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what to stack after def capped?Follow

#1 Dec 22 2008 at 11:59 PM Rating: Decent
i was looking thru the pally forums and saw a thread about what to stack after reaching the def cap (540), and for pallies it looked like mostly stam, but also some block value to help mitigate more damage. right now i am still stacking mostly just stamina, but that could be outdated. so i was wondering what stat to stack now that ive reached the def cap. armory link is below thanks :D
#2 Dec 23 2008 at 3:31 AM Rating: Decent
501 posts
I've shifted towards focusing on damage, personally. Threat is easy, and I'm now to the point where survivability is no longer an issue really in just about all the raid content in game. As a result, I'm doing what I can to contribute to the raid in terms of dealing respectable DPS to the mob myself, bringing it down faster. We can do some surprisingly high damage with the proper spec and gearing choice.
#3 Dec 23 2008 at 5:18 AM Rating: Default
There is no defense cap. 540 is the amount of defense you need to be uncritable... Pound for pound, defense is still your best avoidance stat.

*edited for terminology

Edited, Dec 23rd 2008 2:48pm by montaghar
#4 Dec 23 2008 at 7:24 AM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
stamina and strength are both powerful alternatives to defense. But montaghar is absolutely correct. We gain great benefits from defense even after crit capping.

Block % is very very useful, and so are parry/dodge/miss chances. Block became something very very cool now. But, block % gear is still not worth selecting over pure defense gear.

You also forgot to socket your belt...
#5 Dec 23 2008 at 8:08 AM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
devioususer wrote:
stamina and strength are both powerful alternatives to defense. But montaghar is absolutely correct. We gain great benefits from defense even after crit capping.

Block % is very very useful, and so are parry/dodge/miss chances. Block became something very very cool now. But, block % gear is still not worth selecting over pure defense gear.

You also forgot to socket your belt...

Hmm I was always under the impression that once you became uncritable, defense rating wasn't as good as getting pure block/dodge/parry stats. Because of how low the conversion rating is from defense rating to those avoidance stats.

Could be wrong, but that's how it was in BC, didn't read much change in the conversion rates except that they went up, so I assumed the same would hold true for Wrath.

As far as what stats to shoot for Fletus has it right. If you have enough stats to survive every encounter, you should work on your DPS. But don't neglect your Stamina and Avoidance, once the new content hits there is no telling how much more difficult those encounters will be, so you may want to start creating two end-game tanking sets, which most tanks do anyway.
#6 Dec 23 2008 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent
It really also depends on what your role/goals are. Myself, I spend most of my time off-tanking in raids, so I will build for more offensive stats such as BV, ect. In BC, I gemmed for pure stam, as did our MT. Another OT gemmed for mostly dodge. It is really a personal preference as to what kind of tank you want to be, as long as you dont neglect anyone stat, you should be fine.

I merely wanted to point out that there is no defense cap, as I think a lot of people believe there is. Im not sure of the conversion rates in Wrath, but defense gives you dodge/miss/parry/block all in one shot, so you cant fail by choosing it, the more you have the higher your avoidance is. Wowwiki lists the conversion as "+25 Defense will grant you an extra 1% Miss, Parry, Dodge, and Block" Whether that is wrath or bc, I'm not sure.

It is also not a great idea to just stack up on one avoidance stat, as they do suffer from diminishing returns, which is why I prefer defense.

I use rating buster to compare gear when choosing upgrades, as it breaks down gains/losses pretty well.

*edited for terminology

Edited, Dec 23rd 2008 2:49pm by montaghar
#7 Dec 23 2008 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
501 posts

Anyways, my semantics on word usage that I get OCD about aside, defense is still an incredible stat past 540. Most people don't seem to be aware of how powerful it was pre-Wrath anyways, being almost as good as dodge point for point. Now that they've introduced diminishing returns, you'll actually get better avoidance returns by prioritizing defense before dodge. You will, eventually, end up with better avoidance by going this route than if you were stacking pure avoidance stats. Parry is, for the record, still terrible. Tanks should not stack it unless they want to risk looking like an idiot. If you're a tank stacking parry, STOP. You are costing yourself large portions of avoidance for the sake of extremely negligible threat gains.

