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Naxx healingFollow

#1 Jan 06 2009 at 5:40 AM Rating: Sub-Default
First off I want to say if You are in a guild that is not running Naxx or only clearing 3-4 bosses, you should absolutely be clearing more with any form of even moderate dps'ers.

There really is no excuse not to have all of spider wing on farm, all of plague wing, and 1st two bosses on military ward. These are all relatively simple fights that tke minimal time to learn, and ensure you are downing maximum bosses.

The one possible exception here is loetheb. If you don't have the dps to ensure a good kill, then just do the other bosses and come back to him last.

In any event, we 2 pally healed this instance this week in my guild with mostly first time members(this was our guilds "c" team) and our top dps was 1600 on most fights. This is abysmal dps compared to our "a" team, and yet we downed all the way to gluth in constuction quarter, and every boss in the other quarters.

With paladins using beacon of light properly by talking about what tank gets the bol, there is no excuse for paladins to be not keeping the raid up anymore.

Also, I strongly encourage naxx to be done with 2 healers. The extra dps is nice. However if your healers are around the 1500 spellpower number vice 1800+, then bringing three healers is fine, but the fights will tend to drag on.

Just remember that every ifght has a trick for most healers, and if you learn what that trick is the fight becomes much simpler.

On Maxxeana, use holy shock after the web spray and the fight becomes trivial.

On Heigan you should be cleansing debuffs asap while other healer(assuming they have no cleanse) heals. if you both have cleanses, then what we do is we dedicate 1 healer to cleanse and the other helps with 1 cleanse right when it happens, this is enough to get you back into the fight 1.5 seconds quicker, with onyl minimal loss of healing for your raid, which is fine since this is not a hard fight to heal.

Just really learn what to do on each ifghts. I strongly recomend all healers take the time to read the fights and boss abilities on and and others.

I know i haven't said much concrete in the way of how to do things, because every paladin plays differently. For example, on patchwerk, we had 2 holy paladins helaing, and when I looked at our combat parse later, I saw that both of us did almost exactly the same amount of healing literally within 7k of each other. I spammed fol the enttire fight and he used holy light primarily, so it would be wrong of me to say, do this method or that method.

Also, make sure your raid understands every boss downing is important as it helps your guild thta much more for the next time.

And on a closing note. Spider wing and Plague wing are actually easier, imo on naxx 25 than on 10 man, so if you aren't dedicating at least 1 night to naxx 25 you are shooting yourself in the foot as well.

Gl all.
#2 Jan 06 2009 at 6:23 AM Rating: Excellent
212 posts
Is this thread just saying "if you don't pwn in naxx you suck?"

#3 Jan 06 2009 at 8:05 AM Rating: Excellent
502 posts
LOL Kinda what I'm sensing that.

My guild is just starting him this week, so I guess that's an excuse not to have them on farm?
Sorry but you come off kinda L33Tish if you have some "really" helpful/constructive tips as a pally healer(in the Paladin thread)for Paladins...I'll come back.

Tips and tricks for each boss YOU pick up while farming Naxx...maybe?
#4 Jan 06 2009 at 10:28 AM Rating: Good
808 posts
bawbaag wrote:
Is this thread just saying "if you don't pwn in naxx you suck?"

That was my first impression as well, but if you look past the poor exposition, the OP actually has more substantive content than the first couple of l33t-ist paragraphs would otherwise suggest.

Personally, I've been quite surprised by my own guild's progression through Naxx and it's helpful to hear a second opinion confirm that the learning curve is just really soft. I'm acquainted with some really bad players, who are apparently in some really terrible guilds, so I wouldn't go quite as far as the OP in condemning folks with a broad brush. Nonetheless, if you're the kind of player that frequents this forum, you're probably going to have an easier time with dipping your toe into early Naxx than you had with starting early Karazhan. That's an opinion worth knowing if you have a young/inexperienced raiding guild that's trying to decide whether to make the leap to Naxx yet.

