. inner fire, imp. pw:shield), help your mana pool, and buff both your healing and dps (e.g. twin disciplines, focused power, power infusion), all of which will help in both solo play and group healing.
#5 Jan 16 2009 at 7:11 AM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
teacake wrote:
This is my holy build. Couple of controversial decisions, but it works for me. I prioritize crit with this build (just under spellpower and int/spi, and above haste). Until the patch finally makes it, raid healing for me is essentially POM, CoH, free Flash Heal, rinse, repeat. Smiley: nod

Didn't you use to have Desperate Prayer?

I have almost the exact same build as Teacake's. Only I have 1 point from Healing Prayers put into Silent Resolve.

I'll get rid of silent resolve when I have to stop worrying about crappy PuG tanks... someday soon I hope. When that day comes the 1 point is going into healing prayer and the other 2 are going into Imp:Fort.... God I hope that day comes soon... please?
#6 Jan 16 2009 at 7:18 AM Rating: Good
129 posts
This is my disc build for 71. Slightly flawed. I am just now starting to understand pain suppression.
#7 Jan 16 2009 at 7:51 AM Rating: Good
679 posts
Until the patch this is my raid healing holy build.

After the coh change its not as viable and this would be my choice.

Disc isn't viable at the moment but the best I've found so far is this, no improved DS, its not worth taking with flametongue totem in a raid.

This is something that I'd like to try when the DA bugs are fixed. Its a DA build with more emphasis on holy healing talents, might even be worth putting sor in there, not sure.

This is the one true PvE shadow build. Accept no substitute

Edited, Jan 16th 2009 10:54am by thegreatmothra
#8 Jan 16 2009 at 8:00 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
SynnTastic wrote:

Didn't you use to have Desperate Prayer?

Indeed I did. I gave it up and passed on Test of Faith so I could fill in Holy Reach and Healing Prayers. Holy Reach isn't for everyone but my healing assignments tend to leave me using PoH and CoH a lot.

Edited to add: also, the build I linked is totally not my build. Smiley: lol I have Improved Fort, not Silent Resolve, so it actually looks like this.

Post patch I may play with it to get Test of Faith back, since I won't be using CoH as often.

Edited, Jan 16th 2009 11:07am by teacake
#9 Jan 16 2009 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
here is the build i want to use
#10 Jan 16 2009 at 1:11 PM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
scottyjames wrote:
here is the build i want to use

Honestly, you can lose the point in Lightwell. In theory, it is one of our best, most mana efficient spells in the game. In theory.

In reality, it was a wasted talent in BC, and even moreso in Wrath.

See the biggest problem with lightwell is that it relies on DPS to do your job for you. It relies on them to notice they are going low on health, and for them to run over and click the well. That's a major flaw in the system. Yes DPS should pay attention to their health, yes they should bandage or pot when needed, but it's hard enough getting them to use a healthstone in their inventory with can be action barred, much less have them run over to a bowl of water and click it.

It's even worse in Wrath, because the mechanics of the fights are a lot more hectic and require DPS to pay a lot more attention to several different things. Fights require a lot of moving around and placement adjustments. Placing a lightwell in an ideal spot is very difficult and will most likely result in big loss of DPS if they have to run over and click it.

Now of course, if you have an exceptional group, lightwell is a great spell. I've read several cases of how good lightwell can be. However, from what I have witnessed in game, the only time it was used was after a fight to replenish their health to full.

Edit: Not to mention (don't know if they fixed it or not), people get lag or overzealous results in multiple clicks of the lightwell, which means one person sucks up a couple charges rather than just one.

To many things to possibly go wrong to even bother with lightwell. It's pretty much better to control the heals yourself than to rely on the DPS to heal themselves.

Edited, Jan 16th 2009 4:14pm by SynnTastic
#11 Jan 16 2009 at 9:14 PM Rating: Good

Edited, Jan 17th 2009 12:17am by dadanox
#12 Jan 17 2009 at 11:16 PM Rating: Default
Leveling as shadow atm, but I will probably go with
Holy 20/51
as soon as I hit 80 (2 bars left :D) I took 5/5 Mental Agility instead of Serendipity since when I heal, I mostly use PoM, Renew and shield (and CoH once I get it).
#13 Jan 18 2009 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
i found lightwell to save me more then once in a fight, its nice when i need to be healed but don't want to heal myself so i don't lose a lot of my regen
#14 Jan 21 2009 at 3:16 PM Rating: Default
I'm all about melting faces here is mine:

Here's what I'll look like at 40:

After that I have no clue. I'm just soloing right now. Being low level sucks ><. But going to run VC tonight a few times to get the hang of healing. Glad I learn quick. Was a healer on FFXI for 2 yrs. Though they are 2 different games. Anyone using a solo build on shadow right now. Ok back to leveling!
#15 Jan 22 2009 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
Here is the build I'm hoping to end up with:

However, I've been recommended to put one point in "Inner Focus" which I most likely will forget to use, and sacrifise 1 point in Spiritual Guidance if I were to do so. Not sure which talent would worth more.

