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#1 Jan 05 2009 at 1:18 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I am of course talking about the elusive bear tank.

Apparently on my server, Destromath, I am pretty much the only one that plays Alliance. I have had like 2 healers in the last few days say, "Wow I haven't healed a bear in a long time." I also think that at least for one of those healers I was the last one as the name was familiar.

I see plenty of Trees and Boomkins roaming around. I see Horde in Dalaran spec'd feral but they could be cats and usually are more DPS inclined when I inspect them. Same goes for Ally ferals I group with or see cruising around.

So how about everyone else out there? Do you feel like you may be one of the few dedicated bears on your server?

I am just glad I don't suck as that would be embarrassing to bears everywhere.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#2 Jan 05 2009 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
I have a 71 feral tank alt, only feral tank I have seen around the lower levels. I do know that my hunter and pallys grinds to 80 I have never had a feral tank. I find that sad, I used to love bears. now they are nowhere....
#3 Jan 05 2009 at 1:52 PM Rating: Good
817 posts
Seems to be the case, yeah. I found and joined a new guild and have been surprised to find that half of the handful of druids are trees and the other half moonkin. Kinda nice being the only furball.
#4 Jan 05 2009 at 2:16 PM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
I feel you. My guild is looking for a feral tank druid since wotlk came. And I never grouped again with a bear. Seens they pretty much disappeared from Aerie Peak too (server where I play).
#5 Jan 05 2009 at 2:25 PM Rating: Good
958 posts
I've noticed very few feral tanks as well. I play one but I respec on demand as money is so easy to come by. As long as I have my glyph of maul (I can make it so supply is moot) then I'm ready to tank after a quick respec.

Nearly every feral I've run into is cat only and refuses to tank and even the few tanks I've seen that were feral had gear that was just plain bad. This gives us a bad name though it's more the player than the class/spec but that's hard to see when they cannot hold hate and/or die quickly.
#6 Jan 05 2009 at 2:54 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
my guilds MT is a feral druid. we run with another guild for stuff and he usually ends up being OT, but he has the capability to MT stuff just fine. our other tank-spec is a pally. but aside from him, i havent seen too many bear tanks in awhile. i have a feeling a large hunk of them re-rolled DK, with the rest speccing full DPS cat. good riddance imo; the state of the class has largely declined in terms of player quality ever since 1.8 *grumbling grumbling*.

as for me, when my nelf druid hits 80 ill be going heal-spec for pvp unless by some quirky coincidence we should happen to need another tank (highly unlikely but you never know).
#7 Jan 05 2009 at 3:44 PM Rating: Good
861 posts
Funny, I rarely see boomkins nowadays (despite all their buffs) and my bear tank has plenty of company on my server. It's basically bears and trees. And, frankly, who'd want to level a plate-wearing class nowadays with all the loot competition from DKs?
#8 Jan 05 2009 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
I was a hybrid feral spec and tanked pretty much all the reg instances until last week when i decided to try a full kitty spec after looking at my dps numbers. After respeccing and changing a couple glyphs i gained over 500 dps in heroics with essentially the same gear and planning on staying and gearing up kitty the rest of the way. Guess i enjoy once i convince people to let me join as dps seeing myself never finish on the bottom of the group after a run, and in alot of cases first or second :)
#9 Jan 05 2009 at 10:59 PM Rating: Good
713 posts

Since Wrath I have only known/seen/played with one druid tank. One of the best tanks I have partied with too.

I don't know the class at all but this one would stack a heap of agility instead of dodge which ended up giving them a substantial amount of avoidance, high threat (I guess from lots of crits) and would top dps in just about every run I was lucky enough to run with them. I love runs where threat is a non issue due to a great tank.
#10 Jan 06 2009 at 12:12 AM Rating: Good
355 posts
arthoriuss wrote:

Since Wrath I have only known/seen/played with one druid tank. One of the best tanks I have partied with too.

I don't know the class at all but this one would stack a heap of agility instead of dodge which ended up giving them a substantial amount of avoidance, high threat (I guess from lots of crits) and would top dps in just about every run I was lucky enough to run with them. I love runs where threat is a non issue due to a great tank.

