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Entry level stats for Naxx?Follow

#1 Jan 03 2009 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
60 posts
What would you consider reasonable stats for entry to normal Naxx? What AP/crit should I aim for?
#2 Jan 13 2009 at 7:04 AM Rating: Decent
Well originally I had this post bookmarked to see if anyone would answer, but now that I have gotten more information from other shamans in the MMO, I will give my input.

For Enhancement:

You want around 2800-3000 Attack Power. I currently unbuffed have about 2900 and at least 22-23%crit.( I am at 23% aprox).
The main stat that you might not focus on but it just as important is Hit Rating. You want 300 or better. ( I easily made the jump from 54 to 304 with only losing about 1k unbuffed attack power and about 1.5% crit. My problem was, though I was getting a lot of critical hits in, I was missing about 18-20% of the time in Heroics and thus only producing around 1630 DPS on 25 man Sartharion. Get your stats up, smooth out your rotation.

windfury/Flametongue on your weapons, Stormstrike, Earthshock, Lava Lash, Lightning bolt against single mobs when instant, chain lightning against multiple when instant, and keep your water shield up. Use your wolves during boss fights unless you know that the boss is more than 3 min away, use your trinkets, and use shamanistic rage before you run out of mana.

For Elemental? I am not really sure... I would assume at least 1900 Spell power unbuffed, lots of hit and 25% or so crit.

For Resto, I have heard of healers getting in with 1600-1700 self buffed healing, though I am still nub in the healing game.
#3 Jan 13 2009 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
NeoNimbus wrote:
For Elemental? I am not really sure... I would assume at least 1900 Spell power unbuffed, lots of hit and 25% or so crit.

For Resto, I have heard of healers getting in with 1600-1700 self buffed healing, though I am still nub in the healing game.

Restos can begin Naxx with ~1500 SP and 300+ MP5 self-buffed without issue.

For Elementals, I honestly have no idea, but 1900 spell power sounds excessive. 25-30% crit should be easily attainable. The most important thing here is that you can put out 1.5k DPS, as that is the bare-*** minimum output you should see from a DPS in heroics or Naxx.
#4 Jan 13 2009 at 7:22 PM Rating: Decent
514 posts
I think you cant reach 1900 SP without getting NAXX gear.

I'm 3/5 T7, rest are epics. Am only at 1898 SP (not counting totem of wrath). Not even 1900 SP yet.
I had to flask to reach 2k dps. (But for some reason, DPS went to 2.2k on patch)

I would assume, as Ele, u need to be at around 1.7k dps self buffed at least, in order not feel like u're being 'carried' by the rest of the raid.

Even at 2k DPS, I'm often last on the DPS list in my guild's 10man raid (barely above the tanks).
My main contribution to the raid was --> Heroism Bot. Totems + Offheals. Sort of earned my place that way (plus knowing the fights and leading some of the encounters).

I dare say, if you're ele, don't expect to be up there in the meter rankings amongst equally geared members. And hopefully your raid members recognize that you bring more to the raid than just pure DPS.

Edited, Jan 13th 2009 10:23pm by waihwang
#5 Jan 13 2009 at 8:50 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah I wasn't sure the spell power numbers. I have played with resto a bit and know that talents can help make up for numbers as well as what spells you use and when. I have only spent a few levels total (70-71 and 11-16) as an ele shaman. My bonus damage is only 1300, but Enhance is my main spec. I have 1555 healing unbuffed when I am resto.
#6 Jan 14 2009 at 5:59 AM Rating: Decent
For Enhancement:

You want around 2800-3000 Attack Power. I currently unbuffed have about 2900 and at least 22-23%crit.( I am at 23% aprox).
The main stat that you might not focus on but it just as important is Hit Rating. You want 300 or better. ( I easily made the jump from 54 to 304 with only losing about 1k unbuffed attack power and about 1.5% crit. My problem was, though I was getting a lot of critical hits in, I was missing about 18-20% of the time in Heroics and thus only producing around 1630 DPS on 25 man Sartharion. Get your stats up, smooth out your rotation.

Thanks for this info, i was wondering whether my stats were good enough... I currently have around 2600 AP unbuffed, 21% crit and 188 hit, i always carry at least 10 elixir of accuracy to get this to about 230 - its getting me through heroics ok.

Just out of interest (slightly off topic), would you use lava lash straight after FS? I just think i could be doing loads more DPS during the cast time than the 3000 crit it pruduces, what are your thoughts?
#7 Jan 14 2009 at 6:11 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
johncleese wrote:
Just out of interest (slightly off topic), would you use lava lash straight after FS? I just think i could be doing loads more DPS during the cast time than the 3000 crit it pruduces, what are your thoughts?