Just my three cents.
#5 Jan 06 2009 at 12:51 PM Rating: Good
970 posts
I think that something else that should be considered is that raid success and cohesiveness - team spirit, as it were - feeds on itself. Guilds that might be equally skilled but that do not have that history to fall back on have a tendency to be brittle in the face of the repeated failure that characterizes progression. I've had conversations with guildies and a number of us can see this as a problem in our future. When faced with adversity (e.g. our first tries at Maexxna), we don't truly believe in ourselves - which is what is necessary in order to pull the raid together and get the eleventh try right.

It's not just a matter of whether your best is good enough. It's whether it's still good enough two hours later, or if you let frustration get the best of you. It's whether your mind starts drifting and then /you're/ the one who stood in the fire.
#6 Jan 06 2009 at 1:04 PM Rating: Excellent
2,188 posts
aicoped wrote:
On Maxxeana, use holy shock after the web spray and the fight becomes trivial.

Always use Holy Shock for a quick, instant heal and try to keep an eye open for Infusion of Light - if you crit the Holy Shock you will see Infusion of Light and the cast time for your next Flash of Light or Holy Light is significantly reduced. After web spray if you have someone in trouble then definitely Holy Shock them, but that goes for the entire instance.

More important is judging so you can get the haste buff, and judging as often as possible. Holy Shock is also important for the movement fights and situationally like on Kel'Thuzad when he Frost Blasts someone. You have four seconds to get a heal on them during which time they get hit for 104% of their HP. Believe me, it is significantly less than four seconds because they need to realize it, then call out for a heal, and you need to react.

aicoped wrote:
On Heigan you should be cleansing debuffs asap while other healer(assuming they have no cleanse) heals. if you both have cleanses, then what we do is we dedicate 1 healer to cleanse and the other helps with 1 cleanse right when it happens, this is enough to get you back into the fight 1.5 seconds quicker, with onyl minimal loss of healing for your raid, which is fine since this is not a hard fight to heal.

Paladins should cleanse. Period. This fight is about the dance. Last night in Naxx General Chat some guild was going on about six-manning Heigan. So another guild responded that they had five-manned him. Well, we actually three-manned him one night. That's not bragging as I believe he can actually be two-manned. It's all about the dance. As long as a tank and healer are still up you can kill him as he does not enrage.

On Grobbulus (for the main strategy on any of the fights, read WoWWiki or any other boss-fight site) a tip is to dedicate a healer to players who are injected. It deals 8 to 9k damage so they need to be topped off.

Four Horsemen? If you have two pally healers put them in the back to tank Lady B and Zeleik. They beacon each other and heal themselves.

Loetheb? With about five seconds left on Necrotic Aura decide who you are going to beacon and do it, then begin a Holy Light with between one and two seconds left and follow it with a Holy Shock and Flash of Light. You get three seconds of healing; it's doable to get off a Holy Light, Holy Shock, and Flash of Light during that time. And remember to judge and to dps during the 16 seconds of Necrotic Aura that you aren't casting your Holy Light.

By the way, this is for Naxx10, the fights for Naxx25 are essentially the same but can't be done the exact same way. For instance, I wouldn't put two pallies in the back, alone, on Four Horsemen and expect them to survive.

I would definitely agree that any guild that wants to be a raiding guild should get into Naxx as soon as possible. But more important would be to get going on Obsidium Sanctum which is basically free badges and good gear for a fast run. Vault of Archavon is also a must-run.

"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
#7 Jan 06 2009 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Naxxramas is absolute trash, it was harder at lvl 70 doing the lvl 60 40 man than it is at lvl 80. Karazhan was harder and had more enjoyable fights. Unless your guild is utter garbage there should be no real problem clearing it on 10 or 25 man. Words can't describe how dissappointed I am with recycled content. It is pre-BC raid mechanics that come nowhere even close to anything BC. Bland, boring tank and spank with a few little blessings like Heigan or Sapphiron thrown in.

Malygos is fun and a little bit more dynamic but still easy, that's ok though since he is the Magtheridon of Wotlk. Sartharion with drakes down is a joke, 1 drake is a joke, 2 drakes becomes fun and 3 drakes is making me hopeful that raid content will pick up.

At least there is hope for T8 since Blizz stated they like how Sartharion worked and plan on tooling raids to provide that kind of flexibility in terms of challenge vs reward.