Most ferals do try to stack insane amounts of agility for that exact reason. It is very nice to have a 35%ish crit chance to go along with your 45%ish dodge chance. Besides, there isn't really much (if any) leather with dodge rating on it in northrend.
#11 Jan 07 2009 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
Perhaps all the changes made to bears scared a good many of them off? Myself, I tried to read everything I could and still am a bit fuzzy on some of the finer details. I still cry every time I see my armor in bear form. I've worked hard, have some decent gear, and am still at only 23k. I keep hearing about the 30k+ armor bears and am wondering what the heck they're doing to achieve that. While my staff and trinkets don't have armor, I'm sure not missing 7k armor from those alone.... (I think?)

I've also noticed that I can't hold threat against another tank while raiding, in approximately equivalent gear. Sure sure, maybe it's me who sucks at playing. However it seems I'm constantly losing aggro to a warrior or DK tank in a raid. Could be me, could be that bears are not putting out enough threat? /shrug. I do fine in 5-mans as the sole tank, can hold aggro off the dps easily. many changes, and sometimes it's not easy to adapt.
#12 Jan 07 2009 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
988 posts
I think it's the dramatic changes to tree and Moonkin. In TBC the only druid that was widely accepted was the feral - mostly to be the tanking b*** for everybody else. Now Moonkins do massive damage, especially AOE, and trees got an awesome group heal - the 2 things that kept acceptance low before Wrath.

And while the feral can of course still tank, there is also a lot of competition now from DKs for that spot. Now if you figure in that a cat generally won't keep up with a Moonkin AOE'ing the crap out of everything and everybody, it's not surprising to me that many people switched.

All the changes to ferals don't help. Personally I made the switch to being a caster druid quite some time ago during TBC, and I'm having a rather hard time catching up with things on the feral side. Just when I thought I had grasped the stuff from 3.0.2, I am now utterly confused again by upcoming changes in regards to armor and weapons.

Still got my Earthwarden as a reminder of my feral days. Other than that I've more or less lost the connection with cat and bear.
#13 Jan 08 2009 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
84 posts
my druids main spec is cat, on my server it is so hard to find any heroics or nax runs that are wiling to take one. so ive decided to start gearing towards resto. i figure its the only use that druids will be, havent seen ANY bear druids since ive turned 80. although my friend says he does tank from time to time in his dps gear,(his high agi and crit im assuming)

so now im doing a lil bit of researching for resto, (im very noobish when it comes to resto, not experienced). im not quite sure what kinds of stats are needed for the low lvl heroics....
#14 Jan 08 2009 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent
Thats too bad :( I recently also switched from a hybrid spec to a straight kitty spec and although i do have to wade thru the "are u resto or feral tank?" tells i always end up in a group looking for dps and can happily say i have never finished last in the group foe dps, pretty much always second and sometimes first. And these are good groups, with usually no wipes in heroics. although it is a bit harder to get into groups as a kitty, i do find once i have been in them i usually get invited back again if they are looking and i am. As a side note, will be joining a larger guild than what im in right now and will start raiding soon as kitty, so looking forward to seeing what i can do in the 10 mans, from what ive read on the boards here it sounds like i wont be out of place.
#15 Jan 09 2009 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
1,228 posts
ive decided to start gearing towards resto. i figure its the only use that druids will be, havent seen ANY bear druids since ive turned 80.

Ewww. Moomkin Aura and Leader of the Pack are great buffs depending on your group composition and both talent specs perform well in all the content that wow has to offer.

The reason you see a disproportionately small number of bears is that raid composition demands relatively more healers and dps. Typical raids require 2 tanks, 2-5 healers, and a bunch of dps. Couple that w/the fact that a new tank class was introduced (although I haven't seen a ton of DK tanks) and Warriors got a nice boost to their tanking abilities recently and you see a lot of tanks around. More than most raiding guilds can put to good use. On my server there are scads of warriors and death knights playing and relatively few warlocks, elemental shamans, shadow priests, and feral druids.

I have to agree there are less bears running around but it's not for lack of potential in the class, just the way the numbers work out.
#16 Jan 09 2009 at 3:02 PM Rating: Excellent
1,233 posts
I think it has a lot to do with one of two things.

    1) Bear Tanks take more damage than other tanks.
- This, of course, is a generalization. But from my own experience on both sides of the table, it's accurate.

