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Now things are getting interesting...but I need adviceFollow

#1 Jan 13 2009 at 6:01 AM Rating: Excellent
239 posts
I hit level 44 on my NE priest the other day and instances/parties are finally getting fun. I'm currently spec'd shadow, but I plan to respec holy once I hit 50 (dps, I shall miss you *sniff*). As much as I love melting faces and soul-sucking while soloing, I enjoy my healing role in parties even more. (Besides, I rolled a sweet little undead on another server that I plan on leisurely taking to 80 as shadow.)

Parties were rocky at first until I managed to get the rhythms of mana conservation and healing prioritization down. Once I did (and once I swore off pickup groups), I found a sweet little group of tight players to run with. We're currently managing some solid pwnage in a couple of instances, and we hardly ever wipe. However - I have a few questions for some of you veteran healers out there:

1. - This is embarrassing, but would someone be willing to school me on the basics of macros? I've just been using the little bars at the bottom of the screen, and to be perfectly honest, the worst wipes we've had have been due to my inability to frantically scroll to the right button. I've read several FAQs and nothing really makes sense to me. I am barely computer literate, but I would *really* like to know how to set up a basic, solid spread of healing macros.

2. - This is less embarrassing! Those of you who have respec'd from shadow to holy - what's your experience been? Was it a difficult shift? How late into your character's leveling did you make your shift? When exactly *should* I respec? Is fifty too early or too late to respec? Are there any particular details I should know - any tricks or important bits of info - that will help me as a "pure" healer?

3. - GEAR. Once I make the clear choice about *when* to make the shift to holy (as in, level 50 or 60?), I would really like to have some good gear waiting on my shift. Can you explain to me what the best stats are for a purely healing priest? As it is now, I have an assortment of armor that blends INT (mostly for soloing purposes), SPT (for, well, everything), and Spell Power (for healing runs). I've been kind of neglectful of Stamina, though - is that something I should be considering more carefully?

On a related note - staves or daggers with off-hands? Which stats work best on weapons in general?

4. Glyphs. Which are essential, and which are crap? Can you switch the glyphs out at will from party to party, or are you stuck with the ones you chose first? I am sort of confused by the entire glyph thing, to be honest.

5. I want to be an asset to my party, but I do get frustrated when I feel as though they aren't listening to my OOM calls and continue to pull before I'm close to full mana. This is hardly ever a problem in my regular group, but in situations where you have a new party, how tdo you make your needs as a healer clear to the group without coming across as Bossy Priest From The Far Side?

6. Money. I'm a miner/skinner, but neither of those professions seem to be making me much of anything. Should I redo my professions to herbalism/alchemy or something else? I do fish, which seems to be a bigger moneymaker at this level than the other two put together, but is this a level thing or a profession thing? I really don't have nearly the kind of money I'd like to be pulling in a this stage of the game, and it's bugging me.

And OMG, is a flying mount ESSENTIAL later in this game? Because if so...Jesus.

Hey, thanks so much in advance for any help/advice/tips you can give me. I'm in a guild full of really nice people, but it is not priest-heavy, and I haven't met anyone in-game I feel comfortable enough to chat with about all these issues.

#2 Jan 13 2009 at 6:06 AM Rating: Good
239 posts
Oh, one more quick question: what about silence? Any potions that can erase it?

Because omg the suck cannot be contained when I get silenced.
#3 Jan 13 2009 at 7:36 AM Rating: Excellent
1,574 posts
SatoriWolf wrote:
...would someone be willing to school me on the basics of macros? I've just been using the little bars at the bottom of the screen, and to be perfectly honest, the worst wipes we've had have been due to my inability to frantically scroll to the right button.

That's less of a macro problem and more of a clicking problem.

Keybind your main heals. Ideally, you'd stop turning with the keyboard entirely and keybind everything under your left hand. However, if you just can't give up "QWEASD" movement, then keybind Power Word: Shield to "R", Flash Heal to "T", Greater Heal to "G", Renew to "B" and Prayer of Healing to "V". You might also want to bind Dispel Magic to "C", Fade to "X" and Abolish Magic to "Z". That gives you all you'll need to navigate instances at your fingertips. Later you'll find places for talented and high-level heals like Penance, Guardian Spirit, Binding Heal and Prayer of Mending.

However, I agree you should learn how to make macros. I recommend Blizzard's guide:

SatoriWolf wrote:
Those of you who have respec'd from shadow to holy - what's your experience been? Was it a difficult shift? How late into your character's leveling did you make your shift? When exactly *should* I respec? Is fifty too early or too late to respec? Are there any particular details I should know - any tricks or important bits of info - that will help me as a "pure" healer?

