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Pally rantFollow

#1 Jan 15 2009 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent
53 posts
Hi Ppl, does anyone know if they are planning to nerf paladins at all? Last night in a bg me at 38 faced off against a lvl 31 pally, we just stood there no running around and i was in bear form, and he was holding his own no one seen us or interfered and we were fighting for at least 3 mins. Its a common sight to see at least 5 ppl trying to bring one of them down. Does any one have any tips for a feral druid on how to break a pallys face cause im lost. Pallies dont even seem to need decent gear, these guys are built to do this stuff in pve but it makes them all but immune pvp monsters. My gear is pretty decent some blues and most stuff is enchanted i have the viscious hammer i believe its called enchanted with +7 wep damage , and its still not enough. So please if you have tips share them with me, and help me break a face!
#2 Jan 15 2009 at 8:07 AM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
My basic boomkin strat for pallies is this.

Make them bubble, kite for around 10 seconds while bubble goes down. Typhoon, Starfall and wrath pew pew.

Thats how you kill a paladin as boomkin.
#3 Jan 15 2009 at 9:08 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Nevercrits wrote:
Hi Ppl, does anyone know if they are planning to nerf paladins at all? Last night in a bg me at 38 faced off against a lvl 31 pally

Sorry you're having a rough time with pallys, but I can 100% guarantee that Blizzard will never nerf them based on performance BGs under the level cap.
#4 Jan 15 2009 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
53 posts
Funny you mention that, i am feral and will stay feral but last night , i went into my bank and found a whole bunch crap gear with high mana stats and mana regen. Im going to check curse to see if there is an addon that will change my clothes but i would really like to make a macro to change my gear only when i want it to change. Then i can switch in a sense from feral to (not boomkin) but a caster so i can spam moonfire and if lucky some starfire. See how it goes, feral is just to much fun to give up though. Ive fought boomkin druids and healing druids in the BG's to and they are pretty tuff but i would never say over powered like the pally. Just reemberred there was a lvl 31 druid in there as well, dude didnt stand a chance against me one on one. Yet there was that pally, to bad i forgot his name, i would really like to fight him and beat him/her , male toon anyway.
#5 Jan 15 2009 at 9:19 AM Rating: Default
53 posts
Tabstopper its unfortunate that you say that, cause its almost boxing ppl into choosing the same classes to be viable in pvp, bg, arena type encounters. I know the game is PVE based but they really should do a better job of balancing for their pvp portion of the game. Like what about pvp instance balancing , your nerfed only for the time your in pvp to be balanced to other players but when u leave its back to normal. I guess i can just hope and practice. Plate , bubble and I swear instant heals, its just to much for pvp.
#6 Jan 15 2009 at 9:48 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
PvP is "balanced" around level-capped players, not the 31-39 WSG/AB bracket. If you don't like twink brackets, level out of them. It's possible to hit level 80 in less than 10 days /played.
#7 Jan 15 2009 at 10:15 AM Rating: Good
199 posts
Nevercrits, to change your gear on the fly try the addon Outfitter. I think every Druid should have it. Excellent way to swap what gear you are wearing.
#8 Jan 15 2009 at 10:40 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Plus PvP is very bursty right now as everyone doesn't have any solid resilience built up. Until people start going into BGs with high resilience and killing everyone that can't burst them down the problem wont change. By the same token people also aren't fully taking and defensive PvP talents as much which further exasperates the issue.

PvP is also balanced around the level cap.

Outfitter is awesome.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#9 Jan 15 2009 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
53 posts
TY for the info guys ill grab out fitter and its nice to know when i hit 80 maybe 70 to ?, the BG will balance out. Ill just consider this training for now.

Edit: The comment maybe 70 is due to the fact im waiting for Wrath to go on sale or the price to come down before i buy it.

Edited, Jan 15th 2009 3:28pm by nevercrits
#10 Jan 15 2009 at 1:52 PM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
nevercrits wrote:
TY for the info guys ill grab out fitter and its nice to know when i hit 80 maybe 70 to ?, the BG will balance out. Ill just consider this training for now.

