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what healing class to choose?Follow

#27 Jan 05 2009 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts

Not true. Compared to other healers, disc is just a little bit sub-par for raid healing. Holy is on par to at least shamans and druids on tank healing and above avarage on raid healing. Regardless of if you spec holy or disc, you'll be pretty able to do both tank healing, raid healing, and on-the-run healing. You're just a lot better in one area.

That means that they can do everything in one talent tree that priests need 2 for.

Not really, since their talent trees just adds the bonus healing and mana regeneration *any* healer needs in *every* situation. They don't get to specialize.

Yet priests are the only healer class that you can very well live without.

I don't know about you, but our raids never wipe because we don't have a paladin healer, to be honest. Or a shaman healer. Or a druid healer.

I have yet to see proof of that.

I suppose you play on American servers, but otherwise you'd be welcome to ask Arandith on Moonglade (EU) about it. He's a paladin healer in a guild that up 'till recently did not have any non-paladin healers. They did over 10 tries on Malygos with 3 (epix-clad) Pallies but there was no way they could down him. Once they replaced 2 pallies by a priest and druid in a mix of 77-80 greenies/blues, they downed him. Since I share a custom channel with him, I'm getting trough a solid amount of details about Naxx fights that are just so much harder because there weren't any non-paladin healers in the guild - aside from the Sartharion business, that is.

Edit: Mixed up Sartharion and Malygos.

Edited, Jan 5th 2009 9:04pm by Mozared
#28REDACTED, Posted: Jan 05 2009 at 4:51 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) That might be an example for "hard" but not "impossible". When TBC cam out and people started raiding Kara, it was considered impossible for a druid to tank Nightbane without Fear Ward and/or Tremor Totem. A few months later they successfully did so anyway.
#29 Jan 05 2009 at 9:33 PM Rating: Excellent
1,330 posts
A raid with priests healers only? No blessings, no auras, no totems.. You'd have 7 people screaming.

Yeah because paladin's and shamans can only be healers so with only priest healers you can't have them... Smiley: oyvey
#30 Jan 06 2009 at 3:13 AM Rating: Excellent
121 posts

A raid with priests healers only? No blessings, no auras, no totems.. You'd have 7 people screaming.

Yeah because paladin's and shamans can only be healers so with only priest healers you can't have them...

Absolutely. Never had any trouble doing 10-mans with 3 priest healers, we probably had a prot pala and maybe an ele shammy.
#31 Jan 06 2009 at 4:09 AM Rating: Default
988 posts
Absolutely. Never had any trouble doing 10-mans with 3 priest healers, we probably had a prot pala and maybe an ele shammy.

Who would have guessed? So you can raid with what would be considered less than a perfect group, even though (according to what's still common belief) Pallies can't tank, and Shamans suck at DPS?

This was exactly my point to begin with.
#32 Jan 06 2009 at 8:22 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
They don't have to, because they're getting all they could possibly need in just one talent tree. Priest specialization is all about CoH - you either have it or you don't. If you want a decent group heal you have to spec Holy. It's not a choice really. A druid gets everything without the burden of choice.

Regardless of if you spec holy or disc, you'll be pretty able to do both tank healing, raid healing, and on-the-run healing.

Healing priests are like parasites. They benefit from other classes' enhancements and buffs, while giving very little -if anything - back. Maybe THAT is why they are THE healing class. We're bringing two panic buttons - Pain Suppression and Guardian Spirit. Having to use those, though, usually means that something went wrong elsewhere, making their usefulness and the actual need for those abilities at least debatable.

You don't need a specific setup. Take out the druid, though, and you'll find yourself without Innervate and Combat res. Take out the Shaman, and you won't have all those nice totems. Take out the priest healer, and you'll be losing... a spirit buff that benefits mostly the priest himself. A raid with priests healers only? No blessings, no auras, no totems.. You'd have 7 people screaming.

I can say the same for any class; A raid with druid healers only? No blessings, no auras, no totems, no health buff, no spirit buff, no grace, less panic buttons. A raid with paladin healers only? No totems, no combat res, etc, you get the drill. Raiding with 3 healers of the same class is of course never a good idea, but you can't really say priests add so little to the group that a 'perfect' group would exclude them.

That might be an example for "hard" but not "impossible". When TBC cam out and people started raiding Kara, it was considered impossible for a druid to tank Nightbane without Fear Ward and/or Tremor Totem. A few months later they successfully did so anyway.

Ten attempts for a raid boss is nothing. Had they kept trying, they would have managed eventually. Only one half of a boss fight is about healing and damage output. The other half is about learning the fight, covering important aspects like positioning and such. This allows you to take less damage and do more at the same time. If there was an achievement for healing every raid encounter with only pallies, they'd figure out a way. But there isn't, and since there are priests, druids, and shamans available, they don't have to.