Edited, Jan 6th 2009 7:19pm by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#8 Jan 07 2009 at 3:15 AM Rating: Excellent
1,599 posts
I wouldn't say it's trash. Naxx is still kind of fun for those of us who never ran it pre-BC (or even with lvl 70s), or aren't hardcore raiders. I know it took us a while to get the Heigan dance down (I just suck at dancing). :P

It was nice that the boss fights didn't take 50 wipes each to learn. But then again, neither did Kara. /shrug. Remember - these are entry level raids, and are not supposed to be Sunwell difficult. Anyone who has raided past T5 pre-patch BC will not have an issue. However, there are also going to be a whole new breed of people who have never raided. I think Naxx is a nice stepping stone. Just like Kara was.

EDIT - oh, and I do agree that Satharion with drakes down is a joke. A raid boss where you just have to avoid walls of flame? But again, I think it was designed to be a stepping stone for newer guilds (who don't yet have good coordination) to get to the 3 drake version.

Edited, Jan 7th 2009 6:17am by YJMark
#9 Jan 07 2009 at 5:18 AM Rating: Good
Ok, if I came off as sounding "leet" I apologize. I am nothing of the sort. I was reading through the pally forums and noticed a couple of people saying they didn't think they were ready etc. I simply wanted people to know that Naxx is very doable(at least spider and plague quarter) with almost any 10 levle 80's.

Also, I have heard it said that paladin's are absolute trash healers for naxx.

I have simply found the opposite to be true. In almost every boss fight a paladin has the chance to shine.

I tried mentioning that I don't think there is a "right" way to heal for Paladin's. It is very much based on playstyle. Personally I am a FOL spammer. I end up with about 60% overheal, but my effective healing is always near the top of the charts, which is really the only important number that is easily grokable.

I will say for Patchwerk(and almost all fights), the key imo is lways keeping the BOL up so that you end up with almost a full 2x as much healing as you could produce without it.

Some fight BOL is lackluster at best, and after reviewing parses, I actually would have been better off not even casting it. Grobulus is a pretty good example of this imo. On naxx 10 with 2 healers, there is simply not enough damage on any two people to make it effective imo. If you put it on yourself, then after mutagens you would have to run all the way back to the tank then start healing for it to have any kind of good reward. If you put it on the slime tank, then a large percent of the time he is out of your range grabbing slimes and dodging mutagens. If you are having good results with BOL on grobulus then use it. For me, I have decided I would rather have the extra 6k mana or so that not casting it over the course of that fight would bring.

And, I guess I was just trying to say naxx is very doable. Pug a person or two if your guild is not 10 80's yet, but get in there and get osme epics.

As mentioned as well in this thread WG boss is easy as well, and should be done on 10 and 25 every week.

And Naxx 25 is easier thatn naxx 10 imo. Keep that in mind.

Personally I would recomend eveyr guild do naxx 25 at the beginning of the week, then naxx ten, so you get the better epics first, and don't do naxx 10 then replace the epics a day later in 25.
#10 Jan 07 2009 at 6:59 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Naxx is kara. My problem is that Kara fights were interesting, Shade of Aran, Moroes, Illhooft. All decent fun little fights.

Naxx fights are all Vanilla wow type content which means it can't hold a candle to BC raid design. The fights are boring, unimaginative. It is all tank and spank with very little in terms of movement. Its just terrible content.

Malygos is easy, very easy but it is at least a post BC fight. More dynamic than all of Naxx put together.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#11 Jan 08 2009 at 2:40 PM Rating: Good
2,188 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
Naxx is kara.

I don't disagree. But it's my understanding that Blizzard did not want Naxx to be the c'ckblock that Kara was. The great thing about Kara was that there were fights (Prince, Nightbane, Netherspite) in there that could wipe you even if your group was in T5-T6/ZA/Badge gear because of either luck or the need to not stand in sh't. That kept it interesting. Vent would get real quiet during those fights on our badge runs.

bodhisattva wrote:
My problem is that Kara fights were interesting, Shade of Aran, Moroes, Illhooft. All decent fun little fights.

Naxx fights are all Vanilla wow type content which means it can't hold a candle to BC raid design. The fights are boring, unimaginative. It is all tank and spank with very little in terms of movement. Its just terrible content.

