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Prot build recommendationFollow

#1 Dec 31 2008 at 1:37 PM Rating: Default
Now this isn't going to be a post where I ask you guys to recommend me builds. This is a post where I'm going to recommend to you guys a very nice prot build.

When I was leveling as prot, I kind of just picked random talents as I leveled to try things out. By the time I'd been 80 a little while I was ready for a lean and powerful spec. No wasted points, all killer no filler. After some looking around and trying things out I found what I consider to be the best spec for most current talent.

Looking down the prot tree there's a lot of fun toys. Improved Spell Reflect, for instance. Reflect spells cast on party members? What a life saver! Until, of course, you realize that you can't spell reflect most boss' casts and the range on Imp Spell Reflect for party members is like 15 yards or so. After realizing this, you should see that there's only one place where that talent is worthwhile, Malygos phase 2 where your party will be grouped up on top of each other in those bubbles and you can spell reflect the flying mobs' casts. So yeah, it's pretty well worthless in Naxx and Obsidian Sanctum and most heroics (where you'll only need to reflect casts on yourself).

So after talking about Imp Spell Reflect entirely too much, here's my spec.

3 / 3 Imp Heroic Strike - good for almost all tanking situations. Cheaper Heroic Strikes? Oh yeah.
5 / 5 Deflection - 5% parry is worth almost 250 parry rating! Not subject to Diminishing Returns! A nobrainer.
2 / 2 Imp Charge - more rage to start a fight with, oh yes. I try to always start a fight with a charge.
2 / 2 Impale - wait what? more crit damage == more threat, great synergy with incite
3 / 3 Deep Wounds - waaaait... WHAT??? hell yeah! 10% more damage compared to the 3% I lose from not maxing cruelty + more threat!

3 / 3 Armed to the Teeth - more ap == more threat
2 / 5 Cruelty - just doesn't compare to Deep Wounds :(


Well, instead of listing every talent I'll just go over one.

2 / 5 Shield Specialization

Now, I know what you are thinking. Giving up 3% more block for more threat? More damage? Gotta be retarded, right? WRONG!!!!!

Now, there's an issue with Shield Specialization that is not immediately apparent. I'll make a little list to show it.

We have 5 / 5 Deflection which is worth 5% parry or almost 250 parry rating before diminishing returns.
We have 5 / 5 Anticipation which is worth 5% dodge or almost 200 dodge rating before diminishing returns.
Then we have 5 / 5 Shield Specialization which is worth 5% block or about 87 block rating...

So now you hopefully see the problem. 5 / 5 Shield Specialization is not worth the itemization points you'd spend on Block Rating! It's pretty crummy. To match the Parry talent it would have to increase block by 15% or thereabouts.

So, now that we know Shield Specialization isn't worth the talent points you spend it on, it becomes clear how to spec your prot tree. Now, I know some people prefer 3 / 5 Shield Spec and to give up Vigilance but I like Vigilance so I didn't do that.

Here's a link to my talent tree so you can see how I finished up the prot tree.
#2 Dec 31 2008 at 6:30 PM Rating: Default
I thought of taking deep wounds as a prot warrior, but now tend to use Rend as a temp rage dump anyway. Using a single 1hander with deep wounds just doesnt seem too apealing to me. The extra threat would be negligable with a good tank and If you are doing heroic or raids, the extra Block rating for heroics is much better.......I can think of Heroic strat where blocking = infinite rage due to the amount of mobs you take at once.

So with the build you are suggesting you may aswell put the points in imp rend and get rid of Deep wounds, it is that pointless.

*edit* spelling

Edited, Dec 31st 2008 9:30pm by redbarronthesecond
#3 Dec 31 2008 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
redbarronthesecond wrote:
I thought of taking deep wounds as a prot warrior, but now tend to use Rend as a temp rage dump anyway. Using a single 1hander with deep wounds just doesnt seem too apealing to me. The extra threat would be negligable with a good tank and If you are doing heroic or raids, the extra Block rating for heroics is much better.......I can think of Heroic strat where blocking = infinite rage due to the amount of mobs you take at once.

