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Arrrgh. AH Rant.Follow

#1 Dec 25 2008 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
/rant on

Why is it every time I check the AH (Moon Guard) for Daunting or Tempered Saronite, the only freaking things I can find are PvP Saronite and sometimes Healer Saronite equipment?


I swear Blacksmiths nowadays.... *grumblemutter*

I don't like the idea of using the Trade channel to commission some equipment... so I end up buying a bunch of mats, and then the Blacksmith is probably going to charge me a big fee for doing it, that's IF he doesn't take my mats and run, I just... don't know about doing something like that.

So I really wish Blacksmiths would keep an eye on the AH and instead of putting up a bunch of PvP Saronite when there's already 5-6 of them, I wish they'd put up some Tempered Saronite especially when there's none currently on the AH.

Yes, I am STILL using a Cobalt Belt and Cobalt Boots because their Tempered Saronite brothers are NEVER on the AH. This is like my 6th day in a row that I've checked, and I check 3 times a day.

I even have a belt buckle waiting in my bank, and a gem to go in it... but I am NOT wasting THAT on a Cobalt Belt... grrr.

Anyone else have this problem?
#2 Dec 25 2008 at 9:42 PM Rating: Excellent
1,004 posts
Have you had problems with commissioned pieces in the past? It may take a little time to find someone (though for Saronite it should be easy) but there shouldn't be an issue with theft. A Blacksmith who charges fees for skill-up equipment is kind of sad, but you can clarify that situation before agreeing into any deal.. arrange to tip. Theft is actually Blizzard enforced, meaning you can ticket them if there's a problem. I've never had an issue with any crafter stealing from me.

So no, I can't say I've had the same problem.

Edited, Dec 26th 2008 1:20am by Losie
#3 Dec 25 2008 at 10:27 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
You're problem is you're on the wrong realm! If you were on Bloodhoof I'd make you whatever you wanted free of charge (providing mats of course, or I'd provide mats for a fare cost) ;)

Seriously though, I've not had this problem. Of course I am a blacksmith so I'm not looking for these pieces, but regarding other professions I'm not having this issue either. Couple things I thought of: 1) there seems to be a huge surge in the number of tanks from TBC so maybe there are tanking pieces on the AH at times, and they just get gobbled up really fast 2) Those people skilling up professions tend to (if they're smart at least) make the items that take the fewest/cheapest mats and/or sell the highest. I'd have to check the mats again for these items, but it's possible that a lot of people have been skilling on these items recently? That and since PvP gear has been scarce for a while maybe those were the items selling the best.

Just some things to consider before you pull the rest of your hair out ^^
#4 Dec 25 2008 at 11:47 PM Rating: Decent
I had the same problem with the major glyph for Seal of Vengeance. Finally found one on auction...for 3g no less...and the next day I found out a guildie could have made me one. What I've noticed is that the AH is becoming less and less a part of my game. I nab a flask or two here and there from time to time, but right now most things on auction are priced beyond what I'm willing to pay.

Easiest way to prevent long-term loss from a scammer on commissioned gear is to send them a /w before you trade the items clarifying the nature of the deal. Something like, "I'm giving you <x> mats to make <a, b, c> gear in exchange for <z> tip/fee, ok?" Don't trade the mats unless they confirm in /w. That way, if they run off/log out/whatever, it's easier for the GM to track down the specifics of the arrangement and get your mats returned to you. It's also an instant perma-ban to the offending doorknob if he tries to run off with your stuff...most players are aware of this by now which is why real theft is rare. Generally speaking, the drama you see around people who are "known thieves" is an exaggeration, because you just can't get away with it unless the victims do nothing about it.
#5 Dec 26 2008 at 5:53 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
/rant on

the AH is not YOUR bank. no one owes you any pieces. i'm not gonna list a piece of mediocre tank armor, risk ~10g listing fee + AH cut, and hope a someone buys it before i lose my money.

tempered gear is an expensive leveling piece to make. in the BS 400s we're still using lots of Cobalt. i personally DE'd most of my leveling items and currently greens are more valuable DE's than blues are.

your choice to not seek out a crafter is your own problem. your choice to not level BSing is your own problem. your choice to not have friends/guildies is your own problem.

if you turn trade chat back on you see many respectable players spamming the channel LFW and often times offering to pay YOU for the skill up. utilize the community and its services.

what do you do for enchants? wait for some to make a vellum for it? cuz i get a nice mark up on those :D
#6 Dec 26 2008 at 7:04 AM Rating: Decent
Thats funny cause on Malygos everyone and their brother is a BS now and there is always multiple pieces on the AH for sale and there are also plenty of BS's LFW every day. The issue Im running in to is that all the gear is having to be terribly underpriced in order to sell it. Being the case I am no longer crafting aany armor to place on the AH. Instead I am putting the saronite bars on the AH to sell and only crafting armor on request. Has anyone else seen this same issue as myself?
#7 Dec 26 2008 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
A lot of the gear people use to skill up on is that PVP or Spell + gear. Thus - a lot of the junk on the AH is that type...