I respecced from Shadow to Heals at sixty-one, mostly for PVP. (Shadow was incredible in the 59-60 range, but lost its edge afterwards. I hear it's better now.) At the time I respecced, +heal and +damage were different stats on gear, so I had to maintain two sets of gear if I wanted to quest at a decent speed. Heals have it so easy by comparison these days. Your grinding might drop slightly, but you won't notice.

There's a learning curve with healing. I firmly believe that BGs made me a better healer, since they made me stay aware of my surroundings and keep track not only of who is hurt but who is about to be hurt.

SatoriWolf wrote:
I would really like to have some good gear waiting on my shift. Can you explain to me what the best stats are for a purely healing priest? As it is now, I have an assortment of armor that blends INT (mostly for soloing purposes), SPT (for, well, everything), and Spell Power (for healing runs). I've been kind of neglectful of Stamina, though - is that something I should be considering more carefully?

Stack spell power no matter what kind of healer you have. Once they have Rapture, Discipline priests should stack Intellect rather than Spirit. Holy priests should go for Spirit over Intellect. MP5 is less desirable than either once you have Meditation. You should definitely keep your stamina up to the point where trash doesn't one-shot you, or PuGs will be miserable.

Unless you plan to try the 70s heroics, you don't need to sweat about the fine points of your gear until you're in Northrend. Gear up in quest rewards, crafted gear and whatever drops in the dungeons. You'll be ok.

SatoriWolf wrote:
On a related note - staves or daggers with off-hands? Which stats work best on weapons in general?

Doesn't matter really. Judge by the merits of individual pieces. Best to keep a good mace/dagger and a good offhand in the bank when you're using a 2-hand though, so if something amazing comes your way you'll have something to pair it with.

SatoriWolf wrote:
4. Glyphs. Which are essential, and which are crap? Can you switch the glyphs out at will from party to party, or are you stuck with the ones you chose first?

You can switch glyphs, but only by an inscription trainer, and it can get kind of expensive. As a PVP Discipline healer I use Power Word: Shield, Dispel Magic, Flash Heal, Levitate, Power Word: Fortitude and Shadow Ward. Holy priests tell me that Circle of Healing is great in raids and Spirit of Redemption is great in PVP.

SatoriWolf wrote:
5. I want to be an asset to my party, but I do get frustrated when I feel as though they aren't listening to my OOM calls and continue to pull before I'm close to full mana. This is hardly ever a problem in my regular group, but in situations where you have a new party, how do you make your needs as a healer clear to the group without coming across as Bossy Priest From The Far Side?

You can probably handle a lot of pulls at less than full mana. But if they're pulling when you're at 10-20%, they're in need of some education. If they're doing that, sit and drink and shadowmeld. When the group has wiped, say "Oh, you must not have noticed that I said I was out of mana". Then rez them and continue. They'll learn eventually.

SatoriWolf wrote:
I'm a miner/skinner, but neither of those professions seem to be making me much of anything. Should I redo my professions to herbalism/alchemy or something else? I do fish, which seems to be a bigger moneymaker at this level than the other two put together, but is this a level thing or a profession thing? I really don't have nearly the kind of money I'd like to be pulling in a this stage of the game, and it's bugging me.

You can increase your income by downloading the Auctioneer addon and learning to use it to guide your use of the AH. Mining/skinning is a fine gathering combination, so you don't need to start from scratch.

You'll get the money for a flying mount in time. Gold flows in faster and faster as you level up. Just resist the urge to buy shinies from the AH and you'll be fine.
#4 Jan 13 2009 at 7:37 AM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
1. - This is embarrassing, but would someone be willing to school me on the basics of macros? I've just been using the little bars at the bottom of the screen, and to be perfectly honest, the worst wipes we've had have been due to my inability to frantically scroll to the right button. I've read several FAQs and nothing really makes sense to me. I am barely computer literate, but I would *really* like to know how to set up a basic, solid spread of healing macros.

I must say I don't use macro's much at the moment, the very basics. Type /m to bring up the macro interface and from there you can create a new macro, choose the icon you wish to use for it and then enter the text component.

Macro's can be used in a few key ways, primarily to cause a sequence of actions to happen simultaneously. For example my favourite on any class that can res is:

/cast res
/p Casting res on %t

What this does is simultaneously cast my res on my selected target and announce in party chat that I am doing so (you can substitute or add raid chat or say if you/your raid leader prefer). The %t will cause the game to automatically enter the name of my target. This is particularly useful in raids with multiple ressers.

To enter the spell name simply shift click it from your spell book into the macro text (rather than typing res, though I'm sure you got that).

You can also use macro's to use multiple abilities, for example:

/cast Inner Focus
/cast spell

Keep in mind that this format will not work if the first spell triggers the GCD. In this case you would need to use a cast sequence macro.

/castsequence spell; spell; spell

A macro like this will require you to press the button 3 times but will cast the next spell in sequence with each press.

The final type of macro I use is a mouseover macro.