So with the build you are suggesting you may aswell put the points in imp rend and get rid of Deep wounds, it is that pointless.

*edit* spelling

Edited, Dec 31st 2008 9:30pm by redbarronthesecond

Pointless? 10% more damage is pointless?

The extra block rating is itemized poorly. With a couple upgrades you can surpass the talent points you'd basically waste on Shield Specialization. As I pointed out in my math, Shield Spec is 1/3rd as potent, gear itemization points-wise, as Deflection. Let me put it this way, I've armoried many warriors that have 5 / 5 Shield Spec and almost all of them have less % block than me, someone with 3% less block specced than them. This is through gear. This is because it is absurdly easy to get shield blocking gear. And it's a lot more difficult to get your parry and dodge up this way because of avoidance diminishing returns as well as the much steeper itemization cost of parry rating and dodge rating.

Also, I'm not sure about your comments pertaining to rend as a rage dump. I use rend as well, but that's irrelevant. Deep Wounds isn't something you do, it's a passive bonus to your crits. It's not a rage dump at all, it's a bonus. And it procs off EVERYTHING. Let's say I charge a group of 6 mobs. I thunder clap and it crits on two of them. Both of those mobs now have both extra threat through my deep wounds as well as extra damage performed to them. Let's say all the mobs start attacking me and each attack procs Damage Shield. Each Damage Shield proc that crits will either refresh Deep Wounds or start a new bleed. Then I Shockwave... same story.

I maintanked Naxx 10 man yesterday. On bosses I averaged 1500-1700 dps. On trash I averaged 2500 to 5000 dps. I was holding threat on 10 mobs at once. Deep Wounds is a tremendous help for AOE tanking, the area where warrior tanks need the most help. It is true that threat is trivial on single targets, but on large trash pulls, it is anything but.

Also, your specific Heroic Strath comment? I always have infinite rage there anyway due to the large groups of mobs I am tanking, and with my constant AOE threat through Deep Wounds, I'll hold all those mobs even better, do more damage, and speed up the timed run. Then again, I already have my Bronze Drake. ;)

To sum it up, Deep Wounds is the opposite of pointless. I'd say it's mandatory for all prot specs.
#4 Jan 01 2009 at 5:53 AM Rating: Default
this is true, for one seconds i didnt even picture damage shield, and Tclap and the like proccing it........i jsut thought of weapon attacks.

think il go try this out now =D
#5 Jan 01 2009 at 12:27 PM Rating: Good
1,331 posts
For the record, I have absolutely no problem with threat as it is and find that many warrior's don't either.

Yeah I deal 10% more damage, and get a DoT on all damage that crits. But I'd rather have more survivability, hence why I'm specced prot.

Are we talking about a raid spec here?

Yes, Impale and Deep Wounds are wonderful DPS talents. You gain quite a bit from those. But...

Your sacking survivability for threat.

This is a logical solution, yes, when you are facing content that is underpowered (on farm).

If anyone finds they are lacking in threat, this would be a fine spec to use.
#6 Jan 01 2009 at 1:25 PM Rating: Default
I have tried this build out today and it works great for heroics.

Havn't tried it against a raid boss yet, but I can see the straight up 3% less block to be a bit of a downfall, 17% instead of 20% does seem a lot of a drop so I think for raids I would prefer 5/5 Shield spec.

Obv when LK becomes like TBC with the raids on farm, the extra damage would be nice to power thorugh trash/bosses, but for now as my guild is progressing I will focus on survivabilty.

Edited, Jan 1st 2009 4:27pm by redbarronthesecond
#7 Jan 01 2009 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
devioususer wrote:
For the record, I have absolutely no problem with threat as it is and find that many warrior's don't either.

Yeah I deal 10% more damage, and get a DoT on all damage that crits. But I'd rather have more survivability, hence why I'm specced prot.

Are we talking about a raid spec here?

