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what healing class to choose?Follow

#1 Dec 20 2008 at 12:17 AM Rating: Decent
well ive played a warrior tank for a long time and while tanking is fun, i went to oculus and had a blast doing heals. so id like to roll a healing toon, the problem is that i dont know which to choose. i have no experience healing whatsoever. and i know people will say to choose whatever playstyle i like the most. but i dont know the playstyles of any of the healing classes >.<

Basically i was just wondering what the playstyle of your class is and how you like it compared to the other classes.

Oh and im putting this in all 4 healing classes threads. thx for your time :)
#2 Dec 20 2008 at 6:14 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
I personally settled on the priest for several reasons, and your mileage will vary on all of them:

1. I like the flexibility and the variety. While the other healing classes tend to be known for a particular thing (druids for awesome HOT's, shaman for powerful group healing, paladins for strong single target heals), priests have a little of everything: single heals, HOT's, group heals, and panic buttons a-plenty. We've got a spec for multi-target/raid healing and a spec for tank healing. There's really no healing role we can't fill.
2. I enjoy this class's DPS spec for solo activities, so that allows me mix things up sometimes.
3. I couldn't be an undead druid.
#3 Dec 20 2008 at 6:21 AM Rating: Decent
343 posts
Pre 3.0 I could tell you that Pally Healers are the best single target healer, and Priests are the best group healers.

Today I can tell you that Priests have 2 talent tabs for healing and no other class does. Yes, you can heal as a druid, or a shammy, or even a paladin, but you'll find more ways, and so many different playing styles inside a priest for the healing roll that if you don't like playing your priest, even after specing the 4 or 5 viable ways that we have discovered to suite your style, you shouldn't be playing a healer at all.

Yes, I'm bias. From the start we were to be the healers of the game. Some thing in this world will never change. Some things do.
#4 Dec 20 2008 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
While the other healing classes tend to be known for a particular thing (druids for awesome HOT's, shaman for powerful group healing, paladins for strong single target heals), priests have a little of everything: single heals, HOT's, group heals, and panic buttons a-plenty. We've got a spec for multi-target/raid healing and a spec for tank healing. There's really no healing role we can't fill.

Yet another bullseye from Teacake, that's exactly how I feel about it.

I've healed as a druid up to 68 and a paladin up to 38. While the way other classes heal can be fun, it's just really not my thing. Paladin healing feels way to 'reactive' to me. It's like playing a priest who can only cast greater heal. Playing a druid is exactly the opposite, to me it feels more like I have *only* weak HOT spells and lack heal'bombs'. Priests simply seem to have it all.

The thing is, as a priest, I react to every bit of damage differently. If the tank loses ~18% hp I will use penance. If the tank loses 25% hp and there is no real other burst in play I will use penance and renew. If the tank loses 30% hp and there is no burst in play I will use greater heal. If the tank loses 5% hp I will use renew and possibly cancelcast greater heal. If the tank loses between 30% and 50% hp I will use shield, penance and renew.
As a druid, if the tank loses 18% hp I will use regrowth and rejuvenation. If the tank loses 25% hp I will use regrowth and rejuvenation. If the tank loses 30% hp I will use regrowth and rejuvenation. If the tank loses 5% hp I will use rejuvenation. If the tank loses between 30% and 50% hp I will use regrowth and rejuvenation. Occasionally I'll mix in Lifebloom, but that's it.
As a paladin, if the tank loses between 10% and 20% hp I will use flash of light. If the tank loses more than 20% hp I will use holy light.

I realize it might not be that blunt, but that´s how it feels to me. Priest healing requires a little more thinking about what heal to use. Is the tank going to get hit again? Will the borrowed time bonus from Power Word: Shield help me here? Since the tank is blocking so much, might simply casting renew be a good idea? And after an AOE, should I use Power Word: Shield on low hp target A or low hp target B?