/cast [target=mouseover] spell

This will cause the spell to cast on the party member who's portrait your mouse is over, if your mouse is not over a party member it will cast on your target. This allows you to drop heals, shields etc on party members without having to re-target, combined with a mod like grid (and maybe even clique) this is a powerful raid healing tool.

I am still relatively inexperienced with macro's myself so I'm sure one of the others can expand or correct me on a few points.

2. - This is less embarrassing! Those of you who have respec'd from shadow to holy - what's your experience been? Was it a difficult shift? How late into your character's leveling did you make your shift? When exactly *should* I respec? Is fifty too early or too late to respec? Are there any particular details I should know - any tricks or important bits of info - that will help me as a "pure" healer?

Honestly it's really easy, I waited until 71, healed almost every 5 man in outland as well as UK and Nexus as full shadow with few issues. The transition was no challenge, by healing in a shadow spec all those levels you have been forced to really hone your skills and reactions. The respec only gives you a few truly new abilities, it primarily just buffs and improves the abilities you already had.

If you really want to spec over as soon as 50 I would recommend a hybrid disc/holy build to give yourself more soloing viability unless you are really sure of getting plenty of instance runs and no matter what keep 3 points in shadow for Spirit Tap.

3. - GEAR. Once I make the clear choice about *when* to make the shift to holy (as in, level 50 or 60?), I would really like to have some good gear waiting on my shift. Can you explain to me what the best stats are for a purely healing priest? As it is now, I have an assortment of armor that blends INT (mostly for soloing purposes), SPT (for, well, everything), and Spell Power (for healing runs). I've been kind of neglectful of Stamina, though - is that something I should be considering more carefully?

On a related note - staves or daggers with off-hands? Which stats work best on weapons in general?

Int, Spirit and SP is still pretty much the combo you will want, MP5, Haste and Crit are great when you can get them, hit is useless. If you focus on holy spirit becomes particularly valuable as it gives you spellpower also. Stamina is no big deal, it will be on a lot of your gear but it's not something to focus on.

As far as weapons go, whatever gives you the best stats, my priest varied between various combinations of these as he leveled.

4. Glyphs. Which are essential, and which are crap? Can you switch the glyphs out at will from party to party, or are you stuck with the ones you chose first? I am sort of confused by the entire glyph thing, to be honest.

Glyphs are a bit like gems, you can change them at will but the old one is destroyed in the process. You also need to be near an inscription tome to change them, you can find these in all the capital cities.

By general consensus Glyph of renew is a waste as it reduces duration but the total amount healed is the same, meaning Renew needs to be cast more often. My current majors are Flash Heal, Prayer of Healing and PW:S. Other nice ones for healing are Circle of Healing, Spirit of Redemption and situationally Fear Ward.

Minors are personal choice though I do love Glyph of Shadowfiend for aoe intensive fights and Levitate frees up a bag slot.

This is a nice tool for plotting possible glyph combo's. It should come up with my current setup in it.

5. I want to be an asset to my party, but I do get frustrated when I feel as though they aren't listening to my OOM calls and continue to pull before I'm close to full mana. This is hardly ever a problem in my regular group, but in situations where you have a new party, how tdo you make your needs as a healer clear to the group without coming across as Bossy Priest From The Far Side?

If I call mana and sit down to drink and the tank proceeds to pull the tank dies, I finish my drink then res. If they start on me for that (or do it again) I leave. End of story.

They can think what they want, it's just not worth it. You shouldn't even need to call mana, the tank should be keeping an eye on your mana bar really but pugs are pugs.

6. Money. I'm a miner/skinner, but neither of those professions seem to be making me much of anything. Should I redo my professions to herbalism/alchemy or something else? I do fish, which seems to be a bigger moneymaker at this level than the other two put together, but is this a level thing or a profession thing? I really don't have nearly the kind of money I'd like to be pulling in a this stage of the game, and it's bugging me.

And OMG, is a flying mount ESSENTIAL later in this game? Because if so...Jesus.

Once you start mining thorium you should start making heaps of cash out of it. Herbalism is a great one too as it supplies both Alchemy and the new Inscription but I would not recommend combining it with mining as you cannot track both herbs and mines at the same time. Skinning is a great one to mix with either as you simply skin what you kill and the higher end leathers can make you a lot of cash too.

As far as the flyer goes don't worry about it till 77, you'll probably head to Northrend at 68 and not be able to use it till then anyway and you'll make more than enough by then if you're not wasting cash on unnecessary AH purchases especially with the combo of two gathering trades (well 3 really if you keep your fishing up). You can also sell all your cloth on the AH as first aid is pretty unnecessary to a healing priest and you're not a tailor.

Oh, one more quick question: what about silence? Any potions that can erase it?

Because omg the suck cannot be contained when I get silenced.