Yes, Impale and Deep Wounds are wonderful DPS talents. You gain quite a bit from those. But...

Your sacking survivability for threat.

This is a logical solution, yes, when you are facing content that is underpowered (on farm).

If anyone finds they are lacking in threat, this would be a fine spec to use.

The only place I find Deep Wounds very valuable for threat issues is for AOE tanking. Because, no matter what, tanking over 5 mobs at once in an instance / raid will be very difficult for a warrior assuming you have powerful AOE damage which you will have since nearly every class has very powerful AOE damage. If you aren't having problems here, it's not because you are some pimp uber warrior, it's because your AOE classes are slacking or are very undergeared.

I have tried to point out in my post that you will not be giving up really any survivability with this spec. The only thing you lose out on is a bit of shield block chance which is amazingly easy to replace with gear.

I see it all the time, warriors with 5 / 5 Shield Specialization. It's simply not a valuable talent, comparatively speaking. Sure, 3% more block will provide a pittance of mitigation and a bit more rage but these are simply unnecessary when compared to a flat 10% damage increase.

I think many warriors are still thinking in a TBC mentality where you need to focus entirely on survivability. This simply isn't the case anymore, since single target threat is a nonissue and survivability is a nonissue, the best thing a tank can do is increase their dps. This stands to reason considering dps is now the most important factor in any raid / heroic. My tank is uber geared. I have still had many failed heroic runs due to an enormous paucity of dps, making the run take twice as long and causing many more wipes due to the healer running oom. I've also had many runs back when I was undergeared tank with an undergeared healer that were very smooth due to all the dps doing 3k+ dps. It doesn't matter if the mobs will kill me faster if they die in 1/3rd of the time.

Ergo, the most important thing you can do as a tank is increase your damage.

Of course, this could change if content is made substantially more difficult. But right now, all the content is easy to tank. You don't need the extra block for survivability and if you are dying frequently, it is almost assuredly a lack of heals.
#8 Jan 02 2009 at 2:17 AM Rating: Decent
501 posts
Same build I've been using for awhile. I personally love it. I could use a better weapon for it, but I was pushing 1800 DPS the other night on Malygos10 during P1. A slower weapon would jump ramp that up more...that and my latency not sucking right now. 700 latency hurts. Can't wait to move and get a new ISP.
#9 Jan 12 2009 at 7:41 AM Rating: Decent
Hehe Lorimath your Imba m8. Whatever talents you pick still your going to make a lot more damage than me.
I have 2 items from Naxx so far and the best items the hc's have to offer,(total 12 epics) changed the talents as you suggested run 2 hc's then did a 25 man Wintergarasp as MT and still DPS was less than 1300. My eyes were less to the fight and more to the dps meter cause I was thrilled and expected to see some magic there.... but at no time I saw over 1.300DPS. My max DPS was 1.200DPS+ something. To be more accurate the range was 900 to 1200DPS.
I tried difeerent styles for tanking ,different rotations to Boss/thrash to see something big but still nothing.

Now in terms of DPS increase: Yes it has increased. It may have been around 5-10% increase. The extra damage produced was mainly cause the crits added more value to dps than before. About deep wounds I m not that sure that it increased my dps at all. The % of the DPS contribution was of very very low value.(0,7% of total DPS I think) I ve put 2/3 on Deep Wounds and beggining to think that no matter what talents I pick to boost my dps(To reach 1500) I m not going to see them unless I posses Super-Imba gear.

When I talked about this matter with one of the healers who is doing Hc naxx regularly he told me something very simple:

"I dont care how much DPS your making m8 , what I need from a warrior tank is do what he does best :Raise a barrier of confidence between the group and the boss. Then I asked him how come I see MT pallys raise their DPS to 1500 so easily(when I offtank) he told me : Sure pallys when they meet thrash mobs they excell and do crazy DPS (better than a warrior will ever do) but when they meet the boss and its only a 1 on 1 fight its 800-900 DPS" (Is what I also see with my warrior tests)
He also told me that :the challenge in Naxx and other raids is not raising 1500 DPS on thrash, cause even I with a couple of talents from discipline/unholy can do 3000DPS easily on thrash but thats not my role.I try only to boost my +Healing. I can do more damage but a DPS can do it more easily by changing his talents.Your part is to stay alive during the boss encounter and to keep all of us alive.