A couple of things:

(1) You won't be able to change most of your armor in combat using Outfitter, though once you're out of combat it should work great.
(2) Definitely keep a good attitude about PVP as you level up ... learn your class's capabilities, but more importantly learn how to go for objectives in BGs (you may already do this, but low level BGs seem to train AGAINST the most effective way to play) rather than just dueling enemies for the hell of it.
(3) Realize that PVP "balance" changes many times as you level up from 1-80, and that PVP is never purposefully "balanced" in a 1v1 matchup.

Good luck with your Warcrafting, and I hope you enjoy Druid!
#11 Jan 15 2009 at 6:00 PM Rating: Good
Heh - even at 80 pallys are a bit OP still I find. At 70, they were sometimes bursting me down in bear form (in full tank gear) within the duration of their stupid stun - very frustrating. They have been nerfed a bit since then, but are still tough.

#12 Jan 15 2009 at 6:15 PM Rating: Good
817 posts
tabstopper wrote:
i would really like to make a macro to change my gear only when i want it to change. Then i can switch in a sense from feral to caster so i can spam moonfire rejuvenations and if lucky necessary some starfire regrowths

FTFY : )

My point is that there's no point in trying to do damage with your spells as feral spec, because even with caster stats your spell DPS won't be **** in a pot compared to your melee dps. The ability to slap a set of healing gear on in a pinch is valuable, though, because with appropriate gear a feral CAN heal a party through group quests, be a lifesaver (literally) in BGs, and even heal instances if you know what you're doing.

tabstopper wrote:
You won't be able to change most of your armor in combat using Outfitter, though once you're out of combat it should work great.

Per game mechanics, when you're in combat you can only swap weapon/off-hand/idol, so you actually can't change ANY of your armor in combat. Ever. Using Outfitter or manually. Not jewelry or trinkets either.

Outfitter (or a similar addon) is mandatory for druids. Even the furriest ferals need to swap between kitty and bear gear, and most have off-spec sets for occasional healing duties, at least while leveling. I have my gearsets keybound and swap all the time.
#13 Jan 18 2009 at 5:48 AM Rating: Decent
PvP is "balanced" around level-capped players

where have you been for the last few months?
PVP is more unbalanced now at lvl 80 than at any other time, personally I love it as a prot warrior.
#14 Jan 18 2009 at 9:48 AM Rating: Good
1,270 posts
where have you been for the last few months?
PVP is more unbalanced now at lvl 80 than at any other time, personally I love it as a prot warrior.

I think you misunderstand, all efforts to balance PvP will be done for level cap only. As in now that the level cap is 80, Blizzard will make no effort to balance 70 if it has become unbalanced.
#15 Jan 18 2009 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
120 posts
AstarintheDruid wrote:
PvP is "balanced" around level-capped players, not the 31-39 WSG/AB bracket. If you don't like twink brackets, level out of them. It's possible to hit level 80 in less than 10 days /played.

really? thats why rogues are killing me in stunlock and mages and killing me with instants. "balanced" is def the wrong word to use
#16 Jan 18 2009 at 12:17 PM Rating: Default
I think you misunderstand, all efforts to balance PvP will be done for level cap only. As in now that the level cap is 80, Blizzard will make no effort to balance 70 if it has become unbalanced.

I find no problem beating a rogue, pally or even a lock as a shadow priest at lvl 49. Every charcter I have had I never found a probelm excelling at PVP in ANY bracket, its not all about balance.

Fair enough if a Rogue catches you at 80% even 100% you are pretty screwed atm(except if youa re a pally,warrior or DK, we jsut /lol at them), but if you are in a BG and are smart enough to realise that the rogue has jsut used 'cloak of lol' you can completely ruin him as a caster, it's the same with a pally. Everything to do with a pally has cooldowns, so keeping your distance and knowing when to use the corect skills plays a BIG part in beating them.