Yes it truly sucks, not much you can do about it really, just keep renew up and hope your tank can take the pain.
#5 Jan 13 2009 at 7:47 AM Rating: Decent
561 posts
1. sorry, can't help. I'm not a macro lover, but if you can get used to mouse-over macros, it will help you. I only use key bindings and i'm performing pretty well.

2. You can heal as shadow. Holy/Disc only helps you by making it all easier. If you become a good healer with a shadow spec you'll be a great one with the appropriate talents. I'd say go as shadow as long as you don't have problems. Also, take note that holy dps is not that bad compared to shadow. If you take spirit tap in your leveling build, you shouldn't have any problems.

3. I'd say go with int, then spirit then spellpower. That until you get to Outland. Try to grab some Outland greens from the AH at level 58, they are much better than most of the items you come across until then, and will help you with early leveling in Outland. Then you'll see how the quest rewards are, and you'll get the idea of what stats you'll need.
As for weapons: staves give you better stats (int/sta/spi) while mace/dagger+off-hand give you better spellpower (and maybe crit/mp5/haste etc). If you find a good off-hand, keep it, you might get to use it.

4. I don't know the shadow glyphs. Minor: levitate (must have.. best ever), shadow prot (maybe.. it doubles the buff's duration). Other good major glyphs: PW:S, Dispell(will get nerfed next patch), Flash Heal, Inner Fire (don't remember the rest.. :p).
Also.. you can only change your glyphs in a capital city (near the inscription trainer).

5. Make sure you remind in the beginning that you need mana to heal. If they rush.. let them die. (make sure you don't get aggro :p) If they ask you why you didn't heal, tell them that your blue bar is equivalent to their green one. If your's is empty.. so it will be theirs.

6. money: you should get loads. Try to see what is best sold... Lots of players powerlevel bs/eng/jc. You can provide them with the necessary ore/bars. Skinning might not be as good as herbalism, but you can't track minerals and herbs at the same time.
flying mount: if you get to Northrend at level 68, you don't need to buy one. A land mount is enough. That, until you get to 77. Then it will be a real timesaver to have it, but you'll have the gold to get it then.

And learn to recover fast after a silence ;)
#6 Jan 13 2009 at 8:10 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
You've already gotten some great replies. I'll throw in my 2 cents as well.

SatoriWolf wrote:

1. - This is embarrassing, but would someone be willing to school me on the basics of macros?

Mothra was kind enough to post his (his? assumption!) mouseover macro here and I just use it for every thing ever now.
1. Copy that text
2. Type /macro, click New, pick your icon and name
3. Paste the text (you don't need the rank on there anymore)
4. Put the button for the macro onto your toolbar. Make sure the button is bound to a key.
5. Hover your mouse pointer over the frame for the person you want to heal, then hit the key for the macro. No clicking needed. I highly recommend a frames mod such as Pitbull to make this easier.
6. Repeat steps 1-5 for all your healing spells, replacing the words "greater heal" with the proper spell name in the macro.

SatoriWolf wrote:

2. - This is less embarrassing! Those of you who have respec'd from shadow to holy - what's your experience been? Was it a difficult shift? How late into your character's leveling did you make your shift? When exactly *should* I respec? Is fifty too early or too late to respec? Are there any particular details I should know - any tricks or important bits of info - that will help me as a "pure" healer?

I leveled Shadow with some for-fun respecs along the way, but I made the real switch to Holy at level 67 or 68. This was when the level cap was 70. I leveled 70-80 mostly Holy. Discipline is also a viable healing spec now so you may want to check that out too. Really there's no right answer here. They've made it much easier to level as Holy now, so you should just do what's fun for you.

SatoriWolf wrote:

3. - GEAR. Once I make the clear choice about *when* to make the shift to holy (as in, level 50 or 60?), I would really like to have some good gear waiting on my shift. Can you explain to me what the best stats are for a purely healing priest? As it is now, I have an assortment of armor that blends INT (mostly for soloing purposes), SPT (for, well, everything), and Spell Power (for healing runs). I've been kind of neglectful of Stamina, though - is that something I should be considering more carefully?

I prioritize as follows:
Intellect, Spirit

Other people will have different answers, especially where Crit and Haste are concerned. But Spellpower, Spirit, and Intellect are always important.

SatoriWolf wrote:

On a related note - staves or daggers with off-hands? Which stats work best on weapons in general?

Whichever gives you the best stats as noted above. This will vary. But if you're using a staff and come across a good off-hand item, put it in the bank. I find that most of the healing weapons are maces.

SatoriWolf wrote:

4. Glyphs. Which are essential, and which are crap? Can you switch the glyphs out at will from party to party, or are you stuck with the ones you chose first? I am sort of confused by the entire glyph thing, to be honest.

