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#1 Jan 01 2009 at 11:21 PM Rating: Good
352 posts
Hey guys, just a few quick basic Shaman questions I thought I'd ask.
I'am new to the class so its still a learning curve, no matter how much research I do I still manage to find some conflicts in info so thought I'd ask here.

The basic stuff being attributes for an Enhancement Shaman.

We look at AP/Strength/Agility/Crit/Hit in that order?
This questions seems to have a lot of different answers.
Spellpower doesnt come into the equation?

Two handed maces seem to be preferred as well but I'am finding a one hand mace and shield combo working pretty good so far.
Is the 2 hand option a better deal as I progress through the levels?

Talents wise I'am looking at 16/55/0 for the end product, is this current or has it changed?

At level 20 I'am only starting out but I will level this guy to 80 hopefully in the next few weeks, wife permitting :)

Lastly what is a preferred dps rotation, just checking to see if I'am doing this the right way.

Also if I can get some Enhancement Shaman replies or people who may know some good Enhancement Shammy's let me know who they are and I'll check out thier armoury so I can see what the final product looks like gear and stats wise.

So much for a few quick questions :)

Thanks for any help given.
#2 Jan 02 2009 at 7:29 AM Rating: Good
55 posts
You're pretty much on track, except for the stats you listed.

Don't worry about strength. Agi -> AP -> Int as you level. Other than that, you're fine.

No need for spell power gear unless you're building a resto set as you go to heal instances easier (not that it can't be done anyways). We get spell power from attack power through talents.

2 hand until level 40, then 2 slow 1 hand with WF/WF. I would carry a decent 1 hand and shield around just in case you need the extra mitigation in a pinch... (Pull a few too many that time?!?! lol)

Talents look like the basic cookie cutter enh spec... No problems there...

Not too sure about dps rotation for the lower levels really... Pull with LB/CL -> FS -> hit a few times -> collect loot... For casters, I tend to keep ES ready for interrupts...

Hope it helps...
#3 Jan 02 2009 at 9:52 AM Rating: Good
861 posts
On stats, pretend you are playing a melee hunter. We use their armor now and have their priorities, except strength isn't totally useless for us. It does come behind the canonical agi/ap/int/hit/crit though.
#4 Jan 02 2009 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Thanks guys for the replies, just what I wanted to know :)
I wasnt sure if I was on the right page and didnt want to make to many mistakes at the start.
Thank you again for taking the time to reply.
#5 Jan 04 2009 at 11:28 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Hey guys, a few more questions to help through the levels.
Not quite level 30 yet but already looking at level 40, we dual wield as preference then right?
We use 2 single handed maces or look at swords or a mace/sword combo?
Whats a better enchantment to look at, Mongoose?
I dont have Windfury yet but its supposed to be god like from what I've read, how does it combine with an enchant like Mongoose?
Can you have both weps with Mongoose and Windfury or only one or the other?
Say one on one wep and the other on the other wep?
Also with Mail coming in at 40 do we toss leather completely or combine it with mail depending on stats?
This is for a pve Enhancement Shaman only.
Thanks guys, getting there :)
#6 Jan 05 2009 at 1:17 AM Rating: Decent
Don't think we get sword skill but I used the best of whatever I could find in maces and axes. Doesn't matter if it's two maces or two axes or a combination - Just get the best you can without going crazy while leveling.I leveled too fast to worry about weapon enchants and had the PvP axe and mace combo at 70 with +15 agility on each. They lasted to 73-74 if I recall.

I slowly replaced my leather with mail as I found better. There's plenty out there. Keep spell power eq as you find it in case you decide to run a bg or instance as resto.

The shoulder enchants from inscription are pretty incredible and seriously cheap.
#7 Jan 05 2009 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
If you are an orc you have a racial axe specialisation (+5 expertise). So if you have to choose between an axe or mace with fairly similar stats, you should choose an axe. But if the mace is a lot better then take the mace.

Oh and shamans can't use swords (unfortunately).
#8 Jan 05 2009 at 4:31 PM Rating: Good
861 posts
You can have one shaman enchant (ie, wf or ft) on a weapon and one regular enchant like mongoose, no problem. You cannot, however, also benefit from other weapon enhancements like sharpening stones or your own totems while you have a shaman enchant on your weapon.

