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The New Gargoyle Runeforing thing...Follow

#1 Dec 29 2008 at 12:50 PM Rating: Excellent
Is it actually worth it if you have decent gear? I mean it's clear that it's going to be invaluable for new tanks to reach 540... but after that point...

You can see my Tank set in my signature below.

As you can see, I'm at 540 defense, but in order to do so, I pretty much have to put +Def gem everwyhere.

So to me, getting the new Gargoyle Rune that gives +25 DEF rating and 3% more Sta, means that I can socket gems with more Stamina, Hit, Expertise, Parry, etc... maybe go for socket bonus? I'll actually be able to socket a meta gem since I'll meet the requirements. I could even get rid of my seal of the pantheon and use that 111STA trinket instead. The 3% more Sta compounded with all those news gems mean I'll be looking at a lot more hp overall.

The problem is, that I lose 4% parry by dropping swordshattering - that's a lot of mitigation (And you need a **** load of +parry to amount to 4%!). Not only that, but ultimately as my gear get better... my Defense will keep rising anyway. I'm only a few emblem short of buying a ring with 54 Defense (which is a +29 def over my blue ring) and as I replace my Heroes T7 with Valorous T7, my defense will also only keep going up. Add in the new Sigil which is supposed to give 50 something defense rating from what I understand, is meant to 'be up' all the time. All this means I'll be able to resockets those yellow gems anyway.

In short, I kinda feel like I'm only a handful of drop away from not even needing it. Once you're Defense 'capped', the +25 Defense Rating isn't that hot (Since +25 DEF isn't that much mitigation anyway)... and while the hp is nice, it seems to me mitigation is better.

#2 Dec 29 2008 at 1:26 PM Rating: Default
i think ur missing the point lol :P

The whole point being that as DK its hard to get Def cap to START raiding..
they solved that (or atleast trying) with Defense weapons and the runeforgign thingy...
It was never meant to be used in full epix if u ask me :P
#3 Dec 29 2008 at 2:28 PM Rating: Excellent
I got to Defense cap without ever getting any raid gear >_>

It's quite possible. :P

I'm still trying to figure out which point the Gargoyle runes isn't worth it when compared to the Swordhattering Rune.

#4 Dec 29 2008 at 2:35 PM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
You kinda said yourself. The only way to hit 540 Def pre-raid is to sacrifice every other stat in favour of getting that Def up. Gargoyle IMO is just there to give you breathing room. I agree 4% parry is awesome so the SSG won't make Swordshattering obsolete, it will merely make it not the sole choice of tanks.

Are you Def capped and happy that you couldn't make your stats better by re-gemming-enchanting for something else? Take Swordshattering.

Otherwise, SSG is your boy. He's there to give you a hypothetical 'free' 25 Def when you're planning your gear set.
#5 Dec 29 2008 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
947 posts
I agree that the enchant is meant to be a 'leg-up' onto the raiding and Heroics ladder. Going anywhere without the def cap is a huge mistake, and the new tanking Sigils and the Gargoyle Rune are meant to overcome that temporarily. Once you have some solid tanking epics you can switch back to avoidance hunting, and for avoidance Swordshattering is still the king.

Bear in mind the Blacksmithing weapons coming next patch with their additional Parry rating too; with a total of 6% pure avoidance (4% Rune + 90pry on weapon) a DK will get as much avoidance from weapons as any tanking class, but that defense problem remains for starting tanks and the Rune fixes that more or less.
#6 Dec 30 2008 at 9:21 PM Rating: Good
1,039 posts
using the def runeforge enchant

25 defense skill...

1 def skill = .04% dodge, .04% parry, and .04% miss
25 def skill = 1% dodge, 1% parry, and 1% miss. = 3% avoidance.... lose 1% avoidance compared to sword shattering....before diminishing returns.
really you'll probably end up losing 1.5ish % avoidance for most avoidance rates, you'd need to use an avoidance calculator to see exactly how much, but either way you only lose about 1-1.5% PLUS you can now ungem and un-enchant def and take stam and avoidance on other pieces, more than making up for it

Edited, Dec 30th 2008 11:22pm by EnthalpyTheBurninator
#7 Dec 31 2008 at 12:50 AM Rating: Excellent
So 25 DEF is a lot better then I thought it was.

Never really realised that Defense also lower your chance to be Hit... /noob >_>
#8 Dec 31 2008 at 2:22 AM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts

well, i suppose i can speak for all of us when i say that we keep you around for your looks more than anything else.

#9 Jan 04 2009 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent
Use gargoyle until your gear has so much defense on it you don't need it anymore. Then switch back to parry. You could also be perfectly fine sticking to gargoyle. You have options, enjoy them.
#10 Jan 04 2009 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
Use gargoyle until your gear has so much defense on it you don't need it anymore. Then switch back to parry. You could also be perfectly fine sticking to gargoyle. You have options, enjoy them.

I agree, however at the same time you get a fair amount of avoidance + stam from the enchant, plus most of the epic tanking gear doesn't have enough def on it, so you lose your epics sometimes to maintain 540 def. (I had to make that decision last night, i picked up 2 epic pieces and i could only use 1 and stay above 540). Waiting for the patch to come out...
#11 Jan 05 2009 at 2:57 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
it also seems like gargoyle is a way of "forcing" a weapon to be a tank weapon. by being able to add 25 defense to any 2h out there you can essentially turn a dps-focused 2h into a passable tank weapon. sure, it may not be an ideal weapon by any means but its still better than nothing.
#12 Jan 06 2009 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
I think what its working out right now it's worth it due to considerations to the diminishing returns on other mitigation stats AND that IBF will scale with defense. Also you mentioned the gemming which I bet alot of DKs will be doing.
#13 Jan 06 2009 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
947 posts
it also seems like gargoyle is a way of "forcing" a weapon to be a tank weapon. by being able to add 25 defense to any 2h out there you can essentially turn a dps-focused 2h into a passable tank weapon. sure, it may not be an ideal weapon by any means but its still better than nothing.

