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A tad OT: Just a thanks...Follow

#1 Jan 15 2009 at 9:01 AM Rating: Excellent
Backstory: Last night I went into regular Nexus with my 72 warrior, along with a few level 80 guildies. They definitely tested me on keeping threat. I had some problems here and there, but overall, I managed to keep all mobs onto myself. (Though I'm quite certain that one or two of the dps held back a little to allow me time to get threat, which I do appreciate).

I was quite proud of myself for the most part though. I've always been a bit iffy on tanking, worried that I'd wipe the group, that they'd think I was a noob, etc. This is only my second time tanking a Northrend instance, and it was fun.

Being a warrior is definitely giving my shaman a run for her money. All in all, I'd like to thank all of you warriors out there for the information on these boards, and advice given. Although, I'm still learning, and far from being the best, I have a feeling that I'll get there in no time. Thanks again!

I better get a move on with leveling her to 80 now =)
#2 Jan 15 2009 at 12:23 PM Rating: Excellent
19,369 posts
I've gotten a refreshed love for tanking in wotlk. It's a lot of fun. I'm not enjoying the leveling as a warrior but I really want to get to 80 and do a lot more tanking.

It's been a long time since I've tanked and I was worried I'd be a little rusty. It's been fun and the groups I've been in have been a blast.

It's a fun role to play.
#3 Jan 15 2009 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
I personally love leveling with a warrior. I'm leveling my DK, druid, and hunter ATM and I have to say that DK and druid are both real fun to level but hunter is hands down the worst. I can't stand playing my hunter at all. So boring.
#4 Jan 16 2009 at 6:50 AM Rating: Good
I've always been a bit iffy on tanking, worried that I'd wipe the group, that they'd think I was a noob

This is why I put of tanking at 70 for so long, I realy didnt want to get a name for myself as a bad i just didnt do it. Then I respecced for a Kara run and everyone said I did realy well so now i've never looked back.
#5 Jan 16 2009 at 7:35 PM Rating: Good
redbarronthesecond wrote:
I've always been a bit iffy on tanking, worried that I'd wipe the group, that they'd think I was a noob

This is why I put of tanking at 70 for so long, I realy didnt want to get a name for myself as a bad i just didnt do it. Then I respecced for a Kara run and everyone said I did realy well so now i've never looked back.

First instance I tanked was... Uldaman I believe. This was before Thunderclap could be used in Defensive Stance. It was a bit hectic tanking trash. If you could call it tanking. But I tanked the last boss flawlessly. I was so proud at the time, kind of funny thinking back on it.
#6 Jan 17 2009 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
i missed the patchg note when T-clap could be used in def stance so for ages after i still never used it lol
#7 Feb 17 2009 at 6:20 AM Rating: Good
No reason to start a new thread, but I couldn't hold it in...

That damn shield from Heroic CoS finally dropped last night after a whole week and a halfish trying to get it. Woo! An upgrade finally!

That is all.
#8 Feb 17 2009 at 2:14 PM Rating: Good
501 posts
Grats man!

Happy to hear you're enjoying tanking. I've played a lot of the classes and all of the roles in this game that one could play. Tanking on a warrior is the only one that I don't get bored of.
#9 Feb 18 2009 at 4:44 AM Rating: Good
Definitely. As weird as it may sound to some that have also played multple class types, I actually find playing a warrior the most challenging. I'm still in the process of learning (even though I'm 80 and all), but I've got to get over the fact that if someone dies, it's not always my fault.

I tend to be iffy on that matter.

In other news, I, also, finally got the sword last night in heroic UP =), and my rep up high enough with Wyrmrest that I picked up the chestpiece and feet as well. So three upgrades in one night isn't bad =P.
#10 Feb 19 2009 at 11:47 PM Rating: Default
No reason to start a new thread, but I couldn't hold it in...

That damn shield from Heroic CoS finally dropped last night after a whole week and a halfish trying to get it. Woo! An upgrade finally!

I ran CoS everyday for 4 weeks to get this shield and nothing, I eventually gave up and bought the Emblem shield, doesnt look as good, but overall is better =D

Gratz for getting it.

I'm still in the process of learning (even though I'm 80 and all), but I've got to get over the fact that if someone dies, it's not always my fault.

