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Reason Why Prot ALWAYS Judges LightFollow

#1 Dec 18 2008 at 12:29 AM Rating: Good
1,004 posts

Says it all... I hear whining and #$(*ing from Holy Paladins that I know all the time that the Protection Paladins are ending up higher than them on the healing charts and that they should get to judge Light.. Well -- clearly those Holy Paladins don't parse reports for exactly how much threat this ability generates.

It is a core tanking tool. One that will clearly be getting a threat nerf in the near future. But even at 50% threat generation it would still pull over 2000 TPS for us in some ideal 25man fights.
#2 Dec 18 2008 at 6:05 AM Rating: Good
1,503 posts
i agree the threat is amazing. but, as you said, it will be nerfed(or fixed). AFAIK, JoL used to be credited to the attacker not the initial caster, similar to imp Leader of the Pack.

the upside to the threat from JoL is Tankadin nirvana. the downside is Retadin hell. if you dont have a Tankadin and the Ret pally is doing JoL, that's a huge threat kick in the nuts on an already aggro weary spec.

since Blizzard is walking on eggshells with Ret pallies, they wouldn't leave such a flaw in the game if it would hinder Ret pwnage.

JoL is fun for tanking though, enjoy.
#3 Dec 18 2008 at 7:34 AM Rating: Decent
Interesting, I have plenty of threat without that, I generally judge wisdom and seal vengeance (I seal wiz in 5mans or I OOM something fierce and dont have hate issues) in 10/25man its as I stated. Most boss fights I sit at ~3500TPS, close to 5k if they are undead. And this is easily 1.5k above the next highest person (even the OT).
#4 Dec 18 2008 at 8:09 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
Judgement of Light is being changed to no longer produce threat.

When that happens, JoL is to be used by the paladin that gets the most out of it. Usually a ret paladin.

And blah at the threat it does make now. I judged light on Sapphiron. Even with the massive raid damage and everyone proccing it constantly, I never rose above 15% of tank threat. Healing does half threat. Pally healing does half of that. With RF on, it's still less than half a point of threat per point of healing. Not almost double like that page says..
#5 Dec 18 2008 at 8:24 AM Rating: Decent
Lienna the Sly wrote:
Interesting, I have plenty of threat without that, I generally judge wisdom and seal vengeance (I seal wiz in 5mans or I OOM something fierce and dont have hate issues) in 10/25man its as I stated. Most boss fights I sit at ~3500TPS, close to 5k if they are undead. And this is easily 1.5k above the next highest person (even the OT).

In Naxx25 last night, we had a dps warrior doing just shy of 4600 dps on Loetheb...he came in at 4400 dps for the run. If it weren't for judging light, he might actually have to hold back on things I'm tanking unless I have an enormous threat lead.
#6 Dec 18 2008 at 9:53 AM Rating: Default
1,131 posts
Ehcks wrote:
Judgement of Light is being changed to no longer produce threat.

Source Please?
#7 Dec 18 2008 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
1,634 posts
Ehcks wrote:
Judgement of Light is being changed to no longer produce threat.

Source Please?

I think that he is saying "WHEN IT HAPPENS" Ret paly should judge it.

Question - Does Judging for Mana produce any threat? I know judging for heals would produce MORE, but does the judge for mana produce ANY?

#8 Dec 18 2008 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
1,004 posts
Understandably it will be nerfed, I'm not aware of any immediate plan for it at the moment as far as official posts go.

I should say that it is working as intended right now. It is supposed to generate threat for the caster, it has been redesigned to be the central raid threat generating tool for Paladins that they balance the rest of our abilities around. This has been known for a long time, so Blizzard changing it entirely back to the old system in which threat is attributed to the person who actually gets the healing (effectively splitting it 25 ways) or removing threat from it entirely would be counter-productive in respect to their design philosophy for Paladins this expansion.

Working as intended and overpowered are two different things. And I agree that Ret is screwed if they need to judge Light. Fortunatly, Wisdom tends to be more important -- so Rets using their super-buffed judgement on that are understandable. But really, in an ideal fight for JoL it represents an extra healer. I want to see a nerf. Possibly a scaling nerf, like a reduction in the amount healed based on how many group/raid members there are, that scales back to 50% at 25 to control the "it's like having another healer" aspect, and a 50% threat reduction ontop of that. Or perhaps change the school that heals from Holy to something else. Whatever, I don't think we'll be waiting long. I would be dissapointed if the threat element were completely removed then, but I would understand. Unfortunatly, other abilities would have to be buffed to generate an additional 1k-1.5k TSP (which is what JoL was intended to be used for) to bring up back up to par.
#9 Dec 18 2008 at 10:54 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
jeromesimina wrote:
Ehcks wrote:
Judgement of Light is being changed to no longer produce threat.