Simply said, I think priest healing feels more 'secure' to me. When healing on my druid or paladin I have a lot of those moments where I go "Right, what heal to use here? X will probably overheal and Y might not be enough to counter the upcoming burst". As a priest I've got so many abilities at my disposal that work in so many situations that very plainly said, there's more thinking involved to do it right.

In the end however, I think it's all personal preferrence. I can see very well how somebody could find druids more 'secure'; if an unexpected burst comes up, you will have 3 HOTs running on the tank and he should be able to hang in for a bit anyway.
#5 Dec 20 2008 at 12:26 PM Rating: Default
988 posts
As a druid, if the tank loses 18% hp I will use regrowth and rejuvenation. If the tank loses 25% hp I will use regrowth and rejuvenation. If the tank loses 30% hp I will use regrowth and rejuvenation. If the tank loses 5% hp I will use rejuvenation. If the tank loses between 30% and 50% hp I will use regrowth and rejuvenation. Occasionally I'll mix in Lifebloom, but that's it.

Not quite. Once you get your HoTs rolling, you should never see such variances in the tank's health, to the point that you can heal massive damage on at least 2 targets without ever breaking a sweat - in addition to keeping everybody else alive.

I also very much prefer the mobility of a druid. If I get frozen or silenced as a priest, I am entirely useless and have to watch health bars dropping. It's just not happening like that with a druid.

I have tools like Swiftmend or Nature's Swiftness to catch damage spikes if they ever occur, in addition to 2 amazing group heals. While Tranquility is both channeled and has a rather long CD, it's a huge amount of healing coming out of it - entirely threatless if talented. Then again, the same talent makes it available on just about every 2nd pull.

What if you decide that the whole healing thing doesn't work out for you, or if you'd just like to temporarily do something different? 2 of a priests 3 talent trees are for healing, with the third one (still) being mostly a single-target dps one.

I'm leaving out the paladin here, since you mentioned playing a warrior too. You can tank or melee-dps with your warrior, and leveling up a hybrid only because of one talent tree that you might actually be interested in playing doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense.

As much as I love playing my priest, I'd recommend a druid... That's not only because the whole class is a hybrid, the healing-style is too. You even have hybrid heals, and you just don't get that with any other healer.

#6 Dec 23 2008 at 9:14 AM Rating: Default
You want to be an awesome healer or just a healer? Priests are incredible. Hands down the best healers. Sure druids, shamans, and paladins can heal. But that doesn't mean its to be done. You get a plethora of heals, its incredibly easy to bail out of sticky situations, and you have multiple (ok 2) healing specs. Priests aren't a hybrid class. They are THE healing class.

Penance and prayer of mending, best heals ever. Throw prayer of mending on someone and AoE damage becomes your friend. And penance? A quick burst of 3 heals (mine average about 2400hp each with 3400-4000 crits) in 1.5 seconds? Combined with inner focus and grace (and divine aegis to boot) you have a heal with the power of a G heal with half the mana cost. And its instant! Plus if you go discipline you never find yourself low on mana.

I went the route of discipline as a healing spec because I haven't started lvl 80 raids yet and I mostly PuG 5 mans. Plus discipline is much easier to level. Go holy if you are in a good guild that doesn't have to PuG. If you plan on running mostly 5 man pugs, go discipline. I'll give you the best advice for priestin'.

First of all, don't level shadow spec. Please. Level whatever spec you plan on staying with. You learn so much valuable knowledge by leveling disc or holy. You become familiar with your heals and you learn to use your "Oh ****" features. I've seen so many priests who level shadow and respec for end game dungeons etc. who where terrible healers. Take your time with your priest. Heal every chance you get. And regardless of what anyone tells you, priests are the best healers. Beware though, they do take alot of skill to actually master. So if you want easy mode I wouldn't recomend one.
#7 Dec 24 2008 at 4:34 AM Rating: Good
309 posts
flaminroids wrote:

First of all, don't level shadow spec. Please. Level whatever spec you plan on staying with. You learn so much valuable knowledge by leveling disc or holy. You become familiar with your heals and you learn to use your "Oh sh*t" features. I've seen so many priests who level shadow and respec for end game dungeons etc. who where terrible healers.