I can only speak for Holy here, not Disc. I use Flash Heal, Circle of Healing, and Dispel Magic. Most Holy priests will use Flash Heal, Circle of Healing, and Renew, but I'm just sassy that way. I'd say Flash Heal is a must.

SatoriWolf wrote:

5. I want to be an asset to my party, but I do get frustrated when I feel as though they aren't listening to my OOM calls and continue to pull before I'm close to full mana. This is hardly ever a problem in my regular group, but in situations where you have a new party, how tdo you make your needs as a healer clear to the group without coming across as Bossy Priest From The Far Side?

They'll get it when they die, and you're all, "Sorry, that's why I asked for a second to drink before you pulled." Seriously, that's them being inconsiderate. Let their repair bill teach them some manners and don't feel bad about it.

SatoriWolf wrote:

6. Money. I'm a miner/skinner, but neither of those professions seem to be making me much of anything. Should I redo my professions to herbalism/alchemy or something else? I do fish, which seems to be a bigger moneymaker at this level than the other two put together, but is this a level thing or a profession thing? I really don't have nearly the kind of money I'd like to be pulling in a this stage of the game, and it's bugging me.

Gathering professions are generally the most profitable. Are you auctioning every piece of ore and skin you get? I'm surprised you aren't doing better, if so. In any case, they only get better as your skill goes up. If this is your first/only character, I might hold off on crafting professions until you can afford to sink money into leveling them. I have tailoring/enchanting, which I find is a fairly common combination for a priest.

SatoriWolf wrote:

And OMG, is a flying mount ESSENTIAL later in this game? Because if so...Jesus.

"Essential" is a strong word, in that you can kill stuff without one. But there are some areas and instances you can only get to with a flying mount, plus there's the fact that I personally would rather pull out each of my eyelashes individually than be without one. You will make money much faster questing, doing dailies, gathering, etc. with an epic flier. But by the time you level up, it doesn't seem like so much gold anymore.

Edited, Jan 13th 2009 11:11am by teacake
#7 Jan 13 2009 at 8:25 AM Rating: Excellent
679 posts

#Showtooltip Greater Heal
/cast [target=mouseover] Greater Heal

Change to your liking for any spells.

2. I quite enjoy healing and I've healed all the content so far but I still love shadow and thats my main spec. The switch was very easy, be sure to save up some basic healing gear before you do and it will be fine. Your shadow gear will NOT be much use to you.

3. Your gear should initially favour +spellpower and mana pool. As you get to progressively harder content focus more on mana regeneration. Favour pieces of gear with spellpower, int and spirit at first (in that order). Stamina you will not need to worry about so much (it is naturally included on gear later on)

I prefer dagger/mace and offhand to staff, It allows a little more flexibility when choosing stats.

4. For glyphs I use circle of healing, flash heal and spirit of redemption (for now), will probably switch the last one after the patch for maybe the renew glyph. (btw if you choose disc healing the glyphs you want are shield, flash heal, and renew)

5. Be an *** to people that do stupid things. If they ***** up and kill you because they pulled when you were on low mana make sure they know they're a ******.

6 Those professions will be fine for making you money in the long run. Its really a level specific thing, a lot of the things you'll be gathering at your level won't command high prices on the auction house.

Mount Sadly, yes at some point you will need one. However, you will make a huge amount of money just off quest rewards and loot on the way to 80 (especially in northrend) so don't worry about it until then. Almost all of the burning crusade content can be accessed without the use of a flying mount.

Plus, you should take into consideration that with a flying mount (particularly the epic one) your farming speed increases dramatically, something worth mentioning since you have mining.

Edited, Jan 13th 2009 11:28am by thegreatmothra
#8 Jan 13 2009 at 6:05 PM Rating: Decent
Do what you want but I would suggest not switching from shadow until 59ish. The 50s are pretty horrid for getting groups in Azeroth these days, and you'll probably end up running ST and BRD over and over and over and over. The outland instances are a lot more fun (and varied), and you can start running ramps at 58, or 59 if you want to play it safer.

Edit: And as for the mount, I just dinged 77 and got my flying mount. I left Outland at 68, so there was no point in buying it at 70 since I couldn't use it. I have no gathering skills, and made all my gold from quests and drops. Still, after buying my regular flier, and the 2 levels of riding skill, I have 1500g to spare. Don't stress.

Edited, Jan 13th 2009 9:07pm by Saaru

Edited, Jan 13th 2009 9:08pm by Saaru
#9 Jan 14 2009 at 2:13 AM Rating: Good
239 posts
I cannot thank you all *enough* for this wealth of great advice and information!

It's a relief to hear that my less-than-mad macro skillz don't make me an absolute eejit. ^^

The info about money making is a relief as well. I think I'm sort of in a level slump right now; I can't QUITE level my skinning and mining comfortably, because the mobs and mine points I need are in some dangerous areas and, um, cloth armor. But I am glad to hear that the ore gets more valuable as levels increase.

