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Kitty vs BoomFollow

#1 Dec 31 2008 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
Was asked if Kitty or boomkin had higher dps and wondered what you guys thought. Of coarse all things being equal & geared.
#2 Jan 01 2009 at 6:21 AM Rating: Decent
82 posts
The few Kitties I've seen in Heroics and raids had horrible dps compared to me as Boomkin, so much so I often felt ashamed for Druiddom on their behalf. I might have been unlucky but I am convinced right now that feral dps is not viable at all in that content.
Only real stats I can remember were with quite new 80s a while back in Occulus Heroic. I did 1300 dps or so, and the Kitty did almost 800, gear was comparable.
#3 Jan 01 2009 at 7:22 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
A Boomkin should almost always out-DPS a kitty in a dungeon simply because of AoE. Almost all dungeons, heroics, and raids require AoE, which a Boomkin excels at. Other than that they should be close; in longer fights or when you don't have a refresh class and mana might be an issue, the kitty gets the lead simply because they don't need to conserve energy; they go forever. But there aren't many fights like that as far as I know.

So, reasons why a Boomkin does more:
1. AoE
2. Ranged means they don't need to move when the boss gets moved/knocks back the tank

Reasons a kitty will excel:
1. VERY prolonged fight
2. Gimmick fights that make spell-casting tougher (constant AoE push-back, mana-drain, enemy resistances, enemy spell reflect, etc).

And it all depends on gear and skill.
#4 Jan 01 2009 at 7:50 AM Rating: Decent
I would think as burst or in Bg's they may take boom as well
#5 Jan 01 2009 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
3,272 posts
Prolonged fights generally favor the boomkin. Boomkin dps is a very very long drawn out style of damage as most of your main damage is coming from a spell that w/o haste is 2.5 seconds long for a cast time. Where as the attack speed of cat form is 1 second for white hits. I've not heard of a feral druid ever critting for upwards 13k at all, where as boomkin it's easily obtainable.

So, in my honest humble opinion, boomkin is the way to go for druid dps. The only main difference is that boomkins are resticted to a finite mana pool, while feral druids have a relatively infinite energy supply since the regen rate of energy is much much higher than it is of mana.

Edit: Oh in BG's, Feral is better than boomkin. Boomkin is pretty limited in BG's making it a harder class to pvp with. Not impossible to pvp with, just harder.

Edited, Jan 1st 2009 11:58am by ArexLovesPie
#6 Jan 01 2009 at 10:21 AM Rating: Good
861 posts
Kitty dps in drawn-out fights is pretty good too nowadays. Rip/SR/Rake generally take a long time to build up but do amazing damage over time. I think both dps specs have that limitation.

I don't play boomkin but my guess is they still would beat kitties on a target dummy. But not by much. As another poster said, I think it depends on how much running/knockback/etc there is in the fight. If the boomkin can stand still and pew-pew, he will probably win.
#7 Jan 01 2009 at 11:07 AM Rating: Excellent
817 posts
Lomedae wrote:
The few Kitties I've seen in Heroics and raids had horrible dps compared to me as Boomkin, so much so I often felt ashamed for Druiddom on their behalf. I might have been unlucky but I am convinced right now that feral dps is not viable at all in that content.
Only real stats I can remember were with quite new 80s a while back in Occulus Heroic. I did 1300 dps or so, and the Kitty did almost 800, gear was comparable.

I was gonna say "Boomkin more DPS than Ferals" too because of the AoE factor, but both the numbers you rattled off there seem crazy low for heroic DPS, even fresh 80's.

I'm fairly new-to-80 feral that ran my very first heroic last night (yay for me). It was VH and I was DPS. It was a guild run so they took me despite the fact that I told them I don't think I'm really ready for heroics. I was psyched to get an early shot at the kickarse wep the last boss drops.

My spec isn't optimized for dedicated DPS, more solo work and when I do respec it'll be more for tanking. Still, I do around 1000-1150 dps when solo grinding/questing, i.e. not buffed up beyond MotW, no consumables, not benefitting from repeated shreds or the rip DoT. In the VH run I ended up doing 1300 dps, well behind a DK and warrior that cranked over 1600 each. I was happy with my 1300, but still wouldn't go offering my services as DPS in heroics for anything other than as a "fair warning" fill-in. My expectation is that I should be in the 1500 range before I can really hold my own as DPS for heroics and Naxx. That sound about right?