Tell him that. Last time I spoke to him about it he said that the only way to probably do it is to have the whole raid stack stamina at the cost of DPS. Also, when I say 10+ tries I'm talking 10 tries the 3 or 4 times they entered the place.

It makes sense really. Aside from one small 6 sec CD heal a paladin *can't* heal while moving. Malygos' vortex causes 20K damage to all players in the raid while moving them around. A paladin which is forced to move for 10 seconds can heal ~32K damage at most, assuming both his Holy Shocks crit and his beacon is up. Also assuming everybody is actually on 100% hp when a vortex starts, this allows 3 paladins to heal at a maximum of 144K damage out of 200K damage done. With 56K damage unhealed (assuming the paladins do everything correctly and ALL their spells cast crit) at least 2 raid members will die on the first vortex, leaving you to 8-man the encounter. The chance even *that* happens is like one in a million. On your avarage attempt more people will die, less heals will crit, beacon will not always be at the ready and people will be low on hp before the vortex starts. And I haven't even mentioned that this is a decently geared raid I'm on about (Naxx 10 geared), players lose 10% of their maximum health as they fall down, and since vortex scatters the raid any sort of aggro error or AOE damage done within ~10 seconds after the vortex will likely result in another death.

Yes, sure, if you throw it all you got, are overgeared, have an otherwise perfect raid set-up and have all 3 pallies communicating intensively about who to heal when, you'll eventually down him; nothing's impossible. It's just that the chance of succeeding is negligible.
#33 Jan 06 2009 at 10:27 AM Rating: Default
988 posts
You're assuming that absolutely everybody gets hit, and nobody resists any of the arcane damage. That in itself is wrong and rather unlikely.
#34 Jan 06 2009 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
I always considered priests to be the foundation of the healers. Sure, pallys can pump out spam heals with crazy numbers. Shaman can multi-target heal like nobody's business. Druids HoTs make raid healing a breeze. Priests fill in the gaps, AND put up nice numbers. As an ex-pally healer, those gaps are the difference between a hard but successful boss fight and a highly frustrating and stressful string of wipes. Our "buff" is the ability to make lemonade from lemons. And now that we have two specs for healing, if a guild is druid or shaman-heavy, we can go disc for MT healing. If it's pally heavy, we can go holy for raid healing.

Sure, you can come up with many all-star raid rosters that would be successful and don't include a priest. Although this works on paper, how many people are in guilds that have exactly the number of people slotted for this roster, with 100% availability? If that's you, cool, good for you, roll without a priest. I'll bet the other 99.9% of us out there would rather just have a good priest in the raid.

Saying one is better than another is a bit silly, imho. Classes are tools. Each tool has a main purpose. Would you rather have a toolbox with only screwdrivers? Only hammers? Even a toolbox with a hammer and a screwdriver is going to have a tough time sawing wood. /lame metaphor
#35 Jan 06 2009 at 9:04 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
This is getting so ridiculous that I'm not even sure what it is you are trying to prove anymore Kan... Are you trying to say that priests suck? can't heal at all? are the worst healers? the most useless class? Or are you just trying to prove that you are a douche or just being argumentative for the fun of it.

I sincerely hope you are not just trying to prove that priests are not the best healers, because the main person you are arguing with (Moz) has said numerous times in both this thread and other that they are not the best healing class.

Having said that I think you would be hard pressed to argue that with 2 whole talent trees dedicated to healing the Priest IS the class with the most variance and flexibility in HOW they heal. Not within a single spec (Disc can't bring mad aoe healing like Holy or a Druid) but as a class.

The "best healing class" will always be situational as certain fights give the advantage to particular classes over others (for example Paladin's were the strongest healing class for Maiden but one of the weaker classes for Shade where the Druid excelled).

The "best healer" will always be the player who understands their class mechanics the best and is able to focus best on their role as healer regardless of their class.

Seriously Kan, I often find your contributions really valuable but honestly feel like you are arguing for the sake of arguing in this thread.

#36 Jan 06 2009 at 10:13 PM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Seriously Kan, I often find your contributions really valuable but honestly feel like you are arguing for the sake of arguing in this thread.

That about sums it up. Though I don't see myself arguing with Moz beyond the definition of "impossible"

I'm playing druid AND priest because of the way they both suck in certain situations. Playing a priest does not keep me from being very critical about it's abilities, especially in comparison to other classes.