My comment over this is that if you are overgeared and your raid party as well then you can probably multitask.
#10 Jan 12 2009 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
If anyone looks at my talent spec right now, I should state that I have 2 / 2 Imp Shield Reflect because I was tanking Malygos last night. Normally those two talent points are in Imp Revenge which is great for threat (10% more revenge damage) and great for damage mitigation in 5-mans on trash and also wonderful for PVPs as the Revenge stun proc does not trigger diminishing returns on your Charge / Intercept / Shockwave / Concussion Blow DRs.

That said, to Geo, my best advice for upping your dps (and consequently your threat, although I doubt that's an issue) is to make sure you aren't gemming for avoidance (dodge / parry) and instead gemming for expertise. You shouldn't need to gem for hit as tanking gear has a lot of it but it wouldn't be a horrible idea either. Nothing worse than getting a few parries / dodges / misses in a row. I'm a bit under the hit cap (well a decent amount) so I see more misses than I'd like, but I'm above the dodge cap for expertise so I never see those. Sadly, with all my expertise I still have about a 5% parry rate on my attacks as reported by recount. I'd like to get more, I still have a couple dodge / stam gems in my gear I'll replace with expertise / stam.
#11 Jan 14 2009 at 12:47 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Of course, this could change if content is made substantially more difficult. But right now, all the content is easy to tank. You don't need the extra block for survivability and if you are dying frequently, it is almost assuredly a lack of heals.

You're giving up a 3% chance not to require a heal at all, yet you blame it on the healers? You're right, the content is easy to tank, which makes me wonder why you think you'd need to give up extra avoidance just to boost something that's so easy to come by these days - threat.

What you're doing is placing the burden of your survival and with it that of the group on the healer, for something that might look good in the charts, but ultimately puts everyone at risk.

Your little dps boost means nothing if a rogue or mage dies only because you required a heal you otherwise could have avoided. Healers can only do so much within their cooldowns.

From my (healer) perspective, you're just making my job harder for nothing. Yet I would probably get to hear about it if I'd drop a talent that gives me a flat 1% to my healing per invested point.
#12 Jan 14 2009 at 4:33 AM Rating: Decent
Kanngarnix wrote:
Of course, this could change if content is made substantially more difficult. But right now, all the content is easy to tank. You don't need the extra block for survivability and if you are dying frequently, it is almost assuredly a lack of heals.

You're giving up a 3% chance not to require a heal at all, yet you blame it on the healers? You're right, the content is easy to tank, which makes me wonder why you think you'd need to give up extra avoidance just to boost something that's so easy to come by these days - threat.

What you're doing is placing the burden of your survival and with it that of the group on the healer, for something that might look good in the charts, but ultimately puts everyone at risk.

Your little dps boost means nothing if a rogue or mage dies only because you required a heal you otherwise could have avoided. Healers can only do so much within their cooldowns.

From my (healer) perspective, you're just making my job harder for nothing. Yet I would probably get to hear about it if I'd drop a talent that gives me a flat 1% to my healing per invested point.

Block isn't avoidance.
#13 Jan 14 2009 at 5:36 AM Rating: Decent
You're giving up a 3% chance not to require a heal at all, yet you blame it on the healers? You're right, the content is easy to tank, which makes me wonder why you think you'd need to give up extra avoidance just to boost something that's so easy to come by these days - threat.


