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Holy Guide UpdateFollow

#1 Dec 22 2008 at 7:51 AM Rating: Excellent
1,599 posts
Well, I attempted to update the Holy Paladin guide. Can you wonderful people please give it a read and let me know what you think. I'd be more than happy to edit it accordingly.

Also, it's longer now, so be patient :) Also, that means that I've probably missed a few things, or forgot some things. Please give me feedback.


oops - forgot to post link

Holy Paladin Guide

Edited, Dec 22nd 2008 10:52am by YJMark
#2 Dec 22 2008 at 8:17 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
First off, change Pre-Kara to Pre-Naxx?

*starts reading*

First Edit: Hand of Salvation does not decrease damage or healing done. It's just a 2% per second threat drop.

Second Edit: Hand of Freedom needs its own paragraph, and change the "xxxxxx" to "Movement-impairing effects."

Edited, Dec 22nd 2008 11:23am by Ehcks
#3 Dec 22 2008 at 8:21 AM Rating: Excellent
1,599 posts
First off, change Pre-Kara to Pre-Naxx?

I'm trying. I don't have access to change the wiki titles.
#4 Dec 22 2008 at 8:28 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
Engineering Aside from repair bots, mounts, and PvP stuff, you also get to craft Electroflux Sight Enhancers. A very nice helm.

That's the mail helm. We pallies can't make that. The new Plate healing goggles are not in game yet, but they're called Unbreakable Healing Amplifiers. Stats are

Edit: On your Meta Gems list, you left out Insightful Earthsiege Diamond. +21 Intellect and a rough 5% chance to restore 500 mana on spell cast. If all you're looking at is overall mana longevity, this is your best gem by far.

Last Edit (I think): Most of your info was including 3.0.8 changes, but then you talk about the current FoL glyph. The new version of the glyph after the patch is a +5% chance to crit with FoL. I see myself taking it when the change goes live.

Edited, Dec 22nd 2008 11:37am by Ehcks
#5 Dec 22 2008 at 8:44 AM Rating: Excellent
1,599 posts
Thanks Ehcks. I really appreciate the feedback. I'm incorporating everything you've said.

Keep them coming :)

I have such tunnel vision after staring at it for so

Edit - what 3.0.8 changes did I include? I wrote most of this without any of that patch in mind. Either way, I'll update the Glyph of FoL once the patch is released. I'll also be getting that one once it changes to 5% crit :)

Edited, Dec 22nd 2008 11:56am by YJMark
#6 Dec 22 2008 at 11:00 AM Rating: Good
2,188 posts
It looks really nice YJM, thanks for taking the time.

Please note that the tool tip for Glyph of Holy Light is presently incorrect (it says 100 yards), and that it's changing: "Glyph of Holy Light - Your Holy Light grants 10% of its heal amount to up to 5 friendly targets within 20 yards of the initial target. (Up from 10 Yards)." Source.

"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
#7 Dec 22 2008 at 11:05 AM Rating: Good
2,188 posts
Sorry for two posts, but I just noticed this. I know you can't change the title, but this is in the final section entitled Notes/Tips:

"Hopefully this guide will help you get ready for starting Kara (change to Naxx?) as a Holy Paladin."

"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
#8 Dec 22 2008 at 11:17 AM Rating: Excellent
1,599 posts
Thanks for the feedback cynyck. I put in your comments.
#9 Dec 22 2008 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good
2,188 posts
I'm sorry YJM, but I keep reading it and every time I do I learn something new. I urge you to punch up the jewelcrafting section as I think it's a great profession. I have Alch and JC on my Holy Pally.

There are some awesome JC-only cuts and items. These are prismatic, which means they can be equipped in any color slot and get the slot bonus. JC's can have three slotted at any one time. To give an idea of the bonus, the Quick Autumn's Glow blue cut is +16 Haste, and the Quick Dragon's Eye JC-only cut is +27 Haste. The Brilliant Autumn's Glow is +16 Int while the Brilliant Dragon's Eye JC-only cut is +27 Int.