You might want to push survival stats until around the time you get to clear Naxx10/see Maly10. Once you get to this point, your avoidance and health you need should be baked into all the gear you get, and you'll get all the added survivability you need just by picking up gear. At that point in time, I'd advise the route I suggested, and push out those least until new content opens up that could potentially be more trying.

Edit: Like Devious said, with defense you also get the added benefit of mitigation via block rating to go with your avoidance. With the high amounts of block value able to be gained now, along with critical block...this is a very good way to add some regular mitigation on fights, and more mitigation does not hurt.

Edited, Dec 23rd 2008 2:22pm by FletusSanguine
#8 Dec 23 2008 at 12:14 PM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
Yeah but it takes 123 defense rating to get 1% in block, dodge and parry.

We can forget about Parry, the stat is not worth it, as you pointed out. It's not a horrible stat, but it's not worth it to go out of your way to get(the conversion from rating to skill is just to high).

The two important stats(once you have become uncrittable, oh and leaving out stamina because if any tank doesn't know how important stamina is, shouldn't be tanking in the first place) are dodge and block.

To get 1% dodge skill, you only need 39.3 Dodge rating. To get 1% block skill, you only need 16.39 block rating.

That's why it was better to go for pure stats rather than continuing to stack defense rating. You get more bang for your buck. If you stack 123 defense rating, you get 1% dodge and 1% block. If you stack 123 dodge rating, you get 3.1% dodge. If you stack 123 block rating, you get 7.5% block. If you mix it up and stack 61 dodge rating and 61 block rating you get 1.55% dodge and 3.73% block. Basically it is easier to get more mitigation and avoidance from the pure stat boosts rather than doing it through defense rating.

In summary, for 123 defense rating you get 3% of avoidance and mitigation. For 123 dodge or block rating you get 3.1% or 7.5% respectively, or split the stats and you get 5.28% avoidance and mitigation.

Edit: But again, it's all a balancing act. Too much dodge, and you're rage starved, not enough and you're taking too much damage. It's all about balancing it all.

Edited, Dec 23rd 2008 4:27pm by SynnTastic
#9 Dec 23 2008 at 3:04 PM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Synntastic wrote:
Yeah but it takes 123 defense rating to get 1% in block, dodge and parry.

I thought that Defense Rating also added Miss %, in which case it's better than you're giving it credit for. That is, you'd have 1% dodge, 1% parry, 1% miss (3% avoidance) and 1% block (mitigation).
For 123 dodge or block rating you get 3.1% or 7.5% respectively, or split the stats and you get 5.28% avoidance and mitigation.

That 5.28% number doesn't mean much. Saying "1.6% avoidance and 3.7% block" would be more accurate.
#10 Dec 24 2008 at 12:16 AM Rating: Decent
501 posts
SynnTastic wrote:
To get 1% dodge skill, you only need 39.3 Dodge rating. To get 1% block skill, you only need 16.39 block rating.

That's why it was better to go for pure stats rather than continuing to stack defense rating. You get more bang for your buck. If you stack 123 defense rating, you get 1% dodge and 1% block. If you stack 123 dodge rating, you get 3.1% dodge. If you stack 123 block rating, you get 7.5% block. If you mix it up and stack 61 dodge rating and 61 block rating you get 1.55% dodge and 3.73% block. Basically it is easier to get more mitigation and avoidance from the pure stat boosts rather than doing it through defense rating.

Where did you get this from? Your math is way off. You're correct on the dodge, it's 39.3 (39.35, to be exact) rating to get 1% avoidance. You seem to conveniently forget that defense doesn't just add dodge. It adds parry and miss as well. It only takes 41 defense rating to get 1% avoidance. Factor in block chance, and the fact that defense balances DRs, and you get a superior stat for avoidance stacking, if that is what you're choosing to do.

Common sense will, obviously, need to come into play. If you have a piece with a large amount of avoidance and a large loss of defense, in the case of going from quest and rep blues to T7, it's better to take the pure stats over defense if you can stay crit capped. Obviously superior items are just that. However, if given the choice between the three stats, defense will now always win in the new WoW.
#11 Dec 24 2008 at 12:40 AM Rating: Decent
Its really not a matter of choise of what you want to stack...

