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Looking for prot pally addonFollow

#1 Dec 22 2008 at 6:38 PM Rating: Good
I've checked around but can't seem to find anything so I'm asking here.

I'm looking for an addon that will help with gear/gem/enchant selection for my pally. I just hit the block cap today and it's time to start looking at swapping out avoidance for stamina. Not much room to make changes now, but as more upgrades come my way it would be nice to have a stat calculator of some sort that I could mess around with to find out what would happen to, for example, my avoidance if I were to swap out a +16 defense gem for stamina, etc.

Any suggestions?
#2 Dec 22 2008 at 9:10 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
There's not much in the line of addons for this except for Tank Points, which has calculator that you can bring up to enter stats changes into -- all manually.

Once finally gets totally updated you should be able to use that to judge any number of changes at a time.
#3 Dec 23 2008 at 12:58 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Yea, TankPoints is just about the only addon I use as a tankadin. The other is OptiTaunt which will announce resisted/immune taunts and other abilities such as Last Stand, Avenger's Shield, etc.. When grouped with my gf who is a Prot Warrior and does NOT have this addon, mine would announce when she used abilities as well. Very handy addon as it will also send a whisper to a mob's target when certain abilities (such as taunts) are resisted or the target is immune to them.

Then there's PallyPower which I always recommend for any spec of Paladin going into any group content. Just makes buffing that much easier, particularly when there are multiple Paladins to have assigned different buffs.
#4 Dec 23 2008 at 2:09 AM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
It wont help Aurelius much, but Tankadin (developed by a member of maintankadin's forums) is my preferred addon for announcing resists, etc etc. Though you'd need a module to get it to announce other group member's resists too. It also shows all the calculations for stats (but doesnt let you enter them manually like TankPoints) and......

It has an Ardent Defender tracker that will tell you how many times Ardent Defender has saved your newb #$(, really puts the immense usefulness of that talent into perspective.
#5 Dec 23 2008 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the information :D

I installed TankPoints and Tankadin (with the modules for AD and the one to track RF and have no idea how long I've been looking for something like that. There's nothing more embarrassing than pulling a group of mobs, having them scatter to the dps, and then realizing that RF had worn off >.<).

Realms are still down for maintenance but as soon as they come up I'll try them out :D

Edit: I had already been using OptiTaunt. Most people got a kick out of the /w when Growl (on my druid), RD or even Avenger's Shield would be resisted/miss. I did, however, have a couple of different people send me nasty whispers when they saw the /w warning, thinking I had typed out the message myself to inform them. I type fairly quickly, but I can't manage two lines of text in a split second :P

Edited, Dec 23rd 2008 12:17pm by AureliusSir
#6 Dec 23 2008 at 3:47 PM Rating: Good
Warning: Incoming math.

Hrmm...okay. I've checked the TankPoints information, and here's the breakdown based on my current stats:

Dodge: 19.16
Parry: 15.9
Block: 18.28
Miss: 10.6
Hit: 36.04

(This is without Holy Shield...add 30 to block and subtract 30 from hit without...still leaves a 6.04% chance to be hit "normally".)

Here's what Tankadin reported:

Miss: 11.2
Dodge: 19.76%
Parry: 16.5%
Block: 18.89%

If you add it all up, toss on 30% block from HS, that also leaves 6.05% chance to be hit. Not also that the values Tankadin reported were identical to the values on my character sheet.

And here is the old macro from EJ that I had (TBC) to check my avoidance in-game:

/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Need 102.4 combined avoidance. Currently at:",0.8,0.8,1)
/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(GetDodgeChance()+GetBlockChance()+GetParryChance()+5+(GetCombatRating(CR_DEFENSE_SKILL)*150/355)*0.04,1,0.5,0)

which reports me as being at 73.117% avoidance w/o Holy Shield (103.117% with, obviously).

But that can't be, and since that's an outdated macro using TBC numbers, I trust the other 2 more. So that means if we take the higher value between the two updated addons, the macro should be reporting a value of 66.35% without Holy Shield.