... What?

Enhancement's priority should be as follows:

1. SS
2. If you have a full stack of MSW, LB if there is one enemy, CL if there are multiple. If not, go to #3.
3. ES
4. LL only if #1, #2, and #3 are all unavailable.
#8 Jan 14 2009 at 6:23 AM Rating: Decent
lol my bad, i meant lava burst not lava lash.

Your rotation is pretty much the same as mine but i do like to throw the odd flame shock / lava burst combo cos i like the big yellow numbers :P
#9 Jan 24 2009 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
34 posts
I'm gearing for Naxx with my guild and here are my stats:

I have 1372 unbuffed (about 1550 with weapon buff) and my guild let me run with them at the end after some people went to bed and I was putting out a little less than 1700 DPS and luckily had the boots and legs drop for me.

My question is what gems should I be getting at this point? More SP or should I go haste and/or crit?

Edited, Jan 24th 2009 8:53pm by DreadNastyBastard
#10 Jan 26 2009 at 7:28 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Edited for being completely wrong.

Edited, Feb 10th 2009 10:28am by Gaudion
#11 Jan 29 2009 at 8:30 PM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
Your priority should always be SP > crit > haste. SP will really tend not to matter overall since most pieces you'll want will have it anyways, so it's really just a choice between haste and crit, and I would always take crit over haste as an Elemental. Not only is it a DPS increase, but crit is also a longevity stat for Elementals due to Elemental Focus and helps keep up one of our party buffs in Elemental Oath.

That having been said, if I were in your shoes right now I would be jockying for a little more crit.

*cringe* No... just no.

Elemental dps values are:

1. Spell hit to cap
2. Spell power
4. crit..... very very distant.

It's counter-intuitive I know. A lot of our talents seem like they function with crit much better. But look at what happens in a raid:

Let's say you have 25% "base" crit (that's really 30% for lightning spells). Now you gain 10% from mage debuff, you gain 5% more from elemental oath/boomkin aura, and you gain another 3% from either retadin debuff or ToW debuff. Your crit rate is now at 48%! 48%

What part of our dps benefits from crit? Lava Burst doesn't at all (auto-crit). The majority of flame shock doesn't benefit from crit or haste, but the haste is more beneficial in lowering the GCD of the application than the crit of the initial hit. Haste lowers the LvB cast time.

All the newest theorycrafting on EJ supports haste being twice as good as crit point per point. Spellpower is better than everything (aside from hit to cap) because it affects everything all the time. Haste smooths out the rotation making it easier to hit LvB's as soon as the cooldown is ready. It also helps on mobile fights because it lowers how often you have to cancel spells statistically (more spells cast = higher chance to finish them).

I had your same idea when I first started Elemental. I forced myself to try out going haste instead... and saw a 1k dps increase in the very first week. Hit (to cap > SP > Haste >>>> crit
#12 Jan 30 2009 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Jiade wrote:
1. Spell hit to cap
2. Spell power
4. crit..... very very distant.

No, you're quite right. I was lurking around EJ earlier in the week and, though no one can seem to agree on the actual value of haste, it does seem to be worth substantially more than crit (though there was also talk of a kind of "dead zone" at higher levels with sharply diminishing returns until you get over the hump).

However... as usual, that also depends on how realiably you can spec and itemize around your other guildies. I know my guild brings in a lot of different people every week on both our ten and 25-man runs, so the buffs I'll be getting at any given time is pretty much a random grab bag. So not everyone's going to be seeing a ~50% crit rate from buffs, especially in a five-man or non-heroic raid. I'd probably try to maintain at least a 30% crit rate on my own. Getting one LB to crit between LvB's can do a lot for your longevity.
#13 Feb 01 2009 at 6:11 PM Rating: Decent
514 posts
1. Spell hit to cap
2. Spell power
4. crit..... very very distant.

The follow up questions would be, what are the values to aim for when gearing/gemming :
1. What is the SPELL HIT cap?
2. What is the HASTE 'cap' (diminishing returns point)
3. What is the Crit cap? (I belief there is an internal cap, no matter how high the percentage)
4. MP5 is not too big of an issue at the moment. if a fight last long enuf to run your mana dry, it's not a good sign :P

I now carry with me different types of food buffs depending on the situation, +HIT, +SP, +CRIT, +MP5, see what I lack and use the food accordingly.

