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#1 Dec 22 2008 at 9:24 AM Rating: Good
55 posts
First off... Let me say thank you to all the wonderful people here that have helped so many with their questions. I have had a few of mine answered, as well as had the chance to help others.

Second... My main spec has always been enhancement. I leveled to 70 and raided with that spec, while switching to resto sometimes to heal for 5 mans or 25 mans with my guild. I know next to nothing about the elemental tree.

Now... On to the good stuff...

I have recently switched to resto to heal some 5 mans in Northrend. One instance run turned to another, and another, and... Well... I'm still healing. I'm one bar from getting level 75, and have had a blast these last few levels. I've only healed 4 different instances so far. But one was a level 77-ish (Gundrack, or sumthin???) last night. Had an 80 tank, 78 Death Knight, 80 Mage, and 80 TG Warrior. Lots of fun, and nobody died.

Anywayz... Here is my armory...

And the build I was considering at 80 for instances/raids

I mostly use Lesser Heal and Riptide on the tank and Chain heal for AoE damage.
I use a macro for Tidal Force, Nature's Switness, and Healing Wave for an instant crit heal as a last resort kinda thing.

Any tips? Suggestions? Comments?

#2 Dec 22 2008 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
The build looks pretty good although I'd put 2 points into imp reincarnation. You will use it in raids. Sometimes you go down and that can be the difference of a wipe and a kill. Once you get to 80 there will be a lot more burst damage. My main rotation for single target healing is to toss a riptide on something to proc tidal waves. Then either LWH or HW depending on the damage being taken. You will also need to make sure you stack MP5 gear. Fights like Patchwork in 10 man naxx will require you to cast chain heal nonstop for 3-4 min straight.

Gear is pretty easy to build up at 80 for resto. Get the Wyrmrest tabard ASAP and start working on their rep to get the mace, glyph, and gloves. Then Ebon Blade for the legs. Use the web to look for gear upgrades. There's mail gear with SP and MP5 in almost every heroic. And the mace from heroic Nexus is just sick. I found it pretty easy to gear up as resto early on and a'm now sitting in full T7. Get in a good 10 man naxx group when you have the heroic gear you need and start running it once a week. There's LOTS of stuff in there for you.

Good luck :)

Edited, Dec 22nd 2008 2:21pm by DarkHybridX
#3 Dec 22 2008 at 11:25 AM Rating: Good
55 posts
Thank you for the reply.

My guild has been running 10-Naxx every week for a while now, so when I get 80 and some heroic gear, I shouldn't have a problem getting into a raid.

Of course, I'm still not sure if I'll be raiding as enhancement or resto... Hopefully I'll be 80 within the next few weeks and I'll know more by then...

Again... Thanks.
#4 Dec 22 2008 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
The good thing about being a sham is you only have to fight for mail gear against another toon, hunters. If it's mail with SP then it's all shaman. Go in with whatever the guild needs and what you feel comfortable with, as well as what gear you currently have that will help the group the most.

Of course if you go enh then you run the risk of them bringing in another resto sham. With the up coming nerfs on CoH and WG we'll be even more in demand. As resto not only did I get a great resto set in four weeks, but I have a pretty nice enh set as well since my 10 man group doesn't run with a hunter, any other shams, and only one warrior.
#5 Dec 28 2008 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts
Hey, I will be reaching 80 soon and will start healing 5 mans and heroics before Naxx. I like the idea of adding extra utility to my healing so I was thinking of something like this:


I like the idea of buffing the tank and dps with enhancing totems by sacraficing some of the healing goodies from the restro tree

Edited, Dec 28th 2008 2:20pm by jvscubadude
#6 Dec 29 2008 at 12:40 AM Rating: Decent
Sorry man, gaining 15% more threat and making your healing spells cost 6% more is just plain bad, no matter how much you buff others in the group. If your going to drop talents those two are bad choices.
#7 Jan 02 2009 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
91 posts
I got a few suggestions for the build Maulurom linked in his first post.

The build I'm currently using is this. The most important differences are

- I'm not specced for 'Healing way' (3/3 gives 18% more healing from Healing Wave)
In raids I almost only use Earth Shield, Chain Heal, Riptide and LHW. So it's not of any good use for me there. In heroics I tend to use the same spells although I use HW more of course. But I got a glyph for LHW which makes it heal for 30 (?)% more if the target is currently protected by my earth shield. I use riptide a lot for the fast heals and also to keep the tank hotted up. I've never been in need of 30% extra healing from my Healing Wave simply because i don't use it that much. In my opinion the only reason for a shaman to spec for this is when he will be MH (which ofc he'll never be if the RL has brains, God created Disc priests and Holydins for that.)

- I'm not specced for 'Healing Grace' (3/3 gives 15% less threat and 30% less chance of your spells being dispelled.
15% less threat sounds awesome but have u ever seen the threat tanks can put out nowadays? It's tremendous! Must be because dps is insanely high as well. If a healer ever finds himself on high aggro
1) He heald prior to the tank getting aggro.
2) The tank sucks and u should leave the group asap.
In every raid I have been in so far (be that either 10/25 nax 10/25 sarth 10/25 vault) I've never got any aggro from the raidboss. Of course, I had my rough moments when I got healing aggro from an add but that's what tankadins are for. I don't see the pointin sacrificing 3 talentpoints for something that's really not necassary if the raid is organised.

