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Resto in 5-MansFollow

#1 Jan 06 2009 at 3:33 AM Rating: Good
279 posts
I'm absolutely loving my tree. It's a big change from the furry tank I was at 70 but I wanted a new experience and boy has restoration provided that for me. The only qualm I have is that I tend to have some problems when healing heroics. I mean, my gear is kinda whack but I tend to do fine in 10-Man Naxx runs as the raid healer. Now, I know being the 3rd healer in a raid where my only job is to keep the dps pew pewing is a much different scene than being the only healer in a heroic where I take sole responsibility for 5 lives but I wouldn't think I'd be running into as much difficulty as I tend to be.

Here is my armory link. I don't think my stats are horrid by any means but I know they could be severely improved. Also, I haven't respecced since I specced myself for leveling back in my early 70s so that could be a big deal too. (It's a half thought out solo/instance/pvp build so I know it's gonna make some of you guys /facepalm. heh. A link to a nice spec would be much appreciated. =])

Are any of you trees having more difficulty in 5-mans as opposed to 10/25-mans? Perhaps it's just me. I'm not new to healing though I am relatively new to tree healing so I'm sure things will get better with more experience. If you guys have any tips/hints/criticisms I'm completely open. I like learning so lay on whatever you're willing to offer :)

Appreciate all the help I'm sure I'll get as you guys have never disappointed. Looking forward to reading all comments.


Edit: Forgot to add armory link.

Edited, Jan 6th 2009 5:37am by Serevixx
#2 Jan 06 2009 at 5:06 AM Rating: Good
988 posts
Try this:

Make sure you have Glyph of Regrowth and Glyph of Swiftmend.

The difficulty for a druid in 5-mans lies in missing the spells that allow you to respond to damage fast. In raids you usually have a pally or priest handing out a chunk of health while your HoTs build up.

It's mostly a matter of practice. You need to anticipate damage and preferably act rather than react. Regrowth is your friend. Not only is the initial healing quite substantial, you also have something going that you can Swiftmend for quite some time later.

Look at how your HoTs are ticking. Lifebloom immediately starts ticking every second, while it takes 3 seconds for the first Rejuvenation tick to come in. So if you want to fix someone up using HoTs, make sure to cast Lifebloom first, then Rejuvenation.

Same thing applies when you start putting a full HoT rotation on the tank. LB > RJ > LB > LB - by the time you're done you'll probably HAVE TO use a Regrowth. If damage is initially high while you're still stacking blooms, you can immediately Swiftmend.

I suggest you make a Nature's Swiftness + Healing Touch macro to act as your panic button. Don't be afraid to use it either as it should be available at least every other pull.

If things go terribly wrong, use Tranquility. In the build I linked it's talented and won't cause any threat at all, regardless of the amount healed. I suggest putting on Barkskin first to avoid interruption while you're channeling (macro)

Don't forget that you can wear cloth too. Your friendly neighborhood tailor would love to sell you Moonshroud Robe and Gloves. Cloth sucks in PvP, but there is no reason not to wear it in PvE, where the only damage you should be taking is magical and won'T be mitigated by armor anyway (Few exceptions here)
#3 Jan 06 2009 at 5:59 AM Rating: Good
279 posts
Glyphs! Geesh, /targetself; /facepalm. I knew I forgot something. :) Thanks for the reminder. Also, thanks for all the tips! I'll peek at that website as soon as I can. If you feel like throwing any other info my way, I'd be more tha willing to listen :)
#4 Jan 06 2009 at 7:23 AM Rating: Good
279 posts
I looked at the spec you linked. It looks nice. I'm going to respec when servers come back online and try that out a bit. I appreciate the time you took to look it up for me :)
#5 Jan 06 2009 at 9:16 AM Rating: Good
276 posts

Are you running heroics yet? If you are keep piling up the badges of heroism. Just by looking very quickly at your armory you could get the "Idol of Lush Moss" for 15 badges to replace you current lifebloom idol.

For 40 badges you could also get a trinket ("The Egg of Mortal Essence") that will give your roughly a 50 point increase in spell power. It's sold from the badge vendor in Dalaran.

You should also be running heroic Nexus. The "Mace of Un-something Love" drops from there which will give a spellpower boost. Also, the "Helm of Anomaulus" drops which will give you an u/g for your head slot.

That's my very quick 2 cents, good luck man!