I leveled from 1-80 as a Feral with a tanking build. It wasn't hard, had good gear and got several compliments on the way up for being good at it. Once I got into heroics I didn't have threat problems, and rarely had issues. After a couple weeks though, starting with one priest healer I had in Heroic UK, people were hesitant or resistant to inviting me as a Bear tank because I take more incoming damage than other tanks with equivalent gear. No sweat, no problem, I had planned on Resto anyways. (At the time I was also resistant to believe that Druids took more damage, afterall, I had good gear and was good at my class right?)

Now that I've healed about 3x as many heroics as I've tanked, I can honestly say that Bear tanks do infact take more incoming damage. What's funny, is that as a druid it's actually easier to heal a Bear because the damage is mostly steady so there's no wasted mana or cooldowns. But I can forsee problems for other healers with long cast times on multi-pulls (Healing Wave/Greater Heal). Especially during fits of bad luck where you don't dodge for 8-10 hits in a row.

    2) Druids who are normally Bear tanks have put their Bears on hold
until the next patch normalizes our armor with the change to the SOTF talent (+66% armor) so we're not sacrificing good gear in slots for armor bonus trinkets/rings etc.

This seems more in-line with what's actually happening. If they wanted to tank, they're going to tank anyway regardless of what people tell em, but if they know that it's going to get better/easier in a short time from now and it's better for em to do something else in the meantime such as, level a DK or whatever, why not do that until then?

Bear tanks aren't going extinct, they are in hibernation. It is pretty dang cold in Northrend.

Edited, Jan 9th 2009 4:06pm by Paracleets
#17 Jan 13 2009 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
84 posts
haha thats an awesome last line :P
but that answered a couple of the questions i had. thanks
#18 Jan 13 2009 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
163 posts
Paracleets wrote:
    2) Druids who are normally Bear tanks have put their Bears on hold
until the next patch normalizes our armor with the change to the SOTF talent (+66% armor) so we're not sacrificing good gear in slots for armor bonus trinkets/rings etc.

This seems more in-line with what's actually happening. If they wanted to tank, they're going to tank anyway regardless of what people tell em, but if they know that it's going to get better/easier in a short time from now and it's better for em to do something else in the meantime such as, level a DK or whatever, why not do that until then?

Bear tanks aren't going extinct, they are in hibernation. It is pretty dang cold in Northrend.

This. I think this is also the reason bear tanks take more damage at the moment, seeing as we're balanced around a system that requires high armor rings/trinkets/etc and if you're JUST starting heroics, chances are you don't have these.

Most of my guildies with bear tanks have been waiting for these big overhauls to level their druid. The problem is that we've been hearing about these changes since BEFORE WRATH, so some "minor side diversions", having dragged on for weeks, have instead taken up their full attention. Our old druid MT has decided he's sticking with his DK for tanking now, for instance. Personally, I've gotten so used to playing kitty (and I <3 it so much) I am no longer sure I will switch back to being a tank.
#19 Jan 13 2009 at 8:44 PM Rating: Good
I personally am getting very frustrated with feral. Tanking, now that almost everything is AoE, is just a pain, especially trying to pick up a group of mobs running towards the healer (Gothik I find almost impossible, partly due to Druid mechanics and partly due to 2-300ms lag). I was starting to get bored with tanking towards the end of BC and even though WotLK is not boring, I still don't seem to enjoy tanking.

I do enjoy feral DPS, but it is just so damn hard! My new 80 hunter can come very close to matching my druids single target DPS just by spamming one button, and he has zero epics where Rarebeast has mostly epics. Perhaps if we had a glyph along the lines of rake refreshing your mangle debuff or something like that I would feel a bit more relaxed DPS'ing, but at the moment I feel like I am playing a losing game of "wack a mole" trying to keep up with keeping everything refreshed. I am prepared to say that it is my own ability letting me down, but considering I was near the top DPS in my guild through most of BC and only fell behind a bit at the end in T6 content, I don't think I am too unco-ordinated compared to most other players. The fact that our DPS drops so significantly if we don't come close to full uptime on our buffs/debuffs means that it seems that only very good players will ever be able to do decent damage compared to other classes. Where as any moron hunter or mage can easily do very good DPS if they are geared, and the DPS drop for a lock or SPriest doesn't seem quite so drastic if they have some of their dots drop off for a bit during the fight (let alone not having to worry about combo point generation as well).