Edited, Feb 1st 2009 9:12pm by waihwang
#14 Feb 04 2009 at 4:21 PM Rating: Excellent
2,079 posts
1. What is the SPELL HIT cap?

-3% (talents)
-3% (Misery [shadow priest] or Imp Faerie Fire [Boomkin])
-1% (Draenei Racial Aura)
10% alliance (11% horde)

1% = 26.23 hit rating

Alliance with all buffs = 262.3
Horde with all buffs = 288.5

Alliance without misery = 340.9
Horde without misery = 367.2

2. What is the HASTE 'cap' (diminishing returns point)

Current theory is 450 rating - 550 rating is a "dead" zone where you gain little dps. Also, any haste over 50% will start to see diminishing returns since it won't lower the GCD and lowering the GCD for Flame Shock, Chain Lightning, and Lava Burst is "important." So, you'd start to see problems at that gear level.

3. What is the Crit cap? (I belief there is an internal cap, no matter how high the percentage)

There's not really a "crit cap" per se. Obviously 100% is better than 99%. There's never really a reason to stack crit though. Spellpower will always be far better in the event that you did manage to reach the haste cap.

4. MP5 is not too big of an issue at the moment. if a fight last long enuf to run your mana dry, it's not a good sign :P

Well, the cool thing about elemental shaman is they can determine their mana consumption much like an arcane mage. They can cut Chain Lightning out of the rotation (if they use it at all) and become MUCH more mana efficient. Couple this with Thunderstorm, water shield, and mana spring... and you get the picture. :P

Edited, Feb 4th 2009 7:22pm by Jiade
#15 Feb 04 2009 at 6:53 PM Rating: Decent
514 posts
Thanks Jiade, those numbers are very useful
#16 Feb 09 2009 at 4:05 PM Rating: Default
I'm elemental and hit 80 maybe 3 weeks ago. I've started running heroics.

Spell power: 1400 (not counting ToW which boosts it by like 200)
Crit chance: 17%
Haste rating: 24
Mana Regen: 366 (without water sheild+glyph)
Hit rating: 24

Okay, i have over 16k mana and with all the Mana Regen i'm getting, its very rare to drop beneath 8k mana ever, unless the healer dies and i have to heal.

Spell power as a caster is probably the most important. In the end the more spell power you have, the better off you will be.

Haste is almost of equal importance. I talked to a shammy who had his lightning bolt down to 1.35 sec cast (down from 2 secs) and you do a significant more amount of damage.

Crit chance isnt near as important. For boss fights we have the elemental mastery which boosts crit chance. Plus with flame shock+lava burst i get a 7k crit each time i cast.

My hit rating is 24, i havent missed with one spell since i hit 80.

So i would have to say
1. Spell Power
2. Haste (right behind)
3. Crit rating
4. Mana Regen
5. Hit Rating

Anyone saying hit rating is important, don't yell at me :). Just saying that for me, i havent missed a spell yet.

Oh and posts are right. stay enchance while you collect ele gear

#17 Feb 09 2009 at 4:56 PM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
Scelestas wrote:
I'm elemental and hit 80 maybe 3 weeks ago.

My hit rating is 24, i havent missed with one spell since i hit 80.

Anyone saying hit rating is important, don't yell at me :). Just saying that for me, i havent missed a spell yet.

Ok, I'm sorry, but... if you don't want to get yelled at then you shouldn't post garbage like this. You haven't missed one spell? Yeah, maybe if you're DPS-ing level 55 mobs in BRD.

Go download a meter that will keep track of your miss percent. If you're running heroics or Naxx at level 80 with no hit rating you're going to be missing around 15-20% of your spells without buffs/debuffs from other people. Believe me, I know, I've tried. I did an entire Naxx run as Elemental with zero hit rating.
#18 Feb 10 2009 at 6:30 AM Rating: Good
2,069 posts
Scelestas wrote:

My hit rating is 24, i havent noticed if I have missed with one spell since i hit 80.

Anyone saying hit rating is important, don't yell at me :). Just saying that for me, i havent missed a spell yet that I can recall.

Oh and posts are right. stay enchance while you collect ele gear


Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#19 Feb 10 2009 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
514 posts
LOL, Gaundion, forgive him, he's only 80 for 3 weeks :P

If u read his post again, he's only running Heroics. I belief he hadn't start Naxx or he wouldn't post what he wrote.