The info on gear is going to be a huge help, and I'm really intrigued to think that I could remain shadow and still gear up enough to be a good healer as well. Maybe I could do a decent hybrid build where I eke out some special healing bonuses from the holy/discipline trees. I'll see if I can play around with some hypotheticals and tweak it up a bit.

Seriously y'all, thanks so much. You made me think AND you made me laugh. :D

Priests just rule.

On a side note: I've been overwhelmed lately in-game by high-level priests who have recently taken an interest in me as a mid-level. I've had three people - completely unprompted, and without any wistful hinting on my part - forward me some really nice gear that I now have to look forward to once I hit my fifties, and they've just been so nice. It's almost like the class sticks together. I hope I can be that way to new players when I get higher level. I can tell all of you are.

And also? You're all right. Dumb tanks deserve the repair bills :D

teacake said:

"Most Holy priests will use Flash Heal, Circle of Healing, and Renew, but I'm just sassy that way."

Sassy priests FTW!
#10 Jan 14 2009 at 3:12 AM Rating: Excellent
1,180 posts
1. Most of my healing macros follow this format:

/cast [mod:alt,target=player][target=mouseover,help][help][] <insert heal name>

the #showtooltip is just so that when you mouse over the macro button it will show you the spell info, what the macro does is cast a heal on me if I'm holding alt down (I use a bar addon so it doesn't automatically do that for me), if I'm mousing over a friendly target (or picture) it will heal them, if I'm not mousing over a friendly unit and my current target is friendly they will be healed. If none of the options above happen then it should give me the little blue glow around my cursor so I can click on something to heal.

I would also recommend getting decursive, it's an addon which gives you a block of squares to represent party members, these squares change colour if they get a debuff which you can dispel (so a magic or disease debuff), then you just click on the square with the correct button (e.g. left click to dispel magic) and it will try to cure them. I find this much easier than having the curing spells on their own button and trying to track debuffs on party frames.

2. I started my priest with the intention of levelling as holy/disc, got to around level 20 and decided my guild would be more likely to need me as dps (though in the end I worked on a different character instead). I stayed shadow up until 70 healing most of the instance I did on the way. I never found it that difficult as I collected a seperate set of healing gear (focusing on +healing and spirit as primary stats, before it got changed to spell power).

I levelled from 70-80 as shadow and whilst I found healing northrend instances more difficult it was still doable.

At 70 when I tried questing as holy I found that I was more likely to run oom than as shadow spec, meaning I had to stop and drink so levelling was slower. If you really like shadow I'd suggest sticking with that but working on healing gear (less of an issue now) and general healing practice so that you are still able to cope with healing as shadow spec. If you would rather level at a slightly slower pace but reach full potential in instances then I'd go for a holy/disc mix.

3. Gearwise what I'm hearing is that spell damage, spirit and crit are useful for both holy and shadow spec, so I'd probably focus on gear with a mix of these stats (plus int wherever possible).

Gear in outland gets a lot better in terms of stat balance, so I wouldn't buy anything really until level 57 (where outland greens become available).

4. At 70 as holy I went for Renew and Dispel glyphs (I was a bit rushed so didn't really look into options), as shadow I have shadow, SW: Pain and Mindflay.
Levitate is a good minor glyph to pick up, particularly for outland and northrend where some zones are quite mountainous (if that's even a word).
You can switch glyphs out quite easily, you just need to be by a lexicon of power (so haveto go to a city to do it), but the glyph you are replacing will be destroyed in the process, so depending on glyphs it could become quite expensive.
Also, we managed fine without glyphs for years, so personally I'd pick either healing or dps glyphs while you are levelling and not worry about changing glyphs around for the other role until you get to 80.

5. You just have to try and be firm and informative, try and steer away from the 'I'm the healer so you must do what I say or I'll leave' and more towards the 'if i don't have mana I can't heal you and we're all going to die - which wouldn't be such a great thing'.
The shadowmeld + drink option is really good for the slow learners.
Lastly on that point people who are inconsiderate of your needs/role probably aren't worth grouping with in the future, so don't be too worried if someone does accuse you of failing at being a healer when they don't let you get mana back. Any smart people in the group will realise that the fault doesn't lie with you.

6. Skinning and herbalism should be a good money maker, though I guess it depends on your server. On mine mithril, thorium and the gems (excluding arcane crystals) that you get from them sell really well, leather wise I think thick and rugged get a good price (but hide won't sell at all). Maybe you just need to time your sales better or invest in an addon like auctioneer which can suggest prices to you.

Personally I also find it useful to send anything that I plan on selling to my bank alt as then it doesn't clutter up my bag and I don't feel the need to run to the AH on my main toon. Also try not to buy much from the AH whilst levelling, that can be a big cause of money shortages.

