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Feral tank disappointing?Follow

#1 Dec 29 2008 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
205 posts
Hi everyone.

I recently switched to feral from restokin when I got WOTLK a couple of weeks ago so I could focus more on heroics / raiding, as opposed to pvp. Now, when I do instances (im only level 72), it seems ridiculous that all kinds of classes have insane aoe dps and I have crap. In many groups "tank" specced DKs and pallys can put out huge #s on recount. One time I went as a level 72 cat dps since the group I joined was a partially guild group and they wanted their level 70 paladin to tank. He had about 3x the DPS as me while tanking, due to the fact that he could aoe the entire time and I had to slowly paw at one opponent. Does anyone else find this retarded? How can a tank be the highest DPS. My RL friend is a prot pally as well and he often times does 30% of the parties damage on regular instances. I have also noticed that no one wants to mark anything or CC anything anymore, its just run as fast as you can and aoe everything, and the sad part is, this actually works fine. There is like no strat on pulls. Hell pull everything, lets pull two pats at once, every single class can AOE everything just as fast as one pull... every class except for feral druids. I haven't seen any warriors, rogues, or shamans around, but it seems like pallys, DKs, mages, boomkins ect are just retardedly OP now in instances.

Opinions? Am I missing something? Do I just suck if I cant do 30% of the parties damage with swipe and berserk/mangle? Does everything change at 80?
#2 Dec 29 2008 at 3:27 PM Rating: Good
I made 2nd on meters tanking UK the other day, not really sure how...

But regardless, why does it matter? You're there to tank, i.e. soak damage and hold aggro, not top WWS charts. If everybody lives, you do fine.
#3 Dec 29 2008 at 3:29 PM Rating: Excellent
861 posts

When tanking what matters is the threat you are putting out, not the damage. Ignore those meters. I led the meters in a Heroic Nexus run last night but that wasn't something to be proud of. It told me we had crap dps which is one reason we wiped a half-dozen times. The tank should be keeping mobs off healers and dps. If you do that well, you win. If you don't, I don't care how much dps you unload, you fail.

Feral tanks are quite good -- so good that Blizz nerfed us because we surpassed all other tanks on mitigation and avoidance at end-game. Pallies can aoe tank better than us and I believe DKs can out-dps us while tanking (havent rolled DK so idk but that's sure what it looks like from watching DK tanks). But I guarantee you, those DKs and pallies look at our mitigation and health and QQ that even though they lead meters they can't take a beating like a druid tank. So relax and enjoy.

Edit: NB on Protadins. My alt is a healer. I hate, absolutely hate, healing prot pallies. They are insanely squishy. I'd rather run w a druid any day of the week. So your pal may look like a god to his dps who doesn't have to worry abt cc, but I guarantee his healer has to change underwear after each run. It all balances out.

Edited, Dec 29th 2008 6:31pm by tuskerdu
#4 Dec 29 2008 at 3:55 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I am a druid tank. I hit #2 on DPS meters at least once a day. Sometimes its bad DPS. Sometimes I am just kicking a**. I always win on threat and can spike around 5k TPS on some fights. I keep the healer and DPS alive. I am easy to heal and know how to LoS pull when the need arises. I can control a pack of mobs when the DPS is going buckwild on different mobs. I have 2 or 3 healers that will pester me to tank if we are on at the same time. My friends hate PuGing tanks and will wait for me to log to run stuff. I highly doubt it is just me that preforms at a high level while tanking. I mark some mobs, mainly the boss with a nipple mark. I like CC as killing penguins is fun, want a baby seal poly soooo bad.

Druid tanks are fine. At level 80 you will be fine. Hell I felt OP the whole way there. I got whacky and was tanking stuff I had no business tanking before I hit the cap. Druid tanks do have no real AoE threat tool but I manage with FFF, Demoralizing Roar, and Swipe. I use Bash a great deal also to help control unruly mobs.

What is your rotation and lets see an armory.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#5 Dec 29 2008 at 5:58 PM Rating: Good
We are fine, but i just cant help that people out there seem to want Pallies or warriors as their "first" pick. I have been in groups as dps with tanks that do exactly as the OP said, rushing thru everything with no marking etc and usually with no probs. While tanking i could prolly do the same i prefer marking, and cc if possible but its not the end of the world if we dont, at least up the reg 80s runs. Im sure heroics will be a different story, but until then i cant help but get the feeling that dps (especially aoe ones) silently choose the pallies and warriors cause they can shoot thru runs faster. Just my 2 cents and maybe its different on other servers...
#6 Dec 29 2008 at 9:34 PM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Druid tanks are indeed fine. I am one and have no problem whatsoever.