Use mail when you can but there's nothing wrong using leather if it's superior.
#9 Jan 05 2009 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Thanks guys, I have a Tauren and havent done axe training yet but will look at learning the one hander attribute.
Good to see I can have both Windfury and Mongoose, that will help.
Is Mongoose the better of the enchants to have?
Also just look at stats and not worry so much if its a mace or an axe, as long as theres 2 weps enchanted :)
One thing I did forget to ask...what is the hit cap number for an Enhancement Shaman?
I'am used to spellhit on my Mage so not even really sure what sort of cap it is on a Shammy.
Thanks for the help.

Edited, Jan 6th 2009 11:41am by RodStorm
#10 Jan 06 2009 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
You will need 99 hit to cap your specials (WF, stormstrike)
214 expertise will not allow mobs to dodge/parry you.
367 is the cap for your auto swings.

While enchanting weapons is always good, use the tools here at allakhazam to help you look for your next weapon upgrade. There's no use spending gold on a bit enchant if your going to lose that weapon in a level or so.
#11 Jan 06 2009 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Thanks mate just what I was after but not so sure about the auto swing cap, how do I increase that one?
Thoe other 2 I can do with gear and enchants but havent seen any info on the swing one.
#12 Jan 06 2009 at 1:10 PM Rating: Good
55 posts
He just means you need a hit rating of 367 to not miss a mob with your auto attacks.
#13 Jan 06 2009 at 5:34 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Ta mate, a few numbers to build towards but at least I know what I need.
The 99 Hit comes out of the 367 Hit right?
So 367 Hit would cover both?
Also having a bit of trouble figuring out what Purge is.
Does it just remove a magic debuff from a party member?
Thanks for all the help guys.

Edited, Jan 7th 2009 1:37am by RodStorm

Edited, Jan 7th 2009 12:18pm by RodStorm
#14 Jan 07 2009 at 6:23 AM Rating: Good
55 posts
Yes, the 367 covers both.
Purge is more or less a PvP tool, but can be used on some mobs.
It is used to dispell a buff, not a debuff.
#15 Jan 07 2009 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
42 posts
For an Enhancement shaman, until level 40, wouldnt it be better to use a 1 hand and a shield instead of a 2 hand because of the lack of armor until mail at 40? Just wondering why, thanks.
#16 Jan 07 2009 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
For an Enhancement shaman, until level 40, wouldnt it be better to use a 1 hand and a shield instead of a 2 hand because of the lack of armor until mail at 40? Just wondering why, thanks.

Before 30 I will often use a shield for tougher fights, at 30 you get WindFury the damage boost from having a 2 hander with this far outweighs the loss of mitigation from the shield.
#17 Jan 08 2009 at 7:16 AM Rating: Good
55 posts
I would say to keep a good 2-hand and a 1-hand and shield on you at all times.
Use the 2-hand for normal quests/instancing.
Use the 1-hand and shield for when you're fighting a few tougher enemies, or soloing group quest mobs...
I believe you can switch up in combat. Start with 2-hand, and if you're getting hit too hard, switch to 1-hand and shield.

And don't worry so much about the hit rating thing until you're nearing end game stuff... There aren't many pieces of gear you'll find below level 60 that have it.
#18 Jan 08 2009 at 10:26 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Hey guys, one thing I did forget to ask is about Glyphs.
I have the Windfury one as one major but not sure what is used for the other major and minor spaces.
Sometimes the ones I think are practical arent so I thought I would ask.
#19 Jan 11 2009 at 4:38 AM Rating: Default
352 posts
Ok no takers on the glyph' thing I have noticed about higher level Shaman is the use of dual fist weapons over a mace or axe combination.
Is this the preferred option?
#20 Jan 11 2009 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Guy... now, I know this is going to sound strange, but... have you considered actually playing the game and learning the character? Everyone's bound to have questions, but you've asked us about literally every facet of the class and spec down to the last dotted i and crossed t over the past couple weeks. As it is, you're going to be raiding at 80 and not have a single clue how your character actually works.
#21 Jan 11 2009 at 6:25 PM Rating: Good
574 posts
Do not fear. Elitist Jerks is here to save the day!
#22 Jan 11 2009 at 9:58 PM Rating: Default
352 posts
Hey Gaudion, your comments are taken aboard but wrong.
Yes I play my character and yes I enjoy doing so.
Having 2 80's already I'am finding it frustrating having to start fresh again as a Horde character this time around instead of Alliance.
So any help I can get to speed the process up, not wasting time or gold, is an advantage that I will always look at first.
Sure I still have trial and error in the game, thats part of the learning curve and I enjoy it but if asking for help and advice is wrong in starting out...which is what this thread is called...then why have any forum at all?
If you dont like what I'am asking or it frustrates you then quite simply dont read my posts or threads, the problem for you then goes away.
Why not ask people for help who know a lot more about the class than me, isnt that sort of advice worth having?
I'am still learning my Shaman, I take notice of all the replies to my quesitons but in the end its up to me to play my game and figure out whats best.
Thats what I do.
#23 Jan 12 2009 at 7:32 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
I'm not saying asking for advice is wrong. What I'm saying is, there's asking for advice, and then there's having the class, spec, and game handed to you on a silver platter.