Sorry for the major whine, but it's been getting to me for a while and my game PC is busted for a day or two at the moment which isn't helping my mood! Other than that, i'm really enjoying WotLK and even leveling my 3rd toon, am still enjoying all the quests and instances :)

#20 Jan 14 2009 at 8:29 PM Rating: Default
I nearly succumbed to the rising tide against bear tanks...I spent 2 days as full resto (and couldn't kill anything) went Restokin for a day (and felt like I really didn't have a purpose) and am now back to full on Tanking duties.

As a side note, I have tried a "full" bear spec, filling out Rend and Tear at the cost of Natural and Master Shapeshifter. And I hated it. I think I've settled on my optimum feral spec: 0/54/17.

Perhaps I miss the old days when I could MT Kara, then embarrass the raid by being top dps on Shade with a simple change of gear (and spamming Mangle because I couldn't move behind him).

/end Nostalgia

Edited, Jan 14th 2009 11:30pm by Dandwan
#21 Jan 14 2009 at 9:14 PM Rating: Good
Man, you are missing out on some good stuff with RnT, especially with bosses. It'll do so much more for you than Master Shapeshifter if you're keeping Lacerate up on the boss (or if you have another class present keeping bleeds up, and there's a number them who can do it; Druid, Rogue, Warrior all do a good chunk of their DPS through bleed effects, possibly others too). 4% just doesn't cut the mustard given the talent points you spend to get it (you really have to include the 3 from Natural Shapeshifter, since for PvE content shapeshifting cost is a nonissue). :(
#22 Jan 15 2009 at 4:39 AM Rating: Decent
387 posts
To Norellicus:

While on first glance you might be right, consider this:

It is 4% to ALL physical damage


20% to maul.

On boss fights, hitting only one target, the 4% over all damage (mangle, lacerate, autoattacks, maul, swipe if enough rage) might actually be worth more for the 5 talent point investment...
#23 Jan 15 2009 at 4:58 AM Rating: Default
Rend&Tear > Master Shapeshifter.
The only physical damage done to a boss is Maul and Mangle.
Bleed(i think) arent physical. And every hit is a Maul.
So u loose 4% damage on mangle but get 20% on maul.
Good trade i think.

Sry but your built is a complete chaos.
U dont want to go full bear? -> u ARE full bear! except that u lost a ton of aggro by skipping R&T...
If u wanna go hybrid, then leave out thick-hide or natural reaction and take some DPS-abilities.
Cause now u made a mistake for both, bear and cat.
If u seriously go for damage than KotJ is a must have, to maintain your rotations and putting a FB into them for some nice extra DPS.
And never ever ever leave away R&T for cat-dps.

Gift of the Wild isnt really necessary cause normaly a resto druid is with you in raids, so you will get the talented GotW.
#24 Jan 15 2009 at 5:11 AM Rating: Good
387 posts

The only physical damage done to a boss is Maul and Mangle.

Is that so? Because


Bleed(i think) arent physical. And every hit is a Maul.

I think you might think this wrong, but leave that the actual pros.

And this is not completely true:


gain 20% on maul

because you gain 16% to maul compared to master shapeshifter. Mute point though.

Anyhow, I would actually be surprised if Master Shapeshifter was better than Rend and Tear, because of the Tier difference. But I think it is even more of a threat aspect than damage aspect. To shortcut everything: I tank with Rend and Tear myself. It mainly got me wondering about the size of the actual difference.

Edited, Jan 15th 2009 8:13am by Immunios
#25 Jan 15 2009 at 10:29 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Rend and Tear is better than Master Shapeshifter.

Maul accounts for roughly half of my damage on boss fights. That is of course using a Lacerate, Lacerate, Mangle based rotation with Maul thrown in at every chance. Granted I thrown in a Swipe to proc my idol and FFF for the buff as needed but that is the base high threat rotation.

Rend and Tear is a huge threat/DPS boost. More so when compared to Master Shapeshifter. It is a PvP talent designed to help out multiple forms not a specific feral talent design to massively increase some of our main sources of damage and threat. Especially considering the high threat nature of Maul and that typically during a boss fight you are in an infinite rage situation so Maul is always up.

Also bleeds are always physical damage.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#26 Jan 15 2009 at 10:57 AM Rating: Good

Wouldn't the "quested Idol of Terror" from Borean Tundra that gives agility on Mangle be preferred for tanking?

Just wondering your thoughts behind that choice.
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