Obviously since I've run just the ONE heroic I'm no expert, but I think a level 80 feral kitty buffed and in a DPS rotation doing 800 dps indicates a big problem with the player and/or gear. L2 Savage Roar maybe? 40% less AP would put a serious crimp in your DPS, that's for sure.

Edited, Jan 1st 2009 11:23am by JeeBar
#8 Jan 01 2009 at 2:36 PM Rating: Good
Taking out AoE where Boomkins excell, in 5 mans, a boomkin will be better as rule. In 25 mans, the increase in Buffs available probably benefits the feral more as many buffs increase the ferals AP and this is multiplied further by Savage Roar. There are few buffs avaiable to increase SpellPower.

In 25mans, I have seen ferals near the top of meters regularly. It depends a bit on movement etc., although a Boom having to stop a cast halfway through has lost an extra second or two of DPS as well as the time spent moving.

Overall, in smaller groups, Boom probably wins and things are pretty even in 25mans.

#9 Jan 01 2009 at 9:35 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
Just out of curiousity what dps are you guys hitting with feral? I'm not even in very good gear, one piece of 10 man t7, a few heroic epics couple emblem pieces and the rest blues and I'm pushing mainly 3k and up dps in boss fights in both 10 man and 25 mans.

We don't have any feral dps druids all of them are resto, one bear and one other boomkin (who has better gear, but I still out damage and dps /flex).

I'm curious to see what the dps really is as feral, the few times I've seen our tank go for all out dps it never broke 2k. Mind you I know the tank/dps spec has its differences but, like I said before... I'm curious.
#10 Jan 01 2009 at 10:49 PM Rating: Good
I haven't really enchanted my gear yet (all my mats are going towards leveling my enchanting), still only have green quality gems, have no T7 and haven't spent many of my emblems yet and I can manage about 2-2.5k DPS in 10mans in good fights. I don't get much practice with my roatations/priorities though as I seem to be tanking or healing 99% of the time. I have a sneaking suspicion that my Aussie latency (2-300ms+) hurts my DPS a fair bit as even with the old spamming powershifting macros (which removed quite a bit of skill from our rotation pre-WotLK), I couldn't match the figures some other fairly similar geared druids could put out (I hope like hell it's the latency and not me!! - pretty sure though )

I haven't had a chance to DPS in 25mans yet (not enough tanks or heals on the server) but I did a Sartharion fight where a feral topped the meters at about 3.5k on several attempts. I can't vouch for the skill of the other DPS there on the night as anyone can get into a 25man raid these days, even bad players, who have just hit 80 and are in quest greens.

#11 Jan 02 2009 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
163 posts
ArexLovesPie wrote:
Just out of curiousity what dps are you guys hitting with feral? I'm not even in very good gear, one piece of 10 man t7, a few heroic epics couple emblem pieces and the rest blues and I'm pushing mainly 3k and up dps in boss fights in both 10 man and 25 mans.

We don't have any feral dps druids all of them are resto, one bear and one other boomkin (who has better gear, but I still out damage and dps /flex).

I'm curious to see what the dps really is as feral, the few times I've seen our tank go for all out dps it never broke 2k. Mind you I know the tank/dps spec has its differences but, like I said before... I'm curious.

On Patchwerk (best meter fight I can think of due to the utter lack of movement, staying below the OT isn't too difficult after the first few seconds) I was just barely shy of 3k (2995) the first two times like you said. Still got a lot of blues on me, my epics were just the Staff of Trickery from Violet Hold, Mirror of Truth, Idol, and the crafted Shoulders/Belt on that parse.

In other fights I've managed to get past 4k, but I can only imagine that is due to the shortness of the fight in a heroic where a lot of time is spent getting through the initial Tiger's Fury --> Berserk --> Tiger's Fury rush.

Also, to one of the posters who mentioned "I've never seen a feral crit upwards of 13k" - Duh. A melee class is constantly throwing out white hits, not just single spell hits every 2-3 seconds. But I've gotten a 15k Ferocious Bite anyway :P

Edit: Right now I would say Boomkin will pull more instance-wide, since the flavor of Wrath seems to be "Spam AOE at everything" and a lot of the fights in naxx (spider wing especially) are straight up AOE, but once cats get their swipe this won't be as obvious a gap. Boomkins will be able to Hurricane longer than cats can swipe-spam, but AOE fights are usually pretty short anyway.

