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new upcoming changes on ptrFollow

#1 Dec 18 2008 at 9:47 PM Rating: Good
1,039 posts
First, 2- 2h tanking weapons.
Stats look nice, and i like the sword. I loved the sword you got from the starting DK quests and to see that they made an updated version of it pwns.

Now for the rest,

Death Knight (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)

* Howling Blast had its cooldown removed.


* Glyph of Blood Boil - Causes your Blood Boil to slow affected targets for 5 sec. (Old - Also reduced damage of Blood Boil by 20%)
* Glyph of Death and Decay - Targets of your Death and Decay have a 10% chance to cower in fear for 2 sec. (Down from 20%)
* Glyph of Icy Touch - Your Icy Touch generates 10 additional runic power. (Old - Also reduced damage of Icy Touch by 10%)
* Glyph of Death Strike - Increases your Death Strike's damage by 20%. (No longer increases healing)

DS glyph nerf sucks for soloers. DnD was a bit OP especially in pvp so i'm glad it got nerfed. I think there's still something like 55+ % chance of getting a DnD glyph proc over the 10 seconds its up.
Icy touch and blood boil are pretty win, especially the IT one.

The HB cooldown being removed, I'm not sure how i feel about it. now that glyph of oblit isnt going to reduce disease damage, oblit is going to become a real powerhouse. On single targets i feel oblit will win, but for aoe its nice to have, especially for bg-pvp as you can quickly IT -> Pest -> HB if there's no disease cleanse totem.
Either way I also kind of felt that HB was good with the cooldown. Maybe HB should keep its cooldown and have a little more damage. Back in beta it was way OP with its triple damage and shatter combo it was on a 20 or 30s cooldown, now its a little on the slightly weak side but does great aoe damage. Thats just my opinion though.


Edited, Dec 19th 2008 12:21am by EnthalpyTheBurninator
#2 Dec 18 2008 at 10:05 PM Rating: Decent
90 posts
Is DS healing based off of base damage or the damage it actually does? Or is the increase of damage factored in after the healing?
Really sucks though, seeing as when your frost tanking with full 130 RP, Glyph of Death Strike increases it by %52
#3 Dec 18 2008 at 10:17 PM Rating: Decent
Well first, I like that they added tanking two handers to the game. BUT WHY THE HELL DO THEY HAVE TO BE BOP BLACKSMITHING?!?!? I don't want to spend f*cking thousands and thousands of gold leveling blacksmithing just for one weapon which is almost mandatory (yes, almost mandatory, we have way too little health on the rest of our gear trying to make up that 90 def rating).

Second, I like the new Runeforge.

Third, I don't know why they removed the CD from Howling Blast. I'd prefer it have a 20 sec CD with lots more damage. Especially with the awesome Obliterate now.

Fourth, Glyph of Death Strike is just stupid. Who cares about its damage? It's our self heal attack, we don't care what dmg it does as long as it heals us good!

And last, I don't like the DnD nerf. It costs way too many runes for that nerf. It wasn't OP in PvP, takes too many runes. Sure, you can fear someone but there goes your rotation!
#4 Dec 18 2008 at 10:19 PM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
edit: holy sh*t those weapons are listed as BOP. I have a feeling that might be changed, otherwise I'm going to be very angry.
Also, the "Current" HB is a 6s cooldown with a double damage component.

Edit: Healing is based on damage, but the healing effect cannot crit as its a separate effect and a crit on the healing would be like "double dipping"

Edited, Dec 19th 2008 12:21am by EnthalpyTheBurninator

Edited, Dec 19th 2008 6:55am by EnthalpyTheBurninator
#5 Dec 18 2008 at 11:41 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
EnthalpyTheBurninator wrote:
DS's healing effect cannot crit, while its damage component can. As far as I know, the healing component is not based on damage, just on diseases.

What I don't know, is if the healing effect itself scales with AP.

What I'm saying, DS heal is something like this,
AmountHealed = (SomeBase+Modifiers)*Diseases

If anyone knows, is this healing static, based on weapon average, or AP based?
I'm going to take a quick guess its AP based, but I'm not sure.

edit: holy sh*t those weapons are listed as BOP. I have a feeling that might be changed, otherwise I'm going to be very angry.
Also, the "Current" HB is a 6s cooldown with a double damage component.

