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GC answers some warrior questionsFollow

#1 Dec 25 2008 at 12:13 AM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts

pretty nice list of stuff. the long and the short of it is:

no, we're not supposed to gain rage by hitting shields (PWS, ice barrier, warlock sacrifice etc.).
arms is ok in its current RNG-focused state (specifically referring to TfB and SD builds).
stance restrictions on moves are here to stay (no duh the class some depth, keeps it out of the hands of mouthbreathers...usually).

ok, thats just the short of it. you really should read it for the rest tho. good read, lots of neat info.

what disturbs me the most however, is GC then goes on to make a comment regarding stances and how they compare to DK presences:

Yeah, it is. I'll try to explain.

I think in the minds of most warriors they say "Would I like to have a 10% percent damage penalty or not? I think not."

But of course that's not the way it would work. If we redesigned the stances it wouldn't be in order to give warriors 3% more crit and 10% more health. That's just a straight buff. What we would likely do is something similar to the death knight presences -- lower your health by 10% and then increase the damage reduction of Defensive Stance and give Battle Stance a tiny bit of damage reduction. (Or maybe Battle Stance would take the same damage as Berserk, but have a more meaningful bonus like movement speed or attack speed). Now your tooltips don't use the word "penalty" so you maybe feel better about them, but the balance hasn't really changed much -- Berserk would be an offensive stance and Defensive would be a defensive stance. Being in Berserk would still be risky.

If instead you're just arguing that warriors are weak and need to be buffed, that's a different issue. But there is no reason we would have to solve that by removing stance penalties.

i responded to part of this, specifically the big paragraph in the middle, as its something i feel rather passionate about. ever since it was released the DK presences have nothing but bonuses to them, ive felt its time that warrior stances receive the same treatment. im fine with a limiter on our skillset as a result of stance mechanics, and even of paying a sometimes hefty cost in rage to stance dance, but now with the advent of dks and their presences, its obvious that you can have a "stance" system in place with a cost to it (runes or rage) that doesnt actively detract from the power of a class. warrior stances actively confer a detriment to the warrior. this detriment is in addition to the detriments that both dks and wars share (cost, and the fact that being in one stance means youre not getting the benefit from the other stances).

my response is on the 14th page, second post, and it basically goes like this:

I can't speak for all warriors, but I know for myself it's a personal issue, and it has to do with DK presences. Specifically, I play my DK and no matter what presence I am in I am stronger for it in some way, whether thats damage, tanking ability, or "speed" in every sense of the word. None of them have direct drawbacks; they are only boosts to my "base" character.

Warrior stances all carry drawbacks (even battle stance). Defensive stance reduces damage we deal. Battle stance has no benefit at all (it's just our base character with nothing else attached). Zerker stance causes us to take more damage. Each of these stances has a benefit as well. Where the confusion lies (and I'll admit, some chagrin) is in the fact that presences have no active drawbacks, while stances do.

Personally, I don't feel that not having a boost of some kind is an active drawback. I see a boost as something above what the normal character can do. DK presences improve on the DK in tangible ways without detracting from anything. War stances are the opposite. I, and I'm pretty sure many other warriors, are curious as to why that is, and to be honest we'd like it to be changed. I'm personally fine with stance-limited abilities, but what irks me most in pvp is knowing that to be at my most effective I generally need to also be the most vulnerable.

In short, I don't like the current mechanic of "tradeoff" that exists with warrior stances. We, like DK's, pay a cost to change our stance. However, the DK's suffer no drawback from being in a presence (when I say drawback I speak of a specifically detrimental thing...i.e., being in frost presence doesn't cause the DK to deal 10% less damage). The only drawback DK's suffer from being in one presence is that they are not gaining the benefits from the other two. However, warriors share that same drawback as well as the limitations on our potential skillset and a tangible loss of some power by being in a stance (or in the case of battle stance, no loss or gain of power at all).

I guess what I'm asking for is a dismissal of the zero-sum idea behind stances, that being in one stance should confer both a bonus and a drawback. I'd like the only drawback to a stance being that I'm not gaining the bonus of one of my other stances, like DK's currently are.

it's a long shot, but here's hoping he understands what im trying to say.

Edited, Dec 25th 2008 12:14am by Quor
#2 Dec 25 2008 at 2:30 AM Rating: Default
I like the arguement a lot and never realy looked at it like this.

Specially the bit about being vunerable in PVP to use some of our best moves.