I love being able to provide my own CC as well, sometimes roots AND hibernate, it's just too good!


Nuit Midril - White Mage/Scholar on Ultros
Nuit the Insane! - Retired Druid on Sentinels.
Ombre - Retired Dragoon/bard on Phoenix.
#7 Dec 30 2008 at 8:30 AM Rating: Good
861 posts
Zarl, I haven't encountered that anti-feral bias, but I do always offer to dps if we find a second tank. Even in our tank spec we put out quite good dps and, especially in pugs, dps is a lot less stressful than tanking.
#8 Dec 30 2008 at 8:51 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
There is a HUGE anti-feral bias on my server. I am routinely told, after running with new people, "Wow!! You're the first bear I've ever had a good run with!" The problem originates with poor players, not a poor class. I'm guessing a lot of folks leveled to 80 as Feral cats, then found out the only way they could get into groups was tanking. So they tried it, and are bad at it. Many of them don't understand tabbing to Lacerate enemies (which majorly increases our Maul damage with Glyph of Maul). Others don't react well to feral charge enemies that break away. A lot don't know how to position an enemy so their attacks miss the other melee. Or they could just not know enemy abilities or boss fights.

All that said, the point is clear. NOTHING is wrong with feral right now. Just learn to tank well (it really isn't hard; I can do it!) and you'll be fine.
#9 Dec 30 2008 at 9:04 AM Rating: Good
861 posts
Locke -- I know a couple of ferals who have mostly dpsed and do make pretty sucky tanks so I'm sure they ***** with our class' reputation. But I'm writing to ask about something else you just wrote: How does tab-lacerating increase damage with Glyph of Maul?
#10 Dec 30 2008 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
2,890 posts
What are you guys using for your dps meters and such?

I recently saw this phenomenon when running an instance where me and another druid were DPSing as cats but when ever we pulled more than a couple mobs at once the other druid swapped into bear form and started to aoe spam all of them at once.

cat form never gets any AOE attacks its all single target?
#11 Dec 30 2008 at 9:41 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
tuskerdu wrote:
Locke -- I know a couple of ferals who have mostly dpsed and do make pretty sucky tanks so I'm sure they ***** with our class' reputation. But I'm writing to ask about something else you just wrote: How does tab-lacerating increase damage with Glyph of Maul?

Rend and Tear. Increases your Maul damage by 20%. 20% more damage + threat modifier = a TON of threat. Plus Lacerate itself has a ton of threat on it. As Maul is your main damaging attack as a bear, I'm of the opinion every tank should have it.

Edit: to explain a little better, say you have four enemies coming at you in a group, and Berserk is on cooldown. I usually start with Maul up, hitting two enemies right away, and then Swiping to get initial aggro. Toss in another swipe, then a lacerate, and the second maul goes off. Tab to the next target (without Infected Wounds on it), lacerate again, and maul again. Keep going like that, tabbing, lacerating, mauling (and tossing swipes in between lacerates). Should keep hate just fine. If you set it up better this shouldn't be an issue; but almost all parties I get into are trigger-happy on the AoE will start attacking ASAP. So making sure I get threat like this is key.

Edited, Dec 30th 2008 12:46pm by LockeColeMA
#12 Dec 30 2008 at 9:43 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
thorazinekizzez wrote:

cat form never gets any AOE attacks its all single target?

Next patch cat gets a fan of knives-esque attack. 50 energy for what is basically a kitty swipe. I think it's normal damage x260%. From what I hear, it's a little lackluster.
#13 Dec 30 2008 at 9:48 AM Rating: Good
817 posts
thorazinekizzez wrote:
What are you guys using for your dps meters and such?

I use Recount.

And I'm really looking forward to seeing how well our little kitty AoE works...I hope it's not THAT lackluster.
#14 Dec 30 2008 at 9:50 AM Rating: Good
38 posts
I think he means that 5/5 Rend and Tear increases your maul damage on bleeding targets by a whopping 20%, and the Glyph of Maul allows Maul to hit two targets for the price of one.

Except don't Tab over, Mouseover :)
#15 Dec 30 2008 at 9:53 AM Rating: Excellent
861 posts
I hope kitty aoe is lackluster.