The 30% less chance of your spells being disspelled is, as you probably figured out yourself as well, a pure PvP trick.

- I'm not specced for 'Healing Focus' (3/3 gives 70% chance of not losing cast time when being attacked)
To be fair this is more of a PvP talent. You won't get that much attacked in an heroic or a raid IF everything is going according to the plan. If not, then it will probably be a wipe anyway.

I used the 9 talent points for 5% extra crit in the enhancement tree, 30% more bonus healing on my weapon. Then I had one talent point left which i put in improved ankh.

I really love how Bliz made it possible for shamans to have other means of healing as well. In TBC it was 'haste all the way' now you can also choose to spec/gear for crit. Only thing that's buggering me off atm is that i have 3 sets now, mp5, haste and crit :S. Anyway, easy to make an elem set that way :P

But my point is, getting 5% crit this easy is not only very good for your mana regen (resto talent) it's also very good for your HTS.

In almost every raid I'm in there will be an Enhancement and an Elemental shaman. Therefore I chose to only buff my own healing. Because the 'totem of wrath' will overwrite my 'flametongue totem'. If however you find yourself rarely with an elem shaman you could choose to spec for 'enhancing totems' thereby improving the SP of your whole raid/party.

That makes 8 in total and thus leaves 1. In the build im currently using i put the last remaining point in enhancing totems. But I think i'll put it in imp ankh after my next respec. 10% extra mana is awesome (although don't forget, if u die you can use another mana potion.).

One last suggestion (you probably already figured out by yourself) the Water shield Glyph is a must-have.

Edited, Jan 3rd 2009 3:57am by gnetter
#8 Jan 02 2009 at 7:17 PM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
gnetter wrote:
- I'm not specced for 'Healing Grace' (3/3 gives 15% less threat and 30% less chance of your spells being dispelled.
15% less threat sounds awesome but have u ever seen the threat tanks can put out nowadays? It's tremendous! Must be because dps is insanely high as well. If a healer ever finds himself on high aggro
1) He heald prior to the tank getting aggro.
2) The tank sucks and u should leave the group asap.
In every raid I have been in so far (be that either 10/25 nax 10/25 sarth 10/25 vault) I've never got any aggro from the raidboss. Of course, I had my rough moments when I got healing aggro from an add but that's what tankadins are for. I don't see the pointin sacrificing 3 talentpoints for something that's really not necassary if the raid is organised.

The issue isn't and never has been pulling aggro off of a raid boss. This was nearly impossible even in TBC when tank threat was much lower than it is now.

But tanks only put out "tremendous" threat on single targets, and ones they've been holding for a while. What about the new adds that spawn every 30 seconds with a completely blank threat table 100 yards from the tank? Or trash adds? Those things are going to be making a beeline for you and generating just that much more threat is going to make it just that much harder for the MT or OT or whoever to pick up and establish threat on those mobs.

There are points that you can and should squeeze, but my motto is to hope for the best while preparing for the worst. You don't need to squeeze these three out.
#9 Jan 03 2009 at 4:16 AM Rating: Decent
91 posts
But tanks only put out "tremendous" threat on single targets, and ones they've been holding for a while. What about the new adds that spawn every 30 seconds with a completely blank threat table 100 yards from the tank? Or trash adds? Those things are going to be making a beeline for you and generating just that much more threat is going to make it just that much harder for the MT or OT or whoever to pick up and establish threat on those mobs.

True but that's why in such bosses you should have a tankadin take them up. Every healer is standing on his consecration and before the adds have even touched you he has aggro already. That's why I said that you don't need this talent to survive, good tactics are enough. If I get aggro from an add I make it known in vent and walk towards the ot.

It is true that adds spawn with a blank aggro table but I just never found myself in a situation where I thought hmm I wish I had a bit less threat. But maybe I'm not the one to ask, u know; i'll ask our ot's .
#10 Jan 03 2009 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
True but that's why in such bosses you should have a tankadin take them up. Every healer is standing on his consecration and before the adds have even touched you he has aggro already. That's why I said that you don't need this talent to survive, good tactics are enough. If I get aggro from an add I make it known in vent and walk towards the ot.

Sure this will work on a few bosses in certain situations, but what about all the other times? If you toss in a chain heal where the first heal crits, your going to get alot of agro from that add that just spawned. If that add is a slime from Grobb, then your not going to be standing in consecrate because you should be moving around the room. What about if that chain heal hits hard right as you land out of vortex? If you happend to pick up agro then you just wiped the raid.

Then there's that Abom during the first phase of Kel that you get agro from as you heal the guy tanking another one. If you heal gives you 2k threat then the next tank will need to get 2200 threat just to take agro from you, with me he'll only need to get 1870. So by looking at your spec, in this situation, your making the tank have to work harder to get agro off of you. If he can't then you get hit. Since you don't have healing focus you suffer too much pushback to get a heal off and save yourself so you die. Now you have to ank without imp reincarnate, so you come back with too little HP to survive the explosion from that skele that got into the group because everyone was trying to save your butt. Now you get the only Brez in the group in the first phase of the fight.