Go to any major town and re-org your bank, bank alts, whatever - Write a macro with what you are looking for and spam it about 1x per minute in /2.

I usually see someone LF-BS while I'm doing other things in town... I usually /w them with a question about what they need and my BS link. Very easy and effective.

If people take your mats - call a GM.
#8 Dec 26 2008 at 4:02 PM Rating: Default
4,993 posts
tommyguns wrote:
/rant on

the AH is not YOUR bank. no one owes you any pieces. i'm not gonna list a piece of mediocre tank armor, risk ~10g listing fee + AH cut, and hope a someone buys it before i lose my money.

Mediocre Tank Armor?

You do realize that Tempered Saronite and/or the Daunting Legs/Gloves are some of the _best_ (and recommended!) a tank can wear Pre-Heroic, right?

tempered gear is an expensive leveling piece to make. in the BS 400s we're still using lots of Cobalt. i personally DE'd most of my leveling items and currently greens are more valuable DE's than blues are.

Eh, last I heard, Saronite is like 20g per stack on some servers. You call that expensive? I see Saronite Nodes every day I level, and several of them! It takes what, 8 or so Saronite and 2-3 Cobalt per piece? Wow, that is SO expensive....

But yet you can somehow make Bright Saronite, or that PvP Saronite (which name escapes me) even though that is probably worse for PvP than Tempered Saronite is for tanking? LOL. Why make a PvP Saronite Belt or Legs when there are already 5-6 of them on the AH and Zero Tempered Saronite Belts/Legs? *Especially* on a PvE server.....

your choice to not seek out a crafter is your own problem. your choice to not level BSing is your own problem. your choice to not have friends/guildies is your own problem.

I have friends and guildies, none of which are a high-level Blacksmith.

if you turn trade chat back on you see many respectable players spamming the channel LFW and often times offering to pay YOU for the skill up. utilize the community and its services.

You're either smoking some really strong crack, or you're on a very damn good server. When _I_ turn on Trade I see a bunch of whiny 13 year olds trying to talk about politics, my mother, Mankrik's Wife, C.Norri$, and what-the-hell-ever is the current topic. And/or people spamming crap that is written in AIM-speak.

what do you do for enchants? wait for some to make a vellum for it? cuz i get a nice mark up on those :D

I am an enchanter. *shrug* I haven't gotten high enough to sell enchants yet, and I probably won't; I will probably be busy enchanting my own gear, and/or my guildies' gear.

Edited, Dec 26th 2008 7:05pm by Zariamnk
#9 Dec 26 2008 at 7:43 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
how are you arguing with me? im telling you how it is, not giving you my opinion.

crafting Savage gear is orange at the same time that Tempered gear is yellow. since they cost nearly the same mats, the BS will make the orange(guaranteed skill pt) gear over the yellow(maybe skill pt) gear.

this IS why you see many pieces of Savage gear in the AH. its not there for a BS to make a profit. its there for a BS to unload his bags.

i repeat. i wouldn't craft a Tempered piece in the hopes that someone will buy it. AH fee are too costly for the risk and spamming trade sucks.

the price of Saronite Bars is also irrelevant. when a BS is at 400-420 he is still using the loads of Cobalt he picked up from the first 4 zones he quested. Saronite doesn't show up until ~lvl 75 questing areas. i personally send my Saronite to my JC toon, where a stack will get me 50-200g. much better than trying to sell tanking bracers for 50g max.

You do realize that Tempered Saronite and/or the Daunting Legs/Gloves are some of the _best_ (and recommended!) a tank can wear Pre-Heroic, right?

incorrect. Daunting gear is nice, i agree. Tempered Saronite has many better alternatives. the Tempered Titansteel has 2 pieces. misc quested pieces are at least on par(i have 2 better atm). rep pieces are a given. but this is a different thread altogether.
#10 Dec 27 2008 at 8:29 AM Rating: Decent
1,594 posts
Eh, last I heard, Saronite is like 20g per stack on some servers.