Source Please?

It was in Losie's own link, but ok.

Ghostcrawler wrote:
I realize this thread is a month old, but I couldn't find a more recent discussion of the issue.

One of the changes in 3.0.8 that we may or may not have announced is that we changed Judgment of Light to do no threat in order to fix some of this seemingly random behavior. We aren't trying to nerf Prot paladin threat overall with this change.

The topic came up again recently when Protadin OTs were accidentally pulling off the MT with huge threat spikes while tanking adds etc.

Stupid quotes..

Edited, Dec 18th 2008 1:57pm by Ehcks
#10 Dec 18 2008 at 5:05 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
as a Ret pally, JoL is essential for heroic PUGs(and even guild runs). as a Ret pally i am constantly taking dmg, therefore i am constantly healing myself, in turn i am generating contant extra threat. other party members are excluded from this 'threat penalty' since most classes dont take constant dmg. for them most healing done via JoL is overhealing which generates no threat.

so the dilema: do i help the non-pally tank and the healer by judging Light, where i need to hold back my own output? or do i say ***** it, be a mana sponge with JoW + Spirit Att, and let er rip?

Ret pallies get hosed all around.
-you get the melee threat penalty
-you get the burst dmg penalty
-you get the utility penalty(JoL, DS heals, Replenishment?)

if you are wondering who should get Vigilance and HoSalv next time, keep those things in mind.

it has been redesigned to be the central raid threat generating tool for Paladins that they balance the rest of our abilities around.

if this is true then god save us all.
#11 Dec 18 2008 at 11:35 PM Rating: Good
Since they added shield of righteousness and hammer of the righteous there's no reason judgment would be the main threat generating utility.
#12 Dec 19 2008 at 8:31 AM Rating: Decent
digitalcraft, Goblin in Disguise wrote:
Since they added shield of righteousness and hammer of the righteous there's no reason judgment would be the main threat generating utility.

In raids there tend to be a lot of Seal of Light procs flying around that contribute substantially to threat. I'm seeing TPS numbers above 6k in Naxx25 now and we had a fairly melee heavy group last night with hunter pets, at least one rogue, 3 warriors (4 for a short while) and a DK and their ghoul(s) smacking away at the mobs.
#13 Dec 19 2008 at 12:15 PM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
Just did Sapphiron again last night with my holy pally. Judgement of Light had a 90% uptime, I ended with 2200 HPS, and I sat around 3% tank threat, not the 15% I thought from last time.

According to Omen, I was spiking at 800 TPS at the highest I saw, and that was around the times that I had Holy Light crit and then Beacon crit after that.

Near-double that with RF and a +2% threat instead of my -2%, and you get what.. 1600 TPS? How does anyone think JoL alone does 5k?
#14 Dec 19 2008 at 6:36 PM Rating: Decent
Ehcks wrote:
Just did Sapphiron again last night with my holy pally. Judgement of Light had a 90% uptime, I ended with 2200 HPS, and I sat around 3% tank threat, not the 15% I thought from last time.

According to Omen, I was spiking at 800 TPS at the highest I saw, and that was around the times that I had Holy Light crit and then Beacon crit after that.

Near-double that with RF and a +2% threat instead of my -2%, and you get what.. 1600 TPS? How does anyone think JoL alone does 5k?

Don't recall anyone suggesting JoL does 5k.

A tank running a consistent 5k tps is doing fairly well in raids. Keep in mind that Righteous Fury grants paladins +90% threat from Holy spells. So assuming that out of your 800 tps, 250 of that was from JoL procs, unless the procs don't currently benefit from the threat bonus of RF, that same JoL proc would be adding just shy of 500tps to your tank.

Well geared and well played, dps classes are hitting 4-6k dps in 25-man Naxx. As a tank, I'll take anything and everything I can get to stay on top of the tps, especially for gear check fights and/or enrage timers. The last thing I want is for my dps to have to lose time dumping threat and/or generally having to hold back when we need every little bit we can squeeze out.
#15 Dec 20 2008 at 8:17 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
AureliusSir wrote:
Don't recall anyone suggesting JoL does 5k.

Knaughty wrote:
TPS of JoL at Sapph is ... Over 5000 with RF turned on. Even with RF turned OFF, JoL is about 2k TPS

What's with people not reading the link?