Since I don't really know where the 150/355 came from in the original macro, I stripped out the zomfg math and just went with the basic 4.92 defense rating = 1 defense bit and came up with this new macro:

/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Current avoidance at:",0.8,0.8,1)
/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(GetDodgeChance()+GetBlockChance()+GetParryChance()+5+(GetCombatRating(CR_DEFENSE_SKILL)/4.92)*0.04,1,0.5,0)

which reports my avoidance w/o holy shield as being 66.3895....

I figure there are some rounding errors in there :P

But it's close enough for an at-a-click total.
#7 Dec 23 2008 at 4:32 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
The macro doesn't account for diminishing returns from Defense Skill avoidence..

If you see anything that multiplies defense*0.04 for avoidence you know it doesn't account for it. Also, I'm running out right now so I can't check the macro but LOTS of people still have the Libram of Repentance's 5% (or 5.3% possibly) included in their macros... which just isn't the case any more. Yours might take directly from Block% though, like I say -- I'll check it again in an hour or so and actually read it.
#8 Dec 23 2008 at 7:48 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
Okay.. I'm back and I've had a second to check over the math a bit.

Yea, your new macro accounts for no libram because it grabs the %s directly. It doesn't account for Diminishing Returns on the avoidence added from Defense though and there will be some rounding error using 4.92.. not much. It'll mostly work alright.

As for the *150/355 in the old macro -- that's how much Defense Rating it took to get 1 Defense Skill. Incidentally that's 2.366~. We often rounded it to 2.4 or 2.37. The advantage of using the fraction *150/355 is that fractions are EXACT representations of the number and aren't subject to rounding errors such as an infinitely repeating 6.

Also -- be aware that in TankPoints and Tankadin (with the right setup) you can set the level of the mob that's attacking you to be used in the sim. Which means if you have it set to level 83 the avoidence they report will be LOWER than your char-sheet paperdoll. When your paperdoll totals 102.4% TankPoints will total 100% since your paperdoll represents avoidence against something your level. This is fine, you can trust the Hit% that TankPoints gives you.
#9 Dec 24 2008 at 12:39 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the clarification. Here I was all fired up thinking I was block capped. Turns out I need another pantload of avoidance to get there.

I love the AD counter with Tankadin though. Ran Naxx25 again tonight and we cleared Arachnid, Military and Plague quarters before moving on and getting our guild-first heroic Patchwerk kill (glee!). Over the course of the run, I probably ended up with over 20 avoided deaths thanks to AD. If it weren't for our struggles on Four Horsemen, I would have made it through the run without a single death. The RL was trying to determine who the three tanks for Patchwerk should be by asking about our max buffed health and armor. Me, being the pally, came in below the 2 x warrior and 2 x bear tanks, although one of the bears wasn't too excited about soaking hateful strikes so it ended up being warrior MT, warrior + druid Hateful tanks. First warrior Hateful tank got one-shot (LOL!) and I darted in and we ended up one-shotting him :D I tried playing the Effective Health card to get a spot as Hateful tank, but it worked out OK anyways.

I switched back to my Titansteel Bonecrusher tonight (from Maexxna's Femur) after seeing the chart on Maintankadin. I wish someone would tell the warriors and druids that it's rude to taunt off the pally tank on trash pulls. L2BuildThreat hehehehehehee.

#10 Dec 24 2008 at 11:13 AM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
*Cry* my Alla login got re-set and I had to get a new password sent when I tried relying.. back on topic.

The Ardent Tracker is amazing. It was amazing in TBC and it's even more amazing now. Every time we receive a Stamina boost Ardent Defender becomes more effective, and it kicks in quite often now. Think of it this way... a pre-Naxx Paladin tank now has about 2x the HP of a pre-Kara Paladin tank from TBC (using 26k and 13k as benchmarks) -- hell yea Ardent Defender will play a big role in mitigation with that much of an HP pool.

He got 1 shot by a Hateful Strike? Umm... They only do like.. 21-22k in 25man, and it's not like he can hit the same target with another hateful.. even if you only had 2 tanks he'd just turn and gib one of the melee DPS if the OT wasn't healed to more HP than them yet. That just sounds like that Warrior has some kind of deficiency somewhere... like perhaps being crit immune?