Are you sure that they're not just not-so-skilled players?
I am currently leveling my first priest and I'm shadow specced.
The way I see it (granted, with my limited experience) is that I'm learning to heal without the help of more powerful and faster heals.
I haven't had any problems healing dungeons yet, and if I learn to do it the hard way it would seem to be a lot easier when I respec and suddenly get faster and more powerful heals that cost less mana and get more mana regen.
(because I assume that you will be healing in dungeons, even if you're shadow specced.)

And besides, when I leveled up my warlock (my BC main toon, with which I raided BT) and started raiding I did so with an affliction spec.
When I got the gear for it (2*t5 + trinket) I respecced fel guard demo and the transition fealt seamless(btw, a spec that 90% of the warlock community dismissed as unplayable in raids, yet I found it very powerful).
That lead me to the conclusion that understanding game mechanics and learning your class is more important if you want to get the most out of your class.
#8 Dec 24 2008 at 6:03 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
And regardless of what anyone tells you, priests are the best healers.

Arrogant and completely wrong. You need to open your eyes and see what has happened around you while you were focusing on YOUR class.

If you plan on running mostly 5 man pugs, go discipline.

I think it's commonly agreed upon that HOLY is the way to go for 5-mans due to moronic Pug-People eating massive AoE when they shouldn't. This doesn't mean however that you couldn't do it as a Disc Priest. It's certainly more challenging, though.

I'm playing a druid AND a priest. I didn't start the priest because of thinking that the druid wasn't powerful enough. I did because playing a priest healer is DIFFERENT. Now that I have both healing styles available to me I feel complete...

#9 Dec 24 2008 at 9:32 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Arrogant and completely wrong. You need to open your eyes and see what has happened around you while you were focusing on YOUR class.

That's kind of an open point... While you won't hear me say that priests are 'the best' healers, I do still think that they are "the" healer class; it's just a tad hard to define what that exactly means.

First of all, don't level shadow spec. Please. Level whatever spec you plan on staying with. You learn so much valuable knowledge by leveling disc or holy. You become familiar with your heals and you learn to use your "Oh sh*t" features.

I am currently leveling my first priest and I'm shadow specced.
The way I see it (granted, with my limited experience) is that I'm learning to heal without the help of more powerful and faster heals.

That, exactly. Like most priests around here will tell you, while levelling as holy/disc won't necissarily make you a bad healer, it's easier to learn healing the hard way by speccing shadow so you don't have any crutch talents to rely on and HAVE to focus completely on the task at hand.
#10 Dec 27 2008 at 11:19 PM Rating: Good
1,330 posts
That, exactly. Like most priests around here will tell you, while levelling as holy/disc won't necissarily make you a bad healer, it's easier to learn healing the hard way by speccing shadow so you don't have any crutch talents to rely on and HAVE to focus completely on the task at hand.

Spot on, I leveled to 71 as shadow and loved it. I healed nearly every single instance I stepped into during that time (and I am an instance junkie, always have been, they are what I love in this game). During this time the only time I had any trouble was when I had genuinely moronic groups.

Since 71 (now 76) I have done some time as holy and have just gone disc. The healing specs almost make it too easy. Honestly if you level all the way as a healing spec you are never going to challenge yourself and when the sh.. hits the fan you are not going to know what to do because you have become complacent.
#11 Jan 02 2009 at 5:19 AM Rating: Default
129 posts
The way I see it (granted, with my limited experience) is that I'm learning to heal without the help of more powerful and faster heals.
I haven't had any problems healing dungeons yet, and if I learn to do it the hard way it would seem to be a lot easier when I respec and suddenly get faster and more powerful heals that cost less mana and get more mana regen.
(because I assume that you will be healing in dungeons, even if you're shadow specced.)