There are spesific epic items that drop from bosses/hc's and not really too many different gear options one can equip while trying to become full epic. So its a matter of what the game allows you to equip at this point that you are.
If you look up in the armory you will see that progressing warrior tanks dont have too many differences in gear...
I dont think that you have 2 epics(80) that give different stats for every slot and need to choose from.

So the question is not :' What to stack after 540 def ?'

The question is : ' What is the next hc I m gonna farm so that I can replace that blue 78 gear I already have or to replace that Imba 70 item I had on me for sooo long with a new 80 epic' (As the jeneral rule is that 80 epics are better than 78 blues and much better than 70 epics)

But since you are already on an Imba path.... dont worry for stacking any stat at this point-exept maintaining def up.
Your stamina is high enough to support demanding heroics

(I have farmed for your Imba sword 10-15?? times and still no drop-so unlucky , hope today it will drop )
#12 Dec 24 2008 at 3:00 AM Rating: Decent
501 posts
It absolutely is a matter of what you want to stack, once you reach a certain point. At some point in gearing, tanks have to begin to make intelligent choices about how they choose to itemize themselves, both in what pieces they pick up and in how they gem/enchant it. It's not always as stupidly linear as 'O LUL, DIS PURP IZ BETER THEN DIS GREEN!'

Edit: As an example, say he's trying to do heroics. He has enough stam to take the hits, he has enough defense to be uncrittable. What does he want to do now? He could stack more stam if he chose to do so, giving the healer a wider window of error. He could also decide to push a bit more avoidance, which would probably be the better choice once he's established a good minimum level of health. Since he has more mobs hitting him, higher avoidance will lead to a pretty noticeable reduction in damage. Or if he has the block value and rating to support it, he could push a high block set for 5 mans. He'd jump his threat up, add in a lot of passive mitigation, and make his damage intake more smooth and even, in addition to causing more damage on the pulls.

All valid options, depending upon how he decides he wants to play things.

Edited, Dec 24th 2008 6:05am by FletusSanguine
#13 Dec 24 2008 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
Let me just add;

Stamina and Armor do not have diminishing returns. Avoidance does.

Stamina and Armor by far (IMHO) the best stats you can stack for survival. Avoidance will come with the gear that comes with defense rating. Defense rating gives a wide variety of Avoidance stats, each of which are on separate diminishing returns.

Dodge rating is about as good as stacking Defense rating after you have 540 defense skill. Block rating and Parry rating are not exciting or worth it.

Now. Secondly, Stamina, Armor, and Avoidance do not generate threat.

Strength gives us Shield Block Value and AP, both of these are way more useful for threat now. Also Shield Block Value is very useful for mitigation as well now.

So after you get 540 Defense Skill (not rating). Generally it is discussed the most efficient way to stack is for Defense Rating : Dodge Rating (3:2 or 1:1). Or push a high Shield Block Value set.

If you read the whole EJ post provided above and here, you'll see what I mean. Also read, this post on EJ.
#14 Dec 24 2008 at 11:41 PM Rating: Decent
501 posts
I agree devious. I've been an AC/Stam advocate for awhile now, going back to vanilla WoW. My first priority, when working on new content, is and always has been those two stats. They do far more than anything else to allow you to survive encounters while under geared. I was happy to see that theory get so much recognition throughout BC, and now in Wrath. I'm only talking about avoidance assuming that the effective health minimum has been reached and breached, at which point pushing more stam doesn't offer the survivability increases that additional avoidance will, nor the threat/DPS returns that expertise/hit/etc. will (though stam WILL provide more threat than avoidance). I'm GENERALLY not a fan of avoidance at any point, even once the point of stam losing value is reached. I've always felt that more TPS/DPS is more valuable than a bit of extra survivability when,'ve already beaten the encounter. You did it once, now you just need to do it faster. The only exception to this rule is on fights where it's not so much a DPS race as it was a matter of just executing. I'd wear an avoidance set for Archimonde for example, since threat was a joke on that fight and I had FAR more stamina than was needed to live through his bursts. Taking only 2/10 of his attacks made the fight a breeze for my heals.
#15 Dec 25 2008 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
So people keep saying that once you have enough stamina, it becomes less and less useful, so how much hp should i aim to have before starting to focus on other things?
#16 Dec 25 2008 at 7:47 PM Rating: Decent
501 posts
It all depends on what you're tanking. You have to know how hard you're going to be hit by the mob. My general guideline is the ability to take ~3-4 attacks from the mob with no healing or avoidance. Once I can survive that sort of burst, I turn my priorities elsewhere.
#17 Dec 26 2008 at 8:28 AM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
FletusSanguine wrote:
Where did you get this from? Your math is way off.