TLDR: the healing is completely separate from the damage component.

Edited, Dec 19th 2008 12:21am by EnthalpyTheBurninator

DS healing is based on damage done.

The % of your damage that contributes to healing it determined by how many diseases you have up.
#6 Dec 19 2008 at 1:11 AM Rating: Decent
From what i read...
does this mean except the cooldown nothing changes on howling blast?
From my experience this will render Obil useless for frost dk... Im doing same damage, tho less crits, with HB (not epic weapon yet tho)
With icy chill and killing machine ill be a damn critwhore while spamming Howling... Thank you blizzard :P
#7 Dec 19 2008 at 3:58 AM Rating: Good
2,069 posts
Interesting that all the Titansteel gear is BoE except these new tanking Blizz

Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#8 Dec 19 2008 at 4:59 AM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
From what i read...
does this mean except the cooldown nothing changes on howling blast?
From my experience this will render Obil useless for frost dk... Im doing same damage, tho less crits, with HB (not epic weapon yet tho)
With icy chill and killing machine ill be a damn critwhore while spamming Howling... Thank you blizzard :P

On multi-targets and with high crits I expect this is blizz's way of getting frost's dps up in line with blood and unholy.
Although with glyph of oblit, oblit will always tend to do more damage at higher gear levels due to scaling (it has win-scaling).
This makes killing machine and DW crit builds slightly better as well.

TLDR: low gear, HB on rime procs, aoe pulls, and killing machine. high gear, oblit on single target, hb on rime procs and killing machine.
#9 Dec 19 2008 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Ailitardif, Star Breaker wrote:
Interesting that all the Titansteel gear is BoE except these new tanking Blizz

It's probably a slight oversight on Blizzard's end. At least I hope so, not for me but for others. Good thing my DK is a dps toon and will never tank.
#10 Dec 19 2008 at 12:24 PM Rating: Good
2,069 posts
MentalFrog wrote:
Ailitardif, Star Breaker wrote:
Interesting that all the Titansteel gear is BoE except these new tanking Blizz

It's probably a slight oversight on Blizzard's end. At least I hope so, not for me but for others. Good thing my DK is a dps toon and will never tank.

I don't think it will matter that much anyway...with enchants and BoE gear avail on AH, capping defense shouldn't be too difficult anyway.

Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#11 Dec 19 2008 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
Apparently on the PTR forum they said that the BoP weapons are being investigated internally. Maybe it was a bug since they said they wanted to get rid of the BOP specializations.
#12 Dec 23 2008 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
Edit: Healing is based on damage, but the healing effect cannot crit as its a separate effect and a crit on the healing would be like "double dipping"

If you crit with DS then you will receive substantially more healing done. Say if you were healed for 657 when you didn't crit and you did crit DS you would receive around 1000 healing (Of course if you went into Unholy for Vicious Strikes you'd receive around 1500+ healing.)

I hit too fast to keep track of what I'm hitting with DS so I don't have the hit numbers to tell you how to get that kind of healing. All I need to know is that it heals me and if I crit with it my enemy is like "Where is the ******* healer?!"
#13 Dec 23 2008 at 11:29 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Choobacka wrote:
Edit: Healing is based on damage, but the healing effect cannot crit as its a separate effect and a crit on the healing would be like "double dipping"

If you crit with DS then you will receive substantially more healing done. Say if you were healed for 657 when you didn't crit and you did crit DS you would receive around 1000 healing (Of course if you went into Unholy for Vicious Strikes you'd receive around 1500+ healing.)

I hit too fast to keep track of what I'm hitting with DS so I don't have the hit numbers to tell you how to get that kind of healing. All I need to know is that it heals me and if I crit with it my enemy is like "Where is the @#%^ing healer?!"

But that's because of DS critting, not because of the heal critting. Never will you receive a critical healing effect from DS.

Healing is always based on damage, ergo when you crit, you heal for a lot more too.
#14 Jan 06 2009 at 6:05 AM Rating: Decent
Anyone know when the 2h tank weaps are being released, and if they are still BoP?
#15 Jan 06 2009 at 8:49 AM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
With the removed cooldown on HB, the DW tri-spec is looking a whole hell of a lot more useful to me.
#16 Jan 06 2009 at 1:09 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
ArexLovesPie wrote:
With the removed cooldown on HB, the DW tri-spec is looking a whole hell of a lot more useful to me.