Edited, Jan 2nd 2009 12:21pm by Riftaru
#12 Jan 04 2009 at 4:50 PM Rating: Decent
Kitties are focused target dps like all melees - with good gear and a competent player they're quite lethal - I've only got ok/good gear at 80 and I'm close to 50% crit and can kill most mobs before I can get off a five point bite.
#13 Jan 06 2009 at 3:27 AM Rating: Good
1,778 posts
Boomkin should be able to out dps feral overall due to access to AOE. On single target fights they should be able to be much more comparable.

I haven't been playing as much as I'd like to and I'm not 80 yet so obviously I'm in no real position to say what is or isn't exactly, but...

Lomedae wrote:
The few Kitties I've seen in Heroics and raids had horrible dps compared to me as Boomkin, so much so I often felt ashamed for Druiddom on their behalf. I might have been unlucky but I am convinced right now that feral dps is not viable at all in that content.
Only real stats I can remember were with quite new 80s a while back in Occulus Heroic. I did 1300 dps or so, and the Kitty did almost 800, gear was comparable.

This at 80 is low and unfortunately and IMO, a plain sad feral.

At 70 I was able to do 800 to 1.3k dps sustained on most any target all gimmicks and "run aways" included. In kara, 1400 dps on shade without ever using shred. 2pc T4 OP? Maybe. But I'm now doing average 1.5k DPS solo work at Level 76 with food/self buffed without using pounce/mangle/shred and not intentionally waiting for energy to fill before already being engaged with the next target.

Now, if I can average 1500dps just mangle spamming and keeping savage roar up all while moving to the next target quickly (not waiting for energy) and not using pounce >> mangle >> shred to force my dps numbers up per target in essentially all Lv70 purples minus a Lvl 76 staff I tanked for at Lvl73 (and my dps set still consists of 2pc t4, which is nearing worthless for the proc as I approach 80), then surely a Lv80 feral should be able, at the very least, to match or exceed 1500 dps when you consider both ample opportunity to attack from behind the target and higher tiers of abilities than I currently have access to.

800 DPS feral at level 80, without having the experience of level 80 myself, bluntly, has simply got to be absolute ****.

JeeBar wrote:
I was happy with my 1300, but still wouldn't go offering my services as DPS in heroics for anything other than as a "fair warning" fill-in. My expectation is that I should be in the 1500 range before I can really hold my own as DPS for heroics and Naxx. That sound about right?

Sounds almost dead on to me as a minimum self expectation.

Sounds like the 800 DPS feral @ Lvl80 Lomedae spoke of was all the below:
100% Tank Spec
Not using Savage Roar
Not using Tiger's Fury, which if really had to, could be put in a macro on mangle and/or shred just to make sure it gets used
Forgot to replace Cat Bar's Claw with Mangle
Half Buttedly enchanted their gear
And probably an assortment of other issues

I wouldn't even be able to allow myself to leech a heroic in cat knowing all I could offer was 800 DPS at Lvl 80. Seriously, how does that happen? I didn't know feral had a Leech Form.

Lomedae, I hope for your sake you're just unlucky. Your cat friends should be doing far better than 800 DPS in Lvl 80 heroics.
Torzak of Carbuncle(Moved To Asura)
#14 Jan 06 2009 at 9:58 AM Rating: Good
817 posts
In business there's a term "opening the kimono" that means you're exposing your weaknesses in the interest of adding value to the conversation and relationship. My kittymono is now open.

Rarebeast wrote:
I haven't really enchanted my gear yet, still only have green quality gems, have no T7 and haven't spent many of my emblems yet and I can manage about 2-2.5k DPS in 10mans in good fights.

Riftaru wrote:
On Patchwerk (best meter fight I can think of due to the utter lack of movement, staying below the OT isn't too difficult after the first few seconds) I was just barely shy of 3k (2995) the first two times like you said. Still got a lot of blues on me, my epics were just the Staff of Trickery from Violet Hold, Mirror of Truth, Idol, and the crafted Shoulders/Belt on that parse.

ME: "Wow, that's a lot more than me, but I checked their gear and they have better gear than I do, I'm not too worried."

Rusttle wrote:
I've only got ok/good gear at 80 and I'm close to 50% crit.

ME: "Holy crap, 50% crit with "ok/good gear? I assume he means buffed to the bejesus, and that he's exaggerating a smidge."