Before I started raid level content, I sort of ignored Hit as well (heroic bosses are gimp),

It's only when I started on Naxx that I felt how painful those misses were...... and re-gemmed my gear with all the +hit I can find, and get +hit food, etc.
#20 Feb 10 2009 at 7:43 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
waihwang wrote:
LOL, Gaundion, forgive him, he's only 80 for 3 weeks :P

If u read his post again, he's only running Heroics. I belief he hadn't start Naxx or he wouldn't post what he wrote.

Before I started raid level content, I sort of ignored Hit as well (heroic bosses are gimp),

It's only when I started on Naxx that I felt how painful those misses were...... and re-gemmed my gear with all the +hit I can find, and get +hit food, etc.

That was forgiving.

Three weeks is more than enough time to get a feel for your hit/miss ratio. It would take an aversion to reality beyond what acid could do for you to not notice that you were missing spells. Seriously. You would have to reject the current reality and substitute your own.

It's also not a matter of whether you can get away with it pre-Naxx or not. You can. By all means, you can. Hell, I was pulling 1.8-2k DPS with zero hit rating in Naxx, let alone heroics, which is already better than a depressingly large percentage of the DPS I've seen in there.

The only possible way to not notice that you're missing spells is to just not look for it. It's the proverbial elephant in the room. It takes a profound lack of understand not to see that, and a completely unsubstantiated opinion to suggest that hit rating is at the bottom of your desireable stat priority. Five minutes of research and you'd find that it's not only at the top of Elemental stat priority, but at the top of the list for every DPS spec for every class.

Ignorance is not a fault. If you don't know, then you honestly don't know. No one starts out knowing everything. You need to research lots of FAQs, talk to other people, you can armory others, or (and this is a real shocker) do some actual in-game tests yourself. But you shouldn't be trying to teach until you've done your homework yourself, and if you do, then you shouldn't be surprised when other people shoot you to pieces.

I don't need to see any more Elemental Shaman doing 1.2k DPS at 80.
#21 Feb 10 2009 at 8:33 AM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
Gaudion wrote:

I don't need to see any more Elemental Shaman doing 1.2k DPS at 80.

Were you in my H: VH run last night? It wasn't my fault damnit.

I can't help it the first boss we got was the ethereal and the tank kited him so fast I had to run at full speed to keep up and the only spells I could use was flame shock and thunderstorm, otherwise the tank would kite the boss out of range or out of LOS before I could cast a real spell.

I can't help it the second boss was the water elemental, and for whatever reason the tank decided not to tank him in the middle of the room(closest to 3 crystals) he tanked him by the front door to the instance, which meant I had to run all the way down the stairs to trigger the lightning, and by the time I got back up the stairs to cast a FS he splashed away and more little water cronies came which meant I ran back down the stairs to use another crytal.

Seriously, it wasn't my fault...
#22 Feb 10 2009 at 2:14 PM Rating: Good
2,079 posts
So i would have to say
1. Spell Power
2. Haste (right behind)
3. Crit rating
4. Mana Regen
5. Hit Rating

No no no no no no.

You need hit rating.

Same level: 4%
+1: 5%
+2: 6% (Heroic level "bosses")
+3: 17% (Raid level bosses)

So if you are doing heroics, you should have ~6% hit. If you are raiding you need 17% total. With talents, you gain 3%. If you are Draenei, that's another 1%. So for a heroic, you will only be missing 2% of the time with 0 hit rating. So, with 24 hit rating you are probably at the 1% miss rate (which isn't very noticeable). If you were to run raids, you'd see a DRAMATIC increase in misses.
#23 Feb 15 2009 at 11:20 AM Rating: Default
While ranting and waving his epeen about, Gaudion said
Go download a meter that will keep track of your miss percent.

The miss ratio for ranged dps is not at all as obvious as Gaudion states WITHOUT an add-on meter. It's made even more deceptive by the fact that "MISS" is indicated at earlier levels (must be when it's a 100% miss, I'm not sure how that works). This is something that should be fixed in the game imo.
#24 Feb 17 2009 at 1:26 AM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
Gaudion wrote:
It would take an aversion to reality beyond what acid could do for you to not notice that you were missing spells.

#25 Feb 17 2009 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
34 posts
Can anyone tell me the best +Hit gem available? I recently leveled BS up to 400 and have socketed my bracers and gloves and currently sit great with SP and Crit but zero Hit...
#26 Feb 17 2009 at 8:51 AM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
Rigid Autumn's Glow is the best +16 hit, unless you are a Jewelcrafter, which then it would be Rigid Dragon's Eye +27 hit.
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