It's been consistently better in my testing than Unholy and Blood due to KM/BCB procs.

HB off CD does nothing for the build, it just smoothes out rotations.
#17 Jan 06 2009 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
Keep in mind that Blizzard is also considering "balances" for the DW spec, namely the KM ppm.
#18 Jan 06 2009 at 4:29 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
Yeah, a smoother rotation would be a lot nicer for almost any dw spec. When I tried it out on my dk it was very erratic and proc dependant unlike my time with blood, but imho DW is still way more fun than slugging around a 2 hander.
#19 Jan 07 2009 at 12:43 AM Rating: Good
1,069 posts
Well today I gave the infamous 0/32/39 dual wielding spec a try. I picked up a Savage cobalt slicer and a Reaper of Dark Souls. And oh dear dps in party jumped. I went from 1.4k dps to a solid 2.6k dps. I surprised my H.VH party. Afterwards one even admitted that when she saw I was dw she thought I'd be the lowest on the list. Instead I beat a BM hunter using a scorpid not to mention one that has been raiding Naxx steadily for a few weeks. Needless to say they were impressed and friended me.

I get the feeling this spec will be having a nerf bazooka aimed at it in a patch or so but until then I'm going to enjoy the ride.
#20 Jan 07 2009 at 8:40 AM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
Some more updates, mostly bug fixes.
First some speculative things.

Gargoyle will be getting a reduction (my guess is to scaling because 50% with impurity is very high).
Second is the idea that killing machine may become a proc per minute ability, this may or may not be a slight nerf to DW, and a huge buff to 2h.

Death Knight (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)

* Horn of Winter now has no cost and grants 10 runic power in addition to its stat buff, but has a 20 second cooldown. (Old notes had 30 Seconds)
* Howling Blast: Cooldown removed.

* Blood Aura Will now always do the correct amount of healing, based on the actual damage taken of the target.
* Blood Caked Blade: Now does the proper damage amount when triggered by an off-hand weapon.
* Bloody Strikes: The tooltip for this talent now has correct values.
* Butchery: Will now always grant 20 runic power, regardless of the creature type killed.
* Chains of Ice: This ability is no longer able to land on death knights who have Anti-Magic Shell active.
* Crypt Fever: It is no longer possible to have a duration longer than the disease which caused it. Will also no longer incorrectly increase Death and Decay damage.
* Corpse Explosion: Fixed a bug where how much Runic Power the Death Knight had was affecting the damage done, and also increased the damage substantially.
* Dancing Rune Blade: The weapon no longer echoes the Raise Dead and Army of the Dead spells. In addition it will now more closely match the master?s damage and will cast Rune Strike when its master does.
* Death Chill: The effect from this talent will no longer be consumed if Killing Machine is active.
* Death Pact: This will no longer cause guards to attack the Death Knight.
* Desecration: will no longer break stealth.
* Ebon Plague: It is no longer possible to have a duration longer than the disease which caused it. It will no longer stack with Crypt Fever used by another character.
* Frost Fever: This talent now works properly when spell reflected.
* Gnaw: This ghoul ability is now able to be set on autocast.
* Icy Clutch: This will now be applied properly in all cases to targets that gain Frost Fever via the Pestilence ability.
* Mark of Blood now works correctly with periodic damage.
* Pestilence: The diseases will now spread correctly even when the damage from Pestilence kills the primary target.
* Raise Dead no longer puts you in combat when you cast this spell.
* Tundra Stalker (Rank 1) will now work properly on Death and Decay.
* Unholy Blight: Will no longer cause spell pushback.