It can be just like healing, if the DPS are too stupid/ too worried about topping meters to move from the falling rocks or the big ice patch on the floor then they deserve to die.
#11 Feb 20 2009 at 5:44 AM Rating: Good
redbarronthesecond wrote:

I ran CoS everyday for 4 weeks to get this shield and nothing, I eventually gave up and bought the Emblem shield, doesnt look as good, but overall is better =D

Gratz for getting it.

I'd kill myself if it took that long. Heck, if it took a day or two longer on the time it took me, I'd have already gone and gotten the emblem shield. That thing was a pain in the butt to get. But it looks massive on my gnome.

(I had made a gnome warrior as a joke, and then eventually just started to level her because my guildie thought it'd be funny to see a little gnome tank something like Mags... still haven't done that lol)
redbarronthesecond wrote:

It can be just like healing, if the DPS are too stupid/ too worried about topping meters to move from the falling rocks or the big ice patch on the floor then they deserve to die.

Yeah. I refuse to heal stupid, just like I refuse to tank for stupid. After telling someone for the umpteenth time to move or whatnot, I just let them die. Can't do dps when you're dead.
#12 Feb 20 2009 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
501 posts
To hell with both of you. Wanna know what boots I tanked T4 content in? Battlescar Boots. Wanna know what boots I tanked T5 content in? Battlescar Boots. Wanna know what I tanked Illidan in? Battlescar Boots. Can you guess what boots I was wearing when I got both my 4p T6 and my Bulwark of Azzinoth?

You guessed it. Battlescar Boots.

**** the RNG.

P.S.: I DID finally get the Myrmidon's Treads to drop, once we were farming BT and into Sunwell. I also never saw the boots from ZA, despite doing countless timed runs.
#13 Feb 20 2009 at 4:24 PM Rating: Default
But it looks massive on my gnome.

This is exactly the reason I tried so long and hard to get it. I have it now, but have no need for the extra defence over the Emblem shield, and the +hit is nice.

I had my Battlescar boots until T5 content....then again, I never got past T5 content lol. My guild refused to skip content(the main reason I stayed in it).

Now I am having problems getting gear on my shaman, the only gear that seems to drop is Ele gear. If I am the only shaman in a VoA 10 or 25 not one piece of shaman gear drops, for any spec.......I swear the PUG mage loot infestation has returned >.<
#14 Mar 19 2009 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
8 posts
I don't know - for me, WotLK is making me think about retiring my warrior tank.
Why? I leveled my alt first (as miner/JC, he's making the gold), so I came a bit late into tanking the new instances. In the meantime, seemingly, everyone assumes I know the pulls, everyone assumes that I'm either DK or Pally specced with massive AoE threat generation, and everyone's surprised when I actually want to mark something, because DPS just AoEs everything anyway, and there's no need to focus fire, crowd control, etc. I can't even get the guildies to understand that no, TClap spam will not be enough to hold threat over blizzard/rain of fire crits.

Bundle that with the nice little waves of mobs in UP or HoS... I'm seriously thinking about switching mains and just keeping the warrior as an achievement collector.

Due to guild issues (primadonna healers) we've never gotten far or experienced in 10-man Naxx, and by now, basically nobody wants a tank or offtank where a 3-hour Naxx-25 clear isn't guaranteed.

Glad to hear, though, that some people enjoy tanking, and I do enjoy it myself on those rare occasions when I find a somewhat patient group of players who know about their class and threat mechanics.

#15 Mar 20 2009 at 12:11 AM Rating: Decent
501 posts
It sounds like the problem is honestly partially with you, and not just the people you run with. I'm sorry if you're running into groups that are impatient about your inexperience, but the fact of the matter is that yes, in fact, TC/shockwave/cleave along with your standard tab target shield slams, etc. IS enough to hold threat off of DPS. Yes, even through AoE.

If that's not the way you want to play it, that's fine. Don't blame the class however, because it absolutely IS capable of doing those things. If you'd like some pointers before you commit to retiring the guy, feel free to link your toon. I'm sure myself and some of the other regulars here might be able to throw you a few pointers in case some of the problems you're having are related to gearing/spec.
#16 Mar 20 2009 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
8 posts
Fletus, I'm not saying I'm not at fault, there's definitely room for improvement on my side. And yes, I've never been able to hold multiple mobs on me better than since 3.0.x came out, if I have a few seconds.

I'm just getting tired of running in groups where AoE DPS unloads after I throw/shoot/charge and the rogue stunlocks my main target :( Heck, I consider myself lucky if people wait 'til the first T-Clap is down (and that's usually the first or second thing I do). Heck, I'm even cleave-glyphed.