When I made my priest I was told not to lvl as Holy and that it would be faster and easier to lvl as shadow. I was new to the game and had so many people telling me this I gave in. I regret doing so, while I was able to heal instances till lvl 70, I feel that I learned the basics of Shadow and Holy. I knew how to keep people alive, but not always efficiently, and my gear was not up to par for either spec, I had no hit and had difficulty building my holy set for 70 if there was a actual healer in the group.
When I started raiding Kara, TK, and SSC I was still shadow and had trouble breaking the habit of healing others in the raid. Since I had spent 70 lvls healing or off healing I could not get into the mindset of just DPSing. I soon switched to holy.

When I went to lvl to 80 I did it as holy and loved it! I learned even more about how to heal, spell rotations, and I was chain pulling mobs much larger than I did while shadow.

I'm not saying what you should do, this is just my experience with the class. IMO if you truly want to learn the ins and outs of a spec, lvl and play solely as that spec. DPS if you are DPS, and Heal if you are heals.
#12 Jan 02 2009 at 10:46 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Honestly, thank you for that post. I've been looking to name a couple of downsides to shadow levelling for quite a bit but just couldn't wrap my head around it. Well, there you have it, it's up to you *points* to decide what spec you want to level in the end.
#13REDACTED, Posted: Jan 02 2009 at 3:22 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Wow seriously? Leveling shadow makes you a better healer because you aren't spec'd for it? No, leveling shadow is for those who just want to level fast and not have to use too much skill. So I'm arrogant for saying priests are the best healers, yet no one could explain why they aren't. Ok I'll explain why.
#14 Jan 02 2009 at 5:32 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Wow seriously? Leveling shadow makes you a better healer because you aren't spec'd for it? No, leveling shadow is for those who just want to level fast and not have to use too much skill. So I'm arrogant for saying priests are the best healers, yet no one could explain why they aren't. Ok I'll explain why.

You can't really deny that doing something the hard way makes you better in it then when you're doing something the easy way.

First of all I've rolled all the healing classes. Its true that druids have the best HoT's, Shamans have the best AoE heals, and paladins are incredible single target healers. But priests however are good at everything. Good enough to keep your *** alive. I've healed every single instance all the way up to Halls of lightening with some of the most retarded players and cleared everyone of them. How? Because of flexibility. I had to use HoT's, AoE's and single target heals and if I was only great at one and terrible at the others, I never would of made through most of the instances.

What makes priests the best healers is the fact that no matter the situation, no matter the group, you'll have the abilities needed to get the job done. When you have an entire action bar of heals rather than 2 or 3, its much more difficult to be a GOOD healer, however any idiot can spam a couple heals and keep people alive. When the sh*t hits the fan (which it does when you pug)you'll need skill and the right heal for the job.

That's all cool, but at the moment paladins are the only exception; every other healing class can heal every encounter. All you're pointing out is that priests are less specialized than other classes. Which is true. That's also the main reason why I consider priests "the" main healing class. But it doesn't make them the "best" healing class. There is no best healing class.

Most of it in the end depends on personal preference, it's just that there is no definite "best" class/spec/cake.
#15 Jan 02 2009 at 6:04 PM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Its true that druids have the best HoT's, Shamans have the best AoE heals, and paladins are incredible single target healers.

That's the outdated TBC mindset. Paladins were considered single-target healers, but that changed dramatically since they got their crazy beacon. Shamans were preferred for group healing only because they could heal across groups, while a priest's CoH was limited to the own group only. Druids didn't have AoE heals until now - other than Tranquility which doesn't really count because of it's insane cooldown.

You're arrogant if you refuse to see those dramatic changes to other classes. You don't seem to have problems taking advantage of changes to your own chosen spec though. You'd get laughed at and probably kicked out of a group had you tried to heal TBC heroics or even regular 80's instances as a Discipline priest. There was a time before Penance...