Edit: Just read your above response and incase you get this far...
I normally take inner focus and meditation (from discipline) with my levelling shadow priest spec, it means you get the shadow goodies a little later than with a pure shadow build, but the mana regen and mana-free spell I find really useful when healing.

Edited, Jan 14th 2009 6:15am by Tynuv
#11 Jan 14 2009 at 4:46 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
SatoriWolf wrote:
...due to my inability to frantically scroll to the right button.

I suspect you're scrolling through the single bar that comes on the Blizzard UI. You can add more bars to the user interface by selecting 'game menu' (escape button), 'Interface', 'Action Bars'. You can then have enough buttons to keep your spells visible at all times and allow you to make a faster selection. Add-ons, such as Bartender4 or Dominoes, allow you to place more buttons on your screen and allow a bit more customization. Please, for your own sake, take the time now and keybind your buttons in easy access locations. I was a clicker until not too long ago, and the time it takes to locate what you want (and click it in my case) can cause a wipe like you describe. At L44, you don't have all of your spells, but when you do get new spells, they are easier to add to your ******* if you already have your keys organized and bound.

You can change the default keybindings (also thru the game menu option) and choose a key (or key combo) for each button. Note that there is a 'Reset to default' option here. Once you've completely screwed up your buttons (like me), this comes in handy! =)
I personally use the Shift key + movement keys for healing spells. Renew is 'Shift-A', Greater Heal is 'Shift-W' and so on. All my healing spells use a variation of the same mouseover macro that Mothra has posted.

After you bind your keys, take some time to learn where you put them. You may find that you may want to change some around. Not only is it faster, but you won't miss as much action on the screen while you are trying to remember where you put a particular spell. I spent some time in Halaa to experiment and learn at Teacake's suggestion (thanks Teacake, it was a few months back, but my fingers learned fast.)

SatoriWolf wrote:
On a side note: I've been overwhelmed lately in-game by high-level priests who have recently taken an interest in me as a mid-level. I've had three people - completely unprompted, and without any wistful hinting on my part - forward me some really nice gear that I now have to look forward to once I hit my fifties, and they've just been so nice. It's almost like the class sticks together. I hope I can be that way to new players when I get higher level. I can tell all of you are.

Random acts of kindness are a great way to "show the love" in the game. It is always refreshing to be a part of one- whether on the giving end or receiving end. And you are right, the folks in this forum (and Alla in general) are bright, helpful people. I can't begin to thank all the direct and indirect help I've received here.
#12 Jan 16 2009 at 3:21 AM Rating: Good
121 posts
Haven't read through all of this, but has anyone suggested trying out click healing add-ons? (Mouseover health bars and all heals are bound to a click or click/key combo e.g. left click to flash heal, ctrl+left click to binding heal.) They're not for everyone but well worth a try if the idea appeals to you. Healbot is probably the easiest to try out, and has some nice features like timing your renew, monitoring your prayer of mending (to come at a later level for you). Grid and Clique is also popular, but takes more effort to set up.
#13 Jan 16 2009 at 8:24 AM Rating: Decent
464 posts
To the OP: I don't have anything to offer you, as I am a new priest myself. I must give kudos to the well layed out post you made, though.

As I said, I'm a newly rolled priest and am currently level 32 as Shadow. If I could get a question answered that has been bugging me it would be fantastic.

I understand there was a difference with gear before spellpower came out. What I don't get is how to separate what I should use as holy and what I should use as shadow.
Bleam FFXI (Retired) 75MNK/SAM/NIN/SMN/THF  
Bleam WoW (Retired) 80 Druid 
Golf WoW (Retired) 80 Death Knight 
Tewksberry WoW (Retired) 80 Hunter 
Rahana WoW (Retired) 80 Priest

TwiddleDee wrote:
Purchase and instal a bigger hard drive, at the moment my PS3 has 500GB memory which is plenty.
#14 Jan 16 2009 at 10:16 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Bleam wrote:
I understand there was a difference with gear before spellpower came out. What I don't get is how to separate what I should use as holy and what I should use as shadow.

There was + Spell Damage and + Healing, which meant your soloing or DPS gear and your healing gear were two different things. They combined that into one stat, Spellpower, which makes it much easier to do stuff in one set of gear, and makes killing mobs in under five minutes in your healing gear actually possible. While you're leveling, your "shadow" gear and your "healing" gear will be the same: Spellpower, Spirit, Int, and Stamina. Later on you'll start to focus on things like Hit, Crit, and Haste, and you will itemize those differently for DPS and healing (as a healer, for example, you don't need hit).
#15 Jan 16 2009 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
464 posts
teacake wrote:
Later on you'll start to focus on things like Hit, Crit, and Haste, and you will itemize those differently for DPS and healing (as a healer, for example, you don't need hit).