"Could my build be fine-tuned in a way that would squeeze out more DPS?"

"Is the utility from talent Y worth giving up talent X?"

"What stats are most important to aim for for a melee class?"

These are all very reasonable questions that even I would expect to have. However...

RodStorm wrote:
one thing I have noticed about higher level Shaman is the use of dual fist weapons over a mace or axe combination.
Is this the preferred option?

This, among others, is not a question someone who has two 80's should be asking. This, to me, indicates a profound lack of knowledge about the game's mechanics at the fundamental level that has nothing to do with rolling Horde and nothing to do with the Shaman class. All I'm saying is that you might better benefit from a little more experience and opening yourself up to actually learning something about the game instead of having everyone hand you something pre-cut, pre-cooked, and pre-packaged.

Talents, stats, gear, and everything else about this game is subject to change. Understanding more about it will help you adapt. You may also find that what's "the best" or is "best for everyone else" is not necessarily the best for you. Of course, being able to make that decision, again, requires you to actually observe and understand what's going on around you.

Edited, Jan 12th 2009 10:59am by Gaudion
#24 Jan 12 2009 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Well I'am not going to have a running battle with you over this mate.
Your entittled to your opinion and me mine and I'am happy to leave it at that.
I'am just glad other posters here who have helped me out dont think the way you do.
I'am a Mage wholey and soley, and through trial and a lot of error consider myself to be a very good one.
I dont need someone who is full of himself to tell me what sort of player I'am.
I'am still learning about the class and its capabilities, like some people I dont pretend to know everything.
At level 38 I'am not an expert but by 80 I'll be a hell of a lot better and wiser than what I'am now.
And so I should be.
If I was already 80 and asking these questions then your statements would be valid and I'd be worried about myself as well.
But I'am not and I'am still learning.
If I ask a simple or complex question who really cares?
You dont have to answer it or comment, your only bringing attention to yourself.
I'am just trying to make sure I can learn as much as possible about my Shammy with other peoples help and advice to make me a better player.
What you consider a simple or mundane question to others may not be.
Anyway case closed, never had this problem on the Mage part of these forums so its all a bit beyond me to be honest why I'am having these sort of problems now.
Do me a favour Gaudion, if you see a thread by myself please feel free not to respond.
I'am not after critisism, only help like a lot of other players are.

Edited, Jan 13th 2009 4:44am by RodStorm
#25 Jan 12 2009 at 10:10 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
Having 2 80's already...

I'am a Mage wholey and soley

So you have two 80 mages?

Regardless, this

one thing I have noticed about higher level Shaman is the use of dual fist weapons over a mace or axe combination.
Is this the preferred option?

is a ridiculous question. The preferred option is the weapon with the best damage and stats. The choice of a fist weapon over an axe or sword is purely cosmetic. Just like a mage choosing between a sword or dagger.

Further to this most (if not all) of the questions you have asked are answered in other threads on the first page of this forum and can be found on innumerable other sites. Try doing a little bit of research then asking for clarification or some finer detail if needed rather than asking us to design your toon for you.
#26 Jan 13 2009 at 4:05 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts
No I dont have 2 Mages, what a ridiculous statement.
I have a Hunter as well but my Mage is my main.
You do know what a main is?
Sorry to bother you and your peers with so many stupid questions, I'll take my bat and ball and go play somewhere else.
I hope one attribute of Shaman isnt arrogance because thats pretty much all I've seen from a few here of late.
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