I'm not trying to prove anything - other than the fact that some people just consider themselves and their toon as way too important. So stuck up in their own little world that I'm wondering if they would have ever patched their game beyond 1.0 if that had been a choice.

#37 Jan 06 2009 at 11:36 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
I'm not trying to prove anything - other than the fact that some people just consider themselves and their toon as way too important. So stuck up in their own little world that I'm wondering if they would have ever patched their game beyond 1.0 if that had been a choice.

I hear that. In fact in one way I am one of those people, how I'd love to roll my enhancement shammy back a coupla dozen patches. Smiley: grin
#38 Jan 11 2009 at 6:04 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
So, as a 70 feral druid who is currently weighing up either
(a) re-speccing my 48 ret pally to holy and levelling to 80 or
(b) levelling my 26 holy priest up to 80

as my 'healer' alt, what am I to take from the above posts?

It seems everyone agrees that at the cutting edge of content, there are some raids where holy pally's do not perform at the required level. It also seems that there are some raids where they perform very well.

Which holds true for your typical random PUG 5 mans, heroics, etc? Is there anything that holy pally's can do better than priests?
#39 Jan 11 2009 at 10:54 PM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Is there anything that holy pally's can do better than priests?

- Can't beat a pally / tree druid combo in 10-mans.
- Pally can dispel 3 types of debuff, priest only 2.
- Pally can buff individually rather than having a few base buffs not every class benefits from.
- Pally Bubble > Priest Bubble when things go wrong.
- Divine Intervention saves time otherwise wasted on corpse runs.
- Pally can tank or dps when fed up with healing w/o being a gimped version of either 2.

Lots of things, really, but you won't necessarily find them in the priest section...
#40 Jan 12 2009 at 6:00 AM Rating: Decent
- Pally can dispel 3 types of debuff, priest only 2.

Yes, but pallys can only dispel one of each type every cast. Priests can dispell multiple with every cast. For example, if a target had 3 diseases and 2 magic effects on them, it would take a pally 3 casts to get rid of them all, while a priest would only need two. In addition, the priest disease dispel provides a buff that removes additional diseases for up to 20 seconds.

- Pally can buff individually rather than having a few base buffs not every class benefits from.

Yes, they have blessings which are extremely useful buffs in their own right, but I don't see how not every class "benefits" from a priest's buffs. The two main buffs that a priest can give are Power Word: Fortitude, which is useful to everyone. More stamina = Staying alive longer. Period. And the other, Shadow Protection, is useful for the times that the enemy is using shadow magic. I just don't see how "not every class" would benefit form those.

- Pally Bubble > Priest Bubble when things go wrong.

You can't compare the two. The only similarity is that the graphics look kinda the same. A pally bubble is complete immunity on the PALADIN ONLY on a 5 minute cooldown. Or were you thinking of Hand of Protection? That's able to be cast on anybody, but only protects against physical attacks. In addition, all of the pally bubble abilities cause a debuff that makes it impossible to be bubbled again for 2 minutes. All of this is untalented, of course.

And then there's Divine Intervention, which is basically an "OHSH**" button, used for wipe prevention. And it involves the caster dieing. Yes, it's better for when things go wrong, but if the tank and healers are doing their job in a group/raid setting (which is the only setting that ability can be used in), then there shouldn't be a need for it anyways.

A priest bubble is an ability on a 4 second cooldown that absorbs a set amount of damage, not make the target immune to it. It also places a debuff on the target that makes them unable to be shielded again for 15 seconds. This spell sees everyday use, and in a group setting it is useful for stopping the dps from taking some damage. It's useful for healing, it's useful for soloing. It gets much more use than any pally bubble. Period. And it's on a shorter cooldown.

- Divine Intervention saves time otherwise wasted on corpse runs.

True, but like I said above, although stuff goes wrong occasionally, if everyone's doing their job then you shouldn't need this spell.

Pally can tank or dps when fed up with healing w/o being a gimped version of either 2.

No. Just no. If a pally is in full healing gear, then they can solo fine. Soloing is easy. Soloing is meant to be doable as a healer. But in a group or raid setting, a holy-speced pally in healing gear can not dps or tank. That is just asking for problems. Please people, not just pallys. PLAY AS YOUR SPEC. If you are a shadow priest don't try to heal a heroic. If you're a fury warrior, don't try to tank. This only applies to higher-level content, I suppose though. I healed as a shadow priest up until ~65 in BC, and today it'd be possible to go even higher.

However if you're a holy pally with healing gear, don't expect to be able to tank or dps very well without a respec and gear change.
#41 Jan 12 2009 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Fine then, let's just continue arguing...

Yes, but pallys can only dispel one of each type every cast

That's still sufficient because in most instances you're getting exactly that single type of debuff that doesn't stack either.