This is something what I was looking for. I understand that as a healer you do not need hit, but I'm confused as to which stats are better for which spec. Is crit better than spell power? Is haste better than crit? Stuff like that. It probably boils down to the exact spec I use, but I didn't know if there are "cookie cutter" stats for shadow and holy.
Bleam FFXI (Retired) 75MNK/SAM/NIN/SMN/THF  
Bleam WoW (Retired) 80 Druid 
Golf WoW (Retired) 80 Death Knight 
Tewksberry WoW (Retired) 80 Hunter 
Rahana WoW (Retired) 80 Priest

TwiddleDee wrote:
Purchase and instal a bigger hard drive, at the moment my PS3 has 500GB memory which is plenty.
#16 Jan 16 2009 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
4,074 posts
Bleam wrote:
Is crit better than spell power? Is haste better than crit? Stuff like that. It probably boils down to the exact spec I use, but I didn't know if there are "cookie cutter" stats for shadow and holy.

I can only give you my personal opinion on this. Maybe some others will chime in with their own perspectives.

As far as I'm concerned, Spellpower is king no matter what your spec. Whether I were Shadow, Disc, or Holy I'd prioritize it first above everything else.

As a Holy healer, I look for Spi/Int after that. Then Crit. Haste last of all. Haste is nice for everyone, but personally I like Crit better for a Holy build with all those Crit-based talents.

I really can't speak for Shadow that much as I've only used it for soloing and the occasional lark as DPS in a regular instance.
#17 Jan 16 2009 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
For "cookie cutter" stats the most important for both healing and shadow is Spell Power. + hit only comes into play mainly when you are attacking mobs at higher levels than you are. If you attacking mobs/players higher than yourself you will need + hit. With a mob your level you have a 4% chance to miss, 1 level higher it is a 5% chance, and at 3 levels above (ie raiding) it is a 17% chance to miss. + hit brings the rate of miss down until hit cap which leaves a 1% miss rate. Good explaination can be found at

As a healer Spell Power, Int, and Spirit are very important and at higher levels crit and haste become very helpful.
I haven't done much Shadow but Spell Power, + hit(when fighting higher levels), Int, and crit are important.
#18 Jan 16 2009 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
I stack crit on my spriest. SP comes with it naturally, although obviously not in the same volume. It might change later on as I am only 78 and not raiding, but with 5/5 Shadow Power and lots of crit, my DPS is usually highest unless someone is just AoEing everything.
#19 Jan 17 2009 at 10:57 AM Rating: Good
194 posts
I can only give you my personal opinion on this. Maybe some others will chime in with their own perspectives.

As far as I'm concerned, Spellpower is king no matter what your spec. Whether I were Shadow, Disc, or Holy I'd prioritize it first above everything else.

As a Holy healer, I look for Spi/Int after that. Then Crit. Haste last of all. Haste is nice for everyone, but personally I like Crit better for a Holy build with all those Crit-based talents.

I totally agree. More spellpower = more healing = less heals cast = better mana efficiency. Intellect is also key to a priest. A priest who is out of mana is a useless priest. I love crit as well, but won't go out of my way for it.

I don't worry about stamina much. If my group is letting me get hit as the healer, a few hundred more health won't make a difference.

As Teacake said, haste is nice, but I haven't really made up my mind about it yet. All the Northrend crafted items seem to come with haste at the cost of intellect. Doesn't seem like a fair trade to me. I'd rather have a bigger mana pool in case of longer fights, but we'll see.

#20 Jan 17 2009 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
717 posts
I really like getting crits, they make neat things happen as a healer. Crits while attacking will net you extra damage, but crit heals give you those nifty little perks in addition to larger heals. I just have a difficult time building a gear set that relies on a proc rather than a stat that is there all the time. I don't disregard it, but I don't depend on it.
#21 Jan 19 2009 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
As a Disc priest I find crit particularly nice, crits proc Divine Aegis which in turn returns mana to me through Rapture.
#22 Jan 20 2009 at 8:12 AM Rating: Decent
85 posts
At level 80 the generally excepted weights as related to DPS for Spriests are:

Spell Hit Caps:

* 290 hit is the cap with 6 points between Shadow Focus and Misery
* 315 hit before you can go to 5 points between Shadow Focus and Misery
* 341 hit before you can go to 4 points between Shadow Focus and Misery
* 368 hit before you can go to 3 points between Shadow Focus and Misery
* 394 hit before you can go to 2 points between Shadow Focus and Misery
* 420 hit before you can go to 1 point between Shadow Focus and Misery
* 446 hit before you can go to 0 points between Shadow Focus and Misery

* 1 spellpower = 1
* 1 crit rating = 0.61
* 1 haste = 0.56
* 1 spirit = 0.21
* 1 int = 0.19
* 1 hit = 1.12 (when not hit-capped and 0 when hit capped) has lots of detail math on how they arrived at these values.
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