I think I'm not as much complaining about the warrior class and Wrath as I'm complaining about people who are so used to 360 degree AoE tanks that they turn both their brains and their Omen off - and they seem to have gone up in numbers since Wrath. I'm not sure if bears experience the same issues - there's a serious lack of Druid tanks on our low-pop server.

If it's good, it's really, really, good, though :)
#17 Mar 20 2009 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
501 posts
It may in fact not be the class or at least the role is for you then, which is fine. Tanking has always been a high stress situation, or at least higher than others. While I personally feel that it's become less so, I think that's mostly due to the fact that my method of tanking has always been what is the norm now. Chain pulls, as little CC as possible, blow **** up so we can get in and out. If you were the type that enjoyed the old method of carefully marking out pulls and CC, this new method is probably not attractive to you. Myself, I found the 'standard' old school method of tanking mind-numbingly boring. Good luck whatever your decision is though.
#18 Apr 02 2009 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
150 posts
Heck, all classes should go to a "boot camp" in wow where they are forced to play as tank once or twice to understand what stressful job tanking/healing CAN be:D Perhaps then other players would begin to grasp the whole idea of "group" and the symbiosis it should represent. If DPS is off the grid, don't blame me. I WAS mashing the keyboard trying to get the target back on me.

I'm mostly a casual player, and I enjoy prot, both in PvE and PvP. But what I don't enjoy is DPS who has a constant need for "showing off" their DPS in PvE. It could have been a much smoother role for me if we, as a group, could actually have nice and steady DPS instead of an insane burst of DPS. It's a freakin' "group", not a one man show!

Luckily, most of the players playing end content know that:D

Just my two cents!

#19 Apr 02 2009 at 12:17 PM Rating: Good
629 posts
It may in fact not be the class or at least the role is for you then, which is fine. Tanking has always been a high stress situation, or at least higher than others. While I personally feel that it's become less so, I think that's mostly due to the fact that my method of tanking has always been what is the norm now. Chain pulls, as little CC as possible, blow sh*t up so we can get in and out. If you were the type that enjoyed the old method of carefully marking out pulls and CC, this new method is probably not attractive to you. Myself, I found the 'standard' old school method of tanking mind-numbingly boring. Good luck whatever your decision is though.

There is a mid-ground though. Sometimes (most likely in a PUG) I mark skull, which is typically caster. I insist on focus fire on that one. While tanking it I do my aoe thing. As always TC/SW/cleave spam (I love the glyph), which is more than enough, with added SS, to keep it on me while I have some time to generate considerable aoe threat. This way pull is much safer while minimally longer. Focus fire kill of squishy doesn't take that much time but it's enough to get a solid grip of the rest of mobs that are aoe burned right after.

I don't use it that often, but it can help with trigger happy DPS, or when I don't feel confident. Those uberleet, full T7.5, 2,5k DPS in heroic aoe gods make me nervous sometimes:)
#20 Apr 08 2009 at 2:03 AM Rating: Default
Tanking is a hard task cause it primarly means picking the fights ,selecting mobs ,marking mobs , paying attention to mana , paying attention to threat/aggro guessing the next possible ***** up someone is going to make and a lot of other things.
Doing all that with a warrior requires : time, patience,reading posts about talents/gear/instances/enchants/glyphs, reading about bosses, gearing well, expirience.

If one does not have enough time to invest in those then certainly he can respec to DPS warr. That doesnt mean that he will be a good DPS but at least he will not be bothered in leading.
#21 Apr 08 2009 at 5:06 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
geotank wrote:
Tanking is fulfilling a hard task cause it primarly means picking the fights ,selecting mobs ,marking mobs , paying attention to mana , paying attention to threat/aggro guessing the next possible ***** up someone is going to make and a lot of other things.

Fixed it for you. :)

Seriously though, some people enjoy tanking and some don't for this very reason.
#22 Apr 20 2009 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
8 posts
Time for an update. I took a break from the tank for a bit, blowing stuff up from a distance as a mage, and then hesitated my tank back into roics (and raids) due to friends insisting.
Funny thing happened on the way through the instances - I started to enjoy tanking again. Got a few achievements, had hardly any casualties, and overall nice runs.

I may have gotten too disheartened by a streak of bad luck/pug/groups. I'm still hesitant about pugging, but overall things are looking a lot brighter! Happy to be tanking again, and glad that the forums here are still alive and busy with all the 3.1 tips!
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