WoW Wiki Combat Rating System, if my numbers were off it's because WoW Wiki was wrong, so then what are the correct numbers if these are wrong?

I also didn't conveniently forget parry, I said that the pure stat conversion was too high (49.18 - 1%) to even bother going after pure parry stats.

I did say that 123 defense rating gives you 3% avoidance and mitigation(which would be 1% parry, dodge, and block). I did miss that Defense Skill increases a bosses chance to miss, which does increase it's value greatly.
#18 Dec 26 2008 at 10:16 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
SynnTastic wrote:
I did say that 123 defense rating gives you 3% avoidance and mitigation(which would be 1% parry, dodge, and block)

It's meaningless to talk about "avoidance and mitigation" with one percentage. Specifically, Shield Block "mitigation" is too tough to quantify, especially because it can be staggeringly powerful against trash mobs, devalues as mobs hit harder (bosses especially), and scales with your SBV and Armor (i.e., a high Shield Block % with a low SBV and low Armor is useless).

The numbers become deceptive and confusing when you add block% into avoidance.

For the sake of clarity, please break up avoidance and shield block unless you're talking about a 102.4% build, which we're not here.
#19 Dec 26 2008 at 10:27 AM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
tabstopper wrote:
SynnTastic wrote:
I did say that 123 defense rating gives you 3% avoidance and mitigation(which would be 1% parry, dodge, and block)

It's meaningless to talk about "avoidance and mitigation" with one percentage. Specifically, Shield Block "mitigation" is too tough to quantify, especially because it can be staggeringly powerful against trash mobs, devalues as mobs hit harder (bosses especially), and scales with your SBV and Armor (i.e., a high Shield Block % with a low SBV and low Armor is useless).

The numbers become deceptive and confusing when you add block% into avoidance.

Yeah usually when I do the numbers and look at things I tend to think in terms of fighting bosses, especially in raids. Trash has always been that, trash. Unimportant.

Although since running Heroic Strat a couple times in the past week, I have been rethinking that considering the trash in that heroic seems to be much more difficult than the actual bosses, I'm beginning to rethink that philosophy and might have to start looking at those trash encounters more.

Edited, Dec 26th 2008 1:34pm by SynnTastic
#20 Dec 26 2008 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
Block % IMHO is treated like extra mitigation. I agree. But it can be serious mitigation, even on bosses. If you want to compare avoidance to mitigation, we could use this model.

The more Mitigation you have, the more effective Avoidance becomes. The more Avoidance you have the more effective your Mitigation becomes.

Mitigation is the Turtle in the race, Avoidance is the Hare. Mitigation is slow and steady, (better for new content) Avoidance is spiky and irregular (Good on old content).

I still prefer mitigation over avoidance, you do not gain rage from dodging.

My job as a tank is to take incoming damage reduce it and funnel it back at my target.
#21 Dec 27 2008 at 2:18 AM Rating: Decent
501 posts
WoW Wiki Combat Rating System, if my numbers were off it's because WoW Wiki was wrong, so then what are the correct numbers if these are wrong?

I also didn't conveniently forget parry, I said that the pure stat conversion was too high (49.18 - 1%) to even bother going after pure parry stats.

I did say that 123 defense rating gives you 3% avoidance and mitigation(which would be 1% parry, dodge, and block). I did miss that Defense Skill increases a bosses chance to miss, which does increase it's value greatly.

I'm not really sure where in your head you went wrong, but that chart is correct. You're interpreting it incorrectly. Defense gives dodge, miss, AND parry, all bundled into one package on the stat. It gives ALL THREE stats. So to reach the same end result of 1% avoidance, you only need 41 defense rating, not 123. That was what I was saying. Your first post was incorrect in stating that it would take 123 rating to reach the avoidance returns that 39.35 dodge rating would grant. This is, genuinely, NOT a flame. I just simply don't understand how you read that chart, which I think is fairly clear, and saw needing exactly x3 the defense rating you actually do to gain 1% avoidance, because that is dead on how much you were wrong by.