Edited, Jan 6th 2009 12:19pm by Jedius

Edited, Jan 6th 2009 12:21pm by Jedius
#6 Jan 06 2009 at 5:18 PM Rating: Good
279 posts
Thanks Jedius :) I've been attempting heroics and have been doing much better in Naxx :P A nice staff dropped from the Four Horsemen but, unfortunately, I lost the roll. =\ I think I currently have like..8 badges at the moment. haha. I'm slowly stockpiling them. Thank you for the tips. hehe
#7 Jan 07 2009 at 1:01 AM Rating: Good
110 posts
Spell power is a little low, but can be fixed fairly easy, and then things become cake. From my experience resto is better off with a good one hander and an off hand until you're getting the raid staves, so run say, Heroic Nexus for the mace a bunch. Easy heroic, lots of badges. Off hands are easy to come by and at 80 should be adding around 50 spell power at least. Should be able to replace the first ring you have too. MP5 is vastly inferior to spirit for a resto druid, and you should should be able to replace 40 spell power easy. Regular Culling has a good trinket for you. The spirit trinket is nice but your mana regen is already ahead of the curve, so save that for your raid set if you're having mana regen issues, but get a spell power one.

Cloth in a few slots isn't bad, but in general I tend to avoid it unless it's a major upgrade. Places like Heroic OK will make you love your leather.

As far as spec goes, myself, I kinda avoid the healing touch stuff. In general rarely used aside from nature's swiftness, so naturalist is kinda meh. Same with empowered touch.
#8 Jan 07 2009 at 2:16 AM Rating: Good
216 posts
Your build has all it needs. Here is an alterative that i have been trying out and it works great.
I lose Wild Growth, but with the upcoming cooldown i'm still not sure if it's a loss or not. It also gives me more mana regen which seems to be the hardest thing to gain due to lack of spirit and mp5 on druid healing gear. The odd cloth pieces will have the stats you want.

With your +healing you should be able to survive the 'easier' heroics with a decent party. And even the tougher ones should be possible if you and your party know what they are doing. Due to your somewhat low mana regen you might be forced to drink or pot a bit more often.

You are right on track. As previously suggested get the mace from nexus (hc), but more in general i would suggest you getting a mace/offhand going and never look back at a staff for healing.

Start working on reputation for wyrmrest and sons of hodir for resp. head enchant and shoulder enchant.

You should be able to upgrade your level 70 trink very quickly with badge trinkets. And +73 spirit is really nice, this could work in you build, alternativly get another +sp trinket in there for the time being.

When looking for gems value the spellpower and spirit ones above mp5, even the +16 spirit gems are great for us druids. do not underestemate the power of spirit for a druid.

Here is a link to a 'sorted by druid resto weight scale and slot' item list from wowhead. Browse around, perhaps adjust the weightscales to your liking.;gm=3;gb=1;wt=61:123:24:23:96:103;wtv=100:53:48:28:14:12

In contrary to previous poster i do not differentiate between cloth and leather other that the stats. And only when the stats are equal will i look at the armor. I have yet to be in an pve encounter where i needed armor to survive.
#9 Jan 08 2009 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
I'm no Druid player... yet. Currently leveling one. But I honestly can not imagine how any Resto Druid would plan to heal a heroic or raid-heal Naxx without Wild Growth.
#10 Jan 08 2009 at 10:13 AM Rating: Excellent
958 posts
Gaudion wrote:
I'm no Druid player... yet. Currently leveling one. But I honestly can not imagine how any Resto Druid would plan to heal a heroic or raid-heal Naxx without Wild Growth.

With a good tank in a heroic I don't use it very often if at all. For the most part while running a heroic I can keep lb/rejuv rolling on a good tank and never have to rest. For something that pushes out AoE damage it would be more difficult though (Ajol-Nerub, Skadi, Loken to name a few).
#11 Jan 08 2009 at 10:48 AM Rating: Good
216 posts
Gaudion wrote:
I'm no Druid player... yet. Currently leveling one. But I honestly can not imagine how any Resto Druid would plan to heal a heroic or raid-heal Naxx without Wild Growth.

Well that's the thing. In a raid you are filling a role and you are not alone. Currently the CirclePriests are ruining my hots/wildgrowths. Which is why i specced away from it to gain a different benefit. Mana regen. I am more then capable of keeping tanks up, tanking 4 horseman, spamming nourish/regrowth while keeping hots ticking on multiple targets.

In parties i have yet to see so much continued aoe that my normal heals/hots arent sufficient. Of course Wild growth makes it easy. Especially now that it still has no cooldown. But this will change. And I feel that relying on Wild Growth takes the fun, skill and true power out of playing a druid.

Besides, don´t be afraid to try something unconventional once in a while. I can tell you know that next patch I will also try a spec with talents supporting nourish if I ever decide to wear the 4xt7, I will try a haste focussed build and a crit focussed build. Of course that´s not so unconventional, but you get my point.
#12 Jan 08 2009 at 12:12 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
I would do something like this.

You don't need any HT talents. Only has 1 point in Imp Tranq but coupled with Subtlety the threat would still be low. Alternatively a point could be pulled from GotEM to fill it out if that became an issue.