Edited, Jan 22nd 2009 5:33pm by mizuiru
#16 Jan 22 2009 at 3:16 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Inner Focus you can do without if you wish, but what I'd do is swap Unbreakable Will for Imp Inner Fire.
#17 Jan 22 2009 at 3:26 PM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
Mozared wrote:
Inner Focus you can do without if you wish, but what I'd do is swap Unbreakable Will for Imp Inner Fire.

You're crazy...

No, seriously though, Inner focus is better than lightwell or desperate prayer if you ask me, especially with the way the rest of his build is set up.

Use of inner focus is great for getting out of or staying out of the 5SR, or when you are completely out of mana and your tank is droping with 1% left on the boss and needs just one more heal(yeah I've been there), or the added crit bonus for either a surge of light or Holy Concentration.

Inner focus, IMO, is insurmountably better than either of the two talents I listed, but that's just from personal experience.

But yeah definitely get Imp Inner Fire, the SP bonus you get from it is great.
#18 Jan 22 2009 at 3:31 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Don't get me wrong, Inner Focus is one heck of a useful spell indeed. It's just that it's not uncommon to see priests who do fine without it, and I say let them if that's how they wish to play. I really wouldn't give it up either (or pick Lightwell or Desperate Prayer over it), but I can see how people do without it.
#19 Jan 22 2009 at 6:23 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
SynnTastic wrote:
Mozared wrote:
Inner Focus you can do without if you wish, but what I'd do is swap Unbreakable Will for Imp Inner Fire.

You're crazy...

Ja ja, I love ya Moz, but I gotta side with Synn on this one. That's just crazyburger with a side of WTF. For a Holy priest who depends on getting out of the 5SR, Inner Focus is a gotta have. Desperate Prayer, Healing Prayers, Holy Reach, these are all things you can trade in and out according to playstyle and giving up any of those would work fine. And Lightwell? Seriously? If there was a talent that reduced the baking time of 20 minute brownies to 17 minutes, I'd take that before Lightwell.

In other build news, unrelated to this question but important nonetheless because it's about me, I respec'd post patch and gave up Healing Prayers and a point of Holy Reach in favor of Test of Faith, since my build needs to be less CoH-based now. I'm pleased.
#20 Jan 23 2009 at 12:36 AM Rating: Good
679 posts
I'm not sure you know, since I rarely, if ever cast greater heal at the moment I'd never be out of the 5 second rule with inner focus anyway. Besides, with the amount of haste on gear these days, you're almost not ever out of 5sr while casting greater heals with inner focus. I place a lot more value on healing throughput these days to be honest.
#21 Jan 23 2009 at 5:13 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
thegreatmothra wrote:
I'm not sure you know

Well that's a given, but since when does that stop me from talking like I do? It's what I do here.

thegreatmothra wrote:
Besides, with the amount of haste on gear these days, you're almost not ever out of 5sr while casting greater heals with inner focus.

I have very little haste at all (I stack crit) and my gheal is still slow like that crazy old man driving ahead of you in the fast lane. And while I now cast a much more balanced variety of spells, I use them all, including gheal all the time.

But I'm willing to concede that I may not be the Shining Template of Perfect Priesthood, so okay, I take back the side of WTF. My cry of crazyburger still stands, though.Smiley: wink
#22 Jan 23 2009 at 7:37 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Hah, my point just proved itself =P

Like I said in my second post; I myself wouldn't drop it for all the beer in the world, I just know there's priests out there who feel like they really don't need it and in the end you cán do well without.
#23 Jan 23 2009 at 10:43 AM Rating: Excellent
407 posts
All I have to say about Inner Focus is:

/use Trinket
/cast Inner focus
/cast Prayer Of Healing

I have that, called the Panic button. Even though I am generally tank healing as disc this macro can give me a huge boost in spellpower, no cost and a nice crit chance on a spell which is mana intensive but can heal pretty much everyone at once. If masses of aoe hits out it can save your *** along with everyone around you. If you don't have time to cast it you can also choose to macro in holy nova instead which is not as good but instant cast.

Oops didn't link my build which is here:

But I need to fiddle with it lol I'm almost happy but thinking of moving the holy points around as I have found I don't use renew like I had assumed I would

Edited, Jan 23rd 2009 1:51pm by ysabellstohelit
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