3% chance to block means almost nothing when raiding. Cause when y block its not that you avoid damage completely but that you block for example 1.000 but you also take damage for 1000.Healer still needs to heal the tank.
If the healer is oom(never seen that on raids,so far) its because of failure in holding threat , failure of DPS ,failure of tactics and not failure of the 3% block rating (if a tank never took them).Besides that what Lorimath implies, is what is known for a long time to warriors: A warriors ability to do stuff scales with gear more than any other class in the game so that precious 3% of block rating is easily reclaimed by gear with +block rating.This situation is the warrior curse but at the same time salvation....


What you're doing is placing the burden of your survival and with it that of the group on the healer, for something that might look good in the charts, but ultimately puts everyone at risk.

Lorimath is not placing the burden of survival of the group on the healer , that had , is and will be the healers burden forever. DPS is something critical for a raid its not a statistic to be ignored.It s not risky if the group is semi descent and has logical targets.


Your little dps boost means nothing if a rogue or mage dies only because you required a heal you otherwise could have avoided. Healers can only do so much within their cooldowns.

Unfortunatelly(?) this boost is not small. Be4 his post I only cared about what were the DPS figures the DPS classes produced so I used only defensive abilities mostly devastates and TC and didnt care at all that my DPS was at 800 cause the party was safe.When you get from 800 to 1200+ then the DPS increase is noticable and usefull. For example in the plague quarter (Nax normal)there are some gargoyle ( i m not sure it is spelled that way) thrash that needs high DPS ,If they are not killed fast they heal them selves.
We had 5 DPS class (2000DPSeach) and 2 tanks (1000 each) and we barelly made it.Some fights are a DPS race and the tank needs to contribute...
Imagine if I still did 800 and the other tank also 800 DPS.... Then that is 400-800 less DPS wich is not small, its BIG.Its basically the point where you enter or not the plague quarter :((
Now consider 4 tanks in a raid (Naxx 25) that all increase their DPS by 200-400 then thats a 800D-1600PS increase. That means you have 1 more DPS in the group thats its not actually there!!!And when the boss enrages (there are plenty) then this boost is huge and nessecary.

From my (healer) perspective, you're just making my job harder for nothing. Yet I would probably get to hear about it if I'd drop a talent that gives me a flat 1% to my healing per invested point.

Its a totally different thing being a class that heals and a class that hits a mob.Being a healer means you can only heal cause y dont have time to do anything else(on Boss).On thrash mobs a healer could help DPS if the abilities used in DPS were instant and could easily rotate back to healing.

    Additional comments:

For better or for worse DPS (more AOE damage is made by DPS classes) and tanking has changed(More threat is required on packed mobs while a DPS class aoe ability is hurting mobs)...

Taking 15/5/51 talents is the only way The warrior class comes close to the pally class....
A major need for this talent configuration drains its source from the fact that pallys do more DPS , have more aoe threat and are more desirable in raids.I beleive that might(?) be the appropriate answer to Pallys taking over theory...

Time will show
#14 Jan 14 2009 at 7:12 AM Rating: Good
I was one of the 1st to jump in a condemn this build. I said I would try it and I have, and stuck to it.

I have noticed a jump in my dps, but no healers have complained i take too much damage.
Infact the other day a healer told me it was relaxing to heal me, even on 5 pack mobs and wants more tanks like me (at this point i couldnt exit the instance cos the doors weren't big enough to fit my head through).

This build works very well for heroics and raiding, Even though my LK raiding XP is limited to 10 mans and maybe a 25 VOA pug a week, I have had no problems.
#15 Jan 14 2009 at 8:26 AM Rating: Default
988 posts
Block isn't avoidance.

Block isn't avoidance in terms of completely avoiding a hit, but it is in regards to avoiding damage.
#16 Jan 14 2009 at 10:08 AM Rating: Good
91 posts
Doesn't that make it mitigation?
#17 Jan 14 2009 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Kanngarnix wrote:
Block isn't avoidance.

Block isn't avoidance in terms of completely avoiding a hit, but it is in regards to avoiding damage.

avoidance =/= mitigation

stop calling it avoidance when it's not.
#18 Jan 14 2009 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Kanngarnix wrote:
Of course, this could change if content is made substantially more difficult. But right now, all the content is easy to tank. You don't need the extra block for survivability and if you are dying frequently, it is almost assuredly a lack of heals.