For example, if a target had 3 diseases and 2 magic effects on them, it would take a pally 3 casts to get rid of them all, while a priest would only need two.

That situation might be the case in PvP, but it's rather unlikely in PvE.

In addition, the priest disease dispel provides a buff that removes additional diseases for up to 20 seconds.

That's good and great. A shaman puts down a cleansing totem and does that for the entire group. But it doesn't help if you simply can't dispel the debuff you're dealing with, now does it?

I don't see how not every class "benefits" from a priest's buffs. The two main buffs that a priest can give are Power Word: Fortitude, which is useful to everyone. More stamina = Staying alive longer. Period. And the other, Shadow Protection, is useful for the times that the enemy is using shadow magic. I just don't see how "not every class" would benefit form those.

Stamina buff benefits all, regardless of the situation. Shadow Protection obviously only helps when you're actually dealing with shadow magic. Pallies have auras against Shadow, Fire, and Frost. They still can boost base stats through BoK, or buff individually with BoM, BoW, and whatnot. More DPS = less damage taken overall, so pallies clearly outclass priests in the buff department.

You can't compare the two. The only similarity is that the graphics look kinda the same. A pally bubble is complete immunity on the PALADIN ONLY on a 5 minute cooldown.

It's guaranteed survival for the healer for as long as the bubble lasts - and it does for a set amount of time rather than a set amount of damage absorbed. It also removes all debuffs and the vast majority of mobs immediately loses interest in the pally once the shield is up. While a priest's shield is sufficient in most cases for the tank to grab aggro again, it's after all just a preemptive, instant heal.

For soloing the priest shield becomes a necessity because you simply can't use plate armor and rely completely on your (uninterrupted) spells to kill a mob. This is not the case for a paladin. They can absorb damage through armor rather than a shield.

But in a group or raid setting, a holy-speced pally in healing gear can not dps or tank. That is just asking for problems. Please people, not just pallys. PLAY AS YOUR SPEC. If you are a shadow priest don't try to heal a heroic. If you're a fury warrior, don't try to tank. This only applies to higher-level content, I suppose though. I healed as a shadow priest up until ~65 in BC, and today it'd be possible to go even higher.

However if you're a holy pally with healing gear, don't expect to be able to tank or dps very well without a respec and gear change.

Do you think I'm THAT stupid or insane? Of course it requires a trip to the trainer for a respec. Point is, though, that once you go through that respec, you're getting to play a toon that's completely different in it's role. Three talent trees and three roles to choose from clearly beat the 2 a priest has available. Priests get to pick between 2 healing styles and some caster dps. They'll never tank.

"apothik" wrote:
So, as a 70 feral druid who is currently weighing up either
(a) re-speccing my 48 ret pally to holy and levelling to 80 or
(b) levelling my 26 holy priest up to 80

as my 'healer' alt, what am I to take from the above posts?

What you should take from those posts is that you need to be pretty damn sure about what you want to do with your toons. It depends very much on how much you're tied up with your druid. If your guild depends on you tanking, you'll have a hard time convincing them that you should bring your priest-alt to a raid for badges or gear, while they won't have a problem with you taking a prot-pally for the time being. Druid + pally = full flexibility, whereas Druid + Priest would drastically limit your choices.

If you're absolutely sure that all you ever want to do with that toon is healing, by all means, level the priest. If there is the least bit of a doubt, the slightest possibility that you could also be interested in doing something else, then level your paladin.
#42 Jan 12 2009 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Just one thing I'll have a go at;

Shadow Protection obviously only helps when you're actually dealing with shadow magic. Pallies have auras against Shadow, Fire, and Frost. They still can boost base stats through BoK, or buff individually with BoM, BoW, and whatnot. More DPS = less damage taken overall, so pallies clearly outclass priests in the buff department.

Pallies have auras against Shadow

Yup, but unlike priests, pallies have to give up another buff to grant shadow resistance.
#43 Jan 12 2009 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Yup, but unlike priests, pallies have to give up another buff to grant shadow resistance.

Sure, but in most cases that would be Devotion Aura, which definitely can be neglected when your major concern is magic damage since it can't be mitigated by armor anyway.
#44 Jan 12 2009 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I don't see why it would 'in most cases' be devotion aura, you could just as well have a ret pallie or tankadin. And just because you need a shadow resistance buff doesn't mean that your "major concern" is magic damage.

Nah, sorry, but a priests' shadow protection does beat a paladin aura by a long way.
#45 Jan 12 2009 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
Obviously there are things one class does better than another. That's why there are different classes.