So there's your raid relying on the healers to get them through the splash damage for the 2nd and 3rd phase. You have to blow a pot and manatide just so you have enough mana to start healing again, and everyone is pressured to not die because there is not Brez and the locks SS is on the druid.

You may have just wiped the raid because you wanted 5% more crit to go to your overhealing and 45 more healing from earthliving weapon.

#11 Jan 04 2009 at 5:49 AM Rating: Decent
91 posts
2200 threat just to take agro from you, with me he'll only need to get 1870.

Well considering that overhealing doesn't give any aggro at all and healing aggro gets divided by all the adds in the room and because almost always there will be more adds then just one. The extra healing aggro I get in comparison with your spec is thus neglecteable. 330 extra threat may sound a lot to you but that's even less threat then a white hit from any tank. A shield slam from a heroics warrior for instance does 2k (that's even without shieldblock, trinkets and not critting.) And thus he already has the mob's attention.

If you toss in a chain heal where the first heal crits, your going to get alot of agro from that add that just spawned. If that add is a slime from Grobb, then your not going to be standing in consecrate because you should be moving around the room. What about if that chain heal hits hard right as you land out of vortex? If you happend to pick up agro then you just wiped the raid.

Overhealing does not generate aggro. If it crits and the target needed it then you won't hear me complain. Like I said, at this moment threat is really a non-issue for tanks. On every raid encounter we had nobody ever managed to over-aggro a raid boss. The 330 extra threat i got... that's really nothing.
Look at the resto shaman talents. Crit is way more important in WoTLK then it has ever been. You get a lot of mana returned if you crit with Mana Tide or one of the waves, a raid/party member who is in desperate need of healing will get healed for 30% of the heal u just cast (which is a lot since u critted) and your target gets 30% more armor.

So yes, I do think that the 5% extra crit is way better then 15% less threat. True, I haven't encoutered KT yet but I have done/tried all 13 bosses from Nax, Sart and Malygos. I've never got aggro from mobs that could kill me. It's all about tactic if I die, not spec.

Edited, Jan 4th 2009 2:49pm by gnetter
#12 Jan 04 2009 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Well, if it works for you, then by all means keep doing what you're doing. However, you seem to be operating on the expectations of perfection, and I always, always, always try to avoid that when giving advice to others, especially those new to a class/spec. As I said already, hope for the best but plan for the worst. It's typically better to start raiding and far better to start five-mans/heroics with a safer build with more emphasis on tools than raw numbers.
#13 Jan 05 2009 at 1:03 AM Rating: Default
91 posts
Well Gaudion what I'm trying to say is that no one needs the threat reduction talent. Sorry but because English is not my main language I might need a couple posts :P.

Even for one who just started healing it can be learned to handle aggro. My point is that whether you will spec for it or not, sooner or later you will get aggro from an add and thus you should be prepared that you might get it. That's the most imporant thing Maulurom needs to learn/know/handle. Because, as DarkHybridX pointed out, that can wipe a raid. When a healer has aggro the next thing he should do (rather then do as your counscious shouts; RUN AWAAAY) is to run towards the tank (say to him you got aggro, but most of the time he already noticed it) and let him taunt/aggro the mob off you.

Will the 15% less threat make you not gain the attention of adds at all? No I don't think so, you will stlll get it, but just with a tiny bit less threat on it. There are a handful adds in WoW who are immune to taunt, so I don't think it should ever be a problem.

My point is that even for one who just started to learn healing, the threat reduction talent is not necassary at all. Rather, he should know from the start that he will get aggro someday, with and without the threat reduction talent. He should not be giving the idea that, if you spec for it, you'll never get aggro; he should be prepared he will and know what to do in that case. But that's just a matter of learning.

Edited, Jan 5th 2009 10:03am by gnetter
#14 Jan 05 2009 at 7:29 AM Rating: Good
55 posts
Well.. I'm still not 80 (just got 77 over the weekend).

I have been doing a lot of research about my spec, and have come to the conclusion that I will eventually spec this way:

I haven't ever really worried about getting aggro from a mob. It happens. And when it does, I always run to the tank and tell him on vent that I'm brining him a friend. Can I get 1 shotted by mobs? Of course! Do I worry? No. I'm a Shaman. I got a few tricks that I have that will slow them down, and most times I run with a Druid friend that is good about rooting a mob that's coming for me. Have I ever died from pulling threat? Honestly no. Maybe I've just been lucky in that way. But I haven't done any level 80 heroics yet, either.

I'd like to say that I know my class and know what spells to use in different situations. And I love the healing side of a fight, instead of standing behind the mob and chopping away at it's back. I know I'm not perfect... But then again... Nobody is.

Thanks for all the help. With any luck, I'll be 80 by the end of the week, and can start doing some heroics and Naxx.

Edited, Jan 5th 2009 10:30am by Maulurom

Edited, Jan 5th 2009 10:32am by Maulurom
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