The very first post claimed that JoL was producing 5k TPS on it's own. I do that very same fight as Holy and top out at 800 TPS right after huge Holy Light/Beacon spikes with an average of 3% tank threat. I'm trying to say that whoever made the topic on that forum was wildly exaggerating, or pulling numbers out their ******.

Edit: And none if it will even matter in a week or two. No more JoL threat, so I have to do less reading of Omen to find I produce almost no threat with it anyway.

Edited, Dec 20th 2008 11:19am by Ehcks
#16 Dec 20 2008 at 5:05 PM Rating: Good
1,503 posts
so this thread essentially turned into:

Reason Why Ret ALWAYS Judges Light

with the threat removal, Ret is the clear choice when available.

but to beat the dead horse...
The very first post claimed that JoL was producing 5k TPS on it's own

i dont know how that was figured either. but i found a link claiming:

Tankadin judges Light on Felmyst. Light heals everyone that harms Felmyst. Tankadin receives 1.35*[Every point healed] in threat.

25 people taking 200 heals per sec is 5000 heals/sec to tank threat. keep in mind this is a maximum value with everyone striking target(unless artificially buffed)

Edited, Dec 20th 2008 8:06pm by tommyguns
#17 Dec 20 2008 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
Ehcks wrote:
AureliusSir wrote:
Don't recall anyone suggesting JoL does 5k.

Knaughty wrote:
TPS of JoL at Sapph is ... Over 5000 with RF turned on. Even with RF turned OFF, JoL is about 2k TPS

What's with people not reading the link?

The very first post claimed that JoL was producing 5k TPS on it's own. I do that very same fight as Holy and top out at 800 TPS right after huge Holy Light/Beacon spikes with an average of 3% tank threat. I'm trying to say that whoever made the topic on that forum was wildly exaggerating, or pulling numbers out their ******.

Edit: And none if it will even matter in a week or two. No more JoL threat, so I have to do less reading of Omen to find I produce almost no threat with it anyway.

That must be an extremely melee heavy group to be pushing numbers like that. I'm not complaining that JoL threat is being removed with 3.0.8...just saying you can't really base the need to change on one fight. Blizzard already said that certain encounters would favor certain kinds of tanks in the expansion...until 3.0.8, Sapph favors prot pallies.

Personally, I'd be happy if they'd make it so that JoL procs only produce threat with RF up, but hey, who ever specifically volunteers to nerf themselves? ;D
#18 Dec 20 2008 at 9:56 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
Personally, I'd be happy if they'd make it so that JoL procs only produce threat with RF up, but hey, who ever specifically volunteers to nerf themselves? ;D

a simple Prot talent would fix that. weave it into imp RF?
#19 Dec 21 2008 at 12:49 AM Rating: Decent
tommyguns wrote:
Personally, I'd be happy if they'd make it so that JoL procs only produce threat with RF up, but hey, who ever specifically volunteers to nerf themselves? ;D

a simple Prot talent would fix that. weave it into imp RF?

Ya, I'd think it would be a bump to a talent or something of the sort. For the longest time, I was juddging Wisdom as a tank because that was the habit I got into while leveling solo. I switched to judging Light when I found out about the threat benefit, but prior to that I was still doing fine in the threat department.

Not only that, but with 3.0.8, the FOrbearance issue with prot pallies will be largely fixed. Right now, in any given fight I've got the option of blowing AW for a threat boost or using Divine Protection for some ******* mitigation. I can't count on being able to do both, so holding off for Divine Protection in progression fights is the order of the day. With 3.0.8, I can pop AW off the pull for a threat spike and 30 seconds in I'll have access to Divine Protection, so it will hopefully balance out a bit for the lost threat from JoL.
#20 Dec 21 2008 at 10:56 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
The nerf had to come, and Blizzard chose to remove the threat component entirely.

Incidentally, that does place us behind the curve in threat potential again (although at this point we should still be able to generate more than enough, it may become an issue in Ulduar if it isnt rebalanced yet then). I'm interested to see how/if that'll ever get balanced out.

Yea, without a threat component Ret has the strongest judgements so Light will be Ret's priority in larger raids most likely. Wisdom would be a second Ret's priority (if there are 2) and Prots would want their slow effects up so Holy judgements might take a hit when there are 2+ Rets and a Prot.

Hopefully being able to use Wings will help a bit. For fights with frenzies you basically can't use it at all at this point -- and the possability of needing bubblewall when there aren't frenzies still exists too.
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