Because of flexibility. I had to use HoT's, AoE's and single target heals and if I was only great at one and terrible at the others, I never would of made through most of the instances.

Same arrogance. Who do you think is terrible at what? Every healer class can heal every single instance in this game. As a Disc priest - or any other healer - you lose against the flexibility of a druid. It's them who have any every type of healing in a single talent tree. Does that make them superior?

When you have an entire action bar of heals rather than 2 or 3, its much more difficult to be a GOOD healer, however any idiot can spam a couple heals and keep people alive. When the sh*t hits the fan (which it does when you pug)you'll need skill and the right heal for the job.

You're an OOM priest if you use more than those heals actually beneficial for your chosen spec, effectively reducing the number of heals to less than a handful. Had you really played any other healing class, you'd know that they might have fewer heals overall, but actually use all of them in one way or another - simply because they can without being penalized or because they have to thanks to some cooldowns making their job HARDER.

And you spec holy for raids, not 5 mans.

Oh yeah that explains why so many Disc priests don't feel accepted in heroics, and end up opening threads left and right about the lack of trust and tolerance.

And also this is coming from a tanks perspective also. I jump for joy when we get a priest healer. Shamans are my second favorite.

From a tank's perspective? That's funny, because as a tank I could care less where my heals come from. Bandages if necessary. Just why would I possibly care? A tank's job is to tank, not to worry about the source of his heals beyond keeping mobs off that source.

And a good healer will always be doing something. I don't stop healing until the fight is over and EVERYONE has 100% health.

Guess what you are doing is a whole lot of drinking then, eh?

Priest supremacy:

A doctrine based on a belief in the inherent superiority of the priest class over other classes and the correlative necessity for the subordination of non-priests to priests in all relationships.


#16 Jan 02 2009 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Seeing as both of you don't seem types to let go easily to me, I just want to get one thing in before the thread explodes =P

Every healer class can heal every single instance in this game.

The reason I was careful with wording this in my own post is because it's not true; Paladins are an exception here. It is nigh impossible to kill Sartharion if you have only paladin healers, for example. While you're right about them getting beacon and the likes, they are still mainly single target healers. But yes, your point is right.
#17 Jan 02 2009 at 6:25 PM Rating: Default
988 posts
It is nigh impossible to kill Sartharion if you have only paladin healers, for example.

And I bet you.. they would do just that if it was necessary.
#18 Jan 03 2009 at 4:15 PM Rating: Default
Ok I suppose to an extent you can't really say what is the best healing class because there are too many variables. I've seen a ret paladin that did a better job healing than a T6 holy priest. Its all based on the skill of the player. In fact that T6 priest was the worst healer I had ever had. And he was in the realms best raiding guild. How could this happen?

The healers most important job is to turn a mess into a successful run. Its much harder to find a good tank than a good healer. I've healed good groups, and I healed really really bad groups. The difference? The good groups I did absolutely nothing. The tank took all the damage, DPS stayed out of trouble and all I had to do was spam renew. The bad groups? Well lets just say I usually use every heal available during each pull. And before the patch, I rolled discipline. No one seemed to notice or care. And yes I healed heroics and kara long before the patch.

The fact of the matter is that priests have a heal for every occasion. Problem is, most players don't have the mind capacity to use them properly. Priestin' ain't easy. Yeah there are many classes than can heal. And most quite well. But I'll stick by priests being the best. And the OOM comments? I never run out of mana. Disc spec+ alot of spirit+alchemy= You get the idea.
#19 Jan 03 2009 at 7:36 PM Rating: Decent
1,330 posts
The healers most important job is to turn a mess into a successful run. Its much harder to find a good tank than a good healer. I've healed good groups, and I healed really really bad groups. The difference? The good groups I did absolutely nothing. The tank took all the damage, DPS stayed out of trouble and all I had to do was spam renew. The bad groups? Well lets just say I usually use every heal available during each pull. And before the patch, I rolled discipline. No one seemed to notice or care. And yes I healed heroics and kara long before the patch.