Malygos is easy, very easy but it is at least a post BC fight. More dynamic than all of Naxx put together.

There are a couple of Naxx fights that I wouldn't mind re-doing for a bit. I'm thinking of Four Horsemen, Grobbulus, Gluth - as a healer I'm always running in those fights. And what about Saph? Is there a "safe spot" I'm missing because I'm constantly moving in there to avoid blizzards (we like to do the 10-man with all on one side so we often get two blizzards going at once).

And Kel is also fun, although the lead-up to it is boring after the first time.

"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
#12 Jan 08 2009 at 3:52 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
cynyck wrote:
bodhisattva wrote:
Naxx is kara.

I don't disagree. But it's my understanding that Blizzard did not want Naxx to be the c'ckblock that Kara was. The great thing about Kara was that there were fights (Prince, Nightbane, Netherspite) in there that could wipe you even if your group was in T5-T6/ZA/Badge gear because of either luck or the need to not stand in sh't. That kept it interesting. Vent would get real quiet during those fights on our badge runs.

Not at all, not even in the slightest with the exception of positioning of infernals on Prince but you could just sit in the door way and avoid that. So yeah, not at all was that ever the case. How you came to that conclusion is beyond me, but its wrong.

bodhisattva wrote:
My problem is that Kara fights were interesting, Shade of Aran, Moroes, Illhooft. All decent fun little fights.

Naxx fights are all Vanilla wow type content which means it can't hold a candle to BC raid design. The fights are boring, unimaginative. It is all tank and spank with very little in terms of movement. Its just terrible content.

Malygos is easy, very easy but it is at least a post BC fight. More dynamic than all of Naxx put together.

There are a couple of Naxx fights that I wouldn't mind re-doing for a bit. I'm thinking of Four Horsemen, Grobbulus, Gluth - as a healer I'm always running in those fights. And what about Saph? Is there a "safe spot" I'm missing because I'm constantly moving in there to avoid blizzards (we like to do the 10-man with all on one side so we often get two blizzards going at once).

And Kel is also fun, although the lead-up to it is boring after the first time.

4 horse man is a tank and spank now, no real challenge or anything dynamic. Can you watch your debuffs, can you move? Win! Kelthuzad as a whole is a tank and spank, only challenge is no chaining the ice, which is less of a challenge and more of a basic idiot check, which is what pressing boxes on Mag was tbh. Heigan is nerfed which is fine but if you cant put a raid icon on one skilled person and move as a group then you need to reassess your raiding potential as a guild.

Saph, now saph is kind of fun. Stay out of AOE, a little bit of spacing out to avoid splash damage, use iceblocks as a los obstacle or die. One decent fight in the whole instance /golfclap

Lets be honest the majority of the 5 man heroic bosses are more dynamic and at times much more challenging than anything in Naxx. Naxx is recycled garbage fights, meant to pose little challenge and provide easy epics for people gearing up while saving blizzard development time. It is tedious, the encounters are for the most part absolute garbage and is reaks of lazy game design.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#13 Jan 08 2009 at 5:49 PM Rating: Good
2,188 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
4 horse man is a tank and spank now, no real challenge or anything dynamic. Can you watch your debuffs, can you move? Win! Kelthuzad as a whole is a tank and spank, only challenge is no chaining the ice, which is less of a challenge and more of a basic idiot check, which is what pressing boxes on Mag was tbh. Heigan is nerfed which is fine but if you cant put a raid icon on one skilled person and move as a group then you need to reassess your raiding potential as a guild.

Saph, now saph is kind of fun. Stay out of AOE, a little bit of spacing out to avoid splash damage, use iceblocks as a los obstacle or die. One decent fight in the whole instance /golfclap

Lets be honest the majority of the 5 man heroic bosses are more dynamic and at times much more challenging than anything in Naxx. Naxx is recycled garbage fights, meant to pose little challenge and provide easy epics for people gearing up while saving blizzard development time. It is tedious, the encounters are for the most part absolute garbage and is reaks of lazy game design.

I'm not saying the fights I mentioned are hard, just fun for me and I wouldn't mind doing them over and again for a bit. So, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

And don't expect to win on Heigan if you put a raid icon on someone and tell the group to follow them. Lag will kill your group.

"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
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