Edited, Dec 27th 2008 5:20am by FletusSanguine
#22 Dec 27 2008 at 11:22 AM Rating: Good
1,331 posts
And itemization of gear leans towards... Defense on everything.

So what gear are we talking about here? Heroic comparison, badge gear, faction gear?

Simply put, keep everything.

Only get rid of something when you find a piece of gear that is of the same stat set but only better!

Edited, Dec 27th 2008 11:24am by devioususer
#23 Dec 29 2008 at 7:26 AM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
FletusSanguine wrote:
WoW Wiki Combat Rating System, if my numbers were off it's because WoW Wiki was wrong, so then what are the correct numbers if these are wrong?

I also didn't conveniently forget parry, I said that the pure stat conversion was too high (49.18 - 1%) to even bother going after pure parry stats.

I did say that 123 defense rating gives you 3% avoidance and mitigation(which would be 1% parry, dodge, and block). I did miss that Defense Skill increases a bosses chance to miss, which does increase it's value greatly.

I'm not really sure where in your head you went wrong, but that chart is correct. You're interpreting it incorrectly. Defense gives dodge, miss, AND parry, all bundled into one package on the stat. It gives ALL THREE stats. So to reach the same end result of 1% avoidance, you only need 41 defense rating, not 123. That was what I was saying. Your first post was incorrect in stating that it would take 123 rating to reach the avoidance returns that 39.35 dodge rating would grant. This is, genuinely, NOT a flame. I just simply don't understand how you read that chart, which I think is fairly clear, and saw needing exactly x3 the defense rating you actually do to gain 1% avoidance, because that is dead on how much you were wrong by.

Edited, Dec 27th 2008 5:20am by FletusSanguine

I don't see it as a flame, if it's wrong, it's wrong. I think you were just reading what I wrote wrong. I said 123 defense rating gives 3% avoidance and mitigation(which should be 4% since it also adds chance to be missed). I never said it takes 123 defense rating to get the same 1% avoidance that 39.35 dodge gives you.

In summary, for 123 defense rating you get 3% of avoidance and mitigation. For 123 dodge or block rating you get 3.1% or 7.5% respectively, or split the stats and you get 5.28% avoidance and mitigation.

41 defense rating only gives you 1% combined miss/dodge/parry/block. In other words the amount of miss/dodge/parry/block totaled up equals 1%

Not that 41 defense rating gives you 1% of each.

It says in the paragraph above that:

every 25 points of defense skill grants a 1% dodge chance, 1% parry chance, 1% block chance, 1% increased chance to be missed and 1% decreased chance to be critically hit by physical attacks.

And since 4.92 defense rating gives 1 defense skill


In other words 123 defense rating gives you 1% of each dodge, parry, block, and miss. (also the ability to avoid being crit, but the conversation revolves around after being crit capped) for a total of 4% avoidance and mitigation . Which is what I said in my second post. Which is why I went ahead and compared that 123 value to the pure stats using the same 123 value and showing the overall total percentages at the end.

Edit to clarify because it's starting to get all screwy:

41 defense rating = 1% avoidance
123 defense rating = 4% avoidance and mitigation. or 1% each of dodge/parry/miss/block
39.32 dodge rating = 1% avoidance
123 dodge rating = 3.1% avoidance
49.18 parry rating = 1% avoidance
123 parry rating = 2.5% avoidance
16.39 block rating = 1% mitigation
123 block rating = 7.5% mitigation
62 dodge rating and 62 block rating = 1.58% avoidance and 3.78% mitigation, or 5.36% avoidance and mitigation.

Edited, Dec 29th 2008 11:21am by SynnTastic
#24 Dec 29 2008 at 9:00 AM Rating: Excellent
1,622 posts
SynnTastic wrote:
41 defense rating = 1% avoidance
123 defense rating = 4% avoidance and mitigation. or 1% each of dodge/parry/miss/block
39.32 dodge rating = 1% avoidance
123 dodge rating = 3.1% avoidance
49.18 parry rating = 1% avoidance
123 parry rating = 2.5% avoidance
16.39 block rating = 1% mitigation
123 block rating = 7.5% mitigation
62 dodge rating and 62 block rating = 1.58% avoidance and 3.78% mitigation, or 5.36% avoidance and mitigation.

Exactly right.
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