Torzak wrote:
I'm now doing average 1.5k DPS solo work at Level 76 with food/self buffed without using pounce/mangle/shred and not intentionally waiting for energy to fill before already being engaged with the next target.

ME: "OK, I've been biting my tongue (i.e. hiding my apparent incompetence) so far, but this next one takes the cake as it provides the most direct comparison to what I know about my DPS, and makes me feel that despite my better judgement I must TOTALLY suck."

So a level 76 is doing 1500 DPS while soloing without buffs and not even maxing his DPS with an optimal rotation. Meanwhile, I'm level 80, with what I think is pretty decent gear and talent spec.(just yesterday I recently swapped King of the Jungle for Infected Wounds because my guild needs me to tank, but other than that my spec didn't change much)) My stuff's even enchanted and gemmed pretty well. All told I have like 4700 pre-SR AP and 33%ish crit, can't check because of the weekly maintenance. I'm using what I THINK is a decent set of attacks (SR, pounce, mangle, etc.), and yet I (according to Recount) only crank like 1100 DPS when I'm sologrinding like that.

Hell, even in instances Recount reports that I'm doing like 1300 DPS. That's with SR up all the time, Pouncing for the bleed DoT, Mangling for the debuff, getting/keeping Rip up as my finisher, Raking for the added Dot, Shredding when I can, TFing my energy back up when necessary, Berserking for occasional burst, and popping my +432 AP trinket on a regular basis. Unloading the kitchen friggin' sink and I'm still 200 dps LESS than Torzak the 76 manglespamming stuff to death solo?

I am open to the notion that I'm not great, but I am (was anyway) confident I'm at least GOOD given 80 levels of experience, and given the increases in stats, talents and spells between 76 and 80 it just doesn't seem possible that I can suck that much. I'm hoping there's some other explanation as to how the HELL my DPS can apparently be so dismal. Anybody got any ideas/excuses for me? Or shall I bow my head in shame and move on?
#15 Jan 06 2009 at 10:10 AM Rating: Good
861 posts
Well, as you noted, you have a tank spec. So do I and I can still dps ok but there's no question that slows you down (PI and KotJ would make a difference).

Second, your gear is ok but your hit rating is low. That's gonna hold you back. And there are several upgrades you could use. I know you know your way around feral gear so I won't harp on em, but much of what you're wearing is pre-80 stuff.

Finally, Torzak hasn't opened his kimono. If he's got 2 pc t4/2 pc t5 that would help him hit those numbers. DPS before lvl 80 can depend a great deal on what TBC epics you have lying around.

Edited, Jan 6th 2009 1:10pm by tuskerdu
#16 Jan 06 2009 at 10:51 AM Rating: Good
817 posts
tuskerdu wrote:
Well, as you noted, you have a tank spec. So do I and I can still dps ok but there's no question that slows you down (PI and KotJ would make a difference).

The 1300 was BEFORE I respeced to more tanky spec, which really just cost me PI and KotJ. Since the respec I'm doing like 1,000.

tuskerdu wrote:
Second, your gear is ok but your hit rating is low. That's gonna hold you back. And there are several upgrades you could use. I know you know your way around feral gear so I won't harp on em, but much of what you're wearing is pre-80 stuff.

Yeah, that's my raw DPS kit I use for grinding against equal level mobs, I have a "hit kit" that sacrifices AP and crit for hit. In full hit kit I've got like 250 hit, and my DPS stays the same . I chalked that up to increased hit % balancing out the loss of raw AP and number of crits.

As far as upgrades, I know they're out there, but my point is that I know for a FACT Torzak is wearing not a single piece higher than level 76. My very worst pieces are higher than that, and I've got a handful of what I'm confident are solid pre-raid pieces like Ice Striker's Cloak, Trollwoven shoulder and belt, etc. And it's all enchanted/gemmed -- hell I even gemmed the belt thanks to a buckle!
#17 Jan 06 2009 at 1:16 PM Rating: Good
958 posts
This is me
I use the same spec for tank/dps and I think it works pretty well. In a party (5 man) of high dps (~2k) then I pull anywhere from 1600-1800. In a party of low dps (1500) then I pull 180-2200. The only reason I can see for this is that I either had off nights or my DoT's are unable to tick long enough for them to matter (pounce bleed, rake).