The bit on that O-boards thread that GC responded to about the shielded targets;
Surely hitting a shielded target and it not taking damage is gonna get you more pissed off, ergo more rage =P. Plus hitting a shieled target does break levitate and WW.
#3 Dec 25 2008 at 6:30 AM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts

It's not something we think is broken. Rage is not an unalienable right. You get it when you hit things. When you hit a shielded target, you aren't hitting them.

I did hit a SHIELD WITH MY GIANT 2H!!! That's hitting something right? A shield is a THING!
#4 Dec 25 2008 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
devioususer wrote:
I did hit a SHIELD WITH MY GIANT 2H!!! That's hitting something right? A shield is a THING!

You know, if I was swinging a big 2H around and some yahoo blocked it with his shield, I would actually be more pissed off. Hitting my intended target would just make me satisfied. How's that for logic, devs? =P

In any case, that was a very clear, concise, and well-written argument, Quor, and I agree completely. My hetero life partner in the game plays a Warrior, so even though I don't actually play one myself, this is an issue I've been very keen on for a while. We had this discussion a while ago when the Death Knight presences were introduced and explained and came to pretty much the same conclusion you layed out on your response.
#5 Dec 25 2008 at 4:50 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
In any case, that was a very clear, concise, and well-written argument, Quor, and I agree completely. My hetero life partner in the game plays a Warrior, so even though I don't actually play one myself, this is an issue I've been very keen on for a while. We had this discussion a while ago when the Death Knight presences were introduced and explained and came to pretty much the same conclusion you layed out on your response.

it's a christmas miracle! i manage to put out a good one every now and then.

thanks for the support tho. ive had a similar discussion with a lot of people; once they see dk presences and how they confer nothing but benefits, they often ask me something ranging from "why do stances still have penalties?" to "do you think theyll add penalties to dk presences?" and all manner of questions in between. im hoping more people see the discrepancy and add their own (hopefully coherent and polite) voice to things. im more or less fine with how the rest of the class works, but the stances and their penalties are a sore point for me. the only penalty i think should be leveled upon something like that is a limitation of available skills.
#6 Dec 27 2008 at 3:15 AM Rating: Default
If they do decide to remove the penalties from stances, the dmagae from prot will be even more insane, ans coupled with the 2 set bonues from T7.....6-7k shield slams A-hoy.

They will find some other way to ***** us Warriors over if they do though, they can have us being better than their new love child.....although i believe we are in terms of damage and tanking ability.
#7 Dec 29 2008 at 8:50 AM Rating: Good
I agree with your argument... but maybe I play my warrior like a noob... I don't do a stance-dance. When I DPS, I go for Zerker stance... when I tank (rarely), I use Defensive Stance. I can't really remember the last time I switched into Battle Stance for anything. So while I agree with your argument, I can honestly say the penalties of stances don't affect me too much. What I think Warrior's need is a long hard look at how they were designed to tank. We have Thunder Clap and Intimidating Shout as our AoE threat generation tools. And of those, we can only spam Thunder Clap. Both Paladins and Death Knights get a more varied AoE threat generation toolset than we do, which, imo, makes them more capable tanks for multi-target situations. Now for single-target situations, nothing beats a warrior... hands down. I wish Blizzard would take a stab at giving us more AoE threat tools rather than the TAB fest that we currently have to deal with (TAB to a target, taunt, stack sunder armor, thunder clap, rinse and repeat for each additional target).

Edited, Dec 29th 2008 9:00am by neocronNV
#8 Dec 29 2008 at 8:57 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
We have Thunder Clap and Intimidating Shout as our AoE threat generation tools.

Don't forget Damage Shield and Shockwave.
#9 Dec 29 2008 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
neocronNV, Guardian of the Glade wrote:
when I tank (rarely), I use Defensive Stance. What I think Warrior's need is a long hard look at how they were designed to tank. We have Thunder Clap and Intimidating Shout as our AoE threat generation tools. And of those, we can only spam Thunder Clap. Both Paladins and Death Knights get a more varied AoE threat generation toolset than we do, which, imo, makes them more capable tanks for multi-target situations. Now for single-target situations, nothing beats a warrior... hands down. I wish Blizzard would take a stab at giving us more AoE threat tools rather than the TAB fest that we currently have to deal with (TAB to a target, taunt, stack sunder armor, thunder clap, rinse and repeat for each additional target).