I'm glad Gnaw is autocast finally, trying to spam it manually while claw was eating up the ghoul's GCD was a pain. I'm a little sad that DRW wont be echoing army of the dead as that can look rather hilarious for 10 seconds. I'm slightly confused with the ebonplaguebringer/cryptfever thing, i guess its not stacking yet for multiple DK, and on top of it DnD looks like its getting a subtle nerf, although the glyph change might actually make it stronger. (great for unholy tanks in 5 mans).
#21 Jan 07 2009 at 10:15 AM Rating: Good
704 posts
They also have it noted under General notes that you can create a DK on any realm once you hit 55.
#22 Jan 08 2009 at 11:43 PM Rating: Good
1,039 posts
a LOT more info on the PTR.
Big ones for DK
Just a summery of the ones i felt impacted DK the most

1: Killing Machine is on a 1 PPM per rank. That means at 5 points in KM, you get 5 PPM. This is a moderate nerf to DW.
2: Necrosis boosted to a max of 20% damage as shadow.
3: Vamperic blood will give 35% bonus healing and 15% hp. (old: 50% healing 20% hp)
4: Fixes to crypt fever effecting DnD. basically 30% damage reduction on DnD, however with the glyph its not as bad. Hurts tanking the most.
5: Titansteel tank weapons removed from the game, GC said they didnt want to pidgeonhole DK into using nothing but those 2 weapons for tanking.
6: Gargoyle nerfed to 30 seconds duration (old 1m), also damage reduced from 61-86 to 51-69 (huge nerf).
7: Bone Shield glyph buffed to 2 charges
8: PVP gloves changed, whenever you cast CoI you have a chance of regaining a frost rune (awesome)
9: DS glyph works similar to its current version. its damage is boosted by 2% for every 5 RP.
10: Obliterate is now 20% damage increase instead of 20% weapon damage increase.

So some comments, i saw the KM nerf coming. 5 PPM is about right, i think anything between 5-7 would be good. i'm not sure how necrosis will play out, i typically dont take it but it might be better to cap off as a unholy dps now. VB is meh, i still wont take it. DnD needed the nerf, it was way too good. I didn't care for the titansteel weapons, but i did like the weapon model and hope they release it again. garg was op as well and this will bring UH's dps down quite a bit and might even give blood the edge for 2h dps, my DRW gives me something like 1600DPS while its up. Bone shield = win. pvp gloves also win. DS i didnt care for.

Now I'm not completely sure about the obliterate one, mostly because ive been drinking tonight.
Live = 20% weapon damage, but disease bonus damage is 1/2 what it previously was
PTR old = just 20% weapon damage
PTR new = 20% damage total.

If i'm reading this right its a buff to oblit, aka its going to be buffing the damage + diseases. if anyone finds out please post.
#23 Jan 09 2009 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
EnthalpyTheBurninator wrote:
If i'm reading this right its a buff to oblit, aka its going to be buffing the damage + diseases. if anyone finds out please post.

It's actually a HUGE buff to Oblit.

You're correct in thinking it's the overall damage done by the ability. Flat 20% > 20% weapon damage.
#24 Jan 09 2009 at 4:50 PM Rating: Decent
947 posts
At the current PTR stage, Blood is again coming out on top for 2H DPS if properly Glyped. With Glyph of Blood Strike and Obliterate, both of Blood's primary damage strikes (BS glyph affects HS too) will be gaining a flat 20% damage bonus. That, and the fixes to DRW to more accurately match my damage amount to roughly a 13% increase in DPS from Glyphs alone for a 2H Heart Strike build, not even considering the new toy Cleave ability.

That's awesome.

I will be sorry to see my dual-wield build get nerfed but it was inevitable really; although I actually look forward to seeing my guild's Unholy DK get a bit nerfed; he currently just spams Scourge Strike and Gargoyle and comes 3rd on the meters behind a pair of the soon-to-be-nerfed BM Hunters. With Gargoyle's DPS brought to heel I don't see much standing in the way of Blood's dominance.

Let's hope it stays that way, personally I always preferred that spec, constantly hitting Bone Shield pisses me off.
#25 Jan 10 2009 at 9:12 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Unholy tanking just got a nice buff.

The loss of the tanking 2-handers makes me sad.

I feel bad for the Gargoyle nerf for Unholy DpS DKs.

I like the Obliterate buff.

I LOVE the Gnaw auto-cast change.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#26 Jan 10 2009 at 9:17 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
idiggory wrote:
I LOVE the Gnaw auto-cast change.

I use it on a hotkey anyway (PvP), so it's not a big deal.
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