Quor that is what the existing Rune of Swordshattering and Rune of Spellbreaking already do; they 'force' (I prefer the word 'convert' since its not exactly permanent) a DPS-oriented 2H weapon, which describes 99.8% of 2Hers in the game, to be a tank-worthy weapon. 4% Parry / 4% Spell mitigation are the best tanking enchants in the game, bar none. The Gargoyle rune is actually inferior to these as has been discussed, it is useful for one reason alone which is to get DKs a leg-up on the tanking ladder.

At the moment HC tanking is utterly dominated by Warriors and Paladins simply because DKs have no real opportunity to stack Defense; they have no Defense from talents (that needs to be fixed, to be honest) and the lack of a Shield hurts. Hell, Blizzard only need to fix Frost Presence to increase Defense Skill by 20 and DK tanks would rock. There is I think one green 2H Axe from quest rewards that has 53def on it, and I use that when I go tanking even though it hurts my DPS. If they can figure out a way to solve that stupid problem I'll be a happy tank.

EDIT: The Gargoyle rune has been buffed to also increase Stamina by 2%. That makes it the best tanking enchant in the game. Yay DKs.

Edited, Jan 7th 2009 1:12am by Sinstralis
#14 Jan 06 2009 at 11:25 PM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
Considering what GC said about us being only in T7 and the itemization isnt 'optimal' i have a feeling that the gargoyle enchant will be the main enchant through t7, as much of our tier gear doesn't supply enough defense as it is.
In T8+ i'm willing to bet that we wont need it as much anymore, and will be able to switch over to, what will be, the superior enchant in swordshattering
#15 Jan 07 2009 at 9:03 AM Rating: Decent
947 posts
2% Stamina though? That's a pretty large buff and at T8 content HP is going to be a big deal. Defense is always useful, there's no such thing as a Defense 'cap'; I'd happily sacrifice a tiny bit of avoidance for the 2% overall stamina.
#16 Jan 12 2009 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
Sinstralis wrote:
At the moment HC tanking is utterly dominated by Warriors and Paladins simply because DKs have no real opportunity to stack Defense; they have no Defense from talents (that needs to be fixed, to be honest) and the lack of a Shield hurts.

The only class that gets "defense" from talents at the moment is feral druids, and even then it's just a reduction in their chance to be critically hit, so they're not getting the reduction in chance to be hit overall, nor are they getting the +dodge that would come from an equivalent amount of defense.

Think of gearing to tank starter 80 heroics/raids as like getting ready for that "first date". You put on the clean clothes, the expensive cologne, get the hair behaving properly, etc. because you want to make a good first impression. By the time the 50th date rolls around, she's having to tell you to go shower, do something with your hair, and why, oh why must you always wait until you're standing right next to her to fart?

Tanks that need defense (aka all but druids) stack defense because that's the priority. Eventually, every tank reaches a point where they can safely start swapping out defense for other options (ie. stam, dodge rating, etc.)

A thought just occurred to me...when we're talking about class representation in PvE, if gearing a new level 80 DK to tank was as easy as gearing a warrior or a paladin, not only would you have an enormous number of well geared but fully incompetent tanks running around, you'd have way more tanks than any realm could possibly need. Making it easy to gear DK tanks would have killed warrior and paladin tanks. Think about it...despite class buffs that made prot warriors and paladins less of a chore to solo with, speccing protection still comes with a big tradeoff in terms of solo performance. Not only are DK the flavor of the month class, they're also very much like druids in that they can tank or dps (ie. solo well) with a simple gear swap and presence change if they invested points into the 3 "must have" tanking talents. So if you're a warrior or a paladin thinking about donning the mantle of a tank and within a week or so you realize that nobody is looking for tanks on account of all the DK running around in heroic-ready crafted sets with nicely balanced stats, what would be the incentive to become/remain protection specced?

A first glance at starter options for DK tanks might seem like Blizzard totally botched it, but I'm starting to think that maybe they delayed the viability of DK tanks until pallies and warriors could get a foothold in the heroic/raiding scene. Not so that warriors and pallies could dominate, but so that Blizzard wasn't scrambling to make warriors and pallies more viable 6 months from now because everyone was so used to picking up 1 out of the 20 DK tanks available for their PUGs.

A flat 25 defense on a weapon is enormous all by itself. That's ~120 defense rating that frees up gems/enchants for other things like stamina (survivability) and strength (bit of parry and threat). Throw in the stamina with the enchant and any DK who complains about the difficulty in getting geared to tank might as well reroll a pet class....
#17 Jan 13 2009 at 2:48 AM Rating: Decent
Hi, y'all. I've been lurking for a long time now. Just wanted to say generally you will get more from the gargoyle rune then you will get from the straight parry. The avoidance that comes from the gargoyle, just like the parry rune, is unaffected by diminishing returns. This was proven by a member of is the thread where he talks about it. Hope this helps y'all out.
#18 Jan 13 2009 at 8:01 AM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
finally, i've been trying to find answers about what gets effected by DR, now that we know def. isnt this is so much easier to model.

time to fix my spreadsheet
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