Same can be said if as a warrior (meeeeeeeeee) you see mage that has just used blink..time to nuke the crap out of it with anything you have, and the way warriors are palting atm, a mage with 14k hp isnt gonna stans much of a chance after it has blinked.

Edited, Jan 18th 2009 3:43pm by redbarronthesecond
#17 Jan 18 2009 at 12:38 PM Rating: Excellent
1,270 posts
really? thats why rogues are killing me in stunlock and mages and killing me with instants. "balanced" is def the wrong word to use

Oh good grief, I realize text can be hard to "read" sometimes, but he did say "balanced". Whether you think it's "def" the wrong word to use or not those "" mean something. ::twitch:: As in we all already know PvP is NOT CURRENTLY Balanced. Blizzard knows it's not balanced, level 80 PvP has NEVER been balanced. The expansion has been out how long? 3 months with a vast majority of the player base NOT level 80 yet. You really think a Beta with a mere fraction of the overall millions of players is really enough to balance PVP? That these types of games descend from the clouds with a bright light and chorus singing that it's been touch by the hand of god?

It's a work in progress, it always will be.

#18 Jan 18 2009 at 12:51 PM Rating: Default
see? what GryphonStalker wrote, is that people should be aware that it is unbalanced and realy accept it cos you or no amount of QQ can change it until Blizz find a way to compensate for everyone, which will be no time soon.

Every class will feel over done by one or more classes, one class will feel god like over a few more classes, but feel at the mercy of the other classes.

with the new improvements melee classes will own clothies and most other things, jsut deal with it or dont PVP, a lot of the O-boards is filled with this exact thing.

I dint want to come across as a anti pvper, as I have always loved pvp on any class and hope to enjoy iy far into the future and hope that when i level my lock I dont get smushed by a rogue in 2 seconds.

Edited, Jan 19th 2009 7:27am by redbarronthesecond
#19 Jan 18 2009 at 1:51 PM Rating: Good
An interesting thing about the balance at them moment, my epic geared feral logged on to kill a level 72 mage that had killed my alt a few times. He very nearly killed me! With his slow, blink, frostnova etc, I was almost out of mana from shifting to remove the movement impairing effects. If he had been frost, I might have died due to running out of mana and not being able to get to him.

Granted, I didn't go for max control after I pounced him (no early maim), but I wasn't expecting to have any trouble killing him! To make up for it, I killed him twice as he rezzed at 50% health afterwards (He had killed my alt 3 times so it was only fair) .

#20 Jan 18 2009 at 7:49 PM Rating: Good
98 posts
3 different BE Palladins in 30 minutes. I don't know who I pissed off in the Paladin world, but they owned me before I could blink.
#21 Jan 18 2009 at 11:53 PM Rating: Decent
When in battlegrounds, i use a pretty simple tactic to survive and kill paladins as a balance druid.
first off, this goes for any class, u DONT want to be caught in moonkin form ever. The element of surprise is ur key to succes.
You should either be mounted, in cheetah form or in catform. so ur enemy has no clue youll be spamming wrath in a couple of seconds.

1: let them come to you
2: before they hit, get hots up, 90% of all paladins open with their stun, u should try to outheal as much of their damage they do during this stun with ur hots.
3: after stun, hot up again, heal up
4: dots and kite, use cyclone and roots to create distance an make them put hand of freedom on CD
5: keep dotting and hotting till they are at about 60% health, at this point they should feel like its an easy win for them.
6: cat form, sprint for about 3-4 sec
7: roots, wrathnuke, this should either surprise them enouhg to get them down, if they are slow, or make them bubble
You should have enough distance to not get hit during first seconds of bubble, the paladin will heal up during bubble and try to get close to you
after bubble, just keep rooting, dotting and hotting, till they drop below 70%, this is ur mark to drop treants and nuke like hell

WIN! well, most of the time ;P
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