You're tanking in the past.
#10 Dec 29 2008 at 12:24 PM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
The issue here isn't really what Warriors can or can not do. It's the fact that Warriors must incur penalties to make full use of their class, something that no other class in the game is forced to do. The most any other class has to do is make a trade-off, which basically just means giving up one bonus for another. Generally you see this in turnover from PvE to PvP where people frequently give up raw, sustainable DPS for utility, control, and defensive countermeasures.

The example is most poignant when you compare DK's and Warriors, who operate on a very similiar system at a very fundamental level. Warriors have three stances that (until 3.0.2) were designed to serve three different purposes: PvP DPS, PvE DPS, and PvE tanking. DK's have a similiar set-up with three presences: Blood for PvE DPS, Frost for PvE tanking, and Unholy for PvP DPS. Imagine if Blood, in addition to the 15% damage and self-healing it granted, required you to take 10% additional damage in order to "balance out" the bonuses. Frost would have to deal 10% less damage. And Unholy would need, I don't know, 5% less health to make up for its bonuses?

If you give up a +1 damage for +1 utility, you're still at +1. You just have a different "1". With Warriors, however, Blizzard has required them to take a -1 anytime they take a +1 in order to arrive at 0 at all times. This is the flawed zero-sum idea that Quor has a problem with, that I have a problem with, and that a lot of other Warriors have a problem with because it's applied to the Warrior class exclusively. It's not fair, and at this point in the game it's completely unnecessary.

WoW is all about evolution, and it's just about time Blizzard allowed the Warrior class to evolve a little. It might require a small overhaul to the mechanic system--or more specifically, to their system of checks and balances--but I think it's something that should be done sooner or later.
#11 Dec 29 2008 at 12:31 PM Rating: Good
Your probably right mental... as I said I rarely ever tank so your rather coy attempt at being sarcastic is valid. Then again, I also said I don't stance-dance, so I'm sure you'll have an equally sarcastic comment about that as well... :)
#12 Dec 29 2008 at 2:51 PM Rating: Good
19,369 posts
neocronNV, Guardian of the Glade wrote:
Your probably right mental... as I said I rarely ever tank so your rather coy attempt at being sarcastic is valid. Then again, I also said I don't stance-dance, so I'm sure you'll have an equally sarcastic comment about that as well... :)

Nah. I don't stance dance either. Don't really like doing it. It's just that WOTLK has given prot warriors a very nice boost in the aoe department. It's a lot nicer tanking multiple mobs now.
#13 Dec 31 2008 at 8:48 AM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
while I can understand your point, if you assume one of the presences as baseline then it's the same situation. I mean, they could implement the same situation by making the damage from unholy baseline and then adding a detriment to the other presences. From what I can see it's mostly a "how it looks" issue.

Give arms a dps boost, and a slight defense boost and then take away the detriments to defense stance and zerker and you are still in the exact same situation.

Edited, Dec 31st 2008 11:19am by Xsarus
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#14 Dec 31 2008 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
They would have to rework threat for warriors if they changed stances. That 10% less dps we deal in def stance was in mind when they wrote the code for threat values from skills. Now; we are rather OP with threat now, it isn't an issue like it used to be (and honestly threat never should be an issue), so that's a weak argument on my part. I personally find the challenges that makes the warrior class the way it is, the part I like about my warrior. I like that I have to think about what I'm doing. I like that it's not as easy as a 3 button rotation (although we could probably get away with that, /macro and all).

I like the requirements that in certain stances it only allows use of certain abilities. I like that battle stance is neutral. We're toe to toe as good as any other tank (I still dislike dual wield frost DK tanks, **** them) and DPS, so why fix something that's not broken?

Stances do -NOT- compare to DK presences, we're built on different concepts. Yeah they are 'similar', but so are shouts and blessings/curses. But they are not the same.

Bad call on GC's part, IMHO.
#15 Dec 31 2008 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
I have a suspicion that the bigger issue in most people's minds is when it comes down to PvP. If Prot did 10% more damage it would solo a hell of a lot easier and be more effective in PvP. Arms/Fury would be a little more survivable since they would take 10% less damage.

Why is this a problem? I don't know. I don't have Blizzard's spreadsheets and the arena really has yet to get fully underway, so I couldn't really say one way or the other. But as long as it wouldn't cause any gamebreaking imbalance, I ceretainly can't begrudge any Warriors wanting a change.
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