In my last Naxx run I did 2677 on Patchwerk.(link is only good for a week or so, sorry)

If you are talking about having 50% crit and 1500 DPS while just mangle spamming then I'm doing something horrible wrong. My gear is about the best I can pick up from heroics (No T7 but I have the badges, 350 or so; I didn't consider them worth buying). I have 300 hit rating (9.15% hit) and I believe close to 6k AP unbuffed with a 35% crit rate.

Typical rotation is pounce, mangle, SR, rake(TF), shred to 5 and rip. I try to keep SR, rake and rip all up but I know I'm not at 100% uptime which means I likely need more crit.

I likely won't change my spec as, like I said, I use it to tank and DPS but any other suggestions I'd like to hear. Also a few of my pieces are enchanted as tank because I use those as both.

I would say that a boomkin may have a fight easier as they can spam spells from a distance and slight changes in a mobs movement does not affect them. Though they will do considerably less when a fight requires full party movement as the feral can still attack on the run. Boomkin also do not have the issue of a mob turning and not being able to shred - our tank/OT for patchwerk stood on opposite sides so the mob would turn on hateful strike to slap the OT and I couldn't shred for that moment. Small annoyance but one anyway.
#18 Jan 06 2009 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
Cat-form DPS: It's hard to compare numbers sometimes. In a good raid with a stationary boss, I'll pull 2200-2800 DPS. In Vaults when the tank won't pull Archavon out of the damn cloud, I've been as low as 950. Heroic target dummy is a better baseline, IMO, but you don't get to count raid buffs.

5400 AP, 41% crit, and 150-180 hit. My not-bad-not-good PVE skills get me around 2000 dps vs the dummy over 5 minutes.

I focus on keeping SR and Rake up first, Mangle second, and then Shred when I've got energy and Rip when I've got the CP. This is pretty standard stuff, but there's a few potential gotchas.

The mangle debuff applies to bleeds as soon as it's put up. SR only counts for bleeds _when they're applied_. Make sure SR is up first, hence its higher priority in the list.

I have Mirror of Truth, and I'm still working on timing things to work within its +1000 AP window. I'll usually re-Rake as soon as it procs, for instance. Should I be saving TF for when it procs? Berserk? Improvements to think about.

One thing that really helped for me early on was not to dwell too much on Rip. If you have 4 CP, but are going to need to refresh Rake and SR soon, Rip early. Rip's just there to utilize the CPs. Think of it as a bonus more than a priority.

+Hit makes a big difference. 1% hit is (1+crit)% additional damage plus (1+crit)% more CPs.

What else can people think of?


But for the OP: Boomkin for shorter fights where mana is not an issue, or there's AOE or positioning difficulty for the kitties. Feral/cat for longer fights or magic resist.
#19 Jan 06 2009 at 3:37 PM Rating: Good
I was averaging that while soloing & leveling as well, but you have to remember that those fights are really short and you are basically just dumping an energy bar then the fight is over. There is no worrying about energy regen at all. If the fight is any longer, then the DPS drops significantly as you are waiting for energy for your next attack (let alone the fact you are shredding due to the pounce stun during the bulk of the fight). So there is a massive difference between leveling and fighting non-elites versus a 5 minute boss fight with movement involved etc.

I just regemmed & enchanted all my gear and am up to 6300AP with MotW only (no SR) so I can't wait to give it a go - hopefully we will have enough tanks for Patch25 tonight and I can have a proper go :)

I wouldn't worry too much about your DPS, just keep practicing - I find it very difficult to keep all our required buffs up continually, there are a lot of factors that can affect it. One of the druids at Emmerald's forums was cracking 2-2.4k DPS at 70 (post 3.x patch but pre-WotLK) with pretty similar gear to mine and I could only manage 1.5k at best. I'm hoping it was due to my Aussie latency but who knows??

#20 Jan 06 2009 at 10:27 PM Rating: Good
1,778 posts
JeeBar wrote:
So a level 76 is doing 1500 DPS while soloing without buffs and not even maxing his DPS with an optimal rotation.

I am using 30stam and 30haste food I think it is, and self buffed includes weightstones (12dmg/12crit)/MotW/Thorns. No elixirs or agility/strength scrolls. Those weightstones seem to make less and less of a difference the higher level I get, but I've got I think another 2 and a half stacks to blow from before the expansion so it's almost too far in the back of my head to care, but I probably should have mentioned them the first go round in any case.