Incidentally, if you ever do have to do it with 2 tanks, make sure the Hateful tank holds their shield wall/bubblewall/ibf/barkskin until the last 5% HP. Though it's the same rule for 2 Hateful tanks, you can at least afford to lose tanks when you have a 3-team on him :D
#11 Dec 24 2008 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
Losie wrote:
The Ardent Tracker is amazing. It was amazing in TBC and it's even more amazing now. Every time we receive a Stamina boost Ardent Defender becomes more effective, and it kicks in quite often now. Think of it this way... a pre-Naxx Paladin tank now has about 2x the HP of a pre-Kara Paladin tank from TBC (using 26k and 13k as benchmarks) -- hell yea Ardent Defender will play a big role in mitigation with that much of an HP pool.

Where I notice it gets a bit crazy are on long fights where things get a little out of hand and you get the report at the end talling you how much damage was mitigated by AD and how many deaths that averted. On our Instructor Razuvious, I was assigned to tank two of the understudies and in all of the chaos, there were a couple of times when the healers completely forgot about me. I wound up using my bubble wall and LoH before the fight was over, but at the end of it I got a report showing that AD had mitigated upwards of 30k damage and averted 7 deaths :O

He got 1 shot by a Hateful Strike? Umm... They only do like.. 21-22k in 25man, and it's not like he can hit the same target with another hateful.. even if you only had 2 tanks he'd just turn and gib one of the melee DPS if the OT wasn't healed to more HP than them yet. That just sounds like that Warrior has some kind of deficiency somewhere... like perhaps being crit immune?

It may have been a two-shot affair. Sometimes people don't really think too much, or don't read up on the fights and rely on the RL to fill them in on the mechanics. If he had read up on it, he might have known that there's only 1 second between Hateful Strikes and he wouldn't have used Charge to engage after the MT without waiting for his second tank to join him. It definitely happened fast, though. I have to admit, I was a little happy to see him drop. He was a little dishonest about his max buffed HP and was actually 500 HP lower than me after buffs and just before we engaged. I'll do whatever I'm asked to do in a raid, but I leveled, spec'd, and geared this toon specifically to tank. If I'm going to be relegated to backup Hateful tank, it would be better for me if I wasn't set aside for the sake of folks who exaggerate a bit to fill a spot :P

Incidentally, if you ever do have to do it with 2 tanks, make sure the Hateful tank holds their shield wall/bubblewall/ibf/barkskin until the last 5% HP. Though it's the same rule for 2 Hateful tanks, you can at least afford to lose tanks when you have a 3-team on him :D

Both me and the MT for sure held our uber-mitigation tricks until the soft enrage. I hit my bubble wall and the MT hit shield wall and it was smooth sailing to the end. Fun stuff. There's that point in the fight where you realize that if all the tanks were to suddenly and inexplicably die, you'd still down the boss. Good times >:D

Much as I kvetch about dishonest tanks getting themselves insta-gibbed and being given a role outside of tanking, I was very pleased with our run last night. I'm not specifically going out of my way to compete for threat (that's just rude), but I notice that on trash fights, the MT engages first and I follow up right after and by the end of the fight, I've usually tanked more than my fair share of mobs. It'll only work to my favor to have the warriors start complaining that they can't hold threat with me as OT unless they spam taunts. That will no doubt change slightly with the nerfs to JoL threat, but we were pretty light on melee last night and the tanks managed to contain most fights such that melee weren't taking much/any damage to get a ton of threat from JoL anyways.

Our Naxx10 schedule for this past week got kind of screwed up...I ran the day I joined as sort of a "trial" and then wasn't able to get a spot in any of the other groups because the raid ID I was saved to was being used by a pre-established group after the trial night. One of the primary warrior tanks in the guild got the tanking sword from one of the fights (don't recall the sword or the boss, unfortunately) and I was a bit disappointed to have missed out on it....but then I realized that it's one less warrior that will be able to compete against me for Last Laugh when (note optimism) it drops because I'll have the least "tankish" of the tank weapons in the group >:D

WTB Axe skill >.<
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