Also, if you do an easy quest that you can get at L375 from the Grand Master Trainer you gain the ability to occasionally cut a "perfect" gem. The perfect gem procs reasonably often and adds +2 to the non-JC-only cuts, bringing them up to +18. This means you can cut four or five and put the regulars on the Auction House while keeping the perfects for your own gear.

There is the Sapphire Owl, a Bind on Pickup Trinket. Awesome for stacking Intellect, with a nice mana return on use.

Finally, if you combine Alchemy with Jewelcrafting you can transmute the raw meta gems and cut them. For instance, an Earthsiege Diamond is an Elemental Fire and two raw green gems.

"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
#10 Dec 22 2008 at 12:25 PM Rating: Excellent
1,599 posts
Thanks cynyck. That is exactly the kind of feedback I needed. I added it in, and put your name at the bottom. Thank you very much for that info (in case you didn't notice, I'm not a JC).
#11 Dec 22 2008 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent
268 posts
Very nice looks great for the holy pally to be.
Nothing huge but you could add in from Heroic HOS to the belt list. It's a decent belt(even with mp5) and relatively easy to obtain.
Other than that 5/5 imo.

PS: I don't know how to change a link to a name that you can mouseover/click on, sorry :(
#12 Dec 22 2008 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
Also, if you do an easy quest that you can get at L375 from the Grand Master Trainer you gain the ability to occasionally cut a "perfect" gem. The perfect gem procs reasonably often and adds +2 to the non-JC-only cuts, bringing them up to +18. This means you can cut four or five and put the regulars on the Auction House while keeping the perfects for your own gear.

Only the uncommon gems can get a Perfect cut gem. No rares can get the perfect cut.
#13 Dec 22 2008 at 10:03 PM Rating: Excellent
2,188 posts
cbadger wrote:
Also, if you do an easy quest that you can get at L375 from the Grand Master Trainer you gain the ability to occasionally cut a "perfect" gem. The perfect gem procs reasonably often and adds +2 to the non-JC-only cuts, bringing them up to +18. This means you can cut four or five and put the regulars on the Auction House while keeping the perfects for your own gear.

Only the uncommon gems can get a Perfect cut gem. No rares can get the perfect cut.

Yes, this is true. Only the green raw gems when cut have a chance to proc a perfect cut. The blues do not. I'm sorry I did not make that clear. The name of the quest is Gem Perfection.

"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
#14 Dec 23 2008 at 6:29 AM Rating: Good
1,599 posts
[quote-Hikku]Nothing huge but you could add in from Heroic HOS to the belt list. It's a decent belt(even with mp5) and relatively easy to obtain.[/quote]

FYI - to link items that you can hover over, just click the "URL" button (right next to the Bold, Italics, Underline, etc... options at top of text editing box). Then, cut and paste the url from Allakhazam's item page. Then, click OK. It will set it up for you. Then, you can change the text to whatever you want inbetween the [link:http://]XXXXXX[/link].

It will look like : Sjonnir's Girdle

As for the belt - yes, it is decent. However, I do feel that the large amount of crit on the ones I listed make them better suited. Sjonnir's Gridle only has marginally better SP and Int, but no crit at all. MP5 is not very useful, so it's almost a waste of itemization. I'd recommend all the lvl 80 ones listed over that one, and 2 of them don't even rely on drop rates (making them uber easy to get). I am open to discussion though. Let me know your thoughts on what I said, and we can go from there.

cynyk and cbadger - So if the perfect cut only works on green gems, should I just take it out? Or do you still think it's pertinent to keep added in? Let me know what you guys think. Thanks.
#15 Dec 23 2008 at 8:32 AM Rating: Good
2,188 posts
Personally, I think it's key to taking JC. This is for gearing up for Naxx so no one is going to be buying purple gems for their gear, and blues are much more expensive. The two points can be a big difference if you can get them on all your equipped gems and I had all my greens with the +2 before I went to blues. I simply kept cutting greens until I got enough perfects and it didn't take long. I didn't keep track, but I'd estimate it was every fifth gem.