WHAT?! What server are you on? It's over 70G a stack on mine. I can't justify spending 175G for 50 bars and a chance for 5 engineering levels..
#11 Dec 28 2008 at 1:29 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Ehcks wrote:
Eh, last I heard, Saronite is like 20g per stack on some servers.

WHAT?! What server are you on? It's over 70G a stack on mine. I can't justify spending 175G for 50 bars and a chance for 5 engineering levels..

It's down around 20-30g a stack on my server too -.- Used to be way spendy, but it's taken a huge dip the last week and a half. My belt buckles too :( I was selling them for 100g+ easy, now I'm lucky if I can sell them for 65g.
#12 Dec 28 2008 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
Cobalt sells for double the price of Saronite easily on my server as well. It doesn't change the fact that a miner that levelled through Zul'drak will have around 15 stacks of Cobalt from the levelling process though.

I foresee the Saronite market totally crashing in the next patch when gems are buyable with badges. It's going to crash the gem market to the dirt and that's the main thing that the Saronite market is there to fuel at the moment (with the popularity of cobalt for levelling blacksmiths).
#13 Dec 28 2008 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
Losie wrote:
Cobalt sells for double the price of Saronite easily on my server as well. It doesn't change the fact that a miner that levelled through Zul'drak will have around 15 stacks of Cobalt from the levelling process though.

I foresee the Saronite market totally crashing in the next patch when gems are buyable with badges. It's going to crash the gem market to the dirt and that's the main thing that the Saronite market is there to fuel at the moment (with the popularity of cobalt for levelling blacksmiths).

I'm not one to gleefully watch as someone else's livelihood gets trounced into the dirt, but far and away the wealthiest players in WoW are the ones with high level jewelcrafting. When you can pick up a stack of Saronite from auction for 20-30g, get four prospects out of it (fairly safe bet at least one of them is going to yield a rare gem) and then cut the gem and flog it on auction for sometimes as much as 120g on my realm, there's a gross imbalance.

And I don't buy into the "jewelcrafting is expensive to level so we should be able to make a lot of gold as a reward for doing it" bit...I've got a now-57 warrior with 354 JC heading to level 60 so I can prospect my own Saronite and bypass the auction house moguls. +16 defense gems sell on auction for a consistent 70-90g on my realm right now. +16 Strength gems sell for upwards of 110g. I've learned that if I go for the mixed color cuts, I can save a fortune.

It will be even better when I can go mine a bunch of Saronite, prospect it, bank the rares, and then track down one of my guild's 3 prolific jewelcrafters and get them cut for free as I need them. It seems every JC I knew who was at 375 jewelcrafting for any length of time pre-expansion is riding around on one of the 20k mammoths with vendors. Good for them, and I mean that, but I think they can afford to take a hit in their income.
#14 Dec 28 2008 at 5:27 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
The JC income hit came when epic Tier III gems became available for TBC badges.. from 800g for a Sapphire to less than 50g. And rightly so, it was ridiculous.

As far as the raw gem market, you make about 10% off it. Meaning if you invest 1000g you turn a profit of around 100g. If you have a large money-pool built up you can turn that into constant profit for virtually any amount you want, but the fact remains that all of your (virtual)worldly assets are tied up on the AH at any given time.

There's a reason that cut gems don't sell on the AH. If people DID buy cut gems (who knows, maybe on your market they do) then I could understand the point. That would increase the market size quite a bit and give people specialized niches depending on which cuts they've bought. As it is, if you want to make money with JCing, selling raw gems and Dragon's Eyes is the way to go. Buying gem cuts is for being useful to your guild.

But I do understand your point. It is important to keep professions in check. Nerfing the raw gem market to the point that a Tier V raw gem sells for less than 5g (making Tier IV raws virtually worthless except as vendor trash or for the daily token quests) just doesn't seem the way to do it.

And as for the actual topic of the thread :D -- Yea, the Tempered Saronite and Daunting gear are nice entry pieces. They are mostly the recommended pieces because they are (should be) incredibly easy to obtain pretty much the minute you are of level to wear them. Though you may not choose to take the commissioned gear avenue, it is available and it means that those pieces are available any time you want. It's also a blessing that those sets are in the levelling range for Blacksmiths and that they DO get made without order. Don't expect any higher quality craftables to show up on the AH -- if they do you'd be forced to pay a VERY large premium to use the AH, so much so that rationality suggests to get the gear through some other approach.
#15 Dec 29 2008 at 1:10 AM Rating: Decent
Losie wrote:
There's a reason that cut gems don't sell on the AH. If people DID buy cut gems (who knows, maybe on your market they do) then I could understand the point. That would increase the market size quite a bit and give people specialized niches depending on which cuts they've bought. As it is, if you want to make money with JCing, selling raw gems and Dragon's Eyes is the way to go. Buying gem cuts is for being useful to your guild.