As far as optimal rotations go, I think it's debatable (At least in the context of exp per hour or kills per hour and not the dps number on the chart). I tried once before (to debate), prior to WotLK, but I think for the most part folks of that debate agreed that largely it depended on your targets proximity to each other whether or not prowling/pounce/mangle/shred is worth it. I shared a video actually in filefront as my demonstration as to why I prefer not to prowl for regular exp solo grinding.

With the way the talent tree expanded after the expansion and knowing I had no intentions to tank anything until 80 anyway (with a single instance as an exception because a friend wanted me to get the Lvl76 staff and it just happened to drop the first try), my spec went toward a very solo oriented path. And it made my style of soloing that much easier because mangles only cost me 35 energy as opposed to 40 prior to the expansion due to spec.

JeeBar wrote:
Unloading the kitchen friggin' sink and I'm still 200 dps LESS than Torzak the 76 manglespamming stuff to death solo?

I do keep Savage Roar up usually with either 1 or 2 combo points used to reapply as needed. The time extension per combo point beyond 1 or 2 is not worth it IMO. To intentionally try for a 5 point Savage Roar while solo grinding targets in fairly close proximity seems silly to me /shrug. It is nice though if you see the opposite faction coming from a distance on a ground mount and you hit a 5 point SR on an NPC and then prowl up on them :p

JeeBar wrote:
As far as upgrades, I know they're out there, but my point is that I know for a FACT Torzak is wearing not a single piece higher than level 76

As a quick note, I think most Lv78 blues are still side grades to me. Other than that, it's probably largely spec related /shrug. Do you have 35 energy Mangles? That 5 energy adds up while mangle spamming and still taking advantage of 2pc T4 (+20 energy procs in conjunction to clear casting). At the very least, if you don't, this could answer part of the concern.

Everything of mine is enchanted, largely because I'm a leather worker/enchanter and I don't mind at all to enchant the same chant on top of a piece already enchanted just to get the skill up in the craft if I manage to pick up the mats from DE'ing misc. greens.

Wrist I went 90 Stam even on my dps piece. Makes the whole leader of the pack while soloing etc a good bit more potent than I was previously used to, so I'm enjoying that. Other that though, everything was re-enchanted/re-gemmed. I've stuck, and plan to stick, with my 70 purples because of the lack of hit on just about everything I've seen even up to Lv78.

I did go ahead and put one of those belt buckle things on my Lv70 belt just because I could /shrug. Replaced the attack/crit leg patch on my Lv70 dps leg option with the newer one for a minor AP/Crit increase there, and even though I had read Strength was better than Agility starting around Lv75 I still regemmed all my +10Agility gems to +16Agility gems expecting that Agility would still net better results for the first several levels after Lv70 (at least up until Savage Roar is what I was hoping), I've been a combo of lazy and just not playing much to redo the agility to strength gems now that I'm 76. There were a few yellow sockets that I replaced from 5agi/5hits with 8expertise/8hits. I am expertise capped for Lv76, I do know that (in part from talent tree). Replaced my +2 damage ring enchants to +32AP Enchants, etc. And most of this I did all while I was still LV70, but a few retools on enchants did come as I learned them a bit later.

Like I said in my first post though, I'm no expert on LV80 and the performance I would expect. All I am doing is making an educated guess that 1500 would be the minimum I would expect in a LV80 Heroic considering higher tiers of abilities than I have access to and 78 to 80 blues that are largely side grades or small upgrades to me (with an exception being the weapons; they seemed to have done quite nicely with weapon progression).

Considering your semi tank specced, do you have Tiger's Fury on spam? I have mine attached to Mangle. I don't have talents specced to gain energy upon using it, so I have no fear of accidentally using Tiger's Fury and wasting energy. So in my case, I'm care free and just spam it along with mangle. Have my trinket on the same button too /shrug. And if it gives anyone any ideas, Savage Roar is on a shift modifier on the same button.

Edited, Jan 6th 2009 11:33pm by Torzak
Torzak of Carbuncle(Moved To Asura)
#21 Jan 07 2009 at 3:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,188 posts
Don't know if it's been mentioned, and I apologize if it has, but you also need to look at the group build. In a mostly melee group, kitty might be better cause of the DPS buff to all the melee fighters, but the same is true of boomkin in a magic heavy group. But usually groups are random enough it doesn't make a big difference in the long run, just worth noting.
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