As far as playstyle, Priest is one of the most fun healers out there, hands down. The sheer volume of spells and different approaches to healing makes it a lot of fun to play. They are also excellent at what they do. Some people might find that the different approach that the other healing classes excel in is more interesting. I believe that's why the OP posted in all the forums, to get an idea of how each works.

Many will disagree, but I think pally healing is the most boring, mind numbing excuse for strategy ever invented in an MMO. The fact that they gave them an ability to keep them doing the same reactive and frantic spam which allows them to heal 2 targets instead of one makes me LOL. Some gimmick fights that require specific pally abilities are fun, but otherwise BLAH.

Saying a priest isn't as good because they don't bring buffs (isn't that sorta the signature of a hybrid class anyway?) is just silly. It's about enjoying the game and hopefully doing well, not where you appear on a min/max chart.
#46 Jan 12 2009 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
988 posts
I don't see why it would 'in most cases' be devotion aura, you could just as well have a ret pallie or tankadin.

Not when we're discussing holy paladins - healers - and how they compare to priests. That kinda implies having a holy pally and NOT ret or prot...

Otherwise you'd had to throw in Shadow Priests too, who can buff Fortitude and Shadow Protection as well.
#47 Jan 12 2009 at 7:47 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
This thread scares me.

Edit: On the shammy forum everyone pretty much just said go roll a druid :-)

Edited, Jan 13th 2009 3:48am by SunSoarer
#48 Jan 12 2009 at 10:18 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
Well thanks again gentlemen for putting your opinions on the table...

I jumped on my 25 holy priest the other day and healed Blackfathom Deeps. I'm not sure how much we overgeared that place but we only had 4 people in total and we breezed through... and I had an absolute blast healing.

Back when I was a moonkin I healed a few instances and to be honest I always really struggled, although the fact I didn't have any resto talents probably contributed to that. :)

But with the priest, I really enjoyed the playstyle. I clicked with it straight away and the talents further up the trees sound fun. In fact I ontend to level as holy (lurrvve holy fire).

One question: how effective is fade at higher levels? Because in BFD, I pulled aggro a few occasions and every time I just hit shield/fade and the mob would instantly turn back to a dps.

The main attraction of a holy paladin was (a) Lay on Hands and (b) knowing that if I pulled aggro I had bubbles and plate armour to keep me alive.

In a heroic say, if I aggroed a mob and did the same shield/fade how many hits would I be able to survive?

#49 Jan 12 2009 at 11:39 PM Rating: Decent
561 posts
@apothik: I would say first you FADE then you shield (if you still need it). The new blizz UI tells you when you get aggro, and you'd better hit fade right away. Then, if you still have aggro shield yourself. Then start loving Binding Heal (when you get it).

On another note, if you plan to heal lots of instances while you level, you might want to get Silent Resolve to make up for those bad tanks or careless dps'ers.
#50 Jan 12 2009 at 11:47 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
But with the priest, I really enjoyed the playstyle. I clicked with it straight away and the talents further up the trees sound fun. In fact I ontend to level as holy (lurrvve holy fire).

Glad you're enjoying it, I never thought I would but have found that I absolutely love the playstyle of the healing priest. I would definitely advise sinking 3 points in shadow for Spirit Tap (this is almost not optional while leveling) and speccing down Disc far enough to get Meditation.

One question: how effective is fade at higher levels? Because in BFD, I pulled aggro a few occasions and every time I just hit shield/fade and the mob would instantly turn back to a dps.

Not as effective at higher levels but it does the job. Having said that by the higher levels you should have found yourself a couple of good tanks and therefore should find you almost never have to use it.

The only times I use fade these days are on certain fights where fresh adds spawn in and aggro to me because I am healing (and even then my usual tanks will sort it out so fast i could probably get away with not using it) or when I PuG.

In a heroic say, if I aggroed a mob and did the same shield/fade how many hits would I be able to survive?

2-3 at best. My solution, don't get hit and be ready on Desperate Prayer (holy tree) at a moments notice.
#51 Jan 13 2009 at 7:40 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
@apothik: I would say first you FADE then you shield (if you still need it).

2-3 at best. My solution, don't get hit and be ready on Desperate Prayer (holy tree) at a moments notice.

Just let me stress that.

Yesterday I went into a heroic Gundrak and we did the golem/elemental boss. At some point I was slacking for a second and the tank dropped to about 20%. Once I realized I immediatly jumped onto his health bar and started spam healing him, just as the elemental was going back into golem phase. By the time the morphing was done the tank was at 50% and I felt like doing another Inner Focus powered Penance to get him full. I aggrod, but figured "I could get that penance off anyway, just to top the tank off". The boss 1-shot me for 15K damage.
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