You're giving up a 3% chance not to require a heal at all, yet you blame it on the healers? You're right, the content is easy to tank, which makes me wonder why you think you'd need to give up extra avoidance just to boost something that's so easy to come by these days - threat.

What you're doing is placing the burden of your survival and with it that of the group on the healer, for something that might look good in the charts, but ultimately puts everyone at risk.

Your little dps boost means nothing if a rogue or mage dies only because you required a heal you otherwise could have avoided. Healers can only do so much within their cooldowns.

From my (healer) perspective, you're just making my job harder for nothing. Yet I would probably get to hear about it if I'd drop a talent that gives me a flat 1% to my healing per invested point.

If his gear makes up for it then why not?

Just like +5 talents. You can easily replace it with gear to obtain your marks, or caps or whatever you want to call them, and put those points into other beneficial talents. If you know what you're doing and have the resources, gear, you can easily go out of the norm, cookie cutter, and still be pushing the envelope. Some people see these cookie cutter builds and stats and think they're clear cut. They're not. It's situational and if you know the reasoning, logic and math behind what's going on you can make changes and actually improve in different situations. Learn the rules and then break them.
#19 Jan 14 2009 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
Actually. I like 15/3/53 for AoE. 2% overall crit is nice, but I really like 2% block as well. On AE mobs packs, a block deals damage too. Tclap is on CD, shockwave is on CD, shield block is on CD. Block always is up.

That's specifically for AoE type mob packs.

Once we get dual specs, I think this argument is moot.

#20 Jan 14 2009 at 1:56 PM Rating: Default
988 posts
avoidance =/= mitigation

stop calling it avoidance when it's not.

On my end, a block avoids damage that needs healed.. so you can pretty much bite me about the terminology.

Don't have a problem with people pushing things a little further. Just ticks me off if they do so but at the same time go ahead and blame others for possibly neglecting their responsibilities.

That you eventually outgear an instance is out of question. It's just wrong to expect that everybody else does too.

I'm proud of every attack my DK tank dodges or parries, and it bothers me if I take hits that I shouldn't. To each his own, I guess.
#21 Jan 16 2009 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
Kanngarnix wrote:
avoidance =/= mitigation

stop calling it avoidance when it's not.

On my end, a block avoids damage that needs healed.. so you can pretty much bite me about the terminology.

Don't have a problem with people pushing things a little further. Just ticks me off if they do so but at the same time go ahead and blame others for possibly neglecting their responsibilities.

That you eventually outgear an instance is out of question. It's just wrong to expect that everybody else does too.

I'm proud of every attack my DK tank dodges or parries, and it bothers me if I take hits that I shouldn't. To each his own, I guess.

Armor removes damage from the attack that lands on you, you avoided damage because of your armor... is armor an avoidance stat? Because block is more similar to armor than it is to dodge or parry.

Mitigation == removing a portion of the damage of an attack. Avoidance == avoiding the attack completely. Block != avoidance.
#22 Jan 19 2009 at 3:27 AM Rating: Decent
501 posts
Kanngarnix wrote:
Block isn't avoidance in terms of completely avoiding a hit, but it is in regards to avoiding damage.

Congratulations, you're retarded! If you take away a portion of something, you didn't avoid it. You mitigated it.

Deep wounds doesn't just become a minor DPS boost. It turns into anywhere between 10-15% of your outgoing damage, depending upon your weapon. That's a large chunk of extra damage (more than devastate) that requires absolutely no effort on your part. It's completely passive, completely unmitigated by armor, and still generates threat/DPS while moving. I wouldn't go so far as to call it required in a tanking spec, but it's pretty baseline at the moment. Considering the ONLY thing it costs you is an incredibly minor 3% to block, anyone touting survivability concerns as their reason for not taking doesn't have a leg to stand on.