For the time being, there are certain cuts (typically heroic drops or exalted rep purchases) that are tough to find. The JCs who do have them are frequently reluctant to speak up when you inquire about it in /2. I've got a couple of gems in my gear now that are less than ideal (+parry/+stam instead of +dodge/+stam) because the gems I want sell for 120g, the JCs who cut them list them on auction from alts, and I can never track down a JC who will cut it for me. Gemming my gear to get the stats I want and still keep my meta active is almost turning into a mini-game, further complicated by finding viable cuts at reasonable prices until some of our guild JCs have had a chance to build their rep and get some drops.

I keep in mind at all times that Naxx is the Kara of WotLK. I'm not about to dump hundreds of gold into augmenting a single piece of gear that will be upgraded shortly after the next major content patch. Gold is easy to make...I'm having no difficulty staying on top of my raiding costs, and all I do for dailies are Sons of Hodir quests. That doesn't mean, however, that I'm inclined to spend it as fast as I make it just because I can. I'm poor by a lot of player's standards at 80. I keep a reserve of 5k gold on my paladin and try not to dip into it for anything. I do, however, have a 440+ leatherworker/skinner alt that can make me epic leg kits quite readily. I've got an enchanter alt that can provide me with some of my enchants via vellum (and also can D/E all the BoE junk for a ready supply of materials even if I can't do the enchant myself). And now my warrior is level 60 with 410 Jewelcrafting...26 stacks of Saronite yielded 19 rare WotLK gems that are in the bank waiting for my next upgrade with sockets.

But I do understand your point. It is important to keep professions in check. Nerfing the raw gem market to the point that a Tier V raw gem sells for less than 5g (making Tier IV raws virtually worthless except as vendor trash or for the daily token quests) just doesn't seem the way to do it.

Most professions (to include and/or especially gathering professions) have made an absolute killing since the expansion release. I don't recall the last time I sold anything on auction...the leather, the herbs, and the ore have all been used. With such an incredible abundance of dailies throughout Northrend, not to mention the fact that a frugal player will pull in 5-6k gold from quest rewards and vendor trash in the process of doing the Loremaster of Northrend achievement, it's no longer really necessary for any one profession to be able to haul in tens of thousands of gold over the course of a few months. If they can, great. It won't detract from their ability to keep their gear in top form if they can't, however.

With my first WoW toon, I leveled enchanting because I did a bit of research beforehand and learned about the buy/disenchant/sell method of earning an income. The realm I rolled on was barely a month old at the time, and I made a relative fortune. As the market filled out and more people were around to compete, it slowly became pointless to invest the same amount of time for a trivial gain. When you're used to checking your mailbox on your level 30-40 main and pulling out 100-200g/day on 45 mins worth of effort, doing the same thing for 10g and a mailbox full of returned items is almost like a slap in the face. That's why I try to be careful to not let my opinion degrade into gleeful hopping up and down that another profession is getting "nerfed" to bits.

Ironically, savvy auction house speculation is still where most of the vast fortunes are coming from these days...but behind most successful day traders is usually a well filled out JC book ;D
#16 Dec 29 2008 at 1:07 PM Rating: Good
Losie wrote:
The JC income hit came when epic Tier III gems became available for TBC badges.. from 800g for a Sapphire to less than 50g. And rightly so, it was ridiculous.

As far as the raw gem market, you make about 10% off it. Meaning if you invest 1000g you turn a profit of around 100g. If you have a large money-pool built up you can turn that into constant profit for virtually any amount you want, but the fact remains that all of your (virtual)worldly assets are tied up on the AH at any given time.

There's a reason that cut gems don't sell on the AH. If people DID buy cut gems (who knows, maybe on your market they do) then I could understand the point. That would increase the market size quite a bit and give people specialized niches depending on which cuts they've bought. As it is, if you want to make money with JCing, selling raw gems and Dragon's Eyes is the way to go. Buying gem cuts is for being useful to your guild.

Rigids actually sold for a bit of profit for a while there, I probably made 300g or so (less than I'd make constantly doing dailies, but its a nice supplement) but now they've dropped to like 40g per since everyone saw they could make something for profit and made eleventybillion of them and decided to dump them for loss as soon as the price started coming down. Sometimes I think people don't want to make money.
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