More of a healing focus on LB and Regrowth, with Nourish as your Flash Heal.

The glyphs are subject to change based on what you end up using more except the Swiftmend one. As the LB glyph could be more powerful than Regrowth or more likely the Innervate depending on your raid assignment or if you are doing more 5 mans.

Keep running H Nexus as their is plenty of good healer gear in that place and it is easy and usually the daily, extra badges are nice. When you start getting gems try and gem for SP and spirit more than any thing else. I usually prefer the combo gems for some slots as the pure stat isn't as optimal like yellow. Enchants tend to go the same way as gems.

Spirit gives both SP and mp5. Spell power is just good. Intelligence is still lower than the two. Don't be afraid of crit any more either, as it isn't useless for resto anymore. With GotEm and some haste you can eventually be putting out 1sec GCD LBs.

Just my 2c.

Good luck.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#13 Jan 08 2009 at 11:00 PM Rating: Good
279 posts
Thanks you guys. I've reviewed all of your posts and must say I'm never disappointed when coming here with questions. I tend to favor spirit the most of any stat when resto. High mana regen appeals to me. I sat about (estimation) 1150\460ish mp5 when raid buffed in Naxx(h) last night and ended up with about 1800 healing per second, I believe. The druid above me, who considerably out-gears me, was about 2300-2800 hps. I can't remember exactly. I saw quite a few nice drops pass me by once again but I figure my time will come.

I'm still finding heroics tough and for this reason haven't been running them much at all. I know this is not a good habit considering the gear\badges I could potentially be getting but I hate trying to justify to myself doing something that isn't fun when playing a game. /sigh. Though, I've made the crafted epic legs and feet which were considerable upgrades and I'm hoping last me a while.

What are your guy's opinions on the pvp gear? No, not the craptastic blues but the bracers, belts, cape, and the like? I did grab the cape but that's because I was approaching the honor cap (Well, I think I was. I was told it was 80k) and it seemed to be a nice upgrade. I'm wondering if these small pieces would be worth the honor (aka, the longevity of the piece).

I will probably follow you guy's advice and spec out of the Healing Touch talents seeing as how, like I'm assuming most of you do, I never use it unless coupled with Nature's Swiftness. Seeing as how I'm normally raid heals I hardly see that situation arise anyways.

So, I'll being implementing most of you guy's ideas and send any feedback I come across.

Thanks again :)
#14 Jan 08 2009 at 11:23 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
TinyTin wrote:
Gaudion wrote:
I'm no Druid player... yet. Currently leveling one. But I honestly can not imagine how any Resto Druid would plan to heal a heroic or raid-heal Naxx without Wild Growth.

Well that's the thing. In a raid you are filling a role and you are not alone. Currently the CirclePriests are ruining my hots/wildgrowths. Which is why i specced away from it to gain a different benefit. Mana regen. I am more then capable of keeping tanks up, tanking 4 horseman, spamming nourish/regrowth while keeping hots ticking on multiple targets.

In parties i have yet to see so much continued aoe that my normal heals/hots arent sufficient. Of course Wild growth makes it easy. Especially now that it still has no cooldown. But this will change. And I feel that relying on Wild Growth takes the fun, skill and true power out of playing a druid.

Eh. Like I said, I'm not playing a Druid at 80 yet, but I've found there to be far fewer cases where you're healing strictly a tank and no one else. I'd say I'm breaking out Chain Heal on at least 50-75% of the pulls in heroics, and I couldn't imagine trying to heal as a Druid without Wild Growth. For a Priest it wouldn't be so bad since they have Prayer of Healing anyways, but still.

Raids are a different story though, and if you routinely raid with a Holy Priest and find yourself focusing more on tank healing, then a build like you're suggesting would definitely be better. (In fact, I've actually seen a couple Druids specced that way on my server.) But on the other hand, if you're a raid's primary raid healer and don't have Wild Growth... All things considered, I think I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it, ya know? Besides, even with just Intensity Druid/Priest regen is already insane.

Either way I'm looking forward to trying Resto builds for myself eventually. ^_^

Edited, Jan 9th 2009 10:28am by Gaudion
#15 Jan 09 2009 at 2:58 AM Rating: Good
216 posts
I agree and now i know that you have experience as a shaman i can reply to you with the obvious difference between shamans and druids. Since druids have HoT's I am not forced to 'chain heal' in the way that you mean. Instant healcast to heal multiple targets. I agree that Wild growth makes that job easy. But I find more challenge and fun in predicting the incoming damage and making sure my multiple targets have got hot's ticking so that when the damage hits they are instantly being healed by my heal ticks. This leaves me with time to either keep healspamming the tank if need be or toss around some single heals to party members that need it.
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