This isn't BC, this isn't vanilla. Wrath raiding is a different game. Tank DPS is no longer a joke, and we're expected to do our part in raids. A portion of our job is now putting out a proper level of DPS, because we actually can. That extra 500 DPS I put out in a 25 man raid because I'm specced deep wounds? That means the boss died that much faster. That was less time for heals to run OOM and have the raid wipe, if you want to look at it that way. We're a part of the DPS machine now, and people need to realize that. Also, though threat isn't an issue most of the time, try tanking Maly25 with sparks stacked or drakes on 3D Sarth and then tell me that threat 'doesn't matter'.
#23 Jan 19 2009 at 4:28 AM Rating: Decent
Lorimath has done more than just make me put Deep wounds in order add some extra damage when I crit.

He has made me thinking of changing the filosofy of tanking.

Increasing one 's DPS is not just getting some talents. Its also using stuff ( abilities) never used before and putting glyphs to improve those ability's never used.

Personaly before Lorimath's comments I never used Cleave and Heroic Strike cause I didnt like the mechanisms those 2 abilities where using. Example : If I click on Devastate/Shield slam/Thunderclap/rend I will instantly see the ability performed by my toon but If I click on Heroic Strike/Cleave I will have a delay. So I glyphed towards the thinking of applying more sunders and doing in that way less damage.
But the fact is that HS and Cleave are awesome abilitys that boost the DPS metters..... and if HS is boosted with proper Glyphs then oh.. what the...?? Was I blind for so long ??

As a main tank in Nax I can see 1500DPS and more in thrash. During boss encouters that number drops but still remains good above 1200DPS ( As to prior 800-900 Omg!!)

I currently tested the Glyphs of Revenge and the other that gives 10 rage when your HS crits.

Thank you Lorimath.

#24 Jan 21 2009 at 8:02 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
3 / 3 Deep Wounds - waaaait... WHAT??? hell yeah! 10% more damage compared to the 3% I lose from not maxing cruelty + more threat!

I agree with your observation that Deep Wounds is better for AOE tanking.

But maybe I'm missing something, because I don't see how 3/3 deep wounds gives a flat 10% damage increase? At an 7.75% crit rating, you have (in round numbers) an 8% chance to do 50% weapon damage. That's an average 4% of weapon damage, not 10%. And probably less than 4% because unlike crit damage, deep wounds can only be applied once every 6 seconds.

If we are talking strictly AOE damage, then I agree Deep Wounds comes into it's own. By my calculations, Deep Wounds is 2 or 3 times more effective than Cruelty for Damage Shield.

But just the opposite applies for big damage-dealing abilities such as shield slam, revenge, and shockwave. By my calculations, Deep Wounds is only 1/4th as effective for these abilities as Cruelty.
#25 Jan 21 2009 at 8:13 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
That extra 500 DPS I put out in a 25 man raid because I'm specced deep wounds? That means the boss died that much faster.

The 500 dps might get you through the raid faster overall, but I expect Deep Wounds will put LESS dps on the boss than Cruelty would. If your concern is putting dps/threat on the boss then you are better off putting those 3 talent points toward crit rating which maximizes damage from power moves like shield slam, revenge, etc.

However, I admit I have no experience in the new raid instances, so I cannot comment whether single-target dps should be prioritized over aoe-dps.
#26 Jan 22 2009 at 5:24 AM Rating: Decent
brodarus wrote:
That extra 500 DPS I put out in a 25 man raid because I'm specced deep wounds? That means the boss died that much faster.

The 500 dps might get you through the raid faster overall, but I expect Deep Wounds will put LESS dps on the boss than Cruelty would. If your concern is putting dps/threat on the boss then you are better off putting those 3 talent points toward crit rating which maximizes damage from power moves like shield slam, revenge, etc.

However, I admit I have no experience in the new raid instances, so I cannot comment whether single-target dps should be prioritized over aoe-dps.

3 points in Cruelty averages out to a 3% dps increase, not exact but close. Deep Wounds averages a 10% dps increase.
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