This casts into doubt that you actually have a tank as well. I have had good and bad groups on my tank just as I have had good and bad groups on my healer. Many healers don't gear their toons right, and don't understand healing priorities or mana conservation techniques. I can't even count the amount of times I have died in content I have previously done with no issues. Why? because the healer was out of their depth.

The best healer is a person who knows how to play their class regardless of what that class may be. I have run with awesome resto shammies and terrible priests. The best healer I know is a Druid, that's not to say that druids generically are the best but that this particular player is the best healer I know (he also has a resto shammy who rates almost as highly but he has been druid healing since vanilla beta so is better at it as a result).
#20REDACTED, Posted: Jan 04 2009 at 4:24 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You doubt I have a tank? Look at my sig and click on the armory link next to "tauren warrior" before you have anymore doubts. Its been there the whole time. Anyways with ignorance aside, a great player is what makes a good healer. My opinion is that class wise, priests are the best equipped for the job. Simply because they are a healing specific class. Druids are hybrids, paladins are hybrids, shamans are hybrids, Priests are healers.
#21 Jan 04 2009 at 6:22 PM Rating: Excellent
1,330 posts
flaminroids wrote:
Druids are hybrids, paladins are hybrids, shamans are hybrids, Priests are healers.

Tell a shadow priest that.
#22 Jan 05 2009 at 3:06 AM Rating: Default
I'll tell a shadow priest he should of rolled a warlock if DPS is what he had in mind.
#23 Jan 05 2009 at 5:42 AM Rating: Default
I havnt seen shamans as hybrids since early vanilla since they was supposed to be tanks.
Shamans are as hybrid as priests as they can dps or heal, saying that warriors can dps or tank, does that make them a hybrid?

druid and pallies can do all 3 so i se them as the only true hybrids.
#24 Jan 05 2009 at 6:56 AM Rating: Excellent
I'll tell a shadow priest he should of rolled a warlock if DPS is what he had in mind.

#25 Jan 05 2009 at 7:26 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
The thing is, priests have two trees which give them mana regeneration and bonus healing in addition to actually allowing them to specialize in what way they heal. Non-priest healer classes have just one tree which does nothing more than bringing their mana regeneration and bonus healing up to a viable level; their specialization is chosen for them. This is why one could say that priests are "the" healer class; their class alone allows them to heal, their spec allows for specialization. Shamans, druids and paladins are basically classes that start off blank but have a talent tree to simply make their healing viable. They cannot specialize the way priests can, but are instead limited to the boundaries of their class which are simply smaller than a priests'.

Simply said, a group of 3 priests can heal any 10-man encounter. A group of 3 druids or 3 shamans can too, but they'll have a harder time. For paladins, we've even arrived at the point where some encounters are simply *impossible* to heal when one has solely paladin healers.

While you can't really say priests are "the" best class (there's plenty of exceptional encounters where other healers shine), this is why they for me remain the only class in the game pretty much 'built to heal'. And there's also this nostalgic feeling surrounding it; to me, a warrior is 'the' tanking class just as a priest is 'the' healing class. I just feel more comfortable with that age old mantra intact.
#26 Jan 05 2009 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
The thing is, priests have two trees which give them mana regeneration and bonus healing in addition to forcing them to specialize in what way they heal.


Non-priest healer classes have just one tree which does nothing more than bringing their mana regeneration and bonus healing up to a viable level; their specialization is chosen for them.

That means that they can do everything in one talent tree that priests need 2 for.

Simply said, a group of 3 priests can heal any 10-man encounter. A group of 3 druids or 3 shamans can too, but they'll have a harder time.

Yet priests are the only healer class that you can very well live without.

For paladins, we've even arrived at the point where some encounters are simply *impossible* to heal when one has solely paladin healers.

I have yet to see proof of that.

Edited, Jan 5th 2009 6:50pm by Kanngarnix
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