Even with the prismatics, I'll bet I had at least five green gems equipped early on. That's 10 more points of Int.

Let's get some input from some others and see what the consensus is.

"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
#16 Dec 23 2008 at 11:22 PM Rating: Good
Thanks for putting this together. I was looking for something like this a few weeks ago, so now most of this is common level 80 Holy Pally knowledge, but it is still a great resource.

In the hopes of making it better: the PvP gear you list (Savage Gladiator's Gavel, Savage Gladiator's Libram of Justice) isn't in the game. All of the weapons/off-hand items/relics in the 1st and 2nd tier of PvP sets didn't make it live. Only the highest level of PvP gear, Deadly Gladiator, has the goods and they carry a hefty rating requirement.

Also, I completely agree about stacking crit instead of haste. Haste is great when you can get it (like The Egg of Mortal Essence), but crit has so much better synergy with Holy's talents. But if you are going to try to get a good haste bracers I think that Bands of Fading Light is better than the Bracers of Accorded Courtesy you list. Maybe you included it because the rep might be an easier get than the drop in Ut-Pinn, but why not list the best?

Hope that helps other pallies out there.
#17 Dec 24 2008 at 12:23 PM Rating: Good
970 posts
coopthar wrote:
Also, I completely agree about stacking crit instead of haste. Haste is great when you can get it (like The Egg of Mortal Essence), but crit has so much better synergy with Holy's talents. But if you are going to try to get a good haste bracers I think that Bands of Fading Light is better than the Bracers of Accorded Courtesy you list. Maybe you included it because the rep might be an easier get than the drop in Ut-Pinn, but why not list the best?

The best /is/ listed - Flamebeard's are the best in class outside of 25-man, by my numbers...

I like the format as it is - a "best available pre-raid" piece (heroic, rep, or badge), and some easily available pieces that are acceptable to start raiding with. There might be other pieces that are close in value, but IMO most of them aren't worth seeking out. BoE alternatives, as in the above example, would provide some value, but I think it's already understood that there's other stuff out there that's equivalent to what's listed, and if you should happen on them, good on you.

But the list should, IMO, be concentrating on an upgrade path that doesn't depend much, if at all, on the gods of the RNG. It maps out a common denominator that /will/ get you there.
#18 Dec 24 2008 at 11:50 PM Rating: Good
268 posts
YJMark wrote:
As for the belt - yes, it is decent. However, I do feel that the large amount of crit on the ones I listed make them better suited. Sjonnir's Gridle only has marginally better SP and Int, but no crit at all. MP5 is not very useful, so it's almost a waste of itemization. I'd recommend all the lvl 80 ones listed over that one, and 2 of them don't even rely on drop rates (making them uber easy to get). I am open to discussion though. Let me know your thoughts on what I said, and we can go from there.

No argument there the mp5 makes the belt a joke in comparison, and the ones you listed are better. Oh and thanks for the how-to on linking items :)

On the pants section, what about adding in Leggins of Protective Auras from Heroic Oculus? Good pair of pants with very easy obtain ability. I guess it would come down to those vs the mail ones you linked, but that would come down to personal preference when balancing crit/haste.

Edit: Forgot to add the second part :P

Edited, Dec 25th 2008 6:04am by Hikuu

Edited, Dec 25th 2008 6:07am by Hikuu
#19 Dec 25 2008 at 6:39 PM Rating: Excellent
YJMark wrote:
First off, change Pre-Kara to Pre-Naxx?

I'm trying. I don't have access to change the wiki titles.

Fixed :)

Pre-Naxx Holy Paladin Guide

Edited, Dec 25th 2008 6:40pm by Wordaen
#20 Dec 26 2008 at 10:54 AM Rating: Good
1,599 posts
Hikku and coopthar - thanks for those suggestions. I added them both in this list.

Word - thanks for changing the name and adding the neat picture :)
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