Fer chrissakes, not every class needs a spammable aoe. Next thing you know they'll demand every class get to shift and break snares and be immune to polymorph. And, frankly, if you're feral dps and wanna aoe, go bear and swipe. It's pretty good and will help keep mobs off the mage.

On Locke's point, yeah tab lacerate (or mouseover) does a great deal for threat nowadays due to RnT (I usually tab lacerate and tab mangle). I don't have the maul glyph (I split my time between tank and dps so have an ugly mix of gear and glyphs) but I almost never lose hate in aoe situations as long as I get in a couple of initial swipes and single-target dps is on skull (I'm looking at you, dps warrior who kept going after star in 4-pack pulls last night!)

Edited for clarity

Edited, Dec 30th 2008 12:55pm by tuskerdu

Edited, Dec 30th 2008 12:58pm by tuskerdu
#16 Dec 30 2008 at 12:52 PM Rating: Excellent
38 posts
I think the OP is somehow using Recount to measure success of melee DPS in competition with the tank. IMO this is a mistake, and he even touches on the exact reason.

I don't watch Recount at all when I'm doing my tank thing, and I'm not sure how it actually crunches the numbers...but I suspect that you will find the SINGLE-TARGET DPS versus the tank is much better than the aggregate numbers suggest. Obviously, if I am swiping for 250 damage against 5 targets every second, and the cat is doing 2000 to one baddie in the same time frame, it skews the numbers. I'm not killing anything faster than the cat, but I do more total damage - the more targets I have, the more damage I do. Now line up the mage, hunter, and warlock (all doing similar ~2000 DPS) and I STILL top the meters, even though it would have taken me 4 times as long to kill the same target.

(to others who know better: Is this still the case with Recount, or am I nuts?)

Obviously, meters cannot be totally reliable anyway. The only objective measure is to line up the bear and the cat in front of a target dummy and go at it for a few minutes. In reality, circumstances for close-quarters DPS are rarely ideal. I DPS mostly as a (sucky) Rogue, and some fights are just pure frustration. Between chasing after kited bosses or tank repositioning, taking every AoE on the kisser, being constantly 31 yards from the healer, and slapped down by anything with a tail (Keristraza, I hate you), sometimes I'm lucky if I get enough combo points for one finisher.

IMO the only DPS that matters is the DPS against the target you are attacking - in practice, there are just too many variables. The meter is to be used as a tool for improvement, not a scoreboard.

Strategy is still strategy, and a pull is still a pull. The only difference is they don't ALWAYS involve raid markings anymore. Does anyone really miss marking those targets? I sure don't. I love the fact that "kill heals first" is now sufficient. The reason no one uses them anymore is they aren't needed so much - Tanks generate craploads of threat now, and with AoE tanking in the mainstream a strict kill order isn't needed to keep mobs out of the backfield. I still mark targets, but now they are Pats and just a skull on the primary. If the healer needs to dial damage down a tick, I'll mark CC no problem. Otherwise, bring it! :)

If you are new to the Feral thing, it just requires some time to develop the instincts for it. You can be OP too, just give it a while :) Often on my Rogue, I find myself charging the boss when the Tank goes down, wanting to shift, taunt, finish the fight and save the wipe. For most classes, having the boss's undivided attention is alien territory, but to me, it's home.
#17 Dec 30 2008 at 2:28 PM Rating: Good
Part of the problem could be that we excel in tanking hard hitting bosses like are often found in raids without our big armor & stamina, but are not so good at taking lots of smaller hits like we are often seeing in 5man content. Block for the shield wearers is fantastic for this in reducing the amount of incoming damage significantly.

Druids seem to be well accepted in raids by almost everyone, but those who heal bears in heroics may find them a little more difficult to heal than Pallys & Warriors (not sure about DK mechanics).

There is a good thread about this here on Emmerald's forum.

#18 Dec 30 2008 at 7:00 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Nice link. I am glad I am not the only one who feels fine about where my spec is at.

Last night I OT'd Naxx10 it was sponsored by some other guild that PuG'd the last few slots. I think some of the other PuGers where half wondering why I wasn't MT due to roughly a 10k HP difference over the pally tank. I think he was MT mainly due to him being the guild's tank and having more knowledge of the fights.

So, ya tell people